Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, June 20, 1822, Image 1

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i 1 ■ !■■■!i. ..-Augusta Gbiftaicle if Gedfgm Gazette. I " -.; ' ?3g* w'O.I . y * . s ,' ♦ Ift ’■ ~ f*‘, , „.■* H ' "* * fcmci xi. NOTICE. ■(,c r fur the relief«f ti.*t officers, vo liUWCampa.j(:i aga.asl liic be.tniUile ji enact'd byXbe Restate and Rtnisc f|< me*. »ua'iv< «i cTUic Uiiilcd Mutes sA a.fries in Congnsi assembled, Thai fa ..fixer, volumeer, rsitip 1, cavalry, of L r ut iwlts •.uJr'gcJ iwkuc Campaign rcnc iJsouasikl tiri.l hundred and curb jen against the b» mi ii’lc s ( who cl-miuc tv reason of the fa of any horst or turves, which, in coit ricnce'of tile government of the Uni- Sunef foiling to supply sufficient fur- K «hile t-ngajred in sc mice, died. | mare una%oiJably nbaiuluncd n:.d lost, tall be allowed ami paid the value therc ge C 2. And be it further cuar *cJ, That i\ < Ificff*. volunteers, a’.d rangers, ra in, or dther persons, fur the loss of a . ,’f Ct nar)- equipage of said horse, ur nsv s, or lor any gurts wst aaid i;. 1 - *c. or which were left in possession cf n United States or of any officer there ts'iall be allowed and paid the value nre.'l ; said claims to be paid of any :;w --mb in the Treasury, not otherwise to iiate.l : Prevuled, That, if any i ay. clisil bat e beennuUa to any office, dicr aforesaid, fur the use atttlvUk, the death or abandonment of his , such amount shall be deducted the value the: eof, un*» as said officer, •ciier, shsll shew tHa', lit* tf«| te ict in which at**! the deduction only extend to the time such ofibter id tr served ou fool; And Jinvubit l * ;k t, if any payment shall have been lv any officer or soldier, on account uaag, such payment shall be de j from ihi value of his horse oruc ;rcit»e«it; And provided fiuihtr, Ttiat shall be allowed under the pro mis of this act, until prop*.. evidence lu*e hsen received hy the account* H'.ccrs. from the company to « Inch 4. inuut* stall have belonged, show he number of horse s I «l in m«1 ectn* in manner aforesaid, the time when and the name cf in. owner. ;c. 3. And be it lurthi r viacted. That irco>tiili«if * f'fi.vr <f t’.o Tr*. .ry iruneir, shall audit and seltie' ili>s* is ui.der sucti rulca and re.<«!a'ioiis e I'lesldcul ;f die United Jiite'i r.iaj tribe. i'll 11.11* I* lltUBOl 11, iker «>f the U'Miscnf Representative* JOHN fitll.LAltD, evident of the S' nae. pm iempo:c. j a*Wtjo, May 4, 182.’—Approved- JAMES MOXUOE. tTmtl’Hl Dcsartmext, L-J .luifUoi *a Office, ZUh .tiny 1822 limauls under th>- forruoing ac<, are tUy not ifi* d, that their claims Are to he Muittcd to thisodke fur *cith*mo.ii i-~ no claim ca.■ hu apnwed till the <*vi le called for by the Is*' pn-vis - iii th a- shall be received at th * olßce : I' cevidence tUus railed for. 1* to be anted ,na r<»ll o‘. 1 »l!i comp my, sv. or. y the comma*'di I■* • IBcei* theru l, il s,or ifdcstl. h» ti c next pm via i»»ji tr, and which must he accompanied Kif us the value *<l earn boif 'nsl : at to a ibsumtistv a ciaita for < q-dpan 1; auy f'uUf or (runs lost, ther> will u •red tl.e ecrtTica’e ot ihe tlßc.f, o ting cllic r ciniima'id.u.'’ the cui ie 1 the time the lisa u« sis smed, Ittlf s*tcli oss, Hint it happened With nv fault or negligence <»:» the puit ol ivrncr, slid the value of the apltclt, 01 I*# t<»»*hs< for» pin, or gum Icf .anvioi of 'ho Ihiiti'd .' i '.a'C»,or ul Reef thereof, th- re will he •■* quired leruficate of Ui<- • Il'f-.