Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, August 29, 1822, Image 4

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• p rnsßfßsmsss^mas^m Notice mul Caution. WIIEHEA3 I have been informed that John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell of this City have by sundry deed* recently mortgaged and assigned to Jivera persons cither their individual creditors, creditors of the late firm ol Carnochan k Mitchel or other#, all or sundry the properly and firm »* wed as their own individual property and estate consisting together ol houses, lots, lands, stores, wares, negroes See. in Ba varnish and Darien in Georgia or the neighborhood thereof, and elsewhere, with their interest or share in the stock of the Lower Mteam Mill near Darien, and sundry shun sin the United States Bank and other Banks, as well as sun dry, debts due to them in various places, b« ole lands, lots, negroes fkc. in the territory of Florida, and particularly one large tract of land bought of Forbes & Co. laying between the rivers St. Mark, and Apalachicola in the territory ol F orida aforeraid. these are hereby to caution the public against purchasing any part of ti»i Mud property or esta'c socouvty c 1 < ' any otin-r property belonging to tin said CarnoChap lii .Mitchell or either o' them, as I hold prior mortgages on the gnatest pan h ait on re. coid in the registry in savannah and Darien aforrsa.d, and in Charleston, 8 C. ai d equitable hens on all the pio nerty of said John Carnochan and Peter Mitchell Willinm Christie, Tunc lu lawtf if Vu V\w I'uhUe.. H CA;M)CH\N and I*. Mitchel, C> . air sorry to be again brought | bi lure tin. public •>> a aecon I notice ol Mi Chiiai.e’s, who has undoubtedly claims ig.uusi ilu iii winch v. hen finally liquidated on the decision of the suit now (lending, they will try to satisfy as Kaunas(io saillye thenaffer. the deeds omU r which Mr. Christie chminf an exclusive right to all the real and personal estate of Carnochan nud Mitchel, are considered as inti r mid, unjust and illegal. Hence hey f, ,ve been h'-oiurjit and are si ill before the Courl, and filter deeds have been executed mid Vdonrded, conveying 'he prupertv lor 'he use of all iheir credit uis, Mr Ch risfuj included ; without any trust or reservation beneficial to C. and U. or their families j and it this be not agreeable to that gentleman, it must nevertheless appear fair and equi table to the public and all who have a •disc of justice. The Trustees under the Ir.te deeds are anxious to s< ll the Lands in Florida, alluded to in tin- notice of Mr. 0. and to apply the proceeds to the immediate payment oi pan ol his demand and de posit a sufficiency thereof to coverall ois clainij subject to the decision of the Court—but Ins oppose ion to any rea sonable sale, as one interested in his own right, whilst injuring all parties concerned, must be borne until a sale can be made under an order ol Court. Suvunmi/i, June 8. !Ij” Editors ol papers who insert Mr. Christie’s notice, will please insert the above until his is withdrawn, and for. ward Iheir bills to this office where they will b« promptly paid by J. C. k P. M. June 13 nwd OEOHUUi, iVo the Hon. the Jus. > licet of the Inf'e iur Elbert County, j Court of said County, fl 'llF. Petition of John Johnson, hum- J| bly sheweth that your petitioner is imprisoned within the prison hounds of the common Jail of said county, at the instance of one W iliam U. Hardy, and dial your petitioner is unable to discharge the debt for which he is so confined or to give bail to answer the same, and your petitioner furlhei shew eth unto your honors that he is willing to give up and deliver ail estate real or personal, which he has or is entitled to, for the use of his creditors. He therefore prats that your honors will taae such order in the premises as his case may r«q die. W. ii. Untliwuod & 1) G ( Hiupbeii, minorities Kr Petitioner. At an extra luetuiig of ,l e liuerior C not of said county on the 22d of luuc 1822, Pri sent their Honors W in. Woods, Hoxeily Aim, 1 enry White and Jeremiah Thornton, upon the lore going petition of John Johnson, set. tmg forth Ins confinement and his wil lingness to (Uhve. up his property un der Laws ol tins state. Ordered, that Saturday the dial Oi Auguat next, be, a id the same is hereby appointed