Standard of union and free trade advocate. (Sparta, Ga.) 1833-183?, April 26, 1834, Image 1

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” AN# VOI.. 1. EDITED BY TH: HAYNES. ESQ. PRINTED AMD PUBLISHED BY P. L. ROBINSON. THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. WHICH MAY BE DISCHARGED BY PAYING TWO DOLLARS AMD PIETY CENTS IN ADVANCE. $0 SUBSCRIPTION TAKEN FOR LESS THAN A YEAR AND NO PAPER DISCONTINUED, BUT AT THE OPTION OF THE PUBLISHER, UNTIL ALL ARREARAGES ARE PAID. Advertisements conspicuously inserted Ar THE USUAL RATES —THOSE NOT LIMITED When handed in will be inserted ’till 808 BID AND CHARGED ACCORDINGLY. Sales of Land and Negroes by Executory* Administrators and Guardians are re ftCIRED, BY LAW, i'O UJh. Auv KbtiSED, IN A public Gazette, 6ixty days previous to THE SALE Sales of Personal Property must be ad vertised Forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an es tate, MUST BE ADVERTISED FORTY DAYS. Notice that application will be made to the Coup. r of Ordinary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must be adver tised FOUR MONTHS. All business in the Printing line, will meet with prompt attention. Cs“l .ETTF.RB ON BUSINESS CONNECTED WITH the Office must be addressed (post paid) TO the publisher. Prospectus OF THE 3TANDARD OF UNION AND FREE TRADE ADVOCATE. The extensive patronage bestowed by j -Oar fellow citizens upon the Standard of Uoioo, assures us that we have not labored in vain; and in accordance with the desire so generally expressed by its friends, to Bee it placed in a position where its ad vantages of information and increased cir culation would be more certainly uoited, we have determined to remove it to Mil ledgeville, where its Editorial columns will Continue to be conducted by its former Edi tor, Thomas Haynes, Esqr. The principles which it has heretofore advocated, it shall continue to maintain, With increased energy. it shall be the Standard of Unioo —lt shall support and defend “the Uoion of ail the States 1 ’ as the only moans of preserv ing k, the sovereignty and independence of each.” It shall be a free press, and will speak of tneo, measures and parlies with becom ing freedom. It will continue, as it has done, to incul cate those great and wholesome truths up on which our fathers so firmly asserted and So gallantly maintained, the sovereignty, (he acipQ and independence of the United States. We shall, at the same lime, oppose any end every abue and usurpation ot power, by the federal f vernaieof, by all consti tatioua! cieaci as zealously oppose ail rash l and movemeots by stale, Caiculatuo to jeopardize ihe hartnonv of our blessed uoion, “uutil the accumulation of oppressiou, shall outweigh Ihe evils of Reparation.” We believe mao is capable of self gov ernment, and we will not be instrumental u arresting the experiment now in pro- B fe - .by which aloue this great problem can bfo, 0 j ve( j. because we desire to see the prinnp v f ( j )e mer j can revolution act ed out, | *be world may know, whether tnankitn are - blessmais of liber ty am 10 f en Ve, or whether from their own wic thev are Ihe natu ral subjects ol ao*rc. t , iam \Ve have 100 amclf 1(1 “ , , wisdom and 6rmnes of “><• The pa>r>oti3( and qneitioo (he fio.l aod\f “><■ Lph of republican goverom^rr The present aspect of affairs in O, demands the active service ol everydm o( the notott The disorganizing doctrine o. Nullification, is at this moment, menacing j the foundations of onr government, and t , Buffered to triumph, will destroy the tu.res , fabric of liberty, which was ever erec.e by the wisdom of man. It shaM be our busioesa, as it has been through our brief career, to