Cherokee intelligencer. (Cherokee (C.H.)) 1833-1834, March 15, 1834, Image 1

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(liEROIvEi: lATEI.I.MJEXCRR. CUERO KEL INTELLIGENCER, A Democratic, Republican, NEU’S PA PER-, Published at ED AH WAR, Cherokee county, (la. DEVOTED TO THE PRESERVATION OF THE UNION And the Sovereignty of the STATES: ru sycophant of no party, the slanderer of no Indi vidual, the friend of JACKSON. Published once a week !>lf HO WEI L COBB, Proprietor, Editor and Publisher. TERMS. THE INTELLIGENCER ts published at three dollars a year, ’o subscribers, kvhen paid ifi advance or al four dollars, if not paid until the end of the year. No paper will be discontinued, but at the option of the Editor, to any subscriber in arrears. Advertisements and Job Work will be executed at the customary prices. Communication to the Editor must be post paid to entitle them to attention. No subscription received for less than a year. EXECUTORS AN D ADMINISTRATORS’ DUTY Notice to Debtors and Creditors to be published six weeks.—Prince’s Digest, page 157. All intended Sales ot goods and chatties, belonging <o testators or intestates goods and chatties, shall be Eublishcd in two or more public places in the parish county] where such effects are to be sold, and in the gazette, at least fortv days before the day of such in tendedsale.—ifo'tl 151. All sales to be between the hours of ten and four o’clock, and if continued from day to day. notice to life given thereof on the first day of sale.— ibid 1(17. Sales of real property to be on the first Tuesday in the month, at the place of public sales,after sixty days publication.—lin'd 171. Application for Letters of Dismission published six months. — ibid J 68. ESTRAYS. To he advertised by the Clerk of the Inferior Court toAbid. SHERIFFS That advertise with us arc notified that to make their sales legal, those for April must appear on the first day of March. For May, by the fifth of April For June, by the third day of May. For July, by the thirty-first day of May. For August, by the fifth day of July. For September, by the second day of August. For October by the sixth day of September. For November, by the fourth day of October. For December, by the first day of November. Persons indebted to the Intelligencer are notified Unit we. will receive in payment, Bills of any denomi nation on any of the solvent Banks of this State. SEEDS, TUBES, PLANTS, DOMESTIC ANIMALS, IMPLEMENTS, BOOKS, &c. Fur sale at the AMERICAN FARMER ESTABLISHMENT, No. IG, South Calcerl street, Baltimore, Nd. The subscriber presents his respects to Farmers* Gardeners and Dealers in Seeds throughout the United States, particularly his customers, and informs them that he is receiving from Europe, from his own Need Garden, and from various parts of this country’, his annual supply ot MELD AND GARDEN SEEDS; and that he will, by the first of November, be prepar ed ’to execute orders, w holesale and retail with promotness and accuracy, at as kvr prices and on as favorable terms its can be alfori.'ed by any Dealer in the United States, for first rate Articles. Fruit and ornamental TREEtf and PLANTS, fill \PEVINES. SHRUBBERY, bulbous and other T’lower ROOTS, will be procured to i.rder front any ol the principal Nurseries or Gardens in ibis country, for most of which the subscriber is Agent. Also. Ploughs. Harrows, Cultivators, Straw Cut ters, Wheat Fans, Corn Shetlers, Threshit.g Ma chines and all other kinds of Agricultural and .Horti cultural Implements, will be procured from the best inmmlactories in Baltimore. DOMESTIC ANIMALS, particularly cattle of t'.c improved Durham Shorthorn, the Devon and the Holstein Breeds; Sheep of the Bukcwell, South down and various fine wooled Breeds ; Swine <*t se veral valuable kinds, especially Os the Barnitn Breed ; various kinds nf Poultry, such as the While Turkies : Bremen and Westphalia Geese, game and other Fowls and several other species of Animals, all ot choice Breeds, and no others, are either kept for sale al the Experimental and Breeding Farm of this