Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, January 17, 1818, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, AND. GEOVGM GAZETTE. ... A . - .h. ; ; ! _ ! 1.. V . ■ . Wql Xli] .* H\Tiy»ii)AY, JAMJAR? 17,1818. [N •». t.m] iltftik? and Russell luvfc. J U ST fl IXEIVLD, Ss. pickled Salmon ii do , . tHackarel i alo Hi <1 • / ' * I (io ~ Cod fish Hvets a '" * Newark Cider *’ Irish Pointers , New-Yor k Porter . I do Ale LnnfSuprtr \ Lump do *, ,y Clurry Brandy soft shell Aim«i(l« r bbls. mess Reef do Buckwheat Flour dns Goshen t ;es smoked Herrings i:s Goshen Cheese I. Copperas' * m Is. N E. Run .' < * Jamaica do cs Holland Gin Cogniac Brandy es Bloom Kaisins London D/usUrd * ' , .. , „■ chests Hyson Teal j n r <,l), , { imitation ile do do t>i>j s Dupont’s Gun Fo .viler double battle do ks best London Brownstout f imrrels Beef-Tongues v ts Coopers NV are s Cloves, Cinnamon, .Mace, and . Engiisn .Starch s Green Coffee Is prime Jamaica Sugar i, i.nirr l) (1 —: s Pimento ks Sicily Madeira Wine J/utaga do s. N. E. Rum ;s blown (Salt is. Miutaiwl Annisecd Cordial f*! j. do , do do esChucdafc,No. I, 2, 3 Spanish -SVgurs I £5 Liquor Cases • 20 dozen Martinique Cordial SiV casks Cavendish Tobacco £< 'b 11l JS*4«»a» - • —*r 2000 do v odlpdi 10* dozen hair and wire lifters JOO nests Sugar Boxes lO doz. Guaging Rods and put sticks 20 dozen Champaign Wine £0 tin Port do , ' 10 barrels Philadelphia Beer - : i\ - r;00 lbs. Filberts F)0 bundles Onions i 10Q small Demijohns * ‘ • s SOOO lbs. Castings assort'd £0 dozen bottles Newark Cider, 2 years old And a largi assortment of 'TSlass anti (Jrockery Vi are, '•All ol which they will sell at wholesale 'or retail, low Tor * flash or town accep T-lanocs. ■ 5? Jan ’Uiry 14 - \ MILLENARY, Mrs. Tuttle, EESPECT FULlY.informs the La" i‘ dies of Augusta,the public generally, that she has lately received by thel&ip .Mary Augusta, and is’now ope* Hingtho following GOODS IN HKIMJivB. 1 trunk lull trimmed Ladies’ black Leg hfxn bo* iets of flic newest fashion •> ditto silk and satin do. do. and 1 ditto containing lace caps of various patterns, some of them very rich Togethertv-ifih a quantity of satin Tur bans, made in the newest fashion & richly trimmed y And a few dozen mohair ceps, with curie ‘ of different colours aTKfc,patterns And a few setts of curies made of real hair And'2 cases of fine Straw Bonnets of the % manufactory, and of the ’ fashion. Jan. 14 ■ ' rr Notice. THE Copartrtoiship heretofore exist ing at the EaglcTavern and Savan nah- Static Office, uwder the firm of Chisolm '-$L Shannon, v as'dissolved this day by mutual ron pent; all claims against the concern, and oil jicbts due the same, are to be settled by William Chisolm. » William Chisolm, William Shannon. Augusts, Jnm 10th, 1818. The Subscriber having purchased tin 1 interest of Mr. Shannon in the Eagle Tavern aml SavannnlPStage Office, will •keep the HOUSE in future irf.his own name, and solicits a continuation of lor jner favors. ’ W illiam January 14 w Hat, Boot 4; Shoe WMtE-IWVSE. mWER MEED, HAS JUST RKCLIVPri), A Large an t Rtrganl Jssortuwnt of quality gentlemens’ fine Bea- verHAf^ Second; ditto ditto First ditto Scctnul dittd ditto ladies’ Beaver Hats Misses’ and rens’ ditto . “ Mens’ and Boys’ fine Romms Ditto V tto Wool Childrens’ Morocco Caps Servants’ Glazed Hats. ALS()—— A fetv Trunks genilmiens’ long and short BOOTS of o