Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, January 14, 1822, Image 1

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' ’{’lß* "'CM' ■ ** fgpr' ■ ~ •* jjtp' 1 i Tpi^^r AugustarChronicle $ Georgia Gazette. I CVOL. 36.] iMondaj, I V- " r=g « —gas Al* Be^aoclv V nave received, by the ships Oglethorpe f| a»'<l Emily, from Liverpool, and late J arrivals from the north, an extensive i 5 snpnlv of | British, French, India & Do- Imestic DRY GOODS. ALSO, Hardware. t| Which they offer to country merchants L* -on the most reasonable I erms November 12 w2in Notice. [ Co-partnership heretofore exist [ i' l ? tinder the firm of F. C. Taylor & Co. %a3 by mutual consent, dissolved on the 18th day of August last. F. C. Taylor, J Dexter Chapin. N. B. Business hereafter will be contin ue d by F. G Taylor. d t November 12— ts. I Wanted to Hire, Uf|?i •ill/ OR the ensuing year 40 or 50 good HNegro Fellows, for which a liberal price !*wiil be given; payable monthly, quarter ■|Py, or at the end of the year mjj Apply to ■ Henry Shultz, ■ in Hamburg, g Dec 27 ts * l lnsurance against I Fire! [Charleston Fire, and Marine I Insurance Company Agency, frri A HE Subscriber offers to take risks a gainst Fire on Houses, Out-Uuildings, (Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and its vicinity. I Timothy Edwards, Agent. I, Broad■ street, the Post Office US Globe 'Pavern.') jf December 20 f QUAKER SPRINGS. Ktfljshe subscriber has taken that wei I <ll known stand ij QiDATCEtt Springs. K LATELY’ occupied by Major Durkee, I situated seven miles above Augusta on n >he Washington road and hopes from | us attention to business to give general I i.iisfaction: |r John Turpin. I f ovember 8— ts I To llent, '' A LARGE ant! comforable Dwelling I House, to which are attached three and an ;1 half acr es of Land. This house is in the lower part of the city, on Ellis street, and S is every way desirable as a residence for a , private family Immediate possession will be given.—Apply to William W. Holt, Esq. or to Nicholas Ware, Executor ofJVm, Bacon, November 8 if. * Wi\T^ioVt\, 4~kN the first Tuesday in February 7 * at * the Court House in Warren ton, be- J tweeti the usual hours of sale, the follow ifi* property i— -4 One Negro Man, of the name of TOM. Taken as the pro perty of Benjamin Sandiford, to satisfy an execution in favour of i’eiry atid Wright and others, viz. Bejamin Sandiford, Jerc- I miah Beall, and John Sandiford. —Also, one Hoad Waggon, 4 pair of Geers, two Horses, taken us th* property of Elisha , Johnson, to satisfy aq Execution in favour f of Zepjiiniah llix, vs. Elisha Johnson. — Also, a bar of Gold, taken as liie property of Joel Kinsey, to satisfy an execution in favour of Baker and liectu, vs. Joel , Kinsey, A. 11. McCormick, Deb. She if. Warren County. Jan 3—— WAV tie fto\A, I A T the Court House in Wanenton, on t Jt\ the first Tuesday in February next, * I between the hours of Sale, v 100 Acres of Pice Land, l! on the waters of Reedy Creek, adjoining I of lands of Bose and others, it being known | as the place of'.Viliowbys, taken as the pro p nerty of Zachariah Bailey, to satisl-, an ex ecution in favour of David C Kos.., t»- A. and Z Bailey, and Willis Howara, pointed out by Howard, the Security. Also. Three Negroes, viz. James 38 years old. Mose 20 years old, and a woman 37 years old, taken execution in favour of Jehu * u ‘ in I , &■> for the use of John F. Martin an \s James Rogers, and pom t by Rogers.