Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, July 04, 1822, Image 1

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I # Georgia C;,t|rftc* J&U36] IKDIDIMJW It I WEST ABBIVAU Risoot'k KKW-VUKR, general assortment of , )ODS, y e/ <Ae folio-wing articles; bounced Robes, Needle do do do Flounces, Trimmings & Mulls and Jaconets, Satin Stripea t *ll prices uml mustinets look Muslins, assorted d do do nd figured Lenoes, &e. isorted qualities & colors, I hdkfs for neckcloths, 'hams (very fine) black BombazetU ilf pieces lieces Lawns law la c&, naburghs >’d Jeans, for childrens •re for summer pantaloons the lews is e Italian Crapes d coloured Florences do Satina e silk Stockings df Hose lorted ue, and assorted sewing satin Ribbons Vinge bobbin 1 I, in balls i do jsal i paper* h • iade Clothing, 4 Coatees and blue Coata „ icre Trowsers ' ick en ah.rts, various qualities. 3CREBY. blue Ware 1 China, in sets of 55 pie in Hogsheads in do n Consignment. 1 London porter, • Ale, it» bottles, >rte Wine, In do laret in do ider in do vantage which the adver having all their goods se w and Manchester, by one hey are enabled to offer r as any Wholesale House tales, and as it is desirable tek as low during the sum osaible ; they will for a considerably under their lor CASH or Town ac nee against r nre ! Fire, and Marine Company Agency >er offers to take risks a- Houses, Out-Buildings, md Merchandize, in Au :inity; Edwards, Agent. liread-Strcei, ;t Office SJ Globe Tavern.) ing £s? supposed en through mistake at the Augusta, or some of the ie following articles, ship on the 2d April last, by Low, & Co. amoog » s, three tierces, with the rs' and marks, viz . S 8c 10, rare. 2, marked D. Containing m respecting the above lead to a recovery oi nkfullv r eseived, and all cs paid. Levi LI, Echolsr. m Leghorn Gypsies I AND HATS. I at -■ { ® CASES Ladies’, Misses, Men’s Scboy’s Leghorn G^sics AND HATS, Os a Superior Quality, ion SALS tJNCSDAUT LOW. SD3Jtf <S(Dv£»3Ds3<» An extensive assortment of Staple Fancy DRY GOODS, ADAPTED TO THE PRESENT Si APPROACHING SEASON, EC viz j XTRA Super & Superfine, black blue and Coronation mixed Cloths and Gas* simeres, (one pier, blue cloth very superior.' Super St common black white and figured Merseilles, Valencia, Florentine and figured Cassimere Vestings, White and Striped Jeans, Cotton Floren tines, cotton Cassimeres, plain and strip ed Drillings, blue Nankins, plain and striped yellow ditto, (long and short pieces,) and black Camlets, for coats and pantaloons Super, middling and low-priced Bomba* xettea, plain, twilled and figured black and assorted colors Black and blue black Bombazines, fine and cheap ' Small Cashmere and figured Silk Hand kerchiefs, new articles and very rich Jaconets, Mull, Mull Jaconet and common cambreks r-4 and 8-4 Damask Table Linen Super London Chintz, Furniture and Printed Cambricks and Calicoes White and brown Irish Linens in whole and half pieces, a part very fine Thread, Bobinette and Silk Laces, a great assortment India and French Levantines, Florences, Sarcenettes and Satins, p!a : d, striped, figured and plain, black, white, green and assorted colors Caroline. Carfisle and cambric Ginghams Silk and Tabby Velvets, assorted colors; one piece white, suitable for painting Black, white and green Italian Crapes and Gauzes Book, Mull aud Jaconet Muslin, scollop and Inserting trimmings, (a few pieces Insertings very wide and rich) landano, Canton and German Silk Handkerchiefs Nankin and Canton Crapes, plain and fi gured black and assorted colors Elegant Satin figured Mandarin crape IJVftstea Nankin and Mandarin crape Shawls and Scarfs. Plain and figured Books, Leno and Swiss Muslins and Scotch Lawns Low-priced Lenoes, suitable for pavilions tVhit*;, spotted and wow-barred cambric Cravats Lai lies’ and gentlemen’s black and white Silk Hose and Gloves Elegant figured Satin and Needlework Muslin Robes, Walking Dresses and Scarfs, very rich Ribbons, an extensive assortment of all kinds, too great a variety to particular ise Pearl, thread, bone and ivory Shirt and Suspender Buttons Shell and Imitation Combs, a good assort ment Bonnet Wire, Pasteboards, Willow Flats and Millinetts Bandboxes, by the package and dozen Black, white, blue, green and assorted Italian and India Sewing Silk Domestic Plaids, Strip**, Shirtings and Sheeting, Sic. &c. &c. this