Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, July 22, 1822, Image 1

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’ v •* .. \ Y ! *|&rorgf.T \ ———■—- I — -. ■ i ,*_l OU 36] J4on4«J, Irn Oypsi [U HATH dies’, Mines, Men’s A boy’s mn Gj^alea UNO HATS, iperior Quality, a CRUSITAI.I.T tow, ®D©a>S o wort merit qf Staple Li Fancy Y GOODS, If PRESENT & APFROACaiKB MASON, Cvjzj ier A Superfine, black blue ion mixed Cloths and Cas ic piece blue cloth very on black white and figured Valencia, Florentine and imere Vestings, ipcd Jeans, Cotton Floren- Cassimeres, plain and atrip blue Nankins, plain and ow ditto, (long and short i black Camlets, for coats ns ig and low-priced Bomba .twilled ana figured black eete'ta • e Mack Bombasines, fine ■e And figured Bilk Hand* »w articles and very rich , Mull Jaconet and common uoask Table Linen i Chints, Furniture and bricks and Calicoes »an Irish Linens in whole es, a part very fine site and Silk Laces, a great sh Levantines, Florences, and Satins, plaid, striped, plain, black, white, green colors lie and cambric Ginghams - Velvets, assorted colors 5 ilte, suitable for painting d green Italian Crapes and id Jaconet Muslin, scollop ; trimmings, (a few pieces ry wide and rich) , Canton and German Silk fs nton Crapes, plain and fi end assorted colors figured Mandarin crape landarin crape Shawls and ed Books, Leno and Swiss Scotch Lawns not-s, suitable for pavilions and crow-barred esmbrit ntlemeu’s black and white d Gloves •d Satin and Needlework .■s. Walking Dicsses an rich :xtensive assortment of all reat a variety to particular bone and ivory Shirt and uttona ttion Combs, a good assort. Pasteboards, Willow Flats 1 the package and dozer, blue, green and assorted idia Sewing Silk Is, Stripes, Shirtings and c. Ac. Ac. AT VARIETY OF ARTICLES r ENUMERATED, Attortment equal, if net fu ll in the city, which are ujfer wholetale or retail, very low m a liberal credit for town JLAB SUPPLIES sd from our partner in New the summer, which willen > constantly on hand a gen tot fresh Seasonable Goods, fashions and latest importu hand, at vtual, iSORTMENT OF FASH LIABLE, FINE mnets & Trimming, t, «i\beU & Co. Upper wing, City Hotel. Subscribers so and offer for sale, iSKS Li TIERC£S OF ■OSHIS iCO.VD HAjYD 0 FORTE. I* Kimbell & Co. we 8£ Bones Ve Received, e ‘ a ' and Juno, direct from Liverpool. OENERAt assortment of Glass . ’^* r *®wn acceptance. Cotton , B took, I AVI)* j Exchange Broker. j fffIHE subscriber has taken an office In ' JL the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Office—where he offeis his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, re nder it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer> chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and diffipulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator —and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton hi the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist- In order to give time for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a, M.-*-If left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succeding day If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will be sampled and ’receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from (he account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a. m. sth, Persons choosing to limit and lim ’ting higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6J cents for a bag entry and sampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a hale Orders from the country; en closing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, In their Various Branches, Wifi be attended to at all times during of fice hours, which will be from eight o’- clock a. m. till two o’clock r. u. and from three o’clock till five. v. w. John Kinney, jun’r. gjT Money is sometimes worth more ban at others. Persons having it ta loan, nuy, in the strictest confidence, avail lemselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by apply ing at the above office. November B.———ts 11©® Bundles of JVtr/hern Hay, For side «' th» V'are Houseof McKenzie & Ponce, May 23 ts JUST RECEIVED , A FRESH SUPPLY OF Rochelle Soda Powders, VERY SUPERIOR . Prepared by Mathabs & Notes. ALSO, Saratoga Water, in Pint and Quart Bottles, roa SALE BY Thos. I. Wray. June 6 ■ 8t STOR.GE AMD Commission business. rp XHE Subscribers having connected themselves in (he above business, under the firm of iSiwa rove £$ Groves. Tender their services to the Merchants and Planters, and solicit the Patronage of their friends and the public. Their Ware. House is situated on the nver bank, near ihe Steam Boat Wharf, (formerly occupi ed by R. U W. Pps,) which is now in good order for the reception of Cotton and every description of Merchandize, to the care of which the personal attention of one of the firm will be constantly de voted. R. H. Mangrove, Sylvanus B. Groves. June 24 --- lawtf E straj. GEORGIA, 1 Christopher Daniel Burke County- 5 tolls before me a Mouse coloured Rt-rse, bald fttced, both hind feet white, and one fore foot