Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, August 08, 1822, Image 1

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| £*o**l* CljroiilrUSr (G torgi.i Cnum. I ——- ■ r I aft.] Ttaasia*, Mutton, Mock, w9l. * i,n Mkeliaßge BroUeT. has taken an office in |« building lately occupied by OK tewa rt k Hargraves, on the north opposite to the Post iK l.ere he oflVis h.s services in business, and hopes, by strict K attention, to obtain the patron -18. friends and the public. Merest facilities afforded by brokers IKercial operations generally, render IlCkable that the merchants ot Au- K the planters have long sustain ■-inconvenience of having none, and EElarly » Cotton Broker. In almost ■ other cotton mart the bnainess is Hoally ff° ne b y brokers ; and hence ■L certainty and dispatch with ■ it *j 9 executed. The same system Bfectly practicable here. The mer ■ hv applying St the office of the sub- K’ r may hereafter save himself the ■it of sampling his cotton and looking ■purchaser;— the planter need be no K involved in doubt and difficulty to Bain the true state of the market, Bibject himself to the caprice of the ■ speculator—and the purchaser will I times know where to resort for cot ■ the market price. Ice Regulations relative to I Cotton. ■ in order to give time for sampling, Hns offering cotton are requested to §■ the ware-house receipts by eight If left later than nine, sales Hot be realized till the succeding day Hire convenient, the receipts may be Hosed in a letter of instructions, and Hped in the letter box the night pre ■ Cotton will be sampled and 'receiv- Hfrom wagons till ten o’clock, a.»».- Hered after that hour, sales cannot be Hed till next day. H. Warehouse expenses will invariably Heducted from the account sales. ■h. Sales will commence at ten o’clock ■close at twelve, a. m. Hh. Persons choosing to limit and lim- K higher than the market, will have Hr receipts returned them on paying Hents fora bag entry and sampling. Bill. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a ■Orders from the country, en- Bing the warehouse receipts, will be Bmptly executed. ■Stock Exchange and I Brokerage, I In their Variant. Mranehet, ■ll be attended to at all limes during of ■ hours, which will be from eight o’- Bek a. m. till two o’clock r, m. ahd from lee o’clock tilt five p. m. I John Kinney, jun’r. pj Honey is sometimes wcrth morr Ei at others. Persons having it t» loan. By, in the strictest confidence, avail Imstlves of the advantages of the mer it, by applying at the above office. ■November 8.- ■ -ts I . , BuNDJ.ES of MNorihern Hay, ■>r»le at the V are House of ■ McKenzie & Ponce, 23 ts I STORAGE I AND BwmuVsaion business. KB Subscribers having connected u, the above business, under firm of H Mubjt«V6 § Graves. their services to the Merchs;uv Planters, and solicit the Patronage of IHbeir friends and the public. Their Ware- is situated on the river batik, near H* le Steam Boat Wharf, (formerly occupi-, H* hy K. & W. Pot;,) which is now in order for the reception of Cotton j®"'! every description of Meichaiujize, to care of which the personal attention one of the firm will be constantly de- Woted. I R. H. Musgrttve, ■ Sylvanus B. Groves. W 24 -lawtf I 8 tOO Reward. lu ■ STOLEN from the subscriber, on Sa ■ tui d.y evening last, a Bed Morocco Pock- containing Three Hundred and ■ rilty Dohara, viz:—Two one hundred dot ■hr Bills on the State Hank of Georgia ■ one Fi‘tv dollar bill on the Darien Hank ; ■ utirty three dollars of Tennessee money— ■ balance not recollected, with a num | her of due bills on different persons, to ■ me amount of 30 or 40 dollars, with sun- I accounts, &c. The person suspect- I to have stolen the Pocket Book, goes I by the name of CIUHLES FERREN, a -1 bout 24 or 25 years of age, fair complex- I Ion i light hair, and about five feet high—- I ' v «»rs a green frock, or Watetloo coat, and 9 white pantaloons,—he is by trade a Car- I penter. I she above reward will be given for the I *Pptchenaion of the and the reco- I v ery of the .money, and all reasonable ex- I r u e,ae * b y the subscriber, residing at I "T- Ligon’s Tavern, Augusta. I Hez. A. Barnard. I Inly 15 For Sale* 3 Excellent Gig Worses, AWI) a Secondhand Gig Will be sold low for cash—Enquire at the Globe Tavern. May 27 *f FOR SALE. j\. PLEASANT and retired residence on the SAND-UiLLS. Apply to J. S. Holt. Inn* 27 ts Hamburg. EUGENE BBENAN, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned NOTARY PUBLIC for the District ot Edgefield, in South-Carolina, that he is ready to act as Conveyancer— or to make up Accompts between Part ners, or for Executors and Administrators —Post Books and do every thing relative to the Scrivener’s office June 3 ts Insurance against Fire! Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency JTF, Subscriber offers to take risks a guinst Fire on Houses, Out-Building's, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and its vicinity; Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad street, (Between tin Post Office & Globe Tavern.) December 20 Wlmxt Company’a Office NOTICE. r I*HE President and Directors have this 1. day declared a dividend of 11-2 per cent, on the Capital Stock of the Company for the last quarter ending the 30th ultimo —the same will be paid to the Stockhol ders or their Agents on and after the 12ib inst. John oharp, Treas’r. July 4- 4t *'■ ■ 1 ■ ■ | , Thomas Watkins’ Saw Mills *1 HE subscriber's Mill, .re .till in ope. ration, both SAW and GRIST. He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch ot his business. —“ IBs customers will be Jalfly dealt by." Thomas Watkins. April 8 ts Lands For hale, lr application be made immediately. I -ot 35, District 22 Early County son the Waters of Lime Greek ,-j> Lot 189, Distric, 5, Henry County, Lot 210 District 12 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April 16 For Sale, That well known and valuable plan tation whereon William Jones, deceased, lived, in the county of Burke, containing Fifteen Hundred acres ot oak and hickory land, and about two hundred acres clear ed, well adapted to the culture of corn •nd cotton. On the above premises there is a good two story house, and all other necessary out buildings, and an excellent Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing stream—three hundred acres more of pine land adjoining the above, lying in the county of Richmond, and about seventy acres cleared. We deem a further des cription unnecessary, but invite all those persons who wish to purchase a valuable place, to come and view the premises and judge for themselves. For further parti culars apply to Augustus U. Anderson, Isaac Walker, idmimstrators of the estate of Wm. Jones. Nov 1 N.s—tf ' Globe Tavern. The Subscriber inform, hi. friend, mid the public, that bia Reading Room, is just arranged, and that his Bar is much mure convenient. And on account of changing the situation of the latter, he is better able to provide for the accommo dation of hip customers; and can safely promise them, that as far as bis means and ability to comply with his wishes can go, he will attend to the comfort and conveni ence of every gueat who may honor him with a call. §3»The Savannah & Wash ington Stages put up at the Globe. W. SHANNON. December 20. C“ The evil, that men do, lives after them 5 J The good is oft interred with their bones.’* 5 Augusta Stage ? -dice, REMOVED, TTIIE office of the Augusts Singe hav ing been removed from the City Hotel, or the Bay, to Colonel Shellman's MANSION HOUSE, in Broughton street. Persons wishing seals will apply there in future John Womack, Savannah, June 17 July 4 1 I)r. Fendall, HAS removed his Shop to Dr. Wat kins’ building on B a few doors below the Augusta Bank. June 10——2 m E. BIS BEE, portrait painter, Respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he has taken a Room, (very suitable for his pro fession,) one door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he trusts from the success of his pencil, and the satisfaction he has uni formly given in his Likenesses, that he will merit a share of public patronage. N. B.—Mr. B. would observe, should a likeness not be perfeetpry, no pay would be required. June 6 ts Seeds for Sale. r I'HE mibacribcr has for Sale a quantity of Turnip and Cabbage Seeds, which are warranted Fresh. DAVID SMITH. Near the Market, Augusta, July 18 w4w O’Luane Bones Have Received, Per the Georgia, ami Juno, direct from Liverpool. A HANDSOME AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF ( rockery, Glass And GVmuk Wave, Low for Cash, or town acceptance. JBhe 20 rs Tax Collector’s And Treasurer’s Office. T. HE City, Road and Well Tax for the year 1822, being now due, and payable, the subscriber will attend at his office on Broad-street, upper tenement of the Bridge Bank,- every day, from 0 A M to