Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, August 15, 1822, Image 1

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I Stogusta Clj»onirU&-Georgia I •.; ‘ t': *. ji > -a • • . , -A: ■ . ' . v V .V .... ■ r* •» . . » - S • J i - - - . - ■■■_ ■ -V-. >- : ■ ,| ■ I I i II I L»] W-** SI *»-«.»«• t»»»«>■-*•■ »3 I • _ ■ Cotton, fn AND E'S.cVvange. RxiALcr. L stibscjiber has taken an office in ilie building lately occupied by E Stewart & Hargraves, on the north ts Broad-street, opposite to the Posi £_where he oft'eis his services in love business, and hopes, by strict hal attention, to obtain the patucn- I his friend# and the public. L great facilities afforded by brokers r roercial operations generally, render harkable that life merchants of Au l and the planters have long sustain ie inconvenience of having none, and sularly a Colton Broker. In almost r other cotton - mart the business is ipally done by brokers; and hence ease, certainty and dispatch with hit is executed. The same system rfectly practicable here. The mer by applying at the office of the sub tv, may hereafter save himself the Je of sampling hia cotton and looking purchaser j—the planter need be no I involved in doubt and diffioulty to Lin the true state of the maikct, Ibject himself to the caprice of the [peculator—and the purchaser will limes know where to ?esort for cot ■the market price. pe Regulations relative to Cotton. | In order to give time for sampling, ps offering cotton are requested to the ware-house receipts by eight E, a. st.—ls left later than nine, sales be realized till the succeding day e convenient, the receipts may be ed in a letter of instructions, and sd in the letter box the night pr«- •> Cotton will be sampled and "receiv m wagons' till ten o’clock, a. w.— red after that hour, sales cannot be d till next day. will invariably ucted from the account sales. Salas will commence at ten o'clock ae at twelve, a m. Persons choosing to limit and Urn igher than the market, wilt have iceipts returned them on paying a fora bag entry andsampling. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a a lers from the cejinJtry, « n . the warehouse receipts, will be jy executed. • ock Exchange and Brokerage, [ In thfir Various Branches, fe attended to at all limed: during of hurs, which will be from,eight o'- k, m. till two o’clock r. m- and from p’clock till fiv£ P. M. John Kinney, juu’r. Sidney is sometimes w> rtli mor> t others. Persons having it to loan, in the strictest confidence, avail elves of the advantages of the mar ing at tl.fc above office, lember" 8.— ——ts Bundles of l onhern Hay , le a* the V* <4i. House of McKenzie & Ponce, • 23- **'■ I tt STORAGE AND amuss’uui Business. IE Subscribers having connected elves in the above business, under ■m of insutoire GvoTes. sr their services to the Merchs us lauters, and solicit the Patronage of flendsandthe public. Their Ware s is situated on the river bank, near team Boat Wharf, (tormerly occtipi- R. & W. For,) which is now in prder for the reception of Colton rery description of Merchandize, to Ire of which the personal attention I of the firm will he constantly de ll. H. Miisgr ve, Sylvanus B. C> roves. e 24 lawtt 100 Reward. ILEN from the subscriber, on Sa evening last, a Red Morocco Puck- K;, containing Three Hundred and liars, viz:—Two one hundred noi ls on the State Bank of Georgia ty clohar bid on the Darieu Hank ; three dollars of Tennessee money— -moe not recoil' cted, with a num due bills on different persona, to ount of 30 or 40 del tars, with sun counts, SJc. The peison suspect lavestolen the Pocket Book, goes name of CHARLES} FEB HEN, a 4or 25 years of age, fair complex ;k» hair, and abuu- five ffitt high— i green frock, or Wateiloo coat, and i^plaloons,—he is by trade a Car above reward will be given loathe tension of the Thief, and the reco ' the money, and all reasonable es paid, by the subscriber, reskiing at Ken's Tavern, Augusta E Hez. A. Bnrnartl. r • p * The sutler:btr respectfully submits to the public the following PROPOSALS, For publishing at ATHENS, in the Slate of Georgia, a new weekly paper, to be entitled the JLTH.ENEUM. IN a community of Freemen, and where a disposition to patronize Literature and Science is extensively manifested, the importance of a well conducted Newspa per, must, of necessity, be generally un- 1 Jerstood ; and among a reading people, such a paper can hardly fail of being acceptable