The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, April 01, 1913, Image 14

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14 THE ATLANTIAN r r— N Are Your Valuables Safe? Be on the safe side. Keep your jew elry, insurance papers, deeds, stock certificates and other valuable papers in one of our SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES There they will have absolute pro tection from theft and fire. And that protection—that sense of being safe —will cost you less than a cent a day. These boxes rent from $3.00 to $25.00 a year. GUARANTEE TRUST & BANKING CO. 15 EAST ALABAMA STREET. CAPITAL - $500,000.00 vL =# POWERFUL SUPPORT. SCORES ONE ON THE BISHOP. Upton Sinclair, at a vegetarian reun ion, attacked bitterly a malefactor of great wealth. “And yet this man,” said a vegetar ian divine, ‘ ‘ claims that, when he em barked on a business career, he took for his motto, ‘Get thee behind me, Satan.’ Ha, ha, ha I ” “Well,” said Mr. Sinclair, “there’s nothing liko having good backing.” * 1 If you don’t stop nagging me, Einily, I shall shoot myself this very minute. ’ ’ “Yes, that’s just like you, when you know how nervous I am when I hear a shot. ’ ’ DR. ED BROWN, Alchemist Yaarab Temple. (From the London Chronicle). The clerical foxliunter is a fast dis appearing figure. A generation or two ago, however, tho country parson who rode to hounds was by no means a rarity. G. W. E. Russell has a story of Bishop Samuel Wilberforce, who was once effect ually scored on by one of his own clergy whom ho had rebuked for his addiction to foxhunting. Tho Bishop urged that it had a world ly appearance. The clergyman replied that it wns not a bit more worldly than a ball at Blenheim Palace at which the Bishop had been present. The Bishop explained that he was staying in the house, but was never within threo rooms ,of tho dancing. “Oh, if it comes to that,” replied the clergyman, “I never am within three fields of the hounds I ’ ’ A PURIST. It was at recess and Mary said to an other littlo girl: “My papa has a new /soot of clo’es. ” “Why don’t he ever wear ’emt” ques tioned Ella. “He can’t wear ’em becuz somebody stolo his pants on ’im.” Tho teacher, who was walking through tho yard happened to hear the latter part- of their conversation and went up to the 'littlo girls and said: “Uso better gram mar, Mary. Surely, they didn’t steal your papa’s trousers on him.” “Teacher,” shrieked Ella, “Mary she ;ain’t kin talk English proper already. She don’t mean they stoled them pants on him—she means they stole ’em off him. ’ ’ HOW SHE SHOPPED. (From Tho Chicago News). She wondered down the center aisle, Whence all but her had fled; The lamp that lighted up her smile Was not the kind, she said. She halted at another booth; There costly glass held sway. She scorned the goblets, for, in truth, They would not match her tray! At every counter on the route, From basement to the top, She found the things that wouldn’t suit, But failed to find a mop. She lingered at the silk display From 1 o ’clock till 4. Then smilingly she tripped away To seek another floor. From 4 till 5 she hung about Tho petticoats on sale; Then she recalled that, past a doubt, Sho ought to buy a veil. * * But they aro quite too near, ’ ’ she said; “ I ’ll wait till after Lent! ’ ’ ’Twas then she bought a spool of thread And had it charged and sent. IT ALL DEPENDS. (From Tho Kansas City Journal). “Why aro you changing that anecdote about tho statesman?” “I’m hitching it onto another states man,” said the hack writer. “But tho first statesman?” ‘ ‘ Wasn’t re-elected. ’ ’ “Oh.” FORREST ADAIR, Potentate Yaarab Temple, Mystic Shrine. SURPRISED. Grandpa—“I hate to see yon cry but you know I can’t let you do just as you please. ’ ’ Miriam—‘ ‘ O, grandpa! I didn’t think von could be so obstinate! ’ ’—Puck. QUESTIONABLE REWARD. Mother—“The teacher complains you have not had a correct lesson for a month; why is it?” Son—‘ ‘ She always kisses me when I get them right.” Just Before This Easter — CLSoon it is Easter—that turning point of the times when we put a season behind us and take up a new one. This is to say IT IS SPRING, and you would go about seeking the New Spring Suit. CL You will come to us for the styles that are good, you will come to us for the quality that is also good. CL Here you will get together the question of Hat, Shoes and furnish ings in this store where all things are good! : : : GEO. MUSE Clothing Co.