Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, April 19, 1806, Image 3

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Ms party were a&ve id railing recruits at pjrt-au-Pfincc—JclHnatioo rot known.... H French squadron has found its, way to the cjaii of Africa, which they we re fcourirg ,ery rapidly.**-All the rich citizens otNa ples were packing up .their all for Sicily, to avoid the French, the King and royal family were to bring op the rear ; it will be from Fcfavirts to Mount Etna, with them.— Admiral Cornwallis is fupcrcedcd in the command of the channel fleet, by earl St. Vincent, friend of the new jniaiftry.—lt is Knotted that since the arrival of the Imcn. dant Morales, at Mobile, thc*Americancom inert* has been excluded that place, and that the navigation of that bay will in future he oh jetted to.—By a late, statement from the Secretary of flair, the aggregate number of impreffments into the Britilh fcrvice, since the commencement of the prefect war in Eu. rope, is found to be 2773 l~~ Among the number of revolutionary officers, whose death wc have lately announced, we arc sorry to repeat that efGcn. Thcs. Prottor at Phila- Jelphia, on the i6ib ulr. in the 6©th year of his age.—Fulwar Skipwith has arrived in K, York, on the 26'h ult. on bis way to F.fncs as consul General.—The 2d. vol. of judge Chase's trial has been lately pub tifhcdln Walhington—The fubferibers to fids work :v.ay seen expett their copies in Au- The French Senate have decreed hence, forward, the title of Cheat, to Bonaparte. They fay it was the voice of the people— The voice of Gcd that had enjoined them to decree it! Feter A. Schenck is appointed to fuccecd Col. Win. Smith, a# f-tvepr of the port cfirN. York. 5* the late Inlen&utt of the City of Av*vfa. I observe in your statement of receipts and expenditures to the 14th instant, 24 dollars only from il* Pray tax : may I take the liberty for the information of my fellow citizens and nsy o wn, of requeuing tn know how many Drays have been liccnfed ; for, from the number that ply for hire, the tax nwfl not have been levied ; or if To, not returned in your ftatemcrit, lam willing to fuppiTe the.former, which is evidently a Hewlett of duty, and a partial grievance, in as much ai it pit lies on tho r e only, who are willing to pay the taxes levied £y the City Council, while t’ute who refufe or Helmut, are exempt” - 'I will aifo thank you to fay, what fam ;has been colletted for Waggon licences, of which there is no return in the fia foment alluded to. I am, fir, with great rrfpitt for the Office of Intendsnt (when welt filled) yours, &c. _ A Licenced DRAY MAN. Cotton fold this week in Aujufia from 16 fb 13 cents. The Revo. John U. Thomeson, will Pleach in St. Raul's Church To rnettow at tl o'clock in the forenoon. 1 -tt ■ avull l n ai'.sa AUCTION. On Monday the 16th offuntnixt* f WILL BE SOLD In the Town of Millcdgevillc, a number of Lots in the said Town not ex ceeding twenty.fivc, agreeably to the term* of former Sales. JOHN HERBERT *) n A, M. DEVEREUX I § HOWELL COBB HENRY CARLETON | DAVIS GRESHAM. J £ Milledgcville, April ig. (4 f ) i~ THE SUBSCRIBER , Anxious to dipofeof his preterit Cork, which confii’s of an extenlive and general aflfortment of Wet and Dry GOODS, Offers it for falcon moderate &: advantageous' terms. Country merchant* and others, have, in confequcnce, an op portunity ©f fupplving themfclvcr, which does not frequently occur. Airil 10. JOHN CORMICK. • V * ( £L THE SUBSCRIBER, LIVING near Captain Darhy'i, on the Walhington road, and about twelve miles from Atigußa, informs his friends & the public, that he makes Riding Chairs, Waggons, Carts. &a- of the best mate sials, and on the foorteft notice—Thofc who will please to favor him w’th their caQom will find their advantage in every tefpeO. N. B. The Subscriber has with him, a young Min from the Northward, who, without exception, is car cf the best hands in his line of hufincf* in Georgia, JOSHUA PHARAOH. April 19, (**) John Hill, Sc Co. j Hate Received Jr om New. Verk, theirfvpply Spring Goods, * CONSISTING of . SURER FINE Black and Blue Clcatha* . Ditta do. do, and Drab Caf timers, v 40 Piebes India Muslins, 6 —— Mui do. 1 3 4-4. Plain and Figured Cambric d 0.... 