Establish ment or can be procuted from tho best sources, to order. BOOKS, Agricultural, Horticultural and Botanical, in much greater variety than at the Bookstores— mine ol them rare and particularly valuable, are kept constantly for sale. In short. ALL Articles wanted by Farmers and Gardeners in the prosecution of their business, arc intended either to be kept on hand or w ithin reach when called for. And though lust, not least, that old and well known Vehicle nf knowledge, the most valuable of all ether commodities fora 't'iller of the sold—the A M ERIC AN !' HIM ER. is published weekly, at this Establishment, lit .$.» a year, where subscriptions and communications are respectlully solicited, addressed as all Letters must be, to the Editor and Propiielor. I.IRVINE HITCHCOCK Note.— An*’ Extra number of the American Farm er,contrining a Prospectus of the Establishment, and Catalogue of Seeds and other Articles” for sale, will L*e sent gratis to any person who shall furnish his ad ■dress, purf-pmd. tor that put pose. „FOR SALE l he tollowing LO PS are utlered tor sale. No. 1010—21—2 982 3 2 686 1 2 Rbr particulars enquire at this Office. AH persons are caution against trespassing on either tl ese Lots or on number one hundred and sixlv-otic <iji the fourteenth district of tUe Second tech m. ’ 4» fe ]• .£J Vol. lI— No. 5. MACON GEORGIA; carter. Late of Clin lon. Has opene Hi e CENTRAL HOTEL, in the ex tensive Fire Ft oof Brick Building; recently erected in this City. The Location is central to the business ot the place, an l the House is conveniently arranged • tor the accommodation of Families or single persons, either as reglar ortransient Boardets. Tire beds & fur niture throughout, are new and superior. The Table and Bar xyiH always be furnished with the best the I market affords, and no pains will be spared by the Proprietor, to render comfortable and agreeable, all who favor him with their custom and he hopes from his long experience,and the satisfaction heretofore rendered the community, to merit from his friends and the public, a liberal share of patronage. Exten sive and convenient Stables tare attached ohte Ho tel March 1—55 NOTICE. Al) the TOWN LOTS, in the town of Marietta, 1 Cobb cor.o|y, Georgia, will be sold, at public outcry, on the 14th day ot April; to continue from day to day until ail are sold. Terms made known on the day us sale Given under our hands this IBtlr February 1831. JAMES T. M’AFEE, J. i c. JOHN W LOWRY, j i c. EDWARD MAYS, j i c- LEMMA KER I LEY,.i i c. JOHN COLLINS, j. i. c. march I—t—ss NOTICE. I expect to Preach at Mr. Hendersons, in Forsyth county. on Monday. 17th instant. Mr Perkin’s, Cherokee, Tuesday. 18th Mr. Maddox’s Wednesday, 19lh. Mr. Putman’s Thursday. 20th. Sixes Gold Mines Friday, 21st Cherokee C. tl. Sat. & Sunday,22d 23rd. Mr. Well’s Monday, 21th. J ERL.MI AH REEVES. Doctor 31. Montgomery. Having settled himself permanently in Floyd coun ty Ga. respect tally tenders his services to the public in the practice of MEDICLN’E SURGERY, &c. lie will attend to all calls, in any branch of med icine, and may, always, be found at the residence of Jaine* Hemphill, esq. Vann’s Vally, until the county cite be established. july 13—22 PROSPECTUS OF THE COMPLETE PERIODICAL LiBRARY. Forty-eight pages weekly—nearly two thoesar 1 five hundred octavo pages in a year, for five dollars, fur nishing annually select reading equal to filly volumes of common size. The Library will contain nearly all the new works of merit as they appear, viz : Voyages and Travels ; History ; Biography ; Select Memoirs; the approved European Annals; Adventures; Tales of unexcep tionable character, &c. &c. The Complete Periodical Library, will be found indispetisible to all lovers of good reading in town or country. Every number will contain forty-eight pa ges, iu a size expressly adapted for binding when the book is completed; printed with type so large as not to latiguethe weakest eye. Its immense size widen able the Editor to crowd any common sized bookin two numtiers, frequently Into one. .New works wilt thus be despatched as they arrive from Europe, and sent off to its patrons. The subscriber in Missouri will be brought as it were to the very fountain of lite rature. Works printed in this Library will be furnish ed to him, when without if, he would be wholly una ble to procure them. A book that will cost us six dollars to import, can be re-printed and distributedto subscribers, owing to our peculiar facilities, fol about I twenty or thirty cents, with the important addition of j its being fresh and new. i We. Will give nearly two thousand five hundred pa ges annually, equal to fifty common sized books ! 