Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, November 13, 1820, Image 1

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I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. f- 0 i XXXV.] N iwsdll MD»SI»9, .HOytofOßl’ i*, 18M. ' ' [No. 1948.] IL. L ' ■ M " THE ■ujuota Cijrontde is rtraiißHED H MONDAY & THURSDAY H MO SNJJCGS, H rr t J s> DUTCKISCK & CHAWI-TOir, ° fthc l,w ’ 01 u>e United sute ‘’ ■ ,T Sit HOLLARS P«B ANNPM, I vfAnrjJWK ■ lUttUSTA ■crockery ■ and I GLASS I WiBK STORE L subscriber is now receiving and Boning. and willcont.nue to recr.vr ■ '?L pall and Winter months, at Ins ■i Wcou’s Brick Buying, near the ■.OHice in M’lntosti -street, 1 eadi ng fron> mtewart W Hargrave 8 ljSffSSSl&*r~ I CROCKERY l M> anS CYiina War®, ■ -cossiSTito or lates nandsomely assorted Wwith Crockery, and I* s tyTiwfCfca oi Glass I Ifore, 111 selected to suit the Georgia & Wes ■ Markets, which he otters for sale at a ■advance. He is now opening in order Knit those purchasers who wish to have |ir Goods repact— Blue Printed Liverpool Ware —Also, nameled Cups Saucers, Os every description and size. lates, Bowls, Mugs and Pitchers, Os different qualities and sizes. 1 ALSO A fen set of Elegant H Burnish’d Gold China, a superior quality—consisting of ■ Tea, Coffee ft Desert Se* ■ Complete—Likewise HLustre China Tea Sets, ■f various figures, neatly put up in box all of which he otfersfbv sale at. the reduced prices for cash, or approved acceptances. ■ William 11. Oakm an. I fictober 25. 12t ' ■ H N. B.—The subscriber requests those who are indebted tlie late firm of Erwins, Oakman, & Co. IHd • i forward and settle their accounts 1 him. ( w ho alone is authorized to set |B" their business) as further indulgence be granted. • ■ William 11. Oakman. ■ November 26. 12m ■ LAW Utl'lCli. ■1 HR subscribers have formed a con ||^P e ** 01 ' in the various branches of profit , business, under the firm of Ron Hephchn. They will attend to an; confided to them in the followiiu. viz ; ■ f Mvin, Sniper, fFtlhitison, ■ ” ne ». Hancock, Pula hi, & ■ •"' ir Washington, Laurens, ■ fcrewie, Twiggs, ■ And also in the 6th Circuit CourUof the HVmted States. ■* Samuel Rockwell , ■ Joseph L. Hepburn. ■ Mlledgeville, Sept. 21— ts ■ Notice. VT n ■*^ f " R B , llb scriber returns his thanks to ■.,. mmls and customers for past favors, ■toe )e b' s le * VK to inform them, that he ■strppf moVe< i* 118 from Broad ■ Brlrt nl-U- the Pl “ n!e ’'*’ Hotel, to tin ■ l m, "‘Ming in Bridge street, next i. K'-rti' V tore ’ "here he will keep con ■ m his" hn e * aiUl " su Pl’iy of every article I Jesse Dimon. ■ _ October 26 w3m ll 1 - Stovall, Co ■ It I above Mr i to the l9t Teneraer ■ SK n i fridges & 2nd above .1 R and in M C- Cummings BrickDuild I Wbitfx *° ma ! ?e quick Sale of all thei R sale o" r W'll sell very low at whole- R Nr'es'nn rf 1 , r °‘ lS h Produce or Good 1 ,® A Y boarding. ■ mr.| ,t e J Bnapdera can be arcom . ■ Pan -1, k! “*? B i" a I'tivat. I ““• 1( ' Eagle Tavern. And Savannah Stage Office '■JTHE partnership of Whipple & Booth of the Eagle Tavern and Savannaii ■Rage Office, being this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts due by tin said firm will be paid by said WhippU and a{l debts due to the firm are to b ' collected b" him only. Jes*e W hipple, I). S. Booth. N. B. The house will still be contiu tie as formerly, by the subscriber J, V\ hippie. may 16 Planter's Hotel. THK subscriber bus taken the PLAN TRKS* HOTEL, lately occupied by ( • by Dickinson, Esq situated botw'e . u H. ,> nold and M'Cartney-streeis, and frontin* Jones-stieet, which leads itno the uppei part (>f Broad-street. This Establis ttik in is the lasgest and best adapt' d for ihe ac commodation of travellers of. any in tin state—There are rqonts fitted tin an! will be reserved for the accommodation