6—— do. do, Cham bra do. do. do. 100 India Nankeens, Chocolate, 1 Scarlet, V BAN DA NOES, Bine, 3 Ditto Romals, Dimity, M*tfeil!s Quilling, Black Silk Vesting, Black Made, Pelong, B'atk and White Crape, Edpings and Laces, fafhionable Ribbons, White Linen and Pulicat Handkerchiefs, Ladies & gen tit men’s cot *n hole, laced clocks _—White fdk GUves. ——- Picnic do, Elegset Toftitafhell Comes, lvory and Coarse dtf, Sewing fi kaud Trfift, 6 Toilet Glasses, 2 Grok Shaving Soap, 1 Trank Shk and Cotton Umbrellas, 10 Ream* Writing Paper, if --J- Wrapping do. , 18 Dozen Bonnet do. 12 ft Cap Wire (3c. Sc.' ' , ■ ' ON HAND, 1 13 Pieces Gotten Bagging, 1 Khd. Loaf Sugar; 6 —<— Brown do. 3 Chen H> Cm. t TEA, I— — Imperial, > 5 Cslki Shjtcy, > VVTNE, 5 Malaga, ) - 2 Pipes Cognise Brandy, 4 2 —Holland Gin, 4 Hhds. jAmsica Hum, : 3— — N. K. do, •j PriroeMolafTcs, Iran, Sheer Moulds, Blistered flee! end Nails. Nowon the River and daily Ex pefled, 600 Bufhcln Ground Salt, 9 Crates Crockery Ware, 20 <3oz. heft London Potter, The whole of which will be fold very low ~ - April 19. (4O -■ SHOES & boots; Now Opening at the JUre oitupicd by Mr. S, Knr.tla.udt next door bdotu Mr, A V/i s* 1 teman’s Store, A quantity of Shoes, Confistingof mens firft, second and third quality- —Womens and Mentmor rocco&Leather Slippcrs-Suwarrow Boots —which will be fold on moderate terms, at wholesale and retail. ALSO, A few doz. of TRUNKS. April iq. (ts) “THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for sale the remainder of his GOODS, CONSISTING <?f a Small, bat General ' Afibrtmcnt of GROCERIES, Very low for Cash or P&bDuex. A* ' be lufchds leaving this place shortly, per font wllhlr-g to porchafe will find it to their inter; ft to call. WANTED, One Hundred Bales of Cot ton, forwhichcafh willbepaid. SOLOMON XNE ELAND. April 19. (ts-) 'the subscri , TAKES the liberty of informing the citizens of Augusta, that being fet tled In this place with his family, he offers hi* servicer to the public, to teach the PI ANO FORTE, and to ref air and tone foch instruments as are out of order—he will attend at private houses to give leflbns to those desirous of receiving iftroftion, and has opened a room at hit own honfe for the convenience of those who are not pro vided with an inft'umcnt, where, every . attention will be paid to hii pupils. His acquaintance with mafic, and his a bilitics ara teacher on the Pisno’Forlc being u ‘ well known to many persons in Aaguda, he flutters himfclf, that he (lull receive a por tion of pubiifc patrons ye. . WILLIAM SRUX: April iq, l tf ) Information Wanted. VALENTINE GEIGER, who lived foiac years ago with Mr. Ananias Cooper in Aogofta, and who is now fnppo fed to b« living in the Creek, nation, will leara fomathing to hit advantage by apply ing to J. H. Sievilie, Morgantawn North- Carolina* or at this Office. April 19. (*0 MUSEUM OF WAX FIGURES. Gros & Ollendorff RESPECTFULLY acquaint the Ladies and G«ntltraen of Augusta and its vicinity, that they have opened at the CITY HOTEL, a new and elegant collec ' • lion of WAX FIGURES, judged by con coiffeurs to be fopetlor to any exhibited in Africa •.-••Among which are the follow > <ing characters • ’ A.Jlriking refrtjentation of the lute tmforiu.\ note duel between GENERAL HAMILTON, AND * COLONEL BURR. In this interesting feenp, the Colonel is represented in the attitude of firing, while the General stands at his distance, waiting the remit of the firft Ike.