1 Every vVork published in the Library will be complete lin itself. A Title Page will be given in each volume, I so that the subscriber, if he pleases, may sell or give it away without injury to any of the others; or it may be bound up nt the pleasure of the subscriber. This work presents an extraordinary feature, un k/town to any other periodical in the country. The subscription price may be considered a mere loan for flic year, ns the work at the year’s end. will sell for cost, and in many parts of the United States it will bring Rouble its original cost io the suhscri ><>;•. The works published in the Complete Periodical Library, will beof the highest cliaiacler, both as re gards ’he author and hi* subject. New works of ap proved merit, will be sent out to the Editor by every arrival from Europe, giving him an unlimited field to select from, while care will be taken to make his publication equal to any thing of the kind published in America The fust number will be issued on the Bth of May next, and regularly every Wednesday thereafter, se cured in handsome printed covers, and on fine white paper, at $5 per annum, payable in advance. Clubs l remitting S2O, will be supplied with five copies tor (hatsum ; agents al the same rate. Address T. K. GREENBANK. No. 9. Franklin Plate, Phila. N. B. The usual exchange to Editors who advertise E STR AY. GEORGIA—FORSYTH COUNTY. Simeon White, of captain Hutchins district,tul'sbe fore me, a large SORREL MART, Ten or eleven years old. w ith w hite spots cn each side of her neck, shod before Appraised hy Abso -Icm M. Reece und Osbourn Havgood to forty dollars. CURTIS GREEN, j. p. A true extract from the F.slray Rook. JOHN BLALOCK, c. 1. c. jan 11 m 48 CAFTKIXr All persons are cautionad against trespassing in anv w.iy upon lot number ELEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN, iu the eighteenth district of the third section, as the law w ill be rigidly enforce d in every case. SOLOMON F. CHAPMAN, ic a reh 1 n 65 MDAIIWAII, Saturday, March 15, LS3-L Edaliwah Hotel. MTHE subscriber respectfully ! I'lfotrns the public that he has just open-! cd a HOUSE OF ENTERTAINMENT, i on the northwest corner of the public square and , fronting the Court-House, in the town of Edaliwah, , Cherokee county, where he will at all times be pre ’ pared to accommodate the fashionable Visitor and the weary Traveller and Daily Boarder, upon the i most reasonable terms. The subscriber forbeai’F! making pledges that he cannot redeem, but assures the public that his accommodations will be inferior to none in the place, but of the best ’he country affords. No pains will be spared to make his Guests comforta bl«. &c. 3. F. JOEEUSTOTa-. , —1 EntertaiiimentT - ’ j LI VIN (IS TON HO TEL. I The undresigned having situated himself in the • towu ot LIV INGSTO-N, Floyd county, respectfully in forms his friends and the public, generally, that he has opened a house of PUBLIC ENTER TA INVENT, Where h • hopes to receive a deserved share of cub tom. His HOUSE is situated on the south-east coi ner of River and Broad-streets. He assures the pub I lie that his TABLE will be furnish with the best that I can be procured in the country, by industry ar.d mo i ney, and every means used to render those ccmforta j ble that may visit his House. His STABLE will be provided with a sufficient ‘ quantity of CORN, FODDER and OATS, at all J times, and under the constant and exclusive cure of an experienced and f-iithfnl