Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 13, 1869, Image 4

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REDWINE & FOX’ COLUMN. Remedies Hurley's Ague Tonic. longer period ittnuUia will Im lti##rted at a Ur toruou of •«"»" rant, from the above ratoa. For cm h square of 10 Unas or l##». for tb# 11 Mon, 11. tor etch labaMjMBl toaerttou W cmt«. •qnlvekut In apee*. i demand aft«i-th#ir#liu- Adv*rtun>u»ent» u»«e!b v- . t , « marked for a d time. Advertisement* luarrted at intervals to We charged aa nawanch bisection All a lr<tlae«*ou>^. or notice# ot advertlsum. tit», a iiAar -City Budget,” ara chargeable at tho rale *.l Twajrrr riv* ckmt* a Una fur #ach loser ti<>u No n >tio* wlU ai»|>aar for a Ira# amn than ows dolmu. vjrartiaaiuouuumlrr tha head of WparHl Jfotico#,** i # duty cents per lino for first insertion, and 10 cant* lor each vilvi^iuaut toaerttou. Volantary eouiumutoaUoua, eouUiMlng tu foresting ° r m port an i uawa. solicited from avary Quarter. New* hitters 11 out the various couotlet of the fitot# MpecteUj AMN! Til K KKA OmcK It |W THE BUCK BtULUlNd ON ALABAMA bTBKl I oppoam tm* roHTot-ricB, MOTHS BBOAD AND WHITEHALL. NII.ITA.tY UIKROTONY. liuEvcr Major-General Atftn H. TXeky Couminuiliug Department of the South. PERSONAL STAFF. lirrvet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith, Captain U. 8. Aruiy, Aid-tW-Camp. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 0. H. Graves, Cnptntn l T . H. Army. Aul-de-Canip. Brevet Cap’tin J. G. Telford, 1st Lieut, n art C. S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. DEPABTMF.NT STAFF. 11 revet Colonel J. U. Taylor, AwiiitHUt Ad- jutaut General, U. 8. Army, AHsiataut Ad jutant General. Brevet Major Robert I*. Hughes, Captain l T . H. Army, Acting Ashiatnut Adjutant Gen eral. Captain C. W. Hotaeupiller. U. S. Army, Acting Assistant Inspector General. Major DeWitt Clinton. Judge Advocate IT. S. Army, Jndge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. ^ llaiuen, Commissary of Subsistence U. 8. Army, Chief Cowinissiiry. Bievet Colonel A. K. Eddy, Major and Quar termaster U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sauderson, U. 8. Army, Depot uud Stall' Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloau, Surgeon C. 8. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milliun. Surgeon U. S. Army. As-istant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lienteuant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon IT. S. Army. Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army. Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, Sunth Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colouel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. S. Army. B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUGE, THE SAFEST ASK MOST EFFECTIVE it k.hepy for Worms That has ever been discovered. eminence iu the medical profei inrowing ando their prejudice*, have che fully givo i certificate* t« atifyiug to iU auperiority. ■ —- - - ■—*— **-- umple reason that LA HI we Nai*. IttiMharb, Ml t htoilrfr of Void, Niilrlf* of Mire, Alchohul, »*. Ilroitildea anil lodlde«t, «hc., »t Uwt.l Jobbiug mad# especially. i 'all and examine atock •u,l price#, at the Drug aud Chemical House of PKMIlKKToN.WlLLHGN. TAYLOI! V OO. Perftimery, Perfhmery. l>It. TAYEOR'S PREMIUM CO LOR N K, Cofobratad and un!Uir|«sMed iu quality by any FLORIDA and BRIDAL 1RHJUKT8diaUlhvt I I’KMUKUTON, WILLSON, TAYLOlt A t TEAS, TEAS, TEAS. PEMBIXTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR A CO. COMPOUND EXTRACT OF QUEEN’S DEUIGIIT, d Skin, Ringworm, Pirn- plea, Blotches, Hyphilia in all it# forma. Aa a renovator aud purifier of the blood, it ha< no equal. It quickly restore# the «y#t"W to perfect health aud purity. For aale, wholesale and retail, by PEMBERTON, WILLSON. TAYLOR A CO. And It la given without apprt-honai.i v know* it# perfect aafety. It haa i e public for “ i befi | , ad Ua< uperterlty in thou##nda #f cases, throughout part* of the world. Ill# llic Imprralivr duly of every pa rcntU) watrli the liealtla of hUrhild. to provide titmaelf with this potent ape- cldc. Bt-careful to observe the imiL*.# of the name, ee tlAit you get "B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUCF B. A. Fahnestock’s Son & WHf M.KSAM’. DRI TGOTSTS, PITTS lit IUJ, PA., aepf_ly JAMES M. BISHOP, AT TORNKV AT LAV DAWSOXYILLK, UKOKUIA. H’atMi for the Northern Dial riot of Georgia. aeplS-ly Tb« aytuptoma of liv< niplaint are unea^inM id pain iu the aide. Some the pain DR. SIMMONS’ lit V F.H UKUttiVVOU, A preparation of root# and herb#, warranted ktrirtly vegetable, and can do no injury to any o ll haa been naed by hundreds, and known f< Uat *6 yetra a# one o| the moat reliable, eftcactoni aud hariule## preparation# ever offered If take tpilarly apepwla, hexla< be, jaundti lenity, ilia i headache, hrouic diairhtea, tho kldn'ya, fever, nei •hilla. <Ua*a»e»« _ tbe akin, impurity of th Y»re*klon of aplrii#, heartburn - am in the bead, fete | .. ii bark and limb#, Astli wa, #ry#yr>< la#,'female affectiona, and biRoua diaeaae generally. I*repamd only by J. II. XRIMR X C O. t Drurgiata, Macon, <ia. Price |l; by mail liar. The following highly re#|*ec*a»de p«r>ona eau full b inedhdu#, aud ti J. Lunsford. , Conductor H. W. 11. U.; f son. Kmi., Mieriff Bihb county; J. A. Runs, o#m bridge, Oa.; D)kos A Rparhawl, edliora "Floridian,' 1'allahaasae; Rev. J. W. Burke, Ma.oo, (»a. ; Virgil Powers, Kas|.. Rii|»erlnt«udent M. W. H. R.; Daniel Ruh lard, Bullard'# hUtl<>n, k Brunawl. k K. It., Twlyga cxMiaty, ft#.: OreanvUIa^Wood, Warn!'* ^Facb». Kill. ry. Ma- on, Oa.; Rav. K. V EaaUrllng, P <5onfer« i,rte; Majir A F. W<»o|ey, Kingston, (is. tor Ms<id Teh-graph. may 9-<lJkwCm b»tadi,i»ti mn loon SOUTHERN WHITE LEAD C’OLOM M OH st. Loris. [>H)DU(rn or Uji. mumi»iuiimji pwiim «.,u,i XT m qiuUt, to th. bat mui^ctura tu th. oomu. try. For Ml. by W. i. LAN0DVT.L. PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, 6rC. ■yif E iUr,’o .took, or PAINTS, OILS, V A It MS IIKS, II KUSH KS, VViuilotv Ulna*, itc. ROSADALIS, TI1K GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula iu all ita various form*, Consumption in Us earliest *ta‘;en, Enlargement and lUceratiou of the Glandea, Joints, Bones. Kidneys, Uterus, thronic Rheumatism, Eruption# of the Skin, Chronic sore Eyes, Ac.; also, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS, DiMonHon of Womonj General bad health, and all diseases of (ho Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, II Is a porfeet miovafor. perfectly reliable. »r thills and fwer, or Agua aud he depended upou is Hurley’* h«v • liiMsu thoiwauds eured by i.d (he usual remedies without HOKTIiY OP ATTENTION. To Dr. Tlmmas A. Hurley I hereby certify that di with tho ague "M *! icked d used raksf. t h kaburg. Wi»* ral popular modloluia with but temporary «iu reachiug homo tho disease returned Iu a wore# type. i{ iKivnUU, whou uiy medloal attend»ut ordensl gain- me is large do#e« - frtypianlljr aa high aa tu gralus per dav. and which must hava ooat ma uanrky SUM. I con- suited Dr. Hiuith, of IaiuImviU#, and found ho praacrih- ed quinine aud arsoute ooiubluad, which I reluaed to take, preferring Vo let the disease take Ita course. 