-r of the Uni- Siaic, under wh*u char,re, or t<- tu lit" sainr was, or were •« f , or <h»- id, piovirgli-c laC ; , aitillic Vplilc ->l 1 g .11, or fms lll.t every clai* *. in* arcon pa-i dby u deposition ol claimant, s'a m;r that h;t* not tv- Udf omai.y < filetr, or of il-c ltd S ates, any U jr,> - or horses, *, gnu, or jpi.t I *, (a, lh*.* rase maybe,) iru of s«h;* iua • hat -sos , nor a coin* -ijtaltn 1 ,*r he r «nie 1 ft'i'l hi i.j that ths el. .mint is the idenllr.f ko'i'-o «<;«i'ti'u d die hi*r 1 ami •*» ' %.*l* sv pi (hr rvrtiAc«i »<>l ui la* t,mi '•! ,;,v "*? them •r< l.e i*i.l a* f t vice • 1 iUt* * i-i *‘- p», n,ud» 1,-- s/.-tn «o befoii* r- nu* !•, j i»'ic*r r f ! ♦ p**tce, or otlivr prr. d1 i• Bill*. l, / 1 !'• adminisler oain , ol which Biiliuiiy proof s Olllil nt* »paU;, the tlsk'H r* Pi*U r Hftj'U t, Auditor. t«l«t*.r* of new pi, *.;• in lh, » * Cl * ‘ Bi.c* e s»i«11," rj.,.1, audio'iard I > pub* I |i,« I. vs < f iho Eni d Stale's, are tr* IfS'rtl ,0 poulisll lh*r foreg-uiig tolvvl ««nei.t loirs nous 4 week for one ■lh |||l.r | 3 W'dW. liiit.Tinutioii Wiiutcd S|r J. II fmiiiik, sin l»l«,> -»m >v*d ,pt I'iilsl’tiruh, |*s. Any pet sou ac- Jl«'«d with l*n r*.snl«'ice, wilt s pgfatr by d.rrethyr tns sam*- to th* f '"' '• rKslumsl idvucaUr S. It. I’rfotCi. »«f*r s Urwr by giving thn shove so ■tion. ■u* •> ——- DUAKEK HPiUNGM. L> ,*«•»>.> 1... t.VM Him «•!> ||MkS **»«d [ I|uim Artisos. Lllf.i v SC' mod by Major Iforbsi, Eud ssv«n anU • sbors Aogous on EWnskMogiMH iswt si»*l fo.pea fiorn y-n. ar, to k'lsUH *o I alwlin Turbin. ■’ *r**hrr * I loMa *V. K * k « ■ y.S 'xr * •Wt;^vT'‘ s'■}{&?.' IKjKi -^l* -*4* *? i 1 “* ’ ■mm—TmiTfiiiir —■... .r m.r Cotton, Htock, AJSD K'S.chai\u j *‘ J V,vvi\v^v. 1 subaxiiWrTiss taken an pilice in. JL ihc building Uudy occupied by Messrs Stewart's Hai’Eiwea, on the nbrtii - bijp of ct, opposite to the Post « OlK'e—where he uil -i s his reviews in t the above business, and hopes, by strict ; persotnj attention, to obtain llic patron l »je ot his friends ami the public. The ['re at facilities afforded by brokers i in comnioicial operations gene rally, render ; it remarkable that the merchants of Au - gus'a ami. the phnters have Mug sustain - ed the inconvenience of having none, and - particularly a Cotton broker. In almost . every other cotton mart the business is , principally done by brokers; and boner - the case, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system t is perfectly practicable here. The mcr • chant, by applying at the otlice of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking it; i a purchaser;—the planter need be no F longer involved in doubt and difficulty to • ascertain the true state of the market, i nor subject himself to the caprice of the • wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot • ton ' the,market price. Office U emulations relative to 1 Cotton. Ist* In order to give lime for sampling, ’ citizens offering cotton are requested to 'cave the Ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeeding day 1 If more convenient, the receipts may be 1 er.rKsed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton v. ill be sampled and ‘receiv ed from wagons till ten o'clock, a. m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably he'deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sa,es will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve,. » m. slh. Persons clnmsing to limit and 11m .liaj{ higher tlni'i the market, wilt have