strip it o ‘- ; gaody and alluring decorat.ons, and hold it, op to the poblic g*ize, deformed and .oath eotne as it is. . . * one. P “n ‘.M dcUhUot. meditated a- gainst it, by “John Caldwell Calhoun 11 and his minions; nor shall we abuse him for a tyrant and despot until we shall have rendered about as much service to our country as he has done. The compromise tariff act of 1833 shall contin ue to meet our most untiring and vin Motive op position, We consider it the r a n!t of a corrupt combination for selfish purposes alone, and that it is the commencement of a system of measures intended finally to release every article of luxury entirely from taxation, and thereby to throw the whole burden of the revenue upon articles oi prime necessity. For the and ability wilh which we shall attack the principles of our adversaries and de fend our own, we must refer our readers to the columns of the Standard from its commence in* n* to the present; with the further assurance, t! we feel no additional motive to increase our en ergies, from the very kind and indulgent manne in which our feeble ifforts, in a good cause, haw been regarded by a large portiou of our fellow citizens. As soon as new m <teria!s can be obtained, the paper wdl be enlarged, and every exertion made to render it an interesting and valuable Journal- Iri the mean time, we beg onr patrons to bear with the sixe ol our sheet, keeping this troth in constant remembrance, that a little of a good thing is better than a great deal of a bad one. In the patronage which we seek, in the prose cution of onr labors, we long to the Uni (, n partv alone. If it doe* not support us we mint bok b* the way; for we claim no kindred with nulliti Cation audits votaries feel no sympa'hies for us. We have warred with the doctrine, and have dealt our blows with no sparing hand -we ask tio aid from the enemy P L. R OBI.VSOJY PROSPECTUS, For publishins’ a weekly Newspaper at Aura ria, Georgia, to be entitled THE MINER : RECORDER^ AND Spy in the 1 1 V>7. IN the publication of this Paper, the Ed iror will from time to tune, furnish .r.e public with all the information he may o. enabled to procure, in relation to the pro gress ol the Mines Id addition to which, he will shortly be furnished with a series oi Essays, written by Literary Gentlemen, who have taken a Geological view of this cour, try, in which will be shewn the complete arrangement of the different Strata of earths and rocks, forming this interesting section of country, and in what kind gold is most usually found. The Editor will en deavor at aii times to procure (rom Mine ralogisfa, literary men, and practical obstr vers, such information as will beep up a constant investigation of the various mine ral.* found in this couutiy. In the way of miscellaneous matter h* will make the best selections m Ins power, boih of a domestic and foreign nature. As regards the political course of this pa ppr, the Editor will endeavor to pursue .. liberal course, keeping at all times his co lumns open to the discission of politics’ subjects, which are or may be of interes’ to the country. In relation to bis own political opinion*. ho considers them to be such as have been maintained in Ihe Southern Stales, from (Ik adoption of the Federal Constitution down to she present time. He beiieves ‘hat Fe deral encroachments should be guarded -:- gams! with vigilance and repelled wt - promptness. Yet, however in contending for she Rights of Ihe States, he cannot go to (he extraordinary and dangerous ex :ent of some of she politicians to a sis'. Stale; becau-e he believes it would u’U mately end in the destruction of the Gov ernment and all is Rights. Hi opinion*, however, he considers a* nothing more than the opinions of any oth er individual, he wdl therefore endeavor ‘o act the part oi a faithful Journalist with out being subservient to the views of anv party, leaving his paper open to the invee ’igntion of truth, and all interesting subjects by all. The first number of this paper will ap pear in a few weeks. 