Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, June 24, 1822, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle $ Georgia Gazette. ts y ' I v t ♦ yOL, 3ft.] Monday, IICIAX NOTICE. Tor the relief of the officers, vo- other persona, engaged in campaign against the Seminole iac ted by the Senate and House entatWea of the United States » in Congress assembled, That . volunteer, ranger, cavalry, or ions, engaged in the*campaign nisand eight hundred anti eigh ut the Seminole Indians, who ied damage by reason of the horse or horses, which, in con of the government of the Uni failing to supply sufficient for engaged in said service, died, abandoned and lost, lowed and paid the value there- And be it further enacted, That rs, volunteers, and rangers, ca »ther persons, for the loss of a iry equipage of said horse, or for any guns lost in said sgr iiich were left in possession of I States or of any officer there »allowed and paid the value laid claims to be paid of any mo -5 Treasury, not otherwise ap !: Provided, That, if any pay. have been made to any officer aforesaid, for the use and risk, death or abandonment ol his ; h amount shall be deducted ■ a lue thereof, unless said officer, shall show that he was re in which case the deduction extend to the time such officer served on foot s And provided , if any payment shall have been \y officer or soldier, on account I, such payment shall be dc ,m the value of his horse ornc ils: And provided further. That hall be allowed under the pro. this act, until proper evidence been received by the account a, from the company to which nts shall have belonged, show mber bf horses lost/in said com anner aforesaid, the time when le name of the owner. And be it further enacted, That iting officer of the Treasury u, shall audit and settle those ,er such rules and regulations sident of the United States may PHILIP P. BARBOUR, f the House of Representatives, JOHN C/VILLARD, nt of the Senate, pro tempore. rton, May 4,1825 Approved. JAMES MONROE. Tbeasurv Department, luditor’s Office, 2Wi May 1822- ts under the foregoing act, are tifiucl, that their claims are to be 1 to this office for settlement ,im can be al'owedVdl ihe evi sdfor by the last proviso in the. all be received at this office : idence thus called for, is to be in a roll o’ each company, sworn commanding officer thereof, if f dead, by the next surviving d which must |je accompanied if the value ol each hoise lost: instantiate a claim for equipage any gun, or guns Ids', there will be ■9(l the certifica e of life or ■ftg officer commanding the claim- MM the lime the loss was sustained, such oss, that it happened tfith- BK fault or negligence on the part of KHier, and value of 'lvc article, o* SB lostthat for agu or guns, Idt 'fflfcssio iof the United States,or of thereof, there will he rcijMirea of the officer of the Uni- RMfettes, under whos. charge, or to IliHuie same was, or were Id., or de «, proving the fact, and the value ol or gnus :—t'nat every claim ■e accoiripan'u dby a deposition ol ®lmam, aiming 'hat he has not rc- any officer, or of t e States. any horse, or horses, <l'ii or guns, (as the case ljuy be.) of such as he shall have U sp nor a- for same t and bv i ■■that the claimant is the idtnlica. who sustained the loss; and th-it except the certdicati sol ot- at she time of giving them v. t rc Hfe military stoyice «;f the United must bo sworn to befoic seine justice < f he peace, or other per- Hlgly authorized to administer oaths, Kl which authority proof should ac- Mp*ny the evidence. ■ vPeter liagnT, Auditor, ■ditors of newspaper? in the stales of and Georgia, authorized to pub ■the laws of the United States, are re- Bated to publish the foregoing stiver- BBlent three times a week for one |§ttne 13 3tw4w. *■l* information W An te«l iMrZf. M Fosdick, \vho‘,atc<> removed onMp’ittsbiirgn, I’a. Any person ac iianftd with his residence, will con-era ivqjß by directing the same to the office f JBNational Advocate. N U. Printers ilKapi fcr a favor by giving the above an >Bon. K 6 . wrUAKERSPIUNGS tUM subscriber has taken that well HB ow n stand K * Quaker Springs. aJHTF.LY occupied by Major, seven miles above Augusta on road and hopes from |BBentioo to business to give general j^Hption: ■ John Turpin. 8- ts Cotton, AND Exchange IVcokcr. THE subscaiber has taken an office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart A. Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Cos' Office—where he offers his services in the above business, and hopes, ty strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that tlie merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the bnsiness is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist* In order to give lime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave the ware house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeding day If more convenient, the receims may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious, 2d. Cotton will be sampled and 'receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. nr. — if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day’. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a sr. All), Persons choosing to limit and lim iting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6$ cents fora oag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a bale Orders from the country, en closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. Stock Exchange ami Brokerage, In their Various Branches, Will be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from e.ghl o’- clock a. m. till two o'clock p. M.and from three o’clock ti'l five r». m. John Kinney, juu’r. (0* Mousy is sometimes with mor than at others Persons having it t» loan, may, in ‘-he sirffitest confidence, avail ♦hemselves of tin advantages of the mar ket, by applying at the above oflice. November 8. ts Globe Tavern. t ITT- Srlbscribcrlßf.rinshisfrleilf'.s on' 1 - :he public, that bis # Reading Room, is just arranged, and that his Bar is much more, convenient. And on account ot changing the situation of the laiter, he is letter aide to provide lor the accommo dation of his customers ; and can safely promise them, iliat as (’»;• as his means and ability to comply* with ids wishes can g->, lie will attend to the comtorl and convent cncc of every guest who may honor him with a call. Savannah & Wash iugton stages put up at tiie Globe, . W. Sli vNNON. pjpcrmb- r 2th Taw office, AND M OBILE- -ALABAMA. ret S. UE undersigned respectfully informs :»is friends in Geo. and »!l oiheis who may iiave occasion for iih sci vices, that he lias established himself permanently in tlu, .;ity ot MOBILE, in the State of Alabama, Aitovney and Counsellor at, and General Agent- and will give particular attention t .the Collection of Debts in the Svales of Alabama h. Mihsissii-pi, and at I^BSACOIA. W. Burton. May 23- —— wfit Hamburg. EUGKNK BUKNAN, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the ' District of Edgefield, in South-Carolma, hat he is ready to act as Conveyancer or to make up Accompts between Fart ours, or iw lAiwjtors and Administrators Post Books and do every thing relative to the Scrivener's office I June 3 -ts Lands For Sale, .If application he made immediately. ! District 22 Early Countv f on the Waters f lime Creek ; j Lot 189, Distrir. 3, Henry Ctunly, Lot 210 District 12 Monro.>foon.v.—Apply at lbi» Office. April 16 1 —■—————. if i |. C 44 The evil, that men do, lives after them; t C w The good is oft interred with their bones.’* 5 3c WdMDJDIBCfirW Co. have beceiveii nr the latest abiiivalb V«'lM LIVKRPO-M. & NFW-YOTIK, A large and general assortment es GOODS, Consisting chiefly of the following articles. LEG ANT Flounced Robes, Needle worked, Lowpriced do do do Needle-work’d Flounces, Trimmings & Collarets Do do Midis and Jaconets, Do do Satin Stripes 4 Cambrics, at all prices 6-Do tlaircoid and nuislinets 4-4- & 6-4 Plain Book Muslins, assorted 4-4 Figured do do 4 4 8; 6-4 Plain and figured Lenoes, &c. Madras hdkfs. assorted qualities & colors, White 81 spotted hdkfs for neckcloths, 4-4 Striped Ginghams (very fine) Plain and twill’d black Bombazeits Coloured do 4- Linens in half pieces Do in whole pieces 5- & 7-8 Long Lawns 3-4 Diapers 5-4 Sheetings Small Mi rmb Shawls Linen Cambrics Do do Hdkfs. Fine Streffiz Oznaburghs Homo sacking Cotton Bagging Blue and Strip’d Jeans, for cluldrens clothing Vegouia Cassimere for summer pantaloons Super black cloths Black si>k Sr.chews Yellow Nankeens Black and White Italian Crapes Black White and coloured Florences Du d» & do S tins Black and White silk Stockings Du half Hose White co-ton half Hose Thread laces assorted Cotton do do White blacx, blue, and assorted sewing silks Velvet Ribbons L.utestring and satin Ribbons Figured do White Colton Fringe Flat and round bobbin Galouns assorted Stay Laces Shirt Botlons Marking Cotton, in balls, Floss do in do Beaver and Kid Gloves Silk Braids Superior I'ins in papers Cologne Water Violet