tlic:r iccei.UA' returned Uiem on paying ( fora oag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on salts, 23 cents a bale Orders from the. country, • n closing U.e w a - mouse receipts, v. ill b( promptly executed Stock exchange find Prokeru^c, In their Various Ji-anehet, Will be attended to at all 'ir es during of !ico hours, which will be from eight o' clock a m till two ’clock r. m.ami frotr three o’clock tdl live i>. vr John Kinnoy, jun’r. (fj* Honey is sornetrnvs with more <hun at others Persons having it to 10-u. nny, in the strictest confidence, avail hemseb es of the advantages of the mar ket. by applying at the above office. November B.* -ts Globe Tavern.* 5 M J. till Subscriber irtfimis bis friends anil ■he public, that his Heading Room, is just arranged, and that his Liar is much norc I onvenjent. And on Account of ehauging tltr situation < f the latter, he is ..ti er able to provide for the accomtno lation of his customers: and can safely promise them, thm as far as Ms means and ability to comply with •»*» wishes can go, it* uriti aiterid to the comfort and convent ncc of every guest who may honor*!,im .vilh a call. I’ho Savannah Wash, iugton tvtages put up at tlic Is lube. W. SHANNON. Dcccmb r 20 la w Office , AX It {\ «* m* v i\\ ‘ ts, i wy, , I f l)iij isl** r 8 i ft Ml’- undersign*: I rm; ftoiliiily informs i.'ufii'-itd iio Ueo.imd alt (Hums who may ; 14 . . 4i.;r (*.*(■.a I*■ i* hr* a a vicerj that lie ins ,»u>,Ji.b. i him wit pennwrstly in th>: ■ i-y of MOilll.K, in tin. State of Alabama, ns Alim ncy and Counsellor at I,aw, and (If a oral Ag: til «'d will give pnrticiiLr ittenlion loth-' Coil-Cion of D<bi« in’lte giali-v of A».A!iAn* h. and at |*l VSACOI.A. W. Ihirton. MaV 23 Wflt Lund near Athens. FOR SALE, \ TRACT of LAND, on the Ocone ■• ;,vcr, immrdisteiy below Aihrin, con • Hung 420 aert s—lHO of which ere clear. I #od tuiieblc for cultivAiion. f (»'■ Ihr piece ie n good Two Story lUcliiug 'l° < ‘ l hug, 20 wide. I omihudiotie Kachco, eelensive Hern «n<l stehles, »nd ell neceeaery Out-Building* I he hoMr ie whbm nub oi lit 15 dUf*' e»d the prooerty ie woithy I ibe B**emr»n of tho.« pereon. wielnng u i ewbrecr the ndveoiegre eii'oidcd of Kdu I i *>log ihetr Children. |>rme node t eey u» porch ever*; Ahlmrv Hull. I 4lhmw,llsrW.l«32— «*>w !m Mb. fith - >' . A-' ' ’ . -’W J“The evil, tliajt men do, d's after them : • intci’i’evi wir.ii their bones.” 5 4Jo m&mmm ¥ Co: iavs itrf-K 1 vi:i» 15f Tin: x.vTi.*r abujvavs' n;ov i.i , root is *i*\V-T»»itK, 1 .I- !nv"e cud general ansorimcni of odtos, ■ Consisting chit-fly ts :hc folio a>« ng articles JjiLF.GANT Fiounced llobcs, Needle worked, f.ovvpriccd do do do Neidle-work’d Flounces, Trhnthings St Collarets Du do Mulls* and Jaconets, Do do Satin Stripes 4 Cambrics, ut all prices 6-U0 Ilaircoid and inuslinets ■i-4 iX 6-4 f'iain Uook Muslins, assorted 4 4 Figured do do 4 4 fk 6-4 Plain and figured X.enoes, Stc. Madras hdhfs. assorted qualities & colors, White ic spotted Inlkis tor neckcloths? 