Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 07, 1869, Image 4

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DAILY NEW ERA. L H TUUU or ■UMCKimo* • For Annum - •» J® •• si. 3 00 K Era, Pur' Annum - * 00 mr wyabiably ni m/JO ji HATU or AOVBHimiRS. r I I 111 l.«| *>«j k.uu luu.w Quarter Ooluiuu— Half Ouiuma Two-thirds Column. UH Column........ idwrUMMMU Amt a long— patted Ur** mo*Uu will be lutttel »t • deduction of twenty V* c«Bt from III* dww nte. . . _, _ _ AvMotK«tf**( WUfe—or Iraa. tor the •••»!»£• lice, $1. Mad for roeti sube*qu*ut n TwUnMOfMUBMPMOU. oak* * square. Two »• each, before or a 11* *.|UlVal*et U *(MM, ,1, iuand after I ke Brat U»- AdtertlawMub inserted *t interval# b u«« each IumtUoi.. All a Irwrtt—m»at* or notlo— i muter •■(iif Budget. “ ora chargeable ot Ik# rote a a otic* will appear for a loo* auui than o*o ootxao. (Avertlm*m«U muter the head of • Hpaoial Notices.” tweuty omata par lln* for Brat tnaartluo. aod 1U orola for each subsequent loaertloo. ui port an tetters r quarter. Mow* mate especially oni Uif rarloo* oouwiie* of tk« THI BKA orm I THE tlUUI BUILDING ON ALABAMA HMKtT oPrOMlT* THB POUTOPnCK, BKTWttl* BBOAD AMO W HIT MALL. S OOLOMH. REDWINE A FOX’ COLUMN. DR. JOHN BULL’S Great Remedies. DM. JOHN BULL ’smith’s TONIC SYRUP, roBTHIOUUO* AUUK AND FKVKK. —os— (llllil.N AN» fBt’KB. TO. hsMW ol UM Mkbntad Mdlctoo i*M, ohhaateM a supertartly over all remedi— *v*r uffer ad te U* pnUte tor Ua aafa. oartalo. speedy oaf par- SLiitiire of A|W and Fever, or OWIIfi and Pavar, whathi-T of abort ar long standing. H* rater* to ilia MtUia Waatera and Honfeweeteru country to Um hits Ini r to Ua truth of the assertion that la uo care whatever will It tall to our*. II tk* dtrartloaa ara strict- |y followed aiul rarrtod out la a great illflteaM ami kang-staudlBg raaaa. Usually this medl- ciaa will aot require any aid to kaap tha bowel* in wood ordar; should tko |iatlaut however require a ca thartic luadlctue, after having takm Uma or four al«a* aa of tha Tutite, a single doaa of HlLL’H VEGETABLE PAMH.V HUK will ba .ufitolsut Dr. JOHN BULLM Principal Oflkw: No. 40 Fifth Uroii Street* Xjoulfliville, i poiiMs iAii mm F0RE8T_QUEEN. It waa discovered In Atlanta. mm m a tested in Atlanta. u Atlanta o u i r fu year* of age. acalp. ove* aoabe, eeurfo. and dandruff from tlia It remove* all Itching and heat of tha acalp. It keep* the acalp clean and healthy. It immediately stop* the hair from faliiuff oat It force* hair, whlaker* and aye brow* to grow lu\u rtantly. It keep* the hair from changing color from age. It produce* a fall aot of whisker* and imulacln any man of mature age. Prepared only by DR. R. S. POMEROY. No. 1? Alabama I’i» Slid ATLANTA, GA. mar 7-UldacM B. A. FAHNESTOCKS VERMIFUGE, THKSAFFNTAXK MOST EFFECTIVE K E ME I) Y FOR WORMS That Uab evor been discovered. 1 hi* celebrated apccific for Worm* U uaed with th ulmoat freedom and conlldeuce by gentlemen who bav obtained eminence la tha medical profeaaloo, and many of the**, throwing aside their prejudice*. have cheer- folly givea certificate* tealifyiug to it* superiority, la lined exteusiveiy, for the simple reason that frothing Hae yet been discovered whji l) And i It* pli i* given without apprehension, U-csuso ■ |»erfect safety. It baa now been before Ute public for v>ver "Fobtt Yearh.” and ha* attested la adperiortty iu tbouaand* of care*, tl.roogl.out II parte of the world. Ill* tbe Imperative alnty of every pa rent to watrh tbe health of bteebild, and to provide talntaelr with fbla potent spe cific. Be careful to olieerve the initials of the name, a ee that you get M B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUCF B. A. Fah nestock’fl Son & WHOLF.SAI.E imuUOISTS, JAMES M. BISHOP, A1TORNKY AT LAW, IUWSONYILLE, UEOKUIA. l)RACTICE8iu all thecoonlte* of the Blue Ki.. k , X Circuit and In the District Court of the United State* for the Northern District of Georgia. aeplA-ly i SIMMON’S ptoma of liver kxui plaint are uneaainesa ad pain in the aide. Home- imea the pain is in the ilder. and la mistaken Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United Seales and HoHrf Wide Headers. I have received many testimonial* from prufeaalonal and medical men. u my almanac* and various public cations have shown, all of which are geanlns. Th* following tetter from a highly educated and popular physician in (Jeorgla, la certainly one of the moat aeu- alble communication* 1 hare ever received. Dr. Cleiu- *at know* exactly what ha apeak* of, and hi* testimo ny deserves to be written in letter* of gold. Hear what tbe Doctor aaya of BULL’S WORM DESTROYER. Villaxow. Walker Co., Oa., June 29.18. Da. John Bull—Dear Mr. I hare recently given . >ur “Worm Destroyer" several trial*, aud find it wou- drrfwUy efficacious. It haa not failed in a single in atone* to hav* the wUhad-for effect. I am doing a preUy Urge country practice, and have daily aae for some article of the land. I mu fra* to confess that I know of no remedy recommended by tbe ablest awthor* that it ao certain and speedy In its effect*, on the contrary, they are uncertain In the extreme. My ou- )ect in writing you i* to Had out upon what terms 1 can get the medicine direct from you. If I can get It upon eaay term*, 1 shall uaa a great deal of it. I am that the uaa of such article* la contrary to the nga and iwactkse of a great majority of tha regu lar line M. D’a, but I ace uo just cause or good sense In llscardlng a remedy which we know to be efficient simply because we may be ignorant of its combination, my part, 1 shall make it a rule to uae all and any ns to aleviate suffering Immunity which I may be able to command—not hesitating because some oue more iugeuiona than myself may have learned its h facts first, aud secured the sole right to secure that knowledge. However, 1 am by no means an advocate or supporter of the thousands of worthless nostrum* that flood the country, that purport to euro all mau- ner of disease to which human flesh is heir. Please reply soon, and inform me of yonr beat terms. I am. moat respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT. U. D. Six Great Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonic. Nw Arsaalr—Nw Mstrary. PKRTlUrrLY RELIABLE. TV* only remedy for Chill* and fsvar. or Ago* and Pavar, (hat lior cw b* dapeudad upon is Hurley') Ague route. Thera bav* beau thousands cured by using it who have triad tha usual remedies without \VOI(TIIV OF ATTENTION. To Dr. ‘1 bums* A. Hurley: 1 hereby certify that durtug last ysar I waa attacked with Uie ague whilst in Vicksburg, Mias., and used su>«rat popular medicines with but temporary relief. «hi reaching home tha disease returned In a wome type. If poaalbte. when u;y medical atteudaut ordered Quiu- IUC iu large do*** frequently as high as GO grains per dav, aud which must have i'o*t me nearly f 190. I con sulted Dr. HtuUli, of Jjoulsvilir, and fouud hepresertb- ad quinine aud ameute combined, which 1 reinaed to lake, preferring to let the disease take Its course. 