1 was almost bloodless, eitremoly ixhaustad. and pruuouuc- with oiilargtfd Liver aud Hpleun. About this time, f «f™ i« li £t«L*Tdi3 it. One bottle roatored me I have seen nearly i hundred cases In which it sokad with squally happy ihlcerialnly itu oiuiuend It as prefers- touie before ihe publn PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. Affections of ttie ltonvs. Habitual Co* ness. Debility, Diseases of tbe KIiIim Dyspepsia, Kryslpells, Female I regularities. Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigestion. Files, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Scrofu la, or King's Kvll. Syphilis. Hurley’s Sarsaparilla la what i d say so without proof of the strongest aud aurekt ind; therefore I speak willingly aud positively on the ubject. My daughter ha* bee ndal" jjjfj! exiHs Ung it would do much good, but to aty* great aa j touiahment shf rapidly pot well, and thank God con-' tiuues so. Had *hn been taking any medicine I would not give this certificate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves uo doubt al qualities, (Signed.) ml that it aloue c y reshleucc, corner Ninth HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. It Co.—Ueutleuicu-It glvt after using all tho othc worm rrmeaies Known to me. with but partial auccei to my children, 1 wa# advised to try T. A. Hurley' and since using it my children have becomo quil well and healthy. The . hildrou would oat it all tli time. It Is one of the best, safest remedies know* aud aa such, recomtueud it to uue aud all. JAS. W. TRAVIS. L R BBABFIELD’S COLUMN DB. SOW BULL’S Great Remedies. DR. JOHN BULL Mauutactarsv and Yaatdor of tha Celebrated NMITH’8 TONIC NYRUP, FOR THE CUM OF AGIJtt \NI) FEVKH, -Oft— UlllitiH AUtt FK\KW. The proprietor of this oalebrated medioUia Justly claim# for 11 a superiority ova# all ramadlea aver oft. r. ed to the public for the sails, ogrtalu, auaedy and per luauent cure of Ague and Fever, or CblTa and Fever whether of abort or long standing. lie rsfera to tne entire Western and Southwestern country to bear him tcsUiuouy to the truth of the aaaartiua that iu no can# whatover will II fall to cure, If tha dlractloua *re etrict- ly followed and carried out In a great many cases n single dose haa bo.-u auffleiont for a cure, aud whole families hava beau cured by a single bottle, with a por- feot restoration of tha general health. It it, however, prudent, and in avertr case wore oertaln to cure. If it# ■aa la eoutiuusd In smaller dosea fur a week or two *f- Ususlly this medi- kaep tha bowel# iu . _ rravsr i squlra a ca- medicine, after having taken three or four do# as of Ilia Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY VILLA* will be audio Unit, Dr. JOHN BULL’S Principal Office: Ml). 40 Piftto Grota Street* Xjoulavlllo, HZoutuoIiy Hull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United Scutes and World Wide Headers. physician In Georgia, is certainly one of the moat aibla communications l have ever received. l>r. Clem ent know# exactly what he speaks of, aud hi# tatUnio- ny deserve# to bo written in latter* of gold. Hear what the Doctor aays of BULL’H WORM DKHTROYEB: Villa vow. Walker Co.. Oa .June 29.18. Fulton I’ofltponed Mortgage Hale W ILL be sold before the l city of Agent.. I Tuesday In Oeteber U e ort Houa# door tn the iF/OBuOD Uia find s legal Boors of Mia, four bolter* for rail mill, on# bar mill aud'slieaia, and att tbe acpurteuancea Iherannte belonging. Levied an aa tli» proper!v of John D. Oray, by virtue of and to *atl#ly a mortgu . n f ■ burned from Calooea dupertor Court tu favor of Cuiuiabus Iroo Work* It Co., use of the Uuitod HUl« # of Auierioa v#. John V. Oray. Properly pointed out by W. U. Brown, and iu aald mortgagu fl f». March 16, DKU). POSTPONED Nil E1UEE HALE. a First Tuesday la l^ptcnbcr naxt, within thawgai h«.u of sale, tha following property, to-wll: A pari of land lot No. 78, in the Hth district of orig. iuahy Henry now Fallon county. Ga. Thu part r levied on la iu ward 6. part of . lly l* t Gh, having front on Peachtree stroet 4J 1-2 fed, about 60 feet < Marietta ►tree*, situated on the corner of Peachtree and Marietta streets, «By of Atlanta On niI<1 lot ttiara is a two-story brick store house occupied by Bcott & Co., a# an auction house. Levied on as the property of Thomas Kile, by vl ;tue of and t» aatisly a fl fa tailed from Fulton Huperior Court In favor of William W. Wrixht V*. James K. Paukey aud Thom*a Kile, princi pal, and B. F. llonur endorser- Properly pointed out by H. B. Hoyt, pialntltTs attorney in flr#t mcntlouod ft fa. April 3, IMW. Also, at the same time and place, one large iron safe, Wilder', patent, now lu tin* ofiltu of th* butted rttatea Hotel. Levied on aa tbe property of Uaaaeafi, York A Jourdaii, by virtue of and lo aatlafr a ttteteead tax Ufa, for texfor tho year lMM. Property poln b> K. B. tes *n, *ma of the def.-mtearia. J|»J|T f>. 1** AI#o, at tha IMM time aud place, pert of to - in the 14lh district. The part so levied Ml la lu i ft. fronting on Broad street ftO feel, city of Ailauta, and adjoining the former residence of K. R. Kaaaeau on one aide aud a lot of !.. I*. Graut's uu Uieutlmr, and running back 100 foat loan alley. Levied on aa the property of E. It, Kaasceii, by virtue of aud to satisfy a Hlate and county tax ft fa for the year I8|ft,'tnaurd by Jno. M. Harwell, T. O., and prop rty pointed out by said Harwell. July 6. IM'X Also, at tbe same time aud place, a part of land lots No. m aud 1U3 In tha 17ib dlstilct of originally Henry now Fulton coiuW, Ga., containing one huudred aud and a half (197 1-2) at r« leas. Bald lauds are now occupied uud in the isiasaa#- lou of tbe defendant Frauds F. Burge. Uvh d on aa lha property of said Frauds ¥. llurgr,by virtue of and to satisfy a fl fa issued from Fulton Huperior court iu favor of John A. June# va. Frauds f. Burge. Raid levy was made by 0. C- Oreoo, former Hlurifl', Mar, :» 2uUi, 1800. AUg. 4, lih’J. Also. ' - -- . - —. " WfUlWBiUBUq, _ _ _ _ lea*, gaid laud is BOW vacAnt.” Levied on aa the property of Richard F. M. Mann, by Ylrtue of aud to satisfy a diatr< *# war rant Issued l-y Wu:. (Mine, J. K., of Hpaldluf county, (ia., iu favor of M- G. Dobbins va. Klflhaid F. M. Mann. Property pointed out by M. O. Dobbins.