4-4 Striped Ginghams (very fine) Plain andf.vdi'd black Pon.bazclU Coloured do 4- Linens in half pieces Do in wh ;le pieces 5- St J'-3 Long Lau ns J-4 Diap is 5-4 Sheetings Small Mart no Shawls Linen Can.b: ica Do do itdkfs. Fine Strelitz OzoaburgUs ilemjj sacking Colton Bagging Ulue and Strip’d Jeans, for childrens clothing VcgoMa Cass’: me re for summer pantaloons Soper black cloths Black silk Sinchtiws Yellow Nankeens Klack and White Italian Crapes Black White and coloured Fl rences Do do oi do S tins BLck and While snk Stockings Do half W'dle co'ion half (lose Thread laces assorted Coiton do do Wnite bird., blue, and assorted sewing 1 SllitS Velvet Ribbons i.utesti’ing and satin Ribbons Fig','rod do v\ h.u Cot on Fringe Fiat and lonnil bobbin tiuloous assorted S'ay Laces bliirl Boltons Marking Cotton, in balls- Floi-s ilo in do Beavur and Kid Gloves Bilk Br; ids Superior Pins in papers Cologne Water Violet Soap Antique 0,1 Pomatum Uresdng Combs. VcU*e\'A'*j made C\ui\vU*gt —VIZ— Plaid Cloaks and Cmiteag Supoi fine black and bine Cbat3 Do Cittsimere Trowst-rs , m Do Drill do Ci-at sc Duck <!o Toilehet and black silk Waistcoats Gentlemens’ linen all,rts, various qualities. crockery. Crates assorted blue Ware Boxes Liverpool China, in sets of 53 pie cea each Small sets dq in Hogsheads Fiichers in do Also, on Consignment, 18 l’i re .MIS London For.or, 12 Casks strong Ale, n bottles, 2u Boxes old P ite AV inv, in do oJ Do Claret. in do 50 1), Cider in do Fr -m tljp advantage which the adver listrs enjov in having ail their goods ss* lecud iii G'us guv/ inn Manchester, by one oi their firm, they are enab'ed to o(J'er i the aboi'e :,s low its any Wholesale Hoib-o in the United State-, mid as u is (Ms,ruble to have their stork rs low dnnng the stun mer season as possible j ihcy will lor a .vw weeks sell eorside ably under their usual*. For C.ltiil or I own ac» cepfnnces only. June 6 If Insurance against Fire /. Charleston Five, and Marine Insurance Company iVgcncy v JL UP. Subscriber offers to take risks 3- gainsl Firo on llouscs, Out-linildings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and <l* viciirty. Tiiootliy Kdw.Tflg, Agent. Itroinl it if el, ! (Ik tween tin I‘ntt f lf ice (J C lobe Tavern,) , December 20 Vumm* W a Win ft 1 ■Saw AMirist Mills fii ft fll4 •übkcribet’s Mill* are still in ope* 'siion, both HAW and CIUbT. Ho will ,eliv.-r Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per • h 'ii»*ii'l, aid w ll cause every aitentiun • i he paid "i cacb branch of his bnainess. —" //<» ciut*meri will be Jaifly dealt by " I liumas \V utkin*. Art'll H—ts Mlitsrlir’n Titlcv you SALK AT tiiih office. tCifZC- ir ■tm my .twm«j tr tsoaugm Just Received, A\ KLK.i VNT .ISSOItTMr.ST OP Pr.cßh smA fetasom\b\G | w-m —Consisting Of — 1, I G.oghams. Linens; Checks, Sinchews, ' Muslin Kobcs, Dress Dimity, Furnhuie do. While Jesus, Green Silk Gauze, Hosier}’, Russia Sheetings Si Brown Linen, Which will be sold very low, by the pie ces, to country merchants, for cash, ' or on time tor town ;u;c planet. •1. Vicc^uet. No. 5, Banina Uuw. Jane 0 luwlm lefif Slu\m,K3 of dYorfhern Hay, For sale at the V arc House of McKenzie & Ponce, May Os, ,f Pol* iruie, i S OAg Aloises, AM) a Hecou d 11a . (11 ii % <sj Parnes a Wii he soul low lor cash —E .q iijv at the 01* b. '• avcrn May -7 ts Mmm Vnuu «Vorl\\ iu 'cmvllv, SB . i:OM four to six new, comfortably con* s uicted four wheel Vehicles, ilrawn bv font horses each, and drove by sober aiul careful drivers, will set out (tom Trei.ton in New-Jersey to H. v.u.r.nh, via Augusta iu Georgia, on or about the 15i.1i clay of September next. The route through Peimsybania, Virginia aud the Caroiinas, will be confined as much to the neighbor hood of mountains, as the good roads through the country will allow, 'll)- journey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to live or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in cliuu i-,n of persons who may become