Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, September 28, 1820, Image 1

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hignsta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. ftvOn. XXXIV] THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, issu [No. lU3(.] <^«WW | P | W I ! B W A Wi»*»Kc * ■ ■ " THE J ■rcindc £5 aajcttc, ' IS PU»U*BKD k SATURDAA ■ jifOßNlJips* H - iioyckisik & CHATir/rny, ofthe I.aviof the United Slatci, ■ #iX lIOI.LtIIS nil AIfNUN, ■ 7 V jnV.IVCK , ■TiTgusta iior-tuiiii ■ .wd I GLASS ■v.UMi STORK ■utiscriber is now receiving ami ■„; Xt and will continue to receive Be Fall and Winter months, at his Bicou’s Brick Building, near the R c . M’lulosh-street, leading from Mun i & Hargrave's ■ CORNER STOKE, m-r.L’U. assortment ®f Irogrert m auA China Ware, ■ -CONsrSTmo OF ft. handsomely assorted mih Crockery , and Is fijTieYCcß alt Glass I Ifivrc, ftU-l to suit the G. irgia k Wes which he otters for sale at a Kcc He is now opening in order Hose purchasers who wish to have Huh repact — ft Printed Liverpool ■ Ware—Also, meled Cups Saucers, ■ every .description and size. ft, Bowls, Mugs and I Pitchers, ■different qualities and sizes. ■ ALSO ■ A set of Elegant Iniah’tl Gold China, ■ iperior quality—consisting of la, Coflec & Desert Set ■ Complete—Likewise ftre China Tea Sets, Bus figures, neatly put up in box Bit' which he ofiFers for sale at the Btice.l prices for cash, or approved Bcebtanccs. ftViilia.ll 11. Oakman. |er 25. 12t I T>.—The subscriber ■v requests those who are indebted Bite firm of Erwins, Oakman, k Co. B forwa-d and settle their accounts Bn, (who alone is authorized to set s' business) as further indulgence Be granted. ■William 11. Oakman. ft'Jer 2d. 12m I Ju t Received . B '• Bbh. best white wine Vinegar B igs best quality of Green Coffee B‘uls. prime Jamaica Sugar I ALSO Basks best London particular Tene- Bne. § th»>r former assortment they now t sale low, for cash. • Tardy Son. AND LOAF, WGARB, '■Hs Superior St. Croix Sugar, ''‘l ,B ' B - Muscovado do. s. tlonole ite/ined Loaf, do. napon. ? Butter, Sale by ft* Malone, 23. A (BAHID LIE subscriber lias LAW OFFICE to his ,n t> on t'tsifiif Street, where hi ■aynevally found, and itis profess*, ‘■i-vs commanded. ft IS NT, ’til tbc 30 tli 1 ‘ n '- x Mh': house at present oc >'il*?cvibrr l situated on i J,' *, a :,r, *(t(»y and desirable ** ,1 ~r ' I»wt*«»wbn given on '■ u <y of June. , N icholas Ware. "' ,1 * if Por Mule, , —'it London made PIANO ■' “Uo one of second hand. W. linn. ,n r ? —1 "*• nro nufbnrUed .i!T* ‘ if|l “*» ' I.AMK, .h|V 1 voiigr, ,_n tl|> jtnuiug f. "*J»L .'*p»*l.| C MANSION HOUSE I HR Subscribers bavo taken a large ami commodious House at the cor. ne.i of Green and Mclntosh Streets; which is now opened for the re cep ton of company It is situated in the most pleasant part of the Xovrii, uiui no pains will be spared to render the establishment worthy the oat ? ronage of the Public. Rooms will be fitted up in superior Style for the accommodation of families, as well as single rooms for gentlemen. The proprietors of this establishment have endeavored to combine ele gance with convenience. They flatter themselves their TABLK and BAH will not be excelled by any in the Southern country. They have also prepared in an airy situation large new Stables' and safe Carriatrf Houses. ® Those who are fond of good living, airy, new and clean Rooms and Beds, and kind treatment) are respectfully invited to call and iudse foi themselves. J e> n N '. ft* T ™7 keeping a Livery Stable, and win be provided wit Larnagts, Horses and an approved Ostler. Young & Me Keen. January 22 HLtVBE /CSftt TAVKi IN. ~ fE subscribers have