That the Athcneum will oe a paper of this description, it might perhaps b? deemed presumptuous to assert: but so far as the efforts of the' Editor can render it useful—so far as per severing industry and attention can insure success to his undertaking—so far, at least, .the subscriber can pledge himself, that he will endeavor to render his paper wor thy the attention of its supporters. The growing importance of Atheqs, where the flourishing University of the Slate is located, and surrounded, as it is, by an intelligent and wealthy neighbor hood, has induced a belief that no place in the upper country presented a more in viting opening for the establishing a new weekly paper,—and the influence of this opinion has led to the present proposals, and the wh'viiber flatters himself, that, in the liberal patronage of an enlighten ed community, his undertaking will re ceive an approving sanction. And while his own exertion will be pertcveringly employed to furnish a paper which shall be useful to his supporters, he’ wilt ven ture to hope that his columns may be di versified by tiic occasional communications of sucli scientific and literary friends as may be disposed, through this medium, to aid him, and benefit the community. To make his paper useful, will be the propiietur’s principal aim j and in the furtherance of this object, he will endea vor to give the earliest Foreign and Do mestic Intelligence, with such portions of Congressional, matter, when the National Legislature'are in session, as his limits will allow, —together with such original < r selected Political Communications, or Mora. E says, as have the public good in view, and are free from personalities : but intrudes intended merely to gratify re vengeful feelings„and to provoke or con tinue personal contests, no place will be given And though in judging ot these the editor may occasionally err, it is to be Hoped that no improper motives may be supposed to influence his decision, inas much as the right of rejecting, as well as of inserting communications, must be re served la himself. As an editor, it will be hia interest—as i will be, under all circumstances, his in clination—to give general satisfaction. From Hie line of impartial duty, he wilt i ileavor not to depart; and none shall have cause to accuse him of voluntarily giving a needless offence to a single in dividual. It will scarcely be necessary to say, that he polkica. complexion of the Athemum .ult be Republican In this age of light knowledge, and in this country, none ether ought to ask, or could be expected to receive, public patronage. CONDITIONS. The Atheneum will be published once a week, on a super-royal sheet, and delivered to subscribers, or for- Wauled by mail, at Three Dollars,a yetu. payable in advance, or Four Dollars, i payment is deferred to the end of the year. All subscriptions will be for one year at least, and till a discontinuance is directed No paper discontinued, except at the op tion of the editor, until all dues are paid Advertisements will be inserted at Un usual rates, (jj“ Persons disposed to encourage the undertaking, are requested to signify the same by the first of September, as it iv contemplated to issue the.first number early in that month. Benj. Brantly. (J3* Editors of newspaper-, in Georgia, itqiicsled to give the above a few in sertions. Augusta July I.— - Notice. Sealed Pi'oposi-U will he received by the Inf-ncr Court <*f Burke County mll ’.he first lay of Septembi rnext, fi r budding in Lie t wn of Wavnesborongh, a s'rung and sni stu.tial .lad of Brick, 52 stet long, by 40 in width, two stones high, to have four rooms below twenty feet square, with a passage of twelve feet, and four rooms <.f fne same size in the second st. ry, the undeitaktr to furnish all the niutr-rals. The proposals to be left with the ( lerk of said Court. By outer of the Court John Carpenter, Wk. Waynesboro’ July 15, 1822.—1aw7t NOTICE. I WILL deliver in Augusta, or Summer ville, any quanrity of Costs -.lso, Oak or Cine IVood. Either of tiie above cm be hud at short notice, by ap plying to the subscriber. Henry Meajing. July 25 - 3tw For Sale, TiOT 35, District 22, Eariy County. It is situated on the waters of Lime Creek.