pas- Si ngers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for Ihei.bovi described journey , can do so bv applying to the Post master of Savan nah Priority iu the choice of seats will be regulated by numbering the first appli cant line, which will entitle that person to the first sclt clion and «o on to the last. An entire cat rlage can be takiii up by en gaging lbs number of seats. I 4 b Ail the Gazettes in Geoigia and ill-use at Columbia. South Carolina, are re quested to insert die above notice twice a niotiin, for the two succeeding mouth, ami f i, word their accounts for payment to life P>»t master at Savauuali. .line 3 *** .House $ Lot, IV, r Foie, la -Washington,Wilkes county A C% HOUSE, eligibly situated, on the Public Square in Washington, is ottered far s.dc at a just valuation. It is divided at present, into two tenements, contain ing i"<oqi3 nu die lower fi< or, five on tb second, a good garret and Cellar, and Imp a’l piece of ground attached toil. Possession ran be had of one tenement, immediately ; and ( ; die ether, in tjay For further particulars, enquire at this Os lice. Feb 18 ts Lands For bale, si r npfil;cn'.i.,n b. ini'le immerliuiely. Let 35, District 22 Early County son the Widen of I,me Creeh ,-j Lot 109, Dislnc, 3, Henry Gouniy. Lor 210 District J 2 1 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April Ifi . ... Tax Collector’s Ami Treasurer’s Office. jL IIE City, Flo.icl ami Well Tax for the i year 1822, being now due, and payable, |i e subscriber will attend at on j Iboad-street, upper tenement of the i Bridge Hank, every dsy, from 9 A M to i 1 P M to receive the same until theSOtli day of June next, after which time execu tions will issue against ull defaulters With out adou. John W. Wilde, C. Ctf T. C. A. ■pril 25 ts Brought to Augusta Jail, n negro Uuy named HEN, my* I • bi long-, to Mr. Ilaker in Abbeville South-Caioli ns ihe is about sixteen years old. Tin owner it requested to come forward, prove property, pay charge*, and lake him away . Thos. Stewnrt. Jailor. June V) 3» 3uno %% 1822. *\Vw W] *** J* -T--—~ IVIUEtV IVigc-st • OF THK Laws i/f Georgia. 'p,... .8. 11l- unaiersigi.ed having contracted to •.•nut tor the i utc a certain number ol copies, now issue Proposals, /'u« I uvaishing t, who may become Subscribers, DIGEST of the LAWh ok Tin; Slate of Georgia, Containing ull Statutes,and the u.balance’ ot all Resolutions of a general and pul), lie nature, and now in (bice, winch have been passed iu tins State pre vious to the Session of iheGcue fid Assembly of December, 1339, With occasional ex planatory notes and con necting ref...icncca, and a list of thu Statutes repealed or obso lete. To which is added, an Appen dix* Containing (lie Constitution of the L'lilted.sta’ics; the Constitutioni.t the Slate of Georgia, ...-> a mciide.clj the Statute of Frauds and Per juries, (he Ha beas Corpus Act, tec. &o With a C ’opions Index. ( Compiled by the nj>/jo,ittmeul, and under the authority of the General Jhsembly, Hv 01,1 VEll 11. PK'.NGE. There ;ue few so ignorant as nol to kiioW, that a work like this, if even tolc lahly executed, musl possess instiirsic value. The compilation of this book is allowed by competent judges, to be'per torine>Hna very masterly manner; and the wei: know n character of the gentle man whose name it hears, forbids the idea of atiy deficiency of industiy or talent, in executing the important service confid ed to him by the Legislature. It is heheved that i very man