and set down as the daj upi n winch the said petitioner may be brought forth before the Court un der the Law of this state, regulating the discharge of insolvent debtors, and that proceedings lake place according ly- i hereby certify, that the above is a true Copy from the minutes—June 2a. 1822. George W. Meanly elk. July I law2m In the Court of Ordinary, July Ist, 1822. * H'KK\S John Wynn amt execu* » v tor» of John T Allen, deceased, have tin* day petitioned Jhe Court by lb. >r proctor for relief as securities ot Tuomas tv tax La, administrator ol U*. rur t Morr ~ ol t iec Minty, deceas ed; and it to tins c« rt that the -.aid aiiiiinisti at-ir is out ol t it- Um. it- m toe State, so Inal Uv- ordinary pro cess cannot be served upon the said Thomas S. Haying a» administr.tur a foi said, as, UcreUy summoned to appeal before us «t the neat regular s iting oi this court, uu the first Monday in Stp te über next, waeu this con it will pro- Ce Ito make such mder and give such fehefin too case by counter secur ty. or otherwise as to them shall s -em ju»i and t-qUilade, and thai a copy of thi rule be published. ml true copy from the minutes, iiwford, ci’k. July ii|» oteoir In the Superior Court, iiichmond county Present the Honorable Johh 11. Moxt mkiit. Judge. The President, Directors'! & Company of the Bank I of Augusta, '.Petition for vs. f Foreclosure Thomas Grace and Two j Lots of Land. J , HULK MS!. UPON the petition of the Presi dent, Directors and Company of the Bank of Augusta, praying the fore closure of the equity of redemption in and to a certain lot or parcel ol land in the city of Augusta, lying on the south side of Broad street, and extend ing back to Ellis street, on which and on Broad street it has a front of twenty seven feel, bounded on the east by John Cushln's lot, and on the west by John Gimlrat’s lot j also in and to another lot or parcel of laud in Summerville, a bout three miles from Augusta, con taining two acre*, bounded on the north cast by Walton VVay, having a front thereon of two hundred and sixteen feet, conveyed by James Murphey unn wile to Thomas Grace, which said lots were mortgaged by the said Thomas Grace to the said President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Augusta on the eighteenth day of August, in the yi-ur ol our lord one thousand, eighi hundred and nineteen, to secure the payment of sundry promissory notes, uinouiiiing in the whole to seven thou sand three hundred and ninety six dol lars : and the sum of sc-ycn thousand live hundred and sixty seven dollars and twenty seven cents being now due upon the said mortgage. And now, to wit—at the November term, 1821, upon motion of Hichard Henry vV ildc, petitioners’ attorney, Itts Ordered by the Court , That lh«- principal, interest and costs due onsa.J mortgage he paid into court within twelve months from the date hereot, or from thenceforth the equity of re demption will he forever barred and lon-clos d ; and the mortgaged pre mises sold us the law directs .Inditit further ordered, that a copy of this rule he published in one of the Gazettes ol i his place, at least once in every month until die lime appointed for payment, or served on the mortgagor,or his spe cial agent at least six months previous to the lime the money is directed to be paid. Taken from tbe Minutes. John 11. M.iun, el k Clerk’s Ollice, 15th £ ml2in November, 1821. > (iEOkOM Superior Court, Burke Countv. IN EQUITY. Between John Hogg (t Mary Hogg, ' Complainants, as u S Arthur Bell, 83 - Green Bell, S Thomas Bell, ' ni Luvesee Martin, j if Charles Skinner, *—* £ -r* Robert Nobles, SC .£ Claiborne Noble*, Q Nancy (.* John Ciarr, 3 Charles Simons, and O Nancy Simons, Jtt Defendants, J It having been made satisfactorily to appear to the Court, that Robert Nobles, Claiborne Nobles, Nancy anil John Clary Charles Simons, and Nancy Simon*, reside mu of this State, or in some distant place unknown, It is Ordered, That tbe said defend ants be made parties, by a publication of thin rule, once a month for six months in one of the public gazelles of tbia State. A true extract from the minutes 2Jth April 1822. John Bell, u. el k. May 13, 1822 6m GEOROU, a Lincoln Superior Court, y April Term, 1832. William & Dennis Maiioney, } rc. C Samuel Curry, Hide fur fori closure of IMoi'ttfMlCe'. UPON the