Soap Antique 0.1 Poftiatum Dressing Combs. inaAfc EloWuug, —VIZ— Plaid Cloaks and Coalers Superfine black and blue Coats Do Cassimere Trowsers Do Drill do Coarse Duck do I’oilenet and black silk Waistcoats Gentlemens’ linen shirt#, various qualities. CROCK HUY. Crates assorted blue Ware Boxes Liverpool China, in sets of 55 pie ces each Small sets do in Hogsheads Pitchcr-s in d<» Also, on Consign merit, 18 Ti•■trees BBS London Purer, 12 Casks strong Ale, in bottles, °0 Uoxe# old Puite Wine, in do 30 J)o Claret in do 50 Do Cider in do Fri in the advantage which the adver tisers enjoy in having ail their levied ni Glasgow and Manchester, by one tit tin ir firm, they are. enabled to offer the above as low as any Wholesale House in the United Slates and as it is desirable to have llieir stock as low during the sum mer season as possible ; they wid lor a *cw weeks soil Consider ably under their nstKil prices.—For CASH or Town ac ccptar-cos only. June 6 ts Insurance against Fire l' Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency lIIF. Subscriber offers to take risks a gainst Fire on Houses, Out-Uui(dings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta cm! 'ts vicinity. Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad street , (Between tlu Post Office U Globe Tavern.) December 20 _ Thomas W uVk ins 1 Saw Mills | HE subscriber*. Mills are still in ope ration, both SAW and GRIST. He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per thousand, and will cause >*vcry attention if, be paid to each branch of his business. —“ His customers v nil be Jairly dealt by " Thomas Watkins. April 8 --ts *V otici —l)r. Thomas I. What, is appointed Agent and Attorney in fac', for the transaction of my business daring my absence for the Summer. 1 C. WINTER. j Junp 131 « ■■■ 3t Leghorn Gypsies AM) HATS. © CASES Ladies’,, Men’s & boy's XrtJgliOVU G^\ts\ttS AND HATS, Os a Superior Quality* FOR SALE UNUSUALLY LOW, IDIBW (BIMHDSo An extensive assortment of Staple & Fancy DKY GOODS, ADAPTED TO TUB PRESENT & APPROACHING SEASON, EfVJZj XTRA Soper & Superfine, )»lack blue and Coronation mixed Cloths and Cas simeres, (one piece blue doth very superior,) Super & common black white and figured Merseilles, Valencia, Florentine and figured Cassimere Vestings, White and Striped Jeans, Cotton Floren tines, cotton Cassimervs, plain and strip ed Drillings, blue Nankins, plain and striped yellow dift#, (long and short pieces,) and black Camlets, lor coats and pantaloons Super, middling and low-priced Bomba zettes, piain, twilled and figured black and assorted colors liiank and blue black Bombazines, fine Hurt cheap Small Cashmere and figured Silk Hand kerchiefs, new articles and very rich Jacbnets, Mull, Mull Jaconet and common cambricks 7-4 and 8-1 Diitnask Table Linen Super London Chintz, Furniture aitd Printed Cambricks and Calicoes White and brown Irish Linens in whole and half pieces, a part very fine Thread, B -binette and Silk Laces, a great assortment India and T ench Levantinos, Florences, SarcencUes and Satins, plaid, striped, figured and plain, black, white, green and assorted colors Caroline, Cai fislo- and cambric Ginghams Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted colors : one piece white, suitable for painting Black, white and green Italian Crapes and Gauzes Book, Mull aud Jaconet Muslin, scollop and Inserting trimmings, (a few pieces Insertions very wide and rich) Flag, BanJano, Canton and German Silk Handkerchiefs Nankin and Canton Crapes, plain and fi gured biuck and assorted colors Elegant Satin figured Mandarin crape Dresses Nankin and Mandarin crape Shawls and Scarfs. Plain and figured Bonks, Leno and Swiss Musdns and Scotch Lawns Low-priced Lenoes, suitable for pavilions Wbite, spotted and cross-barred cambric Cravats Ladies’ and gentlemen’s black and white Siik Hose and Gloves Elegant figured Satin and Needlework Muslin Robes, Walking Dresses and Scarfs, very iicli Ribbons, an extensive assortment of all kinds, 100 great a variety to particular ise Pearl, thread, bone and ivory Shirt and Suspender Buttons Shell and Imitation Combs, a good assort ment. Bonnet Wire, Pasteboards, Willow Flats and Mdlinetts Bandboxes, by the package and dozen Black, while, blue, green and assorted Italian and India Sewing Silk Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Shirtings and Sheeting, ike. &c. See, WITH A CHEAT VARIETY OF ARTICLES NO')' ENUMERATED, Comprising an Assortment equal, if not sn /.error, to any in the city, •which