Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, May 17, 1806, Image 3

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of M:ptes, whtcn has Y i ”7 anticipated, has been effr'icd, and t*e throne oi'that kingdom* is t.jiv fi be 4 j r ,j hy a corfican. The overt!. ?nw oft!•« monarchy appears to have been equally rapid and complete. With the ex c? t ; on of fame trifling made" t !v forttrfa ofGieta, the capital and its de •j.eJencics have become the property cfJsfa р. Capua, Pi lea fa’, and all the Other с. r.ions, were occupied by the French ar vr/y * cnefidcvable hndy of which wa? on res u.aicb to effect the redaction of CaUopa. On the i nlr. prince jfnfeph Bonaparte, ijO ctauLit, dcikiacd to be the tu..n <ler of the Corfiwi dnaflv in the kingdom c: the TVo Sicilies, made Ids folcmh ea; ry jrpo Naples. On the following day, he' tailed to be poited Bonaparte's prociama liut', decreeing the deUiuCtkm of the Nea. poiitan dinalty. The queen or Maples is sta ted to h»ve exmedaway with het, property in aut;ninefd«acfloji)f. She was nearly 101 l on ht( voyage. A frigate, two brigs and fifteen Iraniports, with arms, Sec, onboard, were 1 suiy driven on the coait o!' Naples,-and t <ken prtlfcrfion of hy the French. Tur en cov’ found two hundred pieces of cannon, •,rjd a great quantify of ammunition, tn the C ]L. The royal family have once more u. ! . n n fuge, at Palermo, wnere, unless pm. icckd i>i our sq rt.lrons, 'they will be expo. m Uirthcr migrate and calamity. We fim left completely ignorant of the conduit , purified by the queen of Naples and the he. redifarv prince, on the enemy’s approach, previous r o their embarkation ; nor have we any grounds to ascertain the ttiealores taken kv the Rufifian and R»itifVi troops, either tor me defence or'thc evacuation of the Napoli t(t;i tea-nosy. ” A rMmforhl pro; rof hi» nv Thing fays Tile Euu or Lauderdale is unde; flood" tn be fixed on to go to Ind‘: as Governor General M Brngah’* A ' • • ’ runjonv prevailed reflyrday on- the Ex change, “that Bonaparte, in bis expafi to. th*leyrflatiee uiTemMv, on the id ire. had made de of fume sentiment of a fdeijlc na ture." To this ruhiour is attibitted the rife of one “>ec cent. 1 which has taken place incur funds, '’‘ * • i »*>« E NEW.YORK, April 26. Lafl evening, the {loop Richard, fron | Brandywine, (del ) was fired at by the Le ander, sndvvhilft laying to, a hell Pwrcr, (brother to the captain) in the neck, as he was (landing at the helm, and killed him inflanfly.- Two flv-re were fired at the (loop, ihc lirll went about ten yards off. The thip Aurora, F dreluld, from the Havantia, belonging to Ruffd, was captured o(Fthe Hook yesterday, by one of tile blockading Cquadroß, after having a pilot on h sard, and. ordered for'Halifax, ■ The brig Ceres, from the We!t-lndies, was captured veflerday off tire Hook hy the *hovs blockading (quad ren, and ordered tor Halifax. The three mailed schooner Nimrod, Man, nir-ig, from Currncoa for New,York, was raptured ySfrerday morning, cffSandy Hock, bv the Britilh (hip of war Ltander, and or. dered for Halifax. as —-rrs .iMsa* CHARLESTON, May j. EAST-BAY STREET LOT TERY. TWENTY-NINTH DAT's DRAWINS. ' Prizes of icodollars —No. 2090 64.26. Prizes of 50dollars- -No«. 15334471. Prizes of 40 dollars-.-Nos. 6105 7754. . Prizes of 20 doila's--Ncs. 47376196 44 57 4C.4Q 3289 8367 7462 3 00 v • Prizes us 12 dollats—Nos. 1859 3211 5937 4270 6388 3912-6663 482 4753 2309 8940 739 5063 1600 4456 2175 78845168 1645 2489945* 4'76.riit 267 1 1786 527 6507 5657 4796 9815 9443 3272 8437 9859 6860 8191 9304 9977 4*40 7 oz -4 347 z 7 r 96 79J2 7*0901:61 3097 :6og 7617 0621 4885 6849032 8327 8741 709 T 85543560 4697 6318 7106 1793 24 1 ? 