1 waa almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and prone ul with enlarged Liver and Huioeu. About this i th« ad vert teamen t of Hurley'* Ague Took- appear s city paper, aud 1 determined U> give it a trial, so, aud have uo weeoai to regret tt. One bottle reel me completely, aud alas* that Up* 1 hero seen nearly a hundred case* In which It acted wtfh equally happy results, aud would certainly r*comtn«-nd It as prefers- PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. MflLEY’S SARSAFAIILLA WITH IODIDE OF POTAHH. L E BBADFIELD’S COLUMN. ~ DR. X fK1ALI limiTIl Woman’s Best Friend. SiTOXS! e»hke aauaa. Hset* ME* a charm, by BBraoaim VNfTf P AHrrtlun* of the Hoar*. Habitual t ostlvr* ness, Orblllty, Utacaaes of the K Iriney-s, Dyspepsia, Kryslprlls, Female lr- rrgalarlllrs. Vistula, all Kklu Dlarases, l.lver t omplslut, ladlgr.llow. Pllrs, l»ulu»o- H nary, Ulsraaea, Iterof*- la.ur King's Kvll, Nypkflla. . tha (Har ass laid for numberless evil* to Ike eonaUtuUou of tbs wo man. Th* nast “turn" com** around and there (a uo “•bow,” or iterkapaUM “whites" will appear. There will be some nneaalneaa about the womb, hut very lib Uooruouoef the natural field aeoaptug. Theoom- B xlou becetss aaltow, bowels swollen, a sort of green- casts about the face, constant dull achlug pains about tho head, weight In th* lower stomach and back, with or witboat whites, iwlpttotlous of th< heart, pal ior, srhanation. iudigvwUoa, weariness, languor, sell ing across tbe k>iua, teas of appetite. |>eia in left breast, tightness across the eheat, cough, and giddluess. ll suit allowed to go on “green atekueas” will be fully de- veloped. Hi* headache becomes severe, with loss of memory, dlmluishiug sensibility, sioe stomauh, dys- pwpeto, no relish for KmmI, loss of Bash, Increased flut tering of the heart, bwkllmu or tub r k*t, lege and body, aud occasional spitting of blood. The slightest effort oeurne uuaairu brkathiro, almost Humnu- tiom. The skin la flabby aud a “doughy foal.” This Is a aad picture, but it is the ooudltlou of thousand* with any of the symptoms above mcutlon. BiWW'Uuu with au Irregularity of the “moulbly MteeL M W* earnestly any TAME DR. J. BRAD- ELDVMSMALKRMUUItoTDK. A few ounces tv l JOB Vfll St once experience Ua benefits, aud with ttte iiattoure you will be fully restored to health. This remedy haa been extensively uaed for upwards f twenty yean by mi “■ - * - — sneoeaeful idiyaidau* Utv by AAOflrilCLD. WHOLESALE DBUUiiiHT, Atlanta, Georgia. Price *1 50 per Bottle. •d" Sold by Drugglsto generally. Atlanta, Oa.. December 29, 180. Dr. J. BnAoncLP. Dear Bir: I take pleasure In staling that some time previous to the late war. I used, with the utmost suooess, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared thou at liradfield’* Drug Store, West Point, Ga. She haa been suffering severely from aa IcJne soon rcstoi tCMLJ XTXWUWl Fame* at th* »****! tailN «f the F*r- Ueth Cwiwn, in act to rspaal an atu of tbs kglaMInre of Mew Mnl ro imposing a oaidUUon tax ou bovine eatUe. lte It taacted by the MenaU< and House of Brprt-ssu taUvca of the United Mala* of America In Congress aa- stumbled. That the act of th* legislature of th* Territo ry of New Mexico, of February third,elgliteeu hundred aud alxty-ulne, and all other laws aud parts of laws of Uiu Republic ’Ft d* * Approved, April 10, ImM. Fuuuo-Mo. 18. An act to amend the judtelal fyeboi ot the UBUkd Mates. Be it enacted by the Senate aud House of Represen tatives of the United Htetes of America iu Congress as- 'bled, That the HunrouisCourt of the United shall shall constitute a quorum; and for the purposes of this be appointed an additional aaeoetote Justice of said coni ^appointed an additional aaeoetote . 1. And 1k> It furtlier enacted, That for each of severely from suppressed meuatructiou, and this Med icine soon restored her to haa" I—I—I — mg In Atlanta, sound and well. her to health. Hhe is, to-<lay, liv- d and well. will state, further, that 1 know of Its beii I believe it U>e most wonderful medicine before public. Nothing under the leavens could induce me to say so without proof of the Htrougest and sureat klud; therefore 1 apeak willingly and positively ou the subject. My daughter haa been afflicted with akin disease and atiffuees of the joints for several years. I em ployed the principal physician* of the city and they looud v | —-— expecting tonishniei tinuea so. | not give this oertifleate; Imt “your Hersaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves uo doubt ol its medi cal qualities, and that it alone cured her. (Signed,) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person riqulrlug tbe truth and Uoiicaty <»( the Htsteiuent. will find me at my residence, corner Ninth and Waluut.-rireets. iAUiisville. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. eiilleiiieu—It gives a remedies knowu l els in general costive, sometimes alternating with lax. nee*. (Utility, and low *pl rsj but the liver ia generally DR. SIMMONS’ uvF.n iiEU*n. It has bern uertl by hundreds, and known for the tost a* year* as one of tbe moat reliable, efficacious and harmless preparation* ever offered to th* sufler- tog. If token regularly and i*er*i*t**titly. >yapep»u, headache, jaundice, coal Irene* ^yapepeU, headache. Jaundice, cnell { ■MBHBHBBHBR headache, regulator|§'Ht MHHplhi' akin.' itnpi od. melancholy, or depression of spirit* mtery, affections Prepared only by J. M. 2KH.IN * UO.. Price fit; by mail $12f. Draggtata, Macon, Ga. The following highly respectable }>ereons can fully attest to the virtue* of this valuable medicine, and to whom w# moat respectfully refer: Geo. W H. Holt. President H. W. R. R. Co.; Rev. 4. K Felder, Perry, Ga.; OoL R. Ih'Arks, Albany, (la.; O tmdge.Oa.jl Tallahassee; Bibb county; J. A. Uhaav, It.; 0. Master- Hu It*. Bain- _ _ . . ; Virgil Powers, Keq.. BuperlnUndeui K. W. K. B.; Daniel Bui- lard, Ballard’s (Nation, Maeon * Brunswick K. ll., Twiggs county, Ga.: Greenville Wood, Wood’s Facto ry, Macon, Ga.; Rev. K. F. Kaater'ing, P. E Florida Oonlernace; Major A. F. Wnoley, Etngston, Oa.; Edi tor Macoo TaDgraph. may wd h w«m aere m.iemm lAen. SOUTHERN WHITE LEAL STRICTLY v o LEAD 5 OIL 1,0 AINU OOLOB WOK KM, ST. I.OMs. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A UooS Kcnsou for tlic Captain'* Faith. BEAU THK CAPTAIN'M LETTER AND THE LETTER FROM HIM MOTHER. Bknton Hauback’m, Mo., April 80, lMfi. Dm. John Bull—Dear Bir: Knowing (lie efflcieucy of your Hara*|iariUa aud the healing aud beneficial qualities it poeseasea, I tend you the following state ment of my case: I was wounded two year* ago—was token prisoner, and confined for sixteen months. Being moved *o of- teu, my wound* have not healed yet. 1 have not sit up a moment aloce I was wounded. I am shot through My general health it Impaired, and 1 need “** * ’ faith in yonr ssv.i&'sesi f,'Hj i&us u. T o&soSs’Hi!k well and hcalvhy. Tit* children would eat it all the time. It la one of the best, safest remedies knowu, and aa such, recomnn ud it to one aud all. JAB. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, June 13,186H. HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS. rtlaa uMU* * ppetlf r Oysnrps r nr Utsoi here are no billers that ran annjmre iPtlh these i removing these diatreaHing complaint*. For aale r can be had at any drug afore In the United Htetes. JAMES RUDDLE A CO., Proprietors, Ix>ntoville, Ky. the hip* , nometliing (o asalst ualure. 1 hav« Hsrsaperilla Un ■ P. H. -The following waa written April 30, liifi. "by Mr*. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnson- Da. Bull—Dear Hir . My husband. Dr. C. H. John- .n, was a skillful aurgeon and physician in Central New York, where he died leaving the above Cl. P. John son to my care. At thirteen years of aga, he had a chronic dlarrhaa and scrofula, for which 1 gave him your Hersaparilla. It curbs him. I have | for ten years recommended it to many in New Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, lover sores ■te*T' r *L d ‘* b,Ut >'- Perfect success haa at- it. The ourea effected In some cases of »cr»fnla aud fever aorea were almost miraculous. I am ivery anxious for mjaon to again have reoourae to your Hareaparilia H# to fearful of getting a spurious article, yo *.. tor HU w °unda were ter- _ _ quality to the beat » try. For sate by W. A. l.AkttlH ffonoE. rpHJ. undersigns* harlna had mg the ctUxeawof Aila«U, and Ntate of Georgia, be will undertake the sale ef said land# In Ike above place*. l‘arites baviHg any lands fdr aale will do wafi to respond with the undersigned. No charge* made uulrue sale la effected. MICHAEL O HARA, Attorney at Uw, FOtk Ward Kaet PlUaburgh, Pa. may dbffln* < iiakai.kon mhkrifk walk. O RItalMTMMrlaiiaManl.MlkiRUbi fan Ik- <u»»t Moom kw Is Ik- town at IkukM Ul. IM., wliktai Ik- Mm> km of m, Ik. WtowM, ImTm. Mk. I«lk* -m IWrlil of MM (UMI uo. n-r-Mmi aan*. LurM ok - Ik- im- ertf of Allen Mark, te satisfy a fl fa issued turn Ike County Court at Oalnuaa eouatr, Oa.. in fafveg *4 W. M fikropehlr* va said Black. Juae f, lad». R. « BARE* jeSfi-w«w-Materia fae $2 00. Deputy mmUL HU S CII10I liTTilS AUTI1KNTK IMH.'UMKNTM. .(Sh.f.rvfA imiKfl f'Rfl.V TidUmmijt of Nr*ird ■-«. NtonsV Point, White Oo., Ark.. May SB, IBM Da John Bull Item Hir . » isl Tiheaxi i 1 waa H 1 " — - wJfcraftataiMMi ^ *- *d on th* Miters, and Ar. Gist, who hue beau he also Improved. Dr. (>>«**, who bee be* fvare *uuu*rh ami hv*v affeetud ke improved very K.'iLV l ““" <* rk«rllttk«. 1—4—A, Mm (MnJ l~*«W , *E Ik Ikla -Ml-. MMIrlim 1—U k_„ _ “fc-lMUkillE. o. R. WALK**. ToJas. huddle A Th!* 1a to enrtfiy that 1 have been lor year* a sufferer and tried all the tonic* 1 have heard of or keen adver tised, with little or no rnMef from any ol them- I heard Hnrley’s Bitters highly spoken of, *ml tried a bottle, with little faith In it Indore I comuieuced aud to my aurpriac'and joy, before I fintohed oue bottle I felt a great deal better and firmly Itelievo that one or two OOOMtoM H was the mean* ot saving and prolong- Ing my llio I (•t.naclentloualy recom nmmlrd them to all sufferers as the best ltllter* known, and advise th.m, -klor Ur. T. A. Horl,.,'. -HU l,.r. no other. You can use thla aa you think proper. If it wilt bem-flt other*. Yonr* truly, etc., 1 ^ ' JOHN W. DIX80N. I.ouisvUle, Ky., Dccembi r 10, ]Hiatt, j., Louisville, Ky.: (leutiamen: NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR SFABKOOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. take, harmless In lte action, efficient and reliable Iu all In valuable In ths following dtaeaeee; ... .. _ bowela. Hammer Complaint. IrregulariUoe I hud health, tried them and L. H. BRADFIELD, URUaoiNT, WMITKHjUJ. NTREBT, ATLAXTA, UA R—U veo—, Tt.lktoiK, ke. Ulr— la Ik, rbllil -ad r Nukvilm, Tkkk., Keb. 11, IKK. 4... lUddt. k <•».. miu. MTla, In Pf'SL* u -d*ov,n.l ImHAm of i>f, Mwhnub’i ' f.m MHitblnn RyfM|i. -ml bmnd M ki J» af ablld «i—l —d u —„iM i—I tn-u-r —ft—— maun ll than -Ul-, r-und; I .... t-b-L I . Ml my wlu n.,u>d— ll la lb- l—l 1—dlMiMlbt fbddran at w—it known. I wuh yini w.nild nt lb- dmiudau b— u. bo-|i ll. If •u» win do—, |d—IM in-know: 11 not —ad I on, do—n by .lyr—, —d I will |»y for II al the MR b—a. Writ- aiw wban yon a.nd It, and MRS. HARAB K BAKDOLPD, DR- vSEABROOK’S Elixir o( Pyrophosphate of Iron and Oalisayo. all the tonic - rv- - - - —ML without the die- -wr—ld» u— ...I had •«—la of .Ilh-r, nwnUy or J? Mkfjnmntlea^ at u>—. valwM- jSSumie. ■tab-aid UlabMt |„ Ml —a wl—t> t—tta tonlf I „ ,t—-loll li rwinlfMl altar t—al—o—w fhwn nv, or d-hllll-Un. dir—, m lb Iho— dtalfw-ln- Irr—w. isrrar,„ fc ’.sr fc £ take tta pUc*. James Ruddle Sc Oo., MlOPHIETOHH, .Vo. 41, llttllill strrrt LoiiImvIIIo, Ky, AR lb* at—Rood-kn a-ta by RKUWIkk k EUX. ATLANTA. OA lim- RMMiddtwIy ln-law, Profosaor KuUierford, of Athenk, Ga. This woman had, 1 thiuk, been diseased for *lx years.