Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, June 27, 1822, Image 1

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Angustn Chronicle & Georgia Gazette. VOL. 36.} Cotton, Mock, Exchange Broker. «1E subscriber has taken an office in the building 1 lately occupied by a,, Stewart & Hargraves, on the north u o f Broad-street, opposite to the Post- L-where he oS'eis his services in . ibove business, and hopes, by strict ’ n ,l attention, to obtain the patron |of bis friends and the public, the great facilities afforded by brokers aaimercial operations generally, render .markable that the merchants of Au jltind the planters have long sustain tlie inconvenience of having none, and ocularly a Cotton Broker. In almost » other cotton mart the business is Dcipaily done by brokers; and hence cits, certainty and dispatch with ich it is executed. The same system urfectly practicable here. The ther eby applying at the office of the sub ber, may hereafter aave himself the ihle of sampling his cotton and looking , purchaser j—the planter need be no nr involved in doubt and difficulty to •rtfdn the true state of the market, subject himself to the caprice of the iipeculator—and the purchaser will I times know where to resort for cot . the market price. ce Regnlalions relative to jCottoa. lb in order to give time foh sampling, cns offering cotton are requested to t the Ware-house receipts by eight ick,!.*.—lf left later than nine, sales »l be realized till tfte succeding day ore convenient, the receipts may be lined in a letter of instructions, and iped in the letter bos the night pre i. L Cotton will be sampled and "receiv from wagons till ten o'clock, a. m.— fared after that bouts sales cannot be red till next day. . Warehouse expenses will invariably educted from the account sales. i Sales will commence at ten o'clock dose at twelve, a m. k. Persons choosing to limit and lim higher than the market, will have receipts returned them on paying its fora bag entry and sampling. * l Commissions on sales, 25 cents a Mere from the country* pa ir the warehouse ''«*»*»»*»*—daw jfvi; v«3vvKCO* t«ck Exchange auji Brokerage, h their Various Mranehejt, te attended to at all times during of-1 sours, which will be from eight o’ u. v. till two o’clock p. m. and from t o’clock (ill five r. m. John Kinney, jun’r, ■Money is sometimes worth, mor* »t others. Persona having it t» loan, i in the strictest confidence, avail selves of the advantages of the mar by at the above office, member 8.-- ■■■ ts Jlobe Tavern. IE Subscriber informs h|s friends and public, that hia leading Room , •t arranged, and that his Bar is much ■ convenient. And on account of ging the situation of the latter, he is ir able to provide for the accommo iii of hia customers; and can safely use them, that as far ns his means and to comply with bis wishes can go, ill attend to the comfort and conveni of every guest who may honor him a call. J-Tlie Savannah & Wash tan stages put up at the >be. W. SHANNON. Membtr 20. 3 WoFfICE, AND W\wa\ Agency, H OBILE — JILJiB. iMJI. il E undersigned respectfully informs nendain Geo. and all others who may * occasion for Ids services, that he has bUsberl himself permanently in the °i MOBILE, in the state of Alabama, utorney and Counsellor at Law, and er « Agent—and will give particular “bon tw the Collection of Debts in the es (, f AUuam*. & Mississippi, and at “W Li. , W. Barton. l Ut — Hamburg. I’CENK bbknan, •IMS the Public, that-he is com i’»ioncd NOTARY PUBLIC for the of Edgefield, in Soutli-Carolina, ■: ' 8 re *dy to act as Conveyancer— C P f l! p AccompU between Part- Bt l or r' xec ' UO1 * »nd Administrators K c and *l O every thing relative ■ office. fends For bale, R*l)U,*r l 0 maJe Immediately. B„rr. ,C 1 22 Early County fen the In f :": Creek Lot 189, Distric, ■rill§^___~~ A ?P 1 y at this office. ■ «f Ct. T.