The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, April 01, 1913, Image 12

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12 THE ATLANTIAN T "1 This Bank Treats Everybody Right cut is our constant effort to extend courteous and considerate treatment to every customer of the bank. We pro vide every facility that will render the transaction of business convenient to those who deal with us. Small ac counts are welcome and will receive the same painstaking attention as big ones. Capital .... Surplus and Profits $600,000 890,000 A Department exclusively for Women and a Department for Savings. We shall be glad to have your business. Fourth National Bank A BEAL PHILANTHROPIST. Gcorgo Adc was talking about bis last visit to London. ‘ ‘ I like to knock about London alone, ’ ’ he said, “studying the places of histor ical interest; and at this kindly Christ mas season I remember with particular pleasure a good deed that I performed at ono of London’s historic landmarks for a Chicago woman. “It was a rainy fall day, and I satj over a beefsteak pudding and a mug of bitter at tho Cheshire Cheese in Meet street. ‘' The ' Chicago woman entered, Bos well’s Johnson’ in her hand. The Ches hire Cheese was, you know, Johnson's favorito tavern, and the woman had been told that tho great man’s autograph could still be seen penciled on one of the walls. “Tho waiters told her they knew of no such autograph; but tho woman, with dauntless Chicago spirit, began a long, long search, upstairs and down. “While she was upstairs, a warm glow of bonevolenco suddenly rose up in my breast, and, taking a pencil from my pocket, I wroto with eighteenth century fluorishes on tho wall behind me, ‘Sam Johnson.’ “Tho woman on her return from up stairs spied tho autograph and was over joyed. Is it not amazing how much hap piness wo can give to others by these lit tle acts of kindness!” Frank—“Let’s go to the baseball game today. I have engaged a box. Helen—‘ * Oh, how lovely I Tho pitcher’s box! THE BACHELOR’S LOT. Gcorgo Ado was showing a reporter over his luxurious apartment at the Chi cago Athletic Club. ‘ ‘ Wonderful, superb! ’ ’ Such were the reporter’s ejaculations before Air. Ade’s rugs and pictures. At tho end of the inspection, in an swer to an enthusiastic compliment on his taste, Mr. Ado said with a laugh: “Married men have better halves, but iwe bachelors have better quarters, eh!” J. LEE BARNES, Member of Yaarab Temple Shrine. He Will Attend the Dallas Session of the Order. THE GREEN HAND. “President Mellon of the New Haven system allows neither wrecks nor investi gations to dampen his humor.” Tho speaker was a Boston railroader, lie continued: “I made a pretty bad mistake last week, but President Mellon, ainid all his business worries, took my fault good- naturedly. He just said I reminded him of a new brakeman on the Sunapee line. ‘ ‘ This brakeman, the first day out, had his duties explained by the conduc tor. " ‘You see,’ the conductor said, ‘when I call a station’s name—Concord or Boston, or what not—you must call tho same at your end. Understand?’ “ ‘Sure,’ said tho brakeman. ‘Sure, Mike. I understand. ’ “So they started off, and tho first stop was Sunapee. ‘ ‘ ‘ Sunapee! ’ roared the conductor, as tho train slowed down. “An instant later, poking his head in at the rear door of tho car, the brake- man roared: ‘ ‘ ‘ Same at this end I ’ ” WE’RE ALL ELIGIBLE. Woodrow Wilson, on the steamer Ber mudian, showed his modesty and his in telligence in many a witty saying. Apropos of the criticism always meted out to tho occupants of high places, Mr. Wilson said one day: “The man who couldn’t fill a position of eminence better than tho man who actually holds it has yet to be born. ’ ’ C. H. MASON, Who Was Re-Elected Chairman of the Police Board at Its Last Meeting. WHAT A RELIEF. An Englishman who was paying his first visit to this country was not very familiar with tho slang words often used. Ono day while riding on a street car he was attracted by the extraordinary ap pearance of a baby in the arms of a woman who was seated opposite him. He kept watching the child constantly, and the mother, growing angry, suddenly leaned over and hissed: “Rubber!” “Thank the Lord, ma’am,” said the Englishman, much relieved, “I thought it was real, upon my word! ’ ’ BEAUTIFUL CHINA For Birthday and Wedding Presents Send for Catalog And Remember the Name EDWARD C. LYCETT, The Original Lycett—Head of the Lycett China Store, 70 White hall St. Mjkfc^VVttlTEHAU.ST. JV Rememb er We have no Branch Stores