Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 05, 1820, Image 1

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Liigusta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. THU USD AY MORNING. OCTOUKH ft. 1820. [N». Ulil.J Ihronßte $ ■ It> pCBUBKIO ■silAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY ■ morxlvgs, It Kkax, DI'TCKrWCK & CHXTIJ.TOV, t, Wl enof.l«U« 0 f the United State., ft AT SIX 10M.AH8 I'EK ANNUM. | ixjnr.irrK I JvgvsTa. ciutckery I a.nd I GLASS I wAHK STORE ft,. cMDscviber is now receiving and Inning, and will Continue to reonve ■ j.i.. fall and Winter months, at Ins R vlicou’s Brick. Budding, the ■o ne -in M’lntosh street;leadm o fron Ifctrart ft? Hargrave's ■ CORNER STORE, |r verm assortment ot It ROCKERY Lge and CA\\na Ware, I -cossisTiNtf «r handsomely assorted I? vith Crockery , and oi DYass I ifare, ft selected to suit the Georgia & Wes ■Markets, which he offers for sale at a Kdvance He is now opening in order Kit those purchasers who wish to have ft Goods repact— llue Printed Liverpool I Ware —Also, I ameled Cups § Saucers, I Os every description and size. fetes, Bowls, Mugs and | Pitchers, I Os different qualities and sizes. I ALSO I A feoi set of Eleffnut Burnish’d Gold China, If a superior quality—consisting of [Tea, Coftee & Desert Set I Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, various figures, neatly put up in box Lull of which he offers for sale at the I reduced prices for cash, or approved In acceptances. | William 11. Oakman* Ictober 25. 12t IN. B.—The subscriber lieitly requests those who are indebted Ihe late firm of Erwins, Oakrnan, & Co. ,ie forward and settle their accounts hi him, (w!i« alone is authorized to set ■their business) as further indulgence (not be granted. I William 11. Oakrnan. November 26. 12m Just Received. bhls. best while win& Vinegar ■25 bags best quality of Green Coffee I 6 hhds. prime Jamaica Sugar I ALSO 140 casksnestLondon particular Tent s: Wine. p ith their former assortment they nor. er for sale low, for cash. Tardy £3 Son. March 14 HIOvVN AND LOAF, SUGARS, ■ Barrels Superior St. Croix Sugar, v* lids. Sc 20 Ills. Muscovado do. 25 Bis.double Refined Loaf, do. S tjJ Bacon Beggs of Huncomb Butler, For Sale by R. .J 5 . alone. Uav, 20. AND Commission Uusiness. ‘0 siihscib-T returns thanks for ito.’iige at heretofore recoiv- din th *7' business, and informs is frn.rn. I 'e public that he is ow enlarging in situated ai the upper end _ which Wii! he in con,pi. -r fur the rec ptior. of Cotton, a ■ J? °y hi» attention id merit a share patronage. J. Jhishti Ho2\. w6w J i'Kuii) Fortes, ON H\M>. riKn os TH uitbU. ,Tp vw will keep hereafter, . ,MU! " supuh of EM.VO FORTES li), b 0 ®* Ei.7fuh and American mak t tt , ,‘ e W *H se 'd low for Cash or go “*a Acceptances. A. Picujuet. Pelix G (jibmu's ii Co ■ e rttmbcr 7- MANSION' HOUSE * HE Subscribers have tak n a large and commodious House at, the cor nea of Green and Mclntosh which is now opened for the re cep ion of company it is situated in the most pleasant part of (be Town, hd no [runs will be spared to render the establishment worthy the pat ronajr. of the Public. Rooms will be fitted up in superior Sty le for tie accommodation o ( lamilms, as well as single rooms for gentlemen. The proprietors of this establishment have endeavored to combine ele ganct* with convenience. They flatter themselves their T.AHLK and BAl» will not be excelled by any in the Southern country. They have ais.i prepared in an airy situation large new Stables and safe Camag Houses. Those who arc fond of good living, airy, new and clean Rooms ami Beds, and kind treatment, are respectfully invited to ccjl and judge