Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, June 10, 1822, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle Georgia Gazette. was-- 'J-- "■ agf-.=!i'. jssls ■» a , ■■■— " xrr\i o ni C“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; i T Ar . . oc>f , YOU S6.] MonAa?, The good is oft intelTe j wit]l t heir bones,” 5 3uuc 10 ’ 18 " a - fc ' w Series—.N o. 09.] a> , j $ Co. MWji RECEIVED BT THE LATEST ARRIVALS II 'W* mo* Liverpool & niw-tork, R;jlf i a ,gc and general atsortmcnt of m GOODS, chiefly of the following articles SHBLEGANT Flounced Robes, Needle ■jerked. kjpwpriced do do do ■4U|p-work’d Flounces, Trimmings & ■Collarets HDo do Mulls and Jaconets, Bo do Satin Stripes m. Cambrics, at all prices HBo Haircord and muslinels HL & 6-4 Plain Book Muslins, assorted Figured do do ■ & 6 4 Plain and figured Lenoes, &c. Kdras hdkfs. assorted qualities & colors, t* « St spotted hdkfs for neckcloths, triped Ginghams (very fine) Kin and twill’d black Bombazetts ITColoured do ||4 Linens in half pipces I Do in whole pieces I ■g% 7-8 Long Lawns Diapers ■Meetings ln& Merino Shawls ■a«B Cambrics |« do Hdkfs. ■nXtrclitz Oznaburghs ■dß sacking EoSfi Bagging ■t.f a nd Strip’d Jeans, for childrens I dßthing ■efbnia Cassimerc for summer pantaloons Kptijl black cloths .|laQk silk Sinchews ,leIU)W Nankeens Mack and White Italian Crapes Jlacfc White and coloured Florences J] Do do & do Satins * jlaofcand White silk Stockings an! Dobhalf Hose rl, HiiW cotton half Hose M bread laces assorted otton do do filltrf black, blue, and assorted sewing < e vm R' lbbons ' utewing and satin Ribbons >*W , do Cotton Fringe Ist Sd round bobbin laiils assorted VbMfßaces Xirtfcottons ,KrAg Cotton, in balls limß do do ''WMm and Kid Gloves "HfSraids ■enor Pins in papers (Hlie Water t Het Soap 1 Hquc Oil ißum itK»ng Combs. made Clothing, -VIZ j, K Cloaks and Coatees black and blue Coats Cassimere Trowsers „[■' Drill do g.Bk Duck do , and black silk Waistcoats )e linen shirts, various qualities »■ CROCKERY. assorted blue Ware ■j Liverpool China, insets of 55 pic .^Meach “WBlsets do in Hogsheads in do p on-Consignment. BBS London Por'.er, P M Iks strong Ale, in bottles, j 50 Bjpes old Poite Wine, in do 3a.j»o Claret in do Sov*o Cider in do Ifßn the advantage which the adver ‘ tlseßenjoy in having ail their goods se- in Glasgow and Manchester, by one iflHir firm, they arc enabled to offer -he I love as low as any Wholesale House j .;n <■ United States, and as it is desirable ,ple their stock as low during the mim- as possible ; they wifi for a sell considerably umlpr their astßprices.— Fo>- CASH or Town ac- only. S, Jc 6 ts n msurance against 'm i Fire ! )« Fire, and Marine Company Agency ‘ ME Subscriber offers to take risks a ’ Fire on Houses, Out-Uuildings, ' Hs, Wares, and Merchandize, in An ’ K and its vicinity. j B ! Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad street, (lit Post & Globe Tavern.) Hieci nf • 20 ut Wapfor Thompson liltiviNG located himself in Augusta, jlap<|tt fully proffers his services to the in , of the city and the adjacenr . nusy in the several branches of his pro He hopes by assiduity and alien liaMAnd from the experience obtained byflbractice of twelve years in this S’ate, toAin a portion of public patronage always be found, (except when eu professional business) at his res: ’ Jkfll on Byroad Street, directly opposite Apothecary’s shop, r- May 23 2w Cottdn, litock, AND iruAmttgtt Rr okc?. subscriber Jias taken an office in X the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, ou the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Pos-- Office—where lie offers his services ii the above business, and hopes, by stric: personal attention, to obtain the patron age oi his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by broke tv m commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, am: particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton matt the bnsiness is principally done by broker s ; and henc< the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton the market price. Office Regulations relative to Gotten. Ist- In order to give lime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave the ware house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will be sampled