Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, July 12, 1821, Image 1

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r THE Uuflitfta Chronicle- I MONDAY fc THURSDAY I EVumjvas, ■ V IBy Kefttt Charlton. Ljlisoer* of the Laws of the U. Slates I AT fill DOttAOS PZH AHSDIf, I IV jnKWVF l P————— —» mjUNII’IJitK I AT I AUCTION. 1, THOMPSON, two doors below the ■lite Bridge-Bank, on FRIDAY, the 13th I proximo, will be sold without reserve, IvEUY HANDSOME ASSORTMENT ■ I Furniture , ■Consisting in part, viz : ■ Elegant Sideboards, - ■ Do Secretaries, I Do Book-cases, I Do Bureaus ■ Do Bedsteads, ■ Do easy and fancy Chairs, ft large I quantity, • ■ ■ ~ i'- Ll —. .i>U euUH ■ Du Card do ■Do Tea do ■ Do ladies* work dp ■ Do Wash Stands, ■ Do Candle Stands |H Do eight day Clocks, in box cases, H Do counting room Desks, ■<! many other Articles too tedious to jH»n. (jJ* Sale to commence at 10 i —Cash. tds July 8 lift • ■ ■- - HteucU EttViC’j <iout\a, I ft subscriber offers for sale, an ele- I jftini assortment of FRENCH FAN* IftoDßjj.iu)''.received per the latest ■ Consisting of Collerets do Inserting Trimmings Hick and White plain Silk Stockings ■o do Embroidered do Italian Crapes figured Ribbons -> Hill Merino Shawls ■ > Satin ■in Cainhrlok Handkerchiefs Linen Cambrick White /.tghorns White Ostrich Feathers for Milliners tie. whole of the above goods, are now ft and to be seen it Messrs. Tardy >^ftn. fl John Mo rand. . ? » I » L/onsignmcntg. Dli. ROBBR’B Ibrated Vegetable Pulmo* I nic Detergent, RICH is used in Consumptions, ■Catarrhs, Asthmas and Coughs, or Is originating from Colds, with [advantages. This Medicine is freed 111 those objections which the use of liory drops, or similar preparations mays liable to. He invites the Pub fry and judge of the efficacy of the ■able Pulmonic Detergent; the re* If many,years labour and experience lownpriclice. Me is sensible of the Inomi; objections which are so often Vagainst Patent ,Medicines ; but it ■ for him tn say that such objections |n«er. lie can only observe that ■N'cal proßestiea of his Detergent P"l> be testei by i»s use. A few ■ Ol above,are offered low at ■6>alc and itetal ; also Lanka and J 8 >f Lamp and,Linseed Oil, Muj- I lun ‘ and Madier; with various ■ aiticles on the imst accouuuodat- Bernis. I C. C. I)ynn, I An&cy' Range. fctryl. t s [cabinet Hi AND the comer of Broad ajtd Ventre ■ Streets. I JESSE DIMON, HUF'UL for tile liberal encourage- received since the destruc ft\' 3 wtabliahmenj; by fire, has the H J®™ 1 ® his friends and the pub ft* J' a ' in ß employed twelve of the ft,.* lnen to he found in New York, KL S. on hand a great variety of the w * t h the advantage of an * ort h, ofl’ers for sale at N- Cabinet Furniture £# Chairs escri ption, finished in the first •Mo /of tale Cheap, mahogony, »*«(/ other Lumber. “ ts , Varnish, Oil and . Glass. (4*15 punctua Hy attended to. w '—w4m , blanks “J wecuted at this Office. AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. L>OL. XXXV.] THURSDAY EVENING, JUI.V 42 1821 rv g. » [No.. 3008,] 3uat Ueccheil, -ii’U/or tale on libera. terms, 3® 2SI«nS. N- O. .Sugar, 100 BagsjSeffce. .. 6 Aqgutus Brux. March 5 ts Pianos, JUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of first rate London made Piano Fortes, latent polished and round Cornered.