while, thirteeri hands high, seven or eight year* old, appraised by Wm. k John Owen, at thirty dollars—24th June 1822. M H DYE, J. P. Extract from the toll book. John Carpenter, CPk. July 15——3 t C“ The evil, that men do, lives as ijr. ht»m } c“ The good is oft interred with j .For F le, •; I : Excfcilem Vi\g tiorftfes, I AVI) A ' Secondhand Gig Will be sold low for cash—Enquire,at the Globe Tavern. May sf- If FOR SALE. A, PLEASANT and retired residence on the SAND HILLS. Apply to J. S. Holt. June 27——ts Hamburg . EUGENE BRENAN, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the District of Edgefield, in South-Carolina, that he is ready to act as Conveyancer— or to make up Accompts between Part ners, or for Executors and Administrators —Post Books and do every thing relative to the Scrivener’s office June 3 ts Insurance against Fire I Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency T[ HE Subscriber offers to take risks a gainst Fire on Houses, Out-lluildings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Ad* gusta and its vicinity . Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad street, [Between the Post Office U Globe Tavern.) December 20— ’Wliort Company’a Office NOTICE, THE President and Directors have this day declared a dividend of 1 1-2 per cent, on the Capital Stuck of the Company for the last quarter ending the 30th uLimo —the same will be paid to the Stockhol ders or their Agents on and after the 12th inst. John Sharp, TyeasV, July 4——-4 t Thomas Watkins’ Saw Mills TL HE subscriber’s Mills are still in ope ration, both SAW and GRIST. He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch of his business. —“ His customers will be Jairly dealt by ” Thomas Watkins. April 8 ts Lauds For bale, If application be mail, immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early County ("on the Waters of Lime Creek,} Lot 189, Distric, 3 Henry County, Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April 16— .*. For , That well known and valuable plan tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived, in the county of Burke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickory land, and about two hundred acres dear ed, well adapted tp the culture of corn and cotton. On the above premises there is a good two story bouse, and all otliei necessary out buildings, and excellent Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing stream—three hundred acres more of pine land adjoining the above, lying in the county of Richmond, and about seventy acres cleared. We deem a further des cription unnecessary, but invite all those persons who .iish to purchase a valuable place, to come and view the premises and judge for themselves. For further parti culars apply to Augustus H. Anderson, Isaac Walker, Administrators of the estate of Wm, Jones. Nov 1 N.s—tf Brought to Augusta Jail, a negro man named, JIM, or PHEUX, says be belongs to Mr. Muses Sutton, Wilkes County. also, Peter, who says he be long* to John Merino, Abbeville District South-Carolina. ALSO, Fanny, who says she be longs to Jesse Cloy, living in Jasper Coun ty, Georgia. ♦iso, John, about 40 years of age, says he runaway from a negro trader by the name of Sharp, about a hundred miles from this place, and formerly be onged to a Mu. Johnston, South-Hamp ton Court-House, Virginia- The owners of the above negroes, are i requested to come forward, prove proper i ty. pay charges, and take them away. Thos. Stuart, Jailor. July H.r-f- —3f Augusta Stage < ffice, HE MOVED. TP HE offioi of the Augusta Stage hav ing been removed from the City Hotel, on the Bay, to Colonel Shelltnan’s MANSION HOUSE, In Brosghton street. Hensons wishing seats will apply there in future. John Womack. Savannah, June 17. July 4 1 - ¥ron\ Xovth to South. FHOM four to six new, comfortably con hirucled four wheel Vehicles, drawn by lom horses each, and drove by sober and csrehddrivers, will set out from Trenton in Nett-Jersey to Savannah, via Augusta u» a m—n-. -, ;,r Uo, <>i next. Tbe route through Pennsylvania, Virginia and the Carolina*, will be confined as much to the neighbor hood ol mountains, as the good roads through the country will allow. The journey will be leisurely taken, so as to consume from four to five or even six weeks, dependent somewhat upon the in clination of persons who may become pas sengers. Those who are disposed to engage seats for the above described journey, pan do so bv Applying to the Post master of Savan nah. Priority in the choice of scats will be regulated by numbering the first appli cant one, which will entitle that person tp the first selection and so on to the last. An entire carriage can be taken up by en. gaging the number of scats. P. S. All the Gazettes in Georgia and those at Columbia, Soutli-Carolina, arp re quested to insert the above notice twice a month, for (he two succeeding months and forward their accounts for payment to the Post-master at Savannah. June 3 J)r, Feudally HAS removed bis Shop to Dr. Wat kins’ building on Broad-street, a few doors below the Augusta Bank, JunalO——2m E. BISUKE, PORTEJITPJ I.V'l EB, HespeCTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that lie tins .aken a Room, (very suitable for Ins pro fession,) one door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he truata from the successor his pencil, and the satisfaction he has uni tnrmly given in Ina I ijtenesses, that he vili merit a share of pnhlip patronage. N. B.