— April 27, 1869. Also, at the saute time and place, part of laud lot No. 79, lu the 14th district, bounded ah follows. Com mencing U feet from the southeast corner of Pitta' lot, thuuco running south 359 feet, thence west'-’ho foef, them e north 35‘J f«>et, thence east 200 feet, to the be ginning, having a atreet 30 feet wide by Withers' lot, aud one 14 feet wide by Pitta’ lot. Upon said lot there is a two-story brick dwelling, in which the defendant resides. Levied on as the property of Robert A. Jcliu- son. trustee for wife, by virtue of aud to satisfy mortgage fl te Issued from Fulton .Superior Court favor of W. J. Houston, Tmuranu <>f the Mechanic Loan and Building Association, vs. Rubait A. Johuao . trustee for wife. Property poiuted out in said mort gage fi fa. Haid laud will he laid off iu lot#, aud oul; so many of them sold aa will make the sum of nine teen hundred and lifty-four dollars and aeveuteei cents ($1,1154 17), with interest from tst day of Jum last aud all cost. This doue by Order of John D. Pope, Chancellor. June 1, 1HC9. W. L. HUBBARD. aug io—w4w prafee f 2 Gti i>er levy Dep’y Hh’lf. Sheriff Sales for September, 1869. W ILL bo sold before the Court H..USO door, in tin city of Atlanta, P'nUon county, Georgia, on tin first Tuesday In September uexLwlthln the lawful hour of rale, the following property to-wit: A part of laud lot No. 84, in the llih District, origin- Db. John llOLL—Dear Sir: I have recently given ally Henry now Fulton county, Q*. The part bo levied your “Worm Destroyer" several trials, aud find it won* j on ia in Ward 1, In the city of Atlanta, contain derfully efficacious. It has not failed in a single and place, laud lo! ftoj the 17th district of originally Henry now Fultesa«onnly, L oou tala tug Wi 1*2 acres. ' ‘ ’ Race stance to have the wished-for effect. 1 am doing a i said lot there ta out* bouse. Levied on aa t pretty Urge country practice, and have daily use for J of Herman Haklin, to satisfy a State and| Also, at the same time and place, a part <1 land lot _ . o ttud out upou what terms I get tha medicine direct from you. If I can get it upou easy terms, 1 shall use a great deal of it. 1 am of s«eh arUctee it contrary to the ie city of Atlanta, and containing *, acre, more Said lot lu th.- new limits, on which is one #ha Levied ou aa the property of J. ii. HenMrreon, regu- j satisfy a State and county tax 11 fa for I8G8, fumed by limply because we iuay be ignarant of ita oombluL F-ir my part, 1 shall make it a rule to use all and means to aleviate suffering hninanity ■sitattug because i „ lous than rnyse" fecta first, s knowledge. Ilowavar, I am by no means an advocat or supporter of the thousands of worthies# nostrum that flood the country, that purport to cure all mai u.-r of disease to which human flesh i# heir. Pleas reply eoou, aud inform me of your beat terms. 1 an ■ir. most rkapectftlly, JULIUS P. i LAMENT. M. D. Iso, at the aam 50, in tho 14th l>int h 1 may be I Fulton count}’. The |>art a city 1 9, frouting on l’cacht i the city , on aa the property of Mrs. J. H. 11. State aud county tax fl fa for 18tw. issued by J. M. Har well, T. th Property pointed out by said 11: Also, at the saiuo liiue and place, a part of laud lot No. 43, lu the 14tli District of originally Ii< i.ry Fulton county, Ua. The part an levied on is in Ward ; 3. iu the n<-w limits of the city of Atlanta, ho property ROSA DA LIN cradic bad taint, and restores tl condition. It is perfectly harmles ivalthy slight* s mado are publiahed arm>}' tin- Family anil man} < liousjin.ts ol nnr lwst AW For tealiiuonluls of remarkable euros, #.-• "Ho- Mulslis Alinonae" for this year. Pre;iar*d only by Drs. Clements, Bivea k Co., Man ufacturiug Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawr»n<. A Co, ;u CiiCapeSt HURLEY’S .STOMACH HITTERS. billers (hut run tom}>are irith Oust eso distieasing complaints. For sale t any drug store in the UuiU-d States. JAMES RUDDLE k CO.. Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. ToJas. Ruddle. A Co., Louisville, Ky.: Gentlemen: Tlit# is to certfiy that 1 have been for years a sufferer, and tried all the U nlca I have heard of or aeon adver tised, with little or no relief from uny of them I heard Hurley's Bitters highly spoken of, aud tried a bottle, with little* faith in it netore 1 commenced, and to my aurprieetand Joy, before I finished oue bottle. I felt a great doal better and firmly believe that oue or caaious it was tlio menus of saving and prolong- SOLD 111 ALL KROCERS. CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howird wd Barks Street-., Philtdelphii. Beam Engine, 21-inrli cylinder, four foot a mail*- by Hutton, with 13 boilers, 40-inch dial 45 feet long. Beam Unglue, IH-ineh cylinder, four feet s' mado by Hutton, with :j boilers, 3fl Inch dian W f.:et long. Roller f»oroa, 42-inch, fl, ft and 10 treadle-* 1 and 4 shuttle#. 25 Crompton fronts, « Ml( y 45 j»eh, i* and 2* a Pick *nd pick, and * (Mx4X 1st breaker,) Mu W.Miteu card*, j48*48 2d " j 410npi (40x42 1st breaker,) *Mn gent's Burr Picker, largo #l?.e, nosrly new, COTTON MAOHINBRY for 00AR8I YARNS. Willow, Dodson’s make, large six*, apeeder 3>; iuch, Cotton card a, 34-lnc h. a.lf-*tripp*r* and grl Gb-inrh traverse. With shafting, b. Itin Ac , Ac. ug iny III.* ously i all sufferers aa tho best Bitter villa, Ky.. Decent be . Huricy’s * m think pro 1 thei of J. U. M for 1 *W, laaned by J. M. 11 t by said iiarwellJ satisfy a State and county t ell. T. x fl fa Property Also, at the same time and place, a )»*rt of land No. M, lu the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton -ounty, Ga. 1'ho part so levied ou is in Ward 2, lu the tew limits of the city of Atlaute, and contains two acres, more or lest. Levied on a.* the projierty of Joseph McGinn i foi ‘ ify a State ISfiM, issued by J. M. Harwe by said Harwell. II, T. Lty 1 Property No. 62, in iln> Hth District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on Is in Ward 3, city lot No. 32, fronting on Terry and Jones s’.reets. In tin- city of Atlanta, and contains an ucrc, more or less, levied on as the property ot Alexander McWR- liams. to satisfy a State an.I county tax fl faforlWM, issued by J. M. Harwell. Property pointed cut by said Harwell. Also, at the same tiiuo and place, a part «.f land lot No. 84, iu the Hth District of originally Henry now ! Fulton cottuty, Ga. The part levied on 1# iu Ward 1. In the city of Atlaute, containing 1 norc, more or less, I fronting on Weiner and Davia street. Haid lot is va cant. Levied on a>t tho property of Morgan, l'utnam i part of land lot BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. ii Lnckie i Atlanta, and containing o | On aald lot la a single-story i 4 fronting on Jackson street, lu tha city of Atlanta. Fulton county, flu. The part *o levied on la Hi ward 1, •« l>,yr°v.n, Ol jiasKsvs varjsi (SSKsS^K 1 " « Ik for Ub Mkte Uti MMr ,„ A fr.ri.ui>, ... Or-o U4 vlrtl on m Ui, >»o>>.rfr of Km sftsi-Aft.'SLtsttr a Property pointed out by said SWwft'feHnsicn 1 jUkk^SkM?##. M# »u~.» wit al Uud 1,1 No. ¥1, In the 14th District of originally Usury now Fulton ooontv, Ga. TU* part so levied on la In Ward anemattRaftssparftga lasaad by J. M Harwell, T. 0. Froptwty pointed out by aald Harwell. Also, at tha asm# lime aud place, a par! of land lot No. hi, tilths 14th District of originally Manry now Fulton couuty, Gtorala. The part #o levied ou la in Ward ft, fronting ou Bt»to and Wafltce straate, oontaln lug t lire*-fourth# of au acre, aaOro or laaa. On aald lot there ta two small boose*- Levied on aa the prop, erty of J. U. lioue, to »sU*ijr a tax fl la for Lis dtate •ltd ooouty Us tor tha y*ar 18C8, issued by J, M. liar weD, T. O. Property pointed out by >ald Harwell. Also, at the same lime aud place, a part of land lot No. 51. iu th# Hth District of origln.lly Henry Fulton county, (ia. The part so levied on is lu 4. block 133, in the city of Atlanta, fronting on I street. Haid tot 1# In rear of Mr. Kicki n'#, and i cant. Levied on as tha property of J. Harun-«, to fy a Ux fl fa for hie Mteto ami county taxes for the year 18Ck, Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. t! Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same Uwe aud place, a part of Uud lot No. 63, In the 14th District of originally Henry urn Fultoucounty.Ua. Tha part ao levied ou i« in War. 3, block 2, city lot 0, lu tho city of Atlanta, aud coi tain tog ‘i ot au acre, more or less, fronting ou ^raster street. Haid lot ia near Uie colored Chui eb. and “Id lot ia vacant Levied ou as tha property Of A. If. Brown, to satisfy a tax fl fa for bis Btate and county Ux for the year 1868; said fl fa wa# Issued b> J. M. Her- well, T. C- .Property pointed out by aald Harwell. Also, al the aim# thna aud place, a I«rt of land lot No. 61, In tho 14Ui District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied an la lu Ward 4, containing 5oxlW) foot, fronting on Kills aud CoUlui streets, in the city of Atlanta. Raid lot la vaoant i.«*vii*i on aa the property of Thomas J. Barney, u a Ux 11 fa for hi# Ktate and county tax i i issued by J. M. 1' l by said Harwell. X Henry t I Alley etreet, near Houaton street, Held lot is levied ou as the prop< rty of Robert D. Boulton. U satisfy a tax It fa for hi# Htete and county fax for th< year UJ68. Bald tl f* waa taau«d by J. M. Harwell, T C. Property pointed out by aald Harwell. Also, at tbe aauie time aud place, a part of land h>i No. 84, in tbe Hth District of originally Henry now . HI lea*, fronting on James Avenue W. 4c A. IL U. street*. Haid lot coutaJua a residence. L*>vied on ae tha property of G. W. Hush, to satisfy a ux ft ta (or Ida State aud couuty tax for the year lbCS. Haid tl fa waa Untied by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Properly pointed out by aald Harwell, Also, at the same time aud place, a part i>f land lot No. 70, in the 14tb District of originally Henry I Fulton couuty, Ga. The part ao levied on ia in Ward 2, block 19, iu the city of Atlanta, fronting and Washington etroeu, containing l l *' acre, year 18C8, Said fl fa waa Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by #aid Harwell. Also, at the samo time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, In tho 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga, The part so levied on ta iu Ward 1, iu the city of Atlanta, and containing >. of an me re or leas, fronting ou Race street Said lot ia levied ou a# tbe property of Henry Beetles, to satlafy la for hla Htete aud county Ux for the year 1868. Said fi fa wits issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aald Harwell. *■- || ' I j levied on is in Ward F'Altli. No. 611 to the Hth district of originally Banry now 1 Fulton county, Ga. Pari ao levied on ia in Ward 4, READ TBE CAPTAIN'S LETTEIi AND TBE LETTER bl '“ k u - cll > u,t **- fr "“ ,ln « »« Cklhonn Mntt, city of j Atlanta, containing \ ot #u acre, more or lea*. On | said lot there i* one small house. Levied on as tho property of Wm. G. McGiunls. to aat'sfy a Htete and county tex fl fa for 1868, issued by J, M, Harwell, T. C. FROM Hid MOTHER. Bkmton Barback’h, Mo., April 30, 1866. pointed out by said ll*t Da. John Boll—Dear Kir: Knowing the efficiency l Property pointed oi of your Harsapartila aud tho healing and teueficlal - A1 !f* f 1 . . v , *„ „ qualities It poaseaw*. I , end yon tho following atetc- 2° t ft1 ’ ln ortglually Henry and conttued for aixte>en month* city of Atlanta, i . on Decatur #trv e house. Levied on as I ho pr part of land lot levied Warping Mills by haml and t#«v 1 Balling Moehliic, for oainli* wl DH. ntO»AU’» tiOLDKN HEW^niKH. Fr no other, lake no other, a«,«| you will savt Dr. Mu mau'sOolukn Ha.-aw No. i iurea (Jlear*. (Jhwrati <1 More Throat and Mouth. Hor*. Kv- s, (,'nUno* Hkin Kmpthwis, t'oppt r Colored 111 drhrs Hors- l th*' Hcalp, garofkia, kr Nit.# .. r . #i. -t ‘r. no- Alterative ami poniter known r * movra all disease fr»«n lie ayab-m, and I*um # tin M.n.iI our# and Imalthy. |>r. Ill*'Hans (Iolokm IIOJUS No. J . urea Mercurial Affections. tfhemaUam, tu %ll it* forma, whether tmm ■“7 " UM,r eanaaa; give# fmniMUste r. ll. I in all dlaUna' nevosary 1 hav# ihnusanda of , rr Uftoate# pro v lag th# m Irani Ion# cures «rWtot hy iheaa ‘ a. Fries of either No. I or No. 3 tA.Ilo m r bob o bottle# for |9,U). Dr. fthiMAU’s GoidHUf Amiscrw. a wfr, Npawty, i.Icm ant and radical cure for all t'rinary Dsiangsinn fa ac • oupoiited with ftiU (ItraettMa, Frie# goju per bottle. Dr Iticgau's Kxilib Amoub, a railteal cure ter Nervous ar Gen#ral DshilMf, la aid or young; im pariiug .-nergy with wnndarfal gtsei, Frlr* $6 00 par Udlle, or two bottles tor 69.00 On r*cai|a of price Romcdtes will be ahf|>|>^l to any 1.UA.. ErwytMtaUM. t#4 to owr„l»»iU!iU. fi -o*. HirHAH'M -™w H*»*OIIOI. I> n mciiAnD-a mi, **» ; *»V»tok«WK l » W Vort. (Mto, kMM * A. K. to • rNTlltoMtar, #M. JJMI7 NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DK. SEABEOOK'S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. take, harmless in it* action, efficient and reliable in all caae*. invaluable in the billowing diseases: Hummer Oouiplalut, Irregularities of Urn Imwela, Iteatlvenaa*. Teething, Ac. Give* health to the child and rrtt to the tuothrr., Tang., Feb. 12, 1868. Jim. Huddle* Co.,Louisville, Ky.~>When living lu your city 1 ua.-.l several I Kittles of Dr. Bttahrook'a In fant Hooihlng Syrup, aud found it to do iny child more g.iml and It would rest better after using it than any i, uud I will pay for it at the office n yon send it, and oblige MKH HABAI1L. RANDOLPH. Dll. SKA IIHOOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Calisaya. I#elegant court:, dlon p.i##ea*es all th# tomu rtle» of Pcnivia i Bark and Iron, wuhoiit the dla .I- t#st« and had effect* of either, separately oi In ntln r preparation*, ol these valuable in#«il<iine«. ft should lie taken tu all caae# when a gentle tonic I « prrasloi. I* required after con vale wenre front rtv# M or deMlOatlng dOcaae*. or In those dlatnwrtnu trrvgu lariti.-s i M-cu I tar to females. No female should be with! "U it. IfliabU to such (tlai-aara, f .r nothing can wel- James Ruddle & Co., lltortUETODH, iMbornlory A'o. 41, Hulllll turret Louisville, Ky, ton, my wounds have not healed yet I have not sit ud °" e ho "' ,p ' ^® v,od on n * ,,lC property of Catharine a moment since 1 waa wounded. I am shot through MoNamkra, to satisfy n State end county ux fl fa tor • - SteHM ^ 1868, Issued by J. M. Harwell, T.C. Fropcrty pointed out by said Harwell. the hips. &fy general health is impaired, and l need something to assist nature. I hx\<- more faith in your Sarsaparilla than tu anything else. 1 wi#h genuim ~ oblige, capt O. P. JOHNSON,I Ht. Ixniia, Mo. P. 8-—The following was written April 30, 1K65, by Mrs. Jennie Johnson, mother of Captain Johnaon: Dn. Hull—Dear Sir: My husband, Dr. the same linm m ie half a dozen iKitUa*, aud i iu t,,M 14,11 Cant. 41. 