who cun . conveniently buy this work ought to (.os sess it, because it behoves every citizen [ to have some .knowledge oft ho laws of i ins country. The opinion cxpiess. d by , Judge Hlackstoiie is certainly correct, r Unit “As everyone is interesu din the “preservation of the Laws, it is incum , “ bent upon every man tn be acquainted “ with those at least, with which lie is irn , “ mediately concerned; lest he incur " the censure, as well us inconvenience, “of living in society, without knowing “ the obligations which it lays him un “der." cofrmriojys The book will be neatly printed and , substantially bound in one large roj al octa vo.volume, in size equal to “ Digest of the Laws of the United Stales,” tmcl will be furnished to subscribers at the price that book sells for in Philadelphia, to wit, Seven Dollars per Copy, payable on delivery ts the work; winch will be ixady by November or Decembe l m xt. Grantland k. Ormc. Milledgevnie, April 29, 1322- (XjpThe Editors of newspapers in ibis State are requested to give the foregoing one or two insertions Subscriptions for the above work will be received at the Book store of J. fa II Ely Hamburg, . liUGKMK BKEJMAN, INFOUM3 the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the District of Edgefield, in Sonth-Carolina, dial he is ready to act as Conveyancer— or id make up Accompts between Part ners, or for Executors and Administrators Host Books and do every thing relative to the Scrivener’s office June 3 ts Mr Thomas Johnson, M.ATE and engineer of the Steam Boat Oakmnlgee, fell from on board the boat on Tuesday last, on her passage to Augusta, and was Unfortunately drowned. The accident took place three miles her I<w Poor Robin. Any person who may find tlie body and carry it to the city, shall have all the cxpences paid or anyln formation relative thereunto, will be thank fully received by bis disconsolate widow Ann Johnson, foot of West Broad street Savannah. June 10 3t _ For Bale, M. HAT well known and valuable plan tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived in the county ol Burke, Containing ' Fifteen Hundred acies of oak and hickory find, and about two hundred acres clear ed, well adapted to the culture of corn ..nt! cotton. On the above premises (hen- Is a good two story house, and ail i.tber ■ accessary out buildings, and an eJCdlenl < law and Grist Mill on a never fiiilin; stream—three hundred acres tnorc of pint •and adjoining the above, lying in tin county of Richmond, and about seventy I teres cleared. We deem a further ties cription unnecessary, but ihvite all tliust 1 persons who wish to purchase a valuable lace, to come and view the premises and judge f r themselves. Por further parti cular** apply to Augustus H. Anderson, Isaac Walker, Vdministratnrs of the estate of Wm. Jones. Nor. 1 N.5-U ir~n«ni> ———w * an II II - - Ifr^ m University ol‘ Georgia, ? Atiuuvs, 12th Jrar, 1822. C si IIK examination of the present senior c'u«s will begin on Monday the Bth of Jy. "exi, in the College Chapel, on which occasion the Trustees of tlie University ale particularly requested to attend The Parents and Guardians of the Candidates •or Collegiate Honors, and Literary Gen lion.on in general, aye invited to be pee sc in. tin Thursday the hist day of August, the M 3 end Anno..! Examination of the r'tc'.hnian will take place;—On Fri day tljv 2d, tlie Sophomore Class will be examined;—On Saturday the 3.1. the Can- IhliUs tor Admission into College from tin: l’iej.arufory