Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 12, 1820, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle & Georgia Gazette. • S* * '* A V „'' .* ft • . [VOJ,. XXXV.] IM ' W*W* e * am * mmmtt *^* "* * THE Cjjronule $ <3ajctrc,_ •f*>- is' TUESDAY, TinmSDAY & SATtHIDAV MORXJXOS, Hr K**w. Dutcktxck 8; Charito*, I'nblithcn oft he Iswtof die United Stain, it SIX IIOU.AIIS PJiH AKHCM, /.v advance. AUGUSTA CROCKERY .IVZI GLASS WARE STORK *ITTE subscriber is now receiving and -I -joenine, and will continue to recrive dnrin/the Fall and Winter months, at Ins Store in Micou’s Brick Building, near the post .Office in M’lntosh -street, leading from Stewart & Hargrave's CORNER STORE, I general assortment of CROCKERY s\as* am\ CViua Ware, -comusTiso ov Grates Handsomely assorted mih Crockery , and Boxes $ Tierces of Glass ffarc, Well selected to suit the Georgia & Wes ens Markets, which he offers for sale at a ow advance He is now opening in order to a* lit those purchasers who wish to have their Goods repact— Blue Printed Liverpool Ware—Also, Enameled Cups $ Saucers , Os every description and size. Plates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. .ALSO - A ft w tet of Elegant Burnish’d Gold China, Os a superior, quality—consisting of A Tea, Coflee & Desert Set Complete—Likewise Lustro China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up in box es—all of which he offers for sale at the most reduced prices for cash, or approved tj'own acceptances. William H. Oakmnn. October 25. 12t N. B.—The subscriber earnestly requests those who are indebted to the late firm of Erwins, Oakman, Si Co. to come forward and settle their accounts with him, (who alone is authorized to set tle their business) as further indulgence t-Simotbe granted. i William H. Oakman. November 26. ' 12m Just Received . © bhls. best white wine Vinegar 25 bags best quality of Green Coffee 6 hhds. prime Jamaica Sugar ALSO 40 casks best London particular Tene rife Wine. With their former assortment they now offer for sale low, for cash. Tardy £5 Son. March 14 | ’brown and loaf, SUGARS. 60 Barrels Superior St. Croix Sugar, 20 His. Muscovado do. 25 Bis. double defined Loaf, do. SOW Bacon. W?gjp* oflluncomb Butter, I Sale by U. Malone. May, 20. ’ AN D Commission Easiness . ♦r -i- HR subscriber returns thanks for the encouragement beret'.‘ore received in the •hove business,, and i'#.irons his friends and the public that be is now enlarging bis Ware. House, situated at the upper end of Broad Street, which will be in complete order fop the reception of Cotton, ami hopes by his attention to merit a share of public patronage. J. Ansley. Sept, 21 ■ wfnv Fiano Fortes, ON HAND. 14*11 U* Til Ml »**• MR NiiHacriber will keep hcrcoAer, a •WUxxt aupply of PIAXO TORTUS afth* liuti English and American make *hml» ),« w ill |nw Cur Cadi Os good ' •‘WM A*Ciqil«t»U». A. PlCiiuet, . 0 THURSDAY MORNING, OCTODBB 12, 1820. • 0 4 MANSION HOUSE !• HE Subscribers have taken a large and commodious House at the cm. nej of Green and Mclntosh Streets; which is now opened for the re cep ion of company. It is situated in the most pleasant part vl the Town, and no pains will be spared to render tltp establishment worthy ihe pat ronage of the Public. Rooms will be fitted up in superior Style for tlv accommodation of tamiliea, as well as single rooms for gentlemen. The proprietors of this establishment have'•ndeavored to combine vie gance with convenience. They flatter themselves their TABLE uml IJAiI will not be excelled hj any in the Southern country. They have als; prepared in an airr situation large new Stables anil safe Carriage Houses. **’ Those who are fond of good living, airy, new and clean Rooms ami Reds, and kind treatment, are respectfully invited to call