IPM. to receive the same until the 30th day of June next, after which time execu tions will issue against all defaulters with out discrimination. John W. Wilde, c. es r. c. A. •pril 25——ts %* Mr- Henry Hannah han, i* authorized to collect for this 01 lice,and correct all errors- July 25 Fop Sale, I JOT No. 210, District 12, Monroe County. Apply to Joseph V. Bcvan, Augusta. ft/** The Journal ami Recorder at Milledgeville, and the News at Wash ington will insert the above three times. July 4 ~ FINAL NOTICE. PERSONS in the Country indebted to the Chronicle Office, during the firms of Kean & Charlton, and of Kean Duyckinck & Charlton, are informed that the subscr.ber will shortly, for the last time, wait upon them, with their respec tive accounts. John £, Kean. June 3—-—3 t p QJ* The books of the a bove concerns are in the possession of Mr. B. T. Duyckinck, at the Chronicle Office, lie will receive any payments that may be I tendered in Augusta. June 6- J. E. K. I Painting Glazing • AND Paper Hanging. I I VJVHE subscriber intends to establish > 1 himself in the above line of business ■ and hopes by punctual attendance to roe i rit a share of public Patronage ; his price will be low, and hit work warranted—bia shop is a few doors below L. Rosignol’s , Drug Store, North side Brnad-street. 5 Wm. Pearce. All orders from the Country will be at tended to at the shortest notice, JUly 89-- 4t. The subscriber respectful /»/ submits to the publicjfhe fuUtnuiug PROPOSALS, For publishing at ATHENS, in the State of Georgia, a new weekly paper, to be entitled (he ATHENE UM. IN a community of Freemen, and where a disposition to patronize Literature ami Science is extensively manifested, the importance of a well conducted Newspa per, must, of necessity, be generally un. derstood ; and among a reading people, such a paper can hardly fail of being acceptable That the Atheneum will be a paper of this description, it might perhaps be deemed presumptuous to assfert; but so far as the efforts of the Editor can render it useful—so far ns per severing industry and attention can insure success to his undertaking—so far, at least, the subscriber can pledge himself, that he will endeavor to render his paper wor thy the attention of its supporters- The growing importance of Athens, where the flourishing University of the State is located, am? surrounded, as it is, by an intelligent and wealthy neighbor* hood, has induced a belief that no place in the upper country presented a more in viting opening for the establishing a new weekly paper,—and the influence of this opinion has led to the present proposals, and the subscriber flatters hipnself, that, in the liberal patronage of an enlighten ed oumirumiiy, his undertaking will re ceive’an approving, sand ion. And while his own exertion will be pertcveringly employed to furnish a paper which shall be useful to his supporters, he will ven ture to hope that his columns may be di versified by the occasional communications of such scientific and literary friends as may be disposed, through this medium, to aid him, and benefit the community. To make his psper useful, will be the proprietor’s principal aim j and in the furtherance of this object, he will endea vor to give the earliest Foreign and Do mestic Intelligence, witli such portions of Congressional matter, when the National Legislature are in session, ns his limits will allow, —together with such original or selected Political Communications, or Moral Essays, as have the public good in view, and are free from personalities : but to articles intended merely to gratify re vengeful feelings, and to provoke or con tinue personal contests, no place vi ill be given. And though in judging oi these the editor may occasionally is to be hoped that no improper motives may be supposed to influence his decision, inas much as the right of rejecting, as well us of inserting communications, must be re, served to himself. A» an editor, it will bo his interest—as it will be, under all circumstances, his in clination—to give general satisfaction. From ths line of impartial duty, ho will endeavor not to depart; and none shall have cause to accuse him of voluntarily giving a needless offence to a single in dividual. It will scarcely be necessary to say, that the political complexion of the Atheneum will be Hepublican In this age of light and knowledge, and in this country, none other ought to aak, or