The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, July 01, 1912, Image 9

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9 THE ATLANTIAN. THE MIRROR July Clearance Sale Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts and Summer Millinery At and Below Cost. Suits $9.85 Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits—black, and all good colors. Silk lined coats; all newest Spring styles. O g Values up to $20. Choice now Silk Dresses $5.95 Stylish silk dresses—Messaline and Foulards in stripes and dots. Also a few Serge dresses. Values up to $15. Choice now Skirts $2.95 Stylish Dress Skirts—Serges and Whipcords—black, white and colors. Some with high girdle. ^ g" Values up to $7.50. Choice now Petticoats $1.98 Silk Petticoats—Messaline and Taffeta, in solid colors and fancy flounces. Values up to $4.00. Aft Choice now I i90 Wash Dresses $1.95 New Wash Dresses. Percale and Madras in stripes and checks. Values up to $3.98. Choice A 4 now Blouses 95c. Middy Blouses and Lingerie Waists; white and colored trimming. All newest styles for Ladies and^kj* _ Misses. Values up to $2.00. Choice now.... Trimmed Hats $3.50 Stylish Trimmed Hats. White and colors; trimmed with Ribbons and Flowers. Also Peanut straws with lace and ribbon. Values up to $7.50. Choice ■■ now 9O.0U White Outing Hats $1.50 New Duck and Crash Hats; white and white with col ored facing. Several styles. Values up to $2.50. Choice now Sailor Hats $1.00 Stylish Sailors in rough braids and smooth straws. Sailors worth $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50. Choice now Untrimmed Hats 50c. Choice untrimmed hats in all good shapes—small and large. Black, white and burnt. Shapes worth up to $2.00. Choice now Flowers 25c. One table of choice flowers—large bunches in all the wanted colors. Values up to $1.50. Choice now Silk Ribbons 19c. All silk Ribbons, in black, white and colors. Taffetas and Messaline. Values up to 35c yard., 4 Choice now ■ THE MIRROR 46-48 Whitehall St.