Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, August 30, 1806, Image 3

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fuipr wstn common fait, ami It cannot but b* expected that the fame ihould be the calV in refped to butter. A LOVER.. OF CJOOD BUTTER,, DEMETRIUS OF MAC ED ON. This monarch would at times retire from bofioefs to attend to pleasure. On such an occsfion he usually feigned indisposition. His father, Antigonua, coming to visit him, saw a beautiful young lady retire from his chamber. On entering, Demetrius Hid, ** Sir, the fever has now left me.’* Very like, ion,” favs Antigonus, *< perhaps I ftid it at the doOr,” A New Way. to Warm Beer. The 1 !te Sam Footecoald fay any thin? of any body, or to any body,—when he was once at L ml Kelly's table, a gentleman pre. sent complained that the' beer was rather cold,—“ get his Lordship to dip his nofc into the tankard, ’* Hid Foote, “ and if he keeps is there half a minute,-* —and the beer dees not boil, it mull !se sire's roof ** ** ' Revenge at the right End. . A Spatiilh ioldicr palling through a men. tV.v near Toledo, a large maftiffran at him, end he (tabbed the dsg with afpear that he hid tu hig hand. The rn.iftcr of the dog brought him before the A1 cade, who alked him, why he had not rather (truck at the dog with the hurt „end of his weapon? Sol firm Id, (aid the feidier, if be had run at me with his tail. A. fair choice. A gentleman one day took occaficn to speak of the married (fate before hi* daugh ter, jmdobferved, that (be who married dees veil, but (he that does not marry clues bet ter.’, — tl Well then,” replied the young lady, “ 1 will do 'well, let thofc who choose do better — A legal proof. The junior couul'el, who opened thecaufe cf Madame D‘Sen, conclud 'd as follows t We shall now r call witnelfes to prove that le h -Jhe.” XL - - - - SHERIFF’S SALE. On thejir/tTusJiiay in ilScber next, at the M irhit- Hottft in (he Cvy oj Angnjla at tin vjua 1 h urs, Will be Sold, 200 acres of land lying-and be ing iu the county of Rickm mu, jouidcd by lands of Jams 1 Bsali and Savannah river, known and dittingoiflied by Bead'* M unt. ALSO, too acres ot land lying on the waters ot buirit Crack ana bounded by land* of Nathmicl BcaiJ? thc above proper ty Irvie-i on at the property of Nathan Bua’i, tafatiifv sundry execution*. ALSO, Fifty acres of land with the im pTOv«r?K’ii« thereon, within lour miles of Augafla on the Savannah road, bounded by lands (<{ John M‘Tyre, Ananias Cooper and land belonging to the estate of Y/tn. M‘- Dads and others, the »bove land and im provemen's evied on ?s the property of John M‘Mmr.i3 aid pointed oat by Hid M‘Mint,ia to farUfy a judgment in favor of Starling jtrezn. ALSO, One I tt in the town of Augqfta, known by Mo. 4, well improved witn a Lifgc Brick Steic House and a wood ft arc bo’wfu or haa r cs for tiouge, bounded on the east by the river 'freet, on th-5 north by a lot bc’nning to the esate of D. B. Butler, the fbtuth by a lot belonging to jfa'a To >le, arid on the weft by M‘lntc(h ftrc«t --The above levied on as (he property ol Major Wm M. Cowles, ard pointed cot by said f oivlcs,. to fadsfy a judgment in favor of Thoms; Young junior. AL c O, Two Negro fellows, one named Sam ahd the other named Dick, the above negroes levied on zs th? property of Charles Manns to fariafy a judgment ia favor of Philip F. Ration, ALSO, - Two Negroes named Orar and Sandy-, a Boric and Chair, the above levied on as the belonging t ) the tftatc of Stmofil B igg, to fatilly an execution iu favor of the alninidrator* of John Pearce. ALSO, 202 1-2 acres of land in Bald win county, i d diP r ft, known by No. 48 AL--0, One negro woman named Aggy. ALSO, The northermoft part of lot No. 38 in the town ot Peieilb.trg, well impro 1 ved, b unding on centre fircct in the trout & lets ——; a fuller description will be gi ven on the dxy of laic— the above levied on as the property of Nathaniel P. Bcacn, and pointed out by Hid B ach, to (atii ? y fundiy executions.