Miporior quality Do. <ln. gentloujcns’ SHOES of vari ■tons kinds 1 Trunk t»fJadies’ elegant Morocco Boots Morocco Siloes , : Ladies’ Walking ditto, and Bhitk and coloured Roans tk r * cmt ar * A C'h°w« *nd Bvilliant sclebtion (ts Military Goods, '* — J fcONSISTINO Otrr~ i Silver'Mounted ) . IMntcil, and LSWOrUS Gilt J % Gold and Silycr Epauletts ■: i'irt'ed * ditto Silver aii<l Plated ditto for Cavalry The above article in addition fwrnu't supplies, randerh's Slock as coin rrfete as will be found in the Southern Mark it. Novcmbar 26 ■ t ts Tickets In the Median!, Science Lottery Xo. 4. « • SO,OOO dollars highest Prize, 2 JTuars'of 10,(100 Dollars 2 ditto of 5,000 d tto 2 ditto of 3;G0O ditto —: 2 ditto of 2.000 ditto 10 ditto of 1,000 ditto ; 10 ditto of 500 ditto 10 ditto of 100 ditto/ 100 ditto of 50 ditto To commence drawing in lire City of New-Vork/on the Gth of January next, t'oi sale by Huntington A Hurrill, Opposite the City Hotel. Who Have. Just R'cmved, c* a'ksw srhpi-Y. or - SILVER ’la'»!e, I’ca, and Desei.t Spoons, with siarnpt liandles * Guid puient Lever and plain Watches Chains* Avals and Keys Ladies’ Watches, Chains, Seals and; Keys' Pearl Karnßings, Finger-Rings •> Brace)eti, Breast Pius ■< Miniature Cases, Corral Dressing Cases vVmk Boxes Silver Tea Setts, « Plated Castors and Candlesticks With a great variety ol Watches, Jew elry, Btc. Dec. 17 If The Subscriber, OFFERS FOR SALE', 300 Bags and Bids. GreCti Coffee 6 Pierces Jamaica do, 100 Bbls. mladclphia Whisky 5 inids. N. -E. Rum 309 Pieces Inverness Bagging 20 Hhds. Piime Sugars ; 2000 Bushels Liverpool SO Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards Casks Col raenar and Sicily Madei * ra Wine 6 Qr. Chests Hyson Ten 9 Tons Shot assorted sizes 6 Tons EbgUsh and Blistered Steel 20,000.1 b. Iron,Swedes and English 15’Kegs Powder. h —ALSO— A General assortment of DRY GOODS, . ON CONSIGNMENT. T\fenty-seven Packages assorted Cutlery k Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms, S. KNEELAND. September 13 Saddlery. ML. WHITE, Market-Square, • Savannah,has on hand and .will be receiving, a general assortment of S ADDLERY, inanpfaotured by TdJ W. Morgan, New-Vorllf warMAled made in the best manner and to suit th<s ( inarket, which are offered wholesale- and retail, at a small advance from the New-York chargcs. Savznnah, Dec. 25 1m * r JAS. WOODROW ' • v - & Co. r. ' , "have just RECEIVED, A FRESH SUPPLY OF Co imerpanes nitil Betl Quilts, . v AI.SQ OF LOW PafcKD Ha mb izrtts and Cullicoes, &c. I - W ch with a very extensive Stock of GOODS f > ".nerfy advertised, they now offer for ale on the lowest terms. ALSO FOR SALE, . Bills on London and Glasgow. January S ti LN ADDITION . •'TTO an extensive assortment of goods, i already on hand, die subscribers ave just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the following Articles which tlrey offer for sale on mode • rate, terms : 15 trunks Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and Bombazetts . 