5 ! J 3 *7 s 3 5011 1641 9279 4525 2063 6957 7 l 3 2 4844 109 c $155 Si 86- thirtieth day's DRAWING*. Prize cf 15,000 dollars-—No. 7347. t Prize of ion dollars--No. 6o<t. Prizes of 50 dollars-—Nos. 7535 6119 5515. , ./ Prices cf4o dollirs--•Nos. 2014 93+ 2 3166 6401. Prizes of co do!’-s—N-s. 5617 IS2 tfar .8305 7 863 6945 2020. y?\ zys pf 12 dollars- —Ncs, 6723 43? 1 m To & t 1% ;:n & o®*»7 ±*7l4 7?Q T 5* w v',. 7*795 4«*93'3S ;<«8 77)3 ,04 106 6348 '> 6 ' 6l l\V' l,cs ~,181632 5615 'S' 1 8 -' J , 6 ®4 5 6 L ,<o. „ 7 .066 934 S » J 1$ igS 5437 3305 8440 54 T > 9449 9 8 V z 477* _ Or Ffidr- evrniog the j ith 31 We of Wilti« KonvociJ, K'q. »• '> vicinity ef'Kißli-w’gli, fevm. c..Mm «re,4uCng rhem!e!vc> «" tUM ns Che, foppoW, ««c . End after fnapying it f- y unfortunately J, Walt et .about mre years Old, (,aa l § • u _ Aivei, Efa. received the conten s 1 ijofom, which in a mo,went «t« ** kerllle! An En»Ii«; of twenty five fail, U n- ’ der convoy of a lion;, of war from Jamaica | ro Ha.ifax, was taken the 2o th ult. otf rlavatina, by a large French privateer, Ebtl, Cax. ' v af New-boryport last week, Ttm- ? TH i Y n ® RXTER > ®^ c l* commonly called Lo:\I Dexter; a man not more diftinguiihcd tor hts unmenfe riches, than for his igno. runce and eccentricity. AUGUSTA, May ij. NEWS CONDENSED. IH!'. trench government has decreed that Cotton ft nil pay on its entrance into the em. pitc, 60 francs per hundred, and a bounty fifty francs per hundred (quintal decimal) or. al|exported cotton manufactured--An ad difional duty or double, has been laid on tobacco in trance, whether imported in their own or neutral bottoms,—General Pidon, for having tortured a woman to cmlvds agarnft another per fun, in Trinidad, has been prosecuted in Eng. & found guilty —-this reminds us of the Bri:i(h tadics of riding me white hoi/r, and ytckctilng feme years.ago in Ireland, under the admmiftra t,nn oi ihe hta-yeu-boryt the honorable Wm. Pi.'t! A trial of ftrengih lias taken plnye in the jßritith parliament, relative to the ap pointment es Lord Elienborough to a (cat in the cabinet—ln the LJoufc of Lords, ilia motion was negatived without a div.ifion, and in the commons,*by a majority of ziz to 40 —li u expefted that the new Mtniftry, a ft? r the prefen t ftlfion, will cHTolve the.par liament. EightJ r four/ecrel articles ate laid to be annexed to the late treaty of peace be tween bonapane and the emperor ol Germa ny ! 800 pieces of the bed and he-'vied cannon have been feat to France' from the Aifenal at Vienna. Trade in the north of Europe is greatly at a Hand, and is likely to be more to, as we hud that the French ar my is ni wing on iii that ; by the la'd accounts wc learn that Angetelu, and Lefeburc were poshing into Westphalia, , murder See. on a villf,. fappofed. to the ’ king of Frulfis; thefc movements premise to ■ be very fruitful of new events, Ruifia is Lid j to he reorganizing a Frdh anny of 100,coo j men in Poland, and in the lear of Prof- I fia, while Sweden remains ftiii under ajuu— Six Sydney Smyth has a command in s he Mediterranean--a frtfn article of impeach ment charges Lord Melville with having at different times applied 27,000 pounds of the public money to his own use—the article was agreed to in the house of commons. —The LngUfli. niiniftrr proposed an exchange of prisoners to Bonaparte, this has totally fail ed, the emperor d&firing a general exchange, by which he would obtain 9 or 10,000 men more than .entitled to-.