taken for anum >cr of years, a lease of this well known anu commodious estublisiimeut. Situated m the very centre of the city, it offers pe cujiar ad vantages both to regular and trail- | sient boarders From the long experience I 'ey have had in their line of business, they ■latter themselves to be able to render their house fir private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern States. Their TABLE will be furnished with the best provisions the market can Lord, and their Bah with the choicest Liquors. Particular attention will be paid to cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and th«’y pledge 1 honiselves that indecent or indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in their house. Their are furnished with the Lest of provender, and with faithful and at tentivc hostlers. As the proprietors con. template to make the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su perintcndance, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, that por tion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus tomer* may entille them to. Wiiliam G. Grimes, William Shannon. September 10. . ts Notice. ■ T IO _ .X HE subscriber will give liberal wages *<’ ii man 'bat ran come recommended to hi lione«V, industrious and sober, to take chaige of a Saw hiki tl■ ist Mills, 5 miles a beve Pctei'obui-g, Broad Uiver, Geo. w. Hohinson. t 'cn‘ ! 12 wSf ■ r pJ n To the Tier tors oj‘ Rich mond County. 80MF. Fvien'd (More officious than pru dent) has without my knowledge or consent, taken the unwarrantable Liberty of publidy announcing me as a candidal e fiir the very honorable ami respectable of. lice i.f becoming one of your Ucprcsen truiv. sin the State Legislature. To serve uic’ii country either in field or cabinet, is u*e duly <if every good citizen—Vet in 'lie selection of such citizens, wisdom should direct the choice. I feel a plossue i i assuring my worthy fellow voters ilia ’ I believe there aro those on nomination tow, win* will, if elected, do tlo-m Justice. I tlioi'cforo beg leave to withdraw from tlie contest, P, WtP.sqPTT. N. I), llol*s"•Slloein , ' and Hitiillis work i g' fu rul, dony at short notice at my •hop im ar Le-uli sntLl.ynis. P. P. Be pi. 13. iVHIC. BI’HT ree#|vcd a»§ri<ty es %| 1/fllfO for . tt# tbii Piuio PmiQ, T f* lly I A Pi 'U’wi’i Hi 1,l * Engle Tavern. I And Savannah Stage Office i rpilE partnership of Whipple & Booth X of the Eagle Tavern ami Savannah Stage Office, being this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by the said firm .will be paid by said Whipple, and all debts due lo th/fc firm are to be collected by him only. Jes“c Whipple, I). S. Booth. N. 15. The house will atill be contiu ue as formerly, by the subscriber. J. Whipple. may 15 EAGLE IPA7ERSI, MMm RESUSCITATED!!! « CALL AND SEE.” TBAVELLEUS and the I'unlic in gen e.ial,are respectfully informed tliat the a heve House is opened for the reception of company. It is situated on the most pub lie street in the Town of WASHINGTON, Wilkes County. But few houses have su perior accommodations. ramifies travelling can always he ac commodated with a suit of Booms hand somely furnished—The lander will always h<* stored with the best the Markets af fords, the Bar stocked with the choicest of Liquors, and the Stables well supplied and attended. NB. fuw regular Boarders can *»• genteel) ♦ itidedfor os moderate terms Wuuhnifilon, County, Geo. > .lugunL Id, UI2O. J tff The Augusta Chronicle will giv the above four insertions, once a wee), and Mud their ocoouut to this office so payment. August 1.l —w4t VOESAMS. • l iiT II wheeled Cosr.hrr, *|eslfin< i 4 ly iii 'h-snd of the very best ms'an I sis, <4<ilihui > 