Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, May 27, 1822, Image 1

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«• i $ «=aeae s-5—5 I m Cotton, Htock, KSiciHE ANTI - Excliango BroVer. m £ ‘HjpfE subscriber "as taken an office in the building lately occupied by j c Hprs Stewart & Margraves, or. the north i'i «of Broad-street, opposite to the Host- Kcc—where be offeis his services in dj business, and hopes, by strict Jl{ JHfonal attention, to obtain the patron lo •■[of his friends and the public. ! great facilities afforded by brokers ,1 ..{■ommercial operations generally, render 0I that the merchants of Au sHtta and the planters have long sustain. 0 .J'Rhc inconvenience pf having none, and a Cotton Broker. In almost other cotton mart the business is ir Scipally done by brokers; and hence ’ ease, certainty and dispatch with ,\.»ch it is executed. The same system ; [ ; l ( jßerfectly practicable here. The mer -i'isH*ll* Applying at the oflice of the sub ■'■her;. may hereafter save himself the Hfble iof sampling his cotton and looking ill, Kt purchaser;—the planter need be no Hger involved in doubt and difficulty to Kftrtaln the true state of the market, Br subject himself to the caprice of the jKw speculator —and the purchaser will JY/ffill times know where to resort for cot- K_‘ the market price. . Jbjfee Regulations relative to iiipK j| Cotton. Pi J In order to give time for sampling, Kizw* offering cotton are requested to Ki3t.he ware-house receipts by eight ; A , m.—ls left later than nine, sales ! lEjt be realized till the succeding day i:;l(|A e convenient, the receipts may be - ftcPsed in a letter of instructions, and 1111 lopped in the letter box the night pre {l fSd.* Cotton will be sampled and >eceiv r« 1 from wagons till te.'* o’clock, a. m,— '• l>« offered after that hour, scales cannot be 1 *[• ,sized till next day. "i■ ( '3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably q«ii k deducted from the account sales. ri b 4th. Sales will commence at ten o'clock ,inf * IB close at twelve, a m. P rsons choosing to limit and lim- I igher than the market, will have Iceipts returned them on paying j fora bag entry and sampling. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a . lers from the country, »‘n- i the warehouse receipts, will be iy executed. )ck Exchange and iTtuaciagv, Tn their Various Branches, attended to at all times during of irs, which will be from eight o - m. till two o’clock r. m. and from clock till five p. m. __ John Kinney, juwr. [oney is sometimes w- rtu nuvjre others. Persons having it t» loan, i the strictest confidence, avail ves of the advantages of the mar applying at office. lobe Tavern- Subscriber informs his friends ami 3lie, that his mding Room, irranged, and that his Bar is m onvenient. And on account ot igthe situation of the latter, ' e • able to provide for the accomiho of his customers ; and can safe y ; them, that as far as bis means ami to comply with his wishes can g-. attend to the comfort and convei.i --f every guest who may honor bn. The Savannah & Wash n Stages put up at the W. SH&NON. jmbf r 20. _____ e Village Motel, Cambridge? S. C. this establishment the most ddigcrn mention and care towards the con cc and comfort of j' ers, is respectfully ottered h> the iber. Faniiljjs travelling can be rhodated wilh*p>ivftte rooms htted a neat and coraforub-e rn:inner . rs can have the privilege ol s lot .rage for horses on reasonable terms. Richard Matthews. Retailers E hereby notified, that their licen cpireon the second Monday in May it, and that applications for new li s (naming securities) will bereceiv the Clerk’s office, City Hall, at any previous to that dry. tWmeva oi Dra^a 5 lye also notified that their licenses expire .» the same lime—and that new bonds .fiiust be given, and new numbers taker mnt, agreeably to the 3d Section of Gene Jbl Ordinance. 