The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, September 01, 1922, Image 14

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14 THE ATLANTIAN September, 1922 Prosperity Was the “Mess” Democrats Left to Republicans. As an excuse for their failure to keep their promises and for the dis astrous failure of the Harding admin istration, and as an attempt to dodge just party responsibility for the panic and demoralization of business and in dustry during 1921 and 1922, Repub lican reactionaries are attributing these conditions to the alleged “awful mess” that was left on their hands by the Democratic administration. This plea, false and hypocritical, is intended to fool the American voters and thus save the Republican party from the consequence of its own in competence and obstructionism. The inventors of this alibi are the same reactionary and unprincipled politic ians who, in 1920, practiced the false pretense, duplicity and political dis honesty that have since brought upon them public contempt and condemna tion. What was this alleged “mess” which t!V Democratic Wilson administration left on the hands of the present Re publican regime? The facts are still vividly in the public mind but they are worth summarizing. Here is the so-called “mess” which a Democratic administration left to the Republican administration: The country as a whole was enjoy ing unparalleled prosperity during 1919 and 1920 under Democratic rule. Every worker was employed on full time at the highest wages ever pre vailing in time of peace. Farmers in every section were nev er more rich and prosperous. They had accumulated nearly $30,000,000,- 000 of wealth and savings under the eight years of Democratic control, during which sound and reciprocal market conditions, enabling them to sell every ounce of their surplus prod ucts at top prices, were maintained. The manufacturing and mining and other great industries had increased their volume of production more than 30 per cent, and their annual income more than $15,000,000,000. The ablest bankers, business men and economists were predicting an- uninterrupted period of unprecedented prosperity. Our internal commerce, aggregating $85,000,000,000 in 1920, had more than trebled. Every smoke stack was smoking and every factory was humming. America had become the world’s banker and the world’s storehouse of foodstuffs manufactures and raw ma terials. A great American merchant marine had been created to carry American products to foreign markets. The nation had won and then held a glorious war record under Demo cratic leadership. America had real leadership, sound policies and pro grams, both domestic and foreign, during the Democratic administration, and these were the admiration of the world. All these great outstanding and in disputable facts will continue to mark the wonderful heights to which Amer ica climbed in her financial, commer cial, economic, military and social achievements from 1913 to 1920. These big facts, which speak for themselves, and which the most igno rant citizen clearly remembers, are lasting and indestructible evidence of the so-called “mess” which the pres ent Republican administration inher ited from its Democratic predecessors. LET “PAT DO IT” 510 Gourtland St. The “Orphan” Tariff Bill. Washington, Aug. 31.—When the Fordney-McCumber Profiteers’ Tariff bill with 2,436 amendments made by the Senate, was sent to the confer ence, where it is predicted it will re main until after the election, it re ceived a new name from the Demo cratic acting floor leader in the House, Representative Garrett, of Tennessee, who christened it anew in the follow ing words: “To the very great regret of every member of the House, the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Fordney), whose name it will bear on behalf of the House announced his voluntary retire, ment from Congress. The gentleman whose name it will bear on the part of the Senate (Mr. McCumber), was defeated in the primaries, and there fore, the bill is an orphan before it is born.” Democratic floor leader Garrett, with a view of conserving time and getting the bill in operation before the election, tried to have it recom mitted to the ways and means com mittee so that the question of the American valuation plan, which the House adopted and which the Senate struck out, might be determined be fore the various amendments were taken up for adjustment, but this did not suit the Republican program, or at least the leaders who do not wish the bill to become a law before elec tion. This would interfere with their plan to try to fool the people by as serting that the bill will be radically changed at the December session. In the meantime they could promise, and presumably will promise, the voters to amend it in any way the voters may indicate, but the voters for four years have had nothing but promises from this Do-Nothing Congress, and they know that these promises have been broken in almost every particular. Funny Mrs. Fess. “Our labor is in better spirit and a better relation between labor and cap ital is displayed by a willingness to get together and find through mutual agreement a lower level of cost of production . . .“—Representative Fess (Rep., Ohio), in prepared ad dress in the House of Representatives. H. G. LEWIS & CO. 70-72 WHITEHALL New Fall Frocks Of Satin, Satin Crepe, Pasha Crepe, Canton Crepe Lovely Autumn Shades of Brown, Beige, Tan; also Navy and Black. The New Draped Effects and More Conservative Styles. The price is the best surprise of all - - $ 24 75 . (j. LeWIS & CO. 72 Whitehall Street