A OBEAT VARIETY OF ARTICLES NOT EM L' M EUATKJr, Comprising an Assortment equal, if not *p perior to any tn the city, which art offer ed for sale at wholesale or retail, very low for cash, or on a liberal credit for town acceptances. REGULAR SUPPLIES Will be received from our partner in New- Yoi k through the summer, which will en able us to keep cons'antly on hand a gen eraiassortment of fresh Seasonable Goods, of the newest fashions and latest importa tions. On hand, as usual, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FASH IONABLE, FINE Straw Rotmeto Hi Trimming JevieU, AbfcW & Co. Upper wing, City Hotel. May 16 wlf Administrator’s Sale postponed. Will be sold at the Market-House, in the City of Augusta, on Tuesday, the Ist of August next, between the usual hours of Sale— , A tract of Land, lying in-the Second District of Early, No. 39. —ALSO— At the same time and place, a Negro Woman, named Juna, be longing to the estate of Emanuel Grego ry, dec’d, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Lewis H. Gregory, adm'r June 6- —-wtds J\Totice~~D r. Thomas I. Wrat, is appointed Agent and Attorney m fact, for the transaction of my business during my absence for the Summer. J. C. WINTER. June 13— 3t 5“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; £ c“ The good is oft interred with their bones.” 3 I Cotton, totock, ash ... I KxxYiangfc VW-olixv. j fllllE subscriber lias taken an office in JL the budding lately occupied by Messrs Stewart Si Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post* Office—where he otleis his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain tile patron age of his friends and the public. Hie great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking Up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and diffioulty to ascertain the true state of the maiket, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all limes know where to resort fur cot ton i the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist* In order to give rime for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave (lie ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. M.—ls let! later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will be sampled and “receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m. — if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably i be deducted from the account sales. ’] 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock i and close at twelve, a m. , | sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim i illng higher than the market, will have ! their receipts returned them on paying i 6) cents fora bag entry andsampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a , halo i . Orders from the country, «u --closing the warehouse receipts, will tie • promptly executed. Stock Exchange and In their Various JBrauehet, [ Will be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will bo from eight o'- i clock a. m. till two o’clock v. n. and from three o’clock till five p. m. \ John Kinney, jun , r. ’ 0O” Money is sometimes Worth more than at others Poisons having it t« loan, 1 may, in the strictest confidence, avail themselves of the advantages of the mar ■ ket, by applying at the above office. November B.—r——if LAW OFFICE, i ASU General Agency, MOBILE- JL HE undersigned respectfully informs his friends in Geo and all others who may have occasion tor his services, that he established himself permanently in the City of MOBILE, in the State of Alabama, as Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and General Agent—and will give particular attention t<< the Collection of Debts in tin 1 States of Alabama & Mississippi, and at Pensacola. W. Barton, May 23——w5t ’Thomas Watkins’ Saw «SfGrist Mills qi X HE subscribers Mills are still in ope ration, both SAW and GRIST He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at J&l2 per thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch of his business. —« His customers will be J airly dealt by," Thomas Watkins. April 8 —ts Hamburg. EUGKNK BRKNAX, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the District of Edgefield, in South-Carolina, that he ip ready to act as Conveyancer— or to make up Accompts between Part ners, or for Executors and Administrators —Post Books and do every thing relative to the Scrivener’s office June 3 —ts Lands For Male, Ip application be made Immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early County ("on the Waters of Lime Creek /J> Lot 189, Distric, 3, Heory County, Lot 210 District 12 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April 16—— Wanted os a Gardener; A MAN who does not get drunk more than once in a while, and who is not too lazy to work In hot weathsr.