1). CLARKE, c. c. iFor Sale, pair of Northern well brok. .0. Horses; also two good saddle an lij? II irses.—Apply to William Shannoi R ,the G.obc Tavein. Augusta Chronicle 4c Georgia Gazette. vol. ao.] Monday, Just Re OsIUU Bushels corn Ij.uOU Pounds Prime Bacon, [( Hhds. Molasses 50 Bags prime Green Coffee, Hhds Muscovado £t Orleans sugar 50 Barrels do do do ' 40 Hhds Philadelphia Whiskey 70 Uarre.s Baltimore do 1 FOR SALE BT Win. IT. Egan, > upper end, south side of Broad-street ‘ May 9 ts ”** 1 I" —- ■ The Subscribers. HAS JT7 ST UECEIVtn, AND OFFEUS FOB SALE Jir THE CASJI OB BOX, An elegant assortment of PLATA', FLINT, AXD MOULDED Glass, —CONSISTING OF LAIN Flint, Decanters, ' Moulded Pint Decanters, Mould* d Tumblers, half Pint, Moulded Pitchers, Half Tumblers ditto, —ALSO— Complete, Dinner table Sets, Liverpool Ware assorted, China Tea Sets, Assorted Fancy Lustre Ware, Liverpool Lamps, Tea Kettles with Healers, Hooks and Stands, Windsor Soap in Boxes, Together ivith Crates of Earthen Ware, Assorted, VV. Rantiu. March 14—ts Insurance against Fire Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency JL HE Subscriber offers to take risks a gainst Fire on Houses, Out-Buiidiugs, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and its vicinity. Timothy Edwards, Agent. _ "V ' ' "December 20—— • , Tax Collector's And Treasurer’s Oflice. fHE City, Hoad ard Well Tax for tin year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his olhec on B oad-street, upper tenement ol me Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A M to I p M. to receive the same until tne oUtn day of June next, after which time e\enn uons will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination • John W, M 7 ilde, C. & T. C. A. aprll 25 ts copper coins. J k I ‘i HE public are informed that a supply I o ; Cents may still be had at the Mint of the United States in Philadelphia, to any rea- I - l iable amount, in exchange for an equal u iomit in specie, or in notes or draughts i-ceivable in any of the banks ol Philadel phia. 'I hey will a'so be transported, when required, to any considerable a mount, (not less than a keg, containing ;Vom 150 to 180 dollars,) either by lan.l or water carriage, when sueh can be pro cured to any part of the United States, at j the expense and risk of the government on the receipt of Vdeposite to the credit of the Tieasurer ol the United States to the amount of the {'cuts required, in tlie Bank of tlie United States, or any of its offices, in any State Bank which performs the dudes of the Commissioner of Loans or a gent for paying pensions, ij) those States wh-'re no oljtcc lias been established. The deposits to die credit ol the Treasurer ol the United States,in ail cases, to be made ; in the same ttate to which the cents are : required <*> be transported. Application 1 l 0 | >e n-,ade to the Treasurer of the Mint, Philadelphia. . i The publishers of the newspapers in the • different States of the Union arc respect fully requested to give the above a few in - sertions in their respective papers. Notice. Nine months after date application will be made to the honorable the Infe ’ rior court of Columbia county, when sit i ting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to h sell the real estate of D. Pace, sen r. de ■ ceased, for the benefit of the hens and y creditors. Thomas Pace, ex r. April 8, 1822 m9m e * Is i n qj* In consequence ol false and malicious reports having Deer circulated, and to prevent speculation, die nubile are informed our Bills have been ; md will continue to be punctually pam when nresented at the shoals of Ogechee V If, &T H. KENDALL. -e May 6■ ■ ■—4 t * » The Augusta Chronicle and Wash In ii-eton News will give die ab'.ve four in unions and forward their accounts ti the Shoals of Ogechee. S' * that men do, lives aftei* tlietn ; i c k ‘ Hie good is oft interred with tueir hones.’