Petition of William and Dennis Mahony, praying the fore closing the Equity ol Redemption, in and to all that tract of Laud, lying and being in the County of Lincoln & State of Georgia, containing fifty-five acres, mure or less, lying and being on tile waters of New-lord Creek, adjoining lands ot Seal, Lyon, Henley and Sharp; which said tract ot Land was mortgage.! by Samuel Curry to your Petitioners the better to secure tbe sum of three hundred and forty-two dollars and twenty-seven cents, with intv rest. On motion of Micajah fL niey, attorney for said William & Dennis Mahony. It is ordered that the principal interest and cost be paid into Court within twelve months from ibis day, otherwise the Equity of redemption in and to the Mortgaged premises, will be from henceforth forever, barred and torccio. ed .«nd that this rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of this State,once in every month, until the time appointed by this rule for pay ment, or a copy served upon the said Samuel Curry, or his special agent, at [ .east aix months previous to the times the money is directed to be paid into C-mrt. J certify the foregoing to be a true Copy taken trom tiie Minutes ol said Court, ti»is fifteenth day of Max, 1822. Peter Laiqnr, Cl'k, - M: «y 20 ml2m. Executor's Sule. , t ILL be sold at Appling, in Colum • * bia county, on tbe first Tuesday in September next, three hundred acres of land on Big Kjokee Creek, adjoining Gumming and Culbreath, belonging to die estate of Ambrose Jcnes, dec sold by an order ol court for the benefit of the hews of said deceased.—Terms of ■ale, one and two years credit. Archer Avery, c\’r. July B——w9tp i ' £ Georgia-—Columbia County. IN TUB INFERIOR COURT. Thomas VV. Battle,) vs. C RULE JWSI .lames Bracewell. j Upon the petition o r Thomas V. Battle, stating that he was in possession of four promissory notes for twenty-five dollars each, given by James Brace well of Lawrence County; and that the same have been lost or mislaid, «n i having hied in the Inferior Court Office the documents thereto relating, in con formity to the statute of this State, and the rules of Court in such cases made and provided, and (he praying usual rule. Itf* therefore ordered, that all persons concerned, do shew cause on or before the first day of next term of this Court, why the prayer of the pe titioner should not be granted and it is further ordered, tiat this rule oe published in one or more of the pub lic Gazelles of this State, once a month till the time of shewing cause thereon. (Taken from the Minutes.) Feb 7 11. LAMAR, CTic. I. f. Georgia, Richmond Su perior Court. November Term, 1821. Present, the Mon. John //, Montgomery, Judge. The Planters’ Bank, of" the State of Georgia, Assignees of Barna Petition for Mcßinne, VS. I Adam Hutchison, and ) four Lots of I.anti J RULE JVIST, Upon the Petition of the Planters’ Bank, ol the state of Georgia, praying the foreclosure of the equity of edtmp lion, in and lu two lots of land, in the county and state aforesaid, and city of Augusta, in trie plan of lots laid out at the upper end or Broad street, in said city of Augusta, by Daniel Slurges, Surveyor General on the twenty-eighth day of February one thousand eight hundred and eighteen lying on the south side of Broad street as numbers containing fifteen and sixteen, thirty feel each, front on -aul Broad-street, and extending back to Edis street; which said lots of laud were mortgaged on the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, by Patrick Me- Dowull in liis lite tiaie, to Barna Me- Kmne, to secure the payment of the sum of fifteen Hundred and twenty-se ven dollars and a half, which said mort gtige, the said Barna McKinne, assign , ed to the Planters’ Bank, of the state of Georgia, on the twenty-ninth ol July, one thousand eight hundred and nine teen, upon which there is now due the sum of five hundred and nine dollars and seventeen cents, besides interests as is stated. Ami now, upon motion of Thomas Flournoy, attorney for said Bank: It is onl . id, that the principal, interest and costs due on said mortgage be paid into Court within twelve months from the date hereof, or the equity of redemption in the said mortgaged premises, will he forever foreclosed, and the said lots w ill be disposed of, as the law directs And it is further