Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, June 28, 1806, Image 3

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Captain Pratt from St. Thornra, informs us, chat four. French frigates had arrived at bt. Johns, Porto Rico, which place they hid taken polfelfion of, and had huiflej the French flag upon ail the forts. ■New-York paper. Culture of Coffee in India. —Some experi ments have been made in the culture of Cof fee, and have been attended with Arch ex. inordinary fuecefs that it has been reprefen. ted to,the board ot trade, that in the course of a few years the largest investments of Coffee equal to any grown in the Weft.ln. •dies, may be provided on very low terms. London paper . The Committee appointed to examine the votes for Governor and Lieut. Governor, were engaged the principal part of Saturdy, in going through with that business. The prog refs which they have made is not exaftly known ; but rumour fays they id ready pas sed sentence of condemnation on a fufiicicrn number of the returns, to defeat the re.elec. Abo, (by the people) of His Excellency Gov. Strong. This Committee, it is fa id to be understood, is decidedly democra tic. On the part of the Hovife, it consists of M.-Iffs. Storer, Bacon, D ant forth Sc Cod man.'- —Three democrats and one federalift. On the part of the Senate, tamo democrats Sc one federalift, Mdlrs, Titcotal, Hill, and Dana. A number of re moo ft ranees on the Cut j est cf ek&ions, were read and committed. In convention of the two Houfcr, the vacancy in the Senate has been filled up by the election of Jfeph Storer, Esq.—The whole number of votes was 486 cf which number Mr. Storer, had 178. The fede ral candidate was the hor.orablj" Jofcph Lelani. B'Jlo.n Gazette. We this day perform the painful talk of announcing the death nl the Venerable GEORGS WYTHE, Esq. .fudge of the High Court of Chancery, far the Richmond Ditttift, who died on Sunday last, about 9 o’clock, in the morning. V’ir. Argus, CATERPILLAR. A gentleman ir.formed us tins morning, that the fame deftruAiyc fpecics of Cater, pillar, as that which has committed such xavagss to the fourhward, has made its ap pearence, in countless numbers, on Elk- Ridge, in a field of wheat belonging to him. Hi is of opinion, that if they attack the stalk or head of the wheat, with the fume rapacity they have the blade, that out of 600 bulhcls with which he was tantalized with the profpeft, he would not be able to cut a Angle buftiel. It has also made its appearance in other neighboring fields* but the extent of the aftual *r probable mifchict* ij nor yet afeertained. F. Gazette. "AUGUSTA, ytine 28. I THE negotiations carrying on in England do not seem to relax the energy of the Bri tifii, in detaining American veiLls j more than a fears, by the last accounts, destined for Hamburgh, have been detained and car ried into English ports! —as much as to fay, that what the Britifti lose on the continent of Europe, they will make up at the expence of the United States of America!—lt were devoutly to be wifiicd that, instead of pro hibiting certain BritKh manufactures, the late Cong refs had turned their thoughts to the Britiih W. India ilhnds, and prohibit ed the citizens of America from supplying them with any article whatever—then in deed, they would come home to the s vital part, and make John sing fmall—Xo eluci date this, Lord Holland declared in the British Parliament on the 30th of Match, that for want of regular supplies from Amer ica, between 1804 and 1806, in Jamaica alone, 15000 negroes died ot famine ! It is now known far certain, that admi , ral Linois on board the Marengo, together with a frigate and fume prizes, has been ta ken by the Btilifo. On the sth April, Lord Cochrane off the Garonne, made a fuccefsful attack on lome French veffcls lying at the mouth of that ri ver ; nine were taken or destroyed, four of which were national ships, mounting from 14 to guns. *— Onr accounts from Europe are to the be ginning of May ; the Bilhgcrents owe us, of course, a great ileal of news, which we may expeft in a very lew days. The Legislature of this state at their late ftffioo, have defied his Excellency Govern or Milledge, Senator to Congress, and D. g, Mitchell'efq. Major General of the firft division of militia ; the vacancies have been vccafioned by the death of General Jacklon. We, arc happy to learn from Louifvillc, that Doctor Wm. W. Bibb, of Peter (burg, at present one of the representatives from Elbert, has, at length ccnfented to become a candidate for Congress, at the en uing Eleftion—and