Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 21, 1806, Image 3

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p: Co'im&iut, the legifiatafc 11 in fcs f; 3n> Lyman Liw is of the [lower,] hvjfe, and Sylvanus Backus and Thomas y. Seymour, clerks. The votes for go, vernor (axclufive ot 100 loft for the republK c in candidate) are for Trumbull 13,413, Harr 9,460, federal majority 3,653. The federal majority last year was 5,466; so rhit rhe republicans have gained 1,513 since that time. Gov. Trumbull's fpcech was ih'stt, beginning with a recommendation so aificintmsnfs to office [keep out the demo crats.] Encouragement of domsftic mama fa Tire’ of iron, wool and flax is the only other objift prefled on their deliberations. Bee. • I From late London Papers. Marftul Bernadotts has been presented by fr>naoarrc with the royal palace and domain 0 f Trielfdorf, in Anfpach. AUGUSTA, June 2t. From late publication*, we find that a quantity of counterfeit dollars must be jn circulation in Georgia, and from c»peri tnce we find it is a fall-* the public, there fore, will do well to look Jharp. Louisville, jane 17. ■ The Lcg'flature pursuant to the proclama tion ofhis Excellency the Governor, met on Monday the 9th infiant, and proceeded to the obj jfts. for which they were convened. tr is ex parted the Uteceffions of lands, will be diftribured in like manner, as that obtained at the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, with but very little, if any alteration. They have lirecled the cbrAmlffioners to pnflpone the file of the Eraftional Sutvevs jo »he counties of Wilkinson, Baldwin and Wayne, until fur’her orders from thelegifla. tore or 'he Executive ; and the bill fur their difpor.l it is fippofed will meet with soma rivifioo, f' as to compel the parchafers to give security. A bill has palled'the U vise of Represen tatives, and is n»w progrefling in Senate, fcf the particular oriranizitionof the county of Baldwin, authorizing them to hold an C -1-Alon for county officers, on the second M iftdar in July next, at whidh all inhabi tints of faii co'inty, who were residents on the firft d.iv of the present month, are enti tled to a vote. COMMUNICATION Ofhis Excellency the Governor, to tilth branches of the Legislature, Fellow Citizens of the Senate and of the House of Repee/intatives * PJR.SU AN r to your reqaeft, as expref f?d in a concurred refoldtion pitted at your lift session, immediately on receiving official information thst the Convention, concluded between the United State* and the Creek Nation of Indians, for certain lands in the fork of the Oconee and Ocmalgee rivers, had been duly ratified, I tffued the procla mation in conference of which you are ru)w convened.—“ This information was con veyed to ms by a letter from the Secretary of wav, dated, the ilth of April lad, a copy of which is herewith inolofed. The Surveyor General has informed me that, from his calculation, acceding to the boundaries preferred by this conveh tion, a copy of which is also inclofed, the State hai acquired three millions twenty five thousand nine hundred and thirty acres of land, the far greater part of which is said to he of good quality. With you rests f %, dtfpofal of this acquisition, and no doubt, you will bear in mind, that many years may pass over before the State will again have at her command, a property as Valuable as th« present. We have it now amply* to Ont power* to difeharge the just debts of the State, and the principles of juflice and morality call on ns to do so.—-The time will coma when thofc demands must be paid, and to ncglcft procuring from this resource, a fund for that purpofc will be to keep our Citizens, for no Ihort length of time, under the burthen of a tax already too great, but which, if the present opportunity is not managed to advantage, 1 fear it will be found ncccflary to incrcafc.—lt may fairly be presumed that the land now obtained is efficient to enable us to relieve our Citizens from the dread of this increase of tax—to provide for the payment of the State debt-.and so fecofc usbhe means of accomplishing some of the most to be desired objects of Government —such as the ereftirg a Penitentiary improving the navigation #f our water courfcs---providing arms for the defence of our Country— -and aiding the funds of the institutions for the education of our youth. It will be with you, in difpofmg of this territory, to guard against every plan which might open a door to speculation. —To have it laid out in fmail trafts, as was done with that cedea by the treaty of Fort Wilkinson, would in my opinion be proper—large surveys, in ihe poffeiuon of individuals, endanger orr liberty, and arc injurious to the interest .of the oy being kept from cultivation.