*n: BPcsrvsD nr the latest arrivals rnoM lit£rpooi & Ntw-xomc* 1 A large and general assortment of GOODS, 1 Con titling chief yof the Roving article. LEG ANT Flounced Uobes, Needle worked, Lowpriced do do do Needle-work’d Flounces, Trimming-, & Collarets 6 ®° do Mulls and Jaconets, do Satin Stripes 4 Cambrics, at all prices 6-Uo Haircord and niuslinets 4-4 & 6 4 Plain Book Muslins, assorted 4 4 Figured do do 4 4 & 6-4 Plain and figured Lenoes, kc. Madras hdkfs. assorted qualities & colors, White & spotted hdkfs for neckcloths, 4-4'9triped Ginghams (very fine) Plain and twill’d black Bombazetta Coloured do 4- Linens in half pieces Do in whole pieces 5- U 7-3 Long Lawns 3-4 Diapers 5 4 Sheetings Small Merino Shawls Linen Cambrics Do do Hdkfs. Fine Strelitz Oznaburgba Hemp sacking Cotton Bagging Blue and Strip’d Jeans, for childrens clothing Vegonia Cassimere for summer pantglqops Super black cloths Block silk Sinchews Yellow Nankeens Black and White Italian Crapes Black White and coloured Florences Do do & do Satina Black and White silk Stockings Do half Hose White cotton half Hose Thread laces assorted Cotton do do White blacic, blue, and assorted sewing silks Velvet Ribbons Lutestring and satin Ribbons Figured do White Cotton Fringe Fist and round bobbin Galomm assorted . _ parting Cotton, in balls Floss do in do Beaver and Kid Gloves Silk Braids Superior Pins in papers Cologne Water Violet Soap Antique Oil Pomatum Dressing Combs. Head's made C\oV\ung» —viz— Plaid Cloak* and Coatets Superfine black and blue Coats Do Cassimere Trowsers Do Drill do Coarse Duck do Toilenet and black silk Waistcoats Gentlemens’ linen shirts, various qualities. CROCK KRY. Orates assorted blue Ware Boxes Liverpool China, in sets of 55 pie ces each Small sets do in Hogsheads Pitchers in do Also, on Consignment, 18 Tierces BBS London Porter, 12 Casks strong Ale, in bottles, 20 Boxes old Porte Wine, in do 30 Do Claret in do 50 Do Cider in do From the advantage which the adver tisers enjoy in having all their goods se lected in Glasgow and Manchester, by one of their firm, they are enabled to offer the above as low as any Wholesale House in the United States, and as it is desirable to have their stock as low daring the sum mer season as possible i they will for a few weeks tell considerably under their usual prices.—For CASJJ or Town ac ceptancea only. June 6 ———ts Insurance against Fire! Charleston anti Marine Insurance Company Agency THE Subscriber offers to take risks a guinst Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Aq gusta and H* vicinitv. Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broadstreet, (Between thi Post Office U Globe Tavern.) December 20 - --- Thomas W atk.ina 1 ; Saw Mills ■ The subscriber’s Mills are still in ope. ■ ration, both SAW and GRIST. He will * deliver I,umber in Augusts, at gl2 per 5 thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch of hia business. Thomas Watkins. April 8 ts ■ , ~ Tkomts 1. e Wkat, is appointed Agent and AHorney ;. in fact, for the transaction of my business 2 during my absence for jhe^Su^mmer^ June 13 ■ T^e evil, that men hem • ■> C' The good is oft interred with thoibones.” \ Leghorn Gypsies \ AND H A is. 1 JSt CASES Ladies’,,Men’s£iW s litg\\orn Gypsies AND HATS, Os a Superior Quality, VOR SiLR CHUSDAttr LOW. SD2BIT (Q .itt extensive assortment of Staple ti Fancy dry goods, T 0 Tue .....NT & *rf(u,. tu ,. o sKisojr, C V I%J AiXTRA Super & Superfine, black blue and Coronation mi*ed Clolhs and Cas aimeres, (one piece blue cloth very superior.) 