Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 11, 1820, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle ft G eorgia Gaaette. fv;»u xxxyo satc»hay a > ima, Nav;*,i.isa n, u*o. [No. 1047.3 .* st anii»m.w* ■ 1 «■* 1 —» • UK Cijronifte $ IS rUHLIStySI) jE c D^Y, THURSDAY & SATURDAY Mon.vr.yGS. «r KM». m*r K . S r« & fJ«KtT«*. p, ' iiJicvi of lUc I.»»* of e »«tol State* AT Six KOU..VKS I-SK *-«»««» J “ MKiLUi'i a" ■. CHOCKKRY jxn GLASS < • WAllli! STOUT! _ riher is now receiving and T' !E mirg, and will continue to Kcn w 1 Fall and Winter months, at his dun Micou’s Brick Building, neat the t«M«lmnsh-.Btreet, from V &emrt & Hargrave 8 iBOGRBBt tt n4CbiaaWswe, ..consist mo o»’ Crates rntnisomehj assorted with Crockery , ««<* nts a^ i u u sr&*^“ em i.aiket*, nO , T o ,, a ninp m order Z sui'Se purchasers .who wish to have Liverpool VV-.irt—Vls-i, Eni-mr'fil Cu P s f! s s “ ncm ’ of every description and size. Plates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers*, Os different qualities and sizes. AI.SO A few >et of Elegant # ' Burnish’d Gol* China, f Os a superior quality-consisting of A Tea, Coffee & Desert Set Complete—Likewise Lustre China Tea Sets, Os various figures, neatly put up m box —ail of ■ hich !ae o'era tor stile at Vi>- most reduced prices far cash, or approved Town acceptances. William IL Odkman. October 25, K. 15.—The snbscrilicr earnestly requests those who are indehtr*; to me late ttr• r. of Erwins, (>.’.<man, & <’o to c.uru- forwar.l and settle their accounts t i'it him, (who ulcncis mith-Ofizcd to set tli- their business) us further indulg'd! c* cannothe gi-Autt'd, William IT, Oukmun. Nnvr*uibvi‘ 16 f2tn i oroues si I'-ale. N 'ember nest, .within tuc usual sale hon-s, at the CptiM-hpfwc in the town ol V.yimshorough IVi hr county. 236 arn-s of hmd, mart orl< ss, lying in the counU ol Burke, ttd jr.i-dug lands of Lewis Wliiteiield art! oilers. A1 SO, 0: e neg o man named P'ank, a - .(I a Gig. levied on as the i> ro pvrt) nfofJiuDesßrown esq. to satisfy an cvc. itinn in favour of tcho Davis, aspens 'V. Navey, James DiownWi and Jo pli AttttWny V m llohvrts, Covcmor. ‘XVtohpr 7 td» «—■ .... 1 ■ » ■ » *"'*'*•* LAW OFFICE. T X .UK • subscriber* -have formed a con .n- -no.; in-the varioive'.bfmiches of profi-S business, umkr.' the firm of Ruck v -it -Si lh;mvits. Tv.'-y \. iii attend to b «g confided ta'Wtem iu the following O'Uir),.*, *l«2 >— f Hal- ■K.n, Jmprr, fi'll'Anm* t, H •ur'n'Zt, I’lihi'll, ii • :n, l/’irljrtgton, Eauieux, C:w„ 4 - t T-.wyt-s, And also in the Ctl. Circuit C«<urt ot’th r r.ihted vSMc-s. i>mnud Rockwell, 3wepk L. 1/efff)nrn. Sept 21 ' f btLrtice. T N BP. sithflcribepi returns Ids thaidts to "i s fro-ods and customers for past favors, St ,r t ietgH.V.fiVi.- t,o inform them, that hr . , eoio''-d lp« fiu uitore, from Rioad •s-u , t pear the Pl’inte i»* Jiaiel. to the J, 1 ' B'l.lding, in Bridge s'vcet, next • • i> -'.on’s store, where he wdl keep con t 1 :v on li.onda suiiplv of tve.y artici. »’•* In* line Jcsso Dimon. v3m Rf.wr.s I? or fcfctie at lliia OlTice. r n REMOVAL. *mrr vj hj^- inform their cu U) rue re and the Public that they have ri ot veil their Clothing Store, *'o the house formerly occupied hv Mr. i‘ '?rs MtH, siturted lie'tw'een Dr. White fs t-Vm IVitite F.sq. brick building, whei-' hey efts r for sale a General assoitmett* , of Ready Made Clothing, Consisting ofgenilemet j and youth* c!o --t iinp- of every description Lndi.ut Shawl*- ■'.arfs and Pelicea with Hosiery au<! Gloves. Hearth rugs of a Superior quality Superfine Clothes and Cassimeres, Ladies do for Felices, &c&c Which tbev will -sell on tlic very lowest terms for cash >nlv. Oct V> ' t s ! straw isoms hi is. FIVE CASES Straw Bonnets and Jii a des. Os the Newest Fashions. JUST TIFCtIVKII, AXD FOR SALK !