-^Also, Two Negroes, cne boy and g.rl, 'uket. tne Harrei Neal, tn satisfy an execution in 1 vourof JanacsNeai, vs. Harrel- es • \. Ji. iiogers; s w. c. I^3- I Je’weVt, Abell, Co. Upper Win? City Hotel, E HAVE RECEIVED FROM N. YORK, „ A OKXEIIAL ASSORTMENT Os 5 Staple Sf Fancy wwz VIZ Super, common and low priced,bUck, blue and mixed cloths & Cassiroeres, Super and Common Valencia, Toilanelte, Swansdown and Marseilles Vestings, , Dombazetts and Bombazines, Salinnetts, Flannels and Oil Cloths, Nankin and Canton Crapes, all colors, Italian do. while, black and Green, Super light and prints and chintz calicoes, * Silk and cotton flag handkerchiefs, Cambric cravats, white, spotted, figured and checkered, 4-4 & 6-4 cambrics, and cambric and com moa dimoties, 2 Cases 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 do. Super brown do. Turkey red, blue, Madrass and Polycat handkerchiefs, Linen and imitation cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, Long Lawns, Russia and Irish Diapers, Dogskin, Bucksin, and Beaver Gloves, Ladies dressed and undressed kid do. Scarlet embrodered morines, Marseilles quilt counterpins4 4 square, Sewing silks, black, white, green, blue and assorted colors. Cotton cords, balls and threads. Linen tapes, threads and bobbins. Darning and floss cotton, Willow flats and millinetts. Suspenders, children’s socks, Citssimere, merino and silk shawls, Shell & Imitation Tucking & side combs, Pearl, Ivory and Horn Pocket ditto. Ribbons —an extensive assortment of all colors. Plaids, Striped, figured and plain, Plain and pearl edged Taflety from No 1 to 22, Silks, Levantines, Florences, Satins, Sin shews and Sarsenetts, plain i* figured of various colours, Silk Lace, plain and figured, Silk lace edging, black and white, Silk hose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black and white, plain and figured, Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors, Silk lace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs, Elegant needlework nmslin robes and walking dresses, from 12 to 30 dol lars, very rich, Low priced needle-work, tarabored and embroidered do. Jaconet, mull and book muslin Flounces and Inserting Trimmings, Worked muslin Bands or Coiaretts, Thread Laces, a good assortment, cheap, Jet Eardrops, Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and Eyes and Necklaces, Gilt Ncclaces, Clasps and Snaps, Pearl, ivory, silk and thread, shirt, sus penders and vest buttons, Wallace’s extra gilt and coronation coat and vest buttons, Super Scissors and Chains for do. Magnum Bonum and common Razors nnd strops, Spoilsmen’s pocket and Pen Knives, Playing Cards and Dressing Combs Durable Ink and Osnaburg Thread, Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Shirt ings and Sheatings, Bandboxes, by the dozen or package, Whittemore’s No 10 Cotton Cards, Btc. ALSO Straw Bonnets. 20 cases of very superior Straw Bon nets, Bands, and Trimmings, of various patterns, such as bell crowns, double capes, round fronts, cottage shape, &c* kc. —cheap for the quality. The above goods are offered at whole sale and retail for cash, or on time for ap proved paper* Regular supplies wiU hr received from our partner in New York, which will enable us to have constantly ou band a general assortment of fresh season able Goods; and from the patronage we have received the year past, we are in duced to believe we have sold, and shall continue to sell at least as cheap as our neighbors November 8. ts Globe Tavern. i/HE Suhsci-b-vir.Fjrrns Illsfiivuda ami the public, that his Reading Room, is just arranged, and that his Bar is much more convenient. And on account of changing the situation cf the latter, he is better able tc provide for the accommo dation of Ins customers; andean safely promise them, that as far as his means and ability to comply with his wishes can go, he will attend to the comfort and conveni ence of every guest who may honor him with a call. £3*The Savannah & Wash iugtou Stages put up at ttie Globe. W. SHANNON. December 20. City Taxes. ALL persons concerned are hereby no tified that their returns of City Taxa ole property for 1822, will he received at the office of the Clerk of the Mayor’s Court, in the N. E. comer of the City Hall f from the Ist to the 31st January ensuing, from 2 to 5 o’clock, in the afternoon of each and every day, Sundays excepted. D. Clark ; c. c, December 31 1h) C <£ File evil, that men do, lives after them; } i*The good is oft interred wirh their bones.”y Cotton, Htoak, AND T.xc\\fti\ge broker. THE subscriber has taken an "dice in tiie building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on tin north side of Broad-street, opposite in di ■ Rost. Office—where he offers his services in the above business, and hopes.