Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 11, 1869, Image 4

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DAILY NEW ERA. nun or svB>ciumoN > For D»l!*,P*r Annum i " SI* Month*- r Month W»ekly Era, Par Annum fe. OTilUAI n ADTAMtUt. Al ...»9 00 .... $00 ... $0 > 00 ■ATM or ADVICUTIUHO. TIT J Number Mqnarv a ? : . ^ r g Ous Mqnare Twt MUM TtitiftMto Mjpff. Flvo Squares ■x Mm Quarter Ori Half Twodhifda Ooluuu. Ooe Column 14.00 tfl-00 90.00 MOO MOO M.00 80.00 40.00 34.00! *4-00 40.00 j 44.40 U.00! 70.00 64.00 80.00 74.00, 100*00 •SS 64.00 40.00 ML 00 44. b' 46.00 •0.00 104.06 194.00 IlillUmnim lor • lour* ——*1,1 yjjj ^ |j|—-*—* n i dfcluctlou of iwwtty prr oMtfrooith.OloT.ratM- . tnrar. ror rach -(ftftra ol 10 Horn or Ira*, torUw Lkm. II tn,l tor ttch aubeequeut insertion ou cumin. Tnu'liuea of solid nonpareil. or fra equivalent »*> "P**. ■ikt a iquin. or o« demand after tb.flrrt in- ^Advertisement* MWt b* ^ idiwtiMMoU inserted el intervals to be charged as "VSXSSU or ooUra. .. fctY.rU.oiu.uU, un4«r •■Oltjr Budget," ere chargeable at the rate ol Ttmi nu OB$rn » line ter each tuaeruou. N nolle# vlU inner for » lee* euut then omb douai. tdverttaemeate under U>$ head of “rtpeclel Nolle*-*, twenty oeota per Une for flret liner ton. and 10 cent* for each subsequent Insertion. Voluntary communications, ooutaialug interesting m port an i new*, solicited from every quarter. New* letu*r« •»out the rariooa conottr* of the Htate especially deal red. THE EH A OFFICE 14 XX TUN BRICK BUILDING ON ALABAMA MTBKKT OPFOB1TE THK POeTOFFlCK, BBTWXBN BttOAl) BMP WIUTRUAI.I. niltITAitV DIRECTORY. Lkkvkt Major-General Alfred H. Terry - Commanding Department of tbo South. PERSONAL STAFF. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith, Captain U. S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Lieutenuut Colonel 0. H. Graves, Captain U. S. Army. Aid de-Comp. Brevet Captain J. G. Telford, 1st Lienteu* nut U. S. Annj, Aid-de-Camp. DEPARTMENT STAFF. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Assistant Ad jutant Geueral,*U. H. Army, Assistant Ad jutant General. Brevot Major Robert P. Hughes, Captain U. S. Anuy, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain C. W. Hotsenpiller, U. S. Army, Acting AssisUnt Inspector General. Major Do Witt Clinton, Judge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haines, Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, Chief Commissary. Bievet Colonel A. R. Eddy, Mmor and Quar termaster U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. S. Army, Depot and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeou U. 8. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Miluau. Surgeon U. 8. Army. Assistant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. 8. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieatcnant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master V. S. Army. B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, TIIE SAFEST AND MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR WORMS Thut has ever been discovered. This celebrated specific for Worms is used with the utmost freedom and confidence by gentlemen who have obtained eminence in the medical profession, and many of th****- f«ro winym&id 1 ce*, have cheer- folly givau certificates testifying to its superiority. It is used extensively, for the simple reason that IVottalag has yet been dtscorereil which naaonATORT oar REDWINE * FOX’ COLUMN. and Analytical Chemistry. rimn.fiusoi.Tmi mo.. Wholmwle Dru«sl»<» *»*»# MANl'FACTURINO CHEMISTS, Atlanta, Ga., . SSnl if Ores, Earths. Mineral Waters, is. Medical Compounds. Hulls, Ouauos, Re., executed i reasonable charges, by WM. J. I.AND. Chemist. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. lllwe Mass, lihwbarb. Nitrate of Mllver, C hloride or Gold, Nulrlta of Nitre, Pure Alrhohol.C. P. Mromirfes and Iodides,«fcc., at lowest prlres. Jobbing mad* a specialty 0*11 and examine ati» sud prices, st the Drug and Chemical House of PKMBERTON, W1LLMON, TAYI.OR A: OO. Perfumery, Perftimery. UK. TAYLOKH PREMIUM COLOGNE, Oelebratsd and unsurpassed lu quality by any yet produced. F LORIDA and URIDAL B0QUKT8 distilled from the sweetest Southern Flowers. Lubiu’s aud otoi celebrated French Perfumes, sold by PEMBERTON, WILLBON, TAYLOR A CO. TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR A: CO. COMPOUND EXTRACT OF QUEEN’S EEUIGHIT, I S warrants 1 to cure Scrofula, Chronic Rheutuaiism, Disessss of the Liver and Skin, Ringworm, Pim ples. Blotches. Syphilis in all its forms. As a renovator and purifier of the blood, it lias no equal. It quickly restoresthe system to perfect health and purity. For sale, wholesale and retail, by PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR A CO. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, SrC. ■yyE keep large stocks of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, it RUSHES, Window Ulass, Ac. At the lowest prices. PEMBERTON. WILLSON, TAYLOR A CO. July 4c. (may 15-3m.) ROSADALIS, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula In all i an be sMbatltnted In Its plm And it is given without apprehensiou, because every one knows its perfect safety. It has now been before the public for over “Fobtt Ykabs,” and has attested ts superiority in thousands of cases, throughout 11 parts of the world. Ills the Imperative duty of every pa rent to watch the health of feta child, and to provide himself with this potent spe cific. Be careful to observe the initial® of the name, ee that you get “B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUCF 8. A* Fahnestock’s Sod & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, PITTSBURG, PA., sep7-ly SOLS rmoraiSTOBS. JAMES M. BISHOP, A1TORNEY AT LAW, DAWSOSVILLK, GEORGIA. p RAOTICER In all tbecountiea of the Blue Ki. The symptoms of liver raplaint are uneasiness d pain in the side. Some th o pain is in the _ er, aud is mistaken ^■■■■■■■■P^for rheumatism. The atom- w b la affected with loss of appetite and sii kness, bow els in general costive, sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with i»alii end dull seusation, considerable loss of memory, accompanied with pain ful sensation of hiring ictt undone something which ought to have been done, often complaining of weak- uess, dsblllty, and low xplrits. Sometimes, some of i HHMHIHHHflHtoe shove symptoms attend ■the disease, and st other I IlfCQ Htimes very few of them; Lit Lit ■but Ute liver is generally ____ ■the organ most involved.— ^■■■■■1 'urr the liver DR. 8IMMON8’ uveh neuiii,\Ton. A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and ran do no Injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last W years as one of the most reliable, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffer log. If taken regularly and persistently, ills sure to headache, Jaundice, coativenesa, sick fe headache, hronic diarrhtea, “actions of the bladder, inp dysentery, affections the kldn« ra, fever, ner- Mvousness, chftls, diseases of I the skin, impurity of the . preset»u of spirits, heartburn, colic or pains in the bowsi*. pain in tbs head, fever and ague, dropsy, boils, pain In back and limbs. Asth ma, trysypelse, female affections, and billons diseases generally. Prepared only by J. II. 7.KIMN A CO., Druggists, Macon, Ga. Price $1; by mall I1W. The following highly respectable persons can full) attest to tbs virtues ot this valuable medicine, and to whom we most respectfully refer: Usn W. H. Holt, President H. W. It. R. Go.; Rev. J. H. Felder, Perry,Ga; Onl. F. Hpsrks, Albany, Ga.; G. J. Lunsford. Esq., Conductor H. W. H. R.; G. Master- ieriiT Btbb county, J. A. Butts, Bain- ; Dykes A Httarbswii, editors “Floridian,' . Ksq., Hheril hrtdfs, Oa.; Dykes 4 ffpa Tallahassee; llev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Os.; Virgil Powers, Esq., Ruperintendsnt H. W. R. R.; Daniel Bul lard, Bullard's Htstlor., Macon k Brunswick it. R., TwIms county, Oa.; Greenville Wood, Wood's Facto ry, Macon, Oa.; Rev. R, F. KssterUng. P. K. Florida C*tnferenc«; MsJ >r A. F. Wooley, Kingston, (la; Edi tor Macon TaUgraph. may bUtin XISVABXjXSZXIBI) 100(1. SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD f t^r STRICTLY gLEAD VtA BLEACHED COLOR WO It 8T. IsOtUN. fMshUMiUiint guarauUsd aqoal __ In qualUy to tti* best maeufactured in tbs coun try. For sate by