Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, December 13, 1806, Image 3

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wV# ifthour after the liras appointed far the toeef. ■Bing; the other parties were then on the paint IBnf leaving the field. The ground being mea. it was agreed to toss up for the fir If jßi-e, ani that Baron Hampefch fltould be ‘■permitted to fight in fpcitaclcs. Mr. Rich “iMardfoa, who fired firft, wounded the One (Wt~\ slightly in the thigh, the General fired (Band rattled. A reconciliation was now pro- Mpofcd by the foconds ; but could not be ac ■ ceded to, by Mr. Richirdfon, in confc ' m qmece cf a demand fron General Hompcfch ft t » be permitted to lay a cane on his shoulders. I The next case of pi Pols were fired without B e(T*ft—nod after Mr. Richardfoa had dis ■ charred h-s third pistol, General Hampsfch wotild agreed to an accommodation up on bis original terras, hut they not being acceded to, the General fired his third pillol, .the contents of which palled completely through the body of Mr. Richardson, who was taken off the field almost listless. Mr. Riclurdfon has since b-cn conveyed to London, and lies at the ParUarficnt-ftrcet CofTee-houfe. Mr. Rlchardfon is a very young man and basil wife and three children. S LOUISVILLE, December 5. \n tuf. House of Representatives. The committee appointed on the memo rial of General John Cia:k, to enquire into the official conduct of the honorable Charles I ait, judge of the fiipcrior courts cf the wcßern circuit of this state. Rep>rt—That they have in the profecu timrof ihtir enquiry examined twenty eight vrirnefi'es, whole names were furnifijed by General Clark, to fubftan'iate the fcvcral charges contained in his memorial. Your committee in difeharging the duties aiTigned them, have, from the peculiarity of their ii mat ion and from a desire that a fall and fair inrcSigation might he had, giverh a latitude in the admillton of testi mony not warranted bv the rules ofevidence, or found rcafjn.~ From a thorough con- of this testimony, so received, it appears to your committee that a warrant tor ncgro-ftealing was iflued in the town cf Saiifbiry, in the date of Norlh-Carolina, bearing date the J-th November, 1805, a gainst one Robert Clary, which warrant w»s placed in the hands of one Josiah Glass, to whom it was, in the body thereof, specially direfted ; anj which warrant was presented by the f.iid G!afs to judge Tait in the town of Sparta, on the 24th ol fceb rnary lull, with a request that he would back the fame, which tlic judge without hesitation did—that the said warrant was afterwards presented by Glass to Edward 1 Bryan, efq. a jufticc of the peace of the county of Walhington, who also backed the fam;--thart Ruber t Clary was taken up. on the laid warrant and carried to Greene fiipcrior court by Glass, to which court Glass was hitafelf recognized to appear to anfwcr to an indiftment for an assault. That the firft day of the said court Glass, by letter, requested the judge to attend and take the,examination of a man then in his custody, who would make confellions high ly interfiling to the state, and the United States.--That on the night of the fame day the j 4?, accompanied by Oliver Skinner, efq. attmded to take the examination, which tfas however not completed that night; Hut the judge, accompanied by the said Oii rtt Skinner, completed the fame the ne<t evening, and gave Glass a certified copy thereof to take to Nonh-Caroliua, whither Slafs was going to take Clary, as a vvitncf! agiinft the notorious Coihus. That the whole of the evidence ta ken, it doth not appear to your committee, that judge Tait had any connexion with either Glass or Clary, or knew what Con fsflion Clary would make. That the conduct of the judge through ' the wholjt transition appears to be fair and upright, and to have-been done from a fcr.fe of duty. Your committee are decidedly of opinion that no improper or corrupt motives can with juftire or truth be imputed to the judge on that occasion ; and that if the reputation of the memoriahft has been injured by the confeffiun, fnch injury cannot with propric. ty or truth be attributed to the judge. Your committee therefore, forbearing fur. thcr comment, beg leave to recommend the adoption of the following refoluticrs : Rtfolvcd, That the leveral charges ex hibited again ft the honorable Cbailes Tait, in the memorial of General John Claik, are unfounded in fait, an J unsupported by evi dcncc* Refolvcd, That the official conduit of the honorable Charles Tait entitles him to the confidence of this bode, and of his fel low citizens. On the firft resolution, the yeas were 53 —rays J. On thefecond, yeas p —nays 4. [The legislature of this State adjourned j #n Saturday the 6xh instant, Sine die. da. h linrftheir frlfion they palled 39 *ds, I I «f a private nature, among this number the j il following are the most important:] | I I An ait to authorize comraiffioncrs to a!