1* .TolfNHiiN ' *UW* part of land lot county, Ga., in Ward 2, block 19, city of Allan- skillful surgeon and physician John- , — w~e — Central New York, where ho died leaving tho above C. P. John aou to tny care. At tliirteeu years of ago, he had * chronic diarrhroa and scrofula, for which 1 gave him your Harsapsritls. It cCaKD him. I have ter ten years recommended it to many in New York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, lover Bore, and general debility. Perfect snecesa ha# ut tended it. Tbe cure* effected in some caae# u( scrofula and fever sores wore almost miraculous. I am very anxious for m> sou to again hava recourse to your Harsapartila. Ha ia fearful of getting a spurious article] contain (Tow street. Levied < Herrington, to satisfy n all* T. C. Property poiuted out by said Itui (l fa i< fell r land lo hence hi# writing to you for it. His rtbla, JENNIE JOHNSON. AU tha Above good# tar Mto by EftDWtNft ft FOX. att.anta OA HU'S CEI1II KiTTIBS! AUTIIKNTIC UOCUMKNTH. .IIIK.LVN.4S UK unit §'110.11. Ti'.llmnny of Nodical Noli, Htonky Point, White Oo„ Ark., May 03, Iinmi Da. Jon Idtiilavllle _ Mai-satiarUta sod Ovdmu BUb ra. My son in-law who waa with tne In the .tore, |,a* been down with rheumatism tor some time, comment’- ‘ the BUtora, aud soon foitml hi* general health baa bean la hadbealtb, triad them and Also, at the samo time and placo, No. 61, In tho 14th District of originally H. Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in Ward 4, block 134, fronting on Houston aud Kill# the city of Atlanta, contain ng 5, an acre, more or leas. Levied on aa tha property of James <’. Hughes, by vlr. tue of and to satisfy a tax fl fa Issued by J. M. Har well, T. (’. Property pointed out by aald Harwell. Also, at tho same lime and place, a part of laud lot No. 79, in tho 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao leriod on Is in Ward 6, fronting on Hull and Alexander atroete, in the city ot Atlanta, containing 1acres, more or less. Levied on a* tho property ol the estate of J. U. Henry, by virtu* of and to satisfy a tax fl fa issued by J. M. Harwell. T. t\ Property poiuted out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot 14th District of originally Hein-} m.w No. 110, in the Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on _ breoatwof ka, lu the city of Atlanta, ftxmf lug» i Trcbti „ I fl fa issued by J. M. liar- veil, T. O. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at Uie samo time aud place, a part of land lot "alWr 1,10 14th Wrirtct of originally Henry now inly, do, Th* part #o levf * ■ — j ou Race Track Krart, tn t contxiutng ){ Of an acre, more of In the property of John H. Hilton, l-y vnii "ttUriJr a Ux ft h, loaned by J. M. Harwell. • rty pointed oat hy said Harwell. State and issued J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property (minted out hy said Harwell. Also, at the samo time and place, a part of land h No. 83, iu the Hth District of originally Henry no Fulton couuty. Ga. The part ao levied ou ia in Ward L city of Atlaute, 2 acres, more or leas, fronting • Uabbetl and Foundry streets. Said lot is levied on the properly of Lamar k Cummings, to satisfy a pointed out by aald Harwell. Also, at the same time and mace, a pan m uu; No. 84, in tho Hth District of originally nenry Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied ou is in Ward 1, iu the city of Atlanta, aud containing one-half acre, more or less, fronting on Walker street Said lot Is vacant. Levied ou aa tho property of Christopher Conyers, to satisfy a tax Ii fk for his State aud oouuty taxes lor the your 1868. Said fl fa was issued by J. 31. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at Urn same time and place, a part of land lot No. 45, iu tho Hth District of originally Henry Fulton county, Ga. Tbe part ao levied on ii io Ward nt> of Atlanta, c,.u >re or less, fronting on Decatur Street. Said lot is •ant. Levied ou as tho property of Halina Coflm, to satisfy a tax fi fa for her State and county Ux for the year lf*c,S. Said fi fa was Issued by J. 31. Harwell, “. C. Proi»erty ponded out bv said Harwell. Also, at iho same time and place, u part of laud lot No. , tu the Hth district of origins ly Henry now Fulton couuty, Ua. Tha part ao h vied ou la iu ward a the city of Atlanta and containing one-fourth of lore, more or leas. Said lot Is near Fechter'a . Levied on aa the property of Owen Calah 1868. Said fl fa was laaned by J. M. Harwell, Property j>ointed out by naid Harwell. the same time aud place, a part of laud lot the 14Ut district d originally Henry now Fulton couuty, Ga. The pari SO levied on is iu ward th* city of Ailauta, aud tbe number of screw not known, fronting ou l’cter* and Walker streets. Haid lot ia levied on uu the property of Heiij. Dykes fo satis fy a tax fi fa Issued for his State and county tax tor the year 1868. Haid fi fa was issued by J. M. Harwell, 1. Property pointed out by naid Harwell. lso k at the same Ume and place, part or land lot No. 53, In the 14th district ot originally Henry lmw Fulton county, Ga. The part *o levied on ia in ward ", city of Ailauta, \\ of an acre more or leas, fronting by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, pat 1 of land lot No. 84, in the Hth district of originally llrnry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on 1# iu ward 1, city of Atlanta, containing \ of an acre more or teas, tnmt- ing on Ra«-o street Rid on a* t: tax fl fa tot Said fl fk issued by J. _ pointed out by sold Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 61, tn the Hth district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Tho part no levied ou la In ward 4. block 133, city of Atlanta, containing 1, acre more or lots, fronting ou Butler -treid; aald lot t« vacant. Lev- ied on aa the property of Mrs. Mary A. Conley to satis- Ms# 0*4 j-tec*, A port of teLu lot ^ aft-a *#44 lot tbsr* tu SB* wall ft MM*. L#»l*4 *U as tk# property of Futer Jtetea to autlatfy A for bis mate and couuty Ux for U»* yuur 1JM. Haid fl. fo. was issued bv J. M. Hanr*B, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. r _ Also. A! kite Mte* Ifrte and ptec#. Apart of Uud lot No. M, lu U* MUl W»jltoll/ IUtoT »uw rnuro or UN Hid tot to wiltou to* u.w Utolta. Mto- wuJIr from John MoMto. iw bto tot I, tortod ON >• tho urooortr of Ed word »«-to lo aoltofr his hut. sod counts Ux for tho fnr IMM. Hold fl. » wm 1 .sill'd hj J. M. JUrwcll. T. C. IToyortf t-dl.t-l out h} ssld Bsiwill. . j . ... Also, At ths sams Bin- slid pises, s port of tohd lot No. Al. la tho ink district tl or!