Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, April 19, 1806, Image 2

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•r accrued within tfceigebftweßfyone year* feme covert non cetrpot mentis or imprisoned, that then such petfon or perfon| (hall be at, liberty, the time of limita tion fh?»!l have expired, to bring such aftion* or foitr, so that the sane be brought within two years next after the coming to, Os be ing .of full Dge, difcovert of sane memory or at large, and at no time after the said two years.'" . And provided also, that if any per. Ton \v.ho is or. shall be entitled to any such c* ttcfpafs, stflault, menace, and bat ' ter/ fltil imprifenirefft, be, or shall be at t'; fc time .my such action (hall have accrued, within :Jic age of twenty-cne years, feme rtry oSajos mentis, or’imprifoned, then such pCifori or p.-rfona (hall be at libn ty, BOtwHthftanding the rime herein before IJ.-rifcd for the bringing of such ad ion shall h?*c fXp* ed, to bring lucii aclion# or Tubs, so that the fame If* brought within one year next after the coming to, or being of full age dlfcnvcrf, of sane .memory or at large, and at no time after the faiJ one year ; ami that the commercing an aftic'n or aftions within the time limited, and afterwards difeontinu ing or hrcoming non-suit in the fame, shall nut defeat (he operation of this aft. Src. 3. .And be it farther enabled by the arthorify afarefuid, That when any petfon or perfutw shall remove his property without the limit* of this fhte, or abfeonds or con. ccab hiir.fclf ia that his creditor cannot com. ntfree an aftion, that the per (bn so refso. ring his property cr abfcondihg bbtf-lf, shall not be entitled to the benefit of :his atfT, but (hall be anfwrrTlc for any jufbdemand against him, her or them—and this aft (hall be deem, evlj held and taken as a public aft, and the }“udgcs *»»the fuperfor and jufiiccs of the in. erior courts and Jufluxl of the pence within this (hue, shall he bound thereby, although tire fame mall rot be plcnd. A fvtCv 4. Ahd be it further enabled, That all aftidns upon the Case, oilier than for worcU which (ha'll be said or brought, at any lime after the pftfing of' this act, (hall be . commenced and ford within four years next after thc.caufc of such aftion or suit hath ac crued, and not after See. p. And be it further enabled by the authority afortfaid , 'That the aft entitled '• an aft for limitations of afttnns and for a. 1 voiding of (nits in law,” parted the twenty - fix.h day of March; 1767, he, and the fame is hereby repealed. ABRAHAM JACKSON, ufuier of the Hevfe of Reprejn.tati'ves, JARED IRWIN, Prefdf at f thi Senate , pro tent. Aifentcd to December r, iSqj. JOHN MILL EDGE, Governor. NINTH CONGRESS., HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY, March 28. * On motion of M*. J. Randolph, the House rcfolved itfclf into a committee of the , Wh01e...-Mr. I. C. Smith in the chair, on the following refnlutions submitted fume time fmcc by Mr. J. Randolph. tft. Risolveci; Th? t a contraftcr under the government of the U. S, is an officer within the purview and meaning of the con. fti‘uticn, arul, as such, is incapable of hol ding a feat in this Houfc. 2nd, Resolved, That the union of a plurality of officers in the petfon of a Tingle jr.dividur.l, but more tfpeeiaily of the milita. *y> is repugnant to the fpiftt of the confli. tut lon of the U» S. and tends to the intro ducing ofan arbitrary government; 3d. Resolvid, That ptovificn ought (0 be made, by law, to render any cflicer, in thcarmy or navy of the U. S. incapable of holding any civil office under the U. S. The question was taken cn thefc resolu tions without debate. The firft was agreed to— -Ayes 54 ’Nets 37. 1. The fecend was agreed to... Ayes 75..