—. For sale low for cash, or approved paper, by A- PICQUET, at Messrs. F. G. GIBSON, U Co, January 1 w ts IHMT STCXBOB CLOSING. T X HE Subscriber intending to close his business for the season, by the Ist of July next; offers for sale, his stock of HATS' Comprising a very general ASSORTMENT, On the most accommodating terms.— Among them are elegant Long Nap line Drabs., Warranted WATER PROOF, Do, Fine Black broad and Narrow brims; Castors, Imitation Beavers, Mens’ & Boys* Rorams, Do. Wool Hals, black tt White, Morocco Gaps Ac. Countty Merchants will do well to call as a liberal discount will be made to those Who purchase largely. TO LET CHEAP, From the Ist .Inly, until the Ist October. The Store now occupied by the sub. scriber, one door above Mr. K. H. Mus* groves. George Hannah. June 14. ts MARCHE’S MADEIRA WINE, 111 Pipes and Quarter Casks, For Sale by I. Thompson. Under the Globe Tavern, June 14. ts UROCEKIES, Win. H Thompson $ Co Offer Jor Sale, 1 130 bags prime green Coffee SO barrells prime N. O. Sugar | 8 pipes pure Holland Gin ( 3 do do Cog Brandy 5 hhds J. Rum■ , 2 Half pipes Steely Madeira Wine 50 barrels loaf Sugar 500 q. boxes Spanish Segars 40 do do Imperial ) A Gunpowder & Hyson ? A -Ei X*. 200 qr- Canisters, do do do 10 Bags Pimento and Ginger, 16 Do. Pepper, 20 Sacks Fresh Almonds, 15 Boxes No. 1 Soap, 200 Hags Shot, assorted, 100 Kegs Duponts Powder, | 20 do pest Richmond Tobaccp, 12 Boxes Chocolate, 22 Darrels N. E. Gin, 36 Casks Cheese, 100 Boxes do. 3000 Bushels Salt. October 31——ts DR. DUNN, Informs his friends and the commu nity, that Ijp can bo found at his residence near Mia Sandwich’* on the Sand-hills during the summer, except when out on calls. - , . . . Also, for the convenience of the mha bitanls of Summerville, he has a general supply of Medicines, Spices, &c. usually kept in Apothecaries’ shops, and Physici ans can be furnished with prescriptions. Soda Water, and IlarroYigatii Sim, Prepared from a correct analysis to be had by the bottle, with directions, 8-c. June 18- w4w DR. KENDALL BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that his health Wmg reinstated, he tenders them his ser vices in the practical department of Ins profession. He has opened his Shop in Ellia’-street, about thirty yards above its intersection by Washington-street, tnc house lately tenanted by Mr, Luke Rent | where he may always be found when not called oft’ on professional business. Augusta, June 14. 12t law] TPHE subscriber tenders his professional services in the following counties of the I Middle Circuit .—-Richmond, Columbia, . I Washington, Emanuel, Scriven St Burke,; atd in the county of Warren of the Nor thern Circuit. He will also practice in , •he Federal Courts of this State. Thomas Glascock. try The Savannah Republican and Mil edgeville JoumaJ will insert Ibe one month *• j • Jaunary 2? I *** The Subscribers have formed a connexion for the purpose of transacting a General Comment.; //*. itnets in this city, under the linn of Cax TELotr lc Lamar. Liberal advances vill he made, either irt Augusta or this place, upon Produce or Merchandise, consigned to their house tor sale. P. I. Cantelou, G. B. Lamar. ■Savannah, October sth 1820 ts Boots, Shoes, and Leather . J. HOUGHTON, South side Broad-street, four doors above the Market, Respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he intends keep ing constantly on hand, a complete assort ment of BOOTS and SHOES, of every description—which will be sold low for cash, either at wholesale pr retail. Country merchants are invited