— Hhe was a hoaso servant, aud aoemed curod up STATE OF GEORGIA, Taour Oouimr. Thla ia to certify that 1 have examined tue recclpl of Dr. Joeeph Brad field, of this county, aud as a med ical wan pronounce it to be a combination of Med! cines of great merit In the treatment of all the diseases of females for which he recommends It. This Decem ber 21. 1868. WM. P. BEASLEY, U. D. iu saying I have witnessed tho most docided and hap py effects of your Female Regulator in this neighbor- lMH»d. WM. H. FINCHES. T I also prepare and hare for aale a YEAHT POW DER, equal to the beat, aud for much less price. W 1 also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in use by many of the beat housekeepers In the city, aud pro nounced by them to he very superior. I„ H. lilt A OKI KI.I), I >*'•* tTATi-l , .Vf lllllfu, Ob. Mole Agent for Geo. M. Hay’s Sun* Eure for Intemperance. DR. 0. S. PROPHITT’S Family Medicines CONfilMTlNG OF HIM CK.LUKATKD LIVER M E D ICINE Aiitxliiiri Paiu Kill It, ANT -UILLIOUH PILLH, AaUE PILLS, IMf/seul try f'ordtai^ B'emai* Tonic rUIYIFYUNTCA PILaXaB power and JarisdJctloi> ^Jpreme Court allotted to the drcwR. Th* circuit court* In *auh ifirruit ahaU be [the Justice at the Ruprrene Court and circuit judge sit- Uug together, In which caae the JuaUoeof the Hupreim- Court shall preside, or In the absence of either of them by tha other, who shall preside, and Ua (Rrtrh t Judge. Aud swell etin-ts may ha held at the same time iu the (hfibreni district, of the same circuits, and emua nuy be heard aad tried by each of the jndges holding any such oourt sitting apart by direction of the prasidiug justice or judge, who shall designate the buaiuee* to be done by mch. The clrouiT cat h receive an annual salary c Bxc. 3. Aud l>e it further cut this act shall affect the powers < Huprome Court as Judgaapf the circuit court, e»#pt in the appointment of «|«ks of the circuit oourt*, who lu cacb olacult shall la appointed by tho circuit judge of that circuit, and the clerks of the district courts shall he appointed by the Judges thereof respectively: Provided, That the present clerks of mid courts shall continue In offloe till other appolutufonte be made in their place, or they be otliarwtee removed. Bxc. 4. Aud be it further enacted. That It shall la the duty of the Chief Justice and of each Juatlce of the Supreme Court to attend at least one term of the cir cuit oourt lu each district of his circuit during every period ef t«o yease. Hxo. 6. And belt further enacted, That any jhdge of any court of tbe United Htaha, who, having held ills commission as such at least ten years, shall, after hav ing attained to the age of seventy years, resign his of fice. shall thereafter, during the residue of his nalu - ral life, reoeivo the same salary which was by taw jay- able to him at th* Ume of his reeiguatiou. rinuc Na 19. Au act regulating the rights of projicrty of married women in the District of Columbia. Be It enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the united Htatos of America iu (Vmgrcks akuembled. That lu the District of Columbia the right of any married woman te any property, personal or disposal of bar hnabaud, uor be liable for his debts; lint such married woman may convey, devlae, and bequeath the name, or any intercet therein. In the same manner and with Uke effect oa if *he were nanus riod. Baa 2. And b* 11 further enacted. That any Wanted — ii may contract, aud aua and be uued iu her own hundred MdsMaffl*ya«RMr4 „ _ purpose of “refurnishing tk* Prsdiiwfa H Approved, April Mk 1800 Public—Me. 96. Au Kilsl lie It enacted by the fl lUv<<* of the United 4Ml sembtod, That Uaa Mlowtog i r / ' i i auizoma naiHinmr. From Tueaofi te tk* fio*»ru <4«Kw From Tuoeog. via Camp UrmK Fioreuoc, PUu aJx, and Camp McDowell, to WUdiaBbtirp ALABAMA. From No wbcvu to Cottage UUL mwm From (J be banes to JMdridfevUle, From -kkel by rills, vta fodd's Point aud Fralrte Mauee, 0 Moeweqna. From Fairfield, via fipriBgsrritl* and Eufteld. to Haoremento. Prairie, to Mcl-eauMboro. From JdaaMi, via Fletnstiwrg, Wmtarruwd, and (Mb- aon’a more, to Nawtoo. From Moore’s Prairie uoatofflee, via Bprtiig GSi den, Dareavllle, and Williamsburg, to Aaliley. INDIANA. From Jcroui* to West Liberty. IOWA. From Washington te North English From Tallyraud to Month English. From Hjirlngnehl to VUHur. From lb lte Plato to Waterloo. From Moultou to Contrevttle, MICHIGAN. From Norwood, to Eumaet oouuty, vta Antrioa Cily, > Atwood, to Autrim (ouuty. From Otto, vta Douglas and Onbmooaa, to P*-ba- Frocn HnbhardntoD, Ionia county, to Ainu. Gratiot MINNESOTA. Vfcom Uk* Cily, vta P*14 Forest Mouud. JOgto. aud From Maj.l.- Plain, Hennepin county, to Young MIH80URI. From Hpringfleld to Fort 8cott. From Neoaho to Hen oc a. ia. 3Xt _ kton, Dadev King’s Point, Mount Vernon, Marlonsville, aud Gale •very against her ii enforced by execution ajal n grants of lsud to the t } the Htato of Alabama by the act of Congreaa, aj>- jiuBi to the Htate of Alahauia, fo aid to the cuuatruc- to assist iu tlte iniildtog of railroad* " from near Gads den to some point on the Alabama and MlssisHippi HUte hue, in a direction to the Mobile aud OhioBfa road, with a view to connect with the said Mobile and Ohio railroad,” and “from Gadsden to connect with the Georgia and Tennessee and Tennessee line of rail road* through Cbattdoga, Wills, aud Lookout Valleys.’’ Ik hereby revived and renewed, subject to all the con ditions and restrictions contained In the act referred to, aud subject to the further limitations that If alUu of the said railroads is not completed within three yearn from tho paaaago of this act, uo further aale shall l*o made for the benefit of aud* railroad, and the lands unsold shall revert to the United Mates: Provi ded. That the lands granted by the ad hereby revived, except mineral lauds, shall Is- sold to actual settlers only in quantities not greaiwr than nne-quartor section te auy on* purchaser, aud tor a price not exceeding two dollars aud fifty-cunts per sera. Sxc. 2. Aud be it further euoctod. That the right. lie lands edJaccut to tho linos of said railroads earth, stone aud other materials for the oonstmotlnn there- ol; and the right of way is hereby granted to tho ax- Ajtproved April 10, 1869. T HK excellent remedies of O. 8. Prophitt, M. E.. need no recommendation, their welPknowu (tower ' in removing the diseases peculiar to our Southern cli mate having already established for them an euvlable reputation in Georgia and the adjoining HtaUa. As the I Ooriiy of persona living iu the South arepredtapoeod disease of the Liver, It Is granted by all intelligent phyalclsua that moat of tlio pallia and aches of our peo ple oro due to organic or functional derangement of that Imjiortant organ. Prophltt's Liver Medicine and Antl-Biflious Pills strike directly at tbe root of the evil. They enro the Liver, which lu uiu* esses ont of ten, is at the bottom of tho Coughs, Dyspepsia, Colic, Kick Headache, Rheumatism. Constipation, Menstrual Oh. structlonk, etc., so common among our p«o|dc. Ear. ache, Toothache, Acute Uheiuuattam, Neuralgia, and bodily ltalDH of every kind flee before ’ropliill'H I’ll in Kill ll othet chronic diseases. Dynpejihia hi any foi Prophitt’s Liver Mediciuo. It ia nalu and reliable; pure Vegetable, and a liquid ready for nee at any and al) time*. Price $2 a bottle— “» 1-8 jter cent, discount by the doxen lioUlee or mom. If you get snake hit, use UHOIMHTT’S PAIN KILL IT. iuternal aud external. If you havo a frenh wound of any sort, nae the PAIN KILL IT. ll you gel dog bit, apply the PAIN KILL IT. Anti-Billions Vegetable Pills, PurKUllve nn* Kebrirnci-, An act concerning tl»e Attorney Gcaeral. Be it onaotc«l by the Senate aud llou*e of Represou- tativta of Ibe Unltoil State* of America iu Congress aa- keniblod. That so much of the “Act making appropria tions for the legislative, executive, aud judicial ex- jienaea of Uie govorament for the yoar ending th* thir tieth or Juno, eighteen hundred aud aeveotj,” an ro- pcata th* second section of the act of August necoud. to bo tomey General to report at the commencement of tho next session of Congretia, and to each succeeding s»> i- N of all the Jtereona emplnyned for the i>ni|doyed, with the o Apr , April 10, ll sc? aation j»ald to each. lO-o* * Diseases of all kinds. DR. O. H. PliOPHITT’H VKRKTAIIliK AGUE PILLS, A safe and.i i rtaio remedy for Ague and fk»\-er. DU. PROl’UlTr’H mm BYSKITUT COIBIAL law-, w|**nanc*. ewmi**, inu may ba given te all slxee, age* end times, with perfect safety, where there la anything ol that class indicated. Female Tonic, PURYFYING PILLS Tha pNrifylng Pill* aud Female Tonic are aa*o«iatoil tegitkar aa a full preparaUiw, a* »ou a*a In the BUI* rkaar have gtv*u twrfeot ealtefoetiou in my practice for th* law twaatyyeara, te aU oasae that they am recom- iu ended for. Th* Pills may be taken In connection with to* Uver Mmihdua, without tk* Toufo, when ttrere la auy todicatloM for Ukml svek aa fikar«B«M o. Breath, Nwetltug of tke F»et or Fees, or a Pale, Weak Slat* of the Wood, or a Flabby Mate of the Mum tes, aa getter ally follow Fewer aad Ohltta and Fever. All of the above kfedfotoea *oM by Dniggiata and Ma^nhaata generally throughout the Bouthweet. W** b Li.«lMl, R-4-1— k r»i, Curtta * Uojd, r-ubMto-. Vita.—i, Tk»k» * o*.. AU-nta. U*. iT-i»f«k <.«!» k, db. o. a. noniTT, Oovtefiton, Ga. All the above recaedtea far aala ky L. H. BRADFIEED, H lftOl^HALK DRUUOINT. WHITEHALL fiTBRST, ATLANTA, G'lORGlA mar 14 -oddly PUDUC-No. 22. An act to extend the time for the Utile Rock aud Fort HniiUi Uailroail (,'oui|iany to complete the first ecc tion of twenty miles of aaid road. Be it enacted by tlie Kenatn and House of tativea of the United Htatok of America in Congress as- ten ii bled, That an act a|ijiroved July twenty-eight. eighteen hundred and aixty-aix, entitled "Au act to re vim< ami extend tho provisions «f “An act gisnllng the right of way ami making a grant of land hi Uie Htato* of Arkansas and Missouri, to aid iu the eon- •traction of a railroad from a point ou (he Mississippi river, opposite tho mouth of Uie Ohio river, via Little llock, fo the Taxaa boundary near Fulton iu Arkau sas, with brauche* to Fort Hinith and the ltt**lenippl river.’ approved February nlue. elgliteeu hundred and fifty -throe, and f«>r other purpodea," ba so onumded as to extend the Umn to the Little Bock and Fort Nmttti Railroad Uompauy, for bteldlM Ilia first wsUon twenty miles provide*! for te the asoond sssLott said act, for lbs teim of three year* from the tl tconth day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty sov the Urns of filing tlio certificate of organtaUiou to said com|»aiiy provided for lu Ih* third Motion of aaid set Provided, That tho land granteil by the act hereby re vived shall he sold to aoUM settlor* only, lu quanti ties not greater than on* q--*— ' -- jmn'haser, and for a price and flfly cents j»er acre. Ajiproved, April HI. I860. PunLlc—No. 23. An act lo auieml an act ontitlo “Au act granting lands to aid In the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from th* Central Pacific Railroad, in California, to Pnrtlaud, In Oregon,” approved Jnly twenty five, eighteen hundred aud sixty atx. Be it euacUul by the donate aud Uoiim of K«pre*vii taUves of lte* United Nates of America in Oengrom *•- sooiidcd. That section six of au a«'t entltlod "An act grauUiig lauds hi aid in th* cnustraaMdu of a railroad and telegraph line from tlio Central lltelflc Italiroad, In California, to 1‘urtiaud, ia Oregon." approved Jnly twenty fire, eighteen hundred and rixty-aix, he, and i Queen City to Unloaviils. From Chilliootbe, via Alpha and Lindley, to Winld vtllv. From Bpring Hill to Gallatin. From rkslpa* Oily, vta Hochfort and Quitman, 1 Marysville. From Maysvilte, via Gcntryvilic, to AHiauy. From Leltanon lo Mountain Grove. NEVADA. From Belmont, via Hot Creek. Kilvt i From Argents to AuaL<:i. From Twin River, via Hllvcr Peak, to Italmeito. From Palmetto, inti-ram-ting the Aurora and Hi motto, and Fish Laks, to Anrorm. NEBRASKA. From Arago, In the Slate of Nebraska, to Craig, in tho HUto of Missouri. From Beatrice, Gag* county, Nebraska, via Caroline aud Cub Creek, to Falrbury, Jefferson county, Ne braska. From Lil»wood to Co.uiubus. From Ashland to Columbus. From Falls dty, vta Arago, to Craig Station. Mla- From Susan Oily, via Ricoville, to Wi-lla’ Mills. NORTH CAUOUNA. From Salem to Jemaalem. From l,eakeavilU> to Penn's Wtore. in \ irgiula. From Joiicnboro, via Harrington, Norvell, and .Sum merville. to Uarnoll C«Mirt Houae. OHIO. From Komcraai to LancaateT. f’rom New