Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, August 19, 1822, Image 1

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3uguot.i Chronicle # c;rorgui • , 1 ■ X i * • OU 36 ] I subscriber respectfully mb mitt lathe I public the folloving I PROPOSALS, jLublishing at ATHENS, in the State (■Georgia, a new weekly paper, to be Milled the ATBEJVEUM. B; a community of Freemen, and where L disposition to patronize Literature ijScience is extensively manifested, the Mrunce of a well conducted Newspa [g must, of necessity, be generally un- Mood ; and among a reading people, [h a paper can hardly fail of being eptable That the Atbeneum will a paper of .this description, it might baps be deemed presumptuous to art ; but so far aa the efforts of the lor can render it useful—iso far as per lring industry and attention can insure less to his undertaking—so far, at least, subscriber can pledge himself, that irill' endeayot to render his paper wor the attention of its supporters fbe growing importance of Athens, Ire the flourishing University of the |e is located, and aurrounded, aa it is, E intelligent and wealthy neighbor has induced a belief that no place ! upper country presented a more in- Mg opening for the establishing a new Skly paper,—and the influence of this frjfrin has led to the present proposals, I’fhe subscriber flatters himself, that, ■be liberal patronage of an enlighten kommuniiy, his undertaking will re ie an approving sanction. And while hiwn exertion will be peracvcringly ioyed to furnish a paper which shall iseful to his supporters, be will ven> : to hope that his columns may be di ified by the occasional communications uch scientific and literary friends es be disposed, through this medium, to litob and benefit the community. |o make his paper will be the ■lietor’s principal aim ; and in the Iterance of thus object, he will cndea §o give the earliest Foreign and Do lelligence, with such portions of onal matter, when the National •e are in session, as his limits together with such original 1 Political Communications, or ays, as have the public good in are free from personalities s but intended merely to gratify re eelings, and to provoke or con onal contests, no place will bi nd though in judging ot these may occasionally err, it is to *j«- t no improper motives may be to influence his decision, inas ie right of rejecting, aa well as ig communications, must be re himself. ditor, it will be his interest—as II be, under all circumstances, his in tion—to give general satisfaction, n the line of impartial duty, be will :avor not to depart; and none shall cause to accuse him of voluntarily . ig a needless offence to a single ii ■ iual. ; will scarcely be necessary to say, that political complexion of the Atheneum be Republican In-this age of light knowledge, and in this country, none si- ought to ask, or could be expected eceivc, public patronage. CONDITION, The Atheneum wih be published ea week, on a super-royal sheet, delivered to subscribers, or for ded by mail, at Three Dollars a year, able in advance, or F>,ur Dollars, if ment is deferred to the end of the 11 snbsci iptions will be for one year at t,md till a discontinuance is directed, paper discontinued, except at the op of the editor, until all dues are paid, dv&rtisements will be inserted at the 1! rates. J* Persons disposed to encourage the e>iaking, are requested to signify the eby the first of September, as it is emplated to issue the first number y in that month Benj. Brantly; y Editors of newspapt rs m Georgia, requested to give the above a tew iu ioiis. } ugwta July I. f- Umm Notice. EALED Proposals will be received ti(e Infcnor Court of Burke County I the first day of September next, for ding in the town ot Way nesborough, rung and subst intiai .lad of Hr,ok, 52 l ing, by 40 in width, two stories high, have four rooms below twenty feet kre, with a passage ol twelve feet, and ir rooms -f t;ie same s ze in the second ry, the undertaker to fun is.i all the tcnal-i- The proposals to be left witli Clerk of said Court By filler of the Court. John Carpenter, C 'Vic, lynesboro’July 15, lav.7t NOTICE. WILL deliver in \ugusta,or Summer ''•lie, any quantity of Lightroood Costs ; o, Oak or Cine /food Eituer oi ti.e jvc can be bad at short notice, oy ap ing to the subscriber. Henry