Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, September 24, 1821, Image 1

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AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. ' X ' ' 4 o\i. XXXV.] *SVOXDAV .MOLWLXG, September $A } 18fcl. ] tJ 1 a '-■ l , . ... ■■; - •■;=" ttb r~i T - I THE Augusta Chronicle, IS PUBLISHED MONDAY & THORSDAT MORNINGS, By Xeau £$ Charlton. publishers of the Laws of the U. States AT FITE DOLLARS PER ARROW, IN ADVANCE. *” FOB SALIi The Summer Residence Os the Subscriber, called the Cupboard, Situated about one mile from Turknet Spring, and from three to four miles from Augusta. The above place is as pleasant and healthy a situation as any in the coun ty—there are a dwelling house, kitchen, smoke-house, stables, etc. all in good re* pair on the premises, with a good spring of water, and about 65 acres of land, about 35 of which is cleared, and under a good fence. The present crop now growing will be disposed of with the premises, if required, and possession given immedi stely. For further particulars, enquire of 8. Ruriell, Augusta, or on the premises of J. S, Shaffer. July 26 9t . . | THE SUBSCRIBERS OFFER FOR SALE, A part of the Spring-Uill-MUI TRACT of LAM'D, (Lately belonging to the Estate of Seaborn Jones, Esq.) LYING on both tides of Butler’s creek, in the county of Richmond, and at S resent in the occupancy of Col. M. F. oisclair. The part offered for sale is ad mirably well timbered, and would be di vided to accommodate purchasers. It lie- Within four or five miles of the city of Aus gusta, embraces some beautifully elevated sites for summer residences, having good Springs of pure water. Slaughter $ Labuzan, F. Walker, Proprietors. _July 16 ts fcpLook at this-won't you? All persons having demands against the late firm of Rear, Dutckimck & Peahbb, are requested to hand them in to the subsenoer, oerore -tnc am or Octo ber; next as he will not hold himself re sponsible for any that may he longer with held. It is scarcely worth the price of labor, to ask those indebted to pay; he hopes however, that the honeat debtor will consider it as rather difficult to sub sit for the space of fifteen or twenty years on the nutretnent received from the pass ing breeze, and will sometime in the course of the next ensuing ten or twelve years, present him with something more Substantial; and at least allow him the privilege of closing hia business, and 'commencing some other, for which, he, |f alive, will be ever grateful, &c. &c. G. W. S. Peari«. June 7 ts "BOAT 0 WmEK ILL lake notice that the 101»t sec tion of the General Ordinance of the city of Augusta, will be enforced after the first of June—lt reads as follows” All • Boats not io actual use, shall be removed from opposite the city, during the months of June, July, August, September and Oc tober, annually. Boats found opposite the oity, during the above named month* of the year, containing water in the holds, shall be seized by any officer of Council and conveyed from the city. Any person violating this section shall be fined, at the discretion of Council, in a sum not ex ceeding one hundred dollars per day; and Shall, moreover, be liable for all expences incurred in removing such boat or boats.” June 4—ts Georgia, Warren County. •Clerk's office of the court of Ordinary .’J* HEREAS Ross Stevens applies for •letters of administration on the estate of Aquila Stevens, late of this county deed. And, whereas the said Ross Stevens ap plies for letters of administration on the estate of Owen B. Stevens, late of said county deed.