—apply to Lane % Sims, July 4 TO BENT. ' T.lfL fftHE! Store and dwelling. I'M * house near the Market, at JsJfasß. present occupied by Messrs. E Wood & Co. and possesion given Ist October next —Enquire of Jolfii Siinrp. August 8 —ts TO 'rENTT ~ Dwelling House at | j.IfJjS A present occupied by Mr. kSSsSBa William Sims, possession giv en the Ist October, for terms apply to K. Malone. August 8 3t ' TO RENT. House in the rear of TII'rB *- ttle I,ranc *' Dank j well adapted for a small family— the lower part of which is also convenient ly arranged for Offices—enquire at the Bank. July 25 ts Western Hotel. lire snfy»ie>ber stdlretnainy I■ 11 jMf at Capt. It. Mims’s W'll •■BsSESai known stand where Green anu Cei tfc streets intersect each other, and dim Uy opposite the Market from the Augusta Bridge; and when taking into consideration the pleasantness of the situa tion, good water, low prices,and his atten tion to make those comfortable who call, he hopes to obtain a reasonable share of ptitdic patronage. An Excellent Wagon Yard is also kept by the subscriber RATES. Man per day, - . gl 25 Man and Horse per day, 225 Horse per day, - - 10(1 See. Sec. Sec. Woodson Ligon. Jtdy 8 w fim For Sate, Likely Negro Men, under good J. correction, and a Girl about 14 years i Id, which will he sold low for cash.—Ap ply to vVw. Shan son, at the Globe Tavern. July 8 ts QUAKER SPRINGS. liTShe subscriber has taken that well 'LI known stand Quakkh Sprinrs. LATELY occupied by' Major Durkce, situated seven miles above Augusta on the Washington road and hopes from his attention to business to give general atisfaction: John Turpin. November 8 ts WANTED TO DIRE, A Negro Woman, COOK, of a good character. Enquire at tins Office* Vi/ list 1 .Si ID linHaca iWward. li'ANAWAY from the service of K. H Wilde, on the 2‘Jtii Inst. harah, . Negro woman belonging to the estate of William Bacon, dec’d. about 30 or 35 'eats of age, dark complexion, and well known about Augusta, in the neighbor i >od of which she is most probably con cealed. Ten Dollars reward will be paid \ A her apprehention. August 1,. 3t. COLUMBIA l.YFEltlOli IMUWi\T June Term,lß22. 5 Robeit L.-awfcrd, Y vs (Petitionto establish Seaborn C< Bins <J \ a lost Fromisory uhnJUs Wilkins. J Note THE IM tioiur in this case havingfilcd ii s F tition seeking to estubliaii a lest note made by Seaborn Collins and. fhomas Wilkins, and payable to Lucy Titii-1 -j-, or bearer, accompanied by a co py of the said note, as near as could be recollected and by an affidavit of the for mer exi. tence and a loss thereof, it is or dered that the said petition and documents ■ e filed in the clerks office of the Inferi or Court aforesaid, open to the inspection of all ancle very person interested therein ; & it is fur her ordered, that the Copy of said 1 ist note be established in lien cf the original unless the said Seab< rn Collins Ik rhoinas W Ikins, or either of them, shall shew cause, on or before the first day of the next t'-rm of thisComt, why ihepiay er of the petitioner should not be granted [Extract from the Minutes ] H. Lamar, c’lk. i. c. Ju'y 25 w.6in NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD, h the Town of Appling, Columbia C aunty, on the first Tuesday in Septetn ber next, between the usual hours of sale, die remaining part of the personal pro perty of John W Ligon, deceased, con . •‘■ting of a Valuable Library, two Trunks,* fc. Terras on the dav of Sale. Juriah Harris, Executor to the Will. July 13 * tds. jp-TO 4 COMFORTABLE dwelling house, -i nsted in a pleasant part of the city, un * I the first day of October next. Fosses stun given Ist April.—Apply at thisoffief or to Messrs. Brewster 8i Frescotf. \ March 25— t**I I Auffiistft Stafjn Lflice, REMOVED, T?fIE office of the Augusta Stage hav ing been removed from the City Hotel, on the Bay, to Colonel Shellnum’s MANSION HOUSE, in Broughton street. Fersons wishing seals will apply there in future, John Womack. Savannah, June 17 July 4——t Dr. Fen , 1 HAS removed his Shop to Dr. Wat kins’ building on Broad-street, a few doius below the Augusta Bank. June 10 2n» e7 BISBKE> POUTIUIT PAINTER, JI.ESFFCTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he has •’Jten a Roem, (very suitable for his pro fession,) rue door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he trusts from the successor his pencil, ami the satis'aclion he has uni formly given in Ills l ikenesses, that he will merit a share of public patronage. N. B.