Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, February 11, 1822, Image 1

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■ Augusta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. : —' —"" . r. ■ 1 - ■' '* »■. rArrwv nni -** , C* The evil. that men do. lives after them; } _ .. | [\OU 36.] \u Xll0 good i, oft ilUem , d whh th „ r bones.” S *****>* U ’ *»»*• L*3s.] t W. 11. Turpin, Wk Offers the folioicing Articles M ’ icith a general assortment oj iFrcsli Medicines, mk L!y. as h-w as they can hr purchased in the City— Viz : ■■. rt *SV/TS TlO/ Lee’s Fills f direct from Mliiabfir il Or S, H. P. Lee, ■H 100 Doz Lori Hard s Maccoboy & Scotch S nufF, ■ 300 Kegs English White Lead, K- 200 Boxes Window Glass, 182000 lbs Spanish Whiting, |M 8000 lbs. Copperas, ■ 1000 lbs. Alum, ■ 800 lbs. Indigo (Spanish and Carolina) ■ 1500 lbs. Madder, 111 300 lbs White Starch, 150 Gro Bottle Corks, ■TISOO lbs. Roll Brimstone, |K 1000 lbs. Ginger, |\ | 400 lbs. Camphor, refined, ■ 600 lbs. Cream Tartar, I f 300 lbs. Jalap, kc &.c F —ALSO— C Fresh Cabbage Seed. ■ February 4 w4t I “merino shawls, v Saarfs & 'Points, m * 0 1 -I Very Elegant, ■just Received from New-York, J Rf ALSO I Ct AROLINE Plaids, a few pieces hand- ( / some patterns, , ■ Elegant white figured Satin Robes, , IS Uo. do. do. do. Ribbons, IS Ladies’ Fleecy Gloves, ( B Super, black Italian Crapes, ; B Thread and Bobbinette Laces, a great ( I assortment, B Best company Flag Handkerchiefs, j B Silk and Tabby Velvets, various colors, ■SVcry superior black Levantine Silk, 4 Btßlack Red and figur; d do. K; White figured Gros lie Nap do. j Ktlllack it dark blue Bombazines, very fine, t f WITH A VAKIETT OP OTItEII ! Re topic. Articles* t ■•'Which in addition to Stock on hand, com ■ prise a very general assortment adapted ( I to the season- I ri likewise I Cashmere Shawls A few, very elegant, will be received t |Br in a few days. f Jewett, Abell, &Co < Upper Wing City Hotel. 1 ff. January 21 —wtf I Just Received) \ ON CONSIGNMENT. * And for Sale by the Subscribers, 1 iOO ftagft Ycimc Coffee- Bilbro & Groves. 4 January 31. if ' Bacon Hams, L ’J’i[K Subscribers have on han.l, a qnan- , f tit yof first rate BACON HAMS (for sale, ( opposite the Market, south side Broad- , I Street, Augusta. ' David Smith, £5 Co. i January 31 -4t , 1 Msaiio i ,i j i TIERCES Boston STONE i jiM LIME, Just Received and for Sale, ' \ LOW FOR CASH, HI John C. Holcombe. | January 24- | (£p il Wan wove BoavA ers can ho accommodate! in a Private Boarding House, with Rooms suitable for families. Apply at this office. January 24 -"t 'Tax Collector’s Notice. ft' X WILL attend at the City Hotel on the t eleventh and twenty first; at the Globe iV Tavern on the twentyeth and twenty-so li cond; and at the Plan Ur’s Hotel on the thirteenth and twelfth third of February, | for the purpose of collecting State I and county las for the year 18zi. E. Bugs, t. c. February 4 -td Notice. V H GEORGIA, Warren County* ALL persons are notified not to trade for a note of hand, given to James ■ Drake,Jby Benjamin CulpepperMarmot f C iloepper, of one thousand dollars. Fj dated the 15lh December, 1820, and due }' ten days after date, with the followin'- V credits on said note, viz:—On l>th of | January 1821, was paid five hundred ami sixty dollars; on 31st of January 1821, fifty 4 dollars more was paid, which payments I were endorsed on the said note; as the said note has been misplaced or lost by me, who was the agent of Mr Drake for th<- crllcctitn of the said note, and the sam> has been legally discharged by a subse ! quent payment, Chappell Ileelb. February 4 w3tp _ *** Mr. Henry TTanna 1. han is fully authorized to collect all debts A due to this office, (from the Sth of Octo | ber •,) and to give receipts for the same. January 17 Cotton, Stock, xnn Yxchange Broker. THE suhsejiber has taken an office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the m.rth side of Broad-street,, opposite