<T Pratt & Metcalf, South Side Broad-street, a little helov. die Planters’ Hotel. October 14 CO T TON WARE IIIIUSE. rjnilF' Subscribers will receive COTTON 8. on Storage, at the Ware-House back of the Planters Hotel ; prompt attention will be given to all order for the purchase of produce or merchandize, and libera! advances made for Cotton received on Storage. 1 JOHN H. KIMBELL, & Co. October, 1 7-~ —w6t *** The Subscribers nave formed a connexion for the purpose nf transacting a General Commission Uu finest in this city, under the firm of Cam tf.uiu & Lamas, Liberal advances will be made, either ■n -tug ista or this place, upon Produce to Merchandize, consigned to their boast for sale. P. L. Cantelon, ' G. B. Lamar. .Savannah, October o'h 1820 ts ~Z\3Vi VldtAUKVlir AND General Brokerage. r|T * HE,Subscriber offers his services in r OKXJ H.U, COMMmiOjr- L* litiu KFAtAGFj I/J.YK —He will receive or dernto liny or sell, and can furnish sab storage f r goods of every description, In an only say that he will devote his besi i deuveurs tc serve his employers (’. C. iiuim. October 7 ts Notice. 4 VW * GPEEADT.E to an order ofthc Tlorm ■ hie Court *>f Ordinary of Warrop count). WILL HE SOLD, - ‘in the first Tnestlny in jVovembcr next at the Court-House In ll'arrenton, Ono House and Lot, , n said place, it being th-. real estate of -iKotiuK H. Davihsoh, deceus-d, .sold sot -he benefit of the ll'-irs—Terms mad* ' cnown on the tiny of Sale. A. Mnncrief, adm'r. A» 17- 1/ls i xecutors Shies. ?, the 18th of December next, pursti : i>t to di • lasi will and it stamen', of Cidor Graves, (1 of-*1 will he sold at her late rt fvldcoco in Columbia County, part of die if-omnal i-rof.erty consist* gos Negroes, Horn's, Ci- ‘o. Fodder an<! Cotton. T-.rnv? will be made known on the day ,f oi*n T. A lion, Px’r. N T otctolx-r. 4 »<*S Adjuuisn-fiirix Sato. r ts \ GDF.EATH.E tr an o'-demf the H?n -•r-ibb' Court ofttnlinan of Hl'nirl County, Will he Sohl, ' it Fdhcrt Conrt-Housc, on the first Tors Uy m January next, to the highes'. bidder Kour f'rarts'of* Land, ho* lou dug to the estate of Robert Middle on ductus- il, to wit. One tract in Elbert f ouk - vibe lpteresU>nce of said doc contain -tg 40') acres more or l*ss. one othe tract in Elbert County, joining Win. Al •eu and others containing [ 156 Acres, r -»ne tract In I.incoln County, joining Col. i! i fh-icias Murray, containing 1 124 Acres, j, tid one other tract in Jones County, coo fining SPS Acres, banted to said Robert Midrib ton. Terms f stale, twelve months credit will be g'V " nny the purchasers giving bond wj'. -rjuroved security. , HE f SKY C, MIODf ETON, Admiiuttratrix. October, 31—-4tp t i ■ hi rr in i i Eagle Tttvexn. ■ ULi.?k‘vV ’ * 4 '• ,»• -J-vcT f» -M pfi# And Savannah Offict rnHE partnerkiiip of Whipple ft Booth L of the EJgle faverr. and Savannah Stage Oifice, being this >2ay dissolved h> mutual consent. All debts due by Un said firm will be paid by said Whipple, ond all debts due to the firm are to bi collected b v him only. Jes«e W hipple, D. S. Booth. N. B. The house will still be coutiu ut as formerly, by liie subscriber if, Whipple. may 16 The Practice el the JLiXWo ,tn , 1 HE subscriber respectfully