that Mr. Troup is up o fill the vacancy occasioned by the tcfignation of Mr. Brvan —and will also stand at tne general election for Members to Cwgrcfi. This day we finifli the publication of the Laws cf the state of Georgia—the Lottery also, is at an end; in conference we Ina. more room in future ter Foreign an IDomeftic affairs. . .... The foundation of the Statc-hoofe in Mi- Irdgevjllehas been lately laid, and the wo **» understand, is pulhed on with great tpi rit and energy—at this new feat cf gover 1 r nen L * Siting Ptth is already eftabli&- 1 e«i, and the many who have purchased loti, { are at wor»c, day & night, to lay the fornix dations of the metropolis oi Georgia—From these exertions itnnybe justly said with Vir gil,' (peaking of Carthage— Ftrvct Oius. ' THE citizens of Wrightlboro, and its vicinity, in this (fate, feeling the want of political and commercial intelligence, have entered into a (bbfeription to hire a Rider, who is, henceforward, it take papers in Augnfta, and carry them on regularly—he is to leave Augusta every Monday, and arrive on the day following at Wrightlboro. THE CROPS. A Gentleman who has lately returned from a tour through the upper and middle parts of this State, informs, that there is the faired prolpeft of rich and abundant crops this season, that has been for many yeats pad-—'The corn looks beautiful in every county that he has parted through, and the cotton plants bore the appearance of health and vigor, and if the season (hould continue equally favourable as heretofore, the planters may flatter themselves with an unusual abundance of this valuable article— We miderftand that the rains which have laded f« long and so heavy in Richmond and rho lower parts of the date, greatly endan ger the profpefts which were flattering be fore j but we are glad to learn that the sea. lon has not been so wet in other pans of Georgia. On the 4th of July we that Captain Kennedy with his usual politeness will favor the Citizens with a grand display of Fire- Works on the river hark, in the rear of Artiton’s garden ; notice of the com. tilenccrhsnt of the will be given by the previous firing of a Canned. Such citizens as feel themselves disposed to celebrate the 4th of July—die,glorious Anniversary of the American Revolution, arc invited to inroll their names on the hit for that purpose at the City. Hotel, where an elegant dinner will be given on the oc cafion* For the CHRONICLE. Mr. Editor, Thro’ the medium of your ufeful paper, permit me so congratulate Citizen Hobby, and all other genuine Republicans, upon the return of the great Siate of Martachufetts to those correct principles which five mod no bly defended, and fought for; principles which (he afierted at the paint of the bayo net, and by Her magnanimous condufi, induced her then filler colonies, to engage in the fame Contort, which, happily termina ted in the Independence of these dates--- This is an Epoch, (Americans,) that we have good right to rejoice at. From some cause or other, the mother of our country, estranged heifclf from her natural and Je. gitimate offspring, but, as nature has wifely decreed, the diltradod parlies a;e now in association, cultivating one field, and drin king from the fame cup- —lt is worthy of remark, that of the 17 States that compose this Union, two are yet very refraftorw fay good old Connecticut, where the people are most fhamefully duped by an inftdious clergy, that preach sordid dlfcourfcs instead of true R.cligion ; the other, the state of Delaware, where too much of the old Bri tifli leaven still remains, to the annoyance of the inhabitants of that state Happy mud that country be, where oppofnion is tolerated, at the expence of good Cenfe ; it proves the freedom of the Profs, which is the palladium of liberty—Let them go on unpunished, till the rays of light (hail il luminc their heated brains. YANKEE. FOR THE CHRONICLE. IT is too much the custom among us, at this time, as it has been in all former ages, to form our opinions, fcom the opinions of cotemporary authors, who have gained fotnc celebrity by the ufeful and ingenious works that they have pubiifhed. Instead ot depen ding upon the evidence of cur own senses, and thus drawing oar observations from nature, wcrelinquifh tnem, and adopt with out reason and without reflexion, the vague ©pinions ot men whose senses arenas liable to deceive them, as ours arc to deceive us, and whose veracity, is fornetimss excrcnwly doubtful. I know of nothing in which this blind Itupidity is more coiifptcoous, thin in the practice which has became so