1 erms —7 hr°e Dollars ppr annum pay able in advance or Three Dollars aod fifty icen? e at the end of the year. Advertising at the usual rates. Editors of other paper* are requested to I e ihe above a few insertion*. * MILTON H. GATHRIGHT. 1 \ 1834 r i°ll. J§_ beretok\j^ n or Co-Par'nership scitberr, under between the nh prews, is this <* a y\e of Haynes & An sent. Persons l !av] \d by mutual car concern. will please Bes , in „ , he DREWS for >ViN R An . E. R- AN. ; Hancock county,lsib Jan MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1834. OUR COysCIEVCF— OUR CO UXTR Y— OUR PAR TY. CENTRAL IJAYJi OF GEORGIA, lilledgevi'le, March 3d, 1-331. j PURSUANT to an A:t of tho General Assembly pass ed on the 23d day of December, 1833, entitled “an Act to alter and amend tie ‘enth section of an Act passed l‘hh of December, 1329, n relation to the Central Bank of j Georgia, and to provide fir the sale and disposition of Lands J forfeited to the State;” thefollowing Lands now forfeited by tie’ original purchasers, wU be offered at public scale at the following places, to wit: In the Town >f Ilaiokinsville , on Monday, the sth day of Mty next, and on the following days, until all are sold: Fractions .No. 1, 30, 37, 72,73, 108, 109, 132, 133, 220, 221 and 222, in the first Distrietof Lee county. Fractions No. 97, 192, 193,224,273,274,281,287 and 283, in the second district of Lie. Fractions No. 273,271,237 and23B, in the third district, of Lee. Fractions No. 1, 32, 33, 123, 129,100,161, 192, 193, 224, and 22.3, in the thirteenth district of Lee Fractions No. 212,213, 238,232,233,302, in the four teenth disirict of Le Fractions No. 2,3, 10 and 17, in the fifteenth district of ! e. Fractions No 1,31, 35,63,09,102, 103, 136, 137, 170, 171, 201, 205,238 and 239. in the siii**enth distriut of Lee. Fractions No. 3,6, 27, 30, 52, 53, 51, 55, 393, 394, 395, 399 and 400, i:i th twenty-eighth district originally Lee now shunter. Fractions No. 5 and G, and Lot 30. 4, Buck Barnard's reserve. Lots No. 1,2,3,4, 5,6, 7.8, 9, If, 11, 12,13. 14, 15, IG, 17, 18, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, Z 4,25, 26, S7, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 31, 35, 36, 37,38, 39. -.0, 11, 12, 13,41, 15. 46,47, 48. 49, 50, 51,79,85,86, 87. .vi, 96.97, 98,19, 100, 101, 102. 103, 101,105,106, 107,108, 199, 110. IV., 112, 113,114,115, 116, 117. 118, 119, 120,13, 122,153,126, 127,128, 129, 130,136, 137, r.H, 1.19, i Jl, 142. 143,144, 145,149, U>UMS >|| 153, 154 15, 158 ‘59, IGO, 161,162,163, 101,165. IG6, 167. 168, 9, J To. 17?, !72. 173. 171,175, 176, 177, 178, 179, ISO, JHi, 183. }’ , .85, 186, 187.138. 139.190,191, 192, 193, 19), .-a. 196. iuV, 93, 199, 200,201,202. 203,204, 205, 206,205, • .do-.), giu, 211,212,213,211,215, 210,217,218, 219. 2.v, 2-1 . -26.227.228, 229,231. 232,253, 23i, 235, 2867237. 2: . 16,211, 212,243, 2 4.215, 218. 249,250, 251,25 - . ■ ,256, 257,260. 261, 262.270,273,271, 279, 280, 1 *, -3, 285,286,287,290, 291,292,293,297, 25 -.25,. • { 2, 303,301,305,3)6,307. 308,309,311, 3! -, .1 , ; .r,389,340, 311, 3|.:, 313.311, 315,316, •D* 35-’ -.2, ‘ .5,356,357,358,321,360,361,362,363, 361,5t> ;, 376, 377. 382,383, si!, 385, 386, 387, 409, 410,4 i, •- i ,41 i, i 15, li-l, 117, 118, 119, 120,421. 129, 130, 1 •!, . .<„ 151. 135, *B6, 437.•,10. 