and'receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m. — if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a. m. sth. Persons chotwing to limit and lim. iling higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6i cents fora bag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country, * closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. i Stock Exchange and brokerage, la their Various Branches, Wiß be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o'clock p, m. and from three o'clock till five p. m. John Kinney, jun’r. (fj- Money is sometimes wrrth more i nan at others Persons having it to loan, :my, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ket. by applying at the above office. November B.—i—ls Globe Tavern. fllE Subscriber inf .rms his file nils and tin- public, that his Reading Room, is just arranged, and that, his Bar is much more convenient. And on account of changing the situation of the latter, he is better able to provide for the accommo dation of his customers; and can "Safely 1 promise them, that as far as his meattsand ability to comply with his wishes can go, he will attend to the comfort and conveni ence of every guest who may honor him with a call. sj-Thc Savannah k Wash ington Stages put up at the Globe. W. SHANNON. December 20. LI W OFFICE, AXD tUuai’vA. Agency, M Oj’ILE- -ALABAMA. rz i S. HE undersigned respectfully informs his friends iu Geo. and all others who may have occasion (or lus services, that he has established himself permanently in the (Vuy of MOBILE, in the State of Alabama, as Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and G-metal Agent - and will give particular attention t.. the Collection of Debts in the States of Alaiiama k Mississippi, and at Pensacola W. Barton. May 23 w6t SlO Reward. 15 UN AWAY from the subscriber on Q, the 2 i distant, a negro fellow by the ame of JOE, nbo it twenty-one years of ago, five feet three or four inches high, iark complexion, an African by birth, speaks good English, and shows very little of bis - alive tongue, when spoken to The above reward and all reasonable ex icnses will be paid to any person deliver ng said feilow to me, or lodge him in .ny secure jail, so I get him again. Win. Shannon. May 27 ts -Sheriff’s Titles For sale at this Office. * j THE I EUTEIiPEIAD, 08, ; tMusicaV InUlWgencei:, I AND r l lie Minerviacl, Devoted to Literature and FOR THE LADIES—Boston. T a. HE Third volume of The KcTEnPKtAn, . ir Musical, Intklligxnckii, is published emi-monthly, on Saturdays, exclusively ; devoted to the diffusion of Musical In t telligence, and contains a sheet of Music , with each number, at Two Dollars per annum, payable half yearly iu advance, i The MINEUVIAD, devoted to Litera , ture and Amusement for the Ladies, is published semi-monthly on the alternate . Saturdays at Two Dollars per annum, pay ; able half yearly in advance ■ The above publications tray be had i in connection, at Three Dollars, per an » num, or Two Dollars per annum, for ei , ther, separate. John 11. Parker. Ojf* A few complete sets of the 2d vo lume of the Eutkrpkiad, or Musical 1n- TELLIOENCEU, & LADIES* GAZETTE, bound- Printed by thue Sc rreene, .Merchants Ball, Boston. April 15 ts SKETCHES 1 OF THE XA£e & i'ori’Ps^uiDvVpwpe of NATHANAEL GREENE . Major-General of the Armies of the United States, in the War of the Revolution. Compiled chiefly from original materials. Br the HON. WILLIAM JOHNSON, Os Charleston, Snvth-Carolina. In two vols 4to —In Boards, IglO. FOB SALE BY J. H. Ely. may 13 ts T VVuvv\u\s W nth ins 1 Saw Mills i T | J. HE subscriber’s Mills are still in opc ' ration, both SAW and GRIST. He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at sl2 per thousand, and will cause *-very attention to be paid to each branch ot his business. —“ Bis customers will be fairly dealt by." liomas Wat,ins. ~ * ~*uUCE. Wi llhe , ON the first Tuesday in July next, a greeably to an order obtained from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of • Richmond county, 30 Shares Steam Boat Stock, belonging to the estate of David M‘Kinney, deceased.