prevalent among us, of wearing flannel next to the (kin, in fominer. This, to be fore, is re commended in a 1 most all cases, oy many of the most approved modern authors on medi cine 5 but it docs not follow from this, that it is always proper. Authors too frequently cony from others, instead of cop} ing from nature ; but I think there is some absurdity in their reasoning on this fobjtft. It ,s very well known to Physicians of geni us and observation, that an exceffivc deter, ruination of the fluids of the human body towards the external fat face, is frequently extremely debilitating. It is also well known, that many people have too great a determination of their fluids towards the ex temal furface of the body, and are frequently very much debilitated by it; and tt is like wise well known that the praftice m wearing flannel next to the (kin, has the ctfeft of taking off the determination of the fluids fiom the internal furfaccs, k throwing them upon the external. r Hence it follows as a nedeUary conic (pence, that in all cases where debility and 1 diseases depending upon il, are occasioned by * \ a fupcrabiuiftjnce of £ ;id matter, eliminated from the body by the cutaneous cmunftorics, the wealing of P.annel malt be exceedingly pernicious, <u it will increase this morbid determination of the fluids, which has alrea dy been so great as to occalion diseases. But in certain diseases, as the dyfentafy, diatrhoa Sr:, which arc supported by a too great determination of the fluids towards the internal fucfaces, the wearing of flannel next to the ikin, will draw <%IF this morbid determination from the internal, and throw it upon the external parts of the body, and of confluence remove one very great taufc of the continuance of diseases of this kind. It appears to me that there is nothing more • ridiculous, and injurious to health, than the practice which prevails anlung many healthy and rohuft perlbns, of keepinglthcm felves bundled up in flannel in the heat of fuminer. Mod persons, I believe in the summer are debilitated, mwre or lefsf by excdßve perspiration $ admitting this to be correCl, how absurd muil it be to increase this perspiration by wearing flannel. Flan nel (hirts in the winter, when peifpiraiion is apt to be defective, arc undoubtedly very proper, for many who ate ofunexpofed to th; inclemency of the weather; but to peo ple whole confutations arc vigorous and healthy, and who arc not much exposed to the vit.iihuides of heat and cold, 1 believe flmnel to be debilitating, and confcfjucmly injurious to health, L might fay a great deal more on the im propriety of making use of flannel next t> the Ik in, in all cases, and might give a hiiiwry of a number of cases in which it has nnnifelUy been injurious to health, and when the leaving of it ofif, has been of infi nite fcrvice; but my limits will not permit . r»c to do this at prefetit. A PHYSICIAN. Lai Saturday, Mr, Newel W, Herbert Was chosen clerk to the City Council. To Correspondents. A p! do fpe.tker is lecujved and dull pro bably appear in our next. ATTENTION !! The Citizens who wish tocela brate the Anniversary of American Independence, are requested to meet this evening at the City- Hotel, for the purpose of making the necessary arrangements. An examination I of the Students of Richmond Academy will take place on Monday next at 9 p’clock a, m. The prcfcnce of those particularly inrerefted in the institution, and of so ‘many others as can make it convenient, is refpedfully & carncftly requel ted. <. N. B. The public speaking will commence in the hall preciTo ly at 3 o’clock p. m. John R. T i,oNfpSoN * The ladies and gentlemen who are to at tend at Paul’s Chuixh oil the 4'h of July, are informed, that to prevent conlufion the following arrangements are made—The la dies will pleafc to take their feats at the left hand flde fifths pulpit; the military, theirs in the middle range, and the citizens, at the right hand of the pulpit. Doftor Smelt, most ref paffrdlly, informs his fellow Citizens, that he is a Candidate for the next Congref*, and ailo, for the vacancy that exists in the pre fect Congress, occasioned by the resignation cf the Honorable Jofcph Bryan of Chatham county. Junezfi* [o’J N. B. Mrs. Hillhonfe, Meflfrs, M'Mil lan, Day & Hcly, are requested to insert this three times, and apply tor payment. Has For* Sale , 4000 Bushels of ground Salt, 36 Puncheons of Spirits, ■8 Hhds. Brown Sugar, 20 Bags Green Coffee, -.