-Englifli prison ers in France are about 7000, and French in England, X7OOQ— A violent ferment is said to have broken out in the provinces of A. tagon ?nd Catalonia, which profffles to have for its object certain mea lures of reform recommended by tbe prince of ASurias, while the prince of peace opposes, this is oo ! great %n <n peace, or tranquility in Spain. General Mack is said to be condemned to iianrifonment for 12 years.— Ths Duke of Bedford is Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and General Hutchinson, Commander in Chifef.r*.The Dakft .of Portland and Lord Melville both in a had way.—Marquis Douglass and Lord Lauderdale, Thomas .Grceqvills and Lord Hbll md arc to have high diplomatic fituatior.s at foreign courts —the Whigs (so called) aie determined to ctatnfe the ftible. of their opponents, and leave no room for opposition cr treachery to their meafurts A.Mr. Cole of Norfolk has had the pride to decline the honor of an Lnglifh peerage K-.pcrhaps he thought it was getting too ctnnipon..--Tbe Patriots of Scotland as weli as tbofe of Ireiand-and Eng land are all getting into offices and places wc (hall fnon fee whether they dd'erve them, by proving faithful to their former and re peats d prom ties of, rcfcr/n.~,refotm. Mr- MiVrhford on the fubjert of imprefling American fearr.en by the Briufh, has put us in pofTHTion of the following fact ; it requires no comment on our p»rr- “Sir, I fed as much as any man for tha fuuerings of this f tneritorjo'.'Sclafs ofritirens, haying been an eye witness to the barbarous treatment m fliaea by thW ; officers of the Britilh govern uifiit, on.or.e of them, lie was la(he.d to, a fcaifoid .on the gunwale of a beat, and whip ped fr*m (hip to (hip, until he had received 1 five hundred i.'iflu's !! What was the con frq'icncc ? He expired the next morning.— What was his crime ? He h.d been impress ed into their cruel bondage, and had endea vorecl In regain h'.s liberty An IniclMgrnt American writes from Pa t',:, that they have no expectation thettj of a war between England or Spain, &iheli. States- -Wcpdfall, who firlt publilhed Ju nius’s letters in the public advertiser, died lately in London, at the age of 87 years--- On the 24'b ult. in Virginia General John | B ° W srATKMENTOF EXPORTS * The produce and trannfadure of 'he U u-td ; commencing ihe ift October, I*o4 j and ending 'he 30th September 1 Sos. dol lar'. They write from New- Orleans that the Spaniards at Mobile, had prevented a vrffel bound to Fort.Sroidart with provifionr, from proceeding—they are said also to have prevented, the Mail of the G. States from passing by, or through that town, but not withlfanding this, thtir ' eyes mast soon be opened. • ; Congr’eL during the last fedion, have pal j f e( j r Z aft 3, as wc have to pubUh these it is umcttfcty *o give a lift of them. The comtaitrc on public lands, cajr.c to the f iiowing reibluuoi', during the laft’ fcf fion of congref*. Kf/ohed, that it is expedient to repeal all such parts of the laws refpefting the falc c f- the puHie lands, as authorifea credit on any part of the parchafe money. The only opposition made to the French army in the kingdom of Naples, was-at Gaeca, where the firrt xedoubt was carried here general Grigny had his head Ihot off by a cannon ball. Capr. Barron is appointed Commodore of the American fquadiott, in the Mediter ranean, and Capt. Decatur jun. to tha cuinm ind of the frigate Chefspeakc.