- by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of tils friends and the public. The great facilities afforded hv brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch with w hich it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and dilfioulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot. ton at the market price. Office .Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist* In order io give lime for sampling, i citizens offering cotton are requested to j leave the ware-house reef ipts by eight ; o’clock, a. m.—- If left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the sucocding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in u letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will be sampled and ’receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a if offered after that hour, sales cannot be eralized till next day. i 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably i be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o'clock ! and close at twelve, a m. 3th. Persons choosing to limit and lim- 1 iling higher than the market, will have their icceipls returned them on paying 6$ ci nis fora bag entry and sampling. 6ih. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country, en closing the warehouse receipts, will be piomptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, In their Canons Brunches, Will be attended to at all t imes during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o’clock p. m. and from three o’clock t’ll five i*. sr, John Kinney, jun’r. (jjpMoney is sometimes wnlh more than at others. Persons having it to loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November 8.- if Clothing Store ; Kll.LAltTfj intxs, MEli CIIJoVT TAIL OR S, KEEP COiibTAVTLV \ t.VIKiE ASSORTMENT 07 Gentlemen’s Heady Clothing, Ot their own Manufacture. —ALSO— Extra. Suner. and Common BROAD CLOTHS, (bASSIMEREb, VESTINGS, FINE LINEN SHIRTS, fkc. Jj* And the first rate workmen, to make f lollies to measure N. B.—Their Store is kept on Broad- Slreci, ten rods above the Post-Office, and three doors below Maj. Thompson's Auction Room JJecpniber 13— 1m Notice, ffiffiE co-partnership heretofore existing JLk between Johnson IS Ciane, having ihifday been dissolved by mutual consent, ail Beesons having claims against the firm, are ’requested to present them for pay meat, and those indebted, arc desired to n-.uHe immediate payment. James Johnson, Elias B. i pane. Cfh* The business will be continued by E IJ. Crane, at the old stand, who has on bar.i [ a complete assortment of Newark mad “Gigs and Carriages, which will be sohi low for cash. Cairiages Repaired at el on notice and in the neatest manner. E. U. Crane. D ic 17-—lm Tax Collector’s Sale. BM ILL be sold on the first 1 uesday in ▼ ? March, one HOUSE, adjoining I'hui us Uaitun’s Lot,and as the pro pert; of Giles Griswold, to satisfy his Elate and < ounly Tax, forthe year 1820. Amount of T t £9 73 cents K. Bugg. T. C. Ju nary 3. A Notice. IL persons indebted to the estate of ■nix W. Walton are requested to conielforward and make immediate pay miintj and those that the said estate are indebted to, are requested to bring for iv aid heir accounts duly attested, within 1 the ti«e prescribed by law. W P. Beale, Archibald llaggie John Bonn, Administrators. , January 3-- . , I lOISIT Hardware Cutlery, The, Subscribers. f I WING formed a connexion with an extensive mercantile house hi Nevv-VorK, have just received frnn that city, and are now opening in, next door to the Bookstore of Win. J. Hobby, Esq a large anil valuable Assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery ; AMONG WHICH ARE, OP DRY GOODS, Extra superfine and common C'ot hs and Cassimeres, assorted colors; Satlinetts, different colors ; blue and white Plains; red, white, yellow & green Flannels ; blue anti green Bucking