—C nlidonsof a <*, Cash. tl. M TYRE, s. r c. 30. [ n Now in Richmond Jaili A new negro fellow by the name «f MOODY, about 5 teet 7 or 8 inches high, 2o or 28 vears of age ; he fays he belonged to Michael Silvert ot Richmond county, and was fold by him to Samuel Lockhart,— The owner is rtqicfted to come forward, prove property, pav charges and take him *way. JUr. HARRIS, Jailer. Auguji 33, [tf] fi98555 AUGUSTA, Augufl 30. Among the many changes and revolutions brought about_ in Europe, .by t h e French emperor, one is that of creating a new fir nam—] lonaparte is thrown away, but not forgotten, and that of Napoleon fubflituted ; tons we now read jofcph or Lewis Naptle. * nil thisb - v the grace of God and fo torth ! V '*c bo if} a great deal of the freedom of the f re j! in America; hut there is no country in the WorlJ where they are so free to press (and that without redref?) as in Great Bri tain and Ireland ! ■ Ej'fidcg rhe three mentioned in onr luff, J. 'v. Stephens and, J. Stephens were pro- Lcured at Baldwin court, for the murder of their brother, & found guilty o( niaiiliaugh ter—they were burnt in the hand. Nnhan Fait, lately removed from Rich mond jiil to that of Hancock, has had his lenience renewed, viz, to have been hanged on Monday lad. & We are amhorifed to publifli that Obauiah Jones Eiq. is a candidate tor Congrcfs at the next general eleffion. Aoguft 30. 3t It is nnpoffible to conceive of a situation, in which man can he placed, more exalted than chat of a legislator. To him is con. . filed the important duty of making laws by which the people arc to be governed. With him is intruded fucH power that.the citizens be made happy by his wisdom and parriofifm, or tniferahic by his ignorance, ambition or felfiOinefs. Mowdcfirahle it in, then, that our ruler; fhenld be patriotic and wifi**—that they should be patiiotic in the utmoil extent of the word-*--that their pa trintifm ihould ret be made up entirely of profeflions but of a desire and determination to pursue such measures as are neccffary-—as are just—-as would promote the intfcrdl of the whole, however adyerfe they may be to or the ime rest of a tew. Pol Observer. DIED, at Louilviiu. on Saturday the 23d inftanr, Mrs. Sarah Jones, wife *f Seaborn Jones cfq. aged 34 ytars; four young children, an jffedlicnate huiband, with a great number of relatives and friends remain to bemoan the Id’s of this worthy lady. —, on Monday the zph ipft. at his country feat in Richmond county, in the 58th year of his age, after a lingering illness of two years, Mr. Levin Colliks, who was ever found to be a (launch hipporter of the rights of his country throughout the revolu tionary contest. on Saturday morning last, after a few days illness, Mr. John Kennedy, in the 69 th year of his age. Departed this life, at JBarh, in Buncomh county, North-Carolina, on the zq h ul r , in the 49th year of his age, Major Thom as Pasteur, of the United States army.— He was one of those patriots, who, in the early part of cur revolution, joined the ftamlard of liberty, and (heathed.hi* (word, cnly when he saw his country foveteign ind independ m* 1 Extract of a letter , received by the editor of the New York Daily Advertiser, from a friend in Soften, “ Titis day (August 4/I1) an unhappy fra cas took place on ’change between Mr. Tbomks O. Sdfridge, andChades Aufttn, son of the fnppefed editor of the Chronicle, , Mr. Selfridge, after receiving repeated blow s foot him through the heart. The paiticu iars 1 will give you in my next. The im mediate source of the rencontre, was the posting advcrn'fcment of Austin femur, by Salfridge, in the Boston Gazette of this day. The following is the advertisement allu ded to, from which the fatal transition that is (fated in the letter originated. From the Boston Centinel; AUSTIN POSTED. Benjamin Austin, lean officer, having ac knowledged that he had •ircalated an infa mous falfehood concerning my profefiional csridudf in a certain canfe, and having relu fed to give the fatisfaitirn due to a gentle man, in similar cases.