tr> the Pos-- Office—where he offers his services in the above business, and hope?, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations genera!ly, render it remaikable that the merchants of A" gusia and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the bnsiness is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch wiih which il is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true slate of the mark; t, nor subject himself to the caprice of th wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot lon at the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist- In order to give lime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are rt quested to eave the ware-house receipts by eighi o’clock, a. u •—II* left later liiall l>fne. sales cannot be realized till tne suceeding day If more convenient, the receipts way b: enclosed in a letter of instructions, ami dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will bo sampled and (receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be eralized till next clay. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4lh. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a. m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying CJ cents fora ha<- entry and sampling. oih. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale. Orders from the country* rn closing the warehouse receipts, w ill be promptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, , Jn their Various Heanehes, Will be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o’clock r. m. and from three o’clock till five v. m. John Kinney, jun’r. (jjp Money' is sometimes wMth mar than at others. Persons having it t«* loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above office. November B.—— ts Court of Ordinary, January Adjourned i erm, 1823. \V ILLIAM .TONE 5 !, Executor of the estate of Henry Jones; deceased, and Vetv eil Walton, having petitioned this Court to be relieved from their liability as seen ntv for Henry Gillum for the Guardian ship of the mino's and orphans of William Gillum, deceased, on the grounds of his removal firm this state and upon his fail ing to make annual returns of his manage ment of the estate of said orphans, as the law rtqui) es It is ordered, That the said Henry Gil lum appear at die next May term of this Court, to wit, the first Monday in said month, and should that term be lost, at the next term thereafter, then and thereto shew cause, wl.y the said William Jones, executor of the estate of Henry Jones, deceased, and Newell Walton, should be relieved in terms of the law. And be it further ordered. That a copy of this Rule be served upon the said llen cv Gdlum, by publishing in one of the public Gazettes of this state, at least once a month for three mouths, preceding the first Monday in May next. The above is a true copy, taken from the Minutes of the Court. Wra. i/arper, c. c. o. January 27 A. Ylcquet’s Crockery Store, BRIDGE ROW, *Vo. 5. JUST RECEIVED ON CONSIGNMENT A very Fresh and Handsome. , Assortment of DRY GOODS, —COXSISTIXG OF Brown Hollands, Shirting Linen, assorted, Masulipa'au Handkerchiefs, Fancv ditto Ladies* white tops sup’r black Cotton hose, Fancy Quillings, Fine white Flannels, Apron Checks, Jaconet Cambrics 9-8,5 4 if 6-4, Fine Russia Sheeting, 100 Pit-Cfs Calicoes, late patterns, 1000 Pair Mens’ Wax Calfskin Shoes Which will be sol 1 low for cash or ap proved paper. He has also a very com plete assortment of Frovkvvy iwu\ Glass \Varc, for sale by the crate or retail, on very favorable terms. January 10 lm mrviuß3> Black AianittiV/.cUc?, Nankeon i.union Francs and Crape Robes. WALMSLEV (J FOSTER. (XZXT DOOR TO TIIK ACS USX A BOOK STORK.) Have just received from A'cw-Vork, and now opening A FRESH SUPI'LY OF 1) V GOODS, CONSISTING OF —■ fIGURI •'ll Black Bombszattes, j Black Nankin & Canton Crapes, Figured black Do Do Crape Robes, black & coloured, Black Canton Handkerchiefs, Silk