Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, January 17, 1822, Image 1

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7| Augusta Chronicle &Georgia Gazette. .A : | ~ : [YOL. 3G.] Ttatsday, 1 i| - - . || .M ‘•Keuxie Ben<\uc\\ ■' iHave received, by the ships Oglethorpe ’i and Emily, from Liverpool, and lute 7 arrivals from the north, an extensive 'it- supply of French, India & Do- L mestic | mr goods. M,- '■ XZSO, ’ Hardware. Which (hey offer to country merchants ,#n the most reasonable t,erms November 12 w2m Notice! '^PHR Co-partnership heretofore exist* sng under the firm of F. C. Taylor k Co. ? - as by mutual consent, dissolved on the Bth day of August last. | F. C. Tag lor, Dexter GHiapin, . N. B. Business hereafter vvid be coatin *ledby F. C Taylor. November 12 ■■■ ts. i Wanted to Hire, ITt ' lEtT OR the ensuing year 40 or 50 good I^l Fellows, for which a liberal price vill be given; payable monthly, quarter y, or at the end of the year- Apnly to Henry Shultz, in Hamburg. Dec 27 ts In sura vce against Fire ! Charleston Fire, and Marine I; Insurance Company Agency. * I IHE Subscriber offers to take risks a- ' a fiWuinst Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings, * Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au- ; ; I Justa and its vicinity; ; Timothy Edwards, Agent. , Jj j, Broad-street, |- \Bd~.ueen the Post Office & Globe Tavern.) , December 20—— [ QUAKER SPRINGS. 'DTiniie subscriber has taken that wel . known stand Quaker Sphinos. ' LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, situated seven miles above Augusta on Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general • satisfaction: [ John Turpin. i Ityvembcr B——ts : To Rent, .A. LARGE and comforahte Swelling House, to which are attached three and ai 1 halt acres of Land. This house is in the lower part of the city, on Ellis street, and is every way desirable as a residence foe a private family UnmeJiaie possession wi! be given.—Apply to William IV. Holt, Esq. oi to Nicholas Ware, Executor of Wm. Bacon. ’ November 8 if. wiu Wa'nia, ON the first Tuesday in February, at the Court Mouse in Warre.nton, be tween the usual hours of sale, tlie follow ing property.— • One Negro Mun, ol the name of TOM. Taken as the pro-1 •petty of Benjamin Sandiiord, to satisfy au ) execution in favour of Ferry and Wright and others, viz. Bejamin Sandfford, Jere miah Beall, and John Sandiford.—Also, one Road Waggon, 4piir of Geers, two ■- Morses, taken as the property of Elisha Johnson, to satisfy an Execution in favour of Zephinlah Mix, vs Elisha Johnson.— *Mso, a bar of Gold, taken as the property ** rs Joel Kiftswjj, to satisfy an execution in 5 favour of Maker and lleetb, vs. Joel Uinsey. A. H. ADCormick, .(> JJep. m/ie’ffi, Warren County, /an 3 ( ■ ;i; WiVUrefeoVl, jJ A ie H° usc in ’Varrenton, on M\' /jL the first Tuesday in February next, ,■* between the hours of Sale, J 100 Acres of Fine Land, ;|t *>n the waters of Reedy Creek, adjoining jf; ©f hurls of Hose and others, it being known illi as the plac<* ofWiliowbys, taken a; the pro • jperty of /.achariah Bailey, to satisfy an cx l •■ecalioa j n favour of David C. Hose, vs. 1 1 rt.. End JZ. Bailey, and Willis Howard, * J po'.otcd put by Howard, the Security. 1’ A.lso, „• Three Negroes, viz. k, . James 38 years old. Muse 20 years old, and m «twoman 37 years old, taken to satisfy **n -r execution in favour of J".hn F. Marlin an e- *Co. for the use of John F. Martin an ad j ©flier*, vs. James Rogers, and pointer. ou av jby Rogers —Also, -j Two Negroes* one boy and girl, (akenasthe property o Barrel Neal, to satisfy an execution in »a fpup of James Neal, vs. HarrelNea - if X A. It. Rogers, »W, c. l j #’ Jan 3- 1 «SVbe\A, & Co. Upper Winy City Hotel, HAVE RECEIVED FROM N. YORK, A OKXtHAL ASSORTMENT OF Staple § Fancy mmr ©©©i)©, VIZ Super, common and low priced,black, blue aid mixed cloths Cassimeres, Super and Common Valencia, Toilanette, Swansdown ami Marseilles Vestings, Bombiizetls and Bsmbazines, Satinuetts, Flannels and Oil Cloths, Nankin and Canton Crapes, all colors, Italian do. white, black