141,442,113, 444, tl', 416. i- ‘ .53, 451, 455, 456, 457,458,459,460,472, 477, 478, 17.1, * , 131, . 2. 188, 181, 485,186, 18?, 488, -189, 190. 19L 192. :• 3, i ,9> 196, 197, 198,499,500,501, 502,503, 504, 505. 506, ."• •50,-, f>‘<- . 510, 511, 512, 513, 511. 515, 5)6, 321, 535, 5 13. 517, SM, 519, 550, 551, 552,553,559,560,565, 566, 567, 568, 56 t, >7O, 57.2,573, 571, 575,576, 577, 378, 579, 560, 581. 581, 580, 586 .>BB 589,594,595,603,004, and6os, in tile tv. -fih .istrict erixinally Appimg, now Ware. Lots No. 1,2, 3.4, 5, 6. 13. li, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 21• 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. 31.35, 36.37, 38, 39, 40, 4 1, 43,44, 49,50, >l, 52, 53, 51 55, 57, 58, 59, 00,61, 62,63, 64, 65, 67, 6.8, 69> 70, 71. 72, 73, 7a, 75, 76, 77,78,79, 80.81, 82, 83, 8 4, 85 86, 87,83,89, 99, 91, 92, 93,94, 95, 96 r 97, 98, 100 101 ]o->, 103, 101, 105,106, 107, JOS. 109, ! 10, 111, 112 113 114 l] 5, 116. ] 17, i 18, 119, 120, 121, 121, 122, 123, 121,125,’ 120’ 127, 128, 129, 130, 13i, 132,133, 131, 135,136, 137,138, 139,140, 141,1 13. 143, 144, 145, 146, 1 17, 146,149, 150, 151, 132, 153, 154, 155. 156, 157, 158. 159, 160, 161, 162,163, 161, 16.5 166, 167, 168, 109, 17u, 17!, 172, 173. 174, 17.3, 176, 177, 178’179, 180, 181, 182 183, 18), 18,5, 186, 187, 188, 18J. 190, 19l’ 132, 193, 194, 19.5, 196, 197,198, 199, 200, 201,202 293 201*205, 206, 2( >7, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213. 214, 21.5,216 217* •> 18* •> 19, 220, 221, 222, 223, 221, 225, 226,227, 228, 823’ 231)’, 231,’ 232 233, 231, 235. 236,237, 238,239, 210, 211,212*213’*211 -• ; y •216, 2 17, 2 is, 2 19, 2.30, 231,252. 253, 2.3 1, 2.5.5 2.56 257 238 259,260,261. 262, 263, 261. 26.5,266,267, 26 4’269,'270, 271. 272. 273, 271. 275, 276, 277, 278, 273, 280,281.282, 283* 28 1 28.3, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291,292. 293. 291.29.3 2961207* 29.8, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 399* 310 81 j, 312, 3i3, 314,315,216, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321 ’3-H* 323*821” 32 3, 326, 327. 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 383, 38 r 385 3.16 337’ 335, 834, 310,311, 312, 353, 311, 315,3 17, 3 18, S.>2, 8.>3, 351, 35.5,356,357, 3.5.4,35!), 360, “61 86o’ ifS'i’ 361* ;{(•>.>. 366, 367, 868, 369, 370, 371, 372, 87:’*, 371,’ 375’ ‘377’ 3.8, 379, 3 it, 3S!, 382,*383, 38 1, 335, 386, 387 38N 389* 390. 391, 392, 393, 341, 395, 396, 30?, 398, 394, 100 in) !()•>’ 103 404, 405,409, 410, lil, 412, 413, 114, 41.4, 416, 117 lls’ 419’ 420,421,422, 123,421, 42.5, 126, 427, 428, 431, 432’433* 134’ 15.>, 136, 187, 138, 441,412,443, 111, 145, 116, 117,419,449, lot), 451, 452, 453, 151,455,456,458, 454, 160, 161, 462,’463'’ 461, 465, 466, 167. 469, 169, 170, 471,472, 173. 171 175 i7G 477, 478.479, 480, |S2, 183, IS i, 185, 486, 487, 488* 189 pjo’ 191, 492, 493, 491, 495, 496, 497,498, 499, 500, 501, 503* 501 THD, 506, 507, 508, 509,510, 51!, 512.513, 514, 515 516’517’ 518, 519,520, 521, 522, 523, 521, 525, 526, 527, 529 5-7 530’ .6D, ..32, 535, 537, 539. 539.510,511,542, 513,51}’ 515,516’ >L, 503. ..1. .>57,65.8, 559, 561. 562,563, 564, 565,566 567 >*<B, 1 and .>72, m the thirteenth district of originally \n phng now \\ arc. Fractions No. 61, 147, 148, 190,231 and 232, in th twelfth district ol originally Houston now Pulaski. fractions No. 327, 333 and 334, in the fourteenth district ol Houston. I-1 actions No. 237 and V 33, in the fifteenth district of Houston. Fractions No 177,215, and 219, and Lot No. 179, in the first district ot Doolv. F> actions No. 45 and 166, in the eighth district originally Dooly now Pulaski. J ,-i' n4, ; ,1 7 ,5 , - So ; 350 and 357, in the thirteenth district ot Dooly. m- r S U >c,‘' J ', l > l1 ’ 115, ll 6 117 - H 9,139, 190, 191, 191, I.L, DC -51 and 2j4, and Lot No. 194, m th- litteemh dis trietot Dooly. fraction No. 239, in th* -sixteenth district of Dooly firsfohst riot of 1 rwinN 3 ’ 2^inthe ,C7 - 19 °- * ~,J r “" 0l “ : N “-< i ;’- J. W3, >37. 