ordered, that this Rme be published in one of the Pub lie Gazettes of this state, at least once in every month umil the time appoint ed for payment, or served on (he mort gagor or nis special agent, at least six months previous to the time, the mo ney is directed to be paid. (Taken from the Minutes ) J ilm It. Maim, Clerk. Clerk’s Office, > 13. h Nov. 1821 S Nov. 15—ml'2m Georgia, Rich mom! Superior Court, November Ter //, 1831. Present the lion. John JB •Montgomery, Judge. The Planter’s Hank of'j the Stale of Georgia, I Assignees of Burns | Petition for M'Kinnc, )■ Foreclosure vs, | Adam Hutchison, and | four Lots of Land. J RULE .V/ SI, | UpON the petition of the Planter’s Bank of the Slate of Georgia, praying trie foreclosure <-f the Equity of lt e . demptmi in and to four lots of Land, yihg and being in the city of Augu.-ta, and county an I slate aforesaid, known in the plan of lots laid out at the up per end of Broad-Street, by Daniel Slurges, _ Surveyor General, on tbe twcuy-eigiuh day of February, eigh teen hundred and eighteen, and lying on the South side of Broad-Street, as numbers nine, ten, eleven and twelve, containing each thirty feet front on said Broad-Street, and extending hack to Ellis-Street, as by reference to said plan will more fully appear; which said four lots of land were mortgaged by Adam Hutchison, on the first day of Ju ly, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, to Barna M'Kinnc, and ny said Barna M Rhine assigned to the said Planter’s Bank, on the twenty ninth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, on which mort gage there is now due twelve hundred and sixty-seven dollars and a half, w tli interest. And now at this term, upon motion of I bonus Flournoy, in behalf of said Bank, It is oraeied, That tne irmcipal, interes, and costs due upor the sai l mortgage, he paid unto court, within twelve mouths from the date hereof, or the Equity of Redemption in the said mortgaged, premises will be fore closed, and the same disposed of as the law directs, • iiuht ts further or’lrc'., That this Rule be published in one of the public Gazettes of this Slate at least once in every month until \he lime appointed for payment, or served on the mortgagor or his special agent, at least six months previous to the time the money is directed to be paid. finJ om the •Minutes.J John H. Maun, < l’k. Cleit’s Office, 13th Nov. 1821 12m Sheriffs Sales. WILL be sold at the Court House in Jacksonborotlgh, Scriven county, on the first Tuesday in September next, between the hours of ten and four o’- clock, - 700 Acres of Land, I Situate, lying, and being in the county of Scriven on the Savannah River, ad joining lands of Pearce and Gibbous, levied on as the property of Granville Bevill, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of James Young vs. Granville Be i vill and Robert Bevill, levied and re turned by a constahl. : Also, 1 Fifty Acres of Pine Land, 1 in said county, adjoining lands of 1 Richard Williamson, & Zachins Long; ■ taken as the properly of Meredith Poy thress, Sen- to satisfy two small execu tions 111 favor of K. M Wi lianison, Jun. ■ vs. Meredith Poylhrcss and Cleton Poy- | 1 t'.ress, levied £t returned by a con stable ; Also, One Ntgvo Man named TOM, taken as the prrperty of John M. Huberts, to satisfy sundry exe cutions in favor of Samuel s. M and others vs. John M. Huberts, levied and returned by a constable : , Also, Sixty-two Acres of Land, situate, lying, and being in said county, adjoining land belonging to the h-i s of Noah Freeman and others, the sai.i sixty two acres being part of a tract of laud that originally belonged to James M'Gowin, deceased, which said tract <f land was given bv said James M'Gowin to.his children,after the .1. alh of ids wife Mary, now lit wife of Thomas Floyd. The -ator. said sixty-two acres of land was 3. Id by Alexander M'Gowin, one of the children of the aforesaid James M'Gowin, deceased, to one Stephen Bud r—levied on as the prop my of the said sfep'i n But cr, 10 satisfy a fi. fa. in favor of David Swicoid vs. Stephen Butler : Also, One sorrel mart) & I sorrel colt, taken as the property of Ilieoyii lus Uolwell, to satisfy afi la in favor of T'mothy Arnett vs. Theophilus Uol well ; Also, Two Negroes, Becky, s woman, a d deity, a girl, .levi ed on as the property