and Green, Super light and dark prints and chintz calicoes, Silk and cotton flag handkerchiefs, Cambric cravats, white, spotted, figured and checkered, 4-4 St 6 4 cambrics, aud cambric and com mon dimoties, 2 Cases 4-4 Irish Linens, 1 do. Super brown do. Turkey red, blue, Madras* and Polycat handkerchiefs. Linen and imitation cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs. Long Lawns, Russia and Irish Diapers, Dogskin, Bucksin, and Beaver Gloves, Ladies dressed and undressed kid do. Scarlet embrodered morines, Marseilles quilt counterpins 4 4 square, Sewing silks, black, white, green, blue aud assorted colors, Colton cords, balls and threads. Linen tapes, t hreads and bobbins, Darning and floss cotton,' Willow flats and millinetts. Suspenders, children’s socks, Cassimere, merino and iilk shawls, Shell k Imitation Tucking St side combs, Pearl, Ivory and Horn Pocket ditto. Ribbons—an extensive assortment of all colors. Plaids, Striped, figured and plain, Plain and pearl edged Taflety fiom No 1 to 22, Silks, Levantines, Florences, Satins, Sin shews and Sarsenetts, plain St figured of various colours, Silk Lace, plain and figured, bilk lace edging, black and white, Silk hose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies' black and white, plain ar.d figured, ! Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors, Silk lace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs, Elegant needlework muslin robes and walking dresses, frpm 12 to. 30 dol lars, very rich, Low priced needle-work, (ambored and embroidered do. Jaconet, mull and book muslin Flounces and Inserting Trimmings, Worked muslin Bands or Colaretts, Thread Laces, a good assortment,, cheap, Jet Eardrops, Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and Eyes and Necklaces, Gilt Neclaces, Clasps and Snaps, Pearl, ivory, silk ami thread, shirt, sus penders and vest buttons, WallaceV extra gilt and coronation coat and vest buttons, Super Scissors and Chains for do. Magnum Bonum and common Razors nnd strops, Sportsmen’s pocket and Pen Knives, Playing Cards and Dressing Combs. Datable ink. and Osnaburg Thread, Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Shirt ings aud Sheatings, Bandboxes, by the dozen nr package, VVliittemorfc’s No. 10 Cotton Cards, !kc. ALSO Straw Bonnets. 20 cases of very superior Straw Bon. nets. Bands, and Trimmings, of various patterns, such as bed crowns, doublt capes, round fronts, cottage shape, &c* ■kc.—cheap for the quality. The above goods are offered at whole sale and retail for c.-isli, or on time for ap proved panel* Regular supplies will he received from our partner in New York, which will enable us to have constantly on land a general assortment of fresh season able Goods; and from the patronage we have received the year past, we are in duced to believe we have sold, and shall continue to sell at least as cheap as our neighbors November 0 ts ISlobc Tavern* T* lilfi Subssriberinf>rms hisfilends and the public, that his Heading , is just arranged, and that his. Bar is much, more convenient. And on account ol changing the situation of the latter, he i' better able to provide for the accommo dation of his customers t and can sub q promise them,-that as far as his means and ability lo comply with his'.K-s can go, he will attend to the comfort and conveni ence of every guest who may honor him with a call. (fc3-T!ie Savannah & Wash ington Stages put up at the Globe. AV. SHANNON. ' December 20. City Taxes. ALL persons concerned are hereby no tified that their returns of City Taxa ble property for 1822, will be received a< -die office of the Clerk of the Mayor’s Court, in the N. E. corner of the City Hall, F from the Ist to the 31st January ensuing, ■ from 2to 5 o’clock, in the afternoon ol each and every dry, Sundays rxeepted.- D. Clark, c. c. Doccmbsr 31—-1® , f The evil, that men do, lives after them ; £ C‘ The good id oft interred with their bones.” 3 V.n*rr. M .n.. .V»ir - .