could be expected to receive, public patronage. CONDITIONS. The Atheneum will be published once a week, on a super-royal aheei, and delivered to subscribers, or for warded by mail, at Three Dollars a year, payable in advance, or Four Dollars, il payment is deferred to the end of the year. All subscriptions will be for one year at least, and till a discontinuance is directed No paper discontinued, except at the op tion of the editor, until all dues are paid Advertisements will be inserted »t the usual rut Qj* Persons disposed to encourage the undertaking, are requested to signify the same by tin; first of September, as it is contemplated to issue (he first number esrly in that month. Benj. Brantly, Editors of newspapers in Georgia, arerequeated to give the above a few in sertions. Augusta July 1. Sheriff’s Sale. Will be Sold, As Linedi Aon on the first Tuesday in September next, between the usual hours. 200 Acres of land, more or less, adjoining lands of John M'Cord and John H- Walker, on the waters of lit* tie river j to satisfy sundry small execu tions issued from a justices Court, against Henry Sturges ; levied and returned to me by » constable, the property pointed out by said Sturges. -ALSO— -100 Acres of land, ta en as the property of Wm. Covington, Ju nior, adjoining Lamkin and Fleming, on little River ; it being a part of a tract for merly belonging to Wm. Covington, dec the place whereon tbe defendant now lives, to satisfy sundry executions, issued from a Justices Court, against said Wm. Covington, Junior; levied and returned to me by a Conatable, the property poin ted out by the ahurity. Term* Cub. N. Bussey, s. l. c. July 25 3t WANTED TO HIEE, A Negro Wooi.n, COOK, of « goo*! character. Enquire at this Office* Augustll.s t— —5t August S, 1832. [Xeur erks 86 ] ills For Sale. *i - ‘ —- -1 WO l.otsinthe town of Washington, Wilkes County, well improved, with dwelling houses thereon and convenient out houses. One of tile La its on the pul> lx square, on which there are several le neroeuts. No further description is ne cessary, persons wishing to purchase by applying to the subscriber personally, or by letter directed to this pi ice, will re ceive any information they may desire. ALSO, 200 Acres of Land near Washington, well improved, with all she neoessury houses for a plantation. ’I lie and is of the first quality ; fur further particulars apply as above. Terms made accommodating. John B. Lcnnard. July 15 4t TO RUNT. fIXITF. House in the rear of JL the Branch Hank; well JHSsS) adapted for a small family— tli- lower part of which is also convenient ly arranged for Offices—enquire at the Bank. July 25, ts ■ , Western VLute\. A I HF. subscriber st'll remains at Capl. B. Mims’s well known stand where Green und Centre streets intersect each other, and directly opposite the Market fjvun the Augusta Bridge; and when liking into consideration the pleasantness of the situa tion, g»od water, low prices, and his atten tion to make those comfortable who call, he hopes to obtain a reasonable share of putilic patronage. An Excellent Wagon Yard is also kept by the subscriber. RATES. Man per day, - . gl 25 Man and Horse per day, 225 Horse per day, - - 100 Ac- Sic. &c, Woodson Ligon. July 8 —w6m ' —** For Sale, liOT ]B9j District 0, Ilqiry Comply. —apply to Barham T. Hall, Savannah July 4 For Sale, TWO Likely Negro Men, under good correction, and a Girl about 14 years old, which will be sold low for cash.—Ap ply to Wm. Shannon, at the Globe Tavern, July 8 ts QUAKER SPRINGS. I'Uhe subscriber has taken that well (S known stand. Quakier Springs. x LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, situated seven miles above Augusta on ihe Washington road and hopes from lis attention to business to give general tftisfaclion; i John Turpin. November 8 ts JVotice, OF.ALF.O Propels will be received by the Inferior Court of Burke County until the first day of September next, for building in the town of Waynesborough, a strong and substantial Jail of Brick, 52 feet long, by 40 in width, two stories high, to have four rooms below twenty feet square, with a passage of twelve feet, and four rooma of the same size in the second story, the undertaker to furnish all the materials. The proposals to be left with the. Clerk of said Court. By order of the CtUrt. John Carpenter, C Tie, Waynesboro’ July 15, 1822.