of Stephen Miller, to satisfy sundry small ext ent ons in fa vor of G. orge M'Kaj vs Stephen Mil ler and John Miller, levied and return d by a constable ; Also, 500 Acres of! and, ly'ngin the county of Scriven adjoining lands of Robert Arnett and otheis., levi-, ed on as the property of Feter Arnet, to satisfy executions in favor of John Connelly vs Peter Arnett and Robert Arnett, levied and returned by a con stable:— Also, One Gig and harness, ■ levied on as the pif.p ry of William Farmer, to satisfly a fi. fa. in favor ol Zachariah Long vs. William Farmer. James Bryan, s. s. c. August 5, -ids. Laud for Sale. THE subscriber will offer at Public Sal - ., o•; the premises, the 4th f No vember next, (if no previous to that time disposed of a: priva e contract) Ills Farm on Savannah river, 10 miles above Augrttta, adjoining Lands of Messrs. Nelson, Keith & Howard,. containing 781 \cies, 300 of which is cleared and "> good repair, the present crop if viewed will recommend the fertility of the soil, he par* to clear is well wonk-d and limbered, the improvements are a tolerable dwelling house, a New Gin -1 tons , Corn-Houses Ike. For terms apply io Walter Leigh, Esq. or to tbe sub.criber. At the same time and place, will be sold, tOOI. 1 Bushels of CORN and several thousand lbs, of Fodder, wi'b many ot.ier articles appertaining to die Plantation too tedious to enu merate. ! Win. Collier. Jul y 29 ,-ts Advertisement VU’tAf BoUavb iUvwarA. ’ SHAKEN out of m> plantation, on Hie 1. night of the 13th oflast month, a hkely D irk Bay Gilding, tin year- old last April, five feet or upwards high, light made, trots high and rough, dished t..ce. Ills hind legs rather Mraighter 1 t!;an common, his main hangs on b., , , sides, no white recollected, only wber he has been gabled by the gears. Any person apprehending file said thief, so that be may be brought to justice, shall receive the above reward, and ten dol lars for the horse only. Paul by the subscriber living near Columbia Court House. Nathan Renton. August 8 ts For Sale, A MOST desirable SUMMER RKSI. al HENCE on the Sanu-llills, near the b-ancli of the Richmond Academy, wr.h any quantity of land not exceeding forty or fifty acres. The dwelling house is large, commodious, and neatly finish ed, having two stories and eight rooms, elides passages and a ganei, and a p aza on one sid : of the building, and a portico on the other, together with ten or eleven comfortable nut houses ; a good garden; as collection of the most choice fruit trees, grape vines. & c . and a spring of pure water within se veiny or eighty yards of (he dwelling ! lurnse, and a spring house.—Apply to Wm. W. Holt, Esq. or the Office of, the Augusta Curonicle. J May 31). if I *** We are authorised to announce Llw is tlannis, Esq . as a candidate to represent the county of Richmond in the House of Representa lives at ur e approaching election, July tde ° * # I The subscriber respectfully submits to the public the following PROPOSALS, For publishing at ATHENS, in the Stale of Georgia, a new weekly pa per, to be entitled the ATHENEUM. IN a community ol Freemen, and where a disposition to patronize I.i -rteraitire ami Science is extensive!) manifested, the importance of a well conducted Newspaper, must, of neces sity, be generally understood ; and a mong a reading people, such a pap. r can hardly fail of being acceptable That the Atheneum will be a paper <>l this description, it rrighl peihaps be deemed presumptuous to assert: but so far as the eflbrts of the Editor can ren der it useful—so far as persevering in dustry and attention can insure success to his undertaking—so far, at leas', 'ln subscriber can pledge himse I, that lie I will endeavor to fender his paper wor thy the attention of its sitpporieis. The growing importance of A ■liens, win re the. flourishing University oftlie S ate is located, and aurcountird, as it is by an intelligent and wealthy neigh bp'.hood, has induced a belief that no ! place in the upper country piestuile I a mure inviting opening for the cs’.ab j lish ; g a new weekly paper,—and tin I i: iLence of tins opinion has led to the ■ P'.sill proposals, and the subscriber flat!? s himself, that, in the liberal pat ■ ronuge of an enlightened communi.y, his und- rtaking will receive an approv ing sanction. And while his own