Flags and Bandanoes, Merino and Crap*; Shawls, Black Silk Florentine Vestings, Do Do Do Fancy Patterns, Blue mixed Sattinctls, fine. Domestic Stripes k bleached shirtings Waltham Sheetings, bleached very handsome, Osnaburgs St Hessians, good quality, Imitation Beaver Hats, by the Case, Imimtion Tucking & side Combs, Seersuckers and Parasols, assorted, QJ* V itli a variety of other articles too numerous to mention, and with tnocK now on it amt comprise a pret ty general assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS, Which will be Sold low for CASH or ap proved paper. January 31. wtf U - A List of Notes Lost on 28th December 1821, by Uaudiwav. One 'fote of hand on J, Draper for I 484 Dollars, due 25ih Dec. 1820, with a credit of one hundred and thirty eight dollars and 72 cents Eight Twenty-five dollar Notes on Wpii v A. Tyson, and endorsed by Joshua Dra per, due IGth December 1818 One Note on James Cody, sen. for Two hundred Dollars, with interest from Ist. January 182 U. One Note on Thomas O, Tyson and VVm Mays for one hundred and one Dol lars, due 25th Dec. 1819. One Note on Thomas O. Tyson, tor fifteen Dollars, due 25th Deo. 1821. One Note on David Cody sen. for one Hundred and Ten Dollars, due Ist. No vember, 1822- One Note on Wm. Rondson, for forty two Dollars and some cents due 25iii Dec. 1819. Two Notes on Banister Evans, one for thirty Dollars, due 25iii Dec. 1821, and tiie other due 25th December 1820, lur g IS 18-J cents. One Note on Abner Rogers and Abner M‘C«rtnack, for one hundred and ninety Dollars, due Nov. 18-i, wiih a credit of Ninety Dollars. One Note on Peter Cody fur thirty two Dollars and a few cents, due 25tii December 1821. (p* All persons are forwaru ed from trailing lor the above notes. January 31 w3t CCT A liist of nut in Storage al the W ARE-HOUSE of 111 Lit no k Gkovks, by the Steam-Boat Company’s Boats, since the 7lh inst. viz:— 20 Bbls. Liquor marked B k D 1 Bag Codec, marked F H M‘Lcod 6 Demijohns marked the same 2 Ha f bbla do 1 Tierce Rice do 1 Leather trunk marked on the Lock J Hutchins, 1 Trunk Sam’l T Phelps 1 Trunk Jno. C. Elsworlh 1 Package Book do 1 Tierce Liquor N. Wayer 25 Boxes Candles T. 46 Bbls Flour F. 35 Rags Coffee F, 1 Hhd. U. S. 14 Company F. 6 Trunks, W Nos 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 1 Chest Miss Godfrey, 2 Boxes M G No 3 & 4 1 Box I N. 1 Trunk C N 3 Boxes Dr. F, Hunt, Nosl 4 2 1 Kog Do. No 3 1 Half Bbl S 1 Half bid HP 1 Tierce marked diamond A 1 Box M G 1 Box Dr. Tims. Sandwich , 2 Bbls J G Clark 1 Tierce 1 Sc 1 bbl I Sc 1 box I Sc i 12 Bids Cider II P 4 Pipes Liquor marker! diamond B 10 Bags Coffee marked diamond W 1 Bbl Rum mat ked diamond M 1 Keg Chains I B No. 3 2 Bbls Oranges, Cooke, 1 Pipe P C 1 box Jno Sayer 2 Tierces Rice R 1 Box s & L 5 boxes Fish M k M 165 Bars Iron 3 Corn Mills. N. B. There aie other articles not yet called lor, which have already been pub lished. Persons callingfor goods, will be required to produce orders from some offi cer cf the Steam Boat Company. Bilbro & Groves.. .T-tnnarv 94. I“22———Jt Tax Collector’s Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in March, one HOUSE, adjoining Thomas Walton’s Lot, and sold as the pro perly of Giles Gt iswold, to satisfy his State and County Tax, forthe year 1820. Amount of Tax g 9 75 cents E. Bugg. T. c. January 3, the Waverly Novels, Complete in :*,even Volumes, (>itavo--new and line Edition. view ol this, see North American Review for October Say, on Political Economy Bigelow’s Sketches of Ramble’s Norlh- Brituin and Ireland No. 50, Quarterly Review No. 24, Blackwood’s Magazine Annals of the Parish The Mourning King, by Mrs. Inchbald Swanton*.