—1aw7t NOTICE. I WILL deliver in Augusta, or Summer ville, any quantity of Lightwood Posts ; also, Oak or Pine Wood. Either of the above can be bad at short notice, by ap plying to the subscriber. Henry Mealing. July 25 3tw For Sale, TiOT 35, District 22, Early County. It is situated on the waters of Lime Creek.-—apply to Lane % Sims, July 4 10 bollara UtfWWeA. R.AN A WAY from the service of H, H Wilde, on the 29th inst Sarah, \ Negro woman belonging to the estate of William Bacon, dec’d. about 30 op 36 years of age, dark complexion, and wd. known about Augusta, in the neighbm „od of which she is most probably cm. realed. Ten Doljars reward will be pam for her apprebention, August 1.— —-Rf Georgia Columbia County rp * 1. AKEN up by Elizabeth M Don*lit in i . f ,a > Mare * him! fool white, no brand.., trnta naturally, four years old, about fifteen hands high, shod before ; appraised to sixty dollm by If, » Spiers and James Shaw. ALSO. One bay horse, fourteen or fifteen y ears old, nots and paces.nobrand* w “h white in his foce and on his nose, shod before, about fourteen hands hitfh ; appraised In live collars by H |- Spiers and James Shaw— tolled before James Culbreath J, I*. H. Lamar, Cl’t, C. J. July 22 3t Ten Dollars U.o t \vaviL LOST, A supposed to have been taken 2V through mis ake, from on hoard the Steam Host Commerce, on her wav to Charleston, a double cased SII.VF.It WATCH, maker's name Homison, N >. 3 375, Liverpool-rA r. ward of Ten J) .1- lars will he Riven to any person leaving said Watch at the Chronicle Office. August 1. ts Ma dis on Sp rings THE Subscriber respectfully inform* his friends and the public, general!',, that his Establishment at the MADISON SPRINGS, is now in complete order for the rece.,, turn ami KNTKUT AINMENT of Co.-m a ny—and he pledges himself that nntliii r on his part shall he wanting torepder their slay pleasant and agreeable. Families visiting the SPRINGS, can ho accommodated with separate upm tnu nts and Cent lenten furnished with privc., Iloqms, and good Lodging. iv supplied with the best the country uir.riU —and his liquors of the choicest quality. ‘ Jus, Alexander. August 1 if £> The subscriber will be absent from Augusta far an indefinite pe riod. in the interim John 11.I 1 . Andrews, Esq- is duly authorised to act us hi* attor-- ncy. J. R. STANFORD. July 4 wdw iViVv er tip. ement. TTIIF, public is informed, that the sob scribers have this day formed a partner ship under the style of Hdtr & Rum. Their Office is on Washington Btr.H ; the same recently occupied by the mentioned of the firm. Their practice will be pursued in the counties of Fich moncl, Burke, Columbia, Striven, Wash ington and JefiVTson. and in the Federal Circuit Court for the IFstrict of Georgia. VV, W. HOLT, 11. R. REID, July 22. fit *** We are authorised to announce Lewis Hamits, Esq, as a candi date to represent the county of Richmond in the House of Representives at the ap proaching election July 25 tde A 3Vew i übllcfttiou. Mrs. S COLVIN having, for a consi derable limej«s. *‘“ rt •t contempl .turn to publish a Rriodical Work, now ropo sea to issue the First Number of it as soon as it has been ascertained that suffi cient patronage w.U be afforded to defray the expenses of Publication. The Title is intended to be a. s. coivim WEEKLY MESSENGER. It will contain four pages Royal Quarto, and be delivered to Subscribers every Sa. turday, at the price of Four Dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance Its Contents will be chiefly Liter ry j but there will be such notices of other matters, of News, of Fashions, of Taste, of Marriages and Deaths, &c. as to render it« vehicle of General Interest and Amuse ment.' The Inhabitants of the District of Co, bimbia will be waited upon in a few daya for the purpose of obtaining their Signa tures. Subscriptions will also be received a the Rooksture of Messrs. Da vis. A Touch Avenue N. B. Persons residing at a distance, mav forward their Subscriptions to the Editor, pout paid. Washington, June, 1822. 03* A Subscription Paper is left at 13i% Bookstore of J. A U. F.i.r July 4 - Notice Tot Tricks. A.LL persons are hereby cautioned from trading for a note of hand, signed Elen .• M. Lamkin, d»ted the third of No .. Tiber, 1821, given to Mr. S, Foot, pay le six months after d-te, fbi- I |i|r,.v two Dollars} the tame being fraudulent obtiined for a consideration which hitherto foiled, and will for ever con , ,ue to fail.—Therefore I am determined ’ *