so: .themselves. N. B. They intend keeping a Livery Stable, and will be provided wit Carriages, Horses and an approved Ostler. Young & Me Keen. January 22 . I jp v HE subscribers have taken for a num ber of years, a lease of this well known and commodious establishment. Situated m the very centre of the city, it offers pe culiar advantages both to regular and trun uent boarders Prom the long experience hey nave had in their line ofbuslness, they 'alter themselves to be able to render dieir house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern "•‘tales. Their TABLE will be furnished y ith the best provisions'the market can tford, and their Bar with the choicest Liquors. Particular attention will be paid 'o cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and they pledge themselves that indecent -r indecorous behaviour of any kind'will never be tolerated in their house. Their Stables are furnished with the • est of provender, and with faithful and at ; entire hostlers. As the proprietors con- Mnplate to make the GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su •erintepdance, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, that par ion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus • imers may entitle them to. WUliam G. Grimes, Will am Shannon. i September 10. ts The V i ‘att\ee of U\c ikaWo • ».7 HE v.ihscribep respectfully offers his (■f.-vji'-nal services i« bis friends and ue public in general as Attorney and Counsellor at Law; and hopes by inde- , 'i.rble application to iiis profession, to u.-et a lib: cal share of public patronage. Claims deposited in ids bands for col >ciio'i will b* promptly attended to : aud -v eflbr’. made to advance Hie interest I his rf-uts. He may b seen at the Law Office of Col Nicholas Ware, and is professional services cor ; tti:iitdc‘d. (’hurlcs Garter. sept. 26 3;. LA W OFFICE. at 8 HE subscribers have formed a con io iin the various branch-s of profes tnai bus l ness, under the firm of Rocit- Hepiutks They will attend to any "! sines* confi led to them in the following .unties, viz; — ftahlv/in, Jasper, H i'kinsou, Jove*, Hancock, Hulu Li, 04 .Morgan, Washington, Laurens, (Jre cue, Twiggs, And also in th 6th Circuit Court of the uilcd Stall's Samuel Rockwell , Joseph L. Hepburn, j pi 21 f i BLANKS For sale at this Office- Eagle Tavern. Anct Savannah Stage Office THE partnership of Whipple & Booth of the Eagle ! avert; and Savannah Stage Office, being ibis day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts diu by th. said firm will be paid by said W hippie, and all debts due to the firm afe to b. collected b’' him only. , r t Jcß«e Whipple, I). S. Booth. N. B. The liottse will still be contiu fit as formerly, fay the subscriber J. VV hippie, may 16 FOR SALE. ON THE A\taiualm Wvver, Bjthe subscriber WHO IS DULY Authorized & Empowered TO SELL THE SAME. viz. Three Tracts OF MOST VALUABLE Oa & S 3 ID So AS POLLOWh. One Tract at Clarkes Bluff, 10 miles a bove Darien, containing 3546 acres. One Tract, an Island, in the narrow s, AI tamaha river, 24 miles above Clarke* Bluff, containing 400 acres, and know by the name of Williams’ Field. One Tract, containing 750 acres, 4 mih above Williams’ Fieid, known by t). name of Miudiem’s Field. The above are supposed to be three o* as fine tracts of land, as any on the Alta maha river, they will be sold at private sal any time from the date hereof, until th 10th day Dec. next, when if not sold th* will be absolutely sold at Public Audio at Milledgeville. Any perimn inclined t purchase either of the above tracts of lau I may be mosrparticularly informed of ev; j I thing respecting them by applying to th j subscriber, iu Augusta. James A. Young. Mansion House Hotel, Augusta. rsay 2? I Ill'll ■■■ I IH.I !