—Apply at tbia office, June 13 o®® BI.Nm.ES of Mmhern Hay, For sale at (he V are House H McKenzie & I*once, May 23 ts For Sale, & "ExceWfcwt big Worses, AND ▲ Secondhand GigfijHarness Will be sold low fOr cash—Enquire at the Globe Tavern. May 27 ts *' f , . " . From 2S*ortl\ to South. Jb ROM four to six new, comfortably con a meted four wheel Vehicles, drawn by four horses each, and drove by sober and careful drivers, will set out hum Trenton in New-Jersey to Savannah, via Augusta in Georgia, oh or about the 15 th day of September -next. The route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Carolinas, will be confined as much to the neighbor hood of mountains, as the good roads through the country will allow. The J*un£*y wilt be leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in ciinatiot; of persons who may become pas sengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, cun do so by applying to the Post muster of Savan nah. Priority in the choice of seats will be regulated by numbering the first appli cant ouc, which will entitle that person to the first selection and so on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken up by en gaging the number of seats. P. S. All the Gazettes in Georgia and those at Columbia, South-Carolina, are re quested to insert the above notice twice a month, for tite two succeeding months and forward their accounts for payment to the Posi-masler at Savannah. June 3 r• • ' Tax Collector’s Aii4 Treasurer's Office. <«' ' —>?•••'■ -* v» r 1 HE City, Road and Well Tax for the year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his office on D.nad-street, upper tenement of the Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A M to 1 P M. to receive the same until the 30ih day of June next, after which time execu tions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination. John W. Wilde, i C. T. C. A. April 25 if For Sale, .1. HAT welt known and valuable plan tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived, in the county of Burke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres ot oak and hickor land, and shout two hundred acres clear ed, well adapted to the culture of com and cotton, On the ab'>ve premises then is a good two story bouse, and all ether necessary out buildings, and an eycellem Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing siremtiirtliree hundred acres more of pint Isuml adjoining the above, lying in the county sis Richmond, and about seventt acres cleared. We deem a further dcs cription unnecessary, but invite all those persons who wish to purchase a valuable place, to come and view the premises and judge foe themselves, for further parti culars apply to Augustus H. Anderson, Isaac Walker, Admimstratois of the estate of Wm. Jones. Nov- 1 N.s—-tf QUAKKII SPUINGS! jTClhe subscriber has taken that well UL known stand Qciiain Spiuxos. LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, situated’ seven miles above Augusta on the Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general atisfaction: t * * John Turpin. November 8— ■ ts Estraj. GEORGIA, > ILLIAM RED, of Jiurkf County. 5 * v this county, in Copt. Tutle's district, toiled before me a sorrel horse, about 7 or 8 years old, with 2 white feet, and some white spots on the left aide of his neck, four feet eleven inches high, and appraised by Wm. D. Harrison and Henry McNorrell to be worth fifty dollais —June 15th. 1822. J. A. ROBERTS, J P- Extract from the toll book 24th June 1822. John Carpenter, d’k. July 1. • ' £/* Dr. Carter (.except when absent on professional business will be found at bis Office, on M'lntosh street, until 9 o’clock, P. M —after that hour, at the house of Gen- Tbos. Flour noy, on Jackson street, the late residence of Col JohnU'Kinne. July I 3t —| ir —im mmtmmJ—*"** mhi —in m • 'S* ■ ' Nk ■ t! u a«ij 4>, iaa«. Scries— >v %i \ j MWowall ßs Have just Receive*! B? LATE AIIHIVALH, AN