W. A. LAIHIDKLL. lonaumption in its earliest stages. Enlargement and Ulceration of the Ulandca Joints, Bones, Kidneys, Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism, Eruptions of the Hkin, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ac.; also, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. Siaoasoa of Women; l«oss of Appetite, Sir lx lleudaehe, Liver Complaint. Fain In the Haelx, Im prudence In Life, Clrnvel, General had health, aud all diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, It is a perfect renovator. r ery kind of humor r producing the slight- Rroonininuli-il by Hip Medical Faculty and many thousands of onr l>e*t cltIrena. ■ For testimonials of remarkable cures, see “Ro- Six Great Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonic. N«i Arsenic—No Ntrrary. PKRFEt il.Y RkJJABLR. The only reminly for CldlU and fever, or Ague aud Fever, that is or can be depended upon la Uurley'i Ague Toulc. There have been thousands cured by uslug it who have trie.! tti# usual remedies without beuofll. WORTHY OF ATTENTION. To Dr. *1 homes A. Hurley: 1 hereby certify that during laei year I was attacked with Uto ague whilst tu Vicksburg, Miss., aud used sexeral popular luedictues with but temporary relief, i »ii reselling home the disease returned lu a worse type, if iKissible, when my medical attendant ordered (Julu- iue la Urge doeee-frequeutly as high as 60 grains per dav. aud which must have cost me nearly |100. 1 oon- aulted Dr. Hmidi, of LottievtUe, and found he prescrib ed quinine aud arsenic combined, which I reiueed to take, preferring to let the disease take lte oourse. I was almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, anil prououno- ed with enlarged Liver and Bpleen. About title time, the advertisement of Hurley’s Ague Tonic appeared in a city taper, and I determined to give it a trUl. I did so, and have no reason to regret it One Itottie restored completely, aud since that time I have seen nearly *- -fhiah itifllad eiik aaaiUir happy prefers- i kiMiid c i *ny other tonic before tl PIIRIFV YOUR BLOOD. IMIEY'S SmidillLLl WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. A fractions of (lie Hones, Habitual (oetlve* ness. Debility, Diseases of tlie Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Kryslpelis, Female Ir regularities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigestion. Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Hi-roTu- la.or King's Kvll. Syphilis. Louisville. April 4,1856. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla is what It la represented, and I believe it the moat wonderful medicine before the public. Nothing under the heavens could Indue My daughter has been a Allot od with akin disease and stiffbeas of the Joints lor several years, ployed the principal physicians of the city and they touishment she rapidly got well, and thank God tlnues so. Had she been taking any medldue I would not give this certificate; but yonr Sarsaparilla, the only rcuu-dy employed, leaves no doubt of its medi cal qualities", ami that it alone cured her. (Signed.) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth aud honesty of the statement, will find me at my residenco, comer Ninth and Walnut streets, Louisville. .uC..u.ipcst SOLD nr ALL CiKOCERS. July 14-dly neea, 3 and 2 boxei CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard and Berks Street", Philadelphia. 1 Beam Engina, 22-lncli cylinder, fonr foot stroke, made by Hutton, with 13 boilera, 40-inch diameter, 46 feet long. 1 Beam Kngtne. 18 Inch cylinder, four feet stroke, msde bv Hutton, with 3 boilers, kO-liwh diameter. 3ff feet long. 40 Holler Looms, 42-Inch, C, 8 and 10 treadles, 1, 2, 3 1 and 41 wuaee. PlC ' ! 56x48 1 at breaker,) Mol. 4(1x48 2d “ ( 420 spindle. 40x42 Goudenaer. I Pf-ln.g’age (40x42 latbreaker,) Mule * " - Jseuaad •• j jto .pindic. (30x42 Goudenaer. J lL-ln .g'agt (00x48 1st breaker,) Mules ’•* ’’ ” {48X48 2d •« J 432 spindle* r 48x48 Omdenser. j g'agr 2 Mule. 360 Hpindles each, 2> 4 .|nch gauge. 1 Hargent s Burr Picker, largo sun, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hodson’s make, large size, speeder 36-inch, frame, alx rollers. 1 Gondsoaer, feeder, 24 deliveries. 3 Spinning Frames, 2-Inch rings, 1 With ahafUng. b. cotton machtnerr. Will take pari COT ININ In HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. remedies known to rny children, 1 was advii and since using it my children ha’ well and healthy. ith but partial succesi Louisville, June 13. 1868. JAM. W. TRAVIS. HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS. an Ion of th« Live There are no hitters Unit ran compare with these in removing these distressing complaints. For sale or can be had at any drug store In the United States. To Jan. Ruddle k Co., Lonisville, Ky.: Gentlemen: Tht. is to certfiy that 1 have been tor years a sufferer and tried all the ti nlra 1 have heard of or seen adver tised, with little or no relief from any of them- I heard Hnrley’s Bitters highly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, and to my surprise and joy, before 1 finished one bottle. 1 felt a great doal better and firmly believe that one or two occasions it was the means ol saving and prolong ing my life l conscientiously recommended them to all sufferers as the best Bitters known, and advise them alwayato ask for Dr. T. A. ** no other. You can use this as you will benefit others. Yours truly, c , , JOHN W. HIXSON. Louisville, Ky., December 10, 1868. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. SEABROOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. oiubinatloi liable I u al dbl. monAU’s GOLDEN REM V C1)1KN. Ask for no oilier, take no other, ei.d »ou will sevJ Ime, health and mouey. fl.OiM) BIWABD for any caee of •.leeasajlu any stagJ which they fall in cure. Dr. HirMAU’a Oouikr Baijum No. | cures Ulcers J Ulcerated Horn Throat and Mouth, Hore Kyra, CutaneJ —«r Kkln Eruptions, Copper Colored Blotches. More of the Hoalp, Horofula, Ac.; Is the greatest lb mJ valor, Alterative and Blood Purifier known, reinovej all disease from Ike system, and leaves the blood pure and healthy. _ Dr. Uicmads Ooldrm BtMAh N«. J cures Men-ur Affections, khemsflsru, In all ita forms, whether froH Merwiry or other <wosea; gives Immediate relief In sil l •Mea Ifo dieting neoeeary. I have (imneends of cer I “ a °***» FWId< the mlrarnlous curee effected l>y these 5—*» Mra ol Mltiw No, I or No. , *9.00 l»r tle.or iwobniileefor MOO 25 iM-o^Aw^norn. . «*., ra*,. ,of •“ H-ruiVfcnn G. fc^- - 11 * NiHdlrfctlon.. niwfie i-r t-.tUfc . w.., ' 1 *>“>•• Suu* Am,km, . radlral enra fteXVihl oU .» jrw; In, KS? "" ssustasS f •tor.” blown ia gtoee of boUke. pr ° pr< " haMMiSjffix lyJdiy 00 ” fr ° m 9 10 9 *' *• OUwularefrie. take, harmless! cases. Invaluable In the following diseases Hummer Complaint, Irregularities of th Restivenaas, Toothing. Ac. Gives health tax the child aud rest to the me Nashvim.k, Tknn., Feb. 12, 1858. Jas. Huddle A Co., Louiavllle, Ky.-.When living li your city I used several bottles of l)r. Heabmok'a In faut Hoothing Hyrup, and found It to do my child mor good and It would rest better after using It than an 1 other remedy I ever tried. 1 can say with confidence It I* the beat medicine for children at present known. I wiah you would get the druggists here to keen it If any on,, ,!„**. phase let me know; II not m .d4 me one doxen by express, and I will pay for It at the office here. Write me when you seud it, and oblige MItH. H WIAH L. RANDOLPH. Dll. SEA BROOK'S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and L H. BRA! IDFESLD 1 S COLUMN. D8. J. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR Woman’s Best Friend. rliaia raluaVto MfcUrlii, U praj/arad tor *•«• M- 1, fcud la Ik, UMd br *oi,» “Ulr. « Id .d.,Md M Ikora -M wbm U>. vro». I. duJrdmdTudvrlll onra Mr lrra«utarl»r lu tb. "m.u. w" ..rapt In mob o— H raqnlra • write! rawra- Non. *.Ara.u.t»ravwr ««i tb. Xnraui Itituu- utuhI. ol nlmrat unlvMral wttraUuu. In • niddra check of the “monthly ooureee’ 1 fiou cold, truubl* of mind, or like oeuee. It Mlf like A charm, by emtoumc 7/^'” ' eUaving •k and “li i, chilly a ,, i, - „ m — evellda and MBM ' “ _ Takea in Ume all m ~ - . immediately, without ihjury to tiaa oonsMtaClou. Fre quently, however, the proper remedy la not applied In time, the disease becomes ohronio, and the foundation laid lor uuiuberleae evils to the constitution cftiie wo man. The next "turn" ootuee around aud there ia no “allow," or perhaps the “whites” will appear. There will b« some uueaalnees about the womb, but vory lit tle or none of the natural fluid eaoapiug. The com- plsxfou become* sallow, bowels swollen, x sort of green- Uh oaeUabout the fhoa. coneUot dull aching p*lus about the head, weight In the lower etonudi and back, with or without whites, palpitations of the heart, pal lor, exhaustion, Indignation, weariness, languor, ach ing serosa the lolua, Toes of appetite, pain in left breast, Ughtueas across the chest, cough, and giddiness. If suit allowed to go ou “green sickness” will be fully de veloped, the headache becomes severe, with loss of memory, diminishing sensibility, an a stomach, dys pepsia, no relish for food, lose of flesh, increased flut tering of the heart, mwkllisu or the rxrr, legs and body, and occasional spitting of blood. The slightest effort causes hcsbikd ukatuixu, almost surroos- TIOM. The skin la flabby aud a “doughy feel.” This is a sail picture, but it is the eondUlou of tiionsanda of women between the ages of fifteen and forty-five who are brought to the veige of the grave by ignor anca or neglect to tabs the proper remedy. To all wb are afflicted with any of the eymptoms above mention, ed, lu connection with an irregularity of the “monthly sickness,” we eameetir eev TAKE DR. J. BRAD- FIELD'H FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounces to ken you will at onoe experience ita benefits, and with a little patience you will be fully restored to health. This remedy has been oatenalvely used for upwards of twenty years by maay of the moet experienced aud successful physicians of Goongia, We meat that DR. J. BltADFlELD’H FEMALE REGULATOR is preparred for WOMEN and to be used by Women only. A trial is all we aak. Prepared and sold in any quantity by h. H. HitADFIKI.D, WUOLEiALE DBUGG1HT, Atlanta, Georgia. Hrice fll 50 per llottlv. Hold by Druggists generally. Atlanta, Ga., December 2'J, 1868. Dr. J. BaApyiKLD. Dear Bir: I taka pleasure in stating that some time previous to the late war. I used, with the utmost success, on a servant gtrl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared then at Bradfleld'a Drug Store, Woet Point, She had been suffering severely from suppressed menstructiou, and this Med icine soon restorod her to health. Hhe ia, to-day, liv ing in Atlanta, sound and well. I will state, further, that I know of its being used, with equal success: on a servant gtrl of my brother- in-law, Profossor Rutherford, of Athons, Oa. This woman had, I think, been diseased for six years.— % house servant, aud seemed cured up to the JNO. C. WHITNER. STATE OF GEORGIA. Taovv Covmtt. Tills is to certify thst I have examined the receipt of Dr. Joseph Brodfleld, of this oounty, aud ss s med ical man pronounce it cine# of great “ *“ combination of Medi- w the treatment of all the diseases of female for which be recommends it. This Decem ber 21, 1868. WM. P. BEASLEY, M. D. Mobntvillk, 1868 Da. J. BuAi»riELi>—Dear Sir: 1 have much pleasuie in sayiug I have witnessed the most decided snd hap py effects of your Female Regulator in this neighbor- uood. WM. H. FfNCHEN. Fulton Couponed Mortis;* Sale for October. W ILL be sold before the Court House door In — city of A Usuis, f'niton t'ouniy, Gs.. on the flrst Tuesday lu October next.wlUtiu the legal hours of Mia, the following pieperty, to wit; One large engine and four boilers for nail mid, one her mill snd shears, and all tb* appurtenances Utereeato belonging. Levied on as the property ef John D. Gray, by virtue of and to satisfy s ru origan a ft fa issued from tiatooes Huperlor Court in favor of Columbus Iron Works A Go., use ol the United HUbs of America vs, Johu D. Gray. Property pointed out by W. U. Brown, aud in said mortgage A f*. March IS, I860. W. L. HUBBARD, aug lo-8w-prs fa# «s per levy D#i) , /fihertff. rOHTPONEl) HIIEHIFF HALE. W ILL be sold before tho Court House door iu tin City of Allan ts, Fultou oounty, Ga., ou tiu First Tuesday luHepbimher next, within thelsgal houn of sale, the fuBowiug pibpcrty, to-wit: A part of land lot No. 78, iu the 14th district of orig inaliy Henry now Fulton oouuty Ga. The part ec it Peachtree street 42 1-2 f< a occupied by I ■one# th* . satisfy * t there and Marietta streets, city of is a two-story brick Go., mm an auction I of Thoms* Kile, by — _ from Fultou Huperlor Court In fsvor of William W. Wrltfht ym. James K. Paukey aud ThoffitS Rile, princi pal, and 11. F. liomar endorser. Property pointed out by H. U. lioyt, plalutUTs atlorury iu first losationed ft fa. Aprils, 186tf. Also, at the same time aud place, one Jarjm Iron safe, Wilder's patent, now in tha office of tn "tied States Hotel. Levied on M the property of H«s*eeo, York k Jourdsu, by virtue 6f sud to MMtlsfy a Htate ami county tax Ufa. for tax fur the year 1868. Property pointed out by K. U. HaMaoeu, one of the defendants. July 0, 186W Also, at the same time snd plsce, part of city lot 78, lu the 14th district. Tho part mo levied ou is lu ward 5, fronting ou Broad street 60 feet, city of Atlanta. Oa. and adjoining the former real deuce of E. It. HaaMeei on oue aide aud a lot of L. P. Uraut’M ou the other, aud running back 100 feet loan alley. Levied ou as the property of K. U. Haaeeeu, by virtue of and to satisfy a Htate and county tax A fa for tho year 1868, issued by Jno. M. Harwell, T. 0., aud property poiuted out by said Harwell. July 6.1809. Also, at the seine tixno and place, a part of land lots No. 922 and 103 In tho 17th dlst'ict of originally Henry uow Fulton county, Ga., containing oue hundred and uluety-seven aud a half (197 1-2) acres of land, mure leas. Held lands are now occupied aud lu the possess ion of the defendant Francis F. Burge. Levied ou as Ute property of said Frauds Y. Burge,by virtue of and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fultou Huperlor court in favor of John A. Jones vs. Francla F. Burge. Held levy was made by G. G, Green, former Hherlff, Maroh 20th. I860. Aug. 4, 1069. Also, at the same time and place, laud lot No. 68, iu * irlglnaUy Henry now Fulton county, 1-2 acres, more or less. Hold laud vacantLevied on as the property of Richard F. M. Mann, by virtue of and to Hatfefy a distress war raut issued by Win. Cllno, J. P., of Hpaldlng couuty Gs., in favor of M. G. Dobbins vs. Richard F. M Maun. Property pointed out by M. (J. Dobbins.— April 27, 1060. Alao, at the name time and place, part of laud lot No. 79, in tho 14th dlatrict, bounded ua follows: Com mencing 14 feet from the southeait corner of Pitts’ lot, thence running south 359 feet, thence west 200 feet, thence north 859 feet, thence east 200 feet, to the be ginning, having s street 30 feet wide by Withers’ lot, snd one 14 feet wide by Pitta’ lot. Upon said lot there Is s two-atorv brick dwelling, In which the defendant resides. Levied on as the property of Robert A. J*. hn- son, trustee fur wife, by virtue of aud to satisfy a mortgage ii fa issuod front Fulton Superior Court in favor of W. J. Houston. Treaaurei of the Mechanics’ Loan and Building Association, vs. Robot t A. Johnson, trustee tor wife. Property pointed out in H*id mort gage fi fa. Hold laud will be laid off in Iota, and only so many of them sold us will make the sum of nine teen hundred aud lifty-four dollars and seventeen inta ($1,954 17), with intereat from lat day of June Ua, containing 202 1 Sheriff Sales for September, 1869. of rale, Ute following property A part of laud lot No. 84, in the 14th Dlatrict, origin ally Henry now Fulton couuty, Ga. Tho part ao levied on ia iu Ward 1, in tho city of Atlanta, containing of an acre, more or leas, Routing on Race street. • said lot there la oue house. Levied on as the property I alao prepare aud have for Male a YEAHT POW DER, equal to the beat, and for much leas price. ggr 1 alao prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now In use by many of the beet housekeepers In the city, and pro- iced by them to be very superior. L. II. HIIADKIELI), l)ril{£|£iHt, iVtlltlltll, (*n. Solo Agent for Oeo. M. Hay's iuarl4-eodly DR. 0. S. PROl’HITT'S Family Medicine CONSISTING OF IIIS CELURATED Alao. at tho same time aud pi No. 80, iu the 14tli Dlatrict, originally Henry now Ful ton county, Ua. The part no levied on ia in Ward 5, in tho city of Atiauta, aud containing >4 acre, leas. Hold lot in the now limits, on which 1m o ty. Levied ou as the property of J. C. Hendi aatinly a Stats and couuty tax fl fa for 1868, lasund by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Aug. 2, 1069. and place, a part of land lot of originally lfcnry 1 No. 60, iu the 14th I)istrl> Fulton county. Tho part *0 levied lot No. fronting on 1’eachtroo street, t!m Sure Cure for Intemperance.! «**&££!