7 Super & common black white and figured Marseilles, - Valencia, Florentine and figured Caswmere Vestings, White and Striped Jeans, Cotton Floren u'le r ß ' Cassimereg, plain and strip ed Dnl'mgs, blue Nankins, plain adl striped yellqw ditto, (long and afcort pieces,) and black Camlets, for zorU and pantaloons Super, middling and low-pried Bomba, zpttea, plain, twilled and figured black and assorted colors Black and blue black Bombazines, fine and cheap Small Cashmere and figured Silk Hand* kerchiefs, new articles and very rich Jaconets, Hull, Mull Jaconet and common cambricks 7-4 and Bt4 Damask Table Linen Super London Chintz, Furniture and Printed Cambricks and Calicoes White and brown Irish Linens in whoje and half pieces, a part very fine Thread, Uoblnptte and Silk Laces, a great assortment India and French Levantines, Florences, Sarcenettes and Satins, plaid, striped, figured and plain, black/ white, green and assorted colors Caroline CaiTsle and cambric Ginghams Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted colors j one piece white, suitable for painting Black, white and green Dalian Crapes and Gauzes Book, Mull aud Jaconet Muslin, scollop and Inserting trimmings, (a few pieces ffiteS^^Andnch) Nankin and Canlon Grapes, plain and fi gured black and assorted colors Elegapt figured Mandarin crape Dresses Nankin and Mandarin crape Shaiyls and Scarfs. Plain and figured Books, Leno and Swiss Muslins and Scotch Gawps Low-priced Lenoes, suitable for pavilions White, spotted and crpsa barred cambric Cravats Ladies' and gentlemen’s black and wfiitc Silk Hose and Gloves Elegant figured Satin and Needlework Muslin Uobes, Walking J)iesses and Scarfs, very rich Ribbons, an extensive assortment of all kinds, too great a variety to particular ise Pearl, thread, bone and ivory Shirt and Suspender Rollons Shell and Imitation Combs, agopd assort ment Bonnet Wire, Pasteboards* Willow Flats and Millinetts Bandboxes, by the package and dozen Black, white, blue, green and assorted Italian and India Sewing Silk Domestic Plaids, Stripes, Shirting? and Sheeting, kc. kc.fa, WITU A CHEAT ViHIETT Os AHTiCI.ES MOT SMUMIHATSII, Comprising an Assortment equal, if not su perior, to any in the city, which are offer ed for tale at wholesale or retail, vi ry low fur cash, or on ft liberal credit for town acceptances- UEGULAU SUPPLIES Will be received from our partner in New- York through the summer, which will en able us to keep constantly on hand a gen eral assortment of fresh Seasonable Goods, of the newest fashions and latest in-porta lions. On hand, as usual, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FASH IONABLE, FINK Straw Bonnet* & Trimming Jewett, AbeW & V3q. Upper W'mg* City Hotel. May 16 r-iulf NOTICE. Will be Sold. OK the first Tuesday in July next, a grecably to ap order obtained from the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, 30 Shares Steam Boat Stuck, I belonging to the estate of David M‘Kinney, r deceased. —Terras made known on the i day of sale. Constance S. M*Kiqney, Administratrix. M*f *3 tds Wanted as a Gardener; y 4 MAN Who doe* not get drunk more a /V than once in a while, and who is not too lazv to work in hot weather.*—Apply at this office. ' 'June 1.3 * ■»-* —■■J- - v n C| ;, sop Sale, ft ItWlVettV <i\gl\OTßoi4, 1 ’ y 7 4ND 1 Secondhand Gig^llarness Will be *o\l low for cash— at the Glebe Tavern. May 27 ts m n UNDLES of JSTotrihern Hay , For sale a j the Van*-House of McKenzie & P#nce, May tf —i— t" " *^ Pxig na If xSBES* F rom. X or t\\ Wdonth. jPilOMfour to six nr*, comfortably con- I siructed four whe?’ Vehicles, drawn by fqqr horses each, <nd drove by sober and careful drivers, *0 set out from Trenton in New-lenev to Savannah, via Augusta In Georgia, ->n or about the 15th day of .September next. The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Carolina*, wi>*» ■ confined as much to the neighbor hoal of mountains, as the |>uod roads though the country will allow. The jo*qey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume front four to five or even six wi ks, dependent somewhat upon the in olhation of persons who may heepme pas sengers. t'hose wh« are disposed to engage seats foplhe above described journey, can do so by applying tp the Post master of Savan na). Priority in the choice of seats will bet regulated by numbering the first appli cant one, which will entitle that person to thr first selection and so on to the last. An entire carriage can fie talfen up by en gaging the number of seats, P. S. All the Gazettes in Georgia and those at Columbia, South Carolina, are re quested to insert the above notice twice a month, for the two succeeding months and forward their accounts fop payment to the Post-mastpr at Savannah. June 3 *** House 8C Lot, In Washington, Wilkes county ; y° V8 *’ situated, on the at present, into two tenements, contain ing four moms on the lower floor, five on the second, a good garret and cellar, and has a small piece of ground attached toil Possession can be had of one tenement, immediately; and of the other, ip May.— Foi further particulars, enquire at this Of fice. p,.'- 1R t s -—TUT ■ -■ . ■' 11 Tax Collector’s ia.p4 Treasurer's Office. T I HE City. Road and Well Tax for the year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his office on Hroadrstreet, upper tenement of tin Bridge flank, evpjy day, from 9 A M to 1 P M. to receive the same until the 30th day of June after which lime execu. lions will issue against all defaulters with opt (Jiscriroinaiion. John W. Wilde, C. & T. C. A. aprll 25——-ts SHEKI FF’S SALES CoiwAmve^V. WILL BE SOLD, ON the first Tuesday in July next, at the Court house in Jacksonborough, Scriven County, between the hours often and four o’clock. Two Hundred acres of Land lying in said County, on the Great Ogechee River, adjoining Lands of John Japkson and others ; it being the place known by lluckhalter’s Ferry tract, on Great Ogechee River; levied on a* the properly of Granvelle Seville, to satisfy sundry Executions issued out of the ma gistrates Court, in favour of E. R. Young, vs. Granvelle Ueville, levied and returned by a constable. James Bryan, s, s. c, June 17 ——tds QJ* The Subscriber will leave Augusta for Mobile in a few days— meanwhile any business intended to be confided to him, is requested to be left at the office of Wm. W. Holt, Eaquire. W. Barton, May 23-.*—, NOTICE. \hl Persons having demands against the estate of Nathaniel Fanning, late of LiftCf I* County, deceased, are hereby no tified to present their accounts, duly at tested, withip the time prescribed by law, undjall those who are indebted, will avail thepselves of this notice, to come for wasl and make such arrangements os will heiatiafaclory, \ Hamuel Coulter, y 'Qualified Administrator, on the Rs'aU of said Nathaniel Fanning dec’d 'luflC 3-rrr- 3* "14?.] hand near ' FOR SALE, .‘V TRACT of I. AND, on Rio Oconep River, immediately below Athens, con taining 42Q acres—lßP t;f which are clear eilaml suitable for cultivation. KT On the place is a good Two Story Dwelling House, 4-6 feet long, 20 wide, commodious Kitchen, extensive Ham and Stables, and all necessary Out-Buildings. The house is within mile of he C.dlege, and the property is worthy the attention of those persons wishing to embrace the advantage* afforded of Edu cating their Children. Terms made easy to purchasers. Ashnry Hull. Athens, May 20, 1822 row Mr Thomas Johnson, IVJaTE and engineer pf the Steam Boat Oakmulgee, fell from pn bparil the boat on Tuesday last, on her passage to Augusta, and was Unfortunately drowned. Ihe accident took place three miles be l>w Poor Robin. Any person vho may find the body and carry it to the city, shall have all the pxpences paid o- any in formation relative theyeunto, will Le thank, fully received by hi« ipsconsulßte widow' Ann Johnson, foot of West Broad street Sa*ftqip>n. June 10 .3t ~ QUA KER BEUIN GST jphe subscriber ha* taken that well known stand tfoAKnn Sprikom. LATELY occupied by Major Durkec, situated seven miles above Augusta on the Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general alisfaction : John Turpin. November 8— r —if A Neat Residence nr WAsanroTOir, J[ OFFER fop Sale, the House and Lot* where I reside ;t) Washington Wilkes potinty. The premises consist of a small with the” Owelling-House, in good repair, of an acre en.