HOSTLER. ; The Proprietor in making his charges, will always remember the pressure ot the times. ; 'I his beautiful site and rising Town, is situated on the bank of the Coosa river, near the head of steim- I boat navigation. This village must possess some ad i vantages highly favorable to its mercantile interest. A. 11. JOHNSTON. ; The Federal Union and Georgia Journal will, each, insert this notice four times and forward me their ac counts for payment. A. II J. jan 25— p— 50 Athens female Academy. THUS Institution will be opened on the FIRST MONDAY IN JANUARY NEXT, under the 'i joint direction cf the subscribers. A sufficient imm , | her of competent assistants will at all times be pro- I vided. i Rates of Tuition, payable in advance. | Fo.t Scholars instructed in Spelling, Reading, Writ- I ing and Arithmatic, as far as Vulgar Fraction. ■ i Smith’s system, $4 ()() per qr. FI Same—-with English Grammer and - Geography, $7 00 “ Rhetoric, History, Use of Globes, Nat ural Philosophy. Chemistry, Astro nomy, Latin and Greek Languages, and the Mathematics, $8 00 " Instructions will be give in the French Language. TiiC hlusic Room, as heretofore, will be occupied by MRS WALTHALL, whose knowledge of the science, and experience in (caching, need no com mendation. i Drawing and Painting will be taught in the Acadc i my. The school will be provided with Apparatus for . illustration in the different sciences. There will be monthly examinations without any . previous preparation. ; Shol.istic Tear—Ten Months. I 027*Boarders will he received in the family of the Senior Principal. risiding on t he premises. WM. B. TAYLOR, I . - , „ , WM. 11. HUNT, X Associate Principals. Nev. 30—41. l T Diversity of Georgia. ! ; £t H E next College Session wili eomnienbb cn the j ■ 1 6th January, 1834. For admission into the i Freshman Class, A candidate must h ive a correct i knowledge of Cicero’s Ora’ions, Virgil, John and Acts in the Greek Testament, Grmca Minora or Ja cob’s Greek Reader, English Grammer, and Geog raphy, and be well acquainted with Arithmatic. STUDIES OF THE FRESHMAN CLASS. Tenn, Aug. to Nov.— Livy. Gracca Majors, Ist vol commenced, and the French Language. 2d Term, from Jan. to April— Livy, Graeca, Majo . ra, Ist vol. and French continued. 3d Term, April to Aug.— Livy and Graeca Majora, Ist vol. concluded, French continued, and Day’s, Al gebra, through Ratio and Proportion STUDIES OF THE SOPHOMORE CLASS, lx! Term, Aug, to Nov.— Horace and Graeca Ma ! jor«, 2d vol. commenced, Algebra concluded, and three books of Geometry, (Playfair’s Euclid.) 2d Term, Jan. to April.— Graeca Majura, 2d vol. continued; Horace and Geometry Concluded, and Jamieson’s Rhetoric. 3d Term. April to Aug.—Graeca Majora, 2d vol. concluded; Modern Languages, Plain Trigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying, Botany, and Tyler’s His i tory. | The present Junior Class have studied in addition ' j to the above, the first book ot Cicero de Oratore, the first book ot ll<.mer's liiu.l, Biair’s Lectures, and Olmsteads Mechanic’s in part. Though the classes regularly attend to French ut ring the Freshman and Sophomore years, yet it is no made an indispensable requisite for admission into any of the classes. Provision is made for those who en ter without a knowledge of French, to study that language, for which there is no additional charge of tuition. i Those who desire if will have opportunity of stiidV -1 ' tng Hebrew, Spanish, German, and Italian without any additional charges. The rates of tuition are $33 per annum, payable I halfyeariy in advance. Board can be obtained in respectable families at from $8 to $lO per month. By order of the faculty, WM. L. MITCHELL. Sec'ry. j November IC, 1833—42. NOTICE.” Communications to the CLERK of the Superior Court of Floyd county, must, to secure attention, in every instance, come post-paid ; and. in no instance will a DEED be recorded until the office tecs are paid The Federal I nion will publish this notice once a month for four months and send their account to me for payment. E. G. ROGERS, C. S. C. jan 25 50 Floyd county. CAUTION. Persons that bavebeffome indebted to I he CHERO KEE LN ri.LLIGE.NCER, subsequent to the six teenth day of August last, are informed that hey must produce 111 v order or rcccto afore their payment valid. ’ EDITOR. j. ul ’ c V GOLO-LAND AT PRIVATE SALE. FOR SALE. Lot No. l?is. Sec. 190 4 J > . . . GB3 5 ] J Lumpkin. 