—Ad miral Languid, died at Madiid about the middle of January—so poor that he was buried at the expence of the Prince of peace. An appropriation has been made by Con grrfs, tor carrying into clfeCt the tieary between the U. States and the Creeks. As Mi. j‘ Randolph’s fpecches, denunci ations dec. aie Co widely circulated, and 1 wallowed by many, as truth and gospel, our readers mufl hear in out rext Mr. Findley’s reply tr, and refutation of them, /' to the very teeth cf Mr. Randolph. Mcalef, sentenced to be hanged on Mon day Just, received his pardon on the day preceding, in St. Paul’s churc h. If has been frggefted to some of the yiJges'tn n* pest the printer# in Georg'a to puVlifh henceforth the leniences palled on crim’nnl?, a? well as '.he outlines cf the char ges and trials, that the fame of their gcod deeds msy go before them—this projcdl is intended as a prei>entnti‘ve t till« penitentiary or some place of be eitabliuicd xn Georgia. Ac Uie last Court in Watlungton, Wilkes county, Mrs. Batcclay, we are informed, was found guilty of confphing to murder her hnlh tntj, and sentenced to be hanged or. the 30th inlt. This day an AflcfTor, and Tax coPeftor for this city, are to be cki’Ud by the city council, * GOLDEN ROD. A ft.rub which grows very abundantly in jho vicinity cf Augusta, is found hv late ex- criirents, to be a most and effec tual remedy for the lax—the leaves are to he boiled in water, and taken in the manner ofttea gill to be taken three or foil- times a day Irubatum eji. Pike of Cotton this week in Augusta, V]\ DIED, fa the jA'hult. in the jjvear of her ay, ,M illy Hynes, wife of Mr. Edward fn n- s of Burke county...a loving wife, and a tend mother. } J. Willfon Sc Nephew, HAVE JUST RECEIVED , A PARCEL OF Treble Fortified Stills, Os a much superior quality to any in this place, from 37 to 1z r Gallons, — ALSO, — Genuine Madeira, Port, Sherry and fWINE, Teneriffe j Jamaica and Noftiuvard RUM., BRANDY and GIN, Loaf and Mufcovado SUGAR, Young Hy fun a►a Souchong PEA, Beit Green COFh EE, Large Smiths BELLOW S, ANVi-LS-ami VICES. HAND and MILL'S A WS, Shingling and Flco.xng, Cut and Wrought ‘ NAILS, Belting Cloths of the fmeft kind, Tuikey Bed, Hair Powder and Pomatujn, Gentlemen’s fuft and feeprd quality shoes, Ladies Leather, Morocco, and Kid Slippers, STONE LIME in BARRELS. , With a number of other articles fo® ex tensive for enumeration ; all ot which they are determined to difpafc of at the most re duced prices, fox cash or produce. May 17. [j'-l ' N OTIC E. THE Subfcril-er intending to leave the state lora few months has appointed ! John Radcliffe of Augusta and Edmund 1 Maher of Savannah, his legal attornies, du ring his a l .;fence ; he has alfo.taken the said Radcliffe into Partnership, and the bufinefi veil! be carried on in future under the firm of SCOTT & RADCLIFFE, Who are, and will continue to be well Tup plied, with Dry Goods & Groceries. Those indebted to the late firm of Scott & Kelly’s,.who have neither liquidated their accounts nor paid any part, will find theminala wyer’; ha ads for recove ry. WILLIAM SCOTT. May T7. Double Fortified Stills, J. CORMICK Has just received his annual fupoly of Stills, they Contain lions 37 to izo Gallons, rnd will be found on exaffiio?- tion, of superior quality to any offered for Tale. May 17. . (3*) fto the Merchants of I ani'the Upper Country . j THE SUBSCRIBER, Having hu storks at »ivb fa- 1 Xhom hole, in complete order, >UI receive aud store allkiaJt of fko -9 oce on very reduced terms. Merchants in the up country who fliip their TOBAC CO or COTTON to Europe, or who wilh to dispose of it for a foreign r..aiket, will find it much to their advantage, to direct the Boat*, in which they fetid these articles down the river, to deposit them at thtfc Sores, aril it well known that vcf fel* drtwiug above eleven feet water, do not take in their cargoes above this place. Here their PRODUCE will be fafrly kept, and will be at all times ready for ftle or convenient