- | tt tertrin end new divifion line be- St tweert the counties of Elbert and Iranklin. I An ait to limit the jurifdiftion of the ft Mayor'* court of the city of Savannah, and B to alter the times erf - holding the f* rae * ft An ail to make permanent the feat of the B wblic buildings in the county of Franklin, Si appoint corpmiffioaer* to creit the laid ■ Wuiidine** . . B An a a to levy an extra tax for the pur »| pofc of building a new jail in the county of Hancock. jP ad to amend the aits for regulating • IB j$ Fi I Yen docs, so fat as to authorise a Vendue mailer for the town of Milledgeville. An aft to authorize the inferior court of Columbia county, to levy an entra tax for the pnfpofc ofbuilntnga Court.honfc for said county. An aft to cftabliQi the fees of the pnblic officers cf this (late, on all grants that may be lifted in the counties of Baldwin and Wilkinson, &c. An aft to amend an aft entitled “ an aft to carry intoeffeft the oth Seftion of the 3d Article of theConftitution.*' An aft to amend an aft entitled ** an aft to empower the Inferior Courts of the fever ai counties in this State to order the laying out of public roads and to order the building and keeping in repair the public bridges j” so far as rdpefts the county of Effingham. An aft to authorize the trustees of the Univctfity, thro' the aid and afliflancc of certain commiflioners herein named, to c ftahlifh a lottery for the purpose of raifmg three thousand dollars, to purchase a library, for the use of the Univcrfity. An aft to alter and amend the second and fourth feftions of 4< an aft regulating patrols, and to prevent any person from purchasing provisions, or other commodities from, or felling such to any Have, unless such flavc (hall produce a ticket from his or her owner, manager or employer.'* An aft for the better regulation and government of the town of Milledgeville, and to incorporate the fame. An aft for the better regulation and go vernment of the town of Athens, and to incorporate the fame. An aft to regulate the navigation of the Savannah river, between Savannah and Augufra, so far as rcfpafts patroons of Boats.* An aft to authorize the Judges of the Superior Courts of this State, to alternate in t'aeir didrifts. An aft to regulate weighing Cotton, and other commodities in this (late. An aft to compcnfate the Jufticcs of the Inferior Courts. An aft to relieve certain tortuna te drawers in the late land lottery. An aft to revile and amend an aft, enti tled, “ an aft to diftrihute and dispose of the late cession of lands, obtained from the Creek Nation of Indians, &c'.” so far as it refpefts those persons that were entitled to draws in the present contemplated land lotiery, agreeably to the requisitions of '.his aft, and were prevented trom giving in their names by fkknefs and other cafualiies —or who have net paid taxes in conformity to said aft. * 'J his law, nvc underfund, prohibits hint owners, after the JifJi day of January next, from placing their boats under the command or care cf negro Patroons; and such as tranfgrtfs, are made liable to indiS ment, and forfeit two hundred dollars to the Stale , and are moreover, declared l:a~ bit for all losses on board of such boat, the dangers of the river Cs c. not excepted. On Consignment. NOW ON THE RIVER And expeded hourly, Cider, Swedes Iron of the best quality, with a variety of other articles; and will be disposed of on the lowed terms by. JESSE STEWART. December 13, (21) WANTED, On or before the firjl of January next. AN honest induftriou; person, well qual ified for managing to advantage, a SAW MILL Eftablifhmcnt, within nine mile* of Angufta : To such a petfon who can come Efficiently recommended for his abilities, fuitabl; encouragement will he gi ven ; cr to a person who has'a proper know ledge of the cultivation of Cotton on good Pine Land, and who can furnifh a few hands to work on (hares, a good allowance will be afforded—For particulars, apply at the Chronicle Office. November 29. (eow^t) 20 Dollars Reward. a* AN AWAY from the 4 AST J\.fubfcribcr a few days ago, a Negro fellow, rather of a ycllowifh