—These are therefore to cite •nd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased person ally or either of them, to enter their ohjec ions (it any they have) in my office, with in the time prescribed by law Given under my hand, tit office, this 24th July 1821 John Torrence, elk. c. o. July 30 m9m Notice. Months after date hereof appli cation will be nude to the honorable ne court of Ordinary for Columbia coun f . for . l 9ave to sell twenty thousand acres °« land in the county of Montgomery, thf ®ame being part of the real estate of Za Magi uder, deceased—to be sold f' n» benefit of the heirs and creditors c ■aid deceased George Magmder, adm’r. Tresey Magruder, adm’x .July 2, 1821 m9m QJ* 'V e are authorized t«» ‘l»at Mr. D *NIEL SAVAGE is a c ■ ™ e for the office of Sheriff of Ricbmon COUQt i r , at Hie ensuing election* THE subscriber offers for sale, an ele gant assortment of FRENCH FAN CY GOODS, just received per the latest Arrivals. Consisting of Embroidered Collerets do Inserting Trimmings Black and White plain Silk Stockings do do Embroidered do White Italian Crapes Satin figured Ribbons Craped do Small Meriiio Shawls White Satin Linen Cambrick Handkerchiefs Plain Linen Cambrick Black and White Leghorns Black and White Ostrich Feathers Chip pings for Milliners Ac. The whole of the above goods, are row opened and to be seen at Messrs. Tardy and Son. John Morand. , may 2! —- OIUMJEIUKS, Wm. H Thompson § Co Offer Jor Sale, 130 bags prime green Coffee SO barrells prime N. O. Sugar 8 pipes pure Holland Gin 3 do do Cog Brandy 5 hhds J. Rum * 2 Half pipes Sicely Madeira Wine 50 barrels loaf Sugar 500 q. boxes Spanish Scgars 40 do do Imperial J A Gunpowder & Hyson > JL JCi J\. 200 qr. Canisters, do do do 10 Bags Pimento and Ginger, 16 Do. Pepper, 20 Sacks Fresh Almonds, 15 Boxes No, 1 Soap, 200 Bags Shot, assorted, 100 Kegs Duponts Powder, 20 do. Best Richmond Tobacco, 12 Boxes Chocolate, 22 Barrels N. E. Gin, 36 Casks Cheese, 100 Boxes do. 3000 Bushels Salt. October ts Wm. H. Thompson 8c co. Have just received, am offer for sale, 100 Bags Prime Green Coffee. 10 Hhds. Superior St. Croix Sugar. 40 Do. Muscovado Sugar. 20 Qr. Casks Teneriffe Wipe. SDO Qr. Boxes Spanish Segara. 5 Pipes Cog. Brandy. 10 Da Holland Gin. 5 Hhds. Ja- Rum. 10 Boxes Sperm. Candles. 12 Kegs Ladies Twist Tobacco. 9.n Tin. scented Do. 5 Boxes London Muitud. 10 Casks best London Porter. 100 Pieces Inverness and Dundee bagging SOUO Bushels Liverpool ground salt. august 20 - .3 m Boots, -Shoes, and Leather. J. HOUGHTON. South Side Broacl-street, four doors abovt the Market, Respectfully informs his friends and customers, that he intends keep ing constantly on hand, a complete assort ment of BOOTS and SHOES, of every description—which will be sold low for cash, eitherat wholesale or retail. Country merchants are invited to call and look for themselves. Daily expected, a large supply of Nor thern Leather. Also on hand, A few dozen elegant Carriage WHIPS, of the first rale. June 21. GEORGIA —OgUborpe county, a T an Inferior court held in and for said aA. county, on the 7th day of July, 1821, dn the application of James I). Gresham, an insolvent debtor, before the honorable Elias Beall, John Hardeman, and Joseph I. Moore, justices thereof. Ordered, that the 22d day of September next, be and is hereby appointed for the meeting of this court again, upon the application of the said James L) Gresham, at the Court-house of said county—at which time and place, it is further ordered, that the said James D Gresham be brought up before this court; and also that all and singular the creditors as well those at whose suit the said James D Gresham is confined, as also all those to whom the said James D Gresh am is indebted, shall be summoned to ap pear in person or by attorney, to si, 2W cause, if any they have, why the said James D Gresham shall not have extended to him the benefit of the Constitution and Laws of this state in relation to insolvent debtors. A true copy from the minutes, [ Isaac Collier, Cl’k July 12 9w To Mechanics. THE Justices of the Inferior court of the county of Columbia will, from the pre sent date, until the Ist Tuesday in Sept, next, receive scaled proposals for the building a Jail in said county. All persons wishing to undertake the same can have a complete plan, by applying to the Clerk of said court. There will be paid in ad vance, when the work is commenced, two