The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, July 01, 1919, Image 2

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Take Care of Your Automobile Protect your automobile against both thieves and weather. We store and park either day or night and look after every detail. The cost is small We Wash, Polish And Store Automobiles TELEPHONE 731 MAIN FRANK M. STEWART Autb Storage and Parking 181 Marietta Street, Atlanta Visit the PEACHTREE CAFE t • i For Something Really GOOD TO EAT Our Watchword Is Service Our Meats and Vegetables are the Best We Can Buy Delicious Salads and Desserts Courtesy to All We Are Here to Stay Cleanest and Most Sanitary Place in the South 111 Peachtree St. -J ■ —==■ 1- -M -I -=S=SCE . 1 ,1 Seventy-Five Publications turned out by our presses every month— more than 2 each working day. We print the Atlantian The Publishers Press 30-32 JAMES STREET PHONES, IVY 6331-6332 W e Have Moved to Our New Offices 414 Empire Bldg. W. E. TREADWELL & CO. Real Estate Agents - Loans Made on Atlanta “Dirt” Rate of Interest 5 to 8 per Cent. LONG OR SHORT TIME Call and See Us 414 Empire Bldg. Childs Hotel RATES $1.00 UP. With Private Bath $1.50 Up. Hot and Cold Water and Telephone Connection In Every Room MODERN 90 ROOM ADDITION Dining Room Second Floor. Quick Lunch Room Ground Floor. We Operate Our Own Refrigeration Plant South Broad Street, Atlanta, Georgia