offers hit professional services to his friends and the public in general as Attorney aim Counsellor at 'Law ; and hopes by inde iiitigable application to his profession, to meet a liberal share of public patronage Claims deposited in bis bauds for col lection will be promptly attended to : and every i Port made to advance rite interest of his clients. He may be- seen at the Law Office of Col Nicholas Ware, and Ids professional services commanded. Charles Carter. s-nt. 96 3 ;* ~ r l a HAT part of the HouSc occu pied by Jsmks *. O'livsk; comprising a Large Store on Front -hireel, well siiuat ■ d fin busiiu ss; a back. Store and- Cellar. For terms ’uuly bn the premises- Oct 14 if IMuntt rs Hotel. rvv A. HF. suhscrilv-r has taken the PI.AN iHUS’ HOTEL, lately ucciipH d l»y Cos by Dickinson, Esq mt-uiled between Rcy Hold anil M‘Cartuey-si reels, and fronting .!on-:s street, whicli leads imo the upper part of Broad-street. This Establishment s 'he lasgest a.ul best adapted for llie ac . iiniuoju'ion i*f travellers of any iu th. state—There ate rooms fitted up ill he reserved for the accommodation t fiunilies Flamers, northern and south, tr- merchants who may pieusc- to patronize ho pioprietor, will find convenience in being in the neighborhood tff the great t lotion mart from tire upper country. Sm ,los in all respects nailable to the ex tent of the establishment are provided. John Miller. Augusta, Oct 7 Oj* ("lie editors of the Journal, Md •edgcviltei M.'ssii’unry, M'-.iut Z'-m; H- • -uhticsu, Savannah; Courier, Charleston; Gazette, New-V.-rk, are n qut st- it to -i.ihtisii the for tloee iiioi.tlis, and send'their accounts «o ii»e Georgia Ad vert ft, v Office for p.evit, :-t. Mmolv \ .All PEIISONS ind. l»»o«J to*he cstat. f (iem g- T.tnkei-siy sctiV detcas ■-!, of Colninitia county, are req it.-tled i-- uwke i.nmedial-,1 payim ut: and nose n .viionrsaid estate is .iul- hitd, will present iliotr ace- ants, wiu-in the time prescribed ty taw, for se.ul rn- nt. DivudsU Pace, Dennett (-rai ton, Geo. Tankersh, A ,’).»//. YtSTUA TO IRS r>ftnV-cr 7 SCHv> : >Li •Mrs. AuU, RSJ’F.CTFULLY informs the public;, that sha lias taken die -V ''/l()OL ROO. V), hat-. lv occupied as such by Mr. («iu»*>,‘ »r Reyuoi-l sweet, where tile will con* ntnee Tuition ci» Monday the l6ih Oe lyher inst. She nsunros the public, Fiat --very alien •’ion tliat c-ui be retpiiretl will be given t the advancement of the pupils placed un aler her care. dj* The various branches of learmn, md nents tangld, and the term* rill Im in de known on application. October,/. Ini -it. Ltoix Sugar. -mbs I*l quality. On Consign t.iu, yde hy Y i<s G Xabuzau- Nov c lube i’ iw Blanks For Sale at tlija Ofiiec. iiMii A— iiTu ■■ i>> ——ni._iCl_rr£l f . ’ .. ' - For Self. f>.t\ •sf" Arre> o 1 /M'. on the W» •vr*. oi Cui'Sert and Rocky Creeks—For oculacs entjuire c>t Geo. Vt. Exons. AND G - .'vumi a slow Euslwpj b . a HR subscribers have taken the Wsro cn-xf lately occupied l*y Hynry Shuh/ > iposiie the; VI hurt, w t.ioh is now in coin dvte order for the reception -jf (lotto .id Merchandize aViackunzie Ponoe. tV*''her 27 t* - Lwliwe\\« Wftlttuii, C(F INUKTHR ’ 7 nclorngf & Commissi or. BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH, here ail orders will be promptly attend ■ ■ to. July / t s To Bent. SmIAT Oommiulious DvielUjig Home on fellair-stieet, cviiti ait necessary Bud dings, and a good Garden attached *oit— »sia*U v car occupied by- the subscriber— I’ossession will be given on the first