* y ! =- 11 ' ——hi Planters 1 Hotel. i d HE public are respectfully informed. I* a mat die subscriber, has now hia I iiftUung Establishment in readiness 'o accommodate the subscri oers, ns also those who are desirous of in- I dulgiug in a Luxury so necessary to the preservation of health. lEUMS Eight Dollars for a Season Picket, which will entitle the subscriber I to three Baths each week, for s>x months I For a single Bath 50 Cents. John Miller. May 6 I it -Md HUIILEV, of Biclifnonti, Virginia, j si iideiit of E. Baker, Esq well known to J the faculty and the citizens of Virginia, I is now in Augusta, and proffers to the in- I habitants his professional services as a I Ventist , The documents in the possession of Mr. j H will be exhibited to those who may J honor him with tneir confidence. Families will be attciKled at their rcsi- I deuce, by leaving a line at the CITY HO I TEL. I . April 11 ts *** House Lot, For hale, In Washington,Wilkfs county " 11 > HOUSE, eligibly situated, on the Public Square in Washington, is offered for sale at a just valuation. It is divided at present, into two tenements, contain ing four rooms on the lower floor, five on die second, a good garret and cellar, ai d has a small piece of ground attached to it. , Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately ; and of die other, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Of lice.. Feb 13 ts QUAKER SPRINGS. L s ; l*he subscriber has taken that well 1 xL Renown stand -7 ’ i, situated seven miles above Augusta on the Washington road and hopes from I* Vis attention to basincss,to give general P satisfaction: • % 1 John Turpin. November 8 ts ~SHERIFF'S SALE. t \ Will be Sold, [ iV’ l ' the Court-House in Jacksonborough thriven County, on the first Tuesday in Jane next, between the hours ol ten juul , four o’ lock . Two hundred acres of laud, . lying in said county of Scrtveu, on Great Ogechee river, the plantation known by i the name of Buckhalter’s Ferry, on said ( river, adjoining lands ot John Jackson and t I lines Archer; levied on as tlie property t ’ Granville Bevill, to satisiy sundry small ■ .editions issued out ot the Justices ourt In favor of E. K. Young (vs.) Gran lie Bevill—levied on and returned by . Newton, constable. -ALSO— One negro man named An- ( ■im, levied on as the property of John on nelly, to satisiy sundry executions is i£,i out of the Justices’ Court in favor of eler Arnett, vs, John Connelly and Jam< s i. mble —property pointed out by the *le .-ndaiit lohn Connelly —levied and rcturn d by constable Matthew lingers. —ALSO— Two negroes, Jude and her hild Uuphna, .ev.ed on as toe property sa.ic Conyers, to satisfy sundry executions ssued out of the Justices’ court in lavor if R. Wilkinson and others, vs. Isaac Con ears—levied and returned bv constable \V. Kettles. —ALSU— Five hundred acres of pine md adjoining lands ot Heberts Arnett mil others in said county ot Scriven le vied on as the property of Peter Arnett, « satisfy sundry executions issuud out ot lustices’" cou.t in favor of John Connelly iiß, Peler Arnett and Robert Arnett leri. jd and relumed by constable James I • L'oylhrcss. -ALSO- One hundred and six acres ot land, levied on as the property ol Mero lliili Foythress, senior, to satisiy sunary executions irsue<l out of Justices couit in favor of li. M- Williamson vs. Cleton Poytbrews and Meredith Poythress, sen r. vaiil land adjoins land of Heory Joyce an-i others, levied end returned by co.’