The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, November 01, 1912, Image 18

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18 THE ATL ANTI AN GOOD Shoes For Men WOMEN AND CHILDREN We are receiving •; daily the best and j- latest styles in Men :: «► *» Shoes all leathers ;; * ► black or tan either " < ■ «» for dress wear or :: :: hard service. Give us a trial and :: : : you will always be a customer. | II. C. BLACK ;; Agents Edwin Clapp Shoes :: 35 Whitehall Street • ► ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦» ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦4-4-f-f ♦+ SEVEN SENTENCE SERMONS. Nothing makes a man strong like a call upon him for help.—MacDonald. Remember, gentlemen, that when you meet with a difficulty, you are on the eve of a discovery.—Lord Kelvin. The lines are fallen unto me in pleas ant places; Yes, I have a goodly heritage.—Psalms 16:6. Let the mind of the master be the mas ter of your mind.—Anon. One learns just about as much being happy as being miserable, only one learns it quicker.—Janet Lee. The choicest pearls are often found in the ugliest shells, and the richest bless ings are wrapped up in the very circum stances of lifo in which God has placed you.—J. Stuart Holden. If I would talk with God, my hnsty tongue Must hold itself for that high converse pure, As one who 1ms appointment with the king Scorns gossip with a minion at the gate. —Amos R. Wells. PAPA’S PRECAUTION. In the gloaming, O my daughter, Turn the gas light down by half, And as soon as he starts talking I ’ll turn on the dictagraph. —Milwaukee Sentinel. ACCUSED. Senator Poindexter was talking about a particularly flagrant piece of corrup tion. “It makes me think of Wash White,’’ he said. 1 ‘ Wash White, you know, went to a lawyer and said: ‘ ‘ ‘ Look here, boss; I’ve got myself in trouble an'd I want you to defend me. ’ ’ “ ‘All right,’ said the lawyer. ‘Have you got any money?’ “ ‘No, I ain’t got no money,’ answer ed Wash White, ‘ but I’ve got an import ed Callot gown, a pair of hand-painted silk stockings, a choice set of French lingerie and a gold vanity box. “ ‘That’ll do, I guess,’ said the law yer. ‘And now what’s your trouble? What are you accused of?’ “ ‘Robbin’ an Atlantic City bath house, ’ said Wash White. ’ ’ THEY WERE NOT. From the Buffalo Express. “Are these genuine goldfish?” asked the customer. “Yes, ma’am, 14 karat,” thoughtless ly replied the clerk, who had recently resigned his position in a jeweler’s shop. AS THEY DRESS NOW. We observe that the fifteen-year-old miss is endeavoring to stanch her tears. “What is the matter, little girl?” we ask. “I think grandmamma is too mean for anything,” she sobs. “My new frock came homo this morning, and she said it was too daring for me to wear, and put it on herself to wear to the mati QUITE MISUNDERSTOOD. A woman went to the Orient and, com ing back, was caught trying to smuggle in a lot of choice silks. She had to pay duty and a fine. Then there was talk of a criminal action to follow. Her son-in- law called on the customs officials. “Is it possible,” he asked, in a severe tone, “after my mother-in-law has paid the duty on the stuff and her fine, that you contemplate criminal action?” “We are considering it,” the customs official replied gravely. THERE ARE SOME LEFT. “Pa, what’s a haberdasher?” “A man who keeps a shop that is pat ronized by men whose clothes are not bought by their wives. ’ ’—Chicago Re cord-Herald. HIS ACCOMPLISHMENT. “Our new bookkeeper seems to have a wonderful grasp of detail.” “That’s right,” declared the junior partner. ‘ ‘ He knows the records of most of the ball players. ’ ’—Louisville Cou rier—Journal. LIGHT BUSINESS. ’12—What are you doing now? ’ll—Working in a match factory. M2—How’s business? ’ll—Light.—Harvard Lampoon. SHOWING PROGRESS. Minister—Young man, do you know horn to dance? Young Man—Well, parson, I know the holds, but I don’t know the steps. THE WORKER. By Berton Braley, in The Coming Nation. I have broken my hands .on your granite, I have broken my strength on your steel, I have sweated through years for your pleasure, I have worked like a slave for your weal. And what is the wage you have paid me? You masters and drivers of men— Enough so I come in my hunger To beg for more labor again! I have given my manhood to serve you, I have given my gladness and youth; You have used me, and spent me, and crushed me, And thrown me aside without ruth; You have shut my eyes off from the sun light, My lungs from the untainted air, You have housed me in horrible places, Surrounded by squalor and care. I have built you the world in its beauty, I Rave brought you the glory and spoil, You have blighted my sons and my daughters, You have scourged me again to my toil. Yet I suffer it all in my patience, For somehow I dimly have known That some day the Worker will conquer In a world that was meant for his own. Stafolife Horse and Mule Feed, Dairy Feed, Shorts The Animals Staff of Life Steam Cooked Guaranteed Against Fermentation Also Stafolife Poultry Feed and Little Chick-Feed Stafolife Shorts— The Dairymans Money-Saver For Sale Throughout the State by all Up-to-Date Dealers RUFF & GILL Exclusive Agents for the State of Georgia Both Phones 390 Marietta St., ATLANTA, GA. i)