Mealing. uly 25 3tw For lOT 35, District 22, Early County, s situated on the waters of Lime —apply to Lane Xf Sims, •If i » ’ Monday, Cotton,Stock, AND Exchange. IVcokeT. THE subscaiber has taken an office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart & Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite ts the Post- Office—where he offers bis services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. The great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Cotton Broker. In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainty and dispatch with which it is executed. The same system is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser t —the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and diffioulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all times know where to resort for cot ton the market price. Office Regulations relative to Cotton. Ist* In order to give time for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to eave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized till the succcding day If more convenient, the receipt# may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pre vious. 2d. Cotton will be sampled and 'receiv ed from wagons till ten o’clock, a- m.— if offered after that hour, sales cannot be realized till next day. 3d. Warehouse expenses will invariably be deducted from the account sales. 4th. Sales will commence at ten o’clock and close at twelve, a, m. sth. Persons choosing to limit and lim. ding higher than the market, will have their receipts returned them on paying 6£ cents fur a bag entry andsampling. 6th. Commissions on sales, 35 cents a bale Orders from the country, m elosing the warehouse receipts, will be promptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, In their Various Branches, Will be attended to at all limes during of 4ce hours, which will be from eight o’- Vock a. m. till two o’clock a m. and from three o’clock tdl five r- m. John Kinney, jun’r. 03“ Money is sometimes worth more han at others Persons having it to loan, may, in the strictest confidence, avail bemselves of the advantages of the mar ket, by applying- at the above office. November B.————ts 3D® Bundles of Northern Hay, For sale at the V are Hquse of McKenzie & Ponce, May 23——ts STORAGE AND Commission Business. TT HE Subscribers having connected themselves in the above business, unde the firm of Mns TO\e fy Groves. Tender their services to the Merabs.u« and Planters, and solicit ihe Patronage oi their friends and the public. Their Ware- House is situated on the river bank, near .he Steam Boat Wharf, (formerly occupi ed by U. St w, Poe,) which is now in good order for the reception of Cotton and every description of Merchandize, to the care of which the personal attention of one of the firm will be constantly de voted. R. H. Musgrpve, Hylvanus B. Groves. June 24 lawtf » 100 Reward. Stolen from the subscriber, on Sa •urdsy evening last, a Red Morocco Pock, tt Book, containing Three Hundred and Fiity Dollars, wz:—Two one hundred do lar Hi-Is or. tbe State Bank of Georgia .uie P I dollar bill on the Darien Hank ; tmrt. tnree dollars of Tennessee money— th. bal .nce not recollected, with a num ber of due bills on different persons, to tne amount of SO or 40 dollars, with sun dry accounts, The poison suspect ed to have stolen the Pocket Book, goes by the name of CHARLES FERREN, a bout 24 or 25 yean of age, fair complex ion, light hair, and abou. five feet high— wears a green frock, or Waterloo coat, and white pantaloons,—be ia by trade a Car penter. The above reward will be given for the apprehension of the Thief, and the recc very of the money, and all reasonable es pensea paid, by tbe subscriber, residing at Mr. Ligon’s Tavern, Augusta Hez. A. Barnard. Jnly Xs—• S“ The evil, that men do, lives after them; 7 C tl The good is oft interred with their bones. ’* 5 Dr. Feudally HAS removed his Shop to Dr. Wat kins’ building on Broad-street, a few doors below the Augusta Bank. June 10-———2 m E. BLSBEE, PORTRAIT PAINTER, Respectfully informs the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta, that he has taken a Uor.m, (very suitable for his pro fession.) one door below the Eagle Ta vern; where he trusts from the success of his pencil, and the satisfaction he has uni formly given in his Likenesses, that he will merit a share of public patronage. N. B.