900 1 2 N s 320 16 2 I 1 SSI 18 2 121 19 2 } Cobh. i 123 19 2 I 6)8 2 3 1023 17 2 Fraction And Montgomery’s Ferrv. 632 3 2 Cherokee. 1061 17 3 Cass. 744 16 3 7 oil- 1085 21 3 t 1 au,dlll S- 243 10 3 ? ~ 214 14 3 J Murray. 203 6 4 Walker. The above LOTS are principally valuable for soli, and will be sold on accommodating terms. Persons desirous ot purchasing can have an opportunity of doing so by applying to the undersigned, either at Auraiilt, or while he is oirt attending the Courts in the several counties of the Cherokee Circuit, during the present riding. WILLIAM E WALKER. , feh 15 a 1 “FOiTSALE - GOLD LOT number four hundred and eighty in the third district of the third section of originally Cherokee county. Pumpkin Vine creek runs through this Lot near its centre. It is said to contain Gold. Applj to N. B. JUHAN, Agent, feh -22—m—5£ at Milledgdrille. 8f you have the CASH. I will sell a tew GOLD LOTS and LAND LOTS on good term*, such as N 0.442—111; No. 137—13—1 ; No. 259—15—2; No. 771—17—2; No. 695—21—3. LAND LOTS, No. 205 i 5 —3; No. 118—18—1. Any person wishing to purchase any of the above named LOTS, can make application to’the subscriber. LEASTON SNEED. Bark. Camp. Burke county. sept 21—e—32 VAEUiKLE- GOLD AND LAND LO I S FOR b/iI.E- The subscriberuHc-is the following LOTS for sale : Number District ' Section 753 3 2 1322 10 o 138 3 4 397 3 1 194 3 3 303 10 3 279 8 3 43 22 2 Any person in the up-country cr elsewhere, wishing to purchase either of the above Lots, "will find the owner in Milledgeville, about the tenth and fifteenth December next, at Mr. Bullington’s hoarding house. DAVID J. MILLER. Ware county, oct 12—0—35 FOR’SAEE" The following Gold and Land LOTS, viz : GOLD LAND No. 153 SD. IS. No. 7 7D. IS. 317 19 3 12 5 2 1024 21 3 162 12 3 J 136 18 3 66 19 1 1260 14 1 54 8 2 419 13 1 76 12 4 593 18 2 195 8 2 1291 14 117 i) 10 1 1235 19 3 209 9 4 336 3 1 Apply, in Savannah, to Dr. GEORGE MILLIN’, or M. MYERS. oct 5—0—31 ■■'SIXE' ~ MINE FOR SALE. Lot No. 212—15—2, known as the SIXES GOLD MINE, is for sale. It is unnecessary to describe the Lot, as its mining qualities are already generally known to miners, as one of the most valuable Gold Mines in Georgia A creek runs through the lot suf i ficient for twenty rockers, and good houses are built I ready to commence working. Letters, post paid, di rected to me at Tallahassee, Florida, will be answered, a liberal credit will be given for (he purchase money. THOMAS G. GORDON. oct s—p—34 PROSPECTUS For publishing a new weekly Newspaper, ut Auraria, Georgia, to be entitled THE MINERS RECORDER AXI. SPY IN THE WEST. In the publication of this Paper, the Editor Will from time to time, furnish the public with al! the informa tion be may be enabled to procure, in relation to the progress of the Mines, in addition to which, he will shortly be furnished with a series of Essays, written by Literary Gentlemen, w ho have taken a Geofogiral view of this country, in which will be shewn the com plete arrangement of the different Strata of earths ami rocks, forming (his interesting section of country, and in what kir.H Gold is most usually found. The Edi tor will endeavor at all times to procure from Mine ralogists, literary men and practical observers, such information, as will keep up a constant Investigation of the various minerals found in this country. In the way of Miscellaneous matter, he will rrtnke the best selections in Lis power Loth of a duim.ntic and foreign nature. .As regards the polit'ca! course of flits paper, lire Editor will endeavor to pursue a liberal cuii:-e keep ing at all times his col'iinns open to the dfo-iission o! political subjects, which are or may be ut interest to the country. In relation