complexion, named Stephen—about 22 years of age, { feet 8 or 10 iachtb high, we'l sett—and well known in Augusta had on when he went away a green jacket and trowfers. Whoever lodge* said negto in jail so that he may be had, or deliver him to the fubferiber near Raysvillc in Columbia county, (hall receive the above reward. JOHN FLINT. December 13- U-jJ ~MARSH ALL's SALES. On thefirji Tuefday in February next , be tween the usual hours, at the Market honfc in the town of Louisville. WILL BE SOLD, Fourteen lots in the village of Hatrifborg near Augusta, {with ail the bui’dings aad improvements thereon) Viz, Numbers 120, 121, 122, 123, 114, 125, 129, 130, 131* 132* r33>*34» 139, and 141, containing one acre each, part of lot 1 J7> fay 100 feet, lot No. 4, adjoining Millcdgc, containing 33 i-io acres, and 32 9-20 acres on Savannah river, adjoining the Ware-house—levied on as the property of Ezekiel Harris, to fatisfy an ex ecution in favour of Guthrie and Cocke, pointed out by the plaintiff's attorney. Geo. W. MOORE, t» e. d. c» December 1 > - C'*' AUGUSTA, Dec. 13. The Ret. Joseph Cl at *f this ftatt, has been appointed President of the Baptist College in Rhodc.lfland. HIGHLY IMPORTANT, On the jth inftanr, a motion was made by J. H. Davies, Efij, diftrift attorney of the United States in the federal court of Kentucky, charging Aaron Burr Esq. with HIGH CRIMES and misdemeanors, in bc ing engaged in preuartng a military expedi tion for the purpoTe of defending the Ohio and Milßflippi, and making an attack on the Provinces of Mexico, on the weftwardly fide of Louitiana, which said provinces be long to the king o| Spain, with whom the United States are at peace* Mr. Davies dated, that ha could also prove, that the weftern territories were the next ohjeft of the scheme ; and, finally, all the region of the Ohio is calculated as falling into the vortex of the new prapofed revolu tion. Wherefore said attorney prayed the court, that due process iflfuc to compel the personal appearance of the said Aaron Burr, before said court; and to Hay further preparation and proceedings in said armament. Judge Inncs overruled the motion of the attorney of the U. States—on the grounds, that the court were not inverted with the '"Jnwer ; and if they were, that the evidence was not fufficicnt. The attorney then moved for a warrant to summon a grand jury, before whom he would prefer an indiftrurnt agalud col. Burr. This the court immediately granted. After -the jury were called, col. Burr entered, at tended by his cownfcUH. Clay fifq. and ad dre fifed the court in vindication of the char ges preferred againlt him. After which the further hearing of the canfe was polfponed to the 13th November, when this important trial will be decided. Extraß of a letter dated , “ Liverpool, Sept. 26. “ Annexed I hand you prices current to which I beg your reference. W» hear no. thing more rcfpefling the negociaiions of peace with France but that they are dill con tinued i more we fufpedlto anfwcr some po* litical purpoles, than in expeftation of their being brought to an amicable conclofion. It is generally believed out differences with Pi'ulfia, will be immediately adjusted. “ Several vcffcls arc now loading wheat at Dantzic, for Great Britain. Our manu frtfnrts are in great spirits, in Confe'qunce of the capture of Buenos Ayres. Adven tures to an immenfc extent arc preparing for South Americas and we anticipate a brilk trade there this winter. Upwards of 30 vclk ls are now loading here and in London n for Buenos Ayres. It has material influence on our cotton market, and we expeff early imports of up land will pay well, as there is fcatvely a good bag of that defetiption in this market. TRICES CURRENT, Cotton, Sea-island, ordinary, aid a 2s. lb. Good, as 3d. a as. sa. Fine, as 6d, a as. 9'J. “ - Upland, bowed. 20 a2l ; .New-Orlrnns, 27 a 22 —Sca-ifl- and and Ncw-Orlcans in regular demand. Uoland t’« very scarce and much wanted. Poft-Office, Augusta. THE Southern Mail, via Lou ifvillc, will in future be closed every Thurs day at 9 p. m, and arrive at Savannah on Monday at 10 a. M.. --Leave Savannah on Monday at 2 p. m. and arrive at Augufia on Thorfday at c p. m. JAMBS FRASER, P, M. December 13, 18cS. * The Subscriber, HAVING unfortunately been burnt out by the late firs, acquaints his friends and the public, that he has taken the Brick houfe between Mrs. Montgomery’s and col. Watkins’ Brick buildings, where ho-car* ries on bofinefi as usual in the Grocery Line, See. Hr has an excellent Waggon Yard, With