ex j ertiou will be perscveringly employed to furnisli a paper which shall be use j ful to lus supporters, he will venture to i hope that his columns may be diver si lied by the occasional communications ot such scientific and literary friends as may Ik disposed, thr ugh this medium, to aid him, a d benefit the community. To inalit his papiT useful, wiU be tile proprietor's principal ami ; and in (he furtherance of this object, he will endeavor to give the earliest Foreign and Domestic intelligence, with such port ions of Congressional-matter, when the National Legislature are in session, as his limits wifi allow, —V gether with , suet) original or selectc.' Folitic u Com munications, or Mora L says, as have the public good in v e.r, and are free from personalities : but to an.cles in tended mi rely to gratify revengeful' , feelings, and to provoke or continue personal contest, no place will b given And though in judging ol these t,he ed.tor may occasionally err, U is to be hoped that no improper mo tives maybe supposed 10 influence lus decision, inasmuch as ihe right of re jecting, as well as of inserting commu nications, must be reserved to himself. As an editor, it will he his interest —as: will be, under all circumstances, his inclination—ln give genera) satis faction. From die line of impartial du ty, he wifi endeavor not to depart; a d none shall have cause to accuse him of voluntarily giving a needless offenc to a single individual. It will scarcely be necessary to say, that the political complexion of the Atheneum will be Republican. In this age of light and knowledge, andin his country, none oilier ought to ask, or could be expected to receive, public patronage. CONDITIONS. The Atheneum will be published once a week, on a super-royal sheet, and delivered to subscribers, or for wa.ded by mail, at Three Dollars a year, payable i;i advance, or Four Dui :ars, if payment is deferred to the end of the year. All subscriptions will be for one year at leas , and nil a discout.nuance isdi reeled. No oap.r discontinued, ex c. pt at the option of the editor, until all hies are paid Advertisements will be inserted at the usual ::.t s. O' Persons disposed to encourage the undertaking, are requ sled to si, , ni.y the same liy the first of Septem ber, as it is come opiated to issue the first number early in that month Beiij. Brantly. fCT Editors of newspapers . ■ vieor gia, are requested to give the above a few insertions. .■lug usla July L—— V Valuable Ileal Estate for Sale, within 12 mdes of •.iugusla, i , —- 1. OFIF.It for sale my Valuable tract of Land, lying on the road leading from Augusta to Washington, distant from he former about 12 miles, con'aiumg lour hundred Acres of prime Upland, veil adapted to grotyiug Corn op Cot on, situated in a healthy, and respect able neighborhood. Tuis tract has sev eral orchards which bear as fine fruit as the country affords. Presuming none will purchase with out examining, it is thougtu unneces sary to enter into particulars. 15. it per sons wishing health and fine land arc requested to call. Terms can he made known by applying on the premises to the subscnhei, or to John Cashin, or Hays JJowdtc, in Augusta. J. W. iieall. June 20 ts Notice. WF.ALRD Proposals will be received O by the Inferior Court of Unrkc Con ty until the first day of Septein her next, hr bud ling in the town ot Waynesbnrough, a strong anil substan tial Jail of Brick, 52 feet long, by 4U in width, two stories high, to have ’font rooms oelow twenty Let square, with a passage of twelve feet, and four rooms of the same size in ,th e second story, i the undertaker to furnish ail the ma terials. The proposals to be left with ■ the Clerk of said Court, j liy order of the Court. j Jolm Carpenter, (Tk\ Waynesboro’ July 15, 1822.— lawft i>«. FKMJALLT7 HAS removed his Shop to Di Watkins' bull jing on Broad- street [* Jw lo” bel ° W th ® Bank.’ r IlllS li.stitution is ■inder tlie ■ lion of Eusua W. CiiEs-jtn, graduate of .Middlebury Colleire J:, 1 ed by Miss Fish &*d Mi aS former, an Instructress of consuls’ v experience and both well q.iul.V.c i7,! the duties of their office v r The examination of their , place on the 231 hof May Vl* A*, anticipations of the Tiustees and ’ , zens who attended on the occasion were more than realized. The prom r.ess widi which the most clifilc lit ans in,ns were answered in English G r 'r' mar, Arilfiruetic, Geography both a,, cient and Modern, Rhetoric’ St C . cv ;')c el at once the industry of the pupi.s a!!