Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, January 03, 1807, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. ■■ * ■ "V'V -,jjt ' > -A ■ ~S ; '■ \' r ■ C ' w**' ‘'■' ‘ " s' - ’ , i r "' ■ • " s ' )" ' ' . ■" ' ‘ • I Vol. XXL] FR EED O M of the .PRESS an» TRIAL bt JURY shall iemaih ihviolaas. [No. i®|« i— ' r ~J » * \ g UG US TA: (Georgia) Printed by D. DRISCOL, near twi m arret. SATURDAY, Janntry 3, TBC7. [3 Dolls, per Ann. I ' J . . : . | Mary Wilde, INFORMS her friends and the pelvic, that she hs» removed from her termer V hand, to the store lately occupied by Mtffr* Campbell and Nei'fon, oprofoc Mtfli*, I T, Gardner & Co'* fcrek. building, where her bufinef* will be carried <m a;heretofore. Hating visited Europe herfrir ini summer, and c arahafed a number of FANCY AR t. Ti'CRES there for cafa, (ho will be able to fapp ! y the L*dies of Anguita and the coun* try, with avery thing Fafliionabte k Ele gant, on the mod inviting terra among which arc The Following Articles, Flush Sat ten, Smboffet! Veivet, Straw & Willow hat* k Bcrtiit feather*, “ Black Sc white, gold & 6h»er foil flower*, ArMicial flower* and w reath*. Gold and Silver trimming?, Set Combs nnd pine, Slides and buttons for dicffD, Black and white lace, Sattln {lnured fillcs, Luftrirgi sad ribbons, Spidermt ar,d Leno Mullins, Worked robes. And many other fancy article* toe mime ro«* for inlet non. Likewise, Dry Goods. Alfu, Sugar, CdF e, Kum, Iron. Sea, December 27, (if) To Be Rented, ONE hilf of the Store where the Chron icle is publilhed; it is well caicuia ted for Vending Dry Goods, O a FOR A Shoe Store. - —-Enquire at said ftorc. December 27. NOIICE^ That the Co-part.neffi.ip of David Whittemore Sc co. Js diff dved, in cor.fcq.vines of he death W the former—lt it eantftly lequelled that thole indebted to the faitl firm will come forward sad fettle the'r accounts, and that the fe to whom the. fai l Comp?ry arc indebted will render in *h ir account? duly itii&si to the fi.bfcfiber in boro. DAVIS CARTER. December z-j. [jtj N. B. The bnnncfs in faturc wi.J be carried on, under the firm of Nichols £? Dwight, the fufvi'i<ig partners. To be Rented for one Year,, To the hifitft bidder , at this place or, Fri. day at 12 o’clock, the zd day cj January next. Nine nfgkOes beionpir'" to PAr*. Eliza Ham non*, covfijHng of one Poat hand and the re t field htcos.— Far ther particuhir: will b- made known tt the time of hiring. LEROY HAMMOND. ) r „ . CHARLES GOODWIN. 5 Iru J tas ‘lewit Ctceh I*l din South Catolina, December 27. f NOTICE. _ ! ALL perfcni having any de~ ' again.t the rftate of Rovcit Levcritt « deciafci, arc delired to tender them, in vtimt and form, as prcfciSid by iaw; and . a!, tnnfc who are i. dchtsd so tfcc edate, arc tfl-Ticed to rrake iremedi? 1 * r ■■ent. - ' V iT'RY LEV EH I FT, Sx’rs. JOUR DEN LfeViRIT T, Kx‘r. ■December 27. * Now in Richmond Jail, NEGRO Fellow by the rair.e of L V. HARRY ; he In* on a blue .co?t and light coloured corded pin Moors; be is about 5" o* 40 3 ,l “»t8 of age, fi t feet % or ro inch:* Lig» ; he Gy* hr belong* »o John Chapped, in H ramie com tv. The ■tiwner i» reqoeftH to come for vrd, prove ihU property* p.iy cha ge* and take hina ' #way. Tun. PIARRISS, Jailor . Dcctrabcr 27. [ 3 . INK POWDER. Os the very bell kind, tone had ,en low terms (by wholeTdc and re jail} at the Chronicle Office. • # —■ l I ' I' l I. — ,T * Lewis Barie & C(>. HAVING fuCcrcd confidcrably hr the late Fire in Aagufla, earnestly rfjtftft th?t those indebted to (hem* will imhccii ately came forwaid and fettle the! ac count*, that they may be cnrb'ed (» do jv.ftice to th<*ir creditor*. At the fame time they inform! tkeir friend' Sc th: public, that they carry o( tlnir DRY GOODS Sc Grocery bufinefsl j " 4 y . In the New Houle oa thfj Mine spot, where th«y lived heretofore. 