—Terms made known oa the day of sale. Corutance S. M‘Kinney, Administratrix. Vav 13——tds ~koti(;eT^ T X I IF- following articles have remained in Store a lor a time, WILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE FOsT office, at public ai ction On the 2d Friday in June next, to pay Freight and other expenses, if not claim ed previous to said day of Sale. — viz: Marks. P 1 llhd. Sugar, I S - , r * 1 do. Liquor, T M n & Co. 1 Box Iron, IMSt S M 1 Bbl. Lard, E S ii S 1 Cask Cheese, M £t M I Hox Looking Glasses Curios Tracy, Treasurer Steam Bout Company, May 20 law tds For Sale, i i i m , A HAT well known and valuable plan -1 tation whereon William Jones, deceased, - lived, in the county of Burke, containing ; Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickory t land, and about two hundred acres clear cd, well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton. On the above premises there is a gootl tw-o story house, and all other necessary out buildings, and an excellent Sawi and Grist Mill on a never failing stream —three hundred acres more ofpine land adjoining the above, tying in the i county of Richmond, and about seventy ; acres cleared. We deem a further des f cription unnecessary, but invite all those ( persons who wish to purchase a valuable , place, to come and view the premises and ; judge for themselves. For further parti . culais apply to Augustus H. Anderson, J Isaac Walker, administrators of the estate of Wm. Jone c - Nov 1 N. - r *£* I forwarn all persons r rom trading for ajny notes given by Hen v Shultz, and made payable to Benjamin Pierce and William Allen Benj. Pierce. May 2—— * Princess IVigest OK THE Laws jf Georgia. T . X HR undersigned having contracted to print tor flic Stale a certain number of copies, now issue Proposals, Far Furnishing .« those who may become Subscribers, DIGEST of the LAWS OF THE State of Georgia, Containing all Statutes, and the substance of all Resolutions of a general and pub lic nature, and now in force, which have been passed in this State pre vious to tile Session of the Gene ral Assembly of December, • 1820, With occasional ex planatory notes and con necting references, and a list of tile Statutes repealed or obso lete. To which is added, an Appen dix, Containing file Constitution of the Unite'.’ States; the Constitution of the Stale of Georgia, us a ineiided; the Statute of Frauds and Per juries, (he Ha beas Corpus , Act, &e. See With a Copious Index. Compiled by the appointment, and under the authority of the General Assembly, B* OLIVER H. PRINCE. There are few so ignorant us not to know, that a work like this, if even tole rably executed, must possess iustiinsic value. The compilation of this book is allowed by competent judges, to be per formed in a very masterly manner; and the well known character of the gentle man whose name it bears, forbids the idea of any deficiency of jndustiy or lulent, in executing the important service confid ed to him by the Legislature. It is believed that every man who can conveniently buy this work ought to pos sess it, because it behoves every citizen to have some knowledge of the laws of Ids country. The opinion expressed by Judge Blackslone is certainly correct, that ‘"As everyone is interested in the “ preservation of the Laws, it is inctim bent upon every man to be acquainted *• with those at least, with which lie is nn “mediately concerned; lest he incur “the censure, as well as inconvenience, “ of living in society, without knowing “ the obligations which it lays him un “ der.” CONDITIONS The hook wili be neatly printed and substantially bound in one largo royal ocla vo volume, in size equal to “ Ingersoll’s Digest of the Laws of the United States ami will be tuiiuslied to subscribers at the price that book sells for in Philadelphia, to wit, Seven Dollars per copy, .payable on delivery < f the work; which will be ready by November or Deccmbei next. Grantlaqd & Ormc. Milledgeville, April .9, 1822- (U/Tlie Editors of newspapers iu this State are request! d to give the foregoing one or two insertions. *** Subscriptions lor the above work will be received at the Book- Store of J. & II Ely. Dollars Howard. I>ANAWAY from the subscrib rs, on Xt; the night of the 28di of April last, two negroes, CHARLES, a man o| bright yellow complexion, about 25 yearsof age, about 6 feet high, and well made, and iias a pleasing countenance when spoken to, one or two ot his fore teeth out ISA BELLA, a very black girl, fifteen years oicl, thick lips, dressing not known, as they took with iliem a variety of fine clothes.