The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, July 01, 1912, Image 13

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THE ATL ANTI AN 13 Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Co. Atlanta New York Paris Furniture tor the Family of Limited Means One of the fundamental principles underlying this business is the ' fact that its only claim to anyone’s patronage is just as strong and not one bit stronger than this store’s ability to serve the public. What this means in a general way we would like you to consider in its particular application to yourself. The measure of your custom with us is based on the measure of our better service to you. And realizing this as we do, do you not see what a tremendous in fluence this principle carries with it, how directly it affects our mer chandise, our prices and our store policy? As a concrete example, take this furniture store and what it offers to the family who has but a limited amount to put into furnishing a home. Based on constant and untiring efforts in buying, in systematizing, in eliminating every possible wastefulness, we make the broad claim that this is the best furniture store in the south—not only for artistic, elegant furniture, but also for inexpensive, reliable furniture—that our prices are season in and season out the lowest. We make these claims, they are conscientious—it remains for you to substantiate or to discredit them, to discover how closely they dove tail with facts. And this is a cordial invitation to investigate, to prove them out to your entire satisfaction. Do not buy so little as a $1.75 porch rocker, nor a $11.50 oak dres ser here until you know that it is the best that that amount will buy- and also do not buy elsewhere uutil you see what our $1.75 porch rocker is and our $11.50 oak dresser is, until you see what our stocks offer in whatever you may need. You want to buy where you can buy best. We want to post you. Isn’t that fair? Chamberlin-Johnson-DuBose Company.