-l. “"d four Lots of a few fee? .!n!r jeCl, ° thc deduction l>»lf the ground aW* .About gardening The residue, is a beautiful grass Lot almost level, with dig ornament and convenience pf a Spring, jind of a mall stream winding through it. The situation though near and convenient to the most public part of the town, is out of its noise and bustle ; and hence is aptly formed either for the enjoyment of the excellent society of this place, or for re- I tirement and quiet as may suit the taste I of the occupant. 1 will take the very low price of two thousand two hundred dollars; and will If desired give almost any length of cre dit, on being unquestionably sccuied with interest from the d*te of the purchase. 1 would prefer not to give possession until October next, but may agree on an earlier day. Oliver H. Prince. June 3 lawtf Proclamation. State of Georgia. By hi* Excellency John Clark, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of tbit State, and of the M ili tia thorepf. WHEREAS, in and by an act of the Legislature of this state, passed 21st De cember, 1821, entitled f‘ An Act to regu late the future elections of Members of ('.ongress in this state,” it is declared “ tfiat so soon as Iris excellency the Governor shall obtain the law of Congress fixing the ratio of Representatives to be elected for \ the National Legislature, agreeably to ihe late census, it shall be fii* duty to issue his • proclamation, announcing the number of Representative* this state is entitled to,” and wherea* the Congress of the United 1 States have by an act for the apportionment ! of Representative* among the several t states according to the fourth census, ! passed flh March, 1822, declared that die ' State of Georgia after the third day of • Match, 1823, shad be represented in the . House of Representatives of the Ur States 1 by seven representatives. 1 havp therefore thought proper to U c-tue this my proclamation, hereby announ ing that a|t the nest annual election for members of the Legislature, and every two years thereafter until altered by law, I the citizens of this state shall be entitled to elect seven Representatives to repre ' sent them in the Congress of the United ; Slates. 1 Given under my hand, and the great seal of the State, at the Stater- House in Milledgevlile, tbixsixtli day of June, in thc year pf our Lord, one thousand eight him dmj and twenty two, and in the forty sixth .year of the Indtpeti dencc of me United States of America. \ JOHN CLARK. ’ By the governor, Annan Haw«oxo, Sec’ry of State. * * # * The editors of Gazette* in tins tale, are requested to give 'he above three insertions in their respective papers' 11 ]f or Bulc A PAIR of Bay Horses, an excellent t match, they Will be sold separately or to g-ether lnquire at ibis Office. June 20- ■■■ —tl ■■ ■ a University of Georgia, ? Athens, 12th Jvne, 1822. \ T J UK examination of the present *en : pr class W(H begin ° n Monday (ite Bih of.) 3 ly next, in the College Chapel, on which occasion the Trustees of the University, are particularly requested to attend. The Parents ant; Guardians of the Candidates for Collegiate Honors, and Literary Gen tlemen in general, are invited to be nro ,scnt. * On Thursday the first day of August, I lie Semi Amm si Examination of the Freshman Class w ill take place On Fri day the 2J, the Sophomore Class will be examined; —On