AHHIVIOM.iI. SI'SPIT OF British, V'ver.cti § India (StDOMDSa — AMOSO which AMt PIECES 4-4 Super. Cambric Prints 50 do 7-8 do di> do 50 dp 7-8 do Furniture ,ilo 70 do 6-4 Cultoii Cambrics Be Jaconets 50 do 64 B* 4-4 do Ginghams 12 do Super Carolina Plaids 20 do 7-8 Colton Cassimere for Gig Tops Beil Super, &, 2d quality blue Cloths do do blue Cassi meres English bombazines and bombazeMs do Drills and HU*. Super black Maiucliae and Florence bilks do Black Italian Lutestring French bombazines, Crapes tt thread Laces Swiss muslins, Florentine Vestings Black and white silk Hose Vigouia Cassimcre, Lawns and Cam bric ilkl's Nankeen and Canton Crapes and Flag Mkft. The above together with their former atock on hand, they offer for CASH or approved paper June 13—r, law4w 100 Dollars IWwavd. RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the slh instant, a Negro Man called JACOB, > a Carpenter by trade, five Let eight or . nine inches high, stunt and w.ll made—he . was seen on the Northern road, near Co lumbia, with a sealed pass, endorsed “ A 1 pass for Jacob, from Oglethorpe County ■ Georgia, to the State of Delaware,” amt i said he would take a seat in the stage for i the North.-—The above reward will be i paid if he be apprehended in any state north of S. Caiolina, or fifty dollars if in that state and delivered to the subscriber, and al, T< usonuble expenses paid W, W Montgomery. ■Jlugtmtu Georgia, June 20, 1822.—« (0* The Editors of the City Gazette, & Mercury, Charleston g Stsle Gazette, Colombia 9. tT. Fayetteville Observer, Richmond Enquirer, Norfolk Herald, and National Intelligencer, are requested to \ insert the above weekly three limes,'and forward their bills to the Office of the Av , oust a Cuao.vjcjts, where they will he , promptly paid, W. W. M. 8100 Reward. it UN AWAY From the subscriber. since tlie year 1817, a Mulatto Fellow by the iame of WILLIAM, which he has prnbub iy changed and will pass for a free man; tie is about 27 years, short, and somewhat bow-legged, lias a slight mark somewhere about his lip He was lately taken in Barn well District, when he passed as a free nan by the name of Chisolm. It is appre bonded that he will make his way to Au gusta or Savannah. One hundred dollars will he paid on his delivery to me in Charleston. James Lowndes. dj* The Augusta ami Savannah papers are requested to insert the above three or four times. June 24 —4t 1 wo UouAteA and Fifty Dollars IWward. 1 HE above reward will be paid for my Ntgro fellow BILL, and the thief or thieves who may have inveigled him off, delivered to me in the County of Lincoln, or lodged in some safe Jail In the State and sufficient proof to convict the offen ders ; or if Skid Dill should be harboured in the County of Lincoln, 1 will pay the sum of seventy five dollars for his appre . an and sufficient proof to convict the hai'bourer if a person of Colour; and one hundred dollars for information if a white person, and the delivery of sau Negro Bill, with proof sufficient to con vict the offender. Bill is a stout fellow about 21 years old, bright complexion about five feet 10 inches high, a Black smith by trade, no particular marks nr scars by which be can be described, ami his clothing by this time must be altered as he has been off for some time. Any information respecting said Negro, will be thankfully received, and any ex pence cheerfully paid. Andrew Lee, jr. . Jjincoln County Georgia. May 6 lam3m Notice. Ti,K Partnership of REID U BiRD was dissolved on the first day of thepre sent month. Clients are informed, that both the Un dersigned will attend to the completior of the business of the late firm. K. U. Heid, J. W. Bird. V ROBERT U. REID continues to occupy the Office on Vashinglun,stree..