—Mr. B. would observe, should a likeness not be perfectory, no pay would be required June G ts Seeds for Sale. .HE subscriber lias fur bnle a quantity of Turnip and Cabbage Seeds, which are warranted Fresh. DAVID SMITH. Near the Market, Avgusta. July 18—-w4w (TLmne Bones Have Received, Per the Georgia, and Juno, direct from Liverpool. A HANDSOME ANU OENORAL ASSORTMENT OF I rockery, Glass :\ni\ LVuna Ware, Low for Cash, or town acceptance. June 20 —ts IDdio HeRKBY iHforrrs ilie public, tha he .ns dei lined practicing Medicine in Au gusta. T hose indebted to him, «>r to the firm ot savuge & Spann, will fiml it to their interest to ca'l immediately and dis charge their respective dues, for in a few days compulsive measures will be adopted. Augiiat B——3t For Sale, TjOTJVi). 210, District 12, Monroe County. Apply to Joseph V. Bewan, Augusta. Madison Springs fITIIFi Subscriber respectfully informs ! 3 his friends amjrjhe public, generally, that his Eitsblisßrrient at the JURIS ON SPRINGS, is now in complete order for the recep tion and ENTERTAINMENT of Compa uy—and he pledges himself that nothing on bis part snail he wanting to render their .slay pieasant and agree >ble. ( itamiiies visiting the SFRINGS, can be accommodated with separate apartments— and Gentlemen furnished with private Rooms, am) good Lodging. His is supplied with the best the country affords —and his liquors of the choicest quality. Jas. Alexander. August 1-—.—if _______ £s* The subscriber will be absent from Augusta for an indefinite pe riod. in the interim John 1* Andrews, Esq. is duly authorised toact as his attor ney. J. R. STANFORD. July 4 w6w A A\ er iis ement. .HE public is inlorm4o, that the sub { scribers have this day formed a Partner- ‘ ship under the style d£ Hodt (k Reid. Their Office is on Washington street : s the same recsntly occupied by the las mentioned of the firm* Their practice will be pursued in the counties of Rich mond, Burke, Columbia, Striven, Wash ington and Jefferson, and in the Federal t Circuit Court for the District of Georgia. w. W. HOLT, K. R. REID. July 22 6t For Hale, XiOT 189, District 3, Henry County. - —apply to Durham T. Hall, Savannah July 4—— s Globe Tavern. 'TuE Subscriber i [ liia f. icnui and the public, that iiis Reading Room , is just arranged, and that his Bar is much more convenient. And un account ot changing the situation of the. latter, he is i»tter able to provide for the acoommo ilßtion of iiis customers ; and can safely promise them, that ua far us his means and ability to comply with his wishes can go, nji will attend to thecomiort and ouirveni encc of every guest who niay honor him with a call. (j£f*Tbe Savannah & Wash* iiigton Stages put up at the Globe, W. SU VNNON. Decembi r 20. Hamburg. EUGENE BURN AN, INFORMS the Public, that he is com missioned Notary public (pr the District of Edgefield, in Suuih-Csrolina, that he is ready to uci us Conveyancer — or to make up Accompts between Hurt* ners, or for Executors and Adipimstratois —Post Books and do every thing idatlve to the Scrivener’s office June 3 if Insurance against Fire Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency T M. HE Subscriber offers to take risks a gainst Fire on Houses, Out-Buildings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and its vicinity. Timothy Edwards, Agent. Broad street, (Between the Post Office & Globi Tavern.) December 20 THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ABOUT LBS PRIME BACON * FOR SALE , Which he will Sell or reasonable terms. Wootfson Ligon, Western Hotel, August 1. it Thomas WatKins’ Saw rSfGrist Mills I HE subscribe.’. Mill, .re .till In op,- ration, both SAW and GRIST. He* will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per thousand, and will cause rvtgy attention to bepaid to each branch ol hi# business, —“in* customers will be J airly dealt by." Thomas Wall ins. April 8 ts Ou Consignment. US Barrels and i ST CROIX Sugar 6 Hogsheads j WHICH WILL B£ SOLD LOW AT THE WHAHF. ALSO— A Neat biecond Hand Four wheel CARRIAGE, made expressly to order, and bn little used ; which will be sold fur little more than half its value. By G. H. Lamar, At the Counting Boom of L. C, Qantelou y Co. July 22. —.4t Tfcn DoWnva LOST, A ND supposed to have been taken t\. through mis ake, from on boird 'he Steam Boat Commerce, on her wav to Charleston, a double cased SILVER WATCH, maker’s name Hollisi*, No, 3375, Liverpool —A reward of Ten Dol lars will be given to any person leaving said Watch at the Chronicle Office- j August I.