( i the fidelity of the 1 nst rue Tosses, M The trustees of this Ftifr-'e Semina ty, at the commencement of the yea> declared that it was not ‘heirintention to puff the Institution, r,„ii ce . vu they feel no hesitation in saying they have seldom wiin S sr-.l an I'.xa.niui ation m which Girls of S! ,me W 8( v ' themselves ortlheir Instruct)- esses mud credit and, alter having ob-.ervi d for-is moitths the course of instruction purs.,, ed. here and the degree of proficiency' attained, we can conscientiously Kcnnj, mend this Academy as worthy pf tii; public patr.mage The lieuUhfutnesi of this place and the advantages wl.i as a village it enjoys, it is confidently hoped will offer sufficient iiidiicemonii ' o parents to place heir daughters i this Seminary. Young ladies from abroad nrerequir ed to board with the Rector in his t'anj; ly,'or with some relative. With th exception of Music, every branch ofi solid and or namental education mj , br here acquired. At tlie clcse of next vacation, it is intended to admit i: the Academy a more regular and -,u tema ic course of education dian icg ( r.erally pursued in similar Institution! The vacations are so arranged that t(i liector is seldom on the circuit during the term- His professional duties, therefore, it. ’ teefere but little with his at! the government and supefintendauce o e the Academy, MuSrS VV AnDl.t, A. S UiattON, J Trustees of if, J. Nisbit, i Jllhens Feum Jxo A. Uoun, .Icadeny. A. Hull. 1 J Athens, Geo. June 27, 1922—6 m I Tax Collfctnr'l And Treasurer’s Oilice.l 'P I S. HE City, Road and Well Tu fortliß year 1822, being ikjw due, an. payabltß the subscriber will attend at Ms uflicl on 11 oad-striset, upper tenement of ih® Bridge Bank, every day, from 9 A Ml to 1 8 M. to receive the same until the® oOthday of June next, after which 'imefl executions will issue against all defauit-H ers without discrimination. John W. Wilde, c. y T. c. A, april 25 ts George Hammond, a Attorney, Btc- ( IN EQUITY vs. C Bill to sell trust Charles Goodwin- y estate. IN obedience to &n order of the Court of Equity will be sold at Edgefield Court House, (South-Carolina, on iliO first Mon- day in October next, on a credit of one and two years a tract d land, containing nine hundred ami for ty-nine acres, agrc .ably to the ofgiral plat, lying on Horse Creek, • ■ a few miles of Augusta The tract ''in sists of a consi lerable proportion of swamp land of tne fii st quality. Ilia tract consists of a c utsitlerahk pro portion of swamp land of the first quality. The hi-, ii land is well adapted to the culture of corn and cotton, a«J affords a most eligib e and li autifJ site f.T building, which cornea' hi view of Augusta »nd its vicinity l ! C'St and fees in cash, and bt-tm security will be eqnired. Ti.e pi ; ’ chaser will pay for a 'die deed! I Whitfield Brooks, I Cor.tmissi : uer iu •' rfj Edgefield Conrt-H >UiC, ? . | I‘Jth August, 1822. 5 I- Ad iu inistrators Sale. sold at Columhi* Uo'iilJ House on the first Tuesday ‘‘i- October next, the real estate "f s '-*' * u Marshall, deceased, containing 28 acr"* . ofiand, including a valuable Gr.slu'jt, , adjoining Marshall and Jones.-S' ■* by order of the Court of o 'dinar' Jf Ifie benefit of the heirs and ere .!.' *® of said deceased. 1 Nat hen (JravvfortO , M for self and > Ail-** l ■ Thos’ 8. Bayliss. -| August 8 -fitda I FlnAii s irioa-i. s PE U3ON3 in the Country I .to the Ciiao\n:i.E Office, u.t- ■ the firm? of Kean tc Chariton, >'J'l Kean Duyckinck Ik Charlton, I formed that the subscriber wiiU'i" rl 'B far tile last time, wait upon then,' B ilieir respective accounts. I John lb. Kean. I Jan: 2 ii B (PT The hooks of tin I ‘l hove concerns are in the posse* 1, ■ Mr n T. Duyckinck, at the Utn- 1 ; B Office. He will receive any pay® B •that may be tendered in August" ■ June 6. , ■ I ■ notuF I 111! E public are hereby cautK ,r:^ . gainst trading for a note g' l B mi tavorof Alexander Kennedy, l '■ ■■ veiity.four dollars, dated Jan|i' f . ■ 1823, and payable 12 months an r ■ as the note is already paid to - - e Kennedy, and I ata detevntincJ IB pay ft again. 9 |)avid j.)onnM' ,r m August 15. I