thousand dollars. H S.amar, Clk i. c. To Kent, HE dwelling house on the corner o’ 'Vashington and Ellis streets, from the rst of June to the first of October next, -Apply at this office. April 26———ts The Euterpeiad. THE first volume of the EOTESPEfAH or MUSICAL INTELLIGENCER AND LADIES GAZETTE, «md«! in At>ril. — The second Volume has commenced, much improved, and considerably enlarg ed. comprising eight quarto pages with a sheet of Music in every number, and is published semi-monthly, on Saturdays, at three dollars per annum, by John R. Parker, No. 2, Milk-Street, Boston. May 31 The Subscriber, SOLICITS those who can furnish him with evidencr, to enable him to pros ecute with satisfaction, three persons who were concerned in maltreating his man servant COMU3, on the Washington road, this side of Col. Man’s on the eve ning of the 2d inst.—The boy was furnish ed with a pass wbcih he propuced (with out effect) and was by those men beaten in a shameful manner—when a certain gentleman came up ard informed them that his pass was not out by one veek, the negro doe* not know who was bis friend, being an African, understands but little English; scarcely enough to be under itood—should a reward be expected, any thing reasonable will be granted by Isaac Laßoche, Apply to A. Slaughter £5 C. Labuzan or Thos. S. Oliver. December 7 ts Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late Dr. Thomas Leavitt, dec’d, either by note or open account, arc re quested to come forward and pay the same before the Ist day of November next. — All persons having claims against the es tate are notified to exhibit them tp the administratrix within the time prescribed by law, properly authenticated. Eliza A. Leavitt, edm’x. April 19. ts Notice. THE Subscriber Cautions tke public against trading for her Due Dill, gi ven to Bradley, for Sevinty-Five Dollars, dated as well as I recillect the 21st of November, 1820, payable the first day of March, 1821; as theproperty proved to be unsound, 1 an> determined not to pay t. Eliza Wood. Barnwell District, So. Cs. Jan. 15. ts Caveat Emptor. t LI. persons are requested to take no tx. tice that 1 have legal and equitable liens, fora cousiderable part of the pur chase money which remains unpaid, upon lot number ten, in the lots laid off by Ed ward F. Campbell on Broad street Au gusta, whereon there are tbree frame tenements, formerly my property, and by me sold to James Myers. Any person who purchases, will take the property subject t 6 those liens ot which if more par ticular information is desired, it will be given by Richard Henry Wilde, Esq. or the subscriber. Jesse Watson, by his Attorney A. Slaughter. THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for sale on reasonable terms, A Valuable Tract of Land, liYING on the Big Klokee Creek, with in a mile and a hall of Columbia Court- House, containing 351 acres, about 200 ot which are cleared. On the premises is a spring of excellent water, and all the usual improvements of a country farm. Per sons wish' ig to purchase will apply to the subscribe, at hie residence on the pre mises. Harmong Lamar. June 4 wßw Georgia—Warren county. Clerk’s Office of the Court of Ordinary, WHEREAS Mary Cooper, administra trix on the estate of James Cooper, late of said county, dec'd. applies for Letters Uismissory from her Administration of the said estate. These are therefore, to cite and admo nish all persons concerned, *n be and ap pear at my office, to enter their objections (if any they have) within the time pre scribed by law, vhy said Letter* should not be granted, otherwise they will issue accordingly. Given under my hand at office, this sth day of March, 1821. Jno. Torrence, Clk, c. o. March 12, 1820-—ni6m Eiftj Do War a iWwavd. TOLEN from Cipt, Bee’s Heck in the J city of Augusta, on Monday Evening, • 'ie 20lh inst a large Bay MAKE, about 8 of 9 years'old, with fold. She had a dou - ie rained bridle on, and is about fifteen ,mds and a half high, a very long