Octo her next ALSO, The Dwelling ILnise on Grecu-sii-eet, with uli necessary U-iil f rigs, a.wl a good Garden attached t*» il,at or* sent occupied by Holland M'Tyre, esq I'oss. ssioii will be given on the Ist oi Jan -iary next For (elms apply to D. I Tmiuhurt Sent. 19 if Aiimiiiiistriitors Sale. AGREE \ULE to ati Older *>f the court of Ordinii y of Elbert county, will be sold at the court ho i«e in said county, on the first Tuesday in ;>> cember next, part t*f a lot ol laud situate in tbe town of Ruck ersville, in said county, and known as lot No 3, belonging to the estate of James Royal, dec. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs of stud deceased. Terms will be made known un the day of sale. S tlomou Jones, Ahrahnin Royal, Oct. 3 AdmmtstruHrs Factorage AND Comw\Gft‘uttt PswaVnftss , SAVANNAH, (GF.O.) rjnHE Subscriber., wilt rs his services in I tin above line ot Busi-iess, ut Ander son's H/uttf —Liberut advances made on PRODUCE; Orders for GOODS will b-. promptly executed, and Goods forwarded with despatch. Lh njiiiniu Howard Sent. 96 w4t Ten Dollars iivwurd, LiOST, betw>-en Cotton Range and De s ’s t.anc;, Bvoford, a Ked Morocco : 'OCKKT BOOK, containing about. 45 doilius nz one twenty tlollar lion th* Bank ol Darien, and one five tltillar b. -*n the Fir Inruiance Company of Savan .ale, the i--st were all in two dollar bills mine Planters’Rank and Bunk of th* -late of Georgia, one note of hand-on i’, ; ,bruin.h Whittington v fov fifty dollar-, with »*m*lry other papers not recollect d. Av.y persm. finding the ah -vc Pock n Rook r-nd leaving it a' this office shall receiv toe above reward. Joseph Daley. ■>t 14 - . ijoiturtuensliijp. 'nr |_ HE Subscrlliers respectfully inform t.h ii fricn-is am) die public, that they i.ave connerted themselves for the put oose of transacting a Commission & Grocery Business, aider the firm of Dkwar 8c Fothkbixo iA,n. They ha*e taken a cominodi'-us and at th - upper end of Bioad-Strcet, which is wcil calcula’eft for the. purchas. o-g ofpr* due*;; and as.lhcir atteiitinii will be principally devoted to the Commission Business, tin y beg leave to-offer their tervicts in 4ha< line. WILLI A S. DEWAR, KOB’T. FO I HERINGHAM. October, 24. w3t. /»*. tV W. Poe’s COTTON S IB©3?SIS C Upper End of the Wharf J THE SUBSCRIBERS RETURN thanks to tluir friends f-r favors received the preceding sea ion in the STORAGE AMU . rowmißßion Buß\nea»i end hone, by strict attention to the inte e-j*B of customers, to ensure s continu , *ice of same. I heir BRICK STORE is now in good •.•pair, and well calculated to afford safe ud convenient Storage for Merchandize R. Q W. Ptw. October s— ts Wheeler, Jffndley Co. Have jns* received afresh sort h of (lojmxa, W the Lates* F shion which they sdi very low at l heir store si* doors ii Mr Foxes corner. Ogehn* lt> w3t shci-;a -, s c aic. \tr * * I 1 ;.o!d,the Court M >osp, iu " r.viit,,,i, on ;ir-ii I'utvl.ij j n i>c' uibt *■ next, between die usual !..).oa of ■vie, too acres «f La id I, on tho w.itrso. tie.tkv " I'jilun, 1 .jouiiti;: :. ( ,d of Miciiao! H-j,\is uu.l ' bonus I. ■ki ttj with tiie improvem-vt- ’hereon, ii In* g the place where Janus Cady now lives, ALSO 1 hree ncgroc*, n wo« «.n iind lu ri« u cluiiiivn, lo v.m, Hety, *m ifio.i >.d Ku lit- 1, so t«o F a).n r 0 d« su !■ uPui ( '.ure, «in-Clock and Cable, <.,u» Secretary, ouv Chest of D.awx.s, one fa tue Hi u<i, sis Si- uiig- 0 airs, ~..1 y<>:%.