and judgy foi themselves. N. B. They intend keeping a Livery Stable, and will be provided wit Carriages, Horses and an approved Ostler. Young & McKern. January 22 BIiOTO - I ' TAVERN fp 4A HE subscr'iDcrs have taken for a num her ot years, a lease of this well known and commodious establishment. Situated in the very centre of the city, it offers pe culiar advantages both to regular and tran sient hoarders From the long experience i they have had in their line of business, they , flatter themselves to be able to render their house for private and public accom modation, inferior to none in the Southern States. Their TABLE will be furnished with the best provisions the market can afford, and their Bau with the choicest Liquors. Particular attention will be paid to cleanliness in their rooms and bedding; and they pledge themselves that indecent or indecorous behaviour of any kind will never be tolerated in their house. Their Stables are furnished with the -jest of provender, and with faithful and at tentive hostlers. As the proprietors con template to make Hie GLOBE a permanent establishment, under their particular su perintendanre, they only solicit from their friends and the public generally, that por tion of patronage which their attention to business and to the comfort of their cus lomers may entitle them to. William G. Grimes, William Shannon. Septemberlo. ts TV\e IVacticfc o£ Uwi n —- ,( HE subscriber respectfully offers his professional services to his friends ami '.he public in general as Attorney and Counsellor at I-aw; and hopes by inde fatigable application to his profession, to meet a liberal share of public patronage Claims deposited in his hands for col. lection will be promptly attended to : and every effort made to advance the interest of Id's clients. He may be seen at the Law Office of Col. Nicholas Ware, and Ids professional services commanded. diaries Carter. sept. 26 i —3m LAW UFFICE7 L HE subscriber* have formed a con nexion in the various hrancln-s of profits lional business, under the firm of Home- WKI.L& 11 Knii'ii*. They will attend to any business confided to them in the following counties, viz : IMiMti, Jasper, ItVkinton, J,ne», l/aaruch, J’ulaeki, J Morgan, llashiiifflon, Luit/ent, Until*, T.vygs, \u>| id so in tin- C.ii Circuit Court of the United buds A unnnrl line hr ell, Joseph I, Hepburn. «,„( 2| ts I ftUKKf* Far Hi He ut tW* Oi&W Eagle Tavgrn. And Savannah Stage Ofllct rtUIE partnership of Whipple & Boolii I JL of the Eagle Tavern and Savannah Stage Office, being this day dissolved !>} mutual consent- All debts due by tin said firm will he paid by said Whipple, and all debts due to the firm are to b> collected b*' him only. Jesse Whipple, D. S. Booth. N. B. The house will still be couliu tie as formerly, by the subscriber. J, Whipple. may 16 .n, FOR SALE. OX THE AltamaWa VLWer, B v the subscriber WHO IS DULY Authorized Empowered TO SELL TDK SAME. v /. ’FVvree, Tracts OF MOST VALUABLE 2a & SI ID S /a MILI.OWS. One Trad at Clarkes Bluff, 10 miles a bovc Darien, contain lag 3546arreS. One Tract, an Island, in the narrows, Al tanialia river, 21 miles above Clarkes Bluff’, containing 400 acres, and known by the name of Williams’ Field, One Tract, containing 750 acres, 4 miles above Williams’ FieM, known by the name of Mi idle os’s Field. Th*; above are supposed to be three of ssfine tracts of land, at sny on the Alls mulis river, they will be sold st private w 1 any tune from the dsto henml, until *!