■■■■■ ■Notice is Hereby Given To all my Creditors, 1 HAT I have made application to the honorable the Justices oft he Inferior Court of Richmond Coil \, fertile benefit of the social Ac s of tie S'Mr of Georgia, passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, ami that tnry have appointed the 20lh day of net. next. For the < xui.ination of my eas a. which time niv said creditors will phase (trend at l ie C mrt-House of said county, o shew emse, (ifai.y they have.) why the >nid Inferior Court should n»t extend ♦«» no the benefits oftliesai'i acts, and I b' ivleased flout my present coufi 110111011', W. A WAI.SU An ny. I 19 rs • The Credito/s of R. It. Bil.lisos 1'; Co. ..s well as those 01 ilpukuslC. Billinub, are hereby most re spectfully notified, that Alpheus C Bil lings, npw confined in the common jail f Hichnjond county for debt—lus applied to the honorable the lufßrior Court of Richmond county, sot Uie benefit of the several acts of the state of Georgia passed for the relief of Insolvent Debtors—and that.the said Court has appointed Friday the 20l!i day of October next, to consider whether the prayer of the applicant shall be granted. They are therefore, here by summoned to appear at the Court House of Richmond County; Geo. on that day, to .obew cause, (if any they have) w hy ■the said Alpheus C. Billings, should not be discharged fmm his confinement. ALPHEUS C. BILLINGS, August 19 ts .Notice is hereby (liven. To all my Creditors THAT I have made application to the Honorable the Justices ot the Inferi or Court of Richmond County, for the be nefit of the Several Acts of the State of Georgia, passed for ihe, relief of insolvent debtors, and that they have appointed the 20th day of October next, for the exam ination of my case, at which time my sa'd creditors v ill please attend at the Court House of said County, to shew cause (if any they have,) why the said inferior Court, should not extend to me the bene fit of said Acts, and I be released from my present confinement, DANIEL CLEMENTS, gust 19 ts TO KENT, j\ DWELLING house on .the corner o Ellis arid Centre Streets. For terms ap ply to Jose ph M ore, Opposite the Market, Sept 2t ** WL(at>mp / G. L. COLMr.SXfi,, Re'-PKCTPUI LY informs the Ladies a. .; Gentlemen of iigustutuid its vicinity, that he will opt n Ins J). UNCI 1(J AC A DEMY, in Green. Street, on Sat him 1 liu 14ih of October, u xl.and will contin ue to receive Scholars until.ffie List of Jan nary, IH2I Parents and Guardians win will favor li.m with 'he tuition of tli'di Children, m.iy rcsi assured, that no pauu will be spared in h i ging them forward in the polite accomplishment of Dane '"B . . ... Mr C. intends declining keeping v Dancing School after this season—the lon price of tuition, and the small number . scholars, for & few months in tint yeai lurdly defray the expenses. Days of Tuilioh. The Day School to be opened even, Saturday, from 9 to 12o’clock A. M. and from 3 to sunset. —The Night School wifi be opened every Monday and Thursday from 7 to 9 o’clock , Price of Tuition. Ten DolLrs per Quart, r for the Du\ •r.hool, and Eleven for the Night School lobe paid in advance No bchollar lakei lor less h 1 a quarter. and Gentlemen who mat wish to take private Lessons in Dancing Mr C. will be happy to wait upon tbeu at their hous. s, or attiic Dancing Acad* ;oy on Gre* 11 Street. '1 \v 1 2' io 2' ' WO Tenements on the North side n*l upper end of Broad -street g. od stai d oi business, aud calculated for comfbitabl atndy reside**c<-a, at present occupied b> I. C. Morgan 8a Giles Griswold—for terms pplyto ( liver Reed, or Jiime.s Myers September 26 w4t 'Lo Rent. jV HE DWF.LI.ING HOUSE on Ba red, at present occupied by Thus II i’« nn. also, Two Stands in Bridge-street, well calculated for lb i,-icery Business For terms apply t. ii. Oliver Heed, or to Thcs, 8. Oliver. Sept. 26 w4t * * We are authorised announce J ASON YVATKINS, a cand .U; for Receive!' of Tax Returns, at th» nsuing election. , _ . August -WMIOrtI.HIIW-IW —mil I ■—■■■■ I ■-■■■■ ,!