*iastlf Btorr »w« Fulton county, Ga. Tho part so levied on I# lu ward 4, block 1*4. In tb« oriy of Atlanta, Htete aud wtuotv tax fur th* year l«Oi Hall fl. h issued by J. m. Harwell, T. C. properly joduted out by sold Harwell. Also, at tne aam* time ami plac« 4 A part of tend tot No. 61, In the Hth dtelrtet of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Th* part • o levied on t* ln w*v« 4, tu tli* city of Atlanta, containing 60x125 fret, near Calhoun street. Bald lot la levied on a# th*prc *- of Anthony ttrave# to satisfy a lax fl. fa. for hi# aud county Ux for the year 1MW. Haid fl. fa. w sued by J. M. Harwell. T. C‘. Property pointed t Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 61, in the HUi district of originally Henry now Fttltou county, Go. The port ao tevted ou is to word 4. In the city of Atlanta, aud contain# oue-fourth of sore, more or 1cm, fronting ou Daks* Ste—I. OB Mid lot there ia one small house, la-vied « property r hi# btate f land I of John H. Gaclou* to satisfy a tax ft. fa. for and couuty tax for the y-ar 1H68. Said ft, fa i#su*d by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aald llarwelL Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 47, tu the Hth district of origiuolly Henry now Pulton county, Oa. Tho part ao levied ou 1# lu word 4, lu the city of Atlanta, aud containing two aud-a-half acres, more or lea#. Haid lot I* within tbe new limit# Levied on a* the property of William Greer to satisfy i Ux fi. la. fur hi# Htete aud county tex for tho year 1858. Hold fl fa. wu loaned by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Proporty pointed out by sold Harwell. Also, at the *amc time and place, a part of No. 63, tn the Hth district or originally Hei Fulton county, Ga. The part ao 1-vled on t* in ward 3, in the city of Atlanta, number of acres uot kn«wu. fronting on Waters and Richmond street#. Levied on a# the property of George Graham to satisfy • tax fl. fa. for his Htete and county tax for the year 1868. Haid ft fa. wu issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C'. Property point ed by said Harwell. Also, at the utue time aud place, a port ot land lot No, —, in the Hth district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The i«rt ao levied on i* iu ward 4, iu the city of Atlanta, and contain* one-fourth of an acre, more or .'ms, fronting ou Collins street. Hold lot ta levied on the property of Ilia# V. M. Gant to utisfy a tex li. fa. ft>r her Btate and county tax for the year 1868. Hold fi. fk. wu teased by J . M. Harwell, T. 0. Property poiuted out hy sold Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 61. ln the Hth district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Go. The i>art ao levied on is in ward 4, city lot No. 220, ln the city of Atlaute. and sold lot contains 1 acre more or leu, fronting on Calhoun and 6, city lot 65. iu the city of Ailsnta, and contains 26 Ly 80 feet, froutiug on Walton afreet; said lot ia vacaiut.— Levied ou aa the property of Jacob Gunat to satisfy tax fi ia for his btate and county tax forth* year 1868, it id fl fa issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property painted by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, u pari of land lot No. 85, tn tbo 14th district of originally Items Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied ou is iu ward 1, iu the city cf Atlanta, containing half acre n«« less, irouliug on Fetera xtrett aud Macon A We.-teru Railroad; on Naid lot In one small house. Levied as the prop* rty of John Gallaway to satisfy a tax fl for his btate and couuty Ux fur tlm year 1868. Said fi fa wa# Issued by J. M. lirrwell, T. C. Profiertv j ©d out by said Harwell. {AU the above levies mode by T. G. Gresham, L. C., * ‘ ‘ August 4th, 1M59.J id place, a part of land lo . froBiloB on Fowtor MwUn lb. dt. ot a UMugOMo lount yt to ■»«. mo,, otl... *.**»,’£ UtoTSk^toM* £** ?:SK*ns , is^j?aws i -*M FnUosi oooaty, Oa. Tba part ao tevt*4 oa 5. fronting on Lack* bOmA. in lb* «ily of tabling one-half an acr#, nsov* or Ua* I Muiag two-third* of aa a#*a. mam ar lus lot te a small bona*. Ltvted on as th# prow-M#J A. Johnson, by vlrtn* of and to aatisf) riUi # «. Sff&iif H-nr<fl,T C * Ate., *4 th* aam* Um* and pfrt«, a pan 76,fcth# 14th difrrht t/urlgteriirilJ? 1 /niton county, Ga. Th* part ao lofted on 1.1TL block 6, city tot 19. fronting on Clark* streets, » hatf >u aswe. more orU*. On said tot1# 7“ Levied on ae the property of J. ft. Ward to and to satlefy a tax Ilf* issued bj j. ft Property pointed owtby gold Harwell. Also, a! Its* MM# !Mi* au4 Mae*, a port No, 66, lu the )4|k dfcUlct oTorteo.^r o* 1 ^ Fulton connty, Ua. 1 he pari so i fcl p.j ' block 99. fronting on HHott and Brick Yarn --*** intag '" ti * mors or tea*. Levied on JU»W, ANN, Ml- M.N MHK ■»<! |U<4, S M flf U.. No. 78, ia the 14th district of onguJlT Puliou county. 0a. The tort aokvtedku 1 city tot 114, fronting ou Marietta street, la t»S AiUute, coutatutag 06 by luu f«-t Z 7 nsr t tafTtfwa ? rV pointed Oiri by sold Harwell. L r Also, at the aotwe Um* v>d place, a i art <4 Na. 77, In the loth distric t Jf origiJJJ 1 ujj* Fulton county, (ia. The pvt so levied ou tefTfr- block 34,. lty lot 3. fronting ou Peters str*#L ta* city of Atlanta, containing one eighth of m am." or tea#. There to a Mull house , m sold tot. Lstol a* the j wop* rty of V. V. Uoo**, b> vlrUsUaedT lafr a ta* ftfstoeued by J. II. ifrrwMJ.T c 0— pointed out by sold Harwell C * ^ Also, at the same lime and [dace, a part of Im to th* 1 Mb district. Th* pert ao tevted a* * ward 6, city tot 63, fronting n« Erfoua sad street#, in the city of AUau<.. < obtaining oce-tog acre, more or less. On said lot ther# Is »T- bruk dwelling ,,, which the defendant now levied on ae the properly of Willis F. Weet- by virtue of and to aatiaiy two Justice eoart fiw* •ucd by T. B. Boggua, /. p. of the 1234th dnrtritt M., in favor of P. H. Buook vs. W. F. Weatmcr- Is vy made by D. A. Cock L C. and turned « »e Aug. 9. 1869. W. L. HUBBARD,D.‘ •uglO wlw prsfec f 2 60 pr levy of to lines or less liaraIkoii Sheriff's Saif. lILLbe sold on the first Tuesday to next, at the Court House door in th Buchouan, in the county of Haralenu, betwta* la* f ui hour* of sole, at of tend No . Cl, in the tak irict ot ortglually Carroll, now Haralson —— Levied on as the properly of James Westbrook, p isfy a fl fa In favor of Lewis Tumlto, against saM brook and coro]>any. taeued from tbe Justice Osm the 1078th IHstnrt for said connty. Iwvy mm* returned to tue by a constable. N. fi. I!ABU, Jy27-td Deputy ff originally Ileury ; Ate ), at tho same time No. 114, iu the lttli (tlsti Fulton county, Ga.. bounded on the south by Henry Elliott, on Dean's lauds, ou the north by tin ten ia, containing fifty acn-a more scribed tend is now vacant. Levied ty of William I. Hudson, guardian aud cx-offi* nilntetrator of Bummerville Elliott. Levh^l on Mohl for the i«}iin ul of coats by a decree of the ow Elliott' )#. raid de- the proper- Fulton connty, Ga., and stunted Peachtree street, and bounded as follows: Coi log at the junction of Peachtree and Hnnnicu ining along Uunuicutt aireet 190 feet to a ug said alley south lfcO feet, cast 193 fet-t Peachtree street, thence north along aald Peachtree street 100 feet, containing », acre moro or Ie**; on said iere ia a one-story brick building tn which intent now reaidcs. Levied on the property of G. A. lltiwald by virtue of and to satisfy a fi fit Issued Fulton huperior Court In favor of Joel 1. Gustavus A. Huwsld. Property pointed Clark aud tu said ft fa. July 28, 1869. o, at the same time and place, a part of 1 ud lot No. 83, In the Hth district; the part so levied —~— ward 1, block 32, fronting on Elliott etreet, city of At lanta, coutoimugof au acre more or .1cm; ou aald lot thoro is# on- story wood dwelling In'which fendant now resides. Levied on as the property of ory Thurman to satisfy a Ktate and county tax f I fa • Ux for tho year 1868. Property poiuted John M. Harwell, T. V. July 29, 1809. Also, at tho same time and place, a port of laud lot 0. 