.stable James Poylhress Jai. Bryan, s. s. c. May 2. td * Brought to Augusta Jail, a negro man named Simeon, says he be longs to Henry Hart, in Edgefield, Sou n Carolina. —ALSO— A negr<» man named Harry, says he belongs to John Alien, Barnwe.l District South-Carolina The owners are requested to come forward, prove proper ty, pay charges, and take them away. Thos. Stewart, Jailor. May 23—3 t < THE f EUTEIIFEIAB, oil, I •Wua\ctt\ VuivWigfcuicer, J and Die Minerviad, Devoted to Literature and Amusement. FOR THE LA DlES—Boston. T >• I a. HE T lurd volume of The Eutehi-ei aii I ir Musical, Intelligence!!, is publisher I emi monthly, 0 n Saturdays, exchisivelj I devoted to the diffusion of Musical In I diligence, and contains a sheet of Music I with each number, at Tioo Dollars pel I annum, payable half yearly in advance, j I iib MINERVIAD, devoted to l.itera- I lure and Amusement lor tlie Ladies, is I published semi-monthly on the alternate I Saturdays at Two Dollars per annum, pay | able halt yearly m advance I The above publications may be had J in connection, at Three Dollars per an- I iium, or Two Dollars per annum, for ci ther, separate. j John 11. Parker. 1 (Ty A few complete sets of the 2d vo lume of (lie Eutehpkiaii, or Musical 1n- TELLTOKNpLU, & Lahlßs’ GAZETTE, bound. Printed by tiiue & ohekkk, Merchants Hall, Boston, April 15 ts SKETCHES of the Life & NATHAN AVI lUIEENE Major-General of the Armies of the United States, in the War of the Revolution. Compiled chief y from original materials. By the HON. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Os Charleston, South-Carolina. In two vols. 4lo—|u Boards, SIQ. FOB SALE BY J. Hi Fly. may IS——if A 1 A NATIVE of the Canton of Bern, in Switzerland, left this place in November, 1819, for the island of St. Domim-o. v ,. | * O Any person therefore, having know edge of his still being in existence, or proof of his death, will confer a favor to his poor and disconsolate relations, by communicating such information to F. 13. Tsrhiffely, Washington City. (0-Editors of newspapers South and West of this place, and triends to humani ty, are politely requested to give the above a few insertions. F. 1). T . f\wimas W ttiUiv.s 1 Saw sGrisl Mills JL HE subteriber’s Mills are still in ope. ration, both SAW and GRIST, lie will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch of his business. — l\is customers will be J airly dealt by." Thomas Watkins. April 8 ts , Par Sale, f HAT well known and valuable plan tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived in the county of Burke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickory laud, and about two hundred acres clear cd, well adapted to tlie culture of corn and cotton. On the above premises there is a good two si ory bouse, and all other necessary out buildings, and an excellent Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing stream—three hundred acres more rs pine land adjoining Hie above, lying in the (■utility of Richmond, and about seventy acres cleared. We deem a further des cription unnecessary, but invite all those persons who wish to purchase a valuable place, to come and view the premises and judge for themselves. For lurlhei parti culars apply to Augustus 11. Anderson, Isaac Walker, Administrators of the estate of Win. Jones Nov 1 K.s—4f - v - .. - m i m .yOTWE. Will he Sold, ON tlie first Tuesday in July next, a greeably to an order obtained from the honorable the Court of Ordinary ol Richmond county, 20 Shares Steam Boat Stock, belonging to the estate of David M'Kmney, deceased —Terms made known on the day of sale. Con-itauce 8. M‘Kinney, Administratrix May 13 Ids *#* 1 torwarn ah pe so- s rom trading for any notes given by Hen iy Shultz, and made payable to Benjamu Fierce and William Allen Beni- Pierce. I May 2 • t 3"l, 1832. Xew SevUs—-Xo. 65.1 IVmce’s Digest OF THE Laws jf beor<na. “ r X HE undersigned having contracted to pnni for the Slate a certain number ot copies, TioW is.iue Proposals, For Furnishing io those who tm,y become Subscribers, 5 DIGEST of The LAWS ! y OF TUB '■ Slate ol* Ueorgia, Coniauuiig all Statutes, and the .suo-.aiio. im “j. al ‘ Resolutions of a general and pub s lc "Mure, and now in force, which e ha . ve been passed in this