to c*|l and look for themselves. Daily expected, a large supply of Nor thern Leather. ' , Alt o on hand, A few Aozen elegant. Damage WHIPS, of the first rate. . , June 21. Wm. W. Thomson, & ijo OFFER FOR SALE, R "AGS COFFEE, 62 Hhds. Uuaovado Sugars, 16 Hhds. Molasses, 4 2 Hhds. Rye Whiskey, 10 Quarter casks Malaga Wine, 4 Half pipes and 3 quarter casks Old Madeira Wine, 2 jPipes Cognac Brandy, 5 Ditto Holland Gin, 6 Hhds. N. E. Rum, 2 Ditto Lime Juice, 100 Pieces best Hump Cotton Bagging 100 Ditto Tow ditto, 15 Tons Swedes Iron, 300 Bags Shot, 40 Kegs Dupont’s Powder, 4 Casks Bar Lead, 400 Quarter koxea Segar* 10 Boxes Chocolate, 10 Bugs Almonds, 56 Barrels Loaf and Lump Sugar, 2 Bags Pimento, •July 2- 8t Caution- T’llF. public is hereby cauliqneii from trading for two notes, drawn by the sub scriber in favor of James Randall, one for seven dollars, and the other for fifteen dol lars, both due on the 2S(h of May last, — said Randall not having complied with the consideration for which they was given. 1 do not intend to pay the same. TilOS. CAMPBELL. June 25. - ■ ■—-r - - ■' ——— Accommodation Stage. From Fayetteville to Norfolk, In Sixty Hours, Without travelling in (hs JVght. Tins line leaves the Mansion Hotel every Monday and Friday at 4 o’clock P. U. and arrives at Norfolk on Wednesday and Sunday, which (■hies passengers to take the Steam Boats fur Baltimore on Monday and Thursday morning*. The Superior Steam Boat Potomac is al*o run ning to the City of Washington, leaving Norfolk every Monday morning. The ex pense from Fayetteville to Baltimore (a distance of 400 miles) is only oar dollar more than the reduced rates of the Mail Line. The road is one of the finest in the Unit ed Stales, and no expense has been spar ed to place the line on such a tooting as to insure comfort, expedition and certainty. The Stage Cilice is kept at the Mansion Hotel. The Proprietor. Fayetteville , June 11th, 1821 (jjF- Traveller* leaving Augusta on Mon day and Wednesday, will reach Fayette, ville on Thursday and Saturday, so aa to take the Norfolk. Stage on Friday and onday mornings. M Seats are reserved until the Southern ages arrive. June 18.—2 w TO RENT T ROM the first of July, until the first of October, the STOKE now occupied by the Subscribera Killam $ Hills. June —-ts ■— ■ f Notice. * THE Subscriber Cautions the public against trading for her Due Bill, gl , vtn to Bradley, for Seventy-Five Dollars, dated as well as I recollect the ' 21st of November, 1820, payable the ' first day of March, 1821; as the property proved to be unsound, I am determined not to pay t. Eliza Woodr | Barnwell District, Eo, Cft. Jaa. 15- ts *** V'c subscpihep Imv ing remm’KUhe practice of the LAW, in tonns I: ; f taae* alieutw an that lie will confine his attendance to the Courtv (,f Equity and Law i bthc Dis. tricts of and Harnu-eU—-Mr. Ghntafitrlnin he Rc.y G.ioduin will attend Jo here, for the present is in the Court llpuse, and Mr. Charles Gooihsin, jun’r. keeps his office at Bum well Court House, where all applications will be sunrttially attended to. He will attend the Courts of Appeal from these Districts when specially employed. Charles Goodwin. Edgefield Court House, J 7th May, 1821. y oew2m WANTED ~ A YOIiNGMAN, who has been accus tomed to attending in a Bar; for such a one, thatcomcs well recommended—libc rail wages will be given. Apply at this Office. June 7- ts ~ Wanted, An active youny negro GIRT, of an unexceptionable character. Annjy *t this Office. * June 7———,tf Wanted to Hire, .A. GOOD Woman Conk, Washer and Ironer, until the first of January next.