*& iST«S£!r-SSS fittf ]htato and county tax fl fafor 1868, isam«d by J. M. Har well, T. C. Property pointed out by sabl Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 43, iu the 14tii District of originally Henry Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in 3, iii the new limits of the city of Atlanta, and tains 2 acres, more or less. Levied on as the property of J. B. Murtiii, to satisfy a Htat. for 186M, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. (’. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land No. 75. In the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, (ia. The part *0 levied on is in Ward 2. in the new limits of the city of Atlanta, nud contains P sm. Levied on as tho property •«»*!■ » 1868. ii L I V 10 It >1 10 IX I C I IN 10,, iwintol out by ■ Anoilliio I'ain Kill It, ad by J. M. llarwt-U, 1 itl IIai rail. ANT -1IILI.IOIJS PILLS, AGUE IPIIjXjS, Itysaitf ry Vordiul. t'rmalr Tonic r-UIlIFYIMO FIIiXiB Harwell. Alao, at the same time and place, a part or land lot No. 84, in tlie 14th District of originally Henry nov Fulton county, Ja. The part levied on is iu Ward 1 in the city of Atlanta, containing 1 acre, more or less fronting on Weiner and Davis street. Said lot is va cant. Levied on as the property of Morgan, Putnau k Go., to satisfy a tax fi fa lor Htate and county tax foi 1868, Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. G. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tho tame time and place, a part of land lot No. 79, tn the 14th District of originally Henry Fulton county, Ga. The jart so levied on is in Ward 3. fronting on Luckie and Payne streets, in the city of Atlanta, and containing \ of an acre, more or less. On said lot is a single-story wood house. Levied as tho property of G. W. McGuire, to satisfy a Ht aud county tax fl fa for 1868, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of laud lot No. 61, in tho 14th district of originally Henry n< Fultou county, Gs. Part so levied on is in Wanl block 14, city lot 89, fronting on Calhoun htreot, city of Atlanta, - - ~ small house. Levied on as the McGinnis, to satisfy a Htate and fl fa for 1868, issued by J. M. Harwell, X. C. T IIK excellent remedies of O. H. Ib need no recommendation, their w< in romoving tho diseases peculiar toou mate having already established for th< reputation tn Georgia and the adjoining States. As the i county t_- , majority of persons living luthsHouth arepredisjiosed i Property pointed out by to disease of the Liver, it is granted by all Intelligent Also, at the *atm< time physiciaus that moat of the pains and ache - -* 1 -- - - — - ‘ Ve due to organic or functional den . | mportant organ. Prophitt'a Liver Medicine and I i. clty lot 105, in tha city of Atlanta, containing L of Anti-Billions Pills strike directly at the root of the evil. I »„ acre, more ~ * * ~ • They cure the Liver, which lu nine cases out of ton, is ts one house, at the bottom of tho Coughs, Dyspepsia, Colic, Sick ! McNamara »• Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menstrual Ob- j im68, strurtioiis, etc., so common among our people. Ear- 1 ache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, aud bodily pains of every kind flee befoi •operty po I’ropliitt’H l*ain Kill It like chaff before tho wind. If you have Indigestion or Dyspepsia In any form, »y othei chronic diseases, use Prophitt’a Liver Medicine. 33 1-3 ]>er cent, discount by I If you get snake bit, use PIlOl»HITT»8 PAIN Kll.l. I I ial and external. If you h . oft, use Him PAIN KILL II apply the PAIN KILL IT. . (sued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. rat by said Harwell. Also, at tho same time and place, a part of land lot ! No. 76, tn the 14tli District of originally Henry now j Fulton county, Ga., lu Ward 2. block 19, city of Atlan ta, containing of an acre, more or leas, fronting on Crow street. Levied on as the property of Alfred Herrington, to satisfy a Ux It fa issued by J. M. I well, T. G. Property pointed out by said Harwell. MM ■ * ^ p ar t 0 f j ani | | ot Jnal' o levied nd Ellis streets, iu it acre, more or h>M. well, T. G, Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 79, In tho 14lh Dlatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county, G*. Tho part so levied on is in Ward 5, fronting on Hull and Aloxandor streets, lu the city oi Atlanta, containing 1 4 acrea, more or leas. Levied on as the property of the estate of J. It. Henry, by virtue of and to satisfy a Ux II ta tanned by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by Raid Harwell. Alao, at the samo time and place, a part of land lot " ‘ 110, in tho 14th District of originally Henry now This elsgant ooinlliatlon possmmmi all tha Tome properties of Psnivla i Hark and Iron, without the dli agreehfe taste and hod affects of either, separately c In olhor i.mrarnll.iii., ol thorn vnlunhln mfctlolnoo. Itahoubl be taken In all coses when a gentle tonic I preaalon la requlrsd after convalescence from rxve or debilitating diseases, or in those distressing Irregu larities peculiar to females. No female should hn with I •ut It. if llabln to euch diseases, for nothing can wel- James Ruddle & Oo., FBOPMKTOas, laboratory JTo. 41, llullill Street Louisville, Ky, AU the above goods for sale by RRDWIN* * FOX. DU. O. H. PROPHITT 8 Anti-Billions Vegetable Pills, I’nwlltv and Krlrrifiitre, may be relied upon aa a aafa and efficient cathartic in all Febrile and Acute Diseases of all kinds. D11. O. 8."pROMITT'8 VEGETABLE AGUE PILLS, safe and Tollable for all to take at any time. DR. PHOPHUT’S m DYSOTEHT CUM. A safe and genuine remedy for all kinds of Bowel Dis eases. Dysenteries, Dtarrb.»a, Bloody Flux. Ao , it may bo given to all sixes, ages and sexes, and at all times. With perfect safety, where them Is anything of that class Indicated. Female Tonic, PUUYFYINU PILLS The Purifyi*»g Fills and Female Tunlu are aeeonfMod together aa a full preparation. *a you see lu the IIUIs They have given perfect satisfaction In | R y practh.sfoi Ute laat twenty years. In all cases that Utey are recom mended for. The mia may Iw taken In connection with the Liver M*«ilc.lne, without tlio Tonic, wlieu there la any Indication for them, such as Mhortiiess o. Breath, Hwalllug of tha Feet or Fans, or a Palo, Weak •'•ta of U»e Blood, nr a Flabby state of I he Muscles, aa generally follow Faver and Glillls and Fever. old by Druggists and Ing ou Trubnrccy street, oonteiulng ■ J Levied on as Iho property of Win. Ilyatt, by ^■HklMued by J. M. liar- virtue of and to satisfy a ■ well. T. C. Property i>otiito.«l <>at by said Harwell. part of land lot Alao, a U»o same Uml „ tho 14th Dlatrict of originally Henry Fultou county, Oa. The part ao lav|«k1 on is in Ward I. fronting on Raoe Track street, in the city of Atlanta, containing ‘a of an acre, mor# Or ies*. Uo iM on a* the property of John H. Hilton, by virtue of and to aatiafy a tax fl fa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Prop, erty pointed out by said Harwell Alao, at the same time atul place, a part of land lot No. 70, In the 14th Dlatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga. The part so levu d on ia In Wanl 1, fronting on Whitehall street. In the city of Atlanta, oontatntng H an acre, more or lesa. Levied on aa tho property of U. J. Johnaon, by virtue of and to aatiarv a tax fl fa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. (), pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the aainn time and pla< ' 14th District ol originally Ih nry in . Ga. The property so levied on la in 133, In the city of Atlanta, fronting on Property part of laud lot Fultou co Ward 4, Ii Bulb ■ontelnlng On aaid lot ia a small house. levied on aa the i rty of Henry 01 rick land (o<d real) by virtu# nr and ; fl fk Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. (). All of the above Medtclnee _ Merchauta generally throughout Die Houthweet. Mold by W. A. Unatdl, Itedwtne At Fox, Curtis fi Lloyd, Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor fi Go., Atlanta, Ga. Prepared only by DR. 0. M. PnonilTT, Govtnffton, Ga. All tha above remedies for sals by ^ L. H. BRADFIELD, W IIOLKHALK DUDOOIM . r»y Of iafy a » of the city of AHanla.con- i or less. levied on as the 4, fronting cm Jfckfc). «ra«l, In *•,<**>* •a*p^*jfiw*^5gsi5ws iStUmmlf ti tn satisfy a tax fi fa for Jfitol* aea “year 1MM, laMiml by J. M. HarwrU. T. C. i*rt ot uud M So. 12. lu tk. 141k DuIrM ol oriolrallr Uourjr now Vultou, Oo. Tb# port oo lorlod on la Hi Wort 4, oil, lot tn, ooutolnliif 14 ol on ooro. nioro or too. In tbo root ol IWO. oil oold lot lo ono boara, lortod on oo tbo proiMTt, of ioralfoo Abram,(oolorrt). torn* lof, o Uo fl to for bio Htoto ond count, loo. Hold A fo looniwl b, 1.11. Horwtll, T. 0. Proiwrt, jwlulrt out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and plaoe, a part of laud k»t No. 81, lu the 14th Dlatriot of origlually Henry now FuUou oounty, Georgia. The part so levied ou is tu Ward fi. /routing on Itete and Wallace atresia, contain ing three-fourths of an acre, more or last. On said lot there la two email house* Levied on as the prop, erty of J. 1L Bona, to satisfy a tax fl ta for hla Htate and oounty tax for the year 1868, Issued by J. M. Har well, T. G. Property pointed out by .aid Harwell. Alao, at tho same time and place, a pert of laud lot No. 61, lu the 14th District of originally Usury Fulton count) fl — - 4. block 133. i street. Held lot I ;» Levied ou a P | _ tax fl fa lor hla State and county taxes for the year 1868. issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out ky said Harwell. , Also, at the aame time and place, o. 03. lu the 14th Dlatrl Fultou county, Us. Tho i 3, block 2, city lot fl, lu the olty of Atlanta, and con taining Si of an acre, more or leas, fronting on Frasier street. Maid lot ia user the colored Church, aud aald lot ia vacant. Levied on aa the property of A. U. Drown, to satisfy a tax fl fa for his Htate aud oouuty No. i Fulton county, Ga. The part eo tevtc.i ou ia in warn 4, containing 60x100 feet, frouUug ou Kill* and OoUins streets, in the city of Atlanta. Maid lot is vacant. Levied ou aa the property of Thomas J. Burney, to MMBflMj ' i State year 1868. bald satisfy a Ux fl fa for his'State and oounty tax for the year 1868. Said fl fa was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property poloted out by aald Harwell No. fit, In the 14th District of origin Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied o 4. city k>t 14, containing Si of a fronting u in Ward Hiey"street, near Houston street. Raid lot .a wimi o. as the property of Robert D. Boulton, to aatiafy a tax fl fa for hia State and county tax for the year 1868. Said fl fa wee Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property twin tod out by said Harwell. Alao, at tho aame time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, u> tho 14th Dlatrict of originally Haury now Fulton couuty, Ga. The part eo levied on la lu Ward 4, in tho city of Atlanta, and containing one-thlrd o an acre, more or leas, fronting on James Avenuo and W. k A. 1L It. atreeta. Said lot contains a realdenoe. Levied on as the property of G. W. Buah, to aatiafy a tax fl fa for hia Htate and couuty tax for the year 1868. Said fl fa was iasued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by aald HarwelL Alao, at tho samo time and No. 76, In tho 14th District , Fulton oounty, Ga. The part ao levied on ia 2, block 19, iu the city of Atlanta, fronting c and Washington atreeta, containing 1 ■* acre, tui/i*. loss. Levied on aa the property of Q. H. Boyton, to aatiafy a tax fl fa for hla Htate and county tax for the year 1868, Maid fl fa was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. G. Property pointed out by said HarwelL Alao, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, In tho 14th Dlatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied ou ia in Ward 1, in tbo city of Atlanta, and containing >, of an acre, more or lean, fronting on Race street Said lot la levied ou aa the property of Henry Beetles, to satisfy a tax ii fa for hla Stele and couuty tax for the year 186M. Said fi fa was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the same tiino aud place, a part of land lot No. 78, In the 14th Dlatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on is in Ward I, city of Atiauta, containing * 4 of an acre, more or leas, fronting on Huge and W. fi A. It R. streets. Held lot la vacant. Levied on aa the property of Mrs. M. A- Callahan, to aatiafy a Ux fl fa for her State aud couuty tax for the year 1868. Said fl fa waa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. G. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Alao, at the samo time and place, a part of land lot No. 83, iu the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton couuty, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in Ward I, city of Atlanta, 2 acrea, more or leas, fronting on Gabbett and Fouudry atreeta. Said lot is levied ou au the properly of Lamar k Cumminge. to aatiafy a tax fi fa for their Htaio and county tax for the year 1868. Said fi fa waa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by sold Harwell. Alao, at the aame time and place, a pait of land lot No. 84, iu the 14th District of originally Homy uow Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia In Ward 1, in tho city of Atlanta, and containing one-half of an acre, moro or loan, fronting on Walker street Said lot ia vacant. Levied on aa tho property of Christopher Couyera, toastie*)’ a tax li fa lor hla state and county taxes for the year 1868. Said fl fa waa issued by J. 31. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at tho aame time aud place, a part of land lot No. 45. Ill tho 14th Dlatrict of originally Henry now Fultou county, Ga. Tho part so levied on ia iu Ward 4, city of Atlanta, containing oue-tlilrd of an acre, more or less, fronting on Decatur street. Said lot is vacaut Levied on a* the property of Saliua Collin, to satisfy a tax fi fa for her State and county tax for the year 18(8. Said ft la waa iasued by J. M. Harwell. T. C. Property pointed out bv aaid Harwell. Alao, at the aame time and place, a part of laud lot No. , in the 14th district of origins ly Henry uow Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on la in ward 5, iu the city of Atlanta and containing one-fourth of an sere, more or lrss. Haiti lot ia near Fecbter's brew ery. Levied ou aa tho property of Owen Calahan to satisfy a ux tt fa for his State and county tec for the year 1868. Said fl la was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. e. l>»n,..o*|» |.alnl*H mil hjr Utow-ll. Also, St the aame time and place, a part of land lot No. 64, in the 14th district of originally Honry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in ward 1, city lot 2, in tho city of Atlanta, and conuining At by 182 feet, fronting on Maugum street Said lot la levied on oa the property of Mr#. L. H. Durham to sat isfy a tax fi fa lor her State and couuty tax for the year 1868. Said fi fa was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Alao, at the aame time aud place, a part of land lot No. 85, iu tho 14tli district < i originally lleury now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in ward 1, In the city of Atlanta, and the number of acres uot known, fronting on Peters and Walker street*. Said lot la levied on aa the property of Benj. Dykes to aatia fy a tax fl fa iaaued for hia State and county tax for the year 1868. Said fi fa waa iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Alan, at tho aame time aud place, part of land lot No. 63, iu the 14th district of originally Henry now Fultou county, Ga. The part so levied on la in ward 3, city of Atlanta, I t* of an acre more or leas, fronting ou Faith and Connelly streets—said lot vacant lev ied on aa the property of I. P. Calhoun, to satisfy a tax f i fa for hla State and county tax for the year 1868, said fi fa iaaued by J M. Harwell, T. G. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Alao, at the aame time and placo, part of laud lot No. 84, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in ward 1, city of Atlanta, containing of an acre more or leas, front ing on ltacc street; on aald lot la one tenement. Lov- ied on aa the property of Joahua Calloway to aatiafy a tax fl fa for State and county tax for the year 1668.