The Atlantian (Atlanta, Ga.) 19??-current, November 01, 1922, Image 11

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November, 1922 THE ATLANTIAN 'll Weekly Press Great Factor In the Democratic Victory A statement issued by the Demo cratic National Committee contains this tribute to the weekly press: “In assessing credit for the great Democratic victory of Tuesday, No vember 7, it is but justice to say that there was no more important factor than the Democratic and Independent weekly press, at the same time making due acknowledgment of the splendid public and political service rendered by the daily press, Democratic, Indepen dent and many leading Republican papers which were in revolt against the Profiteers’ Tariff and Newberry- ism. “Since the Republican administra tion came into power, the Democratic and Independent weekly press have given to their readers the main facts concerning Congress and the admin istration, so interpreted that the read ers obtained the meaning of the news as well as the news itself. In the most remote sections of the country the readers of the weekly papers have been kept constantly informed of the issues in the campaign. That these issues were understood and intelligent ly acted upon is shown by the vote in rural sections of the country. “In addition to giving their readers the high-lights of the national news, the weekly press have editorially dis cussed the issues of the campaigns in a most convincing and effective man ner. They have rendered not only a service to the Democratic party, but to the public. “It may well be doubted if any other form of publication is so thoroughly read and so well digested as the week ly newspapers, and certainly no other publications have more sincerely at heart the welfare of their respective communities. As a rule, their char acteristics are a rugged honesty, high courage, clear and plain-speaking, and, with few exceptions, they accurately and fairly reflect public sentiment within the radius of their circulation. The future of America will always be secure as long as the country press re mains true to its record and its tradi tions. LET “PAT DO IT” 510 Courtland St. The Apologist. The mistress, showing the new cook round the kitchen, excused the ab sence of silver entree dishes with the remark that burglars had recently ran sacked the place. “Oh, well, mum,” said the cook, “burglars must live, mustn’t they?”— Tit-Bits. And That Goes. Buck—Can you give a definition of an orator? Private—Sure. He’s a fellow that’s always ready to lay down your life for his country—American Legion Weekly. Routsos Cafe 60 PEACHTREE ST. Telephone, Walnut 0254, Ivy 8966 iiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiMiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiMiiimtmiiiiiiii iimiiimmmmmiiiiiiiMiimmimimmimiimiimiiiiiiiiiiiimi Our motto: QUALITY SERVICE COURTESY SATISFACTION imimiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiimimimiiiiiimiimiiiii ®*****i*i***i*®*******®®*®**********®<***>***iii*iitiinnit*nnitit>>iimiiiim*iBi*iiaiiiisiiiiitt<iiiiBisiHimm ROUTSOS BROTHERS PROPRIETORS 1865 Oldest National Bank in the Cotton States 1922 The Atlanta National Bank And the Guidepost to Security The difference between a spendthrift and a miser is a normal man or woman who SAVES AND SPENDS THEIR EARNINGS INTELLI GENTLY. A SAVINGS ACCOUNT in the Atlanta National Bank with its record of SECURITY and GOOD SERVICE in this city for more than a half cen tury, provides A ZONE OF SAFETY between the practices of the spend thrift and the haunting fears of the miser. THE GUIDEPOST TO HAPPINESS AND SUCCESS IS THRIFT We Invite You to Join the Band of REGULAR DEPOSITORS in OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. THE ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK Savings Department on Main Floor, Whitehall at Alabama Active Designated Depository of the United States of Ameri ca, State of Georgia, City of Atlanta and County of Fulton.