— Enquire at this office, or at the Globe Tavern. Ji,ne 4-—ts The Euterpeiad. The first vofijjnc of the P.UTEUPEI Ap fir MUSICAL INTELLIGENCER AND LADIES GAZETTE, ended in April.— The second Volume lips commenced, much improved, ami considerably enlarg ed, comprising eight quarto pages with a sheet of Mujnc in every number, and is published semi monthly, on Saturdays, at three dollars per annum, by John It. Parker, No. 2, Milk-Street, Boston. May 31—7— Caveat Emptor, A M- persons arc requested to take no- A tice that I have legal and equitable liens, fora considerable part of the pur chase money which remains unpaid, upon lot number ten, in the lots laid off Ivy Eit ward P. Campbell on Broad strept Au gusta, whereon there are three /fame tenements, formerly my property, ftnd by me aold to Jagies Myers. Any person who purchases, will take the property subject to those liens of which if more par ticular information is desired, it Will be given by Richard Henry Wilde, Esq. or the subscriber. Jesse Watson, by his Attorney A. Slaughter. January 8 ts ~t r 1 ■ ■- ~g—■■ ■> CHEAP AND Travelling, Ou t\\c Uppe* lAue of STAGES, Wf.ICII diverges from the main Nor thern lint at Edgefield court-house, S. C. goipg by Cambridge, laturens, Union and Yo;k court houses, Charlotte, Salisbury, 3a|c«n, Greensboro,’ and Milton, N. Caro lina, |to Halifax, Charlotte, Fijnce Edward, and Cumberland co irt-bouses, by Carters ville to Fredericksburg, Vn. where it a gain unites with the main northern line ; pursuing through the whole distance a high, plesant, healthful and cheap coun try, (from a third to u fourth cheaper than the lower route)with entertainment equal ly good, if not better, and affording suffi cient rest every night to the passengers. This line will leave Edgefield court-house every Wednesday mormag, on the arrival of the Augusta stage—and if cheapness, ease and health be of any importance in travelling, this Line ought surely to meet with a portion of the public patronage, particularly iathe warm season. Geo. McFarland & Co June 25. For Rent, A CONVENIENT dwelling house, one door shove (Mr, David LTquharts dwelling) from the first of July to the first of December next. Also, an excellen' Cook Jhe same length of time. For further Wicria'S enquire of the Editors: mav 17 *** - To ttent, ‘ THE dwelling home on the comer of Washington amt BMi* streets, from «he first of June to the fisgt Yf October next, —AppW at this o*««. A pel H- 1 >—tf - !•■ Notiop. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of I A the Into Dr. Thomas Leavitt, depVl, 3 either by note or open account, are re • quested to como forward and pay the same • hfforc the Ist day of November next.— 1 All persons having claims against t tatc are notified to exhibit them to the f administratrix within the time prescribed • by law, properly authenticated. i tli/n. \ • Leavitt, adni’x. . April 19 .ts v BOAT OWNERS ILL lake notice that the IQlst sec tion of the General Ordinance of the city <>f Augusta, v ill be enforced after the first of June—lt reads ns follow*:—” All Boats nut in actual use, shall be removed u fr ? m "Pposile the city, during the mqntlis a Qi.lune, July, August,September and Oo > toher, annually. Boats found Opposite the s city, during the above nspned