• |(All day Deo. next, when if not sold 'be' Mill he absolutely sold at Public Auvtini at MiHeUgeville Any person Inchtu d t pnrrhuse eltherof (be above tracts ol Uni, msy be most psrticnl irly informed of evt-i > llung respecting them by applying ll< l *' i.ubscfibcr, hi Augusta IJiiiiutif A, gH i P * Notice is Hereby Given T<> all rwy HAT 1 have made au])lir:ition to the honoittble the Justices oft he Inlbvior Court of Uicliunind County, fur the b-nefit of tDo several Acs of the :*'.a‘e of Georgia, jiassedfor the belief »'f Insolvctn Debtors, and that they have appointed the ?olh day lift'd, next, for ll\e oxuininat’nm of uty cast at which tints* my said creditors will please attend at the Court-House of said county, to shew cause, (if any they have,) why Hi.- said Inferior Court should nwt extend to me tlur benefits of tile said acts, -and I be released from my present confinement. W. A. WAl.ail. August 19—-ts * Tlu*'Creditors oi E. H. Uiu.iyns 8i Co. as well as those of Au’Uevs C, Biluxub, arc hereby most re apectfully notified, that Alpheus C Bil •ini's, now confined in the common jail of Kichmond county for debt —has applied to tin* honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, for the benefit of the several acts oft he state of Georgia passi d f»• (la* relief of Insolvent Debtors—and dial the said Court lias appointed Fri lay ihe 20th day of October next, to Consider whether the prayer of the applicant shall he granted. They are therefore, here by summoned to appear al thd Court Ffouay of Richmond County, Geo. on that day, tft shew cause, (ifany they have ) why the said Alpheus C. Billings, should not he disc barged from bis confinement. ALPHEUS C, BILLINGS. August 19 ts Notice is hereby Given. To all my Creditor* THAT 1 have made application to the Honorable the Justices ot the Inferi or Court of Richmond County, fertile be nefit of the Several Acts of the State of Georgia, passed for the relief of insolvent debtors, ai d that they have appointed the 20th day of October next, for the exam ination of my case, at which time my sa*d creditors will please attend at the Court House of said County, to shew cause (if anv they have,) why the said inferior Co irt, should not extend to me the bene fit of said Acts, and I be released from my [irese I confinement. DANIEL CLEMENTS. August 19 if i Imm G. L. COLMi SNIL, Respectfully informs the Ladies uiKi Gentlemen of 1 ngusta and its vicinity, that he will open his DANOIXO ACA DEMY, in Green-Street, on Satoiuu* the 14th of October,n xt,and will contin ue to receive Scholars until the last of Jan nary, 18 .> I—Parents and Guardian* who wiil favor him with the tuition of their Children, may rest assured, that no pains will he spared in bringing them forward in the polite accomplishment of Dane i ng Mr C. intends declining keeping n Dancing School after this season—the low price of tuition, and the small number e scholars, fin a few months in the year. hardly defray the expenses. Days of Tuition. The D; y School to he opened cvet Saturday, from 9 to 12 o’clock A. M. and from 3 to sunset.—'The Night School will be opened every Monday and Thursday, from 7 to 9 o’clock Trice of Tuition. Ten Dollars per Quarter for the Da\ School, and Eleven for the Night School, to be paid in advance No Scliollar taken lor less than u quarter. (fjr* Ladies and Gentlemen who may wish to take private Lessons in Dancing Mr C. will be happy to wait upon them at their houses, or at the Dancing Acadi my on Green Street. cent. 2.1 <vl2r To lie lit. ~~ it» X WO Tenements on the North side and upper end offroad-street good stands for business, and,calculated fop comfortable family residence*, qj present occupied by J. C. Morgan Sv Gile.s Griswold—for terms apply to Oliver Reed, or JumeH Myers September 26——w4t *» To Rent. The DWELLING HOUSE on Bay- Street, at present occupied by Tho*. 