77, in the Hth district; the part ao levied ward 2, block 3, having a front on Alabama street, city Ux fi ta Said fl fa ism pointed pc rty Also, at No. 8A, In Fulton cou 1, city of Atla r State and c J by J. M. Harwell, •« Id Harwell, same time and place, part of tend 1. Hth district of originally Henry no 1 proporty of Jainc# i>ei 86, lu the 14th district of originally Henry no Fulton county, Ua. The part ao levied on ia in ward 1, city of Atlanta, containingacre mom or leas, fronting ou Humphries and Race streets. Levied ov propcrt> of Mrs. Susan Dozier to satisfy n tax State and coabty tax for tho year 1808. said fl fa ia- •ucd by J. M. Harwell, T. G. Property pointed •aid Harwell. Also, at iho samo time and place, a part of land lot No. 78, lu tho Hth district oi originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on is in ward 5, block 167, iu the city or Atlanta, containing of an - —o more or leas, fronting on Hull aud Simpson sta.; •aid lot thore is a small house. IVvied on aa the properta of J. J. Dunn to sat s.y a tax fi fa for his state and county Ux for the year 1868. Haid fl fa waa issued by -1. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by a«id Harwell. y 10, *1 the same time and place, a part ot tend lot 7, tn the Hth dtetrict ot originally ileury now •11 couuty. Oa. The part no levied on Is In ward 4, h « lty of Ailauta, containing 10 acres more or less; •aid land la within the new limits of aald c lty. levied the property of Dunn's estate, E. R. tsoMeeu. ad- nty fax for the year Powell by vir- It. J. Ia) ~~nofand perior Court ln favor of J. P. Jolly va. Powell k Hutch ln#oa, and B. ft J. M. Moyer*, on ap|>«al bond, and J. s bankers ■ property of JsinL^H ‘ all fa issued from Chattooga 8u- 1869- Alto,a! the same time aud place, a part o( tend lot No. 15, lu the 14th district uf originally Henry middle ot said mad to a stake along the west hi said lot, thence along the weat line to tbo beglnuiug, containing 39 acre# more or less; said land ia vacant. Also, |.art of land lot No. 16, in said district, commenc- the original southeast corner of said lot 16, * — - ‘ • lees, at right angle* west 1.076 feet stake aud stone, thence at tight angles south •UnJiug r less, V mini -li-if.. 1868. Haid 11 U V Property pointed property of R. J. Johnson^ by virtue !ir and to satisfy atot ft fa Issued by J. M. Harwell. T. tl. l’ro|.erty :sa«2 much by th# us# of your Bitter*. Indeed, Ut# ttedeou Hitters haa glv#n you great popularity In this settle- -lent. I think I could sell a great quantity of your ' 'tedron Milan I. fore Itlckott U- H. WALKER. All tb* above remedies for sal* by L. H. BEADFIELD, DHUOOIST, WHITEHALL STRUCT, ATLANTA, UA nrclfraodly property cf Ileury lUrickland (c«*l red) by virtue of and to "allsiy a Ux fl fa issued by -I M. Harwell, T. i\ Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the aantn time and place, a part of laud l->t No. . to tha 14Ut Dtelriot of .olglunllv Henry u»w Fulton eouuiy, Oa. Tli*part «o levfcl. 1. lain Ward 4, whlila the new limit# of the oltr of vttenii. eon- Ulnlng an acre, mor# or less. Levied on ss the property of Henry Harrison (colore.l) by virtue of •!„! to eattefy a tax fl fa laaned by 4. M. Harwell. T p Property pointed out by aaid ll.rrw. ll. Also, at the same time and place. » part of land lot No. mA, In the Hth Dtetrict of originally lli-nrv now Fulton county. Ga. Tho |wrt so levied on i# in Waul 2, fronting mt McDonough atr. ot, in Die . ||y ..f All tn ta, containing 1 acre, more or less. On said lot ur e J small shanties, levied on a# the property of Jsuob Neteon by virtue of sn.l to satisfy u tax ll fa fssuod by C #. T. O. I'rwui v-MNUN m( liy «»,l or lc«a. levied 11 wiknI, hy virtue of #i iohu M Harwell, T. < ■tied by J. M. Harwell, T. ... y said Harwell. A), Billie value time and |dice, a |»art of tend lot 8, In the 14th dtetrict of originally Unary now Fulton comity, Ga. The part so levied ou Is in ward city lot 46. Ill the City of Atlanta, and conUtolng fronting on MaricUa and Fouti- “ " Property I Railroad street*, levied . of James Donnally to sattefv a tax fi fa for ■M ( for the year Date. Haid ft fa *11.T.C. ITo|suty pointed 1 1,578 f. on the original line of . east on the original south hue of said lot 16, TwTfrt more or lea*, to the beginning, containing 8j 26-1U0 a.Ti a more or leea; said tend te vacauk Levied on aa tho property of James T. Lewis by virtue of and to satis)} all faiMined from Fulton Inferior Court in fa vor of Cicero H. Chandler vs. .lame# T. Lewie maker, ami Thomas M. Clarke endorser. Property pointed 11^1869^ J , ** ni,,,r ' n **’ attor,,p > for defendant. July Also, at the same Umo No. 85, iu tho Hth distrii Fulton count}', Ga., said laud having _ ... on an alley and running back 182 feet, and lies north of lten Tin sailor's (p. o. a) lot; on aald lot there i* a ■mall wood house occupied by George McKinney (p o. c.) Levied on as the property of Jeremiah Thoiutv son (p. o. c.) by virtue ot and to satisfy • mortgage fi fa issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor 01 Jas. A. Jackson vs. Jeremiah Thompsou. Property pointed out by Thoa. W. J. Hill, plaintiff** attorneV, and ln tote mortgage fl to. August 3, lt«U. Abo. at the aauie Ucue and place, part of loud lot No 50, ln the Hth district. The part ao levied on te iu ward 4, fronting on Collin* street 94 feet, and runniug hack 2ik> feet to au alley, city of Atlanta, befog the same nrom rty sold'll} j. H. Wallace to defendant and Joins the lands of T. R. Ripley, J. N. Langston and J. “’allaoe. I-evied on as th* propcity of Johu X. Jefl Dawffon SbcrllTs Sale. Ue outcry, on the first Tuesday in Septeaier oue lot of tend to th)) fifth dtetrict aud first - number eight hundred and sixty-four, in tbe Dawson and Bute of Georgia, os the property af 1 * e Jnatfo* Court fl fa from ft* after data application will be n ry of Haralson couuty, Oeorgia, for leave 10 aft tend# belonging to the estate of Reuben Bali, G eorgia, uaralson oounty.-Two ■ ter dote application will be mode to the OoM Ordinary of Haralson county, Ga., at the first term after the expiration of two mouths from ticc for leave to sell the real estate of T. H. *_ •ate of said county, decoased, for tbe benefit of heirs and creditor# of aaid cwtate. July 19th. IM 8. M. k T. M. R ATTER FIELD. Jy 27—w2m BORGIA—HARALSON COUNTY.