~ir«7nMrV, t.i ’ "~~ ("'■ Cotton , Htock , AND IvsA’Amwge lAvoAceY. THE subscriber lias taken an office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Oflice—where he cftVis his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron ’ age of his friends and the public. ’ The great facilities afforded by brokers ’ in commercial opera, ionsgenerally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gus'a and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is * principally done by brokers; and hence the easu, certainly and dispatch with , which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the oflice of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking tip a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty lo ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton at the market price. Office llegulatious relative to Cotton. Ist* In order to give lime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to leave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succecling day If more convenient, the receipts maybe enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Colton will be sampled and ‘receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be eralized till next day. 3J. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4lh. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, j. m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6j cents fora bag entry and sampling. fitli. Commissions on sales, 25 tents a bale Orders from the country, en closing the warehouse receipts, will he promptly executed. Stock .Exchange and Brokerage, In their Various Brunches, Will be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two p’clock r. m. and from three o’clock till five p. m. John Kinney, jun’r. gj* Money is sometimes worth more than at others Persons having it to loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November 8.- if Notice. THE co-partnership heretofore existing between Johnson Gs Crane, having his day been dissolved by mutual consent, ail persons having claims against the firm, are requested to present them for pay ment, and those indebted, are desired lo make immediate payment. James Johnson, Elias B. Crane. (£j* The business will be continued by E. 15. Crane, at the old stand, who has on hand a complete assortment of Newark made Gigs and Carriages, which will be sold low for cash. Carriages Repaired at short notice and in the neatest manner. E. B. Crane. Dec 17 1m Tax Collector’s Sale. bo sold on the first 3 uesdiy in tj J March, one HOUSE, adjoining rhomas Walton’s Lot,and sold as the pro perly of Giles Gdswold, to satisfy his State and County Tax, fjrthc year 1820. Amount of Tax £9 75 cents . . E. Bugg. T. C. January 3 . Notice. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of i*. John W, Walton are requested to forward and make immediate pay .in nf, and those that die said estate are indebted 10, are requested to bring for aid their accounts duly attested, within the lime prescribed by law. ‘ AV P. Beale, Archibald Uaggic, John Dunn, , Administrators. . I January 3 Gt J he House and Lot ~ i q ITU A TED on Broad and Lincolji streets, are now offered for sale, it will be ui tee market until the 25th day of De J comber, at which time, if not sold, it will be withdrawn and will not be offered a gain J’he situation of the properly is pleasant and healthy, its front is 180 feet and runs back to Ellis street 160 feet. ■ For the terms apply to , ; Wm. A Cobb, By hit Agent,'- ‘l* Thompson. l ( November 2C ■ s Take Notice, r nance entitled ‘‘An X Ordinance t,o prevent horses running ai large in tlie ( fity 0 f Augusta,”, will be a ram put in ;o;;ce Cbm aud after life 15th hbtant. JantiSVjr 10.