—Both accurate likenesses. A firiking likentfs of hit Excellency Thomas J Alfa of the MARQUIS U’LaFAYETTE. he death of General Warren, Whofcllin the ever memorable batt eufSun ket’s Hill. . In this warlike feene, the Gen. is represented as Supported by one of his men, while a Briton ruffes epon him with » his bayonet. Another of the General's • men prefects bis gun at the head of the Bri ton Sot the immediate revenge cf his illus ■: tlious licroe'# death..; Tie Death of General Braddoch, Who fell in Braddock’s defeat;. An In dian is represented Scalping the General, while one of his me a, in so attempt :o rcScud him from the hands of the Indians, is over taken by another Indian, who is ready to split hi.n with his tomahawk. The Beauty of AMERICA. The Sleeping Beauty Eliza Whorton, Or the American Coquette, repre sented between two rivals. The happy Cottagers Cheering themselves with their ■ Bottle and Pipe. ■ The poor Mendicant A Iking Alms. The Museum will be open from nine o'clock in the morning 'till nine in the evening, every day, Sundays excepted. $3- ADMITTANCE—Fifty cents for grown perfons-*- Chil dren half price. PROFILES cut with accuracy at the above mentioned place. April 19. GEORGIA, V Superior Court. Oglethorpe County. J * March Term, 1806. The Grand Jury for the county aforefaid cannot but congratulate their fellow-citizcns of the county in announcing to them that but few breaches of the law present fhem ‘ Selves foranimadverfien, within thelimitsof the county, by which it is apparent that peace, good order, and harmony, generally prevail amongst us. Presentments. I ft. Weperfent William Finch and Polly Dunn, for living in fornication. 2d. We present James Cooper and Sally Hudfun, for living in adultery. 3rd. Wc present Robert North for pro fane fy/earing. 4th. We present Hailey Smith for pro fane (wearing. sth. The Grand Jury are highly plcafed with the present effects of the county in whofc hands the funds thereof arc placed 1 bur as it is a talk too great for this bed/ when fitting on the bufmtfs of the county general ly :o crjjminc the report of that officer, as ■ i it requires. They therefore recommend to his honour the Judge to appoint commifllon , t ers to examine tlis fame —‘-They arealfo high . ly gratified that the inferior court for laid county have uniformly paid the ftrirteft at tention to the public building*, which is-c -vinefrd by the present court-house and the preparations now making for a good and funk-writ jail; But the more Effectually “» accommodate those who attend the public feat of justice, to ttanfaftbufinefg, the grafid Jury recommend to the court, that the pubs lie/quare bccnclcfed with good and fuflicicnt ralet and ports, which wc conceive will be a preventative against those interruptions that frequently take place with cake wag gons, Stud-Horfis, Sec. yet wc would not urge this to the court until the funds of the county will properly admit of the lame* 6th. we are lorry to find that (he law for the prevention of negroes being brought In* to this ftstc, it so often violated; and if this is to be attributed to any defeft in the law, we would recommend to the next le. gillature to mske (uch amendments as will make it effleatious. . yth. The Grand Jury for the county of Oglethorpe, deeply imp reded with a sense of the propriety of the judges excellent charge delivered themar the commencement of the prefent' Term, feel it a duty incumbent on them to return his honour the Judge their Cncete thanks for his afliduous attention* to business, the present tcrm--They also con gratulate- tneir follow citicens that they have men to cccupy their highest tribunals on the feat of public justice, so eminent for their ta lents, integrity and regard for humanity, and do carnrftjy recommend to the next Le. giflature a rev Irian in«our criminal code of laws, and that they use their uftnoft exer