to his own political opinions, Ire con siders them to be such as have been maintained in tire Southern States, from the adoption of the Federal Constitution dow nto the present time. H<-believe.: that Federal encroachments, should be guarded against w itb vigilence and repelled w ith promptness. Yet, however, in contending for the Rights of the State*, he cannot go tothe ♦•xtraordinary and danger ous extent of some of tire politicians in a sisti r State ; because Ire believes it would ultimately end iu the de struction of the government and all its rights. His opinions how ever he considers as nothing more than the opinions of any other individual, he will therefore endeavoi to act the part of a faithful Jour nalist without being subservient to the views of any parly, leaving his paper open to the investigation of tru’h. and all interesting subjects by all. The first number of this paper will appear in a few weeks. Tfhm=—Three dollars per annum payable in ad vance or Three dollars and fifty cents at "I he end of the year. Advertising at the usual rates. Editors of other papers are requested to give the above a few insertions. MILTUN H. GATIIRIGMT. fob 22 <1 Whole No. 57, PROSPECTUS OF THE AVESTERN HERAED, Published ut Aurana, Lumpkin County Ga., BY HOLT A. JONES. x tits Gazette having been tritisferred by pur chase to the undersigned, will in future be conducted by ’hem conjointly as Editors and Proprietors. The reasons which have impelled them to an undcriakr mg al once so laborious and responsible, as the con duct ot a public Journal-,in connection with their t,io iessional avocations, may he read in the present low eiing aspect of the political horizon, pre* •ecd by the ieariul prevalence of the doctrines ot the Presi dents ill-staried Proclamation— doctrines at w ith the genius and spirit ot our Government—in their nature, foreign to its theory—in their fondency, de structive tv its character ns a confederated republic, by overturning the rights fetid sovereign y ot tlfo states whieh compose it, and in lheir final end and efiect, baleml to the liberties of the people To contribute our feeble aid in (he great woikof producing a conformity in the prafoices o f the. J et or al Government, to its true and original theory—in. restraining its action within its original am- v e I de lined Constitutional fonils; in one ,vord. to dell,rone the misrule ot revived Federalism, and to restore the snpremany of the rejected Repuldicanism o >9 b -td build up the true and genuine fetate right* Cocti me ui its pnmiuve purity, strength and beauty, m.tiam me led WHS. the combtrnns. restrictions, and u-fineinents ot foe political wealhcr-coci<s wf tho present day—these may be numbered among il.e ob jects, to‘Jte accomplishment of which, our humnfo exertuins shall be devoted, with a zeal and we trust a smeenty not nob. coming their importance. Nurtured and brought ifo ;is we , li)Ve b - , admoiifoon o the Retml liem, Slafc . K; . hls JouHmi ,-in a contest in which their preservation is sought on the one band by the lovers of Constitutional Idfo erty, and threatened on the other by the rei owed saults of re-animated Federalism, £ : ’ .conjectured on which side we are to be found W}, . aspire to belong to the Republican State RightsPartv ! professing such principles as sijstnii /.,! .1 i that faith in ’OB and '99 -as bore' that p o/v hi Geom ( gin triumphant, through the political conflicts of’2s i 2b mid to which it has not proved recreant so •>-a nd 33 Me cairn to be disciples of the School ot Jefferson, as taught m the Kentucky and Virgil . Resulu’mns. But tn-nfessions of have ! become mere cant, when everv nm-H-is... . I that title, from the Um'oe Dcmocai/// '.’-ufo’/i'-mm pally of il-.c t mon. and hack to the remn.ijt o f the 1 party which rejoiced in (he lul.-s- qm-nt c!'w(i )hl , n Sedition huv Judge, as the triumph o: ’ln- Lhmecra'ic Republican party of New England! Fou-.iiv v IS (lie pretence to belong to the State Rigl.' is p ai iy ; illce foany of (nose Vi iio profess to be Stale I. .foils ’idi-er* ents, deny to the Statesail ether right-- but'th'w/ j remonstrance and submission. 