The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, September 01, 1922, Image 17

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September, 1922 THE AT L A NTIAN 17 More Power to Pat Harrison (From the New York Herald (Rep.). When the wool producing statesmen confess pecuniary interests in the wool schedules they say they are within their rights and sneer solemnly at any suggestion that private interest enters into their legislative action. And when oil Senators confess personal interest in a thirty-five cent tariff on crude petroleum, as Senator Harreld, of Ok lahoma, did day before yesterday, you get the reply that they are “within their rights” in voting for the duty. It is high time there should be clearly established the principle that it is not within a Senator’s or Repre sentative’s rights to vote on questions or for measures in which he has a di rect personal interest, big or little. The needed illuminant will be afford ed by a record vote in the Senate on Senator Harrison’s searching resolu tion affirming the just rule in Jeffer son’s Manual and the common law of Congress for a century and a third. Naturally there is every disposition among profiteering statesmen to block the progress of the resolution toward a record vote. There is no justifica tion, legal, moral or personal, for such an attitude. Let Pat Harrison ham mer away. The New York Herald is for him in this matter because it be lieves he has the discernment, the wit and the courage to make the fight, and it does not care a continental for the circumstance that he is a Demo crat. Heflin’s Humorous Climax to Explode Charge. Concerning the now exploded charge that the big newspapers threatened to defeat Taft in 1912 unless news print and wood pulp were placed on the free list, which resulted in nothing more interesting and important than that Senator Watson, of Indiana, has a bad memory for dates; the following anecdote by Senator Heflin (Dem., Ala.,), is a fitting climax for the hu morous incident; Senator Helflin said: “I recall an incident in connection with the presidential election of 1912. A story was told to the effect that the Senator from Indiana (Mr. Wat son) was calling upon Mr. Taft at the White House after the election, and that while he was discussing some matter with him, word came in that Senator Smoot was in the office of the secretary waiting to see the Pres ident, whereupon the Senator from In diana remarked to the President, ‘Just think of it! There’s Reed Smoot out theer walking around with half of your electoral votes in hfe vest pocket.” LET “PAT DO IT” 510 Courtland St. Jones—I hear your wife has gone on a two weeks’ vacation? Smith—She has. “When are you going to have yours?” “I’m having mine now!” J. H. EWING MORRIS M. EWING CHAS. A. EWING SEE OUR LIST BEFORE Renting or Buying We May Have Just the House You Want J. H. EWING & SONS Real Estate, Renting and Loans Phone Ivy 1512 25 Walton St. Loan Agent for the Fideity Mutua Life Insurance Company umimmmiiiiimiiiiiiiiimmmimmiimimmimiiimiiiiiiiimmiimimimmmiim: A -Bumper Crop and Eco nomic Idiocy. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiimi HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT FRANKLIN <5& COX, inc. 24-26 WHITEHALL STREET CONNALLY BLDG. The August government crop report shows a probable production of 3,- 00,000 bushels of com and 800,000,000 bushels of wheat, with relatively good crop prospects in other products. The question now occurs what are the farmers going to do with their sur plus? Europe wants it and needs it, but a Republican party conspiracy, beginning in 1918 and continuing to this day, has left Europe in financial and economic chaos and destroyed the farmers’ greatest source of prosperity, the foreign markets. Until these are restored, the surplus agricultural products must go begging and also operate to reduce the price in the home market. It is now proposed to destroy what is left of the foreign market by the prohibitive profiteering Fordney-McCumber Tariff bill. While the farmer is thus increasing his products the Republican party is driving away his customers and de stroying their ability to buy. This is a form of economic idiocy, upon which Republican reactionaries have a mo nopoly. in ..i.i.m......... Four Horsemen of the G. O. P. Poverty—Distress. Disorder—Violence. = 5 “Seben dollars fo’ one hat!!! Is yo’ III milllllllllllll Illl Illllimill crazy?!! LIARS I CAN FORGIVE The Tailor who tells me that my fig ure is much trimmer this season. The Barber who insists that his treatment is doing wonders for my hair. The Manicurist who raves about my intellectual hands. The flapper who assures me that I am getting younger every day. BUT I CAN NEVER FORGIVE The Golf Professional who tells me that in another month I will play around in 80. Tonight, I've got a date with Paul. 0 Gee! I hope the boss don’t bawl For me at five. But if he does, I’ll quit this place. 1 can do better with my face Than in this hive. Why, with my features on the screen, I sure could be a movie queen And sport a car. O Gee! But won’t the boss regret The way he treated me, you bet, When I’m a star. E. D. MANNERS Said Mayonnaise to Lobster: “Refrain crustaecous fish Your soft caressing; Remember, you’re a lobster,— And I,—am dressing.”