tions to pave lire Way for the ereftion of a Penitentiary, as loon as the funds of the (late will admit thereof with propriety j and we particularly impress it as a duty cn the re prefentsukm from thir county, that they ex ert their talents and influence to promote this very laudable, important and desirable objeft. The Grand Jury request that their pre. fenrments be published in the Augusta Chronicle. GEORGE MOORE Foreman, Thomas Dunn, John Luekle, Robt, vJaruthcrs, Richd. Goolfey, Jod Barnett, Gen. Hudfpeth, Edward Nix, Natbo. Faumby, William Ford, * Wilson Lumpkin John Gidhaiti, las. Thomas fen. . Win. T. Morton, Jas. D. Cole, Meriwether, Nichl, Hawkins, Sey more Powell, Charles Strong, Mos, Stallings, John Hardman, ? James Ponder, * * The Court then took up the presentments of the Grand Jury.—Whereupon it is order* cd, that the ill. And. 3d. and 4th. be re ferred to the foUcttor general j that the jth be referred to tho inferior court; and tnat the 6th, and, 7th. be referred to tlaes legisla ture—lt is further ordered, that the prefent* ments of.the Grand Jury be pub; I the j agree* able to their request. Extra& front the minutes, J. LUMPKIN. Clerk, 4p*}l 19. $ NOTICE. NINE months from the date hereof ap plication win be made to the honora ble Inferior court for the ccoftty of Butko for leave to fell several trails of land, two 01 three of which are fa fiid county, tha fame being part of the teal estate of Quin tin Pooler drecafed* for the benefit of the heir and craditurs. J. POOLER, January 3. laroqm. Head~B arters t Georgia , Louisville , Stb April , i So 6. THE Commander in Chief, with deep regret, has to announce, the death of Major General JAMES JACKSON, who commanded the firft division es militia, and was one of the Senators, of this State, in the Congress of the United States. This unfortunate intelligence was convey, ed to him on the 7th instant, by a letter da ted, the 19th of last month, from the Gen. erai’s Colleague, rife Hon. Abraham Bald win, in the following words •“ The dis “ tressing talk, whieh my letters have so “ lung led you tocxpeCl, is at length cn “ forced upon me, of announcing to you the “ death of my beloved and much refpe&ed “ Colleague General Jackson. 1 havebecn “ with him all night, and doled his eyes just “ at the dawning of the day. “ It is now more than twenty years since “ we have been intimately a floriated in the “duties of public life. A part of the duty “ which I feel to be left to me is, to dc “ dare, that in fterlfng integrity and hontft “ devotion to the public good, 1 have never “ found his fopenor.*' Death has bereaved the State of a General and a Starefman, who was no less valiant in the field, that eminent In the cabinet. Du ring our revolutionary war in the days of peril, he exerted his utmost powers in de fence of his country*s rights, and performed afts of hrroifm—-and in her councils both at home and abroad, he advanced and supported the interest of the State, with stern integri ty, undaunted pcrfeverance, perfpicaity of mind and flow of eloquence. So great were his public virtues that, from an early part of his life, he held the firft and raoft diftin* guifted appointments, both civil and milita ry, in the gift of his State, Tj attest the loss Georgia has Cu Rained by the death of her beloved General and patri otic and able statesman, who yielded op his last breath from home, in the fcrvicc of his country, and to maniteft the estimation in which his worth ami Cervices arc held by A grateful people, the Commander in Chief. ORDERS. All officers in military commission belonging to this state, Sc tequefts the civil officers that# of, and the citizens in general, to wear crape found the left arm, for the fpacc of fix wrths, to nofnraence on the firft day of May next. By order of the Commander in Chief, GEO. R. CLAYTON, Secretary April 12. *(3 l J