131, 163,10-1, 195, 196, ** 111 * er)nd distriut of Irwin. Fraction No. 1 s3, iu the fourth district of Irwin, n Fractions No. 196aftd 316, in the first district originally Lariy now Baker. fraction No. 179, in the eighth district originally Early now Uaker. ° J 1 ruction No. 412, in the ninth district originally Earlv non Baker. Fractions No. 281, 355, 356, 382, 3D5, 396, 405, 406 41 4 and 4D, in the eleventh district originally Earlv now Baker’ fraction No. 380 in the twelfth district originally Earlv novv Baker Fractions No. 166, 228, 2 43, 253,265, 267 and 292, in the mteenthdistrict originally Early now Decatur. fractions No. 391, 393, and 398, in the twentieth district originally Early now Decatur Fractions No. 81, 240. 250,257 and 379, in the twenty first district originally Early >w Decatur. fraction No. 455, in the twemy-eighth district of Early I Fraction No. 660, in the s -cond district of Appling, fraction No. 374, in th-ninth district originally Appling now v\ are. J b S Fractions No. 1, 2,3, 25, 60.61 and 301, in the fi st dis trict originally Wilkinson now'Laurens. t r;e tions N\>. -s6. 310 and oil, m the seventeenth district originally Wilkinson now Ljiur-ns. Fraction No. 213. in the eighteenth district originally Wil kinson now 1 suir*-!is. Fraction No. 321, in the second district of Wilkinson. Fractions No. 6 aad 12, m the fourth district of W tikmaca. Fraction No. 399, in the twenty-second district of Wilkin-; son. Fraction No. 293 in the twenty-third district of Wilkinson. Fractions No. 243 and 241, in the twenty-sixth district of Wilkinson. Fractions No. 195,191 and 299, in the sixth district origin ally Wilkinson now .Montgomery. Fraction No. 412. in theeighth district originally Wilkinson now Telfair. Fractions A. No. 1, R. No. 1, Nos. 232,417, and 4.39, in the first district of Wuvne. Fractions No. 249,250 and 292, in the second distrietof Wayne. Fractions No. 224 and 265 m the third distrietof Wayne. At the Court-House in the City of Macon, on Monday the 26th day of May, 1831, and on the following days, until all are sold:” Fractions No. 8 and 85 in the first district originally Mus cogee, now Marion county. Fractions No. 290,231 and 323, tnthe first district original ly Muscogee, now Talbot. Fractions No. 172, 173 and 220,in the fourteenth district originally Muscogee now Talbot. Fractions No. 43, 107,126,142, 155, 156, 157, 159, 170, 190, 191, 192, 193 and 194, in the twenty-fourth district originally Muscogee now Talbot. Fractions No. 5,6, 7,8, 9, 16, 1 and 19, old Agency Re serve. Lots No. 3,7, 8,9, 13, 15, 16,17,19 and 22, and Fractions 14, 23, 21 and 27, old Agency Reserve, west side of Flint River. Fractions No. 2 and 3, Efavvmathlaw’s Reserve, sixteenth district originally Houston now Upson. f ructions No. 100, 268 and 308, in the first district origin ally Houston now Crawford. f factions No. 274 and 276, in the fourth district originally Houston now Bibb. f factions No. 209, 211 and 232, in the fifth district origin ally Houston now Bibb. Fractions No. 251,252,269,269, 271, 272, 273, 2SO and 2SL, in the fifth district of Houston. F factions No. 149, 150 and 171, in the eighth district Houston fractions No, 116,117 and 135, in the eleventh district Houston. 