months us the year, containing water in the holds, shall be seized by any officer of Council and conveyed from the city. Any person violating this section slial) fie fined, at the discretion of Council, in a sum nu ex , cceding one hundred dollars per day: and t *hall, moreover, be liable for all expenecs incurred in rcinnviug aucii boat or boats.’’' , I Jhii^4—tf Valuable plantation FOB^SALE^ Tim Subscriber* offers for Sale, that well known stand of John Beall, laltdy dec. twelve miles from August*; The Planta tion and Buildinga on the said premises are all iit excellent repair, and the Farm, for soil, fences and all that pertain to its cultivation, surpassed by none in the State. The body of land embraced in this tract, is supposed to be from 800 to 1000 acres. The above plantation will be of fered at private sale until the Ist of No vember next, and if not then disposed of, will be aold at public sale to the higheat bidder. Terms of Sale may be kpown by , applying to James 11. Smith, of (Georgia) or to Charles Beall, or to John W. Beall on (he premises, Charles Beall, 1 John W. Beall, > Ex’rs* I Janies U-SmilliS May 31 3m (D* Fhe Ilepqblican, Savannah, is re quested to insert the above, one* a week fur three months. THE SUBSCRIBER Offers lor sale on accommodating I terms, hi* Saw $ Grist Mills on Spirit creek, with about .1000 acres of land, well timbered, and sufficiently con venient to said Mills. A purchaser can have about one hundred head of cattle and other stock on said place. James B. Robinson. June 4 ts QJ° Lost op mislaid, a small Morocco pocket Hook, containing about forty dollars in Augusta, and State Bank bills—number and amount of each note not particularly remembered—also, several small notes of hand. The honest finder by returning the same to the subscri ber, shall be satisfactory rewarded. J. K. M. Charlton- June 11. Unvvtrails ot Georgia, Atukxs, 12th May 1821. THE examination of the Senior Class in Franklin College will commence on Thursday the 24th of the present month, at which time the Trustees of the Univer sity, the Parents of the candidates, for ■ degrees, and Literary Gentlemen in ges- ■ eral ate requested to attend. On Thursday the 14th of June next, the I examination of the Junior Class will com- I mence; on Friday that of t|ie Sonhoniore, 1 and on Saturday that of the Freshman Class On Sabbath the 17th, there will Le de livered a Commencement Sermon in the College Chapel. On Monday the 18lh, the candidates for admission into College from the Prepara tory School, about 40 in number, will be examined. On Tuesday the 19lh, a select number from the three lower dasaea in College will deliver speeches of their own Com position, and on Wednesday tfie 30th will he the commencement. Asbury Hull, Secretary University of Georgia. June 4,2 w (Ty-The above advertisement, franked, and dated, Athens, 12th of May, did not come to hand until the 2d instant, or it ’would hare been earlier attended to. HDD BOXES (L. Baldwin & Co.) SOAP, For sale low for Cash, Ry I. Thomson. June 14——4 t ■ :K f —J-~ L.. f - ' LHTVURS R. ■ EMAININCJ in tin; Post Office Autrua. ta,.Geor^ , «, Ist Jnlv. IR2I IVwms , wnihmrrleilei shorn this list will pte .se rsk ► tor Advertised letter*, 1 Abbot Daniel Leave ns worth B F Ames R & » Lnblock Richard j\nilrcws John Lipci* H#n , n . . ' 11 , l.unvkin .lames , Hishon I-a vma Lawton Manor Hraotly Ilcnjn j.ongstreel Gilbert f . Lamar Isabella