Holland to Pancoaatburg. From Marion via Maple Grove, to Middlatowu. From North Liberty to BentouvUle. From LaucaotertoHomcraet. From CorsicaLi Htoam Corners. From Marietta to Cow itiiu. OREGON. From I-ewisville to Elk City. PENNSYLVANIA. From Howard, in Centro < ouuty, Pennaj lvania. by way of Walker, Uuldersburg. and Madiaonvjilc, to Centre Mill*, iu Centre couuty. From asnosc, iu Potter county, Pennsylvania, by way of West Brigham and Brigliam Centro, to Ulys ses, In Potter county. From Smithport, via Annin, te Port All^heiiy. From Bowman’s Creek toTimkhanuock- FromTroy, vta Welder's Milla, to Lyon’s Mill*. From Hartwell, via Port Allegheny and White’# Sum mit, to XmjKiriuia. From Puttatown, via East Ooventry, to Hsltxcr's Store. From Mum- Mur's AM*. I dfttdvOJe Prom Liberty Coruci Ei a. EyMratfteMImi; J. a Bammorr Davis. tAUHIoonurraft Of tbr fnnlili-at *f Uw i;*IM SUIm ttf A tuerl<ea. A PROCLAMATION. Whwrsaa an additional Article to tk* convention for Uts aurreodcr of nrimteMu, h*twsao tbs United teal** aud His Majesty tk* ftteff of Italy, m ntmrindrd nod ■fgnsd by tnatr respecifvu pb LlpotenUarles At Wash iugten, on tk* 3 tat day of January, eighteen hundred aad slxly-nlue, which addlHonal artida befog m Uw English atd IfoUau laaguagaa, la word for word aa fol- towht It la figywai that tha soostodfog paragrapii mi Uie asoond artkl* of the atm voottou aforesaid shall be amended aa to r I ssnmmL __ 1 of their empfoyers, when salaried, to tha < datriju*! • satyeotts Infamous jHiuiahnwat ac cording to the laws ef th* United Htatos, and criminal puateksMant asoordteff to testawa of Italy. In wUtwaa wkersofth* MMnaUvs pfentpotonUarts* hav* atgpsd tha paaaaat ifltih te duftfeale, awd hav* affixed tear*») the seal of their arm*. Dona at jrateingtoo. the list .lay ttf Janaary. 1M9. And whereas the seta addition a. Arttata Iras ke*u duly raUtsd on both parts, and th* respective retifirottous were exchanged at Washlagton on the 7th teataat Mow, Uwrefore. b*llkaowateat I,U.“ * * «r*bv, amended w u to show aa> railroad roawphny hetwtatere fiaMfiaatafi hf tea legtatature of the Htato Oregon, in aosordanos with Uio flxat section of aaid net, teMs tta aattant te aPak act fn Uie Department of th* Interior witliln on* year from the date of tk* paoaaga ttf tela aait and suck fib log of Ua assent, if don* within one yaar from Ui«i>aa aage hereof, shell hav* th* a*m« fiwvw add effect U ail Intent* ami pitrpoa** *■ If aach avaant ha.l been flleit wlUilu ou* year after tbs paaaagsofaaldAat: Provided. Ibat nothing herein shall Impair any righte hereto fore acipitre*! by any railroad rewapaaw waiiar aaid set, Aor shad said Act or llita amendment lie eonatraed Hi entitle mar* than on* compMiy tea great of land: Aad provided further, 1 hat the lamia grsntel by tke act •dorareld shall h* sold to Mtaal saUtsra only, in qaatt- tUtea net greeter then »»ne querist •.•ctlon H> one pur .-luwer, sad for e price u*>» axosedtag two dollars end fifty cants p*>r sore. Approv'd April !«, 18fi9. In act te dlai-oiittmte Hanlt Htr. Marl* aa a pert of au- try In tke Hnpsrtev dtetrH t, and to aatelittak Mar- qnette te H*u thereof. aambted. TktaManlt Urn Banal* end Hows Htetes of Awforise In o« wares* an- fit*. Mari*, tn the district of Mb C ur, Is barter * tea port <4m . — _— _ —. ky, satakltahcd te M*r.|>wtte, at whtak (toff* th* sol teeter ttf ih* dtstrite shall raaida, and a dttpnty oaltar ter shall reside at Neati Nt*. Marta. ■no. a. And ba Hfntehar snaatad, That aN aate end via Slorr’a Milla, to New From Maple ton, Huntingdon county, vta Harris Val ley, .Saltillo, to Bcuttavitlo. NOUTH CAROLINA. Prom Benueltavillc. vta Parnassus. Brownsville Selkirk, to Clio. TENNESSEE. From Waynesboro* to Boyd’s Landing. From Mount Plr-asaut, via Laughing Water, to Ash- From I-ladcu to Waynoatioro'. VERMONT. From Marshfield, vie UookmvUls, to E*at Cabot WIHCONHIN. From Bockbridga, vis Ghomley’s Mills and John trown'o, to Irouton. From Iota, vie Now Hope, KUsrous. end Bull, to tovoua' Point. From Black River Falla, vta Augusta, to Chipitewa Falla. From Bayblll lo Elkliorn. From Keuoslia to Hotnere. Approvod, April lu, IMftl. OONVHNTTION THE UNITED SIATEB OF AMERICA AND FRANCE CONCERNING TRADE MARSH. K) the I’rrxidmt «f the t'nilnl MtUw ,1 Anwriaa. A r K 010 L A U A T I 0 N I WnmiUM, A convention between tke trailed Rtatea of America aud hi* im)>*rial Majesty, tke Emperor of the French, wun connludsd end atgiwd hy tksir rrepsc* tlvo pUnlpmeiiUarfee et tko city of Washington o« the 14th ilay of April late, which oonveutlon, bring iu fe* English end French taii.rnnges, Is word for word ea follows: Tits United Rtsles of America end bis *•— Rmpsror of the French, desiring to aecttra J epectlve territoriys e gnerentee nf property in trade marks, have resolved'to couclnde a apcclsl nvnven- Hon for thta purpose, and have nanml aa th--ir plenl potouUarica; Urn Preaidant of tbe United Btaiaa, Ravu- llton Rite, Hocretary of HUte, end his MaJ'-stv «h, arid additional aftteta to Is — . that tbe ante* find si hi ekne** end itek may he observed and fulfilled with good frith by th# liBiiMi Mtatea and tea aMhciu thereof. la testlareay whereof, I have Iwrsnnto ret my hand, aud caused tha as*l sf tk* United Htetes to U. affix*.I Don* te tk* city of Washington this eleventh day of May. In tee yaaraf enr Lard ana tknnareil right koo- drsd and elsiy-nlum, and of tke Independence of the United flutes of America the ntnety-thtrd. |heal.] U. a Grant. By tk* President: Hamilton Fish, User alary of Htato IJj Um> Pmldrat uf tbr l)»itrd NUtn «C Aacrtab A PROCLAMATION. adjustment of claims of ettixsoa of either sountry thouaand eight hundred venttan, being in the English and Hpaniab languages, la word for word afl Altiiwn*. Whuikax. Claims may have, at various limes alnco the signature of the decisions of the mixed cotn-mta- hidii which met in Limn lu July, 180, t>seu made on the government of tbe United HU tea of America, hy hy citizens of Pern, and have been made by citizens of tlio United Htetes of America on tha government of Peru, end wborees sums of auck claims are villi pend ing. the President of tho United Htetes of America and the President of Peru, being of opinion that r | and equitable settlement of all such claims < The President of tbe United Htatos names Alvin