1 ructions No. 26, 67, 179 and 183, in the sixteenth dis rict originally Houston now Upson. Islands No. 78,80, 82,83, 85, 86, 87, 90 and 95, attached to Houston count}'. Islands No. 53,5 4, 55, SG, 57, 58, 59, 61 and 73 attached to Bibb Is an'!.* No. 26. 27, 36, 33, 39 and 40, attached to Monroe. fraction Nj. 271, in the ninth district originally Monroe’ now Pike fraction No J3. in the fourth district originally Monroe now Butu Eots No. 1,2, 3, M'lntosh Reserve, Butts. L't-s No. 5,6, 10, 32aud 55 Indian Spring Reserve, Butts. Fraction No. 56, in the ninth district originally Henry now Butts. fractions No. 140, 260 and 129, in the ninth district ori gmaliy Henry now Newton. fractions No. 313 and 314, in the first district originally *Y niton now Newton. Fractions No. 87,88 and 257, in the third district Walton. fractions No. 52 and 343, in > hi- fourth district Walton. fractions No. 224, 225,226, 335 and 257, in the sixteenth (.’strict originally Henry now Newton. islands No. 1, 2. 3,4, 5, 6. 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15,16, 1., 19, 20, 21 and 22 attached to Henry. . Islands -No. D< and 483, in the second district originallv Baldwin now Putnam. Island No. 10, in the third district originally Baldwin now Putnam. Ifiiau is No. 2t and 60, in th* fourth district originallv Baldwin now Morgan. Islands No. 102, 243, 258 and 357, in the twentieth dis trict originally Baldwin now Alorgan. Islaii.i No. 196, in the eighteenth district originally Bald win now .lii' Island No. 223, in the ninth district Baldwin. Lots No. 2, square 59, No. 7, square 42, No. 8, square 20. in the City ot Macon. Water Lots No. 2,3, and 4, in the City of Macon. 1 wenty Acre l/it No. 20, adjoining the City of Macon. .One hundred Acre Lots No. 19, 36’ 42, 43, 61, 89, 99 and *1 c*n Reßf*rvp, wont sidp Ormulgoi* River. Fractious No. 38, 49, 53, 68, 69, 93, 94 and 144, Macon Reserve, w si side Ocinulgee River. On-hundred Acv Lofo No. 93 and 114, Macon Reserve •*asl side Ocinulge River. At the Court-House in the City of Columbus, on Thursday the fifth day of June, 1834'. and on tho follow ing days, until all are so id: Fractions No. 19,20,95, 96, 133, 134, 171, 170, 209, 210, 217 and 2 48, in the fourth district originally Lee now’ Ran- Fr wiions No. 1, 38, 39, 76, 77, 114, 115, 152, 190, 228 and 22 -f. m the filth district originallv Lee now Randolph I ructions No. 20, 95, 96, 133, 134, 172, 173, 212 and 213 ui tho sixth dist rict originally Lee now Randolph Fractions No. 21.60, 61,100, 221, 405 and 417, in the se vonth dvtrict originally Lee now Randolph. Fractious No 321,352,353,372 and 379, in live eighth dis trict originally Lee now Randolph. Fraction No. 289, in tho twenty-first district originally Lee now Randolph. “ J Fractions No. 88,89, 121, 122, 193,227,228, 309 and 355 m the tvyenty-s*v<>n<! district originally L e now Stewart. Fractions No. 3,1,5, 6,7,9 and 10, in the twenly-lourlh district originally f . s- now Stewart. Fraction No. 2of>, in the tlurty-second district originallv Lee now Marion. 0 , - I Fractions No. 241, 242. 243,244, 245, 246 and 243, in the j thirty-second district originally Lee now Muscogee. flis-, r i i ? ,0, ' B iN nL -* 3,1, 5,6,7 and 8, in the thirty-third j disu iet originally Lee now Stewart. I Fractions No 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, *2O, 22, 23 and 21 in the tlurty-i lord district originally Lee now Mu-,owe. ’ f Fractions No. 10 and 183, in the seventh district Museo ’ and Island No. 2/, in the eighth district Muscogee. ’ l Miuleog n u‘nv Mari?>n dlalricl ori j s s m ’ SiiS? u “ el " v, '"‘ K Mu-W ; 1 ractions .Nix 10, l] t 12, lj, 10, 126 12T‘ 16*^ 199 and 235, in the sixteenth originally Milt’bgei’ now TaL F raclions No. 33 and 64, in the seventeenth district* ori ginally Muscogee now Talbot • Fnations No 193. 