—Mr. B. would observe, should a ikeness not be perfectory, no pay would it required June 6-—r-ts Latest Fashions. POWERITcT LOGAN, VAffiMNBSj, Respectfully inform the public that they have established themselves in the above line of business, in tbe low er room of the Chronicle Office, two doors below the GLOBE TAVERN.— Prom their experience and long practice, bey hope to meet with a moderate share of public patronage, and flatter themselves hat they will be found to merit it MILITARY DRESSES Executed in the neatest manner, June 17.——-4tw Administrator’s Sale POSTPONED, WILL be fold at the Market-House, in the City of Augusts, on Tuesday, the Ist of August', next, between the usual hours of Sale— A tract of Land, tying in the Second District of Early, No. 39. —ALSO— At the same time and place, a Negro Woman, named Juna, be longing to tbe estate of Emanuel Grego ry.dec’d, and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. rjewis H. Gregory, adm'r June 6—wtd# Tax Collector’s And Treasurer’s Office. The City, Road and Well Tax for the year 182?, being now due, and payable, tbe subscriber will attend at his office on Broad-street, upper tenement of the Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A M to 1 P M. to receive tbe same until tbe 30th day of June next, after which time execu tions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination. John W. Wilde, C.OT.C.A. «pr ° ■—-%if 9 IM "gg' ■■■gwiigaaa [JCew Bptlcs—JS*o. 81.] • 'The subscriber restore*f tty submits to She public t/ie jji.u iw.iy PROPOSALS, For publishing a' ATHENS, in the State of Georgia, a new weekly paper, to be entitled the ATHENE UM. IN a community of Freemen, and where a disposition to patronize Literature and Science is extensively manifested, the importance of a well conducted Newsoa per, must, of necessity, be generally un. uerstuod ; and umong a reading people such a paper can hardly fail of being acceptable 'that the Aihenenm will be a paper of (his description, it iright perhaps be deemed presumptuous to assert: but so far us the efforts of the Editor can render it useful—so far ua per severing industry and attention cun insure success to his undertaking—so far, at feast, the subscriber can pledge himself, that he will endeavor to render his paper wor thy the attention of its supporters- The growing importance of Athens, where the nourishing University of the State is located, and surrounded, as it is. by an intelligent and wealthy neighbor hood, has induced a belief that no place in the upper country presumed a murp in viting opening lor the establishing a new weekly paper,—and the infliteiice of ihi? so tk-r- *vHbCRI {H'UpOH'tis, • #rrifcer ** u er» himself, that, in the liberal patronage of an enlighten ed community, his undertaking will re ceive an approving sanction. And while his own exertion will be pencvvrinely employed to furnish a paper which shall be useful to his supporters, he will ven ture to hope that his columns msy be di versified by the occasional communications ol such scientific and literary friends as may be disposed, through this medium, to aid Inin, ami benefit the community, lo make his paper useful, will be the proprietor’s principal aim ; and in the furtherance of this object, he will endea vor to give the earliest Foreign and Do mestic Intelligence, with such portions of Congressional matter, when the National ■i? 1 *!. Use are * n session, us his limits will allow,—together with such original or selected Political Communications, or Moral Essays, as have the public good in view, and are free from personalities ; but to articles intended merely to gratify re vengeful feelings, and to provoke or con tinue person*! contests, no place will be given. And though in Judging of these the editor may occasionally eirlll is to be hoped (fiat no improper motives may be supposed to influence his decision, inas much us the right of rejecting, as well us ot inserting communications, must be re served to himself. As an editor, it will be his it will be, under all circumstances, his In clln«tion—tQ give general satisfaction, rrom the line of impartial duty, he will endeavor not to depart; an d none shall nave cause to accuse him of voluntarily dividual* need,e ** offcnce to » single in- It will scarcely be necessary to say, that the political complexion of the Atheneum will be Republican. In this age of light and knowledge, and in this country, none other ought to ask, or could be expected to receive, public patronage. CONDITIONS. The Atheneum will be published once a week, on a super-royal sheet, and delivered to subscribers, or for warded by mail, at Three Dollars a year, payable in advance, or Pour Dollars, if payment it deferred to the end of the year. All subscriptions will be for one year at least, and till a discontinuance is directed. No paper discontinued, except at the op tion of tbe editor, until all dues are paid Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates, (C7 Persons disposed to encourage the undertaking, are requested to signify the same by the first of September, as it ir contemplated to issue the first number early in that month. Benj. Brantly. (O’ Editors of newspapers in Georgia, are requested to give the above a few in sertions. Augusta July I.