-f Hard varc § C utlu ry 11 The SwAjscvVbfcYa. ( IT . .1 HAVING formed a connexion with an extensive mercantile house in New-York, 1 have just receive;! from that city, and are now opening .n Broad-Stieet, next door to the Bcckstcre of Wm. J. Hobby, Esq a large and vahable Assortment of Fancy and Staple Di/ Goods, Hardware and Cutlery : AMONG WHICH ARE. OP DRY GOODS, Extra super, aupc-fine and common Cloths and Cassimeres, assorted colors; Satlinetts, different colors; blue and white Plains; red, white, yellow Si green Flannels ; blue and green Hocking Bai zes ; Rose Blankets, assorted, from 7 lo 12 4; Point do ; blabk and colored plain, figured and printed ilonibazetts and Rat tinelts ; Caroline or Circassian and Tar tan Plaids ; black and colored plain Si fi gured Canton Grapes and Crape Dresses; black, blue, green and assorted fancy Ca licoes ; super London prints and printed Cambrics; fine Cambric ; plaid Ging hams ; plain and figured book, jaconet, cambric and fancy Muslins ; corded and jcconet muslin Robes ; Irish Linens, va rious qualities; fine and coarse brown do ; Oil Cloths, handsome patterns; swans dtfwn, toilnette and fine white and print ed Valencia Vestings ; buff, chintz, imi tation aiik and cotton and printed border ed cassimere Shawls ; India and German silk flag and bandana Handkerchief ; black and crosskutred Canton do; mad rasa, puffiest and twilled cotton do ; spot ted, crossbarred and white bordered Cam bric Cravats; linen cambrics and cambric Handkerchiefs ; imitation do ; black amt white silk, cotton and worsted Hose ; la dies ajid gentlemen’s black, white, and, assorted colored, kid, beaver, castor and silk Gloves ; sewing Silks and Twist ; black and colored Ribbons, vaiious widths ; elegant plaid garniture do ; Pins in packs; giit coat and vest, pearl and ivory shirt Burtons ; button moulds; do mestic Shillings, Sheetings, Checks, Plaids and Stripes; fine and common Bed Ticks; black tabby Velvet ; worsted Shirts and Drawers; silk Umbrellas, dif ferent qualities ; foratop, back, ivory and pocket Combs ; coarse and fine linen and cotton Threads; Cotton Balls; fine steam loom Shirtings; Suspenders; an assort ment of Shoes ; roium, imitation Ik real beaver Hats; akd op Hardware & Cutlery, Guns, assorted, some very elegant; Gun Worms; Trace Chains ; chest, butt, H and ML Hinges; Thumb Latches ; trunk, chest, till, pad, knob and mortice Locks; tea and table spoors ; pocket, pen, barlow, two blade, pear, prunning, carving, dirk, desert, shoe, bread, butch er and drawing Knives; Knives Ik Forks; Razors, in cases; Scissors ; Handsaws; handsaw and bastard Files ; Curry Combs; Sad Irons; Waiters and Tea Trays ; Car penter’s Rules; Squares and Compasses; Sand Paper; Shovels and Tongs; cut Tacks and Brads, assorted ; Trunk Han dles ; Wood and Bed Screws ; Screw Pullies ; Candlesticks; Curtain Rings ; Nail and Spike Gimblets; Nail Hammers; Jewsbarps ; Shaving Boxes and Brushes ; metalic Paste and Paste Blacking ; and an assortment of Brushes. AU of which are now offered at re duced prices, wholesale and retail, for cash or approved paper in this city ; and from the advantages they will posses in the selection of their GOODS, having a purchaser constantly in the New-York market, hope lo merit a share of public patronage. Walmsley & Foster. December 13 if Ten Dollars Reward. r| UNA WAY from the undersigned, a & Negro fellow named TOM. He has been waggoner to Augusta, and is proba bly well known in tnee.'y. The above reward wid be given for Ins apprehension. J. T. jient. Dec 31 Notice. WILL be Rented on the 24th instant, the band-liill residence of the late Ilczekiuh Beall, for one year. Terms made known on the day. ■ N. H. Beal). Administrator. January 3 law-tds The Subscriber OFFERS for Rent, for one or more years, belweenjl two and three hun dred acres River Bottom Land, in lots of fifty acres and upwards, to suit lessees.— Corn and Fodder can be hud on the pre mises, 'Also fop sale, Bor 10 prime work 1 Mules and lloi|Beß. For further informa ' tion enquire oflhe subscriber near the pre mises; tburtceri miles below Augusta. ! ; Robert Jones. - > January 3—4— L . -t- —— Sheriff's .Sales. * Will be sold, dh the .first Tuesday in march next, at the Court-House in the town of Way nesborough, Burke Coun ty between the usual Sale hours. Nine Negroes, (viz.) Bess, Hetty, Fanny, Harriet, Edward, Rich ard, Nancy, Hope and Jatob.