—As there is some apprehension of their being stolen, a reward of Dne Hundred and Fifty Dollars will be given or the thief and negroes. E. & E. Keid. Putnam County Geo. May 27—4 t rQ The Augusta Chronicle, Darien Gazette, Savannah Georgian, and Colum bia State Gazette, will publish the above advertisement two weeks in iheir rcspec dve paper?, and forward their accounts for payment to E. Reid, P. M- Reisvilie, Putnam county, Georgia. Administrator’s Hale. W! ILL be sold on the first Tuesday of July next, at Appling, before lh< court house door, 213 acres of laud lying in Columbia county, adjoining Blount and Larnkin, belonging to the estate of Jordan G-.orge, dec and sold for the benefit of tbe heirs and creditors of said deceased, Thomas D. Carr. Polly George, Administrators, april 25——tds Hamburg. BUG EN E~BH KNAN, INFORMS the Public, that be is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for th. I>i&»rict of Edgefield, in Snuth-Carolina that be is ready to act as Conveyancer — or o make up Accompts between Fart m r«, or for Executors and Administrators - Post Books ami do every thing relative lO the ner’s office, June 3 ts r Vro m NorW\ to £ outh. X RO M four to six new, comfortably con sirucU d four wheel Vehicles, drawn hi four horses c-ucli, and drove by saber and careful drivers, will set out from Trenton , i" New-Jersey tu Savannah, via Augusta ) iu Georgia, on or about the 15 h day of September next. The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Carolinas, will bo confined as much to the neighbor > hood of mountains, as the good roads * through the country will allow. 'lht journey will be leisurely taken, so us to consume from four tu five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in clination of persons who may become pas sengers. Those wlm are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can do so by applying to the Post master of Savan nah. Priority in lire choice of seats will be regulated by numbering the first appli cant one, which will entitle that person to the first selection and so on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken up by en gaging the number of seats. P. 8. All the Gazettes in Georgia and those at Columbia, South Carolina, are re quested to insert the above notice twice a month, for the two succeeding months ami forward their accounts for payment to the Post-muster at Savannah- June 3 QUAKER SPRINGS. dlihc subscriber has taken that well iLL known stand Quaker SrnrNos. LATELY occupied by Major Darker, .situated seven miles above Augusta on the Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general satisfaction: John Turpin, November 8 ts *** House ts Lot, For Hale, In Washington,Wilkrs county l\. HOUSE, eligibly situated, on the Public Square iu Washington, is offered for sale at a just valuation. It is divided at present, into two tenements, contain ing four rooms ou the lower lloor, five on the second, a good garret and cellar, and has a small piece of ground attached toil. Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately ; and of the other, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Os fine. Feb 18 ts Tax Collector’s And Treasurer’s Office, w S. HR City, Road and Well Tax for the year 1822, being now due, ami payabh. the F.ubscrlber will attend at his office m R oad-street, upper tenement of tin Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A M t. I P M. to receive the same until the 30tf, day of June next, after which timeexen ions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination John W. Wilde, c. u r. c. \ april 25 ts Lauds For Hale, lr application be mnrte immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early County on the (Paters of lime Creek ,-J) Lot 189, Distric, 3, Henry County, Lot 210 District 12 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office April 16— O®(D Hubbles of Northern Hay, For sale at th' V at-p-Honse "f McKenzie k Ponce, May tf Land near Athens. FOR SALE, V TRACT of LAND, on the Oconee River, immediately below Athens, con taining 420 acres —180 of which are clear ed and suitable for cultivation. On the place is a good Two Story Dwelling House, 46 feet long, 20 wide, '.