are offer ed foe sale at wholesale or retail, vLiy low for rush, or on a liberal credit for town acceptances. REGULAR SUPPLIES Will be received from our partner in New- Ynik through the summer, which will en able us to keep cons'antly on hand a gen. era) assortment of fresh Seasonable Goods, of the newest fashions and latest importa tions. On hand , as usual , J A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FASH- » f ION ABLE, FINE Straw Bonnets & Trimming AbeW § Go. Upper wing, City Hotel, May 16 wtf NOTICE. Will he ON the first Tuesday in July next, a greeably to an order obtained from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, W Shares Steam Boat S belonging to the estate of David M'Kinney, deceased.—Terms made known on the day of sale. Constance S McKinney, Administratrix May 13—tds __________________ i Wanted as a Gardener; A MaN who doca not get drunk more than once in a while, and who is not too lazv to work in hot weather —Apply at this office. June 13 June 24-, 4822. [New Stvits—Xo. lA.] a®®B UNDLES of i Northern Hay , For sale at the V are Mouse of McKenzie & Ponce, May 33 ts t ( For Sale, 2» 'E.'&.c&Weut WigWoTaea, ' AND A Secondhand Gij*^Harness Will be sold low fpr cash—Enquire at the Globe Tavern. May ~7 —r—ts From XovVU to >o\U\\. ROM four to six new, comfortably con s.meted four wheel Vehicles, drawn by four horses each, and drove by sober and careful drivers, will set out from Trenton in New-Jersey to Savannah, via Augusta in Georgia, on or about the 15th day of September next.. The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Caiolinas, will he confined as much to the neighbor hood of mountains, as the good roads through the country will allow. Tin. journey will lie leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in clination of persons who may become pas sengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, can do so bv applying to the Post master of Savan nah. Priority in the choice of s, al» will be regulated by numbering the first appli cant one, which will entitle that person to the first selection and so on to the lust. An entire carriage can be takrii up by en gaging the number of seats. P. S. All the Gazettes in Georgia and those at Columbia, South Carolina, are re quested to insert the above, notice twice a month, for the two succeeding months and forward their accounts for payment to the Rost.master at Savannah. June 3 *** House Sf Lot, For Sale, In Washington,Wilkes county Ac HOUSE, eligibly situated, on the Public Square in Washington, is offered for sale at n just valuation It is divided at present, into two tenements, contain ing lour rooms on the lower floor, five on the second, a good garret and cellar, and has a small piece of ground attached toil. Possession can be hud of one tenement, immediately ; and of the other, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Os fice. V..K ig -if Tax Collector s Ami Treasurer’s Office. rfl >• I HR City, Road and Well Tax for tin year 1822, being now due, nnd payabh the subscriber will attend at his office on Broad-street, upper tenement of 'b Bridge Bunk, every day, from 9 A M > 1 P M. to receive the same until IheSOi day of June next, after which time excci lions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination John W. Wilde, c. a t. c. A. april 25 ts SHERIFF’S SALES i'ouvUiwfeA. WILL BE SOLD, ON the first Tuesday in July next, at the Court house in Jacksonborougli, Striven -County, between-the hours often and four o’clock. Two hundred acres of Land lying in said County, on the Gres' Ogechee River, adjoining Lands of John Jackson and others ; it being the place known by Buckhalter’s Ferry tract, on Great Ogechee River; levied on f>s tin property of Granvelle Beville, to sa isfv sundry Executions issued out of the ma gistrates Court, in favour of K R. Voting, vg. Granvelle Beville, levied and returned by a constable. James Bryan s. s. c, June 17 Ids (jj* The Subscriber will leave Augusta for Mobile in » few 'Jay s meanwhile any business intend* d to be confided to him, i* requested to be lt.fl at the office of Wm. W. Moil, Esquire. * \V. Barton. May 23 NOTICE. All Persons having against die estate of Nathaniel Punning, late * • Lincoln County, deceased, are hereby no lined to present their accounts, duly a< ■ '•sted, within the time prescribed by law, and all those who ure indebted, wilt avail themselves of this notice, to come fo> ai d and make such arrangements as w ilt be sa isfactoy. Samuel Coulter, Qualified