School, will be examin ed ; On Sunday the 4‘b, a Commence n,cnr Si nne;. w ill be delivered in the QhlU ptd. On Monday the s'h, the Junior Class will he examined t—6a Tuesday, the 6’lj, the Junior Class will deliver original Ora turns, and on Wednesday the Tth v.'ill be tl:.' .hun.ul Commencement. Uy order, •• A f'buryllull, •See. fj the L'uiyevsity if Geo. OThe Editors of newspapers din ugh. out die Suite, wooare friendly u> the in leyesis d' the College, will confer a favor on and the com muni, yin gciural, by gi.Uig the above u few conspicuous inser ti ois in tln.ii respective papers, _ A. HULL, June 17 Meson Academy, LEXINGTON, OGI.ETUOItTE COUNTY. GEO T ’ * 111', 1 1 lisle 8 of the Male and Female nn millin'; nt this place, beg leave to prfcl Svni ilic-ir claims b fore an enlightened public, and eon only deshe a proper degree of i .(l cl'ion to convince them of ihc jus tice. of ib.dr appeal. 'I lie situation of Lexirgton is (iiuiues lioi tioiy lrcu.iihy ; the 1 ivo Acnd mies are located in a private part of the Villa 1 '*, ami are separated and uislincr; and for the last 18 months have been under tin- direction of Mr Andrew H A eu his 'anghU r. flip Trustees have em ag d in addition, tlfo services ol Miss J.evensworih and Miss Jf/iea who will con.ioc. tlt F. male De partment; and Vli. lil tea, will remain at tiie head ol the Male Department, with Mr. lioh rl Jluitlnnan, his agsis.ant, The tw o Institutions will be under the superintendance of ,Mr. Uheu—which! ■ hmn his advanced ug# in life, and the ac' li now I. dged w orlh x long experience n* a Teacher, entitles him to a liberal patron, age and tlie coi (id. nee of tlie people —j The present ceision ends on the 19th inst, at which time the Examination will laid) place. The parents ol children and tii«s public are n .pcctf'ully invited to attend, Ibe ext Session will corn nice bn tha first Monday in July next. Uetird can be; obtained on reasonable let- ns, in/fhe most respectable private families front fatty.five Jo fitly dollars the Session Tbl'ion vary ing from six tp t welvoTlollars the Session —paid in advance / Lexington, June flO—. ■ EUTEMPEIAD, ÜB, Muaicul UiUWigeiMicTf, AND r J lie Minerviacl, Devoted In Literature and Amusement, FOB THE LaDll.S—Hosyok. 1 T. HE Third volume of Tlie Eutedi’biad. or Musical, Istellioencrh, is published semi monthly, on Saturdays, exclusively devoted to the diffusion of Musical In telligence, and contains a sheet oi Music witli each number, at Two Dollars pec annunrq payable half yearly in advance. Tux MINEItVIAi), devoted to Litera ture and Amusement (or the Ladies, is published semi-monthly on the alternate Saturdays at Two Dollars per annum, pay, able half yearly m advance. The above puhiicaion* tray be had in connection, at Three Dollars per an num, or Two Dollars per annum, fur ei ther, separate. John R. Parker, Uj- A few complete sets of lie 2d vo lume of the EuTtitruiAi), or Musical Is- TKLLicßsesn, & Louies’ Gazette, bound. Diluted by tuur in. oueene, Merchant;) Ua',l, Boston. April 15 if JTOTICE. Will he Sold, UN the hist Tuesday in .1 ri.y' next, a gfi eubly to an ordt r i b'aim d from tie n notable the Court of Ordinary of U ctis.ond r • t :ity, 20 Share* Steam Bunt Stock, i belonging io the estate of David’M r-iiirjli jit" iK-ceiiS'<l.—Ti rtns made known ot( tlie day of ton.blance 8, M ‘Kiniioy, Jjdmuuiti at l iX. May 13 ids To Runt, t f|HIE Store at peseiu occupied by 13. J. >V - (iUMMHtV. June 13-. — 2 t i : . ’ Cl .