1 Bby 10 50 boMsCtwn Glass, > 9by H V J 10 by 12 20 crate* Porter Bottles # Sliol A I.cad. Sheet «y J loop Iron, Casting I Table Salt, itc. %*■ I ALSO. . j 10 barrels Linseed Oil • 8 cases Looking Glassed, assorted ] 4 <Jn. Fine Whitell<nam& VN oni flats 200 pieces -Inverness Cotton Bagging SO tegs Dupont & co's FF & F.F.F. * i Gunpowrler. Edward Quinn & Co. July 19, i ts T|IK tjGBSCRMiERS . Are Now Receiving J Y ALES London Duffii llla’d.cts ® Ditto assorted 7.4 t<> 10-4 Hose Do.,extra size>§* quality for family use 1 Hale handsomely assorted Cussimcres 1 Crsc elegant MarsmUqs Bed spreads I Ditto newest fashioned Ribbons . ' Ditto-real English Sewing Silks egiuit Merino and Cassiniere Shawls, - the above, together with a number o - trer artiedes'now -receiving, which wil %uke our Slock again very complete, w> 'ffer at Wholesale aird Retail on ol i Jsual terms, ‘ ' . ; —Also, on Consignment— . ; , 2 Package* assorted Jlartlware., forsale at a amall advance on tfie stei lots on accommodating terms. yWilliam feims, tjf ; Oo. Dcceml>Qr 6. ts J. W. Bridges, ' ~ 1* now— AND OPENING, An Extensive Assortment, CONSISTING OF, Hiitislri French, India, and Do - , mestic DRY GOODS A L S O A General Assortment of , Hardware and Cut lery. LIKEWISE ~ i A Complete Supply of GROCERIES. * HirWtock is wetensive and eonipleU and,Will be offered at wholesale and re tail, on his *< usual low and atcomuoda ting terms.” Bills on Ne October 11 ts Elegant Ladies’ Head Ornaments Suitable for Operas and Balls, FUST RtCEIVKD BV J. Guimarin. 2d’ door below the City-Hotel. December S-7 The Sulfscrihers MAYING purchased the Stock in trade of Bown, Tb.v.v & co. will can y on tljp business at the same store, under the firm of Pbsn 4* Jackson. tret have now on hand ——A General Assortment of- Groceries, fyc . Titpmas 11. Penn, Wm. Jat * on. - '•January 3 *f Just Received, ; .; ’ 2 Razees, for two Horses • ' 2 Carriages , £ Gigs. ~ Which will be sold low for Cash, bv B. PICQUET. FOR SALF., Bills on N. York. Ocfofier 1 H . I r* .. \" ■- * ■*’ ' '1 he Subscribers Haretnterul into Copartnership under the of Edney 6? Lewis. nj’ttlEY have taken the starfd former- B iv occupied by Mr. John Logan, three doors above Messrs. Lougstrpet 4‘ Harrison, where they have Just Received a liamhome Assortment oi' 1 Dry Goods , 1 ' AND GROCERIES, Vjhich will he disposeilof low for Cash, Town Acceptances, at a 1 liberal credit, _• ( —Among Uhich are- London ftufiill, three ami three and It half Point and Ruse Blankets, -’lothsvand Casslmeres assorted, 1 White and blue Plains, Carpeting, Hearth Rugs, Flag and BandanVie ilandkorchiefs, i risk Linens, Long Lawns, Furniture Fringe, . ■ Merino Shawl, and Scarfs, Angola Shawls and Tippets, Calicoes, Cotton and i.inen Caiubricks r , / assorted, ...... Plain 'and Figured Mudins, Janton Crapes, assorted colors, ilnsiery, - , Toilnrt and Cotton Vestings, Hombazettes, . Sewing and changeable colorctl silks, Silk Veils, , A f-arge and elegant silk-Shawls, inlishury Flannel, , * Steam Loom Shirting, Brown Holland, )jl Cloths, Linen Diaper, Tortoise Shufl Combs, &c. &c. - ■ 1 ALSO . Several Casks of Hardware «r Cutlery .amaica and Muscovado Sugar in hhds and barrels, Forty B in eL N. E. litim, hiiadt'lphia Whiskey in Barrels, Apple Brandy in ditto, Tree casks Trace Chains, \!so—A few dozen German Flutes. As every article of Dry Goods com msing the assortment Have been import 'd this fall, we can venture to say that ■ e Khali soil as low as they can be peb-' ured in this place. - . John M. Eilney, Wm.J: Lewis. Novernb f, r °6, 1 ts John W. Read, * t the Brick Star# recently occupied hu Messrs J it. Weathers & Vo. * upper end of Broadest reel, HAS FOR SALE, 5 Puncheons 5 ditto W. I. Rum 12 hhds. ami 25 bbls. N. E. ditto 10 ditto and 20 ditto Muscovado Su gar - 10 bbls. Loaf ditto 70 casks patent Cut Nails 10 tons Swedes and Russia axe, wag gon and plantation Iron 10 ditto Bur Lead 50 boxes Chelmsford 8 by 10 window Glass 10 bags Pepper 50 boxes brown Soap 40 casks Cheese 5 boxes Spermaceti Candlea 00 s**ts Measures 150 small blue 'Grindstones 10 half bbls. N-o. 1 Salmon 150 reams wrapping Paper 2 tons assorted Castings Chests Ist quality Hyson Tea 12 patent Balances, weighing from 300 to 1500 lbs. ', . 