-—A Citizen who can call but'a few acres his own, feels an independence and fatisUftion, which arc not enjoyed by the urftable tenant. An opinion seems to prevail, and I think not without foundation, that the aft, pal fed at the last session of the Legislature, for difpofmn of the fraftional parts of surveys in the counties of Baldwin, Wilkinson and Wayne, is not calculated to arfwer its in tended pnrpofe, and benefit the State.-—I would therefore recommend a revision ei that aft to ycur early attention, as from &e aJvertue&wnt d the cd-rtmlffianefs ap pjintc.l to carry it into elftft, it a?pcari that flic Tale of thole furvcys is to commence on the i6:h of the present month. A lift of the Executive appointments, made, under the gth feftion of the id arii cle of the confticutioo of this State, to fill vaoartcics, which have happened fmee the adjournment of the Lcgilhturc, is transmit ted for your consideration. 1 he death of Major General James Jack s-n, wlidfc term as i Senator, far this State, in the Congrcfsof the United States, would not have expired until the 4/h of March next, has occasioned a vacancy in that body, which, with the vacancy, occaHoned by his death also, iii the military department of the State* remains to he filled. You must hav«s viewed, witti intcreftlng concern, the important fubjefts, in regard to foreign relations, which have lately en gaged the attention of «ur national Councils ---and though We have reason to hope that the refuit of their deliberations, aided by the penetration and wisdom of the chief mugiftrate of the nation* may occaflon our differences abroad to eventuate in peace, and to the intefeft of oiir Country, y*t as the iflue is ftili involved iri uncertainty, it be hovts yodi, on your return to yoar rcfpcc. live homes, to intpire l and cultivate as much ad pofllble a ibllltafy zeal- among our Citizens } for it is a maxim which may be greatly relied on, that tobcalWaye pre pared far war, is the best means of pre fer ving peace, : JOHN MILLED3E. State House, Lou'fville, June gth, Ffttends and Fellow Citizens, The person who has obtruded the pro ceedings of a Magifhate’s Court tojour view, mud account for the trobli you will receive by the following statement. So long since as the year 1799, the fub feriber employed Owen Megir, and another poor Carpenter, to build a house, and the firft step ncceffary was to advance 20 dj. to purchase tools : a few days after, Megar came with information that his partner had decamped with the tools, and another work man rmxft be employed ; this was soon done • but more tools were to be purchased ; and the fubferiber was advised to keep a property in them, until the job was finifhed to pre vent another trick. At the final fcttlcmanr, mere than fix years hee, THE SUBSCRIBER DELIVERED to Mesar, a written statement op THE ACCOUNT, AND PAID THE BALANCE in cash, telling him, the fubferiber was ready to explain the items to any friend who could read* In the present M nth, ttxe fubferiber finds Meg»r at the Magistrate’s court, ready to swear to art Account of one line,- vihich had never been delivered (t To painting your House 30 dollars,’ 1 alt ho a'firft rate workeman would have blushed to charge 1 • dollars for the fart daubed hy Megar ; be also boasted that he had another account tor 30 dollars ready to exhibit, for the bal ance of the building. To those Friends, who are not acquainted with the law of evidence, it is necessary to obfetve, the affirmative oath mull be re ceived by the Magiftrare, and that the fub feriber’s swearing to the above statement would not have been fufficicnt to destroy the eff-fts of Megar's refofeitated faculties : but will any Reafnable Being, believe that so poor a man would omit for 6 years deliver ing his account ? Fortunately for the fuhfcr'ther’s feelings, and. those es his friends, Mr. tSeorge Adam one of the City Council , can certify , that in an Account offome magnitude , no fnbterfuge nuas Attempted; the demandvJas JUST, and no length of time could obliterate the payment in the opinion of T. SANDWICH. N. 3. The refufcitdtoY of Megar*s proceed ings, nut 11 join make his appearance, “drelfed in a little brief authority,” Men are generally fhoett sighted ! It ti furpri- t sing that those *wh» reside in Glass houft r,will begin throvding fiones ! " TBSs—— ■ ill T ~ NOTICE. tFILL BE SOLE, On the firft day of August next, at lVm» M. Cowles ’ upper Saw-mills, all the personal property of the late Edmund Fiers decea sed, for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors, . , CONSISTING of rattle, ho?», hoif*, boufcbold and kitchen furniture, and a quantity of carpenter’* tools. Conditions; credit till Christmas, by givjog twenty five dollar notes, and good security. . All persons having any demand* Bgainlt the estate, are tequefted to come forward for fettlemect, with their accounts pro pctly attested according to law, ard thole indebted to said estate, are requested once more, to come forward and make immedi ate payment, as no longrr indulgence wi.l be Blvc8 lvcn * T hoS. KESTERSON, Adm*r, June IT. [l** orj ‘S TO BE SOLD, On the firft Tuefday in July next , at the Market House, in. Augusta, between the usual hours, at Sheriff's Sale, A Negro girl, about 16 years old,—a good cook, walher and ironer.