of families. Planters, northern and south ern merchants who may please i« patronize the proprietor, will find convenience in being in the neighborhood of the great Colton mart from the upper country. Sta bios in all respects suitable to the pa tent of the establishment are provided. John Miller. Augusta, Oct, 7 , (j3’ 'The editors of the Journal, Md ledgevifle; Missionary, Mount Zion; Re publican, Savannah; Courier, Charleston; Gazette, New-York, are requested ts publish the above for three months, and send their accounts to the Georgia Ad vertiser Office for payment. Tbe Vvactice oi the HE subscriber respectfully offers hi.- professicnal services .to his friends am' die public in general as Attorney and Counsellor at Lawj and hopes by inde fatiguble application to his profession, t< „ei t a liberal share of public patronage Claims deposited in his hands for col lection will attended to : am; every effort made to advance ihe interest of his clients. He may be seen at the Law Office of Col Nicholas V’a e, and ,is professional st ;• vices commanded. * Charles barter. sent 26 3m I HAT part of the House n-'tv occu • led by Jambs I. Oursij comprising :• Large Store o; Front street, w 11 suual •d tin business; aback Store and Cellai For terms 'upiy on the premises- Oct 14 ' if NOTICE. A ll PERSONS indebted to the estate ,f Georg Taiikei sly sen’r deceased, late of Col ir.bia county, arc requested to make i ■.mediate paynu nt; and those >i. « hem said estate is indebted, will present their ncct tints, witiiin die time prescribed by law, for settlement. Unadsil Paco, Bennett Crafton, Geo Tanl.ersly, aumintstr irons- Octohe;' 7 sciio •Mvs. J v\U, Q ‘. Respectfully informs the public tat she has taken the Sl’/fOOJ, ItOO V , lately occupied as such by Mr. Glass. •: Reynold street, where she will con I nee Tuition on Monday the 16th Oi ; >;ier inst. She assures the public, that every alien •va that can be required will be given ’• Advancement of the pupils placed ui ■r her care. ■y The various branches of learn!:. Accomplishinepts taught, and the tern, ill he known on application. October,/. 1m - ( bt. (Jioix, (Sugar an f MDS. Ist quality. On Cnnsig ‘ i,cut, f r sale by V slaughter § C Xabuzau November 2 "“'iff > I * H; REMOVAL. SWIFT £j TV FIN* LET . inform their ens .' uners and the Public that they have re moved their . Clothing Stove, To the house formerly occupied by Mr. £ Mrs Bird, situated between Dr. White $ Wm White Esq. brick building, wheji hey offer for sale a General assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Consisting of gentlemens and youths do thing of every description. Ladies Shawl- Scarfs and Felices, with Hosiery am Gloves, Hearth rugs of a Superior quality. .Superfine Clothes and Cassimeres, Ladle do for Felices, Uc SJc. Which they wil sell on the very lowest terms for cash only. - O 10 ts COT T O N yr.uiK house. Subscribers will receive COTTON cy Slot age, »t the Ware-House back of th^-Planters Hotel ; prompt attention will be given to all order for the purchme produce or merchandize, and libera, advances made for Cotton received on Storage. i JOHN H. RIMBELL, k Co. October, 17 w6t *%* 'Hie Subscriber* iave f l u <1 a cou '. sum for the purposv ‘' a G> fwral Commission Hu ■■i-ues ii, .Ms city, under the firm of Can . I St I AMAH. Liherri advances will be. made, either uguata or this place, upon Produce f" Mevci'ahdize, consigned to their house •or sale. P. L. Cantelou, O, B. Lamar. ■Vavannah, October sth 1820 ts ~SI \{\\\ BONNETS. FIVE CASES Straw Bonnets and Brades, Os the New s' Fashions. Jt'sHT HIXKIVKI), Jim) FOR SALE fir Pratt & Metcalf, South Sidt Broad-street, a little below the Planters’ Hotel. *' October 14 liUBUOTA BIUJG AM) General Brokerage. /T* ft ME Subscriber offers his services in a GF.y n. L COMMISSION Ii BJio .KERAGE LINE —He will receive or J.