■ommodious Kitchen, extensive Main and Stables, and all necessary Out-Boijdings. The house is within less than a mile oi he College, and the properly is worthy die at emion of those persons wishing to brace the advantages afforded of Edu a ting their Children. Terms made easy to purchasers. Aslmry Hull, Athens, May 20, 1822 eow Jm For Sale, S VxceAlfcrti lUg Worses, ecomlhand Gig£sharness Vil be aoid low for cash--E(iq! trt at th Globe Tavern. May 27 ts Gr.aßnu, i v Lincoln Superior Court, 3 April Term, 1822. U’iliium it Dennis Mahoney, rs C Samuel Curry. j Jtule fur foreclosure of .Mortgage. UI’ON the Petition of William & Den nis Muttony, praying the foreclosing the Equity ot Redemption, in and to ail that tract of Land, lying ami being 1 in the County of Lincoln and Stale of Gcogia, containing fifty-five acres, more or less, lying and being on the waters of New ford Creek, adjoining lands of Sea', I,yon, Henley and Sharp; which said tract of Land was mortgaged hy Samuel Curry to your Petitioners the better to secure the sum of three hundred and forty-two dot. lans and twenty-seven cents, with iutircst. On motion of Micajah H uly, attorney for said \\ liliam & Dennis Mubony. It is ordered that the principal interest and cost be paid into Court within twelve months from this day, otherwise the E quity of redemption in and (i. the Mutt gaged premises, will he from henceforth forever, barred and foreclosed, nu that this rule be published in one of Hie pub lic Gazettes of this Slate, once in every month, until the time appointed by this rule for payment or a copy, served upon the said Samuel Curry, cr his special a gent, at least six months previous to the time the money is directed to be paid into Court. 1 certify the forego! ngto be a true Copy taken from (be Minutes of said Court, tbi* fifteenth day of May, 1822. Peter Lam r, Vl'k. May 20 ml2m :25 Dolls Upward, Est r ■ 4-» \N A WAY from the subscriber about Im 23hh March, a negro named AHUAVq about 22 or 23 years of dark com plexion, about six lent high, speaks cor. redly, lias a down look, stoops very much in bis wink, remarkable large feet, thick lips, has a scar on bis forehead apparently occasioned from u stick, one of Ins thumbs imich disfigured from a whitlow, is very capable of telling a plausable story. The above reward will be given to any person who will deliver said negro tome in Barnwell District, near King Creek Post Oliice, or ten dollars if in any jail where nformation may he had.—Said fol low is acquainted both in U» ke and Au gusuta William Black, April &) p For S , A AIO3T desirable SUMMER RESf. f\, PENCE on the San i-tlills, near ttiu, branch of the lie limoud Actclemy, villi any quantity of land not exceeding forty ot fifty acres The dwelling house is large,' commodious, and neatly finished, ha . lug iwo stories and eight rooms, besides yas. sages and a garret, and a piazza on one side of the building, and a pornco on the other, together with ten or eleven com friable out houses; a good garden; a olleclion of the most choice truit trees, grape vines, ike. and a spring of pur* wa r within seventy or eiglity yards of die dwelling bouse, and a spiing boose.— p * V to Wm. W. Holt, Esq or the Office f the Augusta Chronicle. May 30 ts Executor’s Sales , Will’ll Sold, ;\t Lincoln Court-House, on the first Tuesday in August next, within (he usu al sa'e hours. One tract of land containing 'wo hundred md fitly acres, more ru l<s», lying in the County of Early, gnd known ■s Lot No 15, in the twenty-third district in said cewntv. It beirig the real estate of Jane Piorence, deceased, and void for the benefit of •he heirs and creditors of said deceased, in pursuance of an order of the Comt of ordinary of the County of Lincoln. Terms will be a credit of tw> Ive months, purchaser giving bond and se curity. Thomas Florence, Executor, June 3 law4w South-Carolina. Shimey |j| Fqility, John Jenkins, et a 5 Edgefield District. |5 , DEUGAB it appears that Hfbv G. Jenkins resides without the limit* of this state. —It is therefore ordered, that the Said Haley G. Jenkins du plead, an swer or demur <o the hill in tli.s case within three months after the publication icreof, or the bill will be taken pro con. feaso against him \\ h illicit! Brooks, Com’r. £. E. D. May 16, 1822. ( To Ilertt, Un’TlL(lie I.' Ocl- 18 ’2. it. a eooil sit. i, ,*i .i, fur busiiu ss, « sto e and back <-oom, comer of Broad and Jackson street*, a few doors above the G obe Tavern, ot- reason able terms Wm. Hutchinson. June 6-——2 t