—Mr. B. would observe, should a likeness not be perfectory, no pay would be required. June 6 ts Seeds for Sale. T HE subscriber hu for Sale a quantity of Turnip and Cabbage Seeds, which are warranted Fresh. DAVID SMITH. Near the Market, Auguste, July 18 ■ - »-w4w t O’Loane Bones Have Received, Per the Georgia, and Juno, direct from Liverpool. A HANDSOME AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF urockerj, Class Aiu\ China W ave, Low fur Cash, or town acceptance. June 20 if HeIIEUV mtorn . the yubl c, tna> he has declined practicing Medicine in An* gusta. Those indebted to him, or to the firm of Savage & hpann, will find it to their interest to call immediately and dis charge their respective dues, for in a few days compulsive measures will be adopted. Augual 8 ■ —3t For Sale, XiOT No. 210, District 12, Monroe County. Apply to Joseph V. Bevan, Augusta. Madison Springs THE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, generally, that his Establishment at the MADISON SPRINGS, is now in complete order for the recep tion and ENTERTAINMENT of Compa ny—and he pledges himself that nothing on his part shall he wanting to render their stay pleasant and agreeable. Families visiting the SPRINGS, can be .?-commodated with separate apartments— • id Gentlemen furnished with private Rooms, and good Lodging. His taole is •uppiied with the best the country affords —and his liquors of the choicest quality. Jus. Alexander. August 1 ts (p* The subscriber will be absent from August fin an indefinite pe riod, in the interim John 1* Andrews, Esq, is duly authorised to act as ins attor ney. J. R. STANFORD. July 4 w6w Advertisement. public is informed, that the sub scrlbers have this day formed a Partner suip under the style of Holt & Reid. Their Office is on Washington street : the same recently occupied by the iast mentioned of the firm. Their practice will be pursued in the counties of Rich* mond, Burke. Columbia, Scriven, Wash ington and Jefferson, and in the Federal Circuit Court for the District of Georgia. W. W. HOLT, R. R. REID. July 22 6t f i, ■— iii i,mm i.i For Hale, RoT 189, District 3, Henry County, —apply to Durham T. Hall, Savannah July 4 On Consignment, as Barrels and £ BT. CROIX Sugar I 6 Hogsheads J WHICH Will BE BOLD LOW AT THE WHARF. ALSO A Neat Second Hand Four wheel CARRIAGE, made expressly to order, and but little used ; which will be suld for little more than half its value* By G, B. Lamar, At the Counting Room of L. C. Cantelou & Co. julv 22. 4t Globe Tavern. T A HE Subscriber informs his friends and the public, that his Reading Room, is just arranged, and that his Bar is much more convenient. And on account ot changing the situation of the latter, he is better able to provide for the accommo dation of his customers; and can safely promise them, that as far as his means and ability to comply with his wishes can go, he will attend to the comfort and convent encc of every guest who may honor him with a call. |CJ“The Savannah & Wash ington Stages put up at the Globe, W. SHANMQN. December 20. Insurance against Fire ! Charleston Fire, and Marine Insurance Company Agency 1- HE Subscriber offer* to toke risks a gain*t Eire on Houses, Out-Buildings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, in Au gusta and >ts vicinity. Timothy Edwards, Agent, Broad street, (Between tin Post Office £1 Globe Tavern.) December 20 —— THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ABOUT m oD©D LBS PRIME BACON I FOR SALE , Which he will Sm ,r rote unable terms. Woodson Ligop, Western Hutch. Augint 1.4 t "■ ' — 1 1 r Thomas Wat kin s’ Baw iSfGrist Mills TL HE subscriber's Mills sre still in ope ration, both SAW and GRIST. He will deliver Lumber in Augusta, at gl2 per thousand, and will cause every attention to be paid to each branch ot his business. —“ Jfi« customers will be fairly dealt by,” Thomas Watkins, April 8 ts Painting Glazing AND Paper Hanging subscriber intend* to establish 1 hitnseli in the above line of business and hopes by punctual attendance to me rit a share of public Patronage ; his price will be low, and his work warranted—his shop is a few doors below L- Rosignol’s Drug Store, North side Broad-street. Wm. Pearce. All orders from the Country will be at tended to