— He will attend the Courts of Kichmon 1, Burke, Columbia, Jeffer-on & Sciiven, and the Federal Circuit Court, June 20——fit Notice and Caution. WHEREAS* ( have been informed John Camocban and PeterM.c* -II of this Ciiy have by sundry dee la recently mortgaged and assigned 10 diverse' per sons either their iirdl vidua] credit s, credit tors of the late Arm ofCagnochan fc Mitch«_U or others, all or sundry the prori rtyand estate both real and personal of 'lie said firm as well as their own individual prop* fifty and estate consisting together of houses, lots lands, stores, wai'ts, negroes &.C. itt Savannah sud Darien in Georgia or the neighborhood thereof, and else a here with their interest or share in the stock ol the Lower steam Mill near Darien, and mindly shares in the Un'n.ed States Hunk and other Dinks, as well as sand y d> his due to them in various places, beside lands, lots, n. grnes Sic. in the territory of Florida and particularly (rtle large tract, ol land bought of Forbes St (jo. laying bo tween tbe rivers St, Marks and spahclneo !a in the territory o| Florida aforeraid, I he»c are hereby to esutiun the public against purchasing any part of the said property or estate so conveyed, or any o thor propetty belonging to the said C„rno- Clian & .Ditched or either of i hem as I hold prior mortgages on the greatest part there of which are op record in the registry \n Savannah and Darien aforesaid amt in Charleston, S. C. arid equitable liehs on all (he property of said John Cur podium and Fetor Mi’diell. William ChrUtie. June 10--- l.,wtf To the, i’wbUe. JOAUNOCHAN and I* M'tchel, are • sorry to be again br ugot before the public by a second nolle. t Mr. Chili ties, who has umlo.ib’edly claims ..gainst them which vht o iinally liquidated » n the decision of Hi, suit now pending they will try to satisfy as sou* as punch',r tlure after. ' The deeds under which M- Cl, istle claims an exclusive right to :<H tin. ical • aid personal estate of Cariioul.aii :ml Mtlchei, are considered as iidi.nnal, un* just and illegal. Hence hey have been I brought and are still bcfoie the Court, ' and other deed* have been executed mid : recorded, conveying the property For the : use of all their creditors, Mr. Christie in • eluded t without any trust or reservation > beneficial to C. «nd M or their I ami lies j and if this be not agreeable 10 tlut gen tleman, it must nevertheless appear fait and equitable to the public and all who have us' use of justice. • The Trustees under the He deeds are i wmimi* to self rtvefisnds litTtorida, alltid j ed to in the notice of Mr C ami to apply * the proceeds to the immediate ptiyno nt; I of part of his demand and deposit u soffit ’ ciency tiuteof to cover ali his claim, sub ■ jeet to the decision of the Court i Via ' Opposi.ion to any reasonable sa •, sue interested in his own right, v I list injur ing a|l parties concerned, insist be b.'me until a sale can be made tinder an order of Court. Sjuvannajh, Jinie 0 (£/■ Editors ot papers who insert Mr, Christie's notice, will please insert.the a hove until his is withdrawn, anti forward their bills to tips olfic.e where they wi.l ha promptly paid by ' • J. C. li F M. June 13.—ttwd For Sate, A MOST desirable SUMMER KESI FENCE on the Sand-Hills, near the branch of the Hichmond Academy, with, any quantity of laud not exceeding forty or fifty acres The dwelling home- is large, commodious, and neatly finished, having two stories and eight rooms, besides pas sages and a ganot, and a piazza on one side of the building, and a portico on Ujq other, together With ten or eleven com fortable out houses; a good garden; a* collection of the most choice 'ruit trees, grape vines, he. and* spring of pure wa. ter within seventy or eighty yards of the dwelling house, and a spring house,—Ap, ply to Wm. W. Holt, Esq or the Office of the Augusta Chronic e. May 30 -ts Land near Mhens , FOR HALF, i\. TIIACT ol LAND, on (he Oconee Itiver, immediately below Athens, con taining 420 seres—l HO of which are clear ed am) suitable fir cultivation. ijj* On the place is » good Two Story Duelling House, 46 f*et long, 2Q wide, commodious Kitchen, extensive Hum and Stables, and all necessary Out If Hidings. The house is within loss liar, a mile of •lie C .liege, and the property i« w«q£)ty •.lif at eon on of those persons wishing tu enibi sc> the advantages afipided of Edu cating iheir Children, Terms made clay to purchasers. AsOury (lull. Athens, May 20, 1832 cow dm FINAL K»rjff , E. T ~ PERSONS in 'betCountry indebted to the CuaoNicu. OyncE, dutl> g* tin* rms of Kean &, Ch.irt' .n, and oi Kean \ Duyckinck & Charlton, *re- intqrn'fti thsf ibe subsrr ber will shortly .f r tin- last lirn.;, wait upon them, with llici: respec tive accounts. Jultu K, Kirn. Jun 2 3. ■> -.—3 t ( JJ * Tim books of ti ea bove C ''i ~i i. uft. i i the posse.sion - t Mr, HT. Di.y -■ '.i, the Chronicle OL re, lie will no iv. -'ty payments (hat n ay w» tendered in .i i June 6—— I, £.