— Said fi fa iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Alao, at the name tiino and place, part of land lot No. 51, in the 14th dlatrict of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Tho part oo levied on ta iu ward 4. block 133, city of Atiauta, containing Si acre more ol leas, fronting on Butler rtreat; aaid lot ia vacaut. Lev- faM|^^Hthe property of Mrs. Mary A. Conley to aatla- i fa lor BUtu aud oounty tax for the year 1868. Said fi fa iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property po uted out by aaid Harwell. Also, at tho same time and place, part of laud lot No. 85, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on la in wanl 1, city of Atiauta, coutaiuing 25 feet front, feet deep, fronting on Peters end Allen streets. Levied ou aa the property of James Dent, colored, to aatiafy i tax fi fa for hla 8Ute aud county tax for the year 1868. Said il fa Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property polntod out by aaid Harwell. Alao, at the aame time aud place, part of land lot No. 86, in the 14th dlatrict of originally Henry no Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied ou is in ward 1, city of Atlanta, containing »* aero more or leas, fronting ou Humphries and Race atreeta. Levied ou aa the property of Mrs. Susan Dozier to satisfy a tax ft fa for State and county tax for tho year 1868. Said ll fa ta rt by J. M. Harwell, T. G. Property poluted aaid Harwell. ng tl lot there is a small house. Dcvied on as the proporta of J. J. Dunn to satiety a tax fi fa for his State tl county tax Ter the year 1868. Said fl fa was issued . J- M. Harwell, T. G. Property pointed out by Harwell. Alao, at the aame time and place, a part of laud lot No. 47, tn Uto 14th dtetrlct ol originally lieury m id la within the new limits of aaid city. Levied ui the property of Dunn’s estate, K. K. Saasecu, ad- itatrator, for hla suto and county tax for Uie year 1868. Said fl fa was iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. im properly pointed out by aald Harwell. Alao. at the same time and place, a part of laud lot No. 78, In the 14th dlatrict of originally Hoary now Fulton county, Ga. Thenart ►olevhd on la in want tty lot 46, in tho city of Atlanta, and containing >, i»f James Donnally t*> aatiafy a tax fi fa for liii uid county tax for the year i860. b«lrt fl ta waa t**ucd by J. M, Harwell,T. C. Property pointed out by laid satisfy a tax fl f No. 85, iu tbe 14111 Dlatrict of originally Henry in... Fulton county. Ga. Tha part ao levied on la In Ward 8, fronting ou McDonough *trtet, lu Ihe city of Allan dr •mall ahaiitlea. Levied on as the property of Jacob Nelson, by virtue of and to aatiafy a la* fl fa Iasued l»j J. M. Harwell, T. O. Property poluted nut by **| Harwell. Alao, at tbe aame time and place, a |>art ol laud lot No, Al, In the 14tli Dlatrict oi originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga. The part mi levied on la lu Want 4, fronting on Kill* street, In the city ot Atlanta, o*»n- , au acre, more or leea. levied on aa the of Stephen Haywood, by virtue of and to aat- ^ 11 fa Iaaued by John M. Harwell, T. 0. Prop erty poluted ont by aald Harwell. Aim), at the aame time and place, a part ol land lot No. 77, In the 14th District of originally Henry now Fultou oounty. Ga. Tha i<art ao levied oo ta In Ward B, ally lot No. 7. fronting on Decatur street by 40 fro t running ltack 210 fret, In the city of Atlanta. On aald lot la a wood building, now oooupled by defendant aa a dwelling and atom Levied on aa the pro|*iity of Mrs. Jane Frank, by virtue of and to satisfy a tax fl fa leaned by J. M Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed ont by said Harwell. Alao, at th* same time and place, a part of land lot No. 46, In the 14th iMairtot of originally Henry now Itilton county, Oa. Tho part so levied on la tn Ward Fulton county, Ga. The part * 4, block 10, city lot 67, lu the city oi Atlanta, aud con taining «* of an acre more or loss, fronting on Collin* street; on aald lot there ta one house. Levied on aa property of Richard Humphreys to aatiafy a tax fl fa for hia State and county tax for the year 1868.— Said II fa waa iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. G. Propei- ly poluted out by aald Harwell. Also, at the aame tlrao aud place, a pert of land lot o. 61, In the 14th dlatrict of originally Henry now Fulten couuty.Oa, The i»art ao levied on la tn want 4, block 23, city of Atlanta, amt containing of an aero r# or leas, fronting on Wheat airvet, the aaid lot •« aut. Levied on a* tho property of Michael l>on» hart to aatiafy a tax II fa for hia Mute and county ter for th« year 1868. Said 11 fa Iaaued liy J. M Harwell, i the 14th district « •aunty, Ga Th* part ao levied o win ----- •ontalning ‘ •aid lot is * Will 1 fy a Ux ft fa fer hla Hut* and 1868. Held fl fa was taauad hy J. M. Harwell. T. 0, Pn>t)orty pointed out hy said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 76, In the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga. The part eo levied on la in ward 2, block to, olty lot M, In the city of Atlanta, and con taining '* of au acre more or »cea, fronting ou Crew ■tract. Levied on aa the property of G. W. Kvans to eetlaiy a tax ft fa leaned by J. M Harwell ftwr his Mtate and county tax far the year 1061. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the aame time and place, a part or land No. 86, in tho l«tli dlatrict of originally lfenry i Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on la In X 2. In the etty of Atlanta, containing 1L of an aore ■ •a; aaid lot la tn the new limit*, said hrtiavem ■aid fl fa iaaurd by J. M. Harwell, T. pointed out by aaid Hwrwell. Also, al the same time and pface, a part of land lot No, 14, tn the 14th district of origlually Henry now city lote 19 aud 11, lu tho city of J 104 bj iii feei, fronting on Hayne street. Lovted oft aa tbo proporty of If. F. Emory to aatiafy a tax fi. fa. foCbtete and oofinty tax far tho {year l m. fiald fi. ia. wao loaned hr i. M. Harwell, T. 0. Proporty polntod ont by sold Harwell. Alao, o| tbo aim time and placo, a port of load lot No. 04, in tho UAh dlotrtot of orlgteolly Honry now Fulton oounty, Ga. The port ao looted os ia In ward 1, in tha city of Atlanta, find contains number of sores not known, fronting on Green and Doris efruots. Le vied on as Ihe property of Mrs. Elisabeth Evans to aatiafy a tax fl. U. for bar Mote and county tax tor tho S tar 1068. Maid fi. fa. was loaned by 9. M. Harwell, T. Property pointed onl by sold HarwelL Also, at Ihe asms tone Mdplmejfi part of tend lot No. 20, in the 14th dtotrlet of ortglnoUy Henry now Fultou county, Ga. The part eo levied on Io ta ward 4, in the city of Atlanta, containing on* half of an acre, uiora or too. Hold lot I, Vitkin tbo now ltotta. Oo Hid lot thora U ou null bouo. Looted n m tbo proporty of Poter Soteo to ratuf, a lu t. fo. tor bio but. fci.l oovnty tu for tb* you lot®. Hold fl. fo. n toood by J. M. Uwwoll. T. C. Proporty poluted out by ■*(<! Harwell. Alao, at tha some lima and place, a part offend tot No. 85, lo the 14th dlatrict of originally Henry now Fultou county, Ga. The pari eo levied oo la in ward J, In the city of Atiauta, oouteinihg one half of an acre, wore or lees Said lot la within the new limits, east ward Jy from John Me Masters. Maid lot la levied ou as the property of Edward Fmte to aatiafy a tax fl. fa. for hla State and county tax for the year 1*68. Maid fl. wax iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property polntod out by aaid Harwell. Alao, at the same time and place, a part of fend lot No. 61, In the 14th district d originally Henry now Fultou couuty, Ga. The part ao levied on is in ward 4. block 134, in the city of Atlanta, containing one half of an acre, more or leas, fronting on Houston street On aaid lot there hi one boose. Leviad ones the prop erty of Frederick Flynn to satisfy a tax fl. fa. for hie id oounty ‘ by J. M. by aaid Harwell. Also, at the asms time and place, a part of land lot No. 61, tn the Uth dlatriot of originally Henry now Fulton oounty, Ga. The part ao levied on is in ward 4, iu tbe city of Atlanta, containing 60x126 feet, near