'l ima plated Imrtu-M Ter** wdl h«i oiuiierst*. Apply at tins ollW u llsy iu, tr imMok FOR SA -E. OX TKK A\tftT\uvM?v Mver, Hjtbe siiMcriber WHO T : INLY Authorized C* Empowered TO SKLL TIE SAME. viz/ TVwve tv act a or most/vluable Hj ft 2) S 0 As/111.1.0 Wh, One Tract at Cljfkes Bluff, 10 miles a bove Dai'ieu./outainlwg 3546 acres. One'Tract, an /land, in the narrows, Al tninalia rive/24 miles above Clstkes Hhiiii conl*tniug 400 acres, and known by theftstfoi of Williams* Field. One Tract, containing 750 acres, 4 miles above Williams’ Field, known by tiie name ofMLchem’s Field. The ityve are supposed to be three of as fine trlcts of laud, as any on the Altn mahft rivir, they will be sold at private salt any timefrom the dale hereof, until tin 10th cl ay Dec. next, when if not sold they will be sbsolutely sold at Public Auction, at Mijlccgcville. Any person inclined to purcliast either of the above tracts of laud, may I e most particularly informed of every thin;; respecting them by applying to the subsiriber, in Augusta. James A. Young, Mansion House Hotel, Jhtg'ustn. -nv 23 «ys«— — ~~ '**" I *' '•'** 1,1 ■ ■■ " i in'■ ■ ■ Jv>a\ Va>\vV to Uvo ' HOKTS SNT/ A STAGE \tJ ILL leave EOgofield fJourt-Ilousc every WEDNESDAY MOKNING, after the arrival of the Augusta ‘'Mage—and will proceed, by Cambridge, Utuon, York, Salisbury, f JV. C J to Fredericksburg , (~ Virg J —Tills is the shortest, best ami cheapest road to Washington—Stage Fare after the first 30 miles, 8 cents. August 17 16t Notice is Hereby Given To all ny Crednoiv, THAT I have made application to the honorable the Justices ofthe Inferior Cou»(. of Uichmond County, for the benefit ofthe several Acis of the State of Georgia, passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and that they have appointed the 20lh day of Oct. next, for the examination of my cas. at which time my said creditors will please attend at the Court-House of said county, to shew cause, (if any they have,) wh) tin* said Inferior Court should not extend to me the benefits ofthe said acts, and 1 be released from my present confinement. W. A. WALSH. August 19 tC The Creditors oi E, K. Biu.ixns & Co. as well as those oi Alfhkus C. Bicunos, are hereby moslre spi.eifully notified, that Alpheus C Kil lings, now confined in the common jail of Uichmond county for debt—has applied to the honorable the Inferior Court of Uichmond county, for the benefit of the several ac‘» ofthe slate of Georgia passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors—and that the said Court has appointed Friday the 20th day of October next, to consider whelherthe prayer ofthe applicant shall be granted. They are therefore,here by summoned to appear at the Court House of Uichmond County, Geo, on that day, to shew cause, (ifany they have) vrhy the said Alpheus C. Hillings, should not be discharged from his confinement. ALPHEUS C. KILLINGS. August 19 ts Notice is hereby Given. To all my Creditort npiIAT I have made application to the 1. Honorable the Justices of the Ipfen or Court of Uichmond County, for the be nefit of the Several Acts of the Slate of Georgia, passed for the relief of insolvent lebtors, and that they have appointed tin 2911 i day of October next, lor the exam nation of my case, at which time n»> ad creditors will please attend atilt" C'.urt House of said County, to shew caul*. f any they have,) why the said inferior > o.irt, should not extend to me the bene it of said Acts, and I be released from my iieicot confinement, D ANIEL CLEMENTS. August 19 ——ts TO UK NT, V DWELLING house on the corner* llii mid Centre Streets. For terms up q W JoM*p)i Muons llpfi'itilt Ibe tUmktl. lept. 21*—tf CTLAW. T