a Stable and plenty of corn and fodder for the accommodation of hie coun ty friends. PETER JAILLET. N. R. On the night of thcfiiche loft one piece of Linen, Sc two barrels of north ward rum, ten yards of tamboured white mufitn, three Umbrellas, one silk and two cotton, fix new (hirts and fix new beaver hats, American manufacture, with some ac count books, papers and feverai froail arti cles not recoUe&cd,-—Whoever has them will confer a great favor by giving the fub fcriScr notice thereof. P. J. December 13. (u) 20 Dollars Reward. *0 AWAY from the f,ubfctil»rr on the 241 b of August last—Two New Tg*' Nrgro fellows the ore rvamed FORTUNE, sod the ether JESSE—the for mer about 4 fee* 10 ar *d the other 4 feet g or g inches high-Fortune had his coun try marks on hi* breast (Say Diamond) - Jesse had one of his urp'rforc teeth out. Whoever Jodlgcs the said negroes in Jail so that they may be had, or delivers them to the fubferiber so Hancock county, about fix miles from Sparta, shall receive the abov* reward. JONATHAN DAVIS. December 13, (,3*) Lewis Barie & Co. HAVING Coffered coftfiderably by the late Fire in Augusta, earucftly request that those indebted to them* will immedi ately cotre forward and fettle their ao count*, that they may be tabled to do justice to their creditor*. At the fame time they inform thtir friend* Sc the public* that they carry on their Dry Goods business, f FOR THE PRESENT,^ At the Chronicle Store , j And fell Groceries By wholefalc and retail on mode rate terraa* at the house lately occupied by Mr. Savage* in thcciofi street fouth of the Market. December i j. [tf] ~ATTENTIOnT A Great Bargain. THE fubfciiber offer* for sale hit efta blilhment in the Town of WAR RENTON j consisting of an acre of ground f with improvements thereon, viz. a large Frame Dwelling House, Store Honfe, Gin j House and other necdiary out buildings in good repair.—By persons wilhing to en gage in a public line, the present oppor tunity of an advantageous eflabliihment ought not to be neglrflcd- -as it it well known as an Inn* to the general throng of traveller* pafiing from the upper parti of this State and the weft ward, to Augulla, Savannah, Louisville, &c. &c. Term* are extremely accommodating.- For further particulars, apply to Gresham Smyth Esq, at Wartenton, otto the fob feribrr «t Milledgeville. THOMAS DENT. { December 13, (ts) WILL BE RENTED, On Saturday the 3d of January next , FOR ONE YEAR, The Plantation ON which the fubferiber at present re side», in Columbia county, (adjoining that of M'Kinnie &c.) on it is a good Dwelling House, with from Soto too acres cleared land* well adapted to the culture of Cotton. Any person renting, mud give good security for payment, caor before the iff day of January 1808, and to put a good and fufficient fence around the cleared ground. ANN M. CRITTENDEN, Guardian to the minor heir* of William Crittenden dec. December 13. (|t) i Wafhcd out of the fubferi bfct’i Gin-Houfc on Little river, on Satur day the 29th November last, A New Cotton Gin, only worked two or three week*; contain ing 47 fawi or circle*—the finder ihall be well rewarded for hi* trouble, on applica tion to J. GRINAGE* December 13. (*f) J i Wanted, By the fubferiber, an arflivc, induttriout, sober, honed, & attentive man, to take charge of a Plantation and eight negroes; a married mftn will be preferred— none need apply but such a* can come well recommended fur the above qualities. Geo. W. EVANS. December 13. (ts) ¥Xnte d A Diftillcr, who understand, the making of Good Whllkcy. Libera! encouragement will be givcn-*En» quire at thi* Office. December 13. (ts) FOUND. DURING the recent fire, one of the Volunteers found a SWORD.--TH# owner may have it by applying at the Chronicle Printing Office, and paying for thi* advertifernent, December 13. (ts) ~SHERdFFs sale. On the firjl Tutfday in 'January next at the Market• house, in the ciiy of Augufla at the usual hours. mil be Sold, One Brinded Cow and yearling, levied on as the property of Alexander M‘- Millan, to Grisly a Tax Collector's exe cution. H. M‘TYRE, a. r. c. j December 13. ' (jt) Now in Colutnbia yail, BROUGHT to jail en Sunday the 30th of November, a Negro man who faya hit name is DUGIT, and that he belongs to a Mr. Peter Ouftcn, formcily of Elbert county, but ha* fincc removed to the Ten nessee Hate, Thi* fellow ha* 00 a blue sailor jacket, horoefpon overalls and shirt. The owner i» lequefied to come forward, prove hit property, pay charges and take him away. Wm. FLEMING, a. c. c. December 13, ($0 «i