—l Hereby pubiifh faitl Audio as a coward, a liar, and a SCOUNDREL ; and if laid Austin has the cffrontciy to deny any part ol the charge, } he (ball be filcnced by ihe most irrefragible proof. THOMAS O. SELFRIDGE. R oft on, Augtft 4, 1 3 06. fft P. S. The various editors in theU. | States, are reqaefted tj infeifc I he above ) notice In their journals ; aqd their bills fitntl be paid to their refpediite agents in this town. SHERIFFS saleT Ch the frjl Tuejday in Odour next, at the Market-Hovfe in the Cit/of Auguftt, at ' the vjual hours. Will be Sold, One Negro Fellow by the name of p levied cn a» the p cpetty of Chtfley Bodickjunr. Pointed cut by the defendant tofatiify ore execution in (aver of the admiriftrators of Wiliism Pec. Jur• HARRIS 3, d. s. a- c 3o* I- Ju f received a Frefi ajjhriment of Medicines & Medicinal Drugs. THO’s I. WRAY, HAVING just arrived with a general assortment, laid in under his own in fpeftion, at rhc best American Mirkcts; which he will dispose of on really m.derate termi. He has added to his former articles a fine a(T rtrtsent of nice C«nfe6lioraries, Henry's pitem Magnefi.i, eflence of Spruce, indelible Ink for marking clothes, two Electrical Machines—and lately appointed agent for Doctor i'.oiiSMuN, having brought with him a large (apply of genuine Balm ofGiLEAD and AnTi-Impetigines. tc A judicious writer remarks, that, “ to “ live with fatisfadien tonne's felfand oth. “ ers, to procure as many comforts of life as “ arc confident with cur mental and bodily “ cor.ftitution, and to avcit impending dan “ gcr, or, in other word?, to preserve onr “ (elves from the injut tons attacks of exrer “ nal agents, are neatlv the whole of what relates to the praftical part of human “ hfc." If then to live with fatisfadion ** to ourselves and others is fa definable, ,f how can we accoftiplilh it when deprived “ °f that which is more to he cftecir.ed than “ gold and trtafure which enlarges “ the which, when poffdfed, “ leaves little more to be wished for —thht “ which when wanted is the greatest of “ wants—“even that which is the grenteft of “all bleflings, namely Health! r l he “principal (entree of misery, then, being “ the iofsdfthis great jewel, it behoves' us “ to find a remedy for ihob* difcM -s which “ have hitherto baffi d tliejkil.l'of the. Fnctil “ ty, namely nervous, confdcnptive, and “ hvi’-OidlOH-i ,iA “«*»-*—L... - - “ been more liictefstu! than nnorher, it is “ Dbdor Solrmon, who h»s brought Ids “ Cordial Balm of GilEad tofuch per “ (cohort that it never fails removing the “ wu ft and raoft crabbed di foolers of this “nature. It always cxhilirates and cheers “ rbe spirits, braces and invigorates the “ Whole frame* Such a medicine, for its healing, balsamic, ftiendlya and fanative “ q talitics upon the debUitatea constitution, “ deserves the wondrous enceuragcmcnt it “ meets with from ail tanks, who have been “ fortunate enough to have recourse to it. “ Pamphlets on its efficacy delivered “ gratis by the agent t “ dud fid in bottles , price Three 3d “ rv s each. An raft r, At'g'.tji jO. [ f] joh nH iir&Co Have JuJi Received from New* l r ork, part of ihiir Summer and fail GOODS, VIZ: SUPERFINE Cloths k Cafl|men, Piain and Kindal Cantona, Ladie* and Gentlemen'* fiat & coarfc Hats, Calicoes ami Chintzei, jaconet, MidMtii, (Mullins. Laced Catbfctkk 8c * I Chambry J * Humhum* and Dimit s», Velvet# and Fancy Cords, Cotton and Si.k Sufpcndcn, Bf' Wii Hollands, S?irt and Sh p Twine, Ladies Kid and Morocco Slippers, Men# fine and cotife Shoe?, Wr ting Pap-r by the itam, Cti lery and of aim oft every de feriptioo- —O N KAND— io Hhdi. Prime Sugars, ze Birds, do. ditto, 3000 Wc. best Green Ce lt*, Hyfon and Imperial leas, Cro kcry Ware by the Crate, Empty Bottle# by the Hhd, Sherry and Malaga Wuvctf, Jamaica Rum, Hoi and Gin, Cogniac Brandy, &c. &c. With a great variety of articles, tao tciiinu# to enumerate, nuking iu the whole