i. IIP. public are informed tlmt . have taken iry nephew, Thouas Flournoy Walls, Esq. into partnership in •be practice of l.nw, V'e shall be able to do business in If# utilities of ' Hancock, # W;tmn, Lincoln, Columbia, Butfke, Scriveti, Richmond and the Major’d Court. When not absent at the Court*, tfm bn sines* will be attendee! to in nil its brniuMieft it their Ossie on Centre Street, South of ilit* market. Thomas Flournoy. March'93 * t p *Mre Unglues. WM. C. 11 CINEMA N, INFORMS tlw public, tliut be continues to Manufacture his PATENT FIRK ENGINES, avid lias made a;ul sold sixty one of Ihcin, vi/. ; — •Ho the town of ilos- 1 (In ton, 1 do Pawtucket, ur. 1 do Nantucket, 1 do Troy, • ? do Hath, 1 do Private United 2 do Newbury, States, I do Ipswich, I do Chesapeake, 2do Marblehead, Ido Macedonian, 4 do J.ynn, 1 do Independence I do Arundel, • 74, I do Heading', 1 do Washington 74 1 do Newton, 1 do Navy Yufd, at 1 do Brunswick, Portsmouth mi 1 do Titp.sbam, Ido do Charles I do Eastport, to ■ n, 1 do Aitieshury I do Worcester, 2 do Portland, I do Gardiner, I do Fort Irdcpen- I do It idge water* deuce, 3 do Uoxmiry, Ido Petersburg,Va Ido Salem, Ido Amherst,N. H. 1 <lo Cincinnati, Oi 1 do Windsor, Vl. 2 do Augusta, Geo. 1 do Montpelier, Vt 2 d<* Savannah, GeO 1 do Hallowed, 3 do Washington, I do Gloucester, 1 do West Point, 1 do Cotton Facto- 2 do Concord, N.II ry, Wall ham, Ido Malden. I do Northampton, One ot these Engines was tried in tha town with another Ki ginc belonging to I *be town; —the Patent Engine, with 2 live inch chambers, threw 7 > gallons of water , >3.3 feet in 24 seconds; the. ope belonging iloliie town, and selected for t ie pnrj esc with 2 si)f‘inch chamber*’, was 43 second, (Inowing the same quantity oi water 110 feet We, the "uhsenbers, Firewafds of tha town of Poston, attended at the trial of one Ww C. Hi’nnema.Vs Fins F.xkinm, and do certify the above statement to be correct. .IONA. COKING, .103, AUSTIN, TURNER PHILLIPS, JOS. LOVEItiGN JOHN MACKAY. Uj* Orders for the PATENT FIRE ENGINE, addressed to WM. C. HUNNE MAN, No, 31 Union-street, l.loslon, or his Manufactory in Roxbury, will be executed in the best manner. March 11 mdm Wanted, \ba. JAerclaanloblc miLOaDW rp . JL O be delivered within sixty days, f.ip which Twenty Ceuta pet piiuml will ba given, by tlie subscriber, on delivering the same at the Manufactory, north side Hroad-slreet, five doors below the Mar ket . M. Payne. August l7- -~w4t The HubscrlUer AVTNGdccline*' the laborious part of Practice "f and having re ceived tlie appoiufiunt f AUCTIONEER, For the Town of Washington, offers bis services in that 11 ranch of Business, to his friends, and tlie [inlitic generally. Having provideohimßclfwith conveni ent Store Rooms, lie is now ready to re ceive GOODS Os any description, on Commission, with orders to dispose oi them at Auction, or otherwise; and pledges himself to pay cv ry attention to the interest of his custom ra- il' fcrcncc to any of the inhabitants of Washington. Gilbert Hay. H'aaMnfflon, U'ilhea Comity, Geo > Jluffual H, 182 U (J CI T The Augusta Chronicle and Savan* c*ih Republican, will p»i,li»h th<- above ad triisement oner a week so» four we eks, <1 forward their aocounU to this office or payment. August U-—-v-tt TO iusm\ i< I 1115 fIOUfIR and |,OT at present oc. nine I hy Mes-rs, Mayre It f;., un | Hut wu iid'ioining Ituiidiiig The stand for luslnen is CO aidsri d q.ial to anv in thy •ly, and two of the lenenienih arc «uita* le fur stores ami dw>lln (’*■ -| , o»stssion >n he had on the Ist, of October next. For Isrn»# apply to tlie subs' i he r on thn 'ami Hills, or Mr. Jo oi Caslnn in Aogna a. GKAVLd. nnnliif‘ Angus', 51V,——tit