8611 more uncertain u the profession ot b,-longing to the Joll'cr-; , school, since many who ore/emZ to Le follow., n- Ihat Patriot, publish to tt.e world, the p;. as’em : the humiliating notion, that the labour of so, w' n | lite were intended to prou-that (he Stales fore o*'v | the rigiil ot petitioning for a redress of i remonstrating against uncunstitiitfonaf'f' er j f .,.fo { ( .v ? jlaiiou.and finally “when all other remedies* faii’ ! ''of l_ protesting!’! To prove th 1 ( ,ur pmfes- sionsare mil ot this cimructcr, let the coh.nn.t.d 1.,. Heruld oe our witness. oti.mnso, mo I The ears of the people have of b,fo been drummed I almost to deafness with the continued and iwmilar cry of Union! Union !! Union!!! We too nro'ess 1 not emptily, to love and venerate ihe Uniu ; ufo "to ; beas highlyseiisible of its incalculable v u , c j = in , ; portance, as those who are must loud ami bohtm-sous ;in their clamours. But we seek to lfo V(! * i;,.;.,., ; truth and indeed; a Union ot States in if« .‘ H j beamy and simphcitc; in i; s ol .i<,j na | healthful 1 i". ur andpurity H e would be spare dto pang of viewing whose bo s .,m we have i been cherished; upon the fruits ot whose soil we have ! oeen reared; in whose bountiful instituiioi s, we have been educated ; a mere sp(ck upon lli c map ot a great consohdated empire, stripped ot her ancient rfobts am. disrobed of her premevi.i sovereignty, by th, gei.t she hau helped to create; proud as we are 'm l as we have reason to be of h.-r mime ;fo.d ut'ber ’i’co , ple-nrdeut as are our idfeetioug lor her, sooner let it bewnften tmd she was, ( i!1( j 6 110 |n , u - 1 would have her as of right she should be as-ver, so I integral part ofngreut dmiated pu lie, which shall continue the pride of the Worl ' I the hope of Frcedom-whose livi llg p.inciple th,’! j mam.est Hscil not in the pomp am! splendour ..tail I immense and all-controHing central pow er; b ,t so ( 1 h .pp.ness and prosperity of CVn y one) eVcn t( , least ot its members. * ; It shall be our purpose to make the ijera’d vor I thy the pertßal ot al! classes of renders-m tlio s „ vj,, |d. hght jn the pleas,ne <>t romance and the “Music of ’ r > -■ .0. t1.0.~e who preforto pursue the delightfol paths o< hiS.Oi.c or of Seumfifie research- ot 7 !|OBC 'vhoseln.simssit isto delve in “mother earth” in pms.nt ot her gfoteifogtreasures, as well G1 who areconm eted. < .;h< r through choice ( ,f IH Ct . iss . ty, Wi.hl (lie am.atmg po.'i-ical eontrov ereies of inc .?■. L <he incre.-ise O 1 patronage v. inch v. e re.-k wnljustify tap measure, the Herald Will l,e < nlarged ct’-d 011 ilS ' niale,i ‘ lpf, > 1 ll ' a ’ purpose, can be .’rJ - ’ ei rt,snr '! s Fu!'lication remain unchanged be- I’'' 1 ' annum in advance. 01 £499, il} ih. ’cnd four press and raateralsare of that dererip’fon that .Vi*'n ?'*; aV° " i,ii ami I (es ! ,. ; ', ; h ad Job ami Advertising bUsine-s w ithwliirh v -,.' m,v be < a '’ o ‘‘d- IHNF.S HOL'I Jun’r. 7 11N ION - HW T EIT CVM MIN G, FO S YTII C( U N’Ey. JOHN JOI L Y Informs his fiiends ami -ill persons visiting this country, that he has opened a liflFS l ' <'p" \_ TEKTAINM ENT, in the town of ('umming, where no pains will be avoided to render his com puny comfortable. From the newness of the country, it canrtoi lie expected that the accommodations will be as com plete as those furnished at some Houses in »ha older parts of the Stale, hut the proprietor assured the public that he w ill continue with all KjM.ed to add to his establishment, until it is put on a looting in ferior in none in this country. march fi S--56 3he subscriber will endeavor to be at each of the Superior (,'ourls of the Cherokee Circuit, beginning with Lumpkin Court, at which he will aliemf abo:rt the middle “(’he first weel#s— AH persons v. h-> have foxsiness with him will do well to attend at the Coust- H .use in each county at the time wien’ioiierl, it wilt save mud. trouble. Tim Agent will attend Cobb ami Paulding Courts of the Coweta Circuit. , WILLIAM G. bI’KIKGER,