— Also, a mulatto bey, about 13 f«ar» old, country born, (peaks French as well as Eng'ilh—would make a good house servant, or aofwer equally well in the field. Ju tie *;• (3’o I ASHTON’S. THE Co- partocrfttip of Ashtok (3 Clark being dissolved by the abfcnce bf Capt. Clark from the Hate, any debts dui from them trill .be paid by Jofcph Aftiton, who on this a* on former occifion*, begs leave to return his fiodCrc thanks to the public in general, and bis friends in particular, for the liberal) and generous support he received daring the fliort peri od of hi* late conricftioil, and he inform* them that in order to regulate his business, for general convenience, and individual ' benefit, he is now joined by Mr. JOSEPH CARRIE, whose acquaintance wi;h a Tavern, abilities, and general wi{h topleafe, are well known. And the fubferibers lia cerely hope that they rfiall meet the fame encrmragenient which has heretofore attach ed itfe!! to the house, arid they assure their friends and the public, that nothing lhall be wanting on their part, tofecure a con tinuance of that decided partiality which has borne up their business again# all op* poCtion} and they farther assure them that as far as good Beds, clean Rooms, a well spread Table, and a plentiful Stable with a good Ollier, and attentive hoafe fcrvsnts can go, they will be second to none in . th*ir bofinefs—thefe with obliging dis. portions and a general with to picafe, will always, they trull, ntake the (haatian of their town friends agreeable, and ensure the Traveller a comfortable and hearty ■ welcome. Wine, and other liqu usofall kinds, the best that can be procured, are always at the fcrvicc of their friends dnd the public. ASHTON W CARRIE. * m * The price ot every article fllull as sfus!, be regular, & as low “ as the nature cf the case loillaimt of, A. C, june tx. [tO Now in Scriven Jail. BROUGHT to the Jail ofScri ven county, a Negro man named JACOB ) he is a new negro, abpnt twenty years of age } foole of his teeth are filed, hat feme cloth apparel, and a blanket, and fy s he belongs to a Mr. Jackfen. Alio, a new negro man nanied TOM, a dim, tall fellow, about eighteen years of age, and is of the fame nation as Jacob, and fays he is Jacob's fellow fcrvSnt, and of C' erfe roll# belong to Mr, Jackfen. A’fe, another ticwhegro, about twenty cr s years o. r age } talks little cr no Englilh —*;rs nawe is undcrflood to be Be cul cur, bn*- no fabee his mafler's name—he has very ’ dittinfi marks of his country on his face s his clothes are of white negro cotton.— Tfc? owners «f the said negroes are requeu ed to come forward, prove property, pay expcnces and take them away, else they wi’l be dealt with, according to law. Wm. SMITH, Jailor. June It. [+J Brought to Warren jail on Sunday the Sth inst. a Negro roan by the name of GODFREY, about five feet ten inches high, fays he belongs to John Whitehead on big Briar Creek, Burke County; the owner is re queued to come forward, pay charges and take said negro away, GEORGE CALTON, Jailor. June zi. [3t] r Ten Dollars ReWaifd, m, RAN-AWAY from the <%jSSr Snbfciiber on the Eighth J anr > * Negi* fellow named ARE, about thirty or thirty two years old, of a Dark compleft ion, about fix feet high, has a blemish on hi* right eye j th* fellow is well known on the counties ct Washington, Montgomery and Tatnall; the fellow was raised by Capt. Janies Thcma* of Tatnall county, dec —it it sup posed that be is kept concealed by a white p-rfon in Tatnall county; if so, I will pay Fifty Dollars on conviftion of the offender,, or the above Reward and all reasonable expenses for the fellow alone, or by lodging him in force Jail in this ftatt-fbe reward will be paid by the fabferiberef Richmond, or Morris Kelly of TstnaM county. . '■ BASIL LAMAR, Junezi, f f o NOT fCE. ' Will be Sold, On Monday the 23 d day of June next , in Columbia County , at ihe Plantation of the late ff'm. Tyler, at prtftnt occupied hy IVm, Berry . PART olthepcrfonal estate of the la‘e Wm. Tyler, confiding of Negroes stock «f different ki ndr, Honfchcld and Kit chen Furnnu'e. The sale to continue from day to day until the whole is fold—Term of sale—Credit till the fitft day of Decem ber next, on Che parchafct giving bond and fecurily, that may be approved. Wm- BERRY. 