47, Scott’s Ferryl r TTIE Public are infer mad thit S. C, X. Scbu’; fl ait recovcTf I, ar|! ties at the nfua! ft trying place. T b»* iar»r arc in wood repair, k pivtn, f * that travellers wishing to crcfsjtbe river wsP meet with no d thy. / * December 47. (>tJF , - —. ■*..«!— Adminijlrators Sales , On Wcdntfday the pvt nth day es January next, at tht late rrjidenit Os Thomas Btallty d'.ccnftdj Will be Sole!, The whole of the personal c ftate of fair!. dece?fed, CcnfifL.g' of Ne yroe*, Stock. Crop, HonfcroU fuinitnre, &" &r, The fait. to cb/Ainuis Lem day to da . until ;hc whole is Lid, the tenci will lx ma ’ k .nwn rn the day of fax. AUGUSTUS BE LLE.? ... * THOM \S BE LLE. S a u Columbia couhty y Nov, 8. [tiau-fj] NOTICE. ALL perlbns indebted to the estate of Thom’s B.’ailc, latexif Columbia county, d-cce-afcd, arc rcqntfted to make immediate payment, — Ard tbefe that have any demands againd: Lid eflate are requeued to exhibit their claims, proven agreeable to isw* ‘AUGUSTUS BEALLE,) ... THOMAS BEALLE, \ November 8. [eew s,’] TAKEN UP By the Subfcribera negro mat;, wh ? c dls hiniLh Div K, hei» ?b ot 5 Utt fx niches high, well made fom twtntr fi.eto thirty ycari of «g.-sr-'Speaks crc.ilh well, h »thick lips—and ay* heb*lon£» to Charles Read of Charkfi n. Su/ scri ber wifttss that his era will profc hi* pteperty, pay fer t! ia advertif*tr et/t, and lake him into roL ffian -There being at I-re Let no jtii sn th.s c u:-ty to fccute the Lid nc?ro. ROBERT M‘NATT. Wayn- fbaro, D:c, 20, (ts) J I «• Stop that Hoijfe ! jgfe RROKE ipfe . cvcßtrg/rotn a rack in Annotla, a Sorrel HORSE, K} MA h< wirty a star k his fathead, iff j|S a lafp-c wart on one of his ?a ft, upwards of five feet big;-.; had oti a Siddls Ltd Bridle ;it is i's babe hr hac tak* r thc/W?{h!ngton road; whoever delivers It id h/rfe bridle and Sad' dV, to the Ibhfcrr’bfT n/ar Ray's Mills, «r at Mr. ,Alht;',n's ta in Augusta, fnall be handLmjiy ici rdfd. WILLIAM STAPLEA. D:Ccmh(T 23. ' / (it) Ten Dollars Reward, ft -O ANAWAY orft len a* I /JlSl from the fubferiber mj£ Aggf, a /ne it,- Oglethorpe Court j-jj ‘ l u ‘*** *•'* 2 ill of Scp -k-'M t ,rft bf r lafl, a fnwll Afri caa ne B ro fellow, aboUj so r 3? yeari of a £ e * ayeHowilh come ,Lexs L c 12e i»ol»th and thick lips ; !ia« a ta ge fear wt tvtrQ on his back, and 1 be lieve tnc cJhU m* i- on when be went .way, a r/l fiiLiSl Ihirt and Oznaburg frHwfrn syd a fdrhat; the above reward wi h all r/afoaahle exp-enccs whl be paid to any pesft/i that will deliver said negro to me, or fccore him in ja'd, fothat I get him again,-/ and if Solen or concealed by a whi'e n/ the fu’i of one hundred dollars, on can’ i/jon efthe effinder. / PHILIP WRAY. SfLmier *7* (* f ) i '■ ii "Hi STOP THE RVNJWAT, . i.1,, , n ANAWAY from t>» a Qi XV. bubfcriber, on th« • I jH& veiling of the tjd joHan** I r j * Negro wench ntmeP *■ M A P Y, a’o 'itr 40 y«*r* o* age, fpcak* good French feeewaiSSSSi aD< l broken Erglifli, vtry low ftaturt ; hid o'n a bine plain gown.—- she is supposed to be in tortm.