Stale pre viuusto the Session of tlie Ge|ie rid Assembly of December, 182 d. With occasional ex planatory notes and con necting references, and a list of the Statutes repealed or obso lete. j 1 o which is Rtlded, an Appen dix, Containing the Uonsiitution of the United States; the Constitution of tlie State of Geuigia, as u- ! mended; the Statute j of Frauds and Per- ' juries, the Ua butts Corpus I Ad, &c. Uc With a Copious Index. Compiled by iht appointment, and under the authority of the General Assemble. B* OLIVER ii. PRINCE. there are few so ignorant us not to know, that a work like this, if even lole tulily executed, must possess insttinsic I Value. Mie compilation of this bonk is allowed by competent judges, to be peru . formed in a very masterly maimer; and j the well known character of the gentle I man whose name it bears, forbids the idea ol any deficiency of imlustiy or talent, n executing tbe important service confid- I cO toi him by the Legislature. j I It is believed that every man wliu can I conveniently buy this work ought to poa- I , suss it, because it behoves every citizen I j to have some knowledge of Hie laws of Ins country. The opinion expressed bvli *• bent upon every man to be acquainted! “ with those at Last, with which he is im-1 “mediately concerned; lent bw juror I “the censure, as well as inconvenience, j “ ot living in society, without knowing I “ the obligations which it lays himun-j : " der.” I I CONDITIONS. Tlie book will he neatly printed and I substantially bound in one large royal octa J vo volume, in size equal to “ J Digest of the Laws of the United States l and will be furnished to subscribers «l the J price that hook sells for in Philadelphia, J to wit, Seven Dollars per copy, payable 1 on delivery of the work; which will be I ready by November nr December uu *t. I Grautlaud & Orme. Milledgeville, April-9, 182 - I (0 The Editors of newspapers in this I Stale are requested to give the foregoing I one or two insertions I Subscriptions for the 1 above work will be received at the Book-1 Store of J, h 11. Ely. j Administrator’s Sale. I WILL be sold on the first Tuesday •>» j July next, at Appling, before the J court house door, 213 actes of land lying I iu Columbia county, adjoining Blount and I Lamkin, belonging to the estate of Jordan I lieorge, tlcc. • and sold for the benefit ot I tlie heirs and creditors ot said deceased. I Thomas 1). Carr, Polly George, * Administrators, j > april 25———tds ] DyvuvA Lodge ot Georgia.. 2 r JI HE Members of the Grant} Lodge of e Georgia and the several Lodges under us d jurisdiction by their proper Represents i- "tives are hereby requested to attend a Quarterly Communication of the same, to be held at the Grand Lodge Hall in the Ci , ty of Savannah, on .SATURDAY tlie Ist i day of June o xl, at Ii o’clock A. M. 5- By order of the Bight Worshipful Grand Master. Will. P Beers, Grand Secretary (0 The Augus’a Chronicle, Washing to’» News and Miltedgeville Journal, ar<- t. requested to insert the above three U" 161 .. n ami send their accounts to the Republican ,i Office. May 20 3t . j Notice. r|XHE Books ami Paper* of Wdliatn A Winchester, a deceased Alien, being now it* the possession of the subscriber, r all persons indebted to the Estate ofjlu e deceased, are requested to make payment without delay; and those persons whi tiave demands against the estate are re quested to render in their accounts duK attested Isaac Herbert, hscheatoi 8 for Ftchm nd County, Georgia , March 28:,. 