Bai zes ; Rose Blankets, assorted, from 7to 12-4 ; Point do ; black and colored plain, figured and printed Bombazettj andUal tinetts ; Caroline or Circassian and Tar tan Plaids ; black and colored plain & fi gured Canton Grapes and Crape Dresses; black, blue, green and assorted fancy Ca licoes ; super London prints and printed Cambrics; fine Cambric ; plaid Ging hams; plain and figured book, jaconet, cambric and fancy Muslins ; corded anil jaconet muslin Robes ; Irish Linens, va ! rictus qualities; line and coarse brown do ; j Oil Cloths, handsome patterns ; swans down, toilnette and fine white and print ed Valencia Vestings; huff, chintz, imi tation silk and cotton and printed border ed ciissimtre Shawls ; India and German silk flag and bandana Handkerchiefs ; black and crossbafred Canton do; mad ness, pulllcat and twilled cotton do ; spot ; ted, crossbaned and white bordered Cam bric Cravats j linen cambrics and cambric Handkerchiefs ; imitation do ; black and | white silk, cotton and worsted Hose ; la j dies and gentlemen’s black, white, and | assorted colored, kid, heaver, castor mid siik Gloves ; sewing Silks and Twist ; black and colored Ribbons, various widths ; elegant plaid garniture do ; Pins in jacks; gilt coat and vest, pearl and ivory shirt Buttons ; button moulds; do mestic Shillings, Sheetings, Checks, Plaids and Stripes; fine and common Bed Ticks; black tabby Velvet ; worsted Shirts and Drawers; silk Umbrellas, dif ferent qualities , fore top, back, ivory and pocket Combs; coarse and fine linen and cotton Threads; Cotton Balls ; line steam looni Shirtings; Suspenders ; an a,sort, incut of Shoes ; ruriun, imitation U real beaver Hats: AND OP IlwrAware, & Cwllexy, Guns, assorted, some very elegant; Gun Worms; Trace Chains ; chest, butt, H and 111. Hinges; Thumb Latches; trunk, chest, till, j»ad, knol? and mortice Locks; tea and table spoors; pocket, pen, barlow, two blade, jiear, prunning, carving, dirk, desert, shoe, bread, butch er and drawing Knives; Knives Si Forks ; Razors, in cases; Scissors ; Handsaws; handsaw and bastard Files ; Curry Combs; Sad Irons; Waiters and Tou Trays ; Cur penter’s Rules; Squaresand Compasses; Sand Paper; Shovels and Tongs ; cut Tacks and Brads, assorted ; Trunk Han dles ; Wood and Bed Screws ; Screw Pullics ; Candlesticks; Curtain Rings; Nail and Spike Gtmhlets; Nail Hammers; Jewuharps ; Shaving Boxes and Brushes ; metalic Paste and Paste Blacking ; and an assortment of Brushes. AH of which are now offered at re duced prices, wholesale and retail, for cash or approved paper in this city ; ami from '.he advantages they will posses in the selection of their GOODS, having a purchaser constantly in the New-York mailed, hope to merit a share of public patronage. Walmsley & Foster. December 13 if 'i cm Dollars lie ward. t&UNA WAV from the undersigned, a & Negro fellow named TOM. Me lias been waggoner to Augusta, and is jiroba lily well known in tje city. The above reward wili be given for his apprehension. J. T. Bent. Dec 31— Notice. Rented on the 24th instant, the Sand-Hill residence of the late llezekiuh Beall, fop one year. Terms |;utle known on the day. N. H. Beall. Administrator. January 3——-law-Uls The Subscriber OFFERS fur Rent, for one or more years, between} two and three bun tired awes River Bottom Land, in lots ol fifty ac/es and upwards, to suit lessees.— Corn a«d Fodder can be bad on the pre mises. Also for sale, Bor 10 prime work Mules md Horses. For further informa tion enquire of the subscriber near the pre mises, iourteen miles below Augusta. liobert Jones. January 3——— Sheriff’b Saloa. VTitlH be sold, on the first Tuesday in T T march next, at the Court-House in ■ tiie t iwn of Waynesborough, Burke Coun ty b tween the usual Sale hours. Niue Negroes, (viz.) 1 Bess Hetty, Fanny, Harriet, tdward, Rich ard,(Nancy, Hope and Jacob.—-Levied on as llje properly ol James Polhill, to satisfy an Execution in favour ot Job S, Barney, on the foreclosure of a mortgage. S. \V. Blount, S, B. C. Dec 2T~*— I»WU 4 Jhit I JaiHMiT} 14?, 1833, Series—Xo. TU * ' # >Mi —if—ma—nil 6i*am\ (3\ia\vter o£ Geor gia. T..