at the shortest notice. July 29 4t. Qj* The writer, a young Man of steady habits wishes to engage Jumself with a Merchant or Broker as Book-keeper, he having a thorough know - ledg' of Book-keeping, and well acquaint ed with Cotton Any gentleman bavin g such a tiliiittion vacant may hear'of a person qualified to fill it by leaving a few hues at this office addressed to G. B. L which will be duly attended to August s——if COLUMBIA EWER 10H COURT, } June Term, 1822. ) Robert Crawford, vs 1 Petition to establish Seaborn Collins 01 C a lost Fromisory Thomas Wilkins. J Note THE Petitioner in this case having filed his p tition seeking to establish a lost note made by Seaborn Collins and i bonus Wilkins, and payable to Lucy Tinsley, or bearer, accompanied by a co py of the said note, as near as could be recollected and by an affidavit of the for mer existence and a loss thereof, it is or dered that the said petition and documents >e filed in the clerks office of the Inferi or Court aforesaid, open to the inspection ofaliandevery person interested therein ; & it is fun her ordered, that the Copy of said lost note be established in lieu of the original unless the said Seab< p-n Collins fc Thomas Wilkins, or either of them, shall shew cause, on or before the first day of the next term of this Court, why the pray er of the petitioner should nut be granted [Extract from the Minutes.] H. .Lamar, c’lk. i. c. Ju'y 25——m6m NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD, In the Town of Appling, Columbia County, on the first Tucadayin Septem her next, between the usual hours of sale, the remaining part of the personal pro perty of John W. Ligon, deceased, con sisting of s Valuable Library, two Trunks, Sic- Terms on the day of Sale. J ariah Harris, Executor a the Will. July 18 tds. . August U, I 82&. r#V Series-—Xo. 89-3 A Xew VubVvcaUon. A.S COLVIN having, for a consi derable time past, had it in contemplMtion to publish a P.-r.odiciif Work, no* impo ses to issue the First Number of it ns soon as it has been ascertained that suffi cient patronage will be afforded to defray the expenses of Publication. Ihe I’itjk is intended to be A. S, COLVINS WEEKLY MESSENGER. It will contain four pages Uoyal Huarto, and be drfivered to hiibsi-ribers every Sa turday, at the price of Pour Dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance. Its Contents will be chiefly LiUrnry j but there will be such notices of other matters, of News, of Fashions, of Taste, of Marriages and Deaths, kc. as to r-iubr it a vehicle of General Interest and Amuse ment. The inhabitant* of the District of Co. liniibia wifi be waited upon in a few days for the purpose of obtaining their Signar tures. Subscriptions wifi also fie received at the of Messrs Davis k PmicK, Pennsylvania Avctrm- N. B Persons residing it? a distance, may forward their Subscriptions to i*ttr- Editor, post paid, Washington. June, 1522. QC? k Subscription Paper is left at the Bookstore of J. k H Elx July 4 City Sheriffs Hale. By virtue of a writ of Fieii Facias,, to me directed , WILL BE SOLp, AT the Market boost m he City of' Augusta, on the third Tuesday in the present month Une side board, several tables, a number offcatlur o Is, aid oth er articles of household furniture •, seized and taken in execution, as the properly of William Lambkin* |o satisfy James Lambkin. Condilious cash, before deli very. M in,. Hee, Sh‘ff. c. a. August 12 3- TO TUK PUBLIC, WH ERE A'Jsome calumniating gcou n drel, has thought proper to circu late a most scandalous, false, and infamous report of me, slating that I was shot at a corn crib, in Franklin County, and that I am now dead and incapable of Comply ing with my contracts ; this is to inform all whom it may concern, that J can at any time and plkCe present a living con tradiction to that report, awl convince the piopagHtor, by such argument, as will make him confess that 1 am as much or more alive than he is; and by a pro. cess of reasoning directed immediutel’ to the seat of understanding, | can heat ti In to his head, that I am sound wind and limb, and hope to find a sufficient store of food, without any resort to my neighbors corn cnbs, as always to enable me to give the h.» to such reports personally, and to en joy a life long 1 enough to fulfill any en gagements in which I may be a parly. And this is further (o certify, that any oth er pei son who shall lake such liberties with toy name, that l can, and will prove him a liar before a jury of my country, be fore which he shall be summoned. Wm. Sharger, junr. August 12. 