—Levied on n as the property of James Polhill, to satisfy J an Execution in favour of Job S. Barney, l son the foreclosure of a mprtgage. *;• b S. \V. lUoiiut. S. B. e. | Dec 2f —-*!awt9 'M. ■ ~1U" ' .'I I > I , I January 11,1822. [Kw Seiriws—-No. 28.] \f • * I OxanA Clvaptor oi* Uoor m &'*’ u MR Officers and Members of the GRAND CHAPTER, are requested to nicet at the Masonic Hull in Louiivillc, , (, n Moxiuy, the 4ili of February, tor the purpose or organizing the haul Chapter, and installing liic Officers, and for the transaction of snc!i oilier busi ness as may be found necessary. William Schley. CiIIAKII Ulllll I'niEST Louisville, 18fA Dec 1821- • See Ist s-otion of the 21 .article o(‘ the General Grand Constitution declar es who shall be members of the State Grand Chapter. NOTICE? “ THE Co-partnership heretofore existing turner the firm of Leeds St Lynes Coach Makers, was dissolved by its limita tion of the 2'llh November last; the books and accounts are Lllin the hands of James Lynes, one of the late firm for settlement. All persons indebted are respectfully re quested to make as early settlements as possible, and. the inconveni ence and expence of a legal call 1 Those to whom the concern was indebted will present their demands to him for settle ment. N atlian Leeds, James Lynes. January 7 -if The Subscriber VS/dSIIES to inform his friends and the V 7 public, that he shall continue the Coach Making business,at the stand lately occupied Leeds and Lynes,at the cor ners on Ellis and M'lnlohli streets j where Carriages will he made and repaired at short notice, and in the beat manner. James Lynes. Jan 7 GCj* The Editors of the Georgia Journal and Washington News, are requested to publish the above three times, and forward their accounts to this office. Coach Making. subscriber respectfully informs M. his friends and the ptiblioin general, that he has established himself in the above b u sin (.os, a few rods below the market, on thr sooth side of I)road-street, where a constant supply of northern made Carri ages aiuhGigs will be kcplfor sale, of supe rior style and workmanship. He lias now on hand a supply of Carriages, made by D. Iteach, of Newark, N. J. which will be sold at the lowest manufactory prices.— All orders willbc promptly executed, and Cat-rages of every description repaired, &c in the best manner and favorable as can be done elsewhere. The smallest favors will meet prompt attention and will be grate fully acknowledged- He takes this op portunity of returning to his friends his sincere acknowledgements for favors here tolure rendered linn injthe above line. Nathan Leeds. January 7--- 4w. Sheriffs Sale—Continued. inK/ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in 11 February next, at the court-house in Jacksonborough, Scriven county, be tween the hours often and three o’clock, 10 Negroes, namely, Amy, Luce, Hob, Dinah, Eady, Mitt, Chain, Jen ny and Ned, levied on as the property of lames Gamble, Thomas Nicholson & Sarah Nicholson, to satisfy an.execution in favor of Richard Herrington, on.the foreclosure of a mortgage —ALSO 1 Negro Woman named Lin der, one small wagon, one sorrel hotse, and one sorrel mare, levied on as the pro perty of James R. Conyers, to satisfy sun dry executions. Solomon Kemp, s.s.c. J anuary 7 Ids For Sale , r r JL HAT well known and valuable plan tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived, in the county,pi j'urke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickory land, and about two'hundred acres clear ed, well adapted to the culture of corn and cottyn. OVi the above premises there is a good two house, ami all ether necessary out buildings, and an excellent Saw and Grist! Mill on u never failing streamer-three hundred aCi-Cs more of pine land adjoining the above, lying in the county of Richmond, and about seventy acres cleared. We deem a further des cription unnecessary, but invite ail those persons who wish to purchase a valuable place, to come and view the premises and judge for themselves. For further parti culars apply to ~ . Augustus 11. Anderson, Isaac Walker, Administrate! s of the estate of W m. Jones. Ndv. 1- J*** -s—ts •I■ " 1 §lO WowaxA. AWAY from the subscriber, a molfth since, his negro man, SOLOMON, well known about this place. He has been .frequently seen luiking about the towu ; and the above reward will