--whoever harbor* her will he fubjtdf to the pcnaltiet cf the law j hot whoever deliver* her to me, or *odge* her in jail, will receive a fuitahJc reward. Wm. BRUX. 37. ftfj 20 Dollars Reward. C* S> ANA*AY from the ' A liy J t \.fubfcribftf a tew day* lago, a Nrgro feibw, rather cf« yeliowifh complexion, named Stephen —about 22 yeaw of age, ? feet 8 or 10 i. i'net high, *eli fett—tnd w«U known in AuguSa --had o« wh«* be w rit away a green jacket and trorfer*. Whoever Judge* -aid negro in jail f® that he raay t c had, or deliver him to the fobferiber near R«y»vilic in Columbia county, Chali receive the above reward, JOHN FLINT. December 13. ’’ (+*T Marshall’s Sales. 0» the fir ft Tvffdcy in February next, he tween the if util hours, at the Market ho aft in the torn of LouifviUc. Will be Sold, Fourteen lets in the village of I?aniibj'2 rear Augnfta, (with ail the but ■’ «{<» cud improYemeni* thereon) vie. Numbers 120, 121, 122, 123, *24, 129, : 29, 130*131. 13* *3 * > 1 34* 139, rr.'l ,'4l. c';vita!nirg ere £Cjc each, pr?it effet 157 ky ico feet, let No. 4, adj ioivg containing 33 i-|0 pv.c - * .4. o jets» on Fn"otfi.iS iiv tr, ad jo* ring th t/V—V.itd on an the j-r :< r ty dLr e* .Manly to r«ti*fy »p nt. censor in ,Vn ui c* Go*bric and Cotkr, &j ; n* r c cu. hy the plain'iff** attorney, Geo W. MGQRK, t. c. d. e. I Decrmber 13. (8 ) I SHERIFF’S SALE. On the fir fit Tvefiday in Ji nv.&ry next at *he Market-house, in the city of A vgttft a at the vfiual hours. mil be , One Erindcd Cow and yearling, levied on cs the property of Alexander M‘- Millan, to fatisfy a Tax Colltflor'* exe cution. H. M'TYRE, s. r. e. December 13. (3O SALE, On the fir ft Tvefiday in January next, at the Market houfie in the City efi Attgufila, between the usual hours, Will be Sold, One House and Lot lying on the North fide of Bread (erect, below the Market house; containing about 2 acres, more or left, and is in front about 70 yard*, more or less. ALSO, One Negro fellow, by th« name of PHlLL—pointed cut by the de fendant*, John D’Antignac and Chcflcy Boftick jun. and Levied on to fatiefy an execution in favor of Robert CrdTwell efq. —(Condition* offale, cash. JUR: HARRESS, d, s. November 29. (6:) ”" r • An Apprentice. A youth well grown, who can read, write and cypher well, ws’.' n«e. with liberal encouragement, by Ki-g at thi* Office. December, 20, 20 Dollars Reward. LOST, ON Thursday lad the 18th Inst. between Farmit’* bridge on biier creek, and Mr. Marpheys, a f?rali F/ei ch carved GOLD WATCH, Silk chain with fca! and k-y, ard with faddk bsgs key annexed to it —Whoever deliver* ftid Watch Sec. to the febferibar near the Oconee river, in Wafhmgtoo cown ty Georgia, or at the Chronicle Au* gada, Hull receive the above rew*rd. ' r NEXLM NEILL. Diuwdtr (it) ‘ .. ... . •.> •' : 'i, ’ , ■- •* • ■ - -5 k *H>— JL BURR’i CONSPIRACY#? . DISCLO±\d BY EATON, J That early last wW er , at the city Washington, Col. Bo\ opened to hiiwjjPl: pvojeft of revolutionist <i t h c weftern rJSjU Py ■ Separating jt from Union ; tflHv lilhing a monarchy thereof which heflsi to the head ; organizing a force onBH Mifliflippi, and extcndingV-onqueft / ™ Mexico; and prdpoftd to him, (f| tor) a djftingniflieJ nyijitary w felt indignant at the proposition, cmdtcTfnpg it an insult to his honor ; but thought, beu ter to conceal hi» feelings than to miSiftft rcfcntment : and he fufttrcd Burr to bey.iy his whole fchone. Burr had the fcafou made a tour through the wcftarr country ; had procured accurate charts of, every important position on the waters op the Mifiiflippij and of the country extec ding to Mexico ; had formed an xntarcourL with sundry ii fluential foreigners in the Spanith territory, iffld together with feme , persons of influence on the Ohio and Mtf- ' fifiippt, had fixed cn a plan of operations. Burr painted to E. the injury he had fufi fe red from certain cbfervatiers which, had been made