Saturday the 3d. the Can didates for Admission into College Ifroin the Preparatory School, will be examin ed On Sunday the 4th. a Commence ment,Sermon will be delivered in theClia pel. On Monday the s'h, the Junior Class will be examined i—On Tuesday the (jih, the Junior Class will deliver otiginal Ora tions, and on Wednesday the nil will bq the Jlnnmil Vommcmeinnp, iiy ortltf, - A sbury Hull, ffij?. of the University of Geo. QTTThe Editors of newspapers through, oiit the Slate, who are friendly to the a terofeta i>f the College, will confer « favor o« it, and the community in gen. raj, L>y PPV‘i’B tl>® law PAnipr I *—.;—, lions in their respective papers. A HULL. June 17 Meso n Ac a dent y y LEXINGTON, OGLETHORPE COUNTY, GEO. rin I IIF. Trustees pf the Male and Female institution of this place, beg leave in pre sent their claims before an enlightened public, ami am only desire a proper degree of jvlJ. ctioii )ti cunvinpe them of the jus tice of thiir appeal. The situation of Lexington is unques tionably healthy ; the two Acad mu.s aw located in u |irivule part of the Vdlagp, and are separated and distinct; and for the last 18 months Imye been under the direction of Mr. Andrew flhen ctf his daughteu. The Trustees have engaged in addition, (ho servicra of Miss J.t'vcniworlh and lifts* Rhea, who will conduct t|ie Female De partment ; and Mr, llhea, will remain at the head of the Male Department, with Mr. Roh.-rt Huidiman, Ins assistant. The two Institutions will be under the general Biiperintendaiice of Mr. Khra—f‘'hicli, t»..m Hi* Advanced mra —..l *L~- —V 1 “richer, /multliimt" l:k -—i v.oirun, age, and the confidence of the people. The present session ends on the 19 th Inst, at which time the Exam i nation will take place. The parents of children and lliq public are respectfully invited tq attend. The next Session will commence on fhq I (list Monday in July next. Hoard ran bq obtained on reasonable terms, in tin-most icspeptable private families from foi ly'-fivq to fifty dollars die Session Tin iov vary ing from six to twelve dollars the Scatioi. —paid in advance. ‘ ' J Lexington, June 10—— Tpke Nptice. , r HF, Holders and Occupiers of Lots iq the Third Ward, are hereby required tq have their Cellars filled up, completely above the rise of Water, in the stpne, pre vious to the Ist of July next, unt|i whiejj time, they are directed to have (lac unless so filled up, trailed put at every 3d day. fhey are futfdicr e quired to fill up, pr drain off, by the same time, all poqls qr ponds of water, w hich have become stagnant in the lots so o ccu pied by them; otherwise they shaft ue come liable, in eitner, to the pc nulty fqr violating tfte 11th Section of 'he Ge. neral Ordinance of the City Council. Augusfa, June 19th, 1822. Charles Labirzan, Peter Beimqpli, John Dent. June ?0 —— 3t —a Valuable Real Estate for Sole, within 12 mile* of Augusta, I OfFEK for sale my Valuable tract of Land, iymg pn the road leading from Au gusta to Washington, distant from the former about 12 (piles, pontaining four hundred Acres of prime Upland, well a .-lapted to grpwipg Corn or Cotton, situ ated |p ajbealthy, and respectable neigh borhood. This tract has several orchards which bear ja fine fruit as the country af ford*. Presuming none will purchase without examining, it Is thought unnecessary to enter into particular*. But persons wish ing health and fine land are requested to call. Terms c4n be made known by ap plying on the premises to the subscriber, nr to John Cushin, or Hays Uowclre, iii Augusta, J. W. Beall. June 2Q— ts NOTICE, ~ |«T|IEREAS my wife, Plixaiivth Tin. yY isr, having left my bed and hoard wjthout any just cause or provocation, I do therefore' hereby forwarn uli persons from credilii g her or having any deatingf with her whatever on my account. John Tiijlej. June 17- 'g--4.p