for fhipreent--and by Soring it here without a previous delivery in Savannah, the delay, danger, trouble and cxpcnce of afterwards removing it in ligh ten, will be avoided, and the property placed beyond the reach of accident* by fire, as no fire is permitted to he tried near theft Stores, or in any building h* the neighbourhood of them. Tobacco, Rice, Cotton, &c. v will be received, weighed, marked, {Lip ped, or fold, and fatnplea drawn, and sent to the Counting* huufca of the owners, of the property. Fot landing, (hipping aud doting, one month, per hhd, Tobacco, 50 cent*. Each week after the ftut firtf, 6 cent* per week. Far each bale Cotton, landed, (hipped and dosed one month, 39 cent*. FOl every week After the four fiift, s cent* per week. Weighing hhd. Tobacco, 25 cents. Drawing famplea from ditto, 50 cents per hogfliead. Marking Tobacco, Rice or Cotton, and banding lids thereof, 3 cents pet package. Receiving and forwarding cocnmunona on {ales or purchafei, at Savannah rates— all which will tc attentively tianfttfed. b/ I. S. D. MOttTMOUIN. N, B, Laver received, and Jold on CiTnmiJJlm, The difference between the above and the efUblifhcd Savannah rate* on 100 hhd*. Tobacco, fiored one year, is no left than 214 dollars—on too calks of Rice, it remaining in fleic one year, would amount to 103 dodars—aud on 100 bales Cotton, if doled one year, would be 270 dollars. •Savannah, May 17. (*0 A Coachee G? Harness For Sale. Enquire of the printer. May 17. (s*.) ,■ ir * - ■— l GEORGIA. By hit Excellency , JOHN MILLEDGE, Governor and Commander in Chief, of the Army and Navy of this Slate, and of the Militia thereof, A PROCLAMATION. . WHEREAS, the Lcgiflature of this State, at the lad ft Hi on, parted a re foluiion requeuing that an extra-ft (Tion thereof (hould be called, as soon as conve nient after official notification, of a further acquisition of territory from the Creek In dians, fhnuld 91 received. And whereas, I have, this day, receiv ed official info: pati.n, thft the convention, „ cancluded on the 14th of November lad. between the United States and the Creek Nation cf Indians, for certain lands in the Fork of the Oconee and Ocmolgfe rivers, has been duly ratified. I have tliorght proper, under, and by virtue of the powers in me veiled, by the eighth f«£Hon, of the second article, of the Constitution of this State, to iffua this my Proclamation for convening the General Afferoby, at the Stare House, in Louisville, on Monday the ninth day of June next—and I do, there fore, hereby enjoin and require the atten dant* of the several dumber?, of the’ ref peftivc branches thereof, at 'he place, and on the day, above mentioned. Given under my hand, and the Great ' Seal of the State, at the State House in Louisville, thit twelfth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thou • sand eight hundred and fix, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the thirtieth. JOHN MIL! EDGE. By the Governor , Hoa : Mar bury, Sec'ryof the State, May 17. (4* J NOTICE—for the last time. I (kail attend at the following p’aces fer the parpofe of receiving tax returns tef j tin* orefent year--viz: at the City Hotel on Wednesday the 21st, and at the Augusta Book Store, on Friday the 23d inst. when it i» expefted all thoft as yet in default, yunftual in attending, a*, by law, I am übiigtd to close by the last of (Lis mortb, _ „ A. RHODES, R. T. P. May 17 ” [+*+] CAUTION. AS my wife Margaret Rcomow, has left my bed snd board, I therefore cau tion all perfens from trading or.crcditirg her or. my account, as 1 am determined to pay no debts of her contraftiny. RICHARD ROBINSON. May 13, 18c6. (y)