« 01 Oxen and Cult, one \V.,ggo 1, leu l,««ad 01 U )„g about ti.iitv of Com* loUd nundri d lbs of Fodderi some other sui.ol .uncles too tedious to locution, lev icd 011 the aboii- as the property of James Cady, to satisfy several execution* iu favor o( Stewart 81 Hargraves, I'ltui** as Hattie, and outers; property poi.ilc ( out. by the defendant. assu Live negroes; one maa '■y th.- naiiie ot font, age VS years, w « man by the name of yilvy, age years ttud her three children, names us follows, T.iley, 4 years old, July 2, V.tuy, a,a* vuc Lu, containing half acre of la d, with the improvements on it, adjoining Neal an I .others, it being the lot line ,1 ,s. J now lives on; also, tpic soircJ Horse, Suddh ana Hi idle, out horse Cart, four stall fed Beeves, nfte. n head .- u # H'lnch v. ill be sold i". Pork, for*. p,y y bai ids ot Corn, iS(A) lbs. ol Fo*id eii ltt ,J feather Ced- and Furniture, levied’m. a* the pio|>eity of Mat net Cady, to sal.sfy several executions in favor of I h- a* Hattie, (ire h ory & Darden, and others, i* d. Cady, property pointed out by H Css* dy. AUU 107 acres ot* Land, more or less, on Die waters 01 Han Cieek, ad mitting lands of lireeson and o', he is, - ith j*;oud Improvements, it being the pi co where the defendant now lives; levied on lo satisfy a Fi. Fa. in favor of J. Bull, vs. Benjamin S Harrison, pointed put by the (IctV Mlillit, ALSO i lie 3d p rt of the Corn, and 4' 11 patt ol tlif cotton. Hi..; va» ■ ade on lilt plantation of S. it. Wdlson, icVied on to satisfy, an execution in favor ol Wm. *l‘Kinney, vs. Samuel M. WiU u ' 1. ALSO < J ue negro hoy. hy ti e 1 amc ui iJov levied on to sat'sh an <x ecuti.ui in favor of Harris vMKu'ney, vs. .loci Ki.sev a d Eduard Kinsey; ■■ut by E. Kinsey, 4 (.«« 443 lie res of pine Land! on the waters of Hock* Condun, adjoin ing Harrell Neal and others, it being uic place wnere the defendant now liv. a* iev'ci. on to ratisfy «n execution in fa vor ot Haic r k Hi at , vs. Mai tin Kinsey, 'pointed out by M .(inaey, ALSO 1 negro boy hy the narrt ot Dennis, übuiu lO years of age, levt.d ~11 as the property of Wm. Kinsey, t* satisfy an execution in favor of Baker It H 'h, vs. Da -id Linn ana Willi m Ki* scy 'vs oliiteii out Wiby Ki..»ey. ALSO acres of Land on th* waters oi (tacky Comfort, adjoining laud* of Thomas Lockett, and others, wth rood improvements on it; levied < n as he property of Barrel Neal, to s.-.t a a* execution iii favor of Jos. Neai, jun. v'a. Hiirrel Neal, p'-ihled out by 'I. Neal. A. Rogers } s w c. October 3j wit Sheriff’s Sale. ILL be aold, at the Court Hons* in Warreiiton, on the first Tncsduv in December mxt, between the hours of sale, vcven bed ttv ds, hed-t fy Furniture, two* large labjes, and fiv* small tables; some other small art cle* mken as the property of .lame* Fleming to satisfv mi execution in fiivo* f Andrew Low & Co. vs. John Fleming and James Fleming; property pointe* out by the defendants A Rogers, s w c. Nov 4 tds Coroner * Sale. On the first Tuesday in December 1 will be wild the following property viz I 2 mahogany tables, 1 pair brass ,1 ,U --roiis, and fender, 1 dozen and half Wind sor chairs, 8 feather b-ds, 8 bed si.uids, I bureau, S carpet*, 1 Horse and th, • setts bed curtains, 1 large mirror, S dies*. "mg' Co. 1 negro woman, 1 cow, I sofa Le vied on as the property of Catharine Da vis to satisfy s distress warrant, issue* I ai the instance of Wm Lamkin, Esq Sh«* riff of Itichmond County, and which said pr-iperty Uxth been pointed out by til* defendant. , Geo. Piillock, Coroner November 4— —tds ( *