Calbouu street, fetid lot ia levied on as the property of Anthony Graves to aatiafy a tax fl. fh. for hla Htate and county tax for the year 1868. Maid fl. fa. waa te- auod by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property polntod out by aaid HarwelL Also, at Ihe same time and place, a part of lafid lot No. 61, Id the 14th district of originally Henry now Fultou county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in ward 4, In tbe city of Atlanta, and contains one-fourth of an aero, more or lesa, fronting on Baker street. On aald lot there ia oue small house. Levied on aa the propert; of Johu U. Oaclous to satisfy a tax fi. fa. for hia btet aud county tax for the year 1868. Bald fl. fa. waa Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Alao. at the aame Ume aud place, a part of land lot No. 47, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton couuty, Ga. The port ao levied on lain ward 4, lu the city of Atiauta, aud containing two sud-a-half sera*, more or leas. Maid lot is within the new 11mIta. Levied on aa the projierty of William Greer to aatiafy ■ tax fl. is. for hia State and county tax for the year 1808. Said fl. fa. waa iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Uarwall. Also, at the aame time and place, a part of land lot No. 63, in the 14th district or originally Henry now Fulten county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in ward 3, In the city of Atlanta, number of acrea not knewa. ed by said HarwelL Also, at the same time aud place, a part oi Uud lot No, —, in the Uth district of originally Henry now Fulton comity, Oa. The part ao levied on is iu ward 4, in the city of Atlanta, and contains one-fourth of an acre, more or leas, fronting on OoUins street. Said lot ia levied on tho property of Miaa V. M. Gant to aatiafy a tax fl. fa. for her State and couuty tax for the year 1868. Said fl. fa. was teased by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by aaid HarweU. Also, at the aame time and place, a part of land lot No. 61, tu the Uth district ol originaUy Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ia In wan! 4, city lot No. 220, In the city of Atlanta, and aald lot contains 1 acre more or less, fronting ou Calhoou and Jenkins streets; aaid lot ia vacant. Levied ou as the property of A. J. Gar. iaon to aatiafy a tax fl fa for ltia State and county tax for tho year 1868. Said ti fa wan issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a pari of land lot No. 78, in tbe Uth district of originally Henry now Fultou couuty, Ga. The part ao levied ou ia iu ward 6, city lot 65. in the city of Atlanta, and contains 25 by 80 feet, fronting on Walton street; said lot ia vacant.— Levied on aa the property of Jacob Gunat to satisfy a tax fi la for bin State aud county tax for the year 1868. Said fl fa iasued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property paiuted by said Harwell. Also, ut the same time i No. 85, iu the Uth distri Fulton county, Ga. Tho part ao levied 1, in tbo city cf Atlanta, containing half acre more or leas, fronting ou Peters afreet and Macou fi Western . L. C.. and turned over to me August 4th, 1869.] Also, at the aame time and place, a part of fend lot No. 114, in the Uth district of originaUy Henry now Fulton comity, Ga., bounded on tbe »*a->t by J. A. Jett, on tbo south by Henry Elliott, ou the west by L. Dean’s lands, ou the uortli by the widow Elliott's lauds, containing filly acrea more or less, said de scribed land is uow vacaut. Levied ou a* the proper ty of William I. Hudson, guardian aud cx-oflicio ad ministrator of Summerville Elliott. Levied on to be sold for ihe payment of coats by a decree of the Supe rior Court oi Fultou county, Ga. July 27, 1869. Also, at tho aame time and place, the house and premises on which it is erected foi tbe defendant G. A lluwald), said prenmea being in the city of Atlanta, Fulton oounty, Ga., and situated on the west side of Peachtree street, aud bounded as follows: Commenc ing at tho junction of Peachtree and nunuicutt sta., miming along Uunnicutt street 190 feet to an alley, •long Mill alley teouth 1*0 fr-t, eras* IDS Sect to aaid Peachtree street, thonco north along said Peachtree Htreet 1U0 feet, containing acre more or less; on aald lot there is a one story brick building in which the defendant now resides. Levied on the property of Q. A. lluwald by virtue of and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fulton Superior Court iu favor ol Joel A. Tut- tlo vs. Gustavus A. lluwald. Property pointed out by M. J. Clark and in aaid fl fa. July 28, 1869. Also, at tlie samo time aud place, a part of I rad lot No. 83, lu tho 14th district; tlie part so levied on is in ward 1, block 32, fronting ou Elliott street, city of At lanta, containing'• of an acre moro or .lea*; on said lot there is a oue story wood dwelling in'which tho de fendant now reaides. Levied on a* the property of Henry Thurman to satisfy a Htate and county Ux fi fa for Ux for tlie year 1868. Property pointed out by John M. Harwell, T. C. July 29,1869. Also, at the aame time and place, a part of laud lot No. 77, iu tlie 14th dlatrict; the part so levied on ia in ward 2, block 3, having a front on Alabama street, city of Atlanta, 30 feet, aud running back 117 feet; on said faffi ' e is a two-story brick store occupied by W. M. Lowiy aa bankers and commission merchants. Levied on oa the property of James R. Powell by vir- of and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Chattooga Su- ior Court in favor of J. P. Jolly vs. Powell fi Hutch- »u, aud B. fi J. M. Moyers, on appeal bond, and J. II. Moyer# security on appeal Proi>erty pointed out by J. M. Moyers, one of the defendants. August 2, 1869. Also, at the samo time aud place, a part of land lot No. 16, tn the 14tli district of originally Henry now frig at the original southeast corner of i thence at right angle# north 1,878 ie«t u. along tho original cast line of *aid lot 16, t less; said land ia vacant. Levied on aa tho property of James T. Lewis by virtue of and to aatiely a fi ta isaued from Fulton inferior Court in fa vor of Cioero II. Chandler vs. Jaraea T. Lewis maker, Property pointed defends ‘ ‘ bn*> b, Tlrta. Kudb toto, . U. » fc SV. b^IJLtUrwdl.T.C. trovatrirbmSt if _ JW limb uid ptera. # part of Ura _ Ko. 7V, in tb. 1Mb btetetet of ralfiaSlV UmnJtL ration coautr. Oft. Tb- pftrt ,o IrateTra uu >, CrobUn* ou I^iabte MraM, la a# Mte of Aiteftfc^? telfttof Ml ooro, MOM ot tea. tew a* rrorattj ot J.B. bit*, bit okuwof ub to mum, , te. fl h Uoftftd V) J. U. Barb tt, % a tZSZit pointed oat by uid ltotftl. . “ lb " *“*• *“b Pted*. * part ntlMMlM Mo. n, In tb. l(lb dtetrb* of oOeimS, Iteurv J!. Paltan coaftiy. Oft. Tto |ft.t teoteSoa te te nra fl. fronting an Lankl. .trad. teUtetetrof ittenuTT. tftlnlnn t.o-Utird. of mi terra, raor. or bra. on ^ tote...rail boara. Lftrtedoaratb.prapMI;of JiT A. Jokraou, bp rlrto. of Bad to mUar max tl o u_ ri^S/jEted.^ Also, al th* aame Ume and place, a part of Iwut t ^ No. 76, in tfie 14th district oturiglnally Hmry uiJ Fultou county, (L*. The pert so levied on la la ward * block 5, city tot 19, fronting on McDonou). oil Clarks atreeta, In tha city of Atlanta. conulnhL «!? half an acre, more o> Mas. OaatodtotU a d7dk£ Levied on ae the proo^iy ef j. fl. Ward, by rlrto* and to aatiafr a tax fl fa faeoee_ta J. M. MerwsU T 7 Property pointed out by aaid Has well. * Cl Alao, at the aame time and niece, a peri of fa** ^ No. 83, in tbe )4th district of oric.aatir IW/,.. Fulton county. Ga. Tbepert ee toriefl an i« m vardi block 92, fronting on EUtott and Brick Yam in the city of Atiauta, ooutaiuiBf one-eighth <4 more or leea. Levied on ae the property « «— ' McGinnis, by virtue of and to aatlmj a tax fl %i3Li Harwell, T. O. Property printed out Also, at the same time and place, a part of w* u* No. 78, la the 14th district of originally Henry Fultou oounty. Go. The part eolevtod ia ia vordi city lot 114. fronting on Marietta street, to tit* rite rj br too tete.“M M 0 “ property of Oemge Hoover by vfrtoe of end to mtSj a tax fl fa iaaued by J. M. Harwell, T. C w,*— pointed ont by arid HarweU. "opwty Also, at the aame time and place, a part of fend to No. 77. to tbe Uth dlatrict of origiJdly u Fulton oounty, Ga. The part ao tovfad on la In worTT block 34, city let 3, fronting on PeterartrnS. m tto city of Atlanta, containing one-eighth of ana?