— —ts I i Painting Glazing AND Paper Hanging. THE subscriber intend# to establish himself in the above line of business and hopes by punctual attendance to me rit a share of public Patronage -, his price will be lew, and hie work.warranted—his shop is a few doers below L Rnsignol’s f*mg Store, No,lli side B: ;»’-otreet. Wm Pearce. All orders from the Country will be at. tended to at the shortest notice. July 29- 4t. QfJ* The writer, a young Man of steady habits wishes to engage himself with a Merchant or Broker as Book-keeper, he having a thorough know ledg • of Book-keeping, and well acquaint ed with Cotton. Any gentleman bavin g such s situation vacant mav hear of a person qualified to fill it by leaving a few lines at this office addressed to O, B. L. which will be. duly attended to August s——fT A V übUcatioxi. Mas A.S. COLVIN having, fora const di r»hle time p»»t. had .t in coi-tentpl tioa tnpublishaP W, rk, now ropo sts to issue the. Fir t Nutnbir of it pa soon as it has been asc.i rtvied tlut suffi cient patronage *v 11 he iiffupJed to delray theexpeuses of Paolicayun. the l'tl3 is intended t > he A. S. COLVJN'S WEEKLY MESSENGER. U * ll contain four pages Royal Quarto, and lie d. I'nered to Subscribers every Sa. tn.rday, at the price « f Four Dull, rs ptr annum, payable qtu rterly in advance Us (Jot tents will he chn fly Lit- r ry ; but there will be such n- tiers of the r innlti I'm, (it News, of Fashions, of f' a >te, of Marriages and Oei-ths, See. as to p.mdtp 4 a vehicle of Uener i Inti re: t and AmnS''- niei t The inhah tai ls of the Di; trirt <f Co, looilmi a ,|l be waited upon in a few due s , ft r the purpose of ol taming their (Sign*, t. res. Subscriptions w-11 also be received at the Uoi kd re of Messrs. Davis Sc Fouca, J’ennsi lvma Avenue N. B Pi ruins residing at a di.-tance, may forw, r I their Subs, rq lions t<> the Editor. punt paid, W aslniip ton, June, 1822. S' A Snbserii tion Papir is left at the t re of J. ii 11 Ect July 4--—— City MieiilV‘s ‘ ale. % virtue' faw)it nf I l 'ini Fncius. t to ind (li)'evteds WILL JSE SOLD, 4 T 'lie Mack.l honso in lie City of jV Augusta, on the third Tuesday in the pri stni nuuiih One side hoard, several tal i"s, « number of lea l), i beds, and oth. er hi to J.-s ot houstliel I furnilure. i seized and taken in execution, as the propc vy ot William Lambkin, p satisfy Janus Lambkin. Condi lions cosh, before deli. iii, I‘ec, HIM*. c, a, August 12-. 3t to thm ruiiTirT WHEREAS some calumniating srnnn die!, Ima bought proper to circn. la'ca most scandalous, false and infamous report of mo, sia'ing that I was shot at a corn crih, in Franklin County, and 'hat I am now dead and incapable of comply ing with my contracts j this is to inform all whom it may concert!, llta Tc e uy any 'ime and place preaenf a living con • tradiction iif that report, and conviucp the propagator, by such arguments, as will make him confess tha l I am <4« much or more alive than he is; and bv a pro. cess of reasoning direc*«d immediatel' to the seat of nude islanding, I ran bent n in -1 to hi* head, that I am sound wind and limb, and hope to find a Hufllcien' store of food, without any resort to my neighb: r» corn cribs, us tdways to enable me tc- give the he to such reports personally, and to en. juy a life long enough to fulfill ary en. gag* ments in which I may be a party. And this is fin ther to c> r'lfy, that any oth. er pet son who shall take ‘ihe.rtiea with i.iy name, that i can. and will prove him a liar before a jury of my country, be. fore which he shal' he summoned * Wm. Hlmrger, jimr. August 12.———-3 t • A Bulkey. A SECOND hand Sulkey, with Harness complete, recently repaired, wi | be sold very low If applied for immediately. Enquire of John Woolfolk. August 8 3tp For Hale, ST>X.CeW<M\t Gvg \IoVHO 3, AND A Secondhand Gij*^Harness Will be so d low for cash—Enquire ai die Globe Tavern. May 27 if FOR HALF. ,/V. PLEASANT and relictd residence on the SAND-HILLS. Ajipl) to I J. h. rioit. I 1 27 ts Hour, ( on>,f r c, am BARRELS fresh FLOUR, , 50 ha I do do 1000 bushrlsCorn, 100 barrels Maek- rel, No. 3j 10 tons F.ngLsh JUon, 20 coils Bale Rope, 2 pipes Cog ac Brandy, For sale t>y M*Graa § Gordon. August B.——-2t, Lands For hale, v, Yf .pplicnlion be made imme-!ia»ely. Lot 35, District 22 Early County (on the f Vale’* of Lime Creek- ,-J> Lot 189, Disfric, 3, Henry roomy, Let 210 Uisrict 12 Monroe County —Apply at this Office Aprd Ifi (£j 1 linvt appointed Mr. TAYLOR FI-F-WI I LIN mv Attorney during my absence frum ■'i» <‘iiv. Jno. Farring.on ,M*y6—— ts M»y . A