-. Chancery Reports, Vol. Ist Lacon or many things in few words to those who think The Life of Coin. STEPHEN DECATUR Together with a General As tment of BOOKS & STATIONARY. Fine Paper Hangings Garden Seeds, anu Lucern Grass Seed For Sale, by J. §II Ely. 03 s Wauled Johnson’s Quarto Diction ary and Lavolsnes’ Atlass, for which other Books will be given in exchange Ftb 7 3t Dissolution. t *• Li* Co-Partnership heretofore exist ing under the firm of Humble & O'KeiJfe, is tins day dissolved by mutual consent. All those, indebted to the said concern, either by Bond, Note or Book Account, arc requested to make immediate pay ment to Jolm O’Keiffe, or otherwise they will be placed in the hands of an Offi cer for collection, and all to whom the said concern is indebted, are required to preseni them to John O’Keiffe, who will settle the same. Jolm Humble, Jolm O’Keifle. Augusta, Feb 6, 1823, 3t For Sale, A family of Negroes, (CONSISTING of a Man between 55 and J GO yews of age; a Woman between 30 and 40, and a little girl child of the former, about 9 years of age For their characters, reference may he bad to Judge McTyre; and for the terms apply to A. Slaughter and C. Labuzui). STANTON SLAUGHTER. Ft binary 7 ts Dissolution of Co-Partner ship. X HE Co-Partnership which lately ex isted under the firm of William E. Ken dall this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. William E’ Kendall, Issacliar Bates. Clinton, 2oth Dec. 1821. Feb 7 Itp THE AUGUSTA Jockey Club Races Will commence on the fourth Tues day in February next, free for any horse, mare or gelding on the continent, (weights as heretofore,) The first day, 4 mile heats, (purse) g4OO „ 2»l do. 3 do. do. do. 300 „ 3J do. 2 do. do. do. 200 „ 4th do. 1 do. the three best in five, for the entrance money the preceding days. N. II —The proprietors of the turf do pledge themselves that the money will be hung up each day. Ed. Bird, Sec. 14. January E stray. GEORGIA, Burke County. f SHAKEN up and brought before me, by 1 George Byne, of the 69th Company District, a small male Mule, between a pale sorrel and deer color, with some sad dle marks, ablaze in his forehead, brand* oil on the left hip, hut cannot be made out wl at it is, between ten and twenty years old ; —valued by Lewis Byne and James Farmer at fifty-five dollars. Isaac Farmer ? J. P. January 21st, 1822 Taken from the Toll Book. John Carpenter, d’k. February 4 3t Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate o> John W. Walton are requested t<- come forward and make immediate pay ment, and those that the said estate are indebted to, are requested to bring for ward their accounts duly attested, within the time prescribed bv law. W. P. Beale, Archibald Haggle, John Dunn, Administ raters. •TanuarvJV 6t Doctor Colter, His removed his Office to Mclntosh street, third tenement north of Broad street, where he can at anytime be found, when ndt engaged in professional January 17 ts « i Penmanship. «6r. TfcTske, t 5 F.SPP.C ITUI.I.V inform, tlie Ladies and Gentlemen of the City of Augusta, that he has opened a Writing Academy in one wing ol Mrs. Reed’s brick house, near Doct. Turpin’s store, (Broad Sireet) fop three weeks, he will instruct in the Running hand, upon a system, probably altogether new in this place. More than 6000 persons have been instructed in these lessons for the last two years, in the cities of Boston, New-Vork, Philadelphia, Balti more, Charleston and Savannah. In all those places these lectures have b-en at tended by the most respectable classes of society, and from ten to fifty yea' s of age. None under ten are admitted. All appli cations must he made within two weeks from this date. Further particulars may be had by enquiring of Mr. Fiske al the Writing Academy, or at Mrs, McCoy’s boarding house, next door; also by refer cnce to printed bills in all the public places in the city. N. 15.—-As the making of (he pen is a very essential and important art in writing, and, which many both in private and pub lic life do not acquire systematically, so as to be certain of getting a good one, at though fair writers. Mr. Fiske therefore oflers his instruction to all who may please to call at his Academy, which is open from 9 to 12 A.M. and from 2 to 5 I*. M.