The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, April 01, 1913, Image 15

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K THE ATLANTIAN Extra-Ordinary Sale of Easter SUITS=HATS=GLOVES Stunning Models $14.75 to $49.75 Besides hundreds of new tailor-made suits in tailored and trimmed styles of handsomest solid color fabrics you will find a remarkable collection of New Check Suits—Most Complete Line in the City Made of the most exclusive Imported Check Suitings cut upon the smartest lines; linings of the new bright rich silks in rose, greens, blues and grays. These suits are going fast because no one can compete with us in style and value at the prices. You’d best come early and make your selection. Prices range $19.75, $25.00, $35.00 Up. Remarkable Values in Dresses tor Easter Most charming draped dresses for street wear in Crepe Meteor, Charmeuse, Messalines, new Swiss Taffetas in checked and striped effects; prices $12.95 to $43.75. Evening Costumes of brocade Charmeuse, and of plain Charmeuse and Crepe Meteor trimmed with lovely laces, nets, rhinestones—all in newest models at lowest prices. Easter Hats $5.00 Up. Smart small shapes, trimmed in the latest styles with “stick-ups” of Numidi, Ostrich and French Flowers. Small, medium and large dress hats that are perfect beauties at the lowest prices in the city. Real Panama Hats at half of real values. You’ll find the loveliest styles and biggest bargains in the city in Easter Hats. $5.00 Up. $1.00 Long' Silk Gloves 69c Pair. Extra heavy grade 16-button length silk gloves in black, white and champagne, double finger tip. Regular $1.00 value. 69c Pair. $3 Long Glace Gloves $1.98. Another shipment of extra fine black and white 16-buttons length kid gloves. The qualities usually sold at $3.00 and $3.50. $1.98 Pair. Long and Short Chamoisette 50c Pair. Extra values in long and short white, black and chamois color chamoisette gloves, 2 clasp—also 16-button length. 50c Pair.