tale, mg head and neck, and a small lump on vie of her fore ancles, and had a sore on rhe middle of her back, but now well Forty dollars will be paid for the thief, and thirty for the Mare, to be delivered to ■Ue subscriber, thirteen miles above An,. ista, or with Edward Bird, of Augusta »l the City Hotel. Dread. Pace. August 27 ts s||J During my absence Mim Augusta, JOHN P. ANDREWS, -sq is duly authorized to act as my attor ney. J. R. STANFORD, Valuable PLANTATION FOR^SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale, his Plantation, situated twelve miles a bove Augusta, between Fury’s ferry, and the Washington road. The buildings are all in excellent repair, and the farm for soil, fences, and all that pertains to its cultivatian, equal to any in the neighbor hood. The quantity of land, is about three hundred and forty three acres, The above plantation will be offered at private sale until the 2nd of November next, and if not disposed of then, will be sold at pnblic sgle to the highest bidder. Terms of sale, may be known by applying to John Campbell of Augusta, William Blackwell, or Josegh Crafton of Columbia County, who wilj shew the Premises. Bennet Crafton. Columbia County 16th August 1821. August 16 w2Nov. Advertisement. W; HEREAS tie subscriber has taken the Boarding House, just below the goal and market house, on Broad street, in the city of Augusta, returns his thanks to a - generous public for the support already given, and solicits a continuance of their favors, and pledges himself to give every attention, and boarding at the follow ing rates, io witj—Horses boarded at 50 cents per night; single feed 37$ ; boarding for man per day j&l; dinner 50 cent*; sup per 37$ cents; breakfast 37$ ; bed 2S cents —clean nice bed* and n well furnish ed table, and a good attentive hostler from the north. 1 also keep h Wagon Yard in good order, gratis, to those that take boarding. 1 am; &c. &c. Thornton Holeman. April 23. (£7 The Milledgeville Recorder, Co. lumbia, S. C. State Gazette, and Raleigh Minerva, will re-pubhshthe above monthly for five months, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. ‘ LAW. The subscriber tenders his professional services in the following counties of the Middle Circuit.—Richmond, Columbia, Washington, Emanuel, Scriven & Burke, and in the county of Warren of the Nor thern Circuit. He will also practice in the Federal Courts of this State. Thomas Glascock. Qj* The Savannah Republican and Mil ledgeville Journal will inseft the above one month. T. G. Jaunary 22 Notice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond country, for leave to sell a certain tract of land in the county of Baldwin, situate in the twenti eth district, and known by the number 203, in the plan of said district, being the properly of Matthew Pox, dec. for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Aimer Fox, Gua y r. Nov 23 m 9m Notice is hereby Given, I'IHAT the concern of Olascock & Dick . inson is dissolved by mutual consent, that the unfinished business has been translered to David F. Dickinson, who is authorised to close and settle the same. That Thomas Glascock will attend to ad vocating causes in which the said concern have been employed, and will continue his practice in the counties of Richmond, Burke, Scriven, Warren, and Columbia, and will also practice in the counties of Washington and in the Mayor’s Court of this city. Thomas Glascock, David F. Dickinson. January II ts Consignments. DU. ROGER’S Celebrated Vegetable Pulmo nic Detergent, is used in Consumptions, I * Catarrhs, Asthmas and Coughs, or diseases originating from Colds, with signal advantages. This Medicine is freed from all those objections which the use of inflamatory drops, or similar preparations are always liable to. He invites the Pub lic to try and judge of the efficacy of the Vegetable Pulmonic Detergent; the re sult of many year* labour and experience of his own practice. He is sensible of the Professional objections which