—also I from 7 in the evening. Th« price! for a method that will enable all to make willi certainty and facility a good pen, is one dollar. February -I ts A New System ol* Velvet Painting. nilil, h Mrs. CROCKER will commence giving Lessons in ihe above painting on, Wednesday the 6ih inst. at the Bridge Bank, residence of Mrs. Sandwich, Broad Sireet. Mr. & Mrs. C. forbear to eulogize on the superiority of Hie system, but invite the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta to call and examine specimens of their work, and also make themselves acquainted with the futility of the method, confidently hoping that they will be thereby induced to be stow liberal patronage. A course of lessons consists of twenty, each an hour. Term for teaching in this city, limited to four weeks. February 4—— ■ ts NEW AND Fashionable. The subscriber bunpcnH bispoodsat Mr. George Wrngg’sjun. upper store, for merly occupied by Mr. Carter, Druggist. It consists of Travelling Portable Shaving Apparatus, complete ; Cloth, Hair, Flesh, Tooth and .Shaving Brushes ; Fancy Eng ligh Soaps; Macassar,Russia and Antique Oils; Naple Soap in pots, which execs all others for shaving; Coburg Stifl'ners fir the Cravat; Military Black Velvet Wel lington Stocks; Webb’s Patent Suspen ders ; Wood Slock and Beaver Giovss ; Tortoise Shell Combs, gilt ornamented do Pearl Powder for the Ladies; Curls, Fiiz etts, Toupets and Wigs of every shade, and a few dozen of Mauguin’s Patent Da mascus Steel Razors, which, when once set, and got to suit the gentleman who is to use them, if a careful hand, will never require more than stropping again. The importer has had a pair for 16 years; k be pronounces them better for use. Those with the steel backs are Mauguin’s j those with brass are counterfeit. It is well known th« rotuil price in xsew-York is $8 a pair; they will he sold at the same price in this city. The above articles are of the best quality, and will be sold at New-Vork prices, by EDWARD HU IRK. N. B.—Wholesale purchasers will re ceive a liberal discount. February 4 2w Administrator’s Sale. WILL be sold on the second Saturday in March next, at the house of Ai len Jones, rtec’d. ail the personal property of said deceased, consisting of one Negro follow ALEC, Cotum, Cpiii and Fodder; Stock of every descriptftyri. Household and Kitchen Furniture.. •• iPSO— At the same time and place, WILL BE RENTED The Mill and Plantation, whereon the said deceased lived, —Terms made known on that day. 7 THOMAS DOOLY, ? , RlCli’n. H. JONES. 5 Feb. 7 -w*4w G cor-ghi — Warren County Clerk’s Office of the Court of Ordinary. W HEREAS Amos Travis, admmistra tor of the estate of John 'trails, late of said county, deceased,,applies li miters dismlssorv from said adiffimstialion; i tieseaic therefore, to cite and admonish ill persons concerned, to be and .appear jt my Office, within the time prescribed by law, to enter their objections (it they have) why said letters shook not be granted. Given under my hand, at Office, at Clerk of the Court of Ordinary, tin 4th February, 1832. JOHN TORRENCE, Cl’k. C. O, Feb. 7 ——m6m Job Fruiting Neatly Executed at this Office * • In the Superior Court, Kichmond'county. Present the Jlonoratde Jons H.Montoo. meut, Judg*. . The President, and Company of the Bank | of Augusta, l petition fi-p , >fs * [ Fo eclosa.e, Thomas Grace and Two I Lots of Land. J RULE NISI. UPON the petition of the President, Directors and Company rs (he H >nk ’ of Augustpraying (he foreclosure of the equity of redemption in and to a cer tain lot or parcel ot land in (he city of Augusta, lying on the south side ot Broad street, and extending back to Ellis stre^, on which end ou Broad street it has * front or twenty-seven fee*, bounded mi the l ast by John Cushin’s lot, and on the west by John Ghulral’s lot; also in ;.nd t another lot or parcel of Isnd ia Summer ville, about three miles from Angus a, containing two acres, bounded on