30 dozen Bed Cords 50 ditto Leading Lines 10 ditto Wood Cocks 30 boxes New-Ark Cider 50 ditto Bloom Raisins ' 10 ditto Hose Soap - • A fcw half bbls. extra, quality Mess , Beef, for family use 10 qr. casks Sherry M ine. ‘ Dec. 31 cop-1w Just Received On Consignment, «> n assorted Crockery -sH.I Ware, which will be aold ery lo>v bv N December 31. ts A Hogshead of Tobacco mark ed C. VV.—323, 1304, l*o> 1 \7* nett. 4 |TA." Landed in Savannah (< om the V ▼ Boat Constitution, on the 2t;th nit. which the owner can have, by pro ving property, and paying charges, application to G, B. Tiamar. Jan. 7 o Jl .-- V 1 ‘ " Tins fsumpjtm&jHs ■. Have entered into Copnrtnsrahip iindw the firm of Felix G. Gibson $ Co Ami are now receiving &ri Kxten sive assort merit of British , French f India Sf Domestic v DllV GOODS, ~-±~:hlso IIARB WARE & CUTLERY, AND.'; A General Assortment of GROCEtIIES, ' , • 7" *6 All of which will bo sold low and on ' accommodating terfhs Bills of Exchange On New* York & Butyp for sale . ' ; Felix ♦ (/lbs n, , . VVillkun' j. Gilbert. October .29, ts Jacob Dan for til, - ■ Has JMt Received, at bin Store iA Hvoad-S/reef, A General assortment of Db* Gyooa, Gmcerits, Hard Ware, A , - Cutlery and ■ Crockery W are. •*■ . * Also, a long* .dssortmmt of Men’s, Women’s and ( ->' vd an Kieg ih' Supply if Northern homespun, and Five Boxes liafs, asHO|ied. The whole' of which wilt -obi tlie most reasonable term-.f--4)e • ! continues his Mail iflanufactory,an ;• on hand a sspply of nails'of all d/. iff h s oisaJns’ Kernred, * 12 Haw-Mill Cranks Ar Stii » i of the most Substantial kind, ap.* ■>. . workmanship. , ?■’ . November 8 1 t! JACOB mNFomu " • . ttW ■ GV.omih w. SVTUi-. T "J AYR formed i coooh;ion to , 11 at «he uppermost sro. .-., ,f y - north Broaif-stree.i '■ ‘ * erll jie conducted I- tii> tt liEOItGE vi, BUII M f • I'luif lh:ve on herd • gene d *r nvHt vl ; • f Dry Good* and i*rocra> Cut Nails,' Hardware ami Crock* Which tiny vvili > dispo? ,i lowest terms ImvCailiy -oy-o country produce, on. the •* (crips; *'■ Nov -in- • ■■. * Medical ‘*'cv Lottery | #■ Mu Any - Higbut Cm Orawing.tocoionscni'v <. / • ' York on fi'C t>t- I 'luy - * ' . Hipest Tiit < ■. • i W 80,000 lr »of 10.000 VI 0 2 t»f A|)!>o n • 2of 8,00a) •'■••• 2of 2,000 d ; lO of COOO diU" 10 of 500 dfut. 10 of 200 « itto 50 of • 400 < : 0 100 of 50 <l t ? v fflth a great mribbet o< sevd. " pr' Not two blanks to a pri?< . , Tickets and Halve- fir sd- bv m, ‘ Frauris, i’hriu ... . -llaT>o- Willard’s faterriTiu>c Pieces, tiigiit Clocks with nVtion faces. Patent Lever aad Ploin Silver tV aiciics, Jewelry any! Silver Ware. Plated and Biilantiia Tea setts, Plated Castors, t'cndlrstjeks. ftje. W r atcbesJk Clocks of all fciqtls re* paired at the shortest .December Ct). N O'ice The subscriber will sell if -"• nppliviit :,, n is wade Thfiec or Four Hundred Hides. , H. A^Tyr.. Bec?mljer ?7 ■ ts - . -** ,'C ■'• •jg ' : ‘fi m «• j 0 > s . V