—. Itou, Salt <Sj Sugar. TONS Iron 3000 Busbells Sait 30 Hhds Sugar 100 Bbls. do. 10,000 Lbs Baltimore Bacon 10 Hhds Kura, & 5 Pipes Gin. Which will be Sold low, at a liberal credi'- THOMPSON & ANDREWS June 24 —if »”■ X.. 1 i M IS , ■ mbm ■-» Jullk For Sale. f |* A. WO Lota in the town of Washington, Wilk»s County, well improved, with dwelling houses thereon and convenient nut houses. One of the Lots on the pub x lie square,bn which th .re are several te nements'- No further description ii - cessary, persons wishing to purch. applying to the subscriber persona) -r by letter directed to fhis place, ceive any information they may desire * ALSO, SOO Acres of Land near Washington, well improved, with all the necessary houses for s plantation. The and is of the first quality ; for further particulars apply Mabore. Terms made accommodating. John B. Leonard. July 15— 4t iV Xv w t' i m, ■ ■ ■■ - ■ /■ S rOLVI-V having, fi j> n cnnsi di rahle time past, had it i • content; 1 ton to publish aPt riodiOi 1 \Vrk.. now nno ses- to issue Hie fir t N imbi r of it as soon as it has been as, retained that suffi cient pulrmago Ivdl be MV- rJed to nelray the expense# of Publication. (he Title is intended to be A. 'a. COLVIN'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. It will contain four pair' s Royal Quarto, and he d< li• nvd to Rubsrrib*rs • v< ry Sa» tnpday, at the • rre of Four 1) 11-r< per annum, payable qu- rt rlv in adv ore Its fNmterts will be ch'efly Lit'fry; but tiifre will be such m f nf-er in attars, of News, of Fashions, of Tiete, of-Marriages and Ac. as t> r ndi-r It a vehicle of General Interest and Amuse*, nient. The inhabitants «'f the of Co, Innib’B will h.- waited upon in a few days f r tlie purpose of obtaining their Signa tures. , , Subscriptions will also be received at the Bookstore of Mi ssrs Davis 8c )t\ nsn, Pennsylvania Avenue N. It Persons raiding at a distance, may forward their Subscriptions t-i the Edit-ir, post paid Waslnni ton, June. 1H22. OfT \ Subscription Paper is left at tho Bookstore of J. & || Eur July 4 LA WOFFICE, AM) fcucvoV Agency, M OlilLK--ALA 11 IMA. T J- BE undersigned respectfully his friends in Geo. ami »l| others who may have occasion for bis Services, that be bus established himself permanently in the City of MOBILE, in the Stale of Alabama, as Attorney and Counsellor nt Law, and General Agent—and will give particular attention to the Collection of Debts in the States of Alaiiais* 8c Misaissirri, ahd at Pensacola. W, Barton, May 23———v-6t A House ami For frale, In Washington,\\ tikes county ■\ HOUSE, eligibly situated, on the Public Square in Washington, is off-ied for sale at a Just valuation It is at present, into two tenements, contain ing four rooms on the lower floor, fir* ~n the second, a good garret and cellar, u: 4 lias a small piece of ground attached toil. Possession can be bad of one tenement, immediately ; and of tin: other, in May For further particulars, enquire at this Of* flee. Feb 18 ts Mat iVeai Residence lif Washington, FOB. SALE. X OFFER for Sale, the House and Lota where I reside in Wasbiogum Wilke* county. The premises consist of a small iwo story Dwelling-House, in good repair, with the usual out-houses, and four JLo y of an acre each, subject ip the deduction <tf a few feet on the street sides. About half the ground slopes gently to the bomb,, and is in other respects adapted to early gardening. The residue, is a beaiuifiit grass Lot almost level, wish the ornament; and convenience of a Spring, and of p mall stream winding through it. The situation though near anil convenient to Ihe most public part of the town, is out of its noise and b'ustle ; and hence is aptly; formed either for the enjoyment of the excellent society of this place, or for re tirement and qujet as may suit the taste of the occupant. I will take the very low price of two thousand two hundred dollars» and will if desired give almost any length of ere. dit, on being unquestionably secutcd with interest from the date of the purchase. I would prefer not to give possession until October next, but may agree on tun earlier day. Oliver H. Prince. June 3-r fuwtf Fop Bale f XiOT No. 210, District 12, Monroe County. Apply to Joseph V. Itevan, Augusta, C7* Tine Journal amj Recorder at MiJledgeville, and the News at Wash ington will insert the above fliree times. 1 op Pale, XiOT 189, District 3, Henry County. r-apply to Durham T, Hall. JuJ j A'otia «n«A SHERIFF’S TITLES, For Salt at this office.