- and The third was agreed to without a divi iion, ' ‘ When the commtrree rose and reported their agreement to the resolutions. The House immediately confidcrcd the re port. On concurring with The committee of the whole in their agreement to the firft rcfolu tion, a debate ot length and intend enfacd, which (hall be given in course a; length. MeflVs. J. Randolph and J. Clay fup perted a concurrence in the report of the committee; and JMcflVs. Filk, Eppes, Al- Ron, Findley, G. W. Campbell, b . NcU L-n, Early, Smilie, Sloan, Bidncll, Rhea of Ten. Jackson, Kelly, Daw Ton, Elmer, and Southard oppoftd it, when the qoeflion was taken about 4 o’clock by yeas and nays, Yeas 25. v S 6, SATURDAY; March 29. A treflage was received frem the Senate informing the Hcu f c that they had parted a bill t« carry into eueft the provlfionsof the eighth feftion of .ut •* Aft regulating the grants of 1 J, ard providing for the dispo sal of the lamliicf the U. States, fouth of the Tate cfTc^ttfite.” Tins bill relates to what arc generally dcncn invtfd ;he YA/JCO CLAIMS. The bill h iving been read a firft time, Mr. R. Nelson moved 10 rejeft it, Mr. Kelly wilhcd jt postponed to al low time fnr considering it. Mr. Clark fupprrted its rejeftier^ Mr. Greg® advocated the lame course. Mr. Cock was in favor of a short poft ponctrent. Mrl J. Randolph spoke at cenfidera ble length, in favor of rejefting the bill. Mr. Conrad was in favorofapoftpooe ncni, tko’ hostile to the bill. S': * Mr. Smilib declared himfelf of the fame Opinion. j, Mr. J. Randolph again {poke at con. fiderablc length in favor of rejefting the bill. The Yeas anti Nays were then taken on the qucftlon, ct lhall the bill be rejected" —-and were, Yeas 62——Nays 54. —So that the bill is rejected. Mr. J. Randolph moved that the House adjourn. He laid chat a few, days ago the Home had adjourned on account of the death of General Jackson. He hoped they would now adjourn on account of h:« refotreftios. For he had told him, that if he could give a death blow to the Yalsob bufmefs, he Ihculd die in peace. Adjourned—-Ayes 58. From Washington City, March a6. We undcrft.ind that the latest di (patches received from Mr. Monroe best date the 28th of January, and that they .Rate, that in confeqiiehce of the itldtfpofuion of Mr. Pitt no ultimate arrangements had been made for the adjeftment of our relations with Greet Britain, but that hopes cf such ad justment were entertained from the complex ion of the new adimniftration. ======* CHARLESTON, April 9. EAST-BAY STREET LOT TERY. SEVENTEENTH DAY’S DRAWJNS. Prize of 100 dollars—No. 3162. Prizes of £9 do!!hs-..Nos. 8947 3073.) Prizes of 40 dbliafs-—No«. 4 -j.j. 5-219, 2595 3-92. . ; Prizes of 20 4178 2589 622916432330. Prizes of 12 dollars-. -Nos. 5743343* 13391084 2664 461-6 2315 3801 2462 773 6017 6964 6169 5713 8781 9697 21 S 3 6773 8791 )225 12.4 6427184929 , *47 3542 2823 8378: 3732 2607 g + io 7662 7756 4092 1973 1456 ISO 5981 8839 1998 8469 1366666 1206. EIGHTEENTH DAY'S DRAWING. Prize of 400 dollars—-No. 7339, Prizes of 200 dollars-. Nos. 6497 77#*, Prize of 100 dollars.— No. 61 u. Prize of 70 dollars—• No. 477. Prize of 40 dollars... No. 7107. Prizes of 20 dollars.-. Nos. 7210 3191 339+- Prizes of 12 dollars-—Nos. 1636 1373 4999 * B ?J 9997 2 5°5 5995 T 34322668 *973 6 J7 2 5757 7 6 +7 >o*+ 7° 6 ,477 V 3649 42177031 7892 3447 222 5616. 3794 9864 125.7 2 2896 8 “5; 2650 25526338 1739 1917 9J39' 8668 7778 9054 4177 454.3 K 504 7104’ 4827 1633 2077' 199° 95 s * 7i33 *Ol9 1 , 968716162622 6419 1713 617 8(348 37674863 7771 4934 6M 1984 751 lBrj j6O 327 4286 7406 6357 6784. , nineteenth day’s drawing. Prizes of 7q dollars ; —Nos, 2094 4024. Prizes of 40 dollars-—Nuji, 1723 8207 Prizes of 20 dollars--. Nus. 657 7096 8027701097891036. Prizes of 12 dollars--'-Mbs. 997 2007 2357 6702 5363 2817 5942 6893 '3014 1289 977 9359 4809 79 5367 91-10 8721 2627 1597 434.3 7176 $ll2 4199 304047 7370 4129 7028 77X2 4232 8101 3970 8.7-55 22.79 75.35 878 37748163298 58744174 710 47822911 8276 7167 3973 33 1 7 6 -5 ‘7*6 3430 4927 .7625 43*7 9' °* 5553 4846 7639 . 