are to often urged against Patent Medicines ; but it is not for him to say that such objections are sinister. He can only observe that the Medical properties of his Detergent .can only be tested by its use. A few Cases of the above, are offered low at Wlwlesale and Retail; also Casks am. Barrels of Lamp and Linseed Oil, Mus >ard; Alum and Madder; with various •ther articles on the most accommodat ing term*. C. C, Dunn, Msuleff Bang*. January 1, 6 ■ Administrators Sales, sold on the first Tuesday in v v December next, at the Courts House in Warren county, agreeable to an order of the Inferior Court, (he following property belonging to the estate of James Brady, dec. A valuable tract of Oak and Hickory land, lying on the main road be tween Warrenton and Powelton, a part of which is under tolerable cultivation—on the premises are a comfortable dwtlling House, a Store House and a new Cm House, with other necessary out buildings. The situation is well calculated for a pub lic stand, and affords many advantages to a person disposed to enter into the coun try trade. Terms of sale made made known on the day. Wm. Shivers, Jhnd'rG. September 10- 4wi Sheriff’s Sales. ~ Wlli BE sold at the Court House,! i Warrenton on the first . uesday in October next, between the hours es sale/ Five Negroes to wit, Ben a man about 35 years of age, Alford a bny 9 ot 10 years of age, Becjt about 38 years of age, Peggey a woman about the sanity Nancy about II years age. Levied on to satisfy an execution, in favoi of Stewart ts Hargraves, ami others vs James Layle^s. Ji. Rogers, s, w. c. sept. 3 Valuable PLANTATION FOB SALE. THE Subscribers offers for Sale, that Well known stand of John Beall, lately dec. twelve miles from Augusta. Tlue Plant*, lion and Buildings on the said premise* are all in excellent repair, and the Farm* for soil, fences and all that pertain to it* cultivation, surpassed by no*e in the State. The body of land embraced in this tract, is supposed to be from 800 to 1000 acres. The above plantation will be of fered at private sale until the Ist of No vember next, and if not then disposed of, will be Bold at public sale on the first Tuesday in November next, to the highest bidder. Terms of Sale may be known by applying to James H. Smith, of Lexington* (Georgia) or to Charles Beall, or to John. W, Beall on the premises. Charles Beall, J John W. Beall, > Ex’rs. James H.Smith S May 31 3m ' 1 * 1 •*' 1 Strayed , From my plantation JRNff in Barnwell District; | on Savannah River, two black, unbroke horst mules, 2 years, -T * old, they were bro't from Kentucky rVwiU 1u - —— probably make f/r the westward—whoever will secure the said mules, that I *au get th'-m, or deliver them t# George Allen of Augusta ahal receive a reward of TWENTY DOLLARS Wm, H. Robert. Nov. ts FOR SALE, AROUSE & lot fronting on BroaA Street and Ellis Street —the lot contains half an acre, between Hr. John H. Man and Mrs. Fox’s. The bouse with very little repairs may be made a comfort able dwelling for a small family. For L ©mis apply to ' G. B. Marshall. August 9—**tf NOTICE. THE subscriber will be absent from the state fora short period, and tho/e having business with him will call upon Mr. Hxif hi Mealing, who is his authorized attor. ney. ANDREW J. DILL. July 16 ts Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Columbia county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell thirteen hundred and ninety nine acres of pine land in Richmond county on both sides of Butler’s creek, on which there is a saw and grist-mill, it being part of the real estate of John Foster, late Os said county, decased. Elizabeth Foster,) Arthur Foster, > £ Collier Foster, j ? May 7, ,1821 --ro9m Notice. NINE months after date, application will be made to the Honorable ( th*» Inferior Gsmrt of Richmond county,ifot leave to tell all the real estate of lames , Kennan. deceased, for the benefit of the ueitt and creditors of said deceased. R. M‘-Coombs, adm’r. November S 3 m9tt Job Pristing,