■—rt To U\e Tub Vic. THE Undcrsig te<l Uke this method to inform their friends a id the public, Hat they cont flue o transact Business it their \V ARE HOUSE in AUGUSTA, as ANU V' ovum\as\oo ,W e vchant ft. Their IV.IRE UOCfSE ami Y/'J/IES ' an ■ in fraud order fur the reception of > Merchandize and oilufrj Produce; Vnu they intend to give the r undivided Attention to the business, and hope by in-- <iustry and prompt atl ntion to all orders, i<> give geiu’i'al satisfaction to those who may favour them with their custom. Me Laws 6| Molt. 03* The Vi .islii gton Nt as, Geenkbo, rough Selector, and MiiledgevilK- Journal, and Uecord r, aie requested to publish the above S times, and forward their ac'tjs. to this office, for pay meul. Sept. 9 8t f i'ottoi Hugging tfc. PIECES tiisi quality COT* TON BAGGING; ISO Coils H t* Hope, made of the . best Russia Hemp, lOOdlbs English Bugging Twine, M.SO Dupont's Gun Powder, er 8c v. For sate hi/ the Subscribe rs, If tv for casj* or '/'own ./Ia eNaucrs A. Mitchell & 8. Clarke. ■S. T )t. 7 . 1-."4n . ~ JO HUNT; Several tenements in Cotton Runge^ eligibly s touted for the purchase of pro duce and the sale of Groceries. J. Jnslnj. Sept 21 \v4w tiv/* 1 L.i W . THE public are informed that' I have taken my nephew, Thomas Flournoy Wall;, Esq. into partnership in the practice of Law V'e shall he able to do business in I C counties of Hancock, Warren, Lincoln, Columbia,, Burke, Scriveu, Uichinond and the Mayor’al Court When not absent, at the Courts, the bu siness will be attended to in all its branches, at their Ossie on Centre Street, South q£ the market Thomas Flournoy. VJ;o r’. <f STUIt.U-ii AM) Cntmuiasinu Business. !|. HE subscribers have taken the Ware ,ouse lately occupied by 11; i.ry Shultz,’ pposite the V» hart, w hich is now in com ,a-te order for the reception of Cotton uni Merchandize. Mackenzie £5 Ponce. tfotober 27 11 Lakkuchc § WuU u, CON INGE THE Factorage & K^onnuiasiori business in savannah, V here id) orders will be prone lyattend - I to. July 7 ts Bank of Attfcuaia, ( iith September 1820, A.S an opinion prevails among many, . iiocut Bank Notes in (WO for the git a. 1 v r security of transmission by Letter, bat 1 the issuers are bound l<* pay the hole of a Note, when only halt thereof i* /rcMluced, the public are hereby informed,' bat in consequence of the serious injury <i which the issues would be exposed, by cli an operation, 1 Lis Bank n ver bus, a-,ddoer not, consider itself responsible for the payment of any of ituftotes, with* „ lt be production of the wlwle, or the lost material parts thereof^ Half Notes, having the signature of the "sident nr Cashier, are entitle !, as here to half *hc value of the entire ote,’ i satisfactory evidence b mg exhibited; i. H , 11,,, presented half has been property •blained. Hv Order. AUGUSTUS MOORE, Cashier. September 12 To Kent, C 1. IIREE tenements next below the „ y Mlel, at present opcupiet. by \iesbi<- ro ’ .-.sell, limes, and M'Lcan, for terms ap ij ’oJ B. Lary or James 11 Labile. —Tus- » -B.on given Ist Octoct r next. Vigust 22 tt (CT To UpiNT—S small . ii tneniaiti VVashington-streei— Posses* ;on tube given tl»*; Ist day of'ktuber. F. V\ lilker. Antrim* 1 AH _1 | - BLANKS For Bale at this Office,