# or leea. There is a small house ou aaid lot. as the property oiP.C. Hones. b> virtue of andte^i iafy a tax fifa Uenad by J. M. liarwalJ T C pointed out by arid HarweU ’ C * "<**«/ Alao, at the same time end plaoe, a part «t»—-* o* No. 78. In the 14to dietriot Ae pert ritovtol m fe to ward 6, city Jot 63, fronting on Marietta and Walton streets. In the city of Atlanta, containing on*.kali u acre, more or leas. On aaid lot there fe a iwortery brick dwelling to which the defendant now rrrtdm I.evicd on ae the property of Willis F. Waatmonfeto by virtue of and to satlsiy two Justice court fl fa’s £ sued by T. B. Boggue, J. P. of the 1234U) district fi M., iu favor of P. U. Snook va. W. F. Westaoreiari. Levy mat e by D. A. Cook, L. C. and turned over fe me Aug. 9, 1869. W. L. HUBBARD, D.SoerW aug 10-w4 w prafee 92 50 pr levy of 10 lines or lean iBlMliiT Not ’Brandreth’a—not 'Ayer’s*—not ’Wright’s,' BUT tisms' urn! mi “Which la bound to take the place of all ethers; a part ly vegetable Pitll (sugar coated) and oi extraordinary efficacy for Coetivenees. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bead, aches. Nervous Debility, Liver Complaint, fic.” [Medical Journal Sep., K) Positively the beat Pill to the World Thousands of Boxes now used. All Druggist in ATLANTA aeU them. “That Cough will kill you,” Try “to»tar , »”taugh Kessstdy “Colds and Tloaraenesa lead to death,” Try “Costair’e” l ough Remsdy. “For Croupe—Whooping Coughs, fic.,^ Try ‘•Costar’s” Cough Krmrdy. "CoaUr says it ta the beet to the wide world—and if He aaya *o—il’a True—It’s True—it’s True; and We aay "—Try it—Try il” (Morning Paper, Aug. 26.) All Drugglsta in ATLANTA sell it. “CO sTa R ’ 8 " Standard Preparations ABE HIS BEAUTIFIER. THE BUCKTHORN SALVE! “Coe tar's’* (only pure) Iasert Powder. Address "Coaui," No 10, Crosby at, N. Or Jouh F. Hkwwt (Successor to) Dfina* Barnes fi Oo., 21 Park Row, N. Y. ffff“For Sale by J. A. TAYLOR, L. n. BRADFIELD and other Druggists in ATLANTA, GA. REDWINE fi FOX. agents, Atlanta, Ga feb20-c /I EORGIA, HARALSON COUNT! \T after date apnlication will be n i belonging to the estate of Reuben Reid, to- EMPLOYMENT ! A DAY and Constant Employment rustic- auteed to every mau aud womau in want of light, honorable and profitable business - Groat inducements offered. Descriptive Circulars free. Address $10, work, in li) 31, 1S69. Also, i No. 83, lu tho 14th diatrict oi originally henry u. Fultou county, Ga., said laud having a iront of 40 feet of origim alley and running back 182 feet, aud lies north of Ben Thrasher's (p. o. o.)1ot; on said lot there to a small wood house occupied by George McKinney (p. o. c.l Levtod on aa the property of Jeremiah Thomp son (p. o. c.) by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgage fi fa iaaued from Fulton Superior Court tn favor of Jam. A. Jacksnu va. Jeremiah Thompson. Property pointed out by Thoa. W. J. Hill, plaintiff's attorney, and in this mortgage fl fa. August 3.1869. Al«o, at the aame time and plaoe, part of land lot No. 60, in the 14th distrloi The part ao levied on is iu ward 4, fronting on Collins street 94 feet, and running back 200 feet to an alley, city of Atiauta, being the aame property sold by J. K. Wallsce to defendant, and Jolus the laud* of T. R. Ripley, J. N. Langston and J. It. Wallace. Levied on aa the property of John 8, Jof- e fl fa iaaued by T. B. A. Cook, L. C., and fries by virtue of ami ti' aatisf) ■ ’* lie, J. I*., iu favor of Jt‘ le*. Levy made by I). turned over ti> rue. July 31, Italy. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of land lot No. 61, iu toe Uth district The part ai> levied on la In ug on Wheat and Oolltoe streets, cily of uo-etory wood dwell- i raides. Levied on aa o property of Charles Nchnatx by virtue of and to D. A. Cook, L. C. and turne«l over to me July Alao, at the saiuo time aud place, a part i f Und lot No. 62, lu too 14th district The part ao levied on ta In ward 4, oily lot VH, fronting on Calhoun and Georgia K. It atreeta in ihe oily of /•*—»“ —*-* • occupied by D. A. Oo«>. one-story wood dwellli le'vletl on a* tho i>ro|>e Darby, now, Mrs. John . couuty tax A fa for Ux for tho yea:- 1868. Pronertv pointed out by John M. Harwell, T. O, July 3, V Alw>, at the same time aiid place, a part ot lan.t lot part ao levied ou to in Vorsyth street in the ■half an acre, more or VHNI. oue-atory wood dwelltue tu whlrti the defendant resides. Levied on aa the pron- erty off Wm. L. Kxaard to aatiafy a Justice c urt It fa leaned hy It D. Smith. N. P. and ex officio J. p for Hie l .:U(h diHtrlct G. M. Levy iua«teby Henry Uoliaee- L. 0*. and returned to me Aug* *. 1869. ^ Alan, at the same time an<l phuv, a part of land lot No. 78, tw the I4lh dlatrict. The nan no tavted on ta In want 6, city lot 63. fronting on Marietta and Walton streets in Ho, t Hy of Atlanta, containing oue-balf an aoiv, more or lea*. Ou add lot there fa a two-atorv brick reetdetioe In which too defendant -rtlflea. Lev* ted on aa the propertv of Dr. W. r. Westmoreland to satisfy three JuatR'e court fi faa, loaned hy R, |> Nmlth, N. p. aud ex officio J . 1\ of Uie 1264th district G. M„ In favor of IL D. Mann, Uerm*g fi Leyden aud m;* 1 * ^ WeetiuoreUnd. Levy mad* J^enry Holms, !„ O.. and ndnrned to iu* Ang. 3. Also, at the aame Ume and place, a part of land W No. 61. In tbe 14th district of originally Henrv now Fhltou county. The part an levied on 1# In ward 4. tn the city of Atlanta, containing one-half an acre, more or leea, (routine on title street. Levied on aa the pron- ertyof C. M. Morrlv lo aetiafy a tax fl fa taa«*d »»y J. M. Jlarweil, T. C. Property pointed out b> arid llar- Alao, at the same time and place, a part ot land lot No. 84, In toe Uth district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ha. Th* part ao levied ta tu ward I. fronting on titonewall and ffataon atrteto In the oily of Atfentis and eontrintog •mo-baU mm aore. mere oc taoa. On aaid lot fe a snoaif ftwme dwriling. loivtad on aa the property of Fetor Oehurn. hy virtu* al and toast lafjr a fexfl fa taewed hy jTm. HarweU, T. 0. Prop- -fc.tnwt out hv arid HanrriL time and place, a part of Und lot district of origlually Henry now GEO. S. THOMAS -A- 11 o r n o y a t Uav ATLANTA. OA. MAT Office, Broad at.. Gov. Brown’s Building. noviteiy THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, Office at the Clothing Store of W. It. Lowe fi Ca. Atlaula, Georgia. IEV YORK STEAM E16IIE 01 Manufacturers of Engine Lath*, Planer*, Bolt Cutteni. I> right Drill*, Machinists' Tools of all Descriptions. (.Mthor .nd Rubbra Btetin*. .0*1 .11 tetlr).,arafltel la mfcRiln. or rallrafc] rapftlr tetnpfc Offlrc lie uul IU ChurVr* .t. New York. OKOIKIK PLACE, lbrarfrat. JOHN H. CHStVKH, Sef'J )el9-d 0HA8. r. HARDWICK. »Kl WM. WOOD & CO., UNDEBTAKERS AND CPIIOI^TEBS, fZ KKP on bud Id) qateltlra M FUC. MteUcBadJ IV Cue.: tetebtel kind, of Wood l\il*Ofc «nj *r tend tit Funerala at any hour, with a beautiful MW* class llearee flmuahed or for hire. Carriage, »*# furnished. All kinds of Upholstery work Furniture rejiaired, varnished, etc. ^ Offlee in uew building on Broed atreertn Ena office, fill orders will be promptly attended to. julvfedly CALIFORNIA WINES. J TOTT RKC1IVKD . lu*. .fork “"'J*' lerent varieties ol Champagne, Hock. Fort, nnerrj Boa and Mneoateile. r trie In quantilfee to suit, by PEMBERTON. WILUtON, TAYLOR h CO. reureeenta to the court tn hie petition, dnly entered on iweorvt, that U Bfeckri*vk ’a eetato ta thetafave ojto eons ooncerne*!, kindred and eredfa^u, >o shew owiea If any they oan. why aald admtatatawW uhorid note* discharged f of dlamiaeioi may 39— toe fieri ti.mday to l.mday to Niclaniber ueii A. D. WOODS, Ordinary- . BORO I A. HARALSON OOUNTY—J Ja i record, that he haa hilly admlnUtaeta G' i ntinM ettlered o King’s estate : This ta therefore to otto ail p deed and creditors, to show cause, If any they ***• why aald admtuletrnhw ahoghl not he dtaoharged tro* hie adminietmtion, and reoetve fetters ef dtamtaetae on the first M.uuUy in Ootober, INK This 6th day July, IMA A, D. WOODS. Ordinary- Julyto-mfim Printer's faa ft 50 EORGIA, HARALSON OOUNTY.—Whereas Eh*! VT hath Ferryman, admin fetrririx ef the eetatari repraeeane to the oonrt In tfen. dnly filed and entered an reeord. that she to* Tula It fi. D. WOODS. Oadtaary Printer's foe |4 ••