—Boxes No. 10 Cotton Carcls. With many other article* in the Grocery Line, Alfa, a new and well chofcn fu ply of DRY GOODS. All of which will be so d on moderate term*. June 28, 1806. e [jj_£ A New and valuable work, The Married Lady's conjijiing of four parts. I. An addrefi to the Murrifij Lidy, who it the m rther of Daughter*. 11. An addref* to the ccwiy Mitried Lafly * . .. 1, T,.t* J 111. Some important* hxuti to the d wife. . IV. Au eiTay on the managcmsnt and common difeafe* of Children. By Samuel K. Jennings——The above work which appear* to boa most ufefal and V'laablc one, maybe had at the Chronicle Cilice. * NOTICE. Sometime inthe month of May* came to my house in Columbia county, a Negro Boy about 16 yean of age, by name, JACK, who woi formerly the property of Jamca t'aadcn of Montgomery county, N, Carolina—faya be wai left by said Sander* with Hrnry or John Williams neat the F.(h Djm ford, upon Broad River Souch-Caroli na. Tbs boy cfcaped from Richmond J;nl previous to his coming to my houfs. Nat knowing whether the boy wa* actually fold by laid Jatnei Sander* or not, 1 have thought proper to keep the fold hoy in my poss ffim until I can hear from foid James Sander*; orifthc-bOy is fold, the owner can have his property by (hewing his title, JESSE SLANDERS junr. June 28. 1806. (3t.) NOTICE- } PROPOSALS will be received by the ; Clerk, until the firS Manday in July next, for ftntlktog the new Court-Houfe* --The money to he paid on the completion t of the work. order of the Inferior Court, MATHEW FOX. Cfi, June tB. [a/] N O Til C E. \ LTj petibn* having any demand* againll the Elfstc of the late Robctt Stanford dcccatcd, of die county or Warren, arc re queftedto cotnc fciwatd and render in their account* properly atlefled, and those irdfcht ed to fold eftste, nee esrncftly requeued to Come forward and make payment. JOHN BAYN, Achi'r. June *Bl 1806. [fj SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firji Tuefday in Augujl next, ct Oglctfioipe Court Uoujc% ietucen the vfuot hours, WILL BE SOLD, Acre* of Land, more or Icfo, in fold County, on the Grove creek, joining Wm. Kidd and other*; taktn a» the property of Thomai O’Kclly, to fatitfy a judgment obtained in ajuftice’* court, in favor of George Crcfi i levied on, and returned to me by the Conftablc.—Condition*, C»(h. THOMAS W. SCOTT, iVf June it- , [3O sale, Qn the firji Tuefday in Augufi next, at the Market House in the City of Augujia, at the hours, * WILL BE SOLD , 100 acres of Land on the Wa r ter* of Cupboard Cietk, with a good Grist mill; bounded by land* of John Savage, Holland M‘Tyre and other*. ALSO. 25 acres, adjoining the Laid de ferred too acre trail, and land* of Hol land M*Tfie and General Thomas Glaf cock,, with the improvcmiiit* thereon j being the late rcfidcncc ol Capt. Samuel Bogg above land* levied on a* the property belonging to the Efiate of SatuuH Jlugg, to fiatwfy an execution in favor of the adtn'r* of John I’ arcs. ♦ ALSO, Two Negro Fellows, JERRY and SAM ; the above negroc* levied vn aa the property of George Pearson, to latisfy an execution in favor of the admlniftratota of jolcnh Cox. A LEO, One house and lor, adjoining the City of Augusta, and conflicted as in the City, at | refont occupied by John Ham meli rfq.; containing in (rent on Reynold Street, too left more or left, and exten ding toward* the River izofcct. more of left 5 bounded by lot* «f Andetfon ■ Wat kini and Pace, Efqr*. the above Jot Ifvied on a* the property of Edmund E. Jink ini, to Satisfy an Execution in fovof of the tity Council of Augusta. ALSO, One Brick House and lot, levi ed on as the property of ’Watkim* Lfq. in or adjoining to the foid City of Augusta, containing in front on broad Street, go feet, mere or left, and running through to Reynold ftte’et, furpefed to be 341, and bounded on the Not tK weft by afmall alley, which it bounded by lind belonirgto the l.cir* of M'Cartcn Campbell, and on the fouth weft, by a let belonging to M‘- Iver; the shave Jo: with the iaoprovementa th'con i* levied on to fotiify an execution in favor of the City Council of Augusta, ALSO, part cf the lots No. 21 and with ttie improvement* fhcrcou, at pre fent occupied by Gcctge Fee and other*} bounded 17 the lot* of J bn Ca-Ittt and John Will for! cfqri. and othctiaad Reynold ftrcetj th- foid lots and improvements levied cn, and t<' be fold a» the property *f George I ;.-, to f*ci«f> an execution in favor of Wii*. Walli* on a loiVc’cifure of a Mott* oavc.— Coffidi-ifusof Sale. £ * 11. M'IYKE, n. ». c. >r«l8. ((/) Sheriff’s titles, Bills of Tale, Mortgages, &c. may be had at this OGicr. * •' - SrISSUFfS T IT t- K■*, Fit Sail at this Office . i „ v-* ’ ■ i - ".- «jf»