224,225 and 256, in the seventeenth district originally .Muscogee now Flarris j Fractions No 3,8, 11, 12 and 14, in the eighteenth di.- trict originally Muscogee now Harris. a Fractions No. 22, 61, 62, 99, 100, 101 133 lan i. n ... ‘ , >-• ,nv -21 >, 215, -216, in, SsS ■: 6 i !foV ds 5 ’ y ’ n ’ 12 13 > 14, 15, 16, 17 19 19 Harris’ tUe UVentleth district originally Muscogee now Fractions No 63. 364, 370. 371, 372 3*3 394 895 w •StXS 1 ” ,he ,vw ‘“'' h si S£> ; stJr di T nS^^ee 3 liwT& in Lota 5, t>, i. 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 26, 33 34 39 59 •?* c j 34,*86,37. 91. 92, 94,95. 96, 98 Vo'iS’ inj ua * j * C ’ htt, i07, 109, loy. no, nr, hh iVj x :; \°d’ e3 V?* . 15i ’ -‘5 k SS; SS; iS-.ii 1 .1’ 256, 259, 259, 260, 263, 265, 269, 270, 473, 276, 377, 281, 282, 2-3, 291, 295, 286, *2s9, 2D, 230, 293. •, 298,306, 307, 309,309,310, 325, 33 % 339. 312, 3v% : % 375,379, 383, 400, 402, 404, 407, i;6, 117. 4Ji, 4 v, 1% 434,439,410, 441, 443, 444 445, 446. 417. ’.48. 451, 4 ’2, 455,456,460, 4CI, 462, 470. 477. 487, IJ9.1 J 9. v. I. J, 133,495,497, 498. 500,507, 508, 510. 524,522, 5 >'% 552, 553, 555, 556, 557, 559, 560, .46 , 562, 567, 568, ,'6.*. 5 :, 572,573, 571, 575,576,579, 579, 582, 593, 584,597, 591, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 5.H, .j.>. Goo, 601, 602, 6 604, 605, 606, 611, 612, 613 an I 614, ;n the city of ohun. bus. Ten Acre L>ts, No. 7, 21 and 22, a {joining ih*- city of Co lumbus. Twenty Acre Lots, No. 35 41, 43 and 46, adjotuing tho city ot Columbus. One hundred Acre Lots, No. 61, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 91, 69, 114, 138, 139 and 140, adjoining the city ol’ Coluinbu- . Fractions No. 56, 145, 146, 147, 1 48, 1 49, DO and iu., ad joining the city of Columbus. At the Court~House m the town of IjiiGrance , on Thursday, the 19tl of June, 1934, and on th>- following days, until ail are sold: Fractions No. 1,2, 4, 7 and 9, in the first district origimd ly Troup now Meriwether. Fractions No. 10, 11 and 13, in the first district orL .ally Troup now Talbot. Fractions No. 1, 34. 35 and 63, in the third district o ■ .fin ally Troup now Harris. Fractions No. 204,205, 239, 239,272, and 273, in th - third district of Troup. Fractions No. 17, 86 and 153, in the fourth district of Troup. Fractions No. 143, 144, 201, 300, 315 arid 316, in th fift district of i’roup. Fractions No. 230, 231 and 280, in the fifth dictrict ori ginally Troup now Harris. Fractions No. 252, 253,255, 258.260,261,263 and 271. in the ninth district originally Troup now Meriwether Fraction No. 271, in the twelfth district of Tuoup. Fraction No. 286, in the twelfth district originally Troup now Heard. Fractions No. 8 and 9, in the fourteenth district originally Carroll now Heard. Fractions No. 107, 108, 111, 158, 164, 165, 166 and 169, in the fourteenth distict originally Carroll now Troup. Fraction No. 155, iu tie: fifteenth district originally now Troup Fractions No. 161, 179, 181, 184, 186, 198, iB9. 150 aad 192, in the fifteenth district originally Carroll now Heard. Fractions No. 8, 20 and 59, and Lot No. 2, in the sixteenth district originally Carroll now Troup. At the Court-House in the town of Neuman, on Monday, the 23d day of June, 103-4, and on tin-following days, until all are sold: Fractions No. 254, 285, 312, 313, 314, 329, 334, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342, 313 and 344, in the first district of Cow eta. fractions N< 333 and 341, in the third district orig’itally Coweta now Heard. fractions No. 94, 96, 113, 116, 137 and 157, in the fourth district Coweta. t ruction No. 195, in the fourth district originally