3?40 535<> 46934-752 50d» 673 8837 608860296164 4808 2477 1234 8196 49 2 3 2953- twentieth dat’s drawing. . Prize's of 200 dollars—-Nos. 9659 ' 6 4’59- / 1 ;■• Prizes of 100 dollars—-Ncs.- 714.7 5381. ' 4 Prizes of 50 dollars—Nos. 8804 6oco 3673- Prizes cf 40 dollars-.-Nos. 6976 8227 4910. Prizes of 2o do!las.-Nos. 8544 2107 7°4 1 54169773. Prizes of 1 2 dollars-.No«. 9018 7700 7+54 2926 2228 4701 3422 464.6 7994 !06 5793 2579 462 1101 570 7042 4666 9 11 5 6993 923 2226 7497 9434,7701 370 71783317 107 6416 7572 9256 8001 5807 9 7777 3442 878 2737 9727 4728 9663 7507 3757 6443 7817 7199 1741 9413 832 6737 2310 264853497.7. (Jatudlo the Wheel this day, 382 dollars. Total ga in, 6678 The following Tich PRIZES jet lemain in the. Wheel: 17.000 dollars ; 10.000 ; s>coo; two of 1000; live cf 700; Itven of 400 ; twelve or fourteen of 200 i and a van number ioo’s, 50’s, 40%. Sic. . 1 f { •' &T The Drawing ‘w iT? 1 -e"conririfirtf Oh MONDAY, the 14th inlhnr, am o’clock Holders of tickets which have do»*n prizes, may have them exchanged for und.rawn tideecs, «n application to the City Trcafurer. Dr. Anderfcn Phyfidan General in In, nets, that the number of pc.Tons ino. 6 enlaced there tor the Cow-pock, amounts, to 250 000—So great has been its success {in alt places where it has been generally adopt ed) that the Bramins, in their extravagant veneration of ch« Cow, havedtfired that the vaccine matter may be Hykd “ Ihe dew Heaven,’* Mr. John Lanodqn is re-elcfted Go vernor of the ftatc of New.Hampfliirc with, out opposition, NaJb% Inul% From a London Paper', 4 The war against the insurgent Polygars continues almost without inttraiffion against one Chi«f or other. The following uan cxtraft of a letter from an officer recently employed against the Rajah of Ponaghuf : “ After a march of five days and nights without intermission, ar.d without deep, and nearly without food, we arrived lafc night in two divisions, each having two brigade guns, before the fort of Ponaghur, ao miles North cf Vellore ; and at''three o'- clock this morning commenced our attack. After a heavy cannonade of fix hours a breach was difcoveied in the South bastion ; and 'the storming party, coufiftirig of tbe flank ’companies of the ift Battalion of the 4th Regiment, and the ift Battalion’ of the i6.h Regiment, with feme gallopcts, and too pioneers to clear the jungles, were ordered to advance. Our gallant fellows marched to the spot with their accuftoincd bravery, under a shower of (hoc, and in face of 5000 men, who lined the breach and ramparts.— On reaching the breach, having reserved their fire, they difebarged a policy, arid the forlorn hope rushed forward with the havo. net, wi<h fitch enthusiasm, that the enemy fled »n all directions, abandoning to us the forr, and leaving behind them 2,4(3*0 killed and wounded. “ Our lofson this occasion was—ift bat talion, 4‘h regiment, 12 killed, 30 wound ed ; 2<l batralion, tft regiment, 9 killed, 23 wounded; ill battalion, 16 h regiment, 17 killed, 41 wounded ; arid poineers, '5 killed, 11 wounded—Total, 43 killed, and 1 05 wounded. Lieut, Leith, of the 4th, was the only officer wounded. Capt. phi. lipfon loft psrt of his jacket, and federal buttons from the front of hjs waistcoat, by a izib. (hot. Notwirhftaoding the great fatigues which our troops have undergone the service is fj urgent as not to admit of their halting for rest, and we ate again un der march, in perfuit of she fugitives..’ 