« Officers and Members of the GRAND CHAPTER, are requested to meet at the Masonic Hall in Louisville, on Moansv, the -till of February next, ■ fid* the purpose of organizing the said Chapter, and installing tho Odictrs, a-ul lor the transact ion of such other bust ness as may be found necessary. William Schley. Ghanh Ilicn Priest Lomndlle, 18/A Dec 1821* * See Ist section of the 2d arth le of the General Grand Constitution declar ing who shall be members of tha State Grand Chapter. * 7 j" NOTICE. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing int er the firm of Leeds & Lynes Coach Makers, was dissolved by its limita tion of the 2-Uh November last; the*bo«ks and accounts are left in the htnidf of Jainea Lynes, ono of the late firm for settlement. All persons indebted arc respectfully re quested to make as early settlement; as possible, and thereby save the inconveni ence and expence of a legal call- Those to whom the concern was indebted will present their demands to him for settle ment. Nathan Leeds, James Lynes, January 7—— ts The Subscriber WISHES to inform his friends and the public, (hat he shall continue the Coach Making Business,at the stand lately occupied by Leeds and Lynes, at the cor ners op Hliis and M'lntush streets; where Carriages will lie made and repaired at short notice, and in the best manner. James Lynes. Jan 7 (O’The Editors of the Georgia Journal nnd Washington News, are requested to publish llicuhove three limes, and forward their accounts to this office. Coach Making. subscriber respectfully informs JL Ins friends and the public in general, tlial lie has established himself in thejnbove business, a few rods below the market, on thr south side of Broad-street, where a constant supply of northern made Carri ages andMiigs will he kept for sale, of supe rior style and workmanship. He lias now on hand a supply of Carriages, made by D. Beach, of Newark, N. ,1. whichlwill be soli) at the lowest manufactory jiriccs.— Ail orders will be promptly cxeaiited, and Barrages of every description repaired, He in the best maiumr and favorable us can be done elsewhere. The smallest favors will meeCprompl attention and will be grate fully acknowledged- He takes this op portunity of returning to his friends his sincere acknowledgements for favors here tofore rendered him injthe above line. Nathan Leeds. January 7-——4 w, Sheriffs Sale—Continued. WILL he uold on the first Tuesday in February next, at the court-house in Jacksonborough, Scrivcn county, be tween tho hours of ten and three o’clock, 10 Negroes, namely, Amy, Luce, Bob, Dinah, Eady, Mitt, Chain, Jen ny and Ned, levied on as the property of James Gamble, Thomas Nicholson fe Sarah Nicholson, to satisfy an execution in favor of Richard Herrington, on the foreclosure of u mortgage. ALSO i Negro Woman named Lin- , der, one small wagon, one sorrel horse, | and one sorrel mare, levied on as the pro- , perty of Juipcs U. Conyers, to satisfy sun- ■ dry executions, Solomon Kemp, s.s.c. January 7 tds For I'IIAT wet! known six! valuable |.hm tatiou whereon William Jones, deceased, lived, in the county of Burke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickory land, and about two hundred acres clear ed, well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton. On the above premises there is a good two story house, and all other necessary out buildings, and an excellent Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing stream—three hundred acres more cf pipe land adjoining the above, lying in the county of Richmond, and about seventy acres cleared. We a further des cription unnecessary, but invite all those persons who wish to purchase a valuable place, to come and view the premises and judge for themselves. For further parti culars apply to Augustus H. Anderson, Isaac Walker, Administrators of the estate of Wm. Jones. Nov 1 N s—ts ■ ‘ '■» ' ULewarA. R,AN AWAY from the subscriber, iiutnh since, bis negro