1 , Ben;- LEIGH,* > Adm’rs, A. CRAWFORD. 3 May tx, (it.) Blanks of all kinds executed the fliorteft notice, at this OfHcc. ft*'. it . -fty.' • » ,t K GEORGIA, 1 To the HdsrraWc Sspf* Greene county. J Hat Court. x UPON the petition of William Melton; Hating, that he had in hi* poflcftionf a deed of conveyance to a traft of land, ly ing in the county and Hate aforefaid, in the fork of the Oconee and Aaplatchee riven, containing tw» hundred and thirty acres cf land; which said deed of conveyance a (Tig ti ed by Sam*! Fienikin to David Flcoikin— a copy of which said deed of conveyance, as near die original as your petitioner can recolleft, it lodged in the clerk’s office, together, with an affidavit, Hating, that the said original deed of conveyance it loft, so that he cannot come at the fame. Whereas, it is ordered, That the said co py i»eftabli(hed in lieu of the original, im lefi good cause can be {hewn to the contra ry, and that the said rule be publilhetl in one of the Gazettes of the ftatr, fix months. A true copy taken from the Minutes, this tld March 1806. HENRY C ARLE PON jun’r, for THOMAS CARLBTON, Ok, THIS Indenture made, this % Bth day of September 1797* on or hefoie, between Samuel Fienikin of the state of Georgia and county of Greene, of the one part, and David Fienikin of the state and county aforefaid, of the other part, Witnrfteth, that the said Samuel Fienikin, for, and in corfideration of the sum of two hundred dollars, the receipts whereof are hereby at* hnowledgcd, hath given, granted, bargain ed and fold, and by thtfe prefects do give, grsnt, bargairi, fell and convey, all that trad or parcel of land, fitinted, lying and being in the county and state atoref&id, in the fork of th& Oconee and Apalalchee rivet's, containing two hundred and thirty acles, mate or left, hiving fetch marks and lhape* as appear by the plat of th« fame, annexed to a grant bearing date December 31st to Jarbes Fienikin, together with all and lingular the rights, members and appurtenances (hereunto belonging, or in any wife appertaining—and 1, the afore faid Samuel Fisnikin, for cryfelf, heirs, Ac. do, by these prefentr, warrant and forever defend, the lawful right and title of (he abeve mentioned land and premises, unto the aforefaid David Fienikin, bis heirs add affighs forever, and from all artd every other person or perfoos, whatfuever, as a clear and iodefcsfible estate, in fee simple, fore ver—ln witness whereof, I have hereunto fat my hand, and the day and year full above written, (Signed) SAMUEL FIENIKIN. Signed, sealed and deli- > veted in the presence of J DAVIS GRESHAM, / p. RICHARD BRADLEY. RIOHARD BRADY maketh oath, that he was a witness to a deed, to the fame tenor and effeft of the above, to the best of this deponent's belief. Sworn to before me 7 R. BRADLEY, this 4th March 1806. 5 Wm. BROWNING, j. t. STATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County. THIS day, came before me, one of the justices a digued to keep the peace, in said county, Wm. Danoeif, who maketh oath as follows, refpeAing the within deed (to wit)—-At or sometime preceding the date within named, be believes he law a deed of conveyance to the within effcdl, in the pofTedlnn of Col. William Melton, and be lieves it to be considerably earlier than the lime within named—-he does not recoiled the exaft confideratien money named in the deed, tier dees he recoiled the witnefties to the said deed j but from the best of his re collection, and belie*, believes the within to convey the substance of the deed (said to be loft or destroyed.) Sworn to before me 1 Wm. DANNELL* this 4th March 1 Sod. j Wm. BROWNING, j. r. ST ATE OF GEORGIA, Greene County , PERSONALLY appeared before me, Wm. Melton, and maketh oath, that on or before the date of the within deed, he re ceived a deed of conveyance from Samuel Fienikin, to the tenor and eflxft of the within, to the best of his belief, and that he has loft the fame, so that it cannot be bad Wm. BROWNING, j. r. June 1 1. [ew6m] ~SHERIFF’S SALE. On the frjl Tuefday in Autnifl next , at Evirtf'Scn Court Ifoufe, Wilkinson Coun ty, between the usual hours , WILL EE SOLD , A Negr® woman named Rachel, taken a* the property of William Mims, to fatisfy an execution in favor of John Fee. EDMUND HOGAN, s’ w. e. June it. [3*3 Stolen Goods . Say —Cne Umbrella, eight yard* Linen, three do. Mj(l n, one niat/s Hat—which weic foo-id in the konfe of Tabitha, a fret regro worn a.) j (but {he difawnt the goods) who li*c* in HarriAbirg. The owner may get the property, by prov ing it, and paying expence*. • C. DICKINSON, C M. Jmttu \