-When**, record, that he boa fully adu> entered . Blarkstnck’a estate. This te therefore t I sous concerued, kindred end creditors, to stew - If any they can, why aaid administrator should mmi m. Not ’Drondreth’a 1ST11T iinor Fill 0 take the place of oil *th*n; Which ia bound t ly vegetable PitU (sugar coated) and ot e__. offleacy for Coativenees, Indigestion, Dyapepsta, “ I*osl lively tha bMt Pill in the World ’ Thouaanda of Box*# now used. All Druggist in ATLANTA sell them. ■Colds and Hoersenea* lead to death. Try H(; M tar'i” ( owgta He Tor Groups—Whooping Coughs, Ac.,” Try ”C*aterV’ laack He "OoeUr Mgr* it te the beat in the wide world- H* *#ys *0—It’s True—it*• Trim- it’s True: sad W* Try K-Try H—Try it.” (Morning Pmar. Aa* ATLANTA sell it. “COSTAR'S Standard Preparatio ARE HIS BE A UTIFIER THE BUCKTHORN SALVE HIS “Ceatar’*” Hat, Roach,for., Kxiermtaaten “<’#itar'i” BaM Haig Kxtcriialnntar*. ‘'CoaUtr’a** (amlypnrei laiecct Powder. Address "Conran,” No 10, Crvwbv st, V. I. Or John F. Rust (Successor to) Demo# Borne* k Oo ,21 Park low, X. V For Sale hy J. A. TAYLOR, L. H BUOrti9 end other Druggist# in ATLANTA, UA. REDWINE A FOX, agents, Atlanta, Ua feb20-c UEO. ft THOMAS, A- 11 o r ju; y at Unv ATI.AKT.fl, UA. •jr- Office, Broad »t,. Gov. Brown's BniMifc a# wail THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, 0«o« Ml lb, OI HM11, Nb.r. ot *. B. U’-M * °*- Atlanta, (iporuU. lu- J. M. ll.r Harwell. iteatied by Uid originally Ileury 1 ruiiun couiny, (to. ine, .„ ... „„„ ft, City lot No. 7, fronting on Decatur atr#ct by 40 fo# 4 QHlbAkMkUl) bit, lu Him CU, ol AUflOU. UA M U IflH. * rood batMInfl, uuw fla-nplM hy dMf.iHlMat » • •maiBflMndMM. UMM ou MM IBM ot Atoo, at th* MJn* time and piece, a par! <*f tend lot No 4ft, in to* Hth Dtetrict Of orlffftteity Henry aiir kftMon eonniy, Ua. Tho pari so levied on I* li) Ward Also, at tlip same time a No. ftl, in tlm Hill dtetrict Fulton county, Ua. Tliep *, block 10, oily I.h 67. tu tho city of Atlanta, and com Uinlug of au acre more or lens, fronting on t’ollinn Nircct; «>u aald lot there it one house. levied on #h the iy ot Richard Diunphn>} a to satisfy a tax 11 f* lor Ins .stale and ooituiy tax tor th* yea 1868 — Haul fl fa uu# iMiicd by j. m. Harwell. T. V. p n >Ni. 1} poiuted out by said Harwell. Al#o, at the taut# time and place, a part of laud lot No. ftl, iu iho Hth dtetrict uf origiuoIJv U«ury now « tlb«a couuty .a*. The pari to fcaiM on ia to ward * •8’k 23, city 01 All tuts, and couUinlng *, of an «cr« more M- lo.*, fronting on Wheat sunwt, the said h>t K vacant. I.< vied «n on th. properly of Michael hart to "atlafy a It* ii fa for Ion Ktale and county lax for th# year infill Haid n U ta«ue.l by J. M. Harwell, T. O. Properly |Hilnted .mt hy aaid Harwell. Also, :«l the same time aud place, a part of tend lof No. ’ju, in the Hth .'tetri* t ot originally Ileury n< Fiilion cniuily, G« rhw pari Botevied ou te tu w« 4 III the city of All.,tits, eoiiialnuig '« ol an acre uu or lo##. said lot te w lllilu tin* new lnulta; #a «l lot noarGundy'aground, 011 which te a -mail house.II Levied on aa the proiiertyof Felix ltewf*erry to aatl# (} a Ux ft ta tor Uia Ktate and county tax for the veer IMW. Held Ufa W#a laaned by .1. M Harwell, T. t\— Prom rty l>olnU'.l otte hy Mid Uarwell. H Also, at lh« aim# time and place, a part of No. 76, in the Hlh district of originally 1|. Fulton connty, Ga. The pert aolevied. nl* In ward 9, block 10, city lot 30, iu the city of Atlanta, end eon- tefolng ' 4 of an acr* more orb##, fronttrg on crew attewt. levied on 0* the pn>|#Hl/of G. W. Kvoiia to o#«afy a tax ft fit laaned by J. M Harwell for Uu Wat- snd comity ux for the yeer imh. Fr.ipnrfy point,..1 out!., MM., >Urwi4l. 1 Al#)>. at the Mine Um# and ptec#, a part of laiul lot No. 86, in Ut# Hlh dtetrict of ortglually Henry now Vftlfen oomwy, Ga. Tbe part »o levied on 1* lu word I, iu II10 Citr «,r Atlanta, coateifttog 114 of an a«r» more or IMM, mmIu bl i. tk th. uTmu; mM MUnfin Icvted ona# th# prc|e.riy ol C W. Red* to Mite ft a Ux fl fl* for hla State and ounty Ux tor Iho v#ar 1M6IL Jeffrie#. Levy mad# by D. A. Cook, turue.l over to me. July 31, 1869. *>“• ** ‘! , » ST Ito. .odpuro- . I»rt of (Uhl lot No. ftl, in the 14Ui district. The j*#rt eo levied on te in want 1.1muting on Wh»>at and Goilina atiweia, . lly of Atlanta. On raid lot there te - *»-•■ - - lug iu which tho defoudaut the prnjM<rty of Charlee te'hnate by virtue of aud to satisfy a it la issued by T. U. Boggua, J. p. in tevor of Alvin K. Keogo, va. Charles Sclmatx. I^evy made by D. A. Cook, L. O. aud turned over to mo July 3l! itS. Alao, at the same time aud place, a part 1 f Uud lot No. 82, In the ltth district The part ao levied on ia m ward 4, city lot 78, fronting on Calhoun and Georgia R. K. street* in the ettv of Atlaute, containing one. .me ato^v lo L th . rr, ‘ la * levied Darby, n. county pointed out by John M, Harwrcii, T. 0, Jute Part of land to! W«cu fl. Mty ,0, **. frouuaf'o'n IfongSk flimtV'lkM “VTIL woo<1 erty of Wiu. L icd by It. D. Hiuith, lJ34ih dietrhi G. M. Levy made hy Usury Holm's^ , now, Mr*. John M. Baker, 10 satisfy * Htete and tax fl fa for tax for th* year hum. Property ll out hy John M. Harwell, T. C, July 3. ltteSfr 7 realdea. Letted on a# the piop. to aatiafy a JwsU, e .w urt fl f» 1, N. P. and ox officio J. p. fo r ...... J. L..vy made hy *" —1 I relnrtnwl to me Aug. *, )86u. Wo, ,8, In tho |4th dUtn.'t. 1 he iiert ao lt,vir«t nn i< In ward ft, city lot t» fronting oa Marietta and Walton •tree* tn tha »lty of AHante, ceutefcfog one-h#! » •ore more or Ir*#. On add lot them te * two ‘toll brick rceldence in whveh th*' defendant reside#. \ USE •".Jt of nr - w r WegUboreiflini to talVtah K -forties court tl fra, laaue.1 by It. D. Hn.lth. N l aud r \ officio J . P. of the lftMth diatrtef pee* u A Mann, va. W. F. WeeUnorelan.t. I#») made ;*y U«.ry lloliua, I„ U., and rx>turned to in# Aug. 3. Also, at the Mine time and place, a part of laud lot N<v Si.!,, ii,* l4lh gteirtct utorttftwaUy Hcorv now Fulton county. !!»• pert ao levied ou la to waid 4. to the city of Atlanta, .'ontetntog one-half an acre, more or )**#, fronting 01, aireet L®v««^t on •• the prop erty of D. It Mon t# to ##ta#0 a tex fl te leaned by 3. M. Harwell, T. t'. Property pointed awl by said Hor- Aten, at Hi* #Mg« Hear a» l pteaft a part el tend lot No 84. In tho HUi dull lot of originally Ileury bow Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied ia in ward 1, fronting on Htonawwll and Nelwm at reel# lu the city of Atlanta, and containing oue-half an acre, more or leea Om Mid to! I* a small feaane dwwtttng. lavtod on M the | roperf) of Petor Ovburai, by vlrtn# otandtoaat- « r * tex ft te teeuad by J. II. Narwril, T, C- Prop, y pointed oul bV Mid ftarwell. Ate.,, at Ut# aam# time and place, a part uf land tot No. , in the Hth dtefctrt *Torigtnally Henry new Ftal&oit autataly, Ga, The part ao tevted on l* in ward im mnuiini Ifanutefl'iurcr* of Kiiffiiia Laths I'luners Bdlt ruttfrs^ rift, Drills, Vw-khlsta* T»o1s •> all DrsrH|Siew. V L»I. wumbrlur. Mod m^I WooJ »orklo«IU<*J' nr ol MVWX .1—. ruflls*. ud w»uow “CJJ •hie Engine. and Boihff*. ltetent OuUFrwlted ^ lawther and Rubber BriUng. and all irttolrt»rt^ fn machin# or railixvad repair ahors. Office 12# and I M GumWa at. New York GROKOE PLAGE, Htef* JOHN H. OHEENJA i► bit OB Aft. F. HARDWK*. » WM. WOOD & CO., I'MIKUTAKKKH AMD DMIOIjn'Eta K m Kir on kuJ ,11 aunUUcM of link 1 , KmuIkJN*J .too, nil hind, ot Mott VoMot. una .• Omm, « mum. «.# n kMnndS* *3 nUnn Mmusm (nniuM n, nu bln. l^rrlMr- bn fomtnhMd. nil kind, ot IMauMnni rnmliaw mpnlru), MnmWiMMl, VV. 0«,u lu ntw bnlUinf on Brand uttnt. In rMrtt w- t'oSSSi, * u “ rt — *...»• e—ier*'^" CALIFORNIA WINES Twrr «mmiiniM,dM.uiiiii.»i*** ,1 l,ran. nnwud OkMalddM, Bra*, rufl** 1 flwdlnn wd UnnonWIK 1W for Hint, dnnnUUnn ta nil. W „ riMBsaeuB. wtusoo. tatu#*"