3t A Sul key. ,4 SECOND hand Sulkey, with Harness <\ complete, recently repaired, will be sold very low if applied for immediately. Enquire of John Woolfolk. August 8-r—3tp. For Sale, AND A Secondhand Gig £sHarness Will be sold low for cash —Enq lire at the Globe Tavern. May 27 If FUR SALE. | A. PLEASANT and retired residence ! on the SAND-HILLS. Appl> to J. 8. Holt. • ■ 27 ts Flour, Gorn,£rc. lim BARRELS fresh FLOUR, 50 half do do 1000 bushelrCorn, JOO barrels Mackerel, No. 3; 10 tons English Iron, 20 coils Bale Rope, 2 pipes Cognac Brandy, For sale by M‘Gran $ Gordon. AuglUt 8. 2t. "■ r 1 ■■■ Lauds For Sale, IF application be made immediately Lot 35, District 22 Early County son the Waters ojLime Creek,-} Lot 189, Distric, 3. Henry County, l.ot 210 District 12 Monroe County.—Apply at this Office. April 15*—^ I have appointed Mr. TAYLOR FLKWEI.LIN my Attorney during my absence trum this City. Jno. Farrington May 6 ■■ <tT May 30 -rntt TO RENT, riHTg Store ami dweljine-; lint® M. h<»unenearf>e Market, ut, «SBB®l present occupied by M»'» k. I'<. \\ no,! &Cm and possesion given Ist October next—Enquire of John Sharp. August 8 ts TO II ENT, -A npilß Dwelling House «t II sij® ■ present occupied bv M•. k'*TTi» William Sims, possession giv ei. llie Ist October, for terns apply to H. Malone. August 8 -St to ri:nt. Mouse in tbc reiir oft jiii'l® I }be Bianch fl-inl. ; wi !| adapted for a srau'J fimilv the lower part of which is also convenient r ly arranged for at Hank. July 25 -ts *"" ' * h-‘ ■■ "* ll,lll Western Hotel. 1 HEs'ibscf bersl ll r'Trains Ltijflg Rt U»Pt. B, Mims’s w.JI known stand where Grvn and O'litre streets irfirsrct eauli i.fh r, and directly opposite the Market f,- .m the Augusta Bridge j and when taking i- ti consideration the pleasantness nf the « (na tion, good water, low prices,and h s rtt"e. t:on to make these ormfortabK: who 1 * ,e *' () P OS to obtain a reasonable slmr-’ c,! : public potronafpp, i An Excellent Wagon Yard is nKu k, by tlie subscriber BATES. Man per day, - • gl 25 Man and Horse per day, 225 Mor>e per day, . . ioo £tc &c. &c. Woodson Ligon. July 8--——worn QUAKER SPRINGS, orahe subscriber has taken that welt d known stand Ouakfh Srniifos. LATELY occupied by Major Durket* situated seven miles above August* ( ul the Washington road and hopes froirj bis attention to business to give irenerui atisfactiun: 9 John Turpin, November B—^~tf w TO RB.V7', A COMPOUTADI.F, dwelling linnse. situated in a pleasant part of the city, mil til the first day of October next. Posses sion given Jut April.—Apply at thisoffi.r, or to Messrs. Brewster ft Prescott. March £$ ts ■ NOTICE. PURSUANT to an order of the Court of Ordinary, of G-eene County ; will be aold to the highest bidder in the town of Grcensborough, on the first Tues day in Orlohep nest, 10 1-3 Lots of Land and 3 1-2 alleys in surd t«wn, together wi'h the improvements now thereon ; former, ly owned by Mathew Well* esq. now be longing to the estate of Jeremiah Early deceased. • Terms of sale made known on the dav of sale. THOMAS WINSTON, ? THOMAS BILLUPS, $ Jldm'rt on the Eitntr of Je* Karin JOHN CUNNINGHAM, Iti right of hit wife. July 2,1822. Aug ij. *#* T\ie subscriber, expecting to be absent a short lime, hai* j placed his Docket in the hands of T. S. i Hannon, Esq. who will attend to the I magistrate's business for .the SySlh Dis trict. JOHN KINNEY, junr. August 12 ts " "' "" I ■' ■ i - *** The subscriber will accommodate BOARDERS, during the Summer Months on Mount Enon. PETER LEQUIEUX. August 12 3t Wanted to Hire, A. NEGRO Wench to Cook and Wash, for a small family. Apply at this Office. Angus 12——ts - N otice Tebr \aitk.efc Trices* Aid- persons are hereby cautioned from drading for a note of hand, signed Eien ter M La<..ku , dated the third of No vember, 1821, given to Mr S, F ot, pay able six months after d te, for Thirty, two Dot *i> j ttie (Mitiie being (rautlment ly obtained f r a consideration which have hitherto failed, and will forever con tinue to tail.—Therefore I uni determined not te pay it unless compelled- August JOHN LAMKIN,