Administrator, on the haute of said Nathaniel Fanning dec’d- June 3 University of’ Georgia, ? Athens, I2th .June, 1822. j T 1 HE examination of the present senior class will begin on Morality the Bth of Ju lv next', in the College (‘impel, on which occasion the Trustee* of tire University are particularly requested to attend Tha Parents and Guardians of the Candidate* - for Collegiate Honors, and Literary G n tlemen in general, are invited to hi- pre sent. tni Thursday the first day of August, the Selni Annual F.samina'iou of 'he Freshman Class will take place ; —On Fri day the 2d, the Sophomore Class will he examined;—tin Satiiroay the 3d. the Can* didstes for Admission Into CoFege from the Preparatory School, will he examin ed ; —On Sunday the 4th, a Commence, ment Sermon will be delivered in the Cha pel, On Monday the 3*h, the Junior Cla * will be examined;—On Tuesday the fill, the Junior Class will deliver enigma! Ora. tions, and on Wednesday the 7lh will bo the Annual Dy order, Asbnry Hull, Sec. of the University of Geo, (Ct’The Editors of new'spaperg through, out (he State, who art friendly io the in terest* f the College, w ill confer a favor on it, and the community in gen ral, by giving the above a few conspicuous inser, lions in theii respective papers. A. MULL, June 17 Meson A LEXINGTON, oaLETimnn: couxrr, gfo. r V I HE Trustees of the Mule and Fenml* institution ul ,Ins place, beg leave to pi t, sent their claims before an e aiiglptncd pub! ic, mid CQn only desire a proper drgrre of reflection to convince them of the jo„, lice of their appeal. 'Che situation of Lexiigton isimqudj, tionabiy liealthy ; the two Acad inn s »ra located in ;r private pai I of the V tin , -, ai d are separated and distine'; and f. ■ ’.he last IS months huvt been under the dii’t c'i'iq i.f Mr Andrew /then & nis danghi , The; Trustees have ent ag d in addition, ■ services of Mias Ltvcnsworth and Mm* Ithea who will conduct th Female ])e>. piirliiienl; und Mi, Ithea, t ill remain st the head of the Male Department, w cl\ Mr, Uolurt lluvdiwav, Ins assistant. 'J’he two Instiuilions w ill be under ti e get.era! supeiintendance of ,Mi lfli< S—which, from lus advanced age in li'e, and he pev know lodged worth (k long exp- rif-noe sm a Teacher, entitles him m a liberal pulton, age and the confid nee of ’he’ people —. Flic present ae >sion •. ndsoo n - 19*(| nt which time the Exuno Him* wi.’i «,»yq place. The ptnents of chub- ■ml ,h.i public are respectfully it.v ied ,o , •i, J, ( he next Session wid com ■ ence or ’bo first \Ji»ndm in .Inly lie*' IJoaid »m. be obtained on reasonable ic" ■«. ia tfi. 'i ioat • I spectacle private families t.omfony -five to fifty doiia s'.he Session Tni ion vary, mg from ; x to twelve dollars tipi —paid in advance Lexingfon, June JO— ■ Take Notice, ii I HE Holders and Occupiers of Lots lq .)■, Third Want, are he'iby requir'd iq their Cellars filled up, c. mplsmly above the ri*e vs Water in the ssmt;, p e. ona lo the Ist of July next, nmil • h <’b ■ .■e, they are directed lo h*v< thp w'• , mies. so filled up, bailed out i,t I-. *{ nry 2d day. They are forme quired to fill up, or drain off, by the scorn .me, all pools or ponds of water, ave become stagnant in the Id's so occu, ned by hem; otherwise ihey Jodi be. gome liable, »n ei'iier c se, to tfi- penalty or violating (he 11th Section of he Ge» trial Ordinance • f 'he Oil Council, Augusta. June 19 h. 1822. Chari* * l,nh“zan, Pcte ! Bi'uuocii, John I/tut. June 20—— 2i Verj Valuable Heal Estate for Salt', within 12 miles of Augusta, I OFFKH for sale my Vailiable tract of Lund, lying on the road lea licgftvm Au gusta to Washington, distant from die former about 12 nu ts, con aimrg four hundred Acres of prime Upland, well a. apted to growing Corn or Cot'on, situ ued in ajhealihy, and respectable neigh, borhood. Tliis tract has several orchard* which bear as fine fruit as tho country as. f.>rd*. , Fristiming none will purchase without i xaminmg, it is thoughi imneceasify to e<» er into particular*. But persons wish, mg health and fine land ar< requested to c .11. Tern s can be made known by ap plying on the premise* to die subscriber, -r to John Gasilin, or Hay* Uowdre, m August*. J. W. Beall, •June 20 ts notice! ~ -> my wiP, BiruuniTix. ? T i.k* . list ing let’ my bed and ooaid 'ulibut any just cause or p-ovoctition, I do therefore llfrel y fiirw . n II persons from ere tiling h< >. or having a v dealings with her w halever on my account. .fob a Tin lev. June 17——4 p rC-w