man, SOLOMON t veil known about this place. He. has requentjy seen lurking about ind the above reward will be. person who may happen tofhi him, unless he should be an ~ ‘ f th Police. v A. McKenzie. i Jamjar" 7—. —-ts-T * id ———ill il Vi ui« " ' " —t Shad Seins. ST ONG SEINS, ready strung, and JLi in complete order, for sale by John Beach, co. January T- wsip 1 i f c Choice Fruit T'RW rhnimnd Choi'c Oran,.,and Lemons, tresh and deliciously perfect, for sale by Wm. Jackson. January 7 ..It Mrs. 11. ttLOME PRESENTS her most respectful com pliments to the inhabitants of Augusta, and announces that she has taken a house sit. uated in Green-street, next d- or to Mr. Russeli's dwelling 1 house, where she in tends to open a SCIfMJL, on Monday, the j th inst. for the instruction of young" ladles in the French and English Lan gutiges, Geography, History, Mitliology. 1 lain and Oi mu.ientid U ork, and Dr&wmy, TERMS OF TUITION- Reading and Spelling, per quarter, g 4 Ho. do. with Writing and Cyphering, t> Grammar, Parsing and Geography, t Tiie above with History and Mnhoiog},*) Drawing inclusively, - Da. exclusively, $ French inclusively, Do. exclusively, ii^ Embroidery, * < Plain Work and Marking, Netting mhl fringe, will be included without addition to the terms. Q~J“ Mrs. T.lohe can produce respecta ble references, both as to character and abilities January 7 If \ui*k \Ul* ACABKMY, Trustee, ol this Institution |, av « - tUe r Pjl?*"** l« announce that th. young Ladnes who have b, en D L 1,0 der the care and instruct of £ II! and Mrs., evidenced bey 0 ,.J ? loudest and most sanguine ~,n ! eu ‘ their dose and unwearied ’\' Ct i* ~, Utcir studies, “i exertion* have been btsl'd* 1 young ladies by their la' a almost um-xamplcd e-ia.«i 8ti ’ ,h ® they underwent on the sth „ t ” i* 1,0 v t hey have the pßa.ure ftm Lw' h " ,Ht that the school wil) open l ° Slut , e * first day of January neif tioil of the umc tcveliers, lion of a sister of Miss UsL„>* ibe fr:' ' * teacher m the Literary »nd Ornaim n'd, branches of education, and from e in . defaligable pains taken bv th » Ilf and the proficiency ma.dfi.stcd by S young placed under the, rJi* anxiously hope th a . patronage wl iohh a « been exercised will be continued by J li! beral stud enljg-htem ci public. * Mr. Usher, the Father of the Miss Ush ers, will continue to keep the IJoanhmr iX. C,n 11,6 Aca ‘W. atone hundred lollais pei annum, to be paid quurterlv Ihe rates of Tuition wjU fontinue the same as heretofore, except Music, wfich Tf.n vn leduCe(l f, 0m fifteen Dollars to Xcn Dollars per (juurttr. Robert Clefideniii, * Dec. 15 eowtlstA *£» City Council, W I » L .? nt, “ ? 14ltl '"*<««, at 3 o'clock ’ , 1 * ” appoint a City Marshal, w : th a salary of seven hundred dollar n,.r an uum, payable quarterly, algo the fV-e* 0 f ofhec allowed by the Oenc*d Ordinance. J, “- Cl f|; k Wlll receive app'igation* con taining the names of securities intended to be given) at any time previous to thg» hour of election. D. Clark, c.c. January 10——3 t Jujwta, Bth January, 1822. m. HE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Xhne U Rey mills, is this day dissolved by mutual emu nu All un settled business of said firm willbe attend ed to by Thomas Reynold, who is duly au ihomed to settle the same. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate payment; and those hav, mg demand*, to present them for settle ment. Win, Htone, Thomas Keyuolde. January -i IVoticey,'^ flUrJr AWAY from ijfc Plantaljpn es **" IT Mrs. Evans, cn fne 18th day of cember last, J,h:atHn county, f>ewgfn, 'ear Haysvilie, m mulatto h» be name of OfiEEN. nbflUf Twenty year* at »*», %%}£ o Peeled. A reward of Ten MoUarypTl be gi ven for lodging the ab>ve any jail so that 1 ret him sgain, jjjfwll reasonable charges will fje paid to him to Mr. Charles Evans, Lincoln county, Georgia. Thomas J. Hibbler, Edgefield District, S. Carolina. Janusry 7. \ Journal and Mission*, r/, dcHint give the above thrt« nsertions and'forward their accounts to this office for paymenr.