-rs to buy or seli,'and can furnish salt storage for goods of every description, h« ran only say that he will devote his best •--.deavaurs to serve .his < in) lovers C. C. 1 >mm. October 7 ts Notice^ Vwv x GREEABLE to an order ofthe Honor b!e Court cf Ordinary of Warren county. WILL BE SOLD, 'in tiie first Tuesday in November next at the Court-House in H'nrreuton, Oi ic House and Lot, said place, it being the real estate of Or 'hob H Daviiisox, deceased, sold lot •ho benefit of the Heirs—Terms made known on the day of Sale. A. Mnncrief, adm’r. August 17 tds . Executors Sales. On the 18th of December next, pursu ant to the last will and testament of Chlot Grave.', dec’d will be sold at her late re side ice in Columbia County, part of the • rsonal property cunsisti-g of Negroes, dorses, Corn, Fodder and Cotton. Terms will be made known on the day •of sale. . John T. Vilen, -ExV. November, 4 ids Coroner’s Sale tiSf ILL be sold, on the first Tuesday ui December next, at the Court House in the town of Waynesborough, Burke coun y, within the usual ho ms of sale, ii negroes viz. Simon, tom , icy, Sarah, and F.lsy, one hundred ami .dry"seven acres of third quality laud, ad ,,ining Edward Hatcher, and 251 acres ;tne land adjoining Whitehead and Ro 'vis, taken as the properly of Elijah Hill, .o satisfy ar execution in favor of i hon p im !k BMck, against Wilson Navey, Elt -,li Midland Robert H, Atkinson,. ALSO One negro named Cato, . vied on as the property of Robert K ukinson, to satisfy an execution it' .vor of Thompson & Black, again*' \ ilson Navey, Elijah Hill, and Robert H .tkinaon. Willard Roberts, cor. Nov 4 tds BLANKS For Sale at this Office. { STORAGE AND Commission Bwsine&s. P il HE subscribers have taken the .Ware louse lately occupied bv Henry Shultz, •pposite the Wharf, which is now in com ,-iete order for the reception of Cotti.u, nd Merchandize. Mackenzie £5 Ponce. October 27 ts LaßocUe W aA&nn, CONTINUE THE Factorage & Commission BUSINESS IN SAVANNAH, v here ail orders will be promptly attend ;d to. July 7 ts. Factorage AND Commission Business, SAVANNAH, (GEO.) fIYHE Subscriber offers his services in t tlu above line of Business, at Ander son’s Wharf —Liberal advances made on PRODUCE; orders for GOODS will be promptly executed, and Goods forwarded h despatch. Benjamin Howard. Sept. 26 w4t It <Sjr W. Foe’s COTTON C Upp«r End of the Wharf J THE SUBSCRIBERS RETURN thanks to tueir friends for favors received the preceding sea son in the STOUSGE i.NU Commission Business, And hope, by strict attention to the intt ‘ests of custoiners, to ensure a continu ance of same. Their BRICK STORE is now in good r epair, and well calculated to afford safe md convenient Storage for Merchandize K. & W. Poe. October 5 ts Wheeler, Bradley £5 Co. Have just received a fresh supply of CUJIIHYU, Os the Latest Fashion, which they sell very low at their store six doors oMr Foxes corner. , October 10 w3t Copartnership. r F 1. HE Subscribers respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they Have connected themselves for the pur pose of transacting a Commission 6? Grocery Business, under the firm of Divas & Fothbrino «am. They have taken a commodious stand at the upper end of Broad-Street, which is well 'calculated for the purchas ing of produces and as their attention will be principally devoted to the Commission Business, they heg leave to offer their services in that line. WILLI AM S. DEWAR, ROB’T. POTHERING HAM. October, 24. w3ff To Heat. f HAT Commodious Dwelling House on i’elfatr-street, with all necessary Bull lings, and «good Garden attached toil— t.s last year occupied by the subscriber—- I’ossession will be given on the first Octo ber next ALSO, The Dwelling House on Green-street, with all necessary Build logs, and a