on the floor of the licufc cf Re presentatives, concerning his operations in Africa, and from the delays cf government in r.djufting his claims for expo dirmes on the coast, Here was an opportunity to indemnify himfelf. A fepamtidh of the union would event unify take place—and that country beeomc independent cf the Atlantic States. It was a right they in herited from confliiutior—and nature had fitnated them peculiarly for the enjeyroent of it, The present moment faverrd the measure. There was no energy in the go vernment to he dreaded—and the divisions of political opinions throughout the country was a circuit)fiance of which Lc should pro fit. There were very many emerprizing men among us, who afpirtd to fomcihirg beyond the dull purfiuts of civil life, and who would volunteer in this ptejeft. And the v aft‘territory which effeted to adven turers, and the trines of Mexico would hiiry ftteejih to his ft and aid lr< n> all quar ters. lie did not dot bt but that irduce mgl-.t Ictffcrtd to (he Hi ary to era bark with him. JDovbt* \ry and drubk ration.—a profpejft of plunder, »t-d tho ambition of achievements would do much with gamfi&rf soldiers. E. fymfied him fdf that/Burr was refolcre in the prt jift, and put himfelf on expedient to defeat his views without expefing taftt, He accor dingly waited on the Prcfident, and uftd the freedom to mention Mr. Butr as a fuita b!e person to conduct our negotiations at London or Madrid.—The Pielident seemed to express an apprehension that the confidence was too high. E, thought that Burr, when put on his honor, would aft with fidelity—his capacities were urqucfiionahle •—and fignifud that if he remained in this country he would become dangc-ous. The President did not underhand this infmuaticn, E. expressed himfelf plainly that if Stirr t were uet dfpofed of, we fould, within eighteen months, have an infuneflion, if not a revolution , on the waters of the. M'if m Jifftppi* The Ptefident said, •* he had too much confidence in the information, in tegrify and attachment to the union of th* people of that country, to admit an appre henficn of the kind."—No further con versation was had here on the fubjtft. But E. took leave, waited on two" or three gentlemen of Congrtfs, and derailed the whole plan of Burr. They all agreed that the jelluw deserved banging ; but thought the projeft too chimerical, ancrßtm's cir cttmftsnces too desperate to give u the ner it of fenous confuicraticr. E, said nor heard no more of the affair till he was acci dentally informed of Burr's movements <*-0 the Ohio, when he spoke publicly of the Tafts. Within a few/ wetks a letter was receive by a young gentleman in Primfkld from hit friend in Marietta, dating that Colonel Burr lied, by his agents, ccr .crafted fc» the building at that place of ij or jo boats ci nftrufted for she navigation of tjtofe wa ters ; and that he h to sundry eßUrpriflrg m.n of that vicinity, for a fcctet expedition, whidh * pre-mifed great advantages to that country^ As the foregoing statement was examined by General E-iton before it went to prefi', the public will now be relieved from their fii/penfc c.n this fahjeft, |v 4 A friend of General on , y this derail, afc;d him how Burr (in case (hrold extricate himfelf) would receive th» exppfore of these faftf. He wfaeud “ As he plrafcs. 1 never folicittd B friendfhip nor his confidence* He ought have known roe better than to ever fufiiciently ahjeft to Become the ifCi mtnt of hit ambition. And he ooghji ‘ have known hiraftlf better, than la y? f t hiroftlf capacities t® fed«t* *M *. ,1 •J ' ' • '■ w