I’ Hovry, envoy extraordinary and minister planipotou- tiary of t**e United Htatos of America near the govsni- ii eut of Peru, aud tha President of Peru names his eyoellenry Doctor Don Joso Antonio Itamnschsa, minister of foreign affairs of Peru, who, after having communicated to each other their respective fuU pow ers. fouud lii good and true form, have agreed as fol lows: vidnal*. crilxoUR of the Unitod Htetes, upon the govern moot of Pern, and all claims on tho part of corpora- Uooa,ttompu>ies, or private individuals, citterns of Peru, upon the government of the United HU tea, which may have been presented to cither government for lte interposition Since the sittings of tho aaid mixed com mission, and which remrin yet unsettled, aa well *• any other claims which may be presented within tbs time specified iu Article III hereinafter, shall be re ferred to tbe two commissioners, who Khali b« ap- Itolntel in the following manner, that te to say: One commissioner shall b« named by the President of th* commissioner, or in the event of either ccimmlariouer omitting or rearing to art ha suck, the President of ww&r- inisakiosr iu tbe place or stead of the commissioner already named. The oommissiouers so named shall meet at Lima at their earliest nmvonlenre after they have keen respectively named, not to exorod three months from the rati Mention of this convention, and shall, before proceeding to any businem, make and subscribe a solemn declaration that they will impar- the record of th* commission. The commissioners shall then, and before proceed ing to other business, name some third person of soar third nation to set aa an arbitrator or umpire ia any caro or cases on which they may themselves differ In opinion. If they should not he able to agTee upon tbe of such third parson, they shall sack name a a ef a third nation, and in each and every caae in which the eomniinrionera may differ in opinion as tn the deoteton which they ought to give, it shall be de termined by lot which ot tke two persons so named •hall be tk* arbitrator or umpire In that particular ‘•roe. The person or parsons so to be ckosca to be ar bitrator or umpire shall, before proceeding to act as such in any anas, make and subscribe a aotoan decla ration la a form simitar to that which shall have al ready been made and sabecribed by tke com arts slew era, which shall be entered npon tbe records of their proceedings. In the event of the death, absence, or incapacity ofanoh person or pereoua, or of his or their omitting, or declining, or oearing to aot aa such arbitrator or umpire, another ami different person •hall be namod as aforesaid to sot as an oh arbitrator or umpire In Uie place and stead of the person so orig inally named as aforesaid, and shall make aud sub scribe such declaration aa aforesaid. AJkrtcu: n. The oommlorionara shall then forthwith proceed to Uie investigation otth* claims which shall be preecnt- od to their uolicc. They shall investigate and decide upon suck claims in such order aad to swob ■»»—» a* they may conjointly thiuk proper, lmt upon surli evideoc* or information as shall be fumiahed hy or on hehnlf of their r**i>*etlvo governments. They shall be bound to reoriv* and perua* all written documents - statements which may be presented to them by fltetaa and dtegfiitaraflitalHfeVVI^HPHH Di testimony whereof I have hsrennlu set mr and canrod tke aeri ot th* United Mteie* tokeriflttd ttnsttssassr* *• ^ f*AL 1 fj. fl. ORAMT By tlitt Freridmit : i. C. li—m Dans Actriw ftatoTtary n fltota- mmm Not * Brand red)**—oat ’Ayer's*-not ‘Wrtgfct . ' "tosnirYism mi Ijr vegtttakl* Fltfl -Tkta Oiragh will UH will MR von,” Try *CeriaF«”(en V h, oaraenwa land to death," 1 “Golds aud 1 ^ Tn “iariatV* toask, “For Croup*—Whooping Oa», ha, Ac., 77 Try “Caster’s" (to|k Merer*,. “Oontor rays tt te tk* best to tha wvd* world-aud it He aaya tto—U’sTr**—H'sTnaa—ift Trne;and V* say *■■■ *’ (< COS TAR’S” Standard Preparations ARE B18 BE AUTIFIER. TH* BUCKTHORN SALVE! •CMtsr’i" (only pure) In t Powdir. ••OonTAtt," Mo JO. Crosby si., N. V . Or Jouw F. IUmut (Huoeeaaor to| Dorns< Itarnes ft Co..21 Park K>w, N. Y. _»-For Hale by J. A. TATLOR. L. R. BRADFIRLO aad other Dniggteta in ATLANTA, (iA. RKDWINK ft FOX. agents, Atlante, Ga. fobJO-c AVPB’Q AGUE CTJRE, ro* nn btkxdj coax or Intermittent Fever, w Fever and A(m*, McMSltteast Fever, CktU Fever, Itmamk Anne, I'erledlcnl llendiarlse, mr IM 11 are a llesutncke, aad Blllema Fevers, tmsleed for tke whole elaas *f 4‘ ~ — lng la hlliorF dlertamgei the Malaria off ml name! toe No one remedy 1s louder railed for by tke ueoeesi- Uei of the Amertaaa peopta than a aara sod safe enrt for Fever and Agro. Hueh w* are now enabled to sl ier. with a perfect certainty that It will eradicate (he disease, and with assurance, founded ou proof, feat That which Pretoria to . . must tie of unmans* service la the woauwue where it prevalk. Prevention t* better thad care, for the patient escape* the risk which be meat run in vio lent attacks of thta batafol dtatorepar. This “Coma" expels tbe miesaaatto poison of Farm and Aucx iron, the system and prevent* the development of the dic es**, if taken on th* first approach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not (rely the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. Tbe large quantity we supply for a <k41*r brings it within tha reach of everybody: and In bilious taction. It is hoped thta price will place It within the reach of all—the poor as well aa the rich. A great su periority of this remedy over any other ever discov ered for the speedy and oertain cure of IntanniUenu ia, that It contains no Quinine or mineral, consequent ly it prodooro no qunism or other injurious effect* whatever upon tbe constitution. Tho** cured by it Fever aad Agxto te not alone the roaseqaenre of tke miasmatic poison. A great variety of disorders aria* from its Irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Jthro- mstism. Goat, Hradaebe, Win due—. Toothache. Ear ache, Catarrh, Asthma. Palpitation. Patofol Affcctios of th* Bptoea, Hysterics, Fain to th* Bowels, Colic. Paralysis, and D—Mgsmstit of the Stomach, oil cf which, whenorigtaattog to this oa—e, put on the to- tenuitteut type, or become periodical. Thta “Crax" expels the potooa from the blood, and ooeaaqaeatly cur— them all aUk*. It ta an Invaluable protoctiu* to immigrants and per— traveling or tomporarily re- aidlng In the malarious districts. If taken occasional ly or daily white exposed to the infection, that will t* excreted from the system, end e—met accumulate iu anfeetant quantity to ripen into dirosro. Heoee It ta more valuable far protection than cure, aad few * ' itttenta. if titry avail Item remedy i " PREPARED BY DR. J. 0. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Sold by Red wine ft Fox. J. 8. Wtltaon, and all th* Druggists in Maoon. Also, by all Druggists and lfesl — everywhere. )y l-deodk w3iu EMPLOYMENT ! free. Addre— febSA-vrtHaugto > behalf of their respective governments. In support , or Inauswer tossurc*-' A w — " * * it each side I Side on b«half of each government t for inch government, on each an ku. Nhuukl they fed to agree l •Nctomselor agent every separate claim. _ . ... opinion on any Individual claim, 'they ahalf^tl to I heir assistance the arbitrator or umpire whom they havo agreed to name, or who may be detooutned by lot, - the care anavbe. ami such arbitrator sr umpire. •to* esereined Um evideta— adduced for and not tke claim, and after having beard, oa required _ I”"™ Pn eech stde, - aforesaid, amt e—raMed with the ao—mi—toner*, shall deotde thareupon ftnah wilkout appeal. The declstou of the coramta sloaere and of tbe arbitrator or amptro skak be glren upon —eh claim in writing, and shall bo there f—pcoUvely. It shall be co-pa t to name ou* person to aMi as agent on its behalf, and to It, and to rep “ I wtfh the Investigation and decision Tha Frsatdent nf Um United Rtatea. and tk* Fra*1- > atoned hy si tar sack fto„ accredited aa hta envoy extraordinary and minis for plent|Mitentirry to IU# United Htatos; and the said ‘ ‘ altar ah examination of their re*pad. which Were found to U* in ami ... ..... I tho following ar- dtio form, have agreed to a i 1. i two couutrl— of • certain nierehan Every repriNlUclion in m»e of i (rate marks sib Led ia the other •II— to prove its origin slid quality. Is lortmlden, and •hell give ground for an action tor d«mag— in fovor of U»« injured |«ny. to l» prosecuted lu the tNHirta of the—tintry in which tke •'onnterfrtt skaN be pro Just ss it the plain UK were a subject or citta< u of that —sfeWy. the exchisive right to uma tndaiaaik for tk* •fit id flitlaeiis ol Uie United mate* In France, «... ... French subject* ta Ik* territory ot Um Untied feats*, —mint extat fur * tang— period then that fixed by the taw of the country for It* own ritlsr its. If Uie trail* mark has broom* pntHfo property tu Uie country of it* origin, M ahaU b* equally fee* to all iu tile oilier country. • A STIC Ml ||. If theow—ra of trad* marks, r-ohllug m ettlier of he two ountttea, wlek to secure their rights lu Un< ubrr conutrs, they ma*t iteposU duplicate eoptas of liose mark* I* the Fatsut Offlre at WariiiagtoU, and in h«(fleck's Ogfoe uf theTrikuual of OomuterM of tho Heine, at Fart*, „ ASTIOLa ttt. The present arrangeuienl shall take effect nlnMy itays altar I Im< exchange of ratlfrwUulta by the two imveruiurtita, sn<t «hsfi con tin— in for— for teti y—re ‘f—n lilta data In care neither of that*" high eontrartin* neiG— gtv—notica Of iu lute-tan ta R—M— ikla —• veiiifon, twelve month* before it* cxplrathm, H shall remain in fore* oneyror from Um time that vttkrr of th* high oontrocting jiarti—aummncea tta dlarontkm- Tbr raiKteAtious of this pteroul arrang*maul ahaU e cxohauK*4jA W—hiagton. wtthlk I— Months. OT la taUk whereof Urn respertif* ptantpota—iorlra hav* algnmlfih* presteil convention la dapll—ta, and affixed thereto ip* root ef their arm*. ' m at W—king ton, the sixteenth day of April, la or of Um arbitrator or umpire, aa the oa— may be, — absotutaly final amt counhtrivc upon each cletni (Weld ed upon them or him. remtcctivcly. and to give full ef- fort ta recti decision*, without any ohjecthms. era Men, m delay whateoev—. It 1*agreed that no claim orielug ont of auy tranaaction of a data prior ta the —th of November, IfflB, ahaU be adml—flde under Mils ApplhwtUa far Exeaptio*. wm. uoagucrxy uitw-mu* poreiumlty. and aetilug a|*art ami wd. owd 1 will pa— upon Uie n., re fid day of August, tfiCt. at Kverv olaiui shall be presented to Uie commission the coaimi—Mates tiffs ring lu net* I re thru lu every each case the period for presaatlug th* claim max It* extruded to auy l*crtod not cxcrenling ou* month longer. The (MniUitatennar* shall be b—ted deride upon every claim within six mouths froui the day of iWeir first meeting- Alla oonutfif agy claim, shall b« paid by the one govi menl to th* —h—. m Ike — may be, xritkte A*er month* alter th* date of Ike doclmoo. without Inter —I, fifed wftkont any redaction, mxe a# specified lu Arik ta Yl. kerelnalter. tafewUpeof. mad*, preferred, t ninfefltilonera, ahaU, from ami alter U>* ooecfovUm of oeck. ymtty AMMlkimlMi, ud MM* or wwplpi*» ke -M-Wibn, h, wm i.i..iiniw.. will b* entitted to als montlui' pay. .um. ..Mil \y Uw umi Ii Mil WlMil tk *V*M*I mkMmta MCI to. «Mil. nmol KW M NHL Ml Ik. NN. M IM1.M. rjr. * Mj .Mil h. **»jr~« ^ u>« lam mniMl. H*, iMmuifei Mttcu vu. J in i.i i niiyn it om lWpr-m.rremreottan^be^hyJ»MW Wtewt of tko Batted Mat—, ky and wife fee eanstfel — F— fiate U quaetiO— the renatefe-ted. and ky fee »ra**d*-ef form wtih PRMBRRTOR, 1 BORGIA, UAKALHON OOUKTY.-Two moulk. U after date *i>pli—lion will be mode to fee i tall nary of Haratoon county, Georgia, tor l—re to sell the lands belonging to tha estate of Raebra Retd, te- o—red. for tko benefit of the hedre amt creditors • « aaid deceased. B. F- WATflON, July fife. 1—9. Administrator. Jnly2U-w2m Friater’s tee $* MKU. S. THOMAS, Attorn t' v i\ t Xj a v ATLANTA. UA. «T Ofifice, Broad —.Got. Brown** MiNdi— TH0KA8 0. SIMMS, Agent, <».•» >1 lli« Oatklmf mere of W U. Late » Om AttaaU, (Jowfi*. roi kv tqii stum min a | Manutacturora of Kauri*' UUa, llum, Holt ( uttoos #T rixht Brilh, MarktaMo- 1Wi« »r kH Orwn-iyOoitv A ua, MrtOmi .ml "TllTr (imuSTSt toitTSSuw. mi .it o-M-i 111 ——« or tollrooO -Mir Oritomomnammo-Q^IS* (»>u •O. United States Mail FROM ATLANTA TO feAMLONECA I f KAYEH ATLANTA MONDAY* *****!”**** o. KrtloM k 0»*» MOM. oo h.ial o willoS —i.amtioMO—o-owOMWi kBrtmmteoaOmaioc.Uo. CALIFORNIA WINES. Ifee—fe tko AM fe IsdLtai.fetal