1822 I2i m . : • r,(• i aue ill’s lit es For iSale at this Office. - - J Cl —' "" "** "" " .'" Tf*y» AN OUJJINAttiU. Hr. * UF.RKAS idle and evil disposed per* BoM llll . vo been in the habit of writing on i) sc.aiclung, bruising, and otherwise* » ['iff the walls and other parts of the pvb which ' dl,,fiß tllis cit i'— to prevest He it ordained by the City Council of August,-i. Hl,d ,l 18 hereby ordained by the authority of the same, Mutt from and after Mu- passing «f this ordinance each and I every person or persons who shall be euil wr'*'."6'. Printing, drawing, cutting, word , * it ' er . or le d-r« r word or • 1 ,‘. y iCe ° r d * v,ceß » ,,r '« a«y man. ®’ n * lll,,, l"‘R ot* dr facing any ~f t i le vvalls or inner or outer apartments, or ;> her parts of any of the Puolic Buildings rV r. . <>f Au K ,,s, «. ihricof shall be fined in a sum not p*. cte hf.g bye hundred dollars. 4 thopjfv ? l i ,r . U,e u ordßined - by the ati. thonty aforesaid, that each and every n P ,.: son or persons who shall be guilty’op .standing, or plat ~g his. her or (Lir feel "'! or against any (able, chair, bench, nr Z'% ~ U " "'u ie > <>r slljdl in any way - injure, or deface any of the l}iZ •mitre 111 or about any of the Public Build. "fs in, tins, city, on conviction thereof ss eic “ di "* —.w Passed in Council March; k 833 feVmitroi Hale, a . t'huirman. •‘y the Chairman 1 I) CLARKE, c. c. ; *, her Sale. A VALUABLE Plantation, situate in \*tr W "l y ° Ih,rklu onLiH,e Btvert \v». Cteck, one and a quarter imh-s f-om Savannah River, occupied at presen' by bourns Scurboi oiigh, containing five hi,if, Iliree alld a" hair sera 1 LAND—about jjq acres of whidh ,« under cultivation, and the reman;,L« well he b l'oni a " ,l r l '^ ibly B:t,iate<l for eilh J he Lumber business or Agriculture— ha. ing an excellent scite, affording m a . bundant supply of water for a CoUoh Gtn. Gust-Mill or Disulery. On said pwnnVa “™ a huuse and kitchen,-cat! .n« T T 1 6tablt S > K‘" Utilise, n.'gro dairy house and poultry, all named buddings, and jn good tepajr.iind May 2(j- 3t __ Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the court of ordir.ary of Uiclunond county, for leave to sell one undivided fifth par* of a tract of >aml in o|>letiiorpe county, on Long creek, adr joining land of Win, Baily and others, con taining fourteen hundred and fifty acres, be the same more or less belonging to Fer linand Burdell, a minor) to to fie sold for the bi iiefit of said minor. John Phinizy, Guardian, JanuArv 10, 1822—-m9m i, i, s 150 Reward. n' IIKKEAS, a person calling himself Samuel Wilay, but whose'res'.nayne is Daniel Donnegan, has been ISir some time past, endeavoring to inveigle and sell, in the neighborhood of Camden md Columbia, several negroes belonging to different persons. The above rev. grd will be given ip any person whp will appre hend the said Dnnnegaii, and lodge luigr in any goal, and give the subscribers infor mation thereof Dnnnegan is about 5 fed 8 or 9 inches high, thick *e(, of • dspk complexion, round full face, dark eyes, is a blacksmith by trade, speaks slow and stutters a little, is badly dressed and h very fond of spirits; it is said he is mak ing for Savannah, by Augusta. Thomas Briggs, John Whitaker, May 13— 3t (jjrThe Augusta Chronicle and Savan. C nah Museum, are requested to give they above three insertions each, and fir -1 ward their accounts to the Printing office ’ in Camden, for payment. ; S3O UiViW iliW. LIuNAW AY from the subscriber, on t ], e 30tb March, a negro man named LAWSON, ‘26 years of age, stout made, dark com plexion and has a large, scar on his head, occasioned by a burn when young The above reward will be paid to any one that i will bring him to Calhouns MMls, little ri ver, Abbeville District, Soutli-Carolina, or securing him in any way so that the ,wner may get him again and all ies --(liable CXpenCeS paid. 4 ' It is likely that he will make for Augns , aor Savannah, by means of a Free pass. Josep C iMiomi. L April 11 if it ■■ Notice. VTINP- months after date application .aI will be the honorable! th.e .i'ting for ordinary purposes, for u«.{| all the real estate of Ruth Will'.am son, > .-used; sotdfo' the Henefilo U»eheirs and creditors. James Wadsworth, «dm r. March 25, mi—*—u»9h)