a complete and general assortment, ali of which will be disposed of at their u sual prices, for caiii or cottoK. Coun tiy Merchants will co well to avail tbeca fclverof the opportuni y of calling, as they will have an opportunity of furniftthg ihcm fc ves upon the nroft reduced terms. Augujl 3a. (4*) NOTICE. Thefale of the real Eflale of William Tyler dec* to toit : TWO hundred and sixty acres the late rcfiJence of the decealsd, 107 a ere* co Savasnah riv?r, be the fa nr mute or IcL, which hai been advertised to be (bid tbii day at Columbia Court Hbu e, pubLSi cd in the Chronicle s# postponed, till toe firft Tuefdaw in Odfobrr next, Wu. BERRY, 1 ’ Eewj. LEIGH, \ Aim's, A. CRAWFORD. } jy, (6f) A complete Saddle or Chair HORSE for [j ah.—Enquire at this Office, Faftorage Com* mission Business. THE RuHbribcn having entered into Partnpilhip, under the 1i m of Barrett&Sims, In the above line of business irt thUcity, inform their fiiends ana ihc pub lic in general, th*t they shall continue to occupy the fame from, as lereto'or* occu pied by Thomas Barrett, where they ere e re£ting, ia addiiion, a large Cotton Ware , Which will afford than ro’m to goto yooo Bales of Cotton zt one time, fecurc liotu the Weather. THOMAS BARRETT. BENJAMIN SIMs. Augvji 3 q. j>o)t/J SHERIFF S SALE. On the JirJt Tuefduy in OStohir next, at Co lumbia Court House , between the vjual hours. Will be Sold. sdo Acres of land in Liberty county, that war advertised ta be lord dr.' firft Tucfday in July, tofatiify two cxccu ti#n* obtained ayainft Henry rLir.pton, in favor cfadmr’*, G. I)>fert and (j iff. »clc for Barnett, ir p. ftpomd until! the fi:ft Tut fJay inOftcocc, ALSO, ado acres of land that was ad vr.rtifcd to be fold the. tint IViclay in An guft. as the property of Reuben Rrunf n* * #,»•* • fkJi H Carter and Jurors Carter, t»j, laid UninfonJ is poftp ,rje.i untill the firft Tutfday in Oct ober. ALSO, One Stiil ext cured as the prop erty of Chatlcs G. Kilii, to fatufy an ex ecution in ftvarof Daniel Ehumc, against Salomon and Charles 0. Ellis, , v ALSO, Seven negroes (viz.) JACK, o therwise called general, Adzro, Juner, Ca millcr, Rachael, Jim and Jeremiah, and sixteen hesd of Cattle, and two mare*, snd ail the household and Idtchett furniture, to fatibfy an execution in favor of Jo», Grant, vs. Ezvkiel Hattef*, upon the forcclofnrc of a mortgage.—Conditions of fa!e Cash. Wm. FLEMING, s c c. 3°- [>] Miss Harriot Bond, One door below Mr. 4. Wat Ct man's, HAVING lately received a handfomc addi ion to her former ftocknl JVi • iotry, takes this meth od to inform the La lies of Augtifia and hetf friends in general, that fn • has on hand* of the newefl falhidris, cr i fjftin? of a gene* ral affmaient of F VN'IY AR ITCLSi' - Vil.~ The neat est and mi ft Fajhionable SPLIT STRAW, CHIP. WILLOW, ( BONNETS LEGHORN, FLU H, ( 13. . VELVET and SHK. ) Which will be (old on the. in Hike'!erase terms » Also , a variety bf RIP BON). LhCES, VEILS, SILVER srd COTTON TRIMMINGS, FEATHERS, ARTIFICIALS, We. &ci July ig. W't Dodor Burke, HAVING at length to make Augufla his future refiJcnce, informs the community, that he will refumeihe Praflitie, He liver in the large Brick House, zt the upper end of B'oad-Strfe f , belonging to the efiate o t. Col. Watkins. July z€. i (ts) FORSALE, MY Mouses and Lot, North 1 ’ fide of Broad-flrect, ncur the Market; the fiend is an excellent c for iranfadlmg business on a large or fmi'l fca!?, with three tenements j*—Alfo, a Cat ton Machine with S7 fatVi, all in cample? repair—The terms of foe, one and tic years credit; this indulgence, certainly i an objeA to an ifiive perfon,—Pdfftffio tnbe had on tbs id of October next,- I Fur futther particulars ajjply to roe, I SAMUEL M. SMYTH. 19- W THE SUBSCRIBER Offers For Sate, His STOCK , Con-lifting of a small though choice afiortment of DRYGOODS, Lately imported, with a supply o|' ■ Liquors and Groceries f which he will dispose of on low term#/ and on a liberal credit. ISAAC HERBERT, June 7, 1806.