1 The treasure taken by the army under general VVcllcfly* at Anamadghur and As say, is find to have proved to be greater than was at firft supposed. The specie alone is now said to amount to four hundred thousand lacs cf rupees; and its conveyance required four hundred tumbrills, each drawn by twelve bulkcks. Nine thoofand camels, laden with fiiks and mull ins ; fsxty thousand bullocks laden wirli rice, and two thousand elephants likewise fell into the hands of the victors, A very large gun, 69 pounder, was taken by lord Lake, ait Agra, made wholly of gold and film, and supposed to be worth one hundred-thousand pounds, 1 Gold chains, diamonds, pearls, and other valuables, worth of a million sterling, recompenfedtha enterprise of our troop* on the fame cccafion. TJw detachment from the Britilh army on the Churnbull river, which had been in pursuit of the Rajah bfFebongtr, haa re turned to Hfad-quarters; the enemy having taken refuge in the hills, whither it was deemed inexpedient to follow him. 225CSCSC2 Extras of a letter from Major Poster t* the Secretary of Wat, dated , Natchitoches, Feb. 8, i,g 0 6. Your letter of the 201 h of November was received cn the 24th ultimo, and tbe rtqueft . therein tnendoned, was without less of time forwarded to, the commandant of Nacogdo ches, from whom I received, on the 4th intt. an answer, in which he refufed to give the assurance required. 1 Deeming this reply decisive, I immedi ately detached captain Turner, with sixty men, to remove a party cf Spaniards, that had a few days before palled and taken post on this fide of the Adais; and to pat role the country between this post and the river Sabine, The former he eaftly accomplifhcd, : .*30(11$ now performing the latter. r « > i he report of preparations making by car Spanilh neighbors for war, are various; but • generally agree, that a confidence number of troops are progrdiing from the interior to the caftward ; -that near three hundred of them were a lew weeks since, at the great crofting cf the I rinity, where there were near, two hundred beeves, five hundred horses, and a considerable magazine of flour, I hat they have ten g’ms now mounting at Nacogdoches, where most of them have been lately received ; and that immediately after lieut. Platt, tbe bearer of my letter to •• the commandant of Nacogdoches, left that plaee on his return, a Spanilh officer was dtfparched t* fiayaii aux Pierre, to impress on the minds of the inhabitants of that set. tie men t, the allegiance that they owed to hiy Catholic majtfty ; ordered them to join his standard whenever required ; and in formed them that the Red river would be the boundary line between the Spanilh country and th« United Stater. Frem the f'irgtnia Argus, Extra ft of another litter from a member of Ceng refs ta the Editor , dated Wa/htr.g. ton, March 26. “ The Houfc ofßeprefentatives have this day palled the bill for prohibiting certain articles of the growth, produce, or raanu failure of Great Britain..; : Ayes—. —g 3-Noes —3 2. Not a single bedcraliit voted in favor cf the bill---- Ihe following Republicans voted against it : V from Virginia. J. Randolph, Garnett, Thompfuo, * Trigg, Georgia. Spalding, t N. Carolina, Stanford, j Kentucky. Sandferd, 1 New-Yoik, D. C. Vcrpfenk, 1 8 American Coins] Number of Coins made at the Mint of the United States fincc its eftablifliment on the ift. of March 1793, to the 31st of Dcceta her 1805, Eagles, 133,824; Half Eagles, 2 f9»489i Eaglf«» 11,315; Dol ors, 1,4835032 ; Half Dollars, 787,19 7} Quarter Dollars, 134,278; Dimes, 404, 406; Halt Dimes, 205,543; Cents *6, 659*947 5 Half Cents, 2,570,810. Num ber of coins 22,594,822 amount, 4,747,853 dollars, 72 cents. SPARTA, April 5. Baldwin County.... The Justices of the Inferior Coijrt of Baldwin having met at the house of Mr. George Hill, on Tucfday last. Made the following appointments . Wilson Whatley, Receiver of Tax Re turns, Edmund Lane, cfq. Colleftor, Fitji Difirid... Philip Cook, and John Miles,' Justices ; Second Diftridl.. .Peter F, Flournoy and Drury Jackson, Justices, 'Third Drjiridj —Garland Harwick and Si mon Holt, jun’r. Juftite?, Fourth Dijlritl —-William Brown and Daniel Zachary, Jus tices, v j The election for Clerk of the Superior aftd Inferior Court, Sheriff, Coroner, and coun ty Surveyor is to take place on the firft Monday in May next, * ‘ » i ■ ' Pierpcint Edwards, is appointed by the PrefwSent and Senate of the United States, Diftrift Judge of the Stale of Connecticut, Vice Richard Law, deccafcd. Savannah Paper . AUGUSTA, ig. On Monday last came on the-Election for members of City Council, in Augafta, when tire following Citizens were defied. Upper iVard —Maj. James Perrie, Isaac Herbert, Middle Ward- —Samuel Wigfall, Robert Creffwcll, Ferdinand Phinizy. Low. er Ward —George Adams, Jcfeph Ashton. On Tuefday the Council was sworn in, and soon after chose Thomas Flournoy efq, their day the Council ■ will proceed to the eieflion of City Officers* NEWS CONDENSED. OUR limits, though extended, are yet too narrow for a detail of all the foreign and domestic Intelligence, that pours in on us; we null therefore, condenfc. Admiral Gravina has bton so ill of his wounds in Cadiz, that be hud received extreme unlit on. Matfhalls Barnadctte Se Berlhicr were to be railed to the dignity cf Princes, for their military services- -The King of Sweden, in great dudgeon,-has intimated his royal pleasure of taking no farther concern in the Germanic diet...-In the British house of Commons, Whitbread has preferred a frclh charge sgainft Lord Melville. Sen, Sf* Cyr, at the head of 40,000 men, halted on the frontiers of Naples, waiting the anival of Mafiena, who was to take pofftffion of that devoted kingdom—ln addition to the Gazette accounts, Gen. Walpole was ap. pointed under-secretary cf State in the foreign department; Creevy Secretary to the board cf controul...Earl Lauderdale was to be placed in the house of peers— Mr. Curran, the Irilh orator, was to be. Attorney General in Ireland, and Councel lor, M‘Mahon, brother to the Col. Solicit tor General, in the room of Plrnket and Balh.—A French Squadron, off Gibraltar, captured a B.itilh convoy, having on board the 13th and 54 regiments. The new ministry in England, though pacifically in clined, are said to have it in contemplation to incrcafe the regular force, to 90,000 men more, American produce, except Cotton, continues to be dull in the Englilh markets -.-Sea Iflnnd was from j 8 to 2 (killings; Short ftaplo, 15T to 161. From the move ments and direction of a wing of the French army, it is supposed that Bonaparte intends to teke Turky in Europe, to accommodate the Emperor of Germany and the Pope, for whom he destines, it is believed, Cob ftantinople, as his future papal Sec—Noth ing impcflible or improbable in all this— The Kings cf Wirtcmbcrg and Bavaria were to have received- their crowns in Pans ...Preparations were renewed at Boulogne on a grand scale, for the invasion of Eng land ; but Bonaparte is said to have declar ed that she may have peace, by.reducing her Navy.--Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, died lately in England. The annex,ticn of the Electorate of Hanover to Pruflia, has been announced by proclamation on the 9th February-.-George's Arms were all taken down i./o much for thz King of Pruflia, aa a man of peace... Parliament has sppropria ted for the payment of Mr. Pitt's debts..-Napoleon’s step son, Beau harnois, is married to the princess royal oi Bavaria—F. Erfktqe, son of the new Lord Chancellor of England, is appointed Minister to the U. S, of America,—.Far many weeks previous to the last accounts, no condemnations of American property had taken place in England—-The Dutch had seven fail of the lire in thensw Diep, ready to ft art--. According to arrangements, 15,000 French troops were to remain in Bavaria at the cxpencc of that country, 6000 in Wirremfaerg, and 4000 in Baden. A British force of 8000 men, under the command of Gen. Baird, landed at, and took poffcffion of the cape of Good Hope, about the middle of January; previous to this, two f of their transports were loft, and gen. York Ct the artillery drowned.—We have accounts from Philadelphia, that the Leanderhad rived at Jacquemel, and tha; Mironda s-- 3 ’