Beall Kobt A \|. Barney,J S Vtgnn Owen Bostick G Mnrdah .lames Uaeon Lucy O Marp Wm F Bli'jfer Daniel Muise Mirant Bryan Alcxp Manse p Bouyer Maty Macklenmrry A Burnside Tho» R McTvie John Barry William Marilnlcw .1 Bayard Nicholas Dr. Middleton Aifat by Beall John W Million Join Hayzely James McDonald Laics Bovvers Ann Martin Rliza Bunt \\ illituii M:n Ve Baines Fortune Mann Marv Brouwer Jno Mnllußv Ptrpl,»„ 1 • ~r - ,v' ' Maff’tnlei Geo u lam William Dugin Osenda ft Chisholm rapt. Mead John Ur Clubc Timothy Morren Mart Gotten Holier* tir-GIII Ehef Gpi ly Jrslma McFarland Sarah Cooke William lieDowall Win Ctillur Ilicliard O. Cameron John Oliver llobept A Corhettj£iancis II Oliver Jas I. Combs Rfflbaniel Oliver Thomas Cameron Alex’r I*. Chrisliirti Ann Pierce Green B Clarke Anne W Pickett Maty ' Clmvous Elisha Pew John Collins John _ Pearrc Geo. W. 5 Cranford .lamp's Pace Susan Clemcmit Dnitf Pen-year A lex U Cockery D .1 * Pbares Dae I Clanton Littlebury Polliill Hebiickah Clarke Gabriel Q D. Tin* Davis Catharine |(. Denson .lessee llamsy Edw’d. Danforth It It&msay Hurrie'. Devefiix .) Itobinion Jesse DavafncJno Bam lx > K. i Da'tolrP Bussell James Dabnry Wm O Borers Wm Davis Hitower Huberts John Dawson John ‘ Bolin Wm Davenport Edw’dT g. Doughty Jno. M. Stewart James Dicks Jonathan SUby Jacob Donald James Salmon «i«h E. Stilwrll Charles Embry Hetfil Sandwich Miss Elsey Lewis Smith Eliz. A Ewing Nathaniel Sherriff’diaries G Evans Geo, W. Singers Sarah Erwin James Sjhaffer Jan 8 F. Smith Peu r Fay T C Starr Mr. Furan Charles • Swillivan Presley Foster Arthur, Scott J W Pearne CJtarlefl Shinholier Mary If Fox Mary Savage Daniel t-'ox James D C Swan Perry G. Snead Tilmau, Gramo Zedoro Siler Jesse It * ] Gardner John Smily Wm R Gridlcy Edward Salmons Jeff.-raon C C Griswold Snead Susait P Gardner B '|’ t Gordon Jamc» Terrell Jlenry C Griswold Gilen Turpley Joseph Gray Mary Ana TurknpU Geo A •H. TwigjfsGeoL Howard Mrs. Turpin John Hilt Marlin Tuttle |larby Uill John Tljornas Elizabeth Hmuby Wm Turpin &‘Middlet»U Harris Lti'l V Taylor C. Hamilton Delilah u Howard Jercd Underhill George Hammond Charles V. Hatclier Juo II Villard Wm D Hilton Tower Venscn port on Hammond Catharine Vanzant’ Joseph Hodges Jno J \y_ Howard William >Vondson Matthew. Hmea Jaa E Ware Elizabeth Hockney J Watson Thpmaa V! air Williams Thomas Hall Ehz th Watkins Martha M Hlnsey John R Walker .lamps Hamilton Eliz W Wusftborn B V Hill David Wilson John WipJtpr John Jojinaon Betmioah Wilkinson John B Johnson Juo K Williams F E V Jones Jemimah Williams Kiel awl f Jones Sam’J B Williams John F Jones Joseph Wood -insun Juli Mrs. Mine best re Wrn K. Waterman Asaph Koner William Ware .la ip Kittredge Stephen Wall Isaac Knight W Tarlton Wright Susannah Keall Honor Woodson Matthew Kerins Bartholo. . Y L. Young Wm L. Lawrence Garrett Young Hugh Liverman John Young Geo. W. Lark U McKey Z. Lacy Freeman W Zipn Jacob JAMES PHASER, P. M. July 2 ? t Final Notice I! L HE citizens of August t _re reaped* fully notified, th*l the time spe' ified for die collection pfthe Road sod Well Tas b.spired on tlje 23d ult are further i. ijfied that they may have uu opportune* 'v of paying their taxes by calling at tho .tore of Mr. S. Bussell, on or before tkq Gth inat. as a return w ill be made on the /th, of all persons in arrears, jn teems of -Inc; Ordinance. .* Avßugg, c»t.c» J.|y2 r 2t . Job Printing I Ntatljr executed at Qft cCf