iVt north east by Walton Way, having a front thereon of two hundred and sixteen se t, conveyed by .lames Murphey and wife o 1 homits Grace, which said lot* were mot l- , gaged by the said Tbonus Grace to tbo y said P nisi dent, Directors and Comps'y of the Bank of Augusta on the eighteenth day of August, in the yea l o* our md one thousond, eight hundred and nine. I teen, to secure the payment oi *und;j- I promisswy r«ies, amonnung in the who e to »"’rf thousand three hundred and ninety six dollars ; and the eum of seven thousand five hundred and Sixty seven dollars and twenty seven cents being host due upon the said mortgage. And now, to wit—at the November term, upon notion of Richard Hen ry Wiki.-, petitioners’ attorney, ft is Ordered ay the Court, That the principal, interest and cos’s clue on said mortgage be paid into court within twelve months front the dsie hereof, or fcom ihe icdo th the equity of red* mption will be forever barred and ibrcelost d ; and t ho mortgaged premises sold as thfe'laiv di rects Jitul it tafurther erithfcd, thai » copy of Ibis title be. pubdsbtd in one of the Ga udies of this place, at least once in every month until the time sppoin'od lor pay- ‘ nicnt, or served on (he mortgagor < i his special agent at least six months previous to the time the money is directed to bo paid. Taken from the Minutes. John IS. Mann, ci’k. Clerk’s Office, 15Ut / November, IB2L 5 rr.JSm —— ■■ ■ ——■■ ■ —|r" Georgia, J iclmioiul hupciior i l. ourl, November term, 18SI. Present the lion. John 11. MoaruoMt rt Judge. The Planter’s Hank the State ot Georgia, | Assignees of Uarna | Petition for Fores M'Kinuc, )• closure, vs. Adam Hutchison, and four Lota of Land. RULE MSI. the petition of the Planter’s Dunk of the State of Georgia, praying me foreclosure of the Equity of Redemp tion in and to four lots oi Land, IJing and being in the city of Augusta, &-c«ttti.y and te state aforesaid, known in the plan of lots laid out at the upper end of llmad-Slrenf, by Daniel Sturges, Surveyor General, on the twenty-eighth day of February, eigh teen hundred and eighteen, and lying on the south side of Broad Street, as num bers nine, ten, elevenand twelve, contain ing tacit thirty feet front on said Broad- Street, and extending back to as by reference to said plan will more fujjy appear; which said four lots of I*nd were >nop(£»£cU by Adam Hutchison, on the first day of July, one thousand eight hun dred and eighteen, to Barna MnKinne, and by said Barna M Kinne assigned to the said Planter’s Bank, on the twenty-ninth day ofjuly, ©ne thousand i igntf hundred and nineteen, on which mortgage there is now due twelve hundred u.d sixty-Se ven dollars and a half, witlfi Merest. And now at this term, upon (notion <Jf I humus Flournoy, in behalf of said Dank, It is ordered, That the ttrinetpul, interest, and costs due upon the said ityutg.ige, be naid unto court, within lactic mcn'iis from the date hereof, op the Lq ; ty of Redemption in the said mortgaged, pre mises will be foreclosed, and tbit: samc.ris postd of as the law dirvets ,J!r.d u further ordered, That this Rule b . pui*. fished in one of the public G aoUi s oti this State at least once in ev<H-y'*nr.ou l' until the time appointed for pa-ment, a" served on the mortgagor or spdc al agent, at least six moths previous to tho nine the money is directed It, be p.ud** Cra en f< om the JWnutes.J John E Maim, d’k. - rierk’a Office, 13th ; Nov. 1821 l‘2n Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the btidi ible the Interior court «1 Columbia to. nty, while hltiftg for ordinary putp' svs, for leave to tell ib’rtcen hundred aninety cine ceres of pine land in M,contend county oi» ooth sides of Butler’s creek, on which Uere is a saw and grist-mill, it being part >f the real estate of John Foster, late of said county, decased. V Jbilizahcth Foster. T \j"*~ Arthur Foster, > Collier Foster, j * May 7, 1«21 m9m Sfterifl‘‘s Deeds, For Sale at this Office,