11. Penn. aw. Tico Stands On Bridge-street, well calculated for the Grocery Business For terms apply to Mr. Oliver Heed, or to Thus. 8. Oliver. Sept. 26 w4* * For Hale. s© Acre* of LAND, or she M u I 1, of Glibber* and Rutky Creeks—Foi articular* enquire of Geo. W. Kvuiik. July I—-O' Notin’—During my i>. oca for a It* w«*k», Mr. 4«b‘ übitt will act »ini\ attorney. JOHN M’HU'|J.F.W. Jili Vt [No. 1927.] Te i\\e BuliWc, •*I 4fIE?U 11.I oralgled take this method to 3. inform tbeir friends and tlie pithfis, that tlieVw eoutiniie to transact B ism>*ss at their WARE MOUSE in AUGUSTA, w .' AND GovumVaftion *Mrrc\\«u\ ia. TMi> IVAKE HOtfSE and are in good urditr for the reception «f Merchandize and Country Prudnce; \nd they intend thrive tlieir undividml attention to th<* business, and hope hv in dustry and prompt atfi n'ion to all orih in, to give gem ral satisfaction to tb'Wc vvlu> may favour them with tbeir custom. Me Laws I l oir. O'T’ Tlic Wlishi'igton News, Gr<*er;sho* rough Selector, and tyilledgcviile Journal, and Record r, are requested to publish tin* above 8 times, and forward their uc’ts, to this office for pa\ meat. Sept; 9 v«t ' ' I m., ,m „ „| t 10 REN r, c kjEVKHAL tenements in Cotton Range eligibly sduuted for the pmc)u»e of piyj <luce and the sale of Groceries, J. Ansley. ffept 21- 'V4w ST( SHARE AND Cemmissiou Bnaiueas. rgY 5 HR suliscriliers liave taken the Ware 'louse lately occupied hv Henry Shultz, opposite the Wharf, which is now in com okte order Ihtvlbe reception of Cotton md Merchandize. Mackenzie Ponce. October 27 ts La\lorA\e Wetsen, CON 'INI. R THE Factorage & Commission business in savannah, Where all orders will be prom pi ly attend c 1 to. 7 ts Btuik o£ Au^uaVw, ihh September 1820. As an opinion prevails among many, who cut Bank Notes in two-f *r the grea ter security of transmission by Letter, tlml the issuers are bound to pay th« whole of a Note, when only half thereof is rmxlnccd, *h( public archer- by ii formed, (hat in consequence of the teriuus injury to which the issues would be,exposed, by such an operation, this Bmik never lias, and dbe * not,' consider itself responsible for the payment of anv of its Notes, with, out‘.he production of the whole, or the most material par’s thereof Half Notes, having'.he signature of the President or Cashifc", >re entitled, as here tofore, to half the value of tho entire note, on satisfactory evidence being exhibited, that the presented half has been property obtained ItV O der. AUGUSTUS MOORE. Cashier. September 12 To Runt, err* fl IIBEE tenements next below the City M itel, at present occupie- by vtessieura Bussell, Hines,and M’Leun, for terqis ap ply to JB. lairy or James U Labile.—Po«- session given Ist Octocer next. V■,!-*ns’ PM itS HAN'T to an <• Ic of the Inf ri 01 cunri of Columbia county, when ntlogfo" ordinary purpos- s, will be sold .U the court-house in the aaid county, 00 the first Tuesday in December next. One hall' a certain Ne gro Fellow by tin nanrv of GAIN —Also one -ids of a certain Tract of LAND, con taiding two bund’ ed and fifty acres, more op less, lying in the said county, on Little River, adjoining Ship Cartledge and oili er*, belonging to the estate of Samuel Sullivan, deceased, to bo sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of said estate. Terms made known on tile day of sale. Oljidiiih Sullivan, ? . w » i /x /' LaX-I Q Jus. S. Gregory, 3 Sept. 26 wills Notice. JVillbe Sold .\t the House of the subscriber, on tho ISth of October next, the personal prop erly of Thomas My res, deceased: v I zx One IVatrh, Clothing , Me chanics Tools , trc. Terms made known at the sale. JOHN WATSON, ailin’r. Sept. 12 .If P. Stovall, *Sj' Co* 11 AVI', llem'fVi 'l In 111. I-I T.ll.m.nt .*» vc Mr, J. W Itridgr* h ’ml above Mr. km eUml in Mr CurnmiHg* Brick But d. • *K* Wishing to make quirk Hale «f *H GOOD*, they will lull very (uw m Imh#- •ule or retsil for cash t’tuduca ut bpqlr itrs on |il»i ral limr. OcWbfr J, t 0