be paid to any person who may happen to apprehend him, unless he should be an officer of the PoUce/ & McKenzie. ; /shad Seine . j £* T OND SEINS, ready sti-ung, nn.J diw Xi in complete order, for sate by ! John BeaoJj,fy cci. i January 7 w3ip * -■ . Ml i ■*. Choice Fruit. A Cm. FEW Thousand Choice Oranges and Lemons, fresh ami deliciously perfect, for sale by Win. Jackson, January 7 3t Mrs. 11. BLOM& ' P i JL RESENT S her most respectful com pliments to the inhabitants us Augusta, ami i announces that sb-f has taken 9 house sit . i'> Green-street, next d or 10 Mr. Russell's dwelling' house, vvltcre she in tends to open a SCHOOL, on Monday, the 7th inst. for the instruction of yonm>- ladies in the French and English Lan’- guagcß, Geography, {(. story, Mitliology. Flam and Ornamental Woik, and Drawing. TEHMS OF TUITION* Heading and Spelling, per quarter, g,(. On. <lo. with Writing and Cyphering, 6 Grammar, Parsing and Geography, 6 i'ne a'bore with History and Mithoiog; ,y Drawing inclusively, v ,3 Do. exclusively, (j French inclusively, 5 Do. exclusively, jy Embroidery, q Plain Dork and Marking, Netting and Fringe, will be included without addition to the terms ffj* Mrs. Dlome can produce respecta ble lefurences, both as to cltaracicr ami abilities January 7 ts \orlc YiWfc t tiualii ACADEMY. THE Trustees ol this Institution have the pleasure to announce that Hie Young Ludiies who have been placed un di r the care and instruction ol Miss Usnru and Mrs. Swjft, evidenced beyond their fondest and most sanguine expectations their close and unwearied application to their studies, and also the most unremitted exertions have been bestowed on tha young ladies by their teachers, from tha almost unexampled- examination which they underwent on the sth and sixth inst They have the pleasure further to stale, that the school will open again on die first day of January next, under Hie direc- Uon of the same teachers, with the addi tion of a sister of Miss Usiiku’s, the fi rincr teacher in the Literary and Ornamental b; unches of education ; and from the in defatigable pains taken by the teaches, and the proficiency manifested hy the young ladies placed under their care, they anxiously hope tha; patronage which has been exercised, will bo continued by a li beral and enlightened publi#. Mr. Usher, the Fathci ol tne Miss Ush. era, will continue to keep the Hoarding House 111 the Academy, at one hundred uollars per annum, to be paid quarterly.—- The rates pf tuition will continue the satne us heretofore, except Music, which will be reduced from Fifteen Dollars to Ten Dollars per quarter. Hubert Clenclenin, 1 Secretary, Dec. 15 eowtlstA Jan. JO ' 11 "'w Jluyusta, Slh January , 1822. fUE Copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of Slone & ReynMo, is this day dissolved by mutual consent All un. settled business of said firm will be attend-. ed to by Thomas Reynold, who is duly au thorized to settle the same. All persona indebted to said firm are requested ti» make immediate payment; and those hav ing demands, to present them for settles utient. Wm. Stone, Tkotnas Reynolds, January IG-. -wtf JVotice. RUfJ AWAY from the Plantation of Mrs. Evans, on the 18th day of De cember last, Lincoln .county, Georgia, near llpysville, a mulatto Negro fellow by the name of GREEN, about twenty yea»» °i age, five feet six or-seven- inches high, no marks recollected, A reward of Teu Dollars dfill be given for lodging the gbove 4 . fellow in any jail ao that I get him again, and all reasonable charges will bo paid to deliver liisi to Mr. CliailesEvans,Lincoln county, G-'orgia. -f* / 'i'homaa J KiULW, t^/0 Edgefield District, January 7. 1 1 MW 1 * 03* '{’he Georgia Journal and Mission*, ry, Mount Zion* will give tlic w*nve three insertions and forward their founts to this office far payment. ;t . * * * : •' ~ ~ Wanted to PnrcMse or Hire, A GOOD Negro s*ck, whd will an. Mwer xa Cook, Was**" family, for whom F ,be , l 'J? P«ce or wages will be given. 8’ very -&ei| recommended. .... / , ALSO—War ~ . ,re * 8 young Tiii V lo act as Horn'*!?’ foosamp family. Enquire January ®