good Garden attached t» it,at present occupied by Holland M'Tyre, esq. I’ossession will be given on the Ist of Jan nary next——For terms apply to D, Urquahart. Sept. 19—-ts Administrators Sale. AGREE ABLE to an order of the court of Ordinary of Elbert county, will be sold at the court house in said county, on the first Tuesday in December next, part ..fa lot of land situate in the town ofKuck ersville, in said couaty, and known as lot No. 3, belonging to the estate of James Royal, dec. and to be sold for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms will be made known on the day of sale. Solomon Jones, Abraham Royal, Oct. 3 Administrators For Sale . Acres o i AND, on the Wa ters of Cubbert and Rocky Creeks—Fot particulars enquire ot Geo. M. E\ ans. July 1 ts Blanks For Sale at thia Offitfc. f STORAGE AND N ■ - ' Commission Business, :■ -> ',, !( rpilE Subscribers renew the offer of I. their servic'd totheir Friends in the l; above Business. 1 "t They continue at their old Stand on BroaA-&toeet, , ai»d rnxm W RE-HOUSES Are in good order foe the tveepuu. of , COTTON & GOODS or kvkut nsscHii’Tiov. ; They take this opportunity to return hanks for'favors heretofore received, and espectfully solicit the continuance of a tortion of public patronage JJ. SLAUGHTER & C. LA BUZ AN. September 7 ... 24t dj‘ The Milledgevilte Journal and Re corder, the Missionary Mid the Washington News, are requested to publish tin above 8 times weekly in their respective pap, it, > «id their accounts shall be paid on pre sentment tojthe subscribers. U|iUCBKIES,~ Wm. H Thompson Co. Offer Jor Sale, 130 bags prune green Coffee 50 barrells prime N. O. Sugar 13 hlids Muscovado Sugar 80 pieces cotton Baling 70 coils Rale Rope 8 pipes pure Holland Gin . 3 do do Cog Brandy 5 hhds J, Rum 2 Half pipes Sicely Madeira WittA 50 barrels loaf Sonar 500 q. boxes Spanish Segats 40 do do Imperial ,r jl 'TTI A Gunpowder & Hyson S J JIJ l\. 200 qr- Canisters, do do 4a 10 Bags F mento andGingei, 16 Do. Fep(>er, 20 Sacks Fresh Almonds, 15 Boxes No, 1 Soap, 200 Bags Shot, assorted, 100 Kegs Duponts Powder, 20 do- Best Richmond Tobaccf^ , 12 Boxes Chocolate, 22 Barrels N. E Gin, 36 Casks Cheese, 100 Boxes do. 3000 Bushels Salt. # October 31-——ts \. » 1 - ■' 1 ** Dry Goods. The Subscribers, OFFER FOR SALE, At the Loiter Tenement of the Bridge HanMf, Augusta, AST A9SOBTMERT SUITABLE TO THE SAASOtft VIZ: ROSE, Point and Dufßl Blankets, Plains, Flannels, Baizes, Double Milled Drab Cloths, ' Coarse Cloths, assorted, Fine do v Cambrick Muslins, Book do. I Calicoes, Ginghams, Hosiery, Power Loom Shirtings, American Shirtings and Sheeting)l| 1 With a great variety of other articles. LAWRENCE, RAP ELY EM Celt October 31 ts lm,lT^©©lDaJ.' Lawrence, Rapetye £5 Cot Have just received and offer for sale, afi assortment of LONDON superfine Cloths Double Milled Canton and Nankin CrapM Sinchewa amlSarsnctts Silk and Beaver Gloves, assorted Best Buckskin do Black and white Crapts Cotton and worsted * alfHose Irish Linens and Dowlas Brown Hollands and Osnalmrgaa November 7 ts : I 0 <i> it ir <d WAELE UmJSii, NEAR THE BRIDGE. The Subscribers Continue to Transact TAOTOTULG^ ABTD Commission Business , - ' It Phibizv’s BRICK W VRE HOUSE, 1 and will be grateful for all orders—They - vill make advances on produce consign -1 ikl to them for tale either in this plaoe op s >n Savannah. - 1 Howard M‘Gran. Who offer for Sale on Moderate Term Pieces Prime Cotton Bagging I 30 Hhds. Prime Orleans Sugar 50 Bbls. Muscovado ditto v— -100 Bags Prime Green Coffee 12 Hhds. Whiskey 5000 Lbs. Prime Bacon, snd t 4 dozen elegant Sitting Chairs. Sept. 26 w4t -— : ' — ■ —v %* We arc authorised ■ to announce General Glascock a candi date for the Office of Receiver of Tajt Returns, for Richmond county, at the eg, - suing election.' November 7 As