Coweta now Heard. fraction No. 149, in the sixth district Coweta. Fraction No. 126, in the fourth district of Carroll. Fractions No. 192 and 201, in the fourth distric t originally Carroll now Heard. Fractions No. 103, 127, 146, 164, 165, 199, 214, 215,23 Q, and 245, in the ninth district Carroll. Fractions No. 258, 259, 271, 272, 273 and 284, in the ninth district originally Carroll now Heard Fractions No. 7,8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 20, in ifio tw.’fih disirict ol originally Carroll-now Heard. fractions No. 31, 32 and 33, in the fourth district aliy H.-nry now Fayette. At the Court-House in the town of Campbell ton, - on Thursday, the 26111 day of June, 1834, and on the follow ing days, until all are sold: Fraction No. 162. in the seventh district Coweta. Fractions No. 163, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177 and ISO in th seventh district originally Coweta now Campbell Fraction* No. 65, 97, 98, 124, 178 and 179, m the eighth district originally Coweta now Campbell. Fractions No. 1,2, 43, 4), 52, 56, GO, 61, 63. 64,65, 68, 69 7t>, /i, and 4 2, in the ninth district originally Coweta novv Campbell. Fractions No. 1, 18, 19, 20, 51, 52, 131, 146, 151 152, D3, 159, 161, 164, 165, 166,170, 171.174, 175, 176, 177 and 178, in the first district originally Carroli now Campbell. fractions No. 225, 226 and 248, in the second district a ngmally Carroll now Campbell. f* actions _>o. 244, 245,216 and 247. m the second district C.irroll. Fractions No. 94, 95, 169, 170 and 214, in the third dis trict Carroll. Fractions No 34, 5, 15, 57, 58, 60 and 93, in the third district originally Carroll now Campbell. Fractions No. 257,285, 286, 287,288, 289 290 *291 990 293, 307, 308, 309 arid 310, in th*- sixth district Carroll. ‘* fractions No. 1, 2,3, 4, 5,6, 7,8,9, 10, 11 22 23 24 2d, *26, 2< and 28, in the seventh district Carroll ‘ * * ’ Fractions No. 23, 21,69, 116, 117.213,261.262,281 282 283, 284, 28n, 286, 287, 288, 290. 291, 305, 315 316 ’ 321* 322, 323, 324 and 325, in .he eighth district Carroll * Fractions No. 50, 70, 71 and 93, in the ninth district ori ginally Fayette now Campbell. (n^Si^^^XS in * he fUUrtWmh “ ‘ he *' vw * WM<h ‘ iiß,ri, ' t oricinallr I rractions No. 176. 177 and 178, in the eighteenth district * originally Henry now DeKalb. uistnci ! No. 41, 42 and 354, in the .sixth district Gwin- I t/ artion ip. fifth district of Gwinnett * !Gvv[nne na ’ 14 ° 1 in the Bt venth district AricUlSl!* N °‘ h IslW ' dß N ° 1 2, in the ninth da \ Fractions No. 1. 13, 25, 67, 68, 84, 91 93 m? no 11a and 176, in the ninth district Hall ‘ ’ ’ 110, 14 * Fraction No 159, in the eleventh district Hall Island No. 3, in the twelfth district Hall Fractions No. 128, 129, 120 131 , fourth district Habersham. ’ ’ ; Fraction No. 19 in the fifth district Habersham 1 Fractions So 5-“’ 53“S 7 ’-q sixth ,iislnrl Habersham. - 2 -I 7Sr N .° n & *• ■*"• t. ! Fractions No. 104, 129, 130 152 a™! 1— u , district Habersham. ’ 1 ld I<J ’ ,n the eleventh ! 2i5 - *> ->. - i “*■ *• 171 IS * ■ IMIUO So. 4-j, 76, 77 „ ld -y, the third di , lncl ‘■ 4r bM N °- I2 ’ • W - 79 “<1 80, mA, fourth d..-tric. j The right totiiherof di.r-i-t Rahuu. ; s$ r zr*™:* *1 css*lit ! w hole amount ot the at the Bank lhe unpaid with all riterest .in . k purcbase - mon ey renaming i May next, or w!‘ h she befjr ” th ” <* | en any day before the reS” I quired to or f®- day of sale, ‘and the r , J'*”, 01 rh ” P u - r cnase-rrK)ney on t** Perils; and ar.v tWO ar aiia l ■- d the Car.tral Bar t k w 1 , J, ing PJ any instalment same hc-om-sdue shni days after tho and the £^ r^ t } h ”amoui.tpre v ,ouslv paid. proper,^ - UkNivWW NO. 15.