Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 19, 1869, Image 4

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DAILY m,. NMI or IWIttlHIM i For Daily, P«r Annum i- *1 00 •' Six Month**- .*. 3 00 “ P«r Mok|h — — SO •I intervals to b *e aoioM yi KWoniMiu 'are ctianreaMd it iti* rate ut I » Dm l»r each lnaartiou. UiStl OMI DOLLil »4 mD? Utahtad of •Upectal Notice*." iweri »for Aral inaertloa. and lu cento for u taming interesting or mq ourtar. Now* of the iteU especially TUB ERA OFFICE m tii iuok BUnjDno ox AUiiXi mut BBOAD AMD VIITUUU. aiLITAitY DIKR< m ICY. lium Majob-Okmbbal Aut&kd H. Gommamliu;; Department of the South. tsbboxaL OTA nr. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel £. W. Smith, Captain U. 8. Army, Aid-de-Cutnp. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 0. H. Grave*, Captain U. 8. Army, Aiil-de-Cnuip. Brevet Captain J. O. Telford, let Lieuten ant C. 8. Army, Aki-de-Cauip DXPABTMKNT STAFF. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Aaaiataiu Ad jutant General, U. 8. Army, Aaaiatant Ad jutant General. Brevet Major Hubert P. Hughea, Captain U. #. Army, Acting Aaaiatant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain C. W. Hotaanpiller, U. S. Army, Acting Aaaiatant Inspector General. Major Do Witt Clinton, Judge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haines, Commiaaary of Subaiateuce U. S. Army, Chief Commissary- Btevet Colonel A. U. Eddy, Major and Qunr- tennaster C. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. 8. Army, Depot and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. S. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milbau. Surgeon U. 8. Army. AaNiatant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. H. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieateuant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. 8. Army. mmm- It 'in. ..I, ■ i.,’. not 'AjwrV -oo* 'WHgltiV (isiurTimn sSKSjsMs The symptoms of liver omplalut are uueaaiuMS 3 pain iu tho aide. Home- iee the i-ain ii in the ouldur, •nd ia iulataten am. The stom- I sickness, bow - fating with tax pain and dull mduUoii, spanied with paiu- > •omrdiuiK which ■ Often complaining of weak ness, debility, and low fplrtte. ffiffiNritmee, iom« of ** >OT ® symptoms attend ought LIVER t the Uvar la generally ■the organ moat involved. Efure the liver with DR. SIMMONS’ liver nv.uvi.vvou. last *6 years « and harmlaaa pmtratlOM ever offered to the lag. If taken rwguterty and per*isteatl?r. it is i Jaoadtoe, i headache, hronic diarrhoea, on* of tho bladder, dysentery, affertiun* khlnrys, feror, ner- ‘•s, chilli, diseases of Mp^m^tha akin, impurity of the TioIyToriI*T>reasioii ot aplriui, hrartburu, colic or palDfl Id the bowel*, paiu in the head, fever and a«ua, dropsy, hcila, pain in back aud limbs. Asth ma, eryaypolxa, female affect! an a. and bilious diseases '*?£pj~l only by J. H. ZEILH a <•«., Druggists, Macon, G*.' Price ft; by mail #121. The following highly reapec’able peraons can fully attest to the virtues of tbla valuable medicine, and to whom wa mdat respectfully refer: Gen. W. 8. Holt. President R W. K. R. O#.; Rev. J. R. Felder, Perry, Ga ; CoL E. Rparka, Albany. On.; O. J. Lunsford, Esq., Conductor 8. W. R. R.; C. Master- aon, Esq.. Sheriff Bibb county; i. A. Butts, Bain- bridge. Ga.; Djkea k Rparhaw , editors "Floridian." Tallahassee; Rev. J. W. Burke, Macon, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Eaq., Superintendent 8. W. R. K.; Daniel Bul lard, Bullard'a Htatton, Macon k Hrunawick U. B., Twiggs county, (4*.: Greenville Wool, Wood’s Facto ry, Macon. Ga.; Rev. K Y Easterling, P. K. Florida 1‘ooDreoe*, Majir A F. W>»>ley, kti*r>tnn. Ga.; Edi tor Macon Telegraph. may 9-dA w6m B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S VERMIFUGE, TIIK SAFEST AND MONT EFFECTIVE ItKMKI>Y FOlt WORMS That haa ever boon diacoveml, This celebrated specific lor Worms ta naed with the utmost freedom and confidence by gentlemen who have obtained eminence in the medical |»rofe*rin:i, and man) of Ibsen, throwing aside tlirir prejudices, have cheer fully given ©erttftcatna testifying to Ito superloritv. It is need extensively, for the simple reason that Nelhlas has yet been discovered which •as he substituted In Its place, and It Is given without apprehension, because every owe knows its perfect safety. It has now been before the public for over ”Fo«tt Tsana," aud baa •'tested n superiority In tboeeanda of cases, throughout tl parts of the world. (tie the Imperative duty of every pa* rsallewalsh (he health of hlarhlld, and Is pvevtde himself with this potent a pe el Me. Be seswful to obeerve the !sltlais of the name, and “8. A~ FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUCr.' B. L Fabnestook'8Son & WHOL.VXAI.F. DllUOOIHTB, pimmiBu, pa., C0STAR’8 M Standard Preparations BEAUTIFIER. BUCKTHORN SALVK! MU HUHar's'’ Hal, Heark.Ae , Kiumlaalsrt. •‘badar'.*' Med Bug BilsVMlasUrs. M Cnet»r*e** (only pure) Insect Pwwater. "Oouraa," Me 10, Crosby el., M. V . Or Joan F. Hamrv («ueoeaaarto| Detnas Barnes k 0a, SI Park Bow, N. f. For Rale by J A. TAYLOR, f*. M. BBADFlltLD aad other Druggists In ATLANTA, GA. IEDWINK ft VOX. agaata, Atlanta. Oa. Ashthe GEO. H. THOMAS A- ttor no v k t Lav ATLANTA, OA. BW Oflloe, Urnaxf st.. Gov. Brown's Building. NftM! THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, Office at tbs Clothing Wore of W. B. Lowe ft Oo., Atlanta, Georgia* 1ST YORK STIAM UfiUI CO.. Manufacturers ct En^tuo Lxtlix, 1*1 Alters, Bolt Cutlers, lip* right Drills, Dhchlulab’ Tssk or All Description*. A LSO, manufacture and sell Wood-working Machine ry of every description, and Stationary and Port able Eugiiifl- and Boilers, Patent cold-rolled Shafting, Leather and Rubber Belting, and all articles needlul In machine or railroad repair shopa. Office 126 and 1M Chambers at. New York. GSOROE PLACE, Prerident. JOHN H. CHEEYER. Seo'y. Jel9-tf CUAS. F. HARDWICK. Seo'y. M A. M M O T H PRINTING BOOK AUD JOB PRINTING OFFICE! FIVE POWER PRESSES ! Aud An Endless Variety of JOB TYPE AND MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! J JAY1NQ added Several Thousand Dollars worth of Jofc Typo to our already EXTENSIVE JOB OFFIOE I execute, in the Highest Style c • Public that we are now more fully prepared than < JAME8 M. BI8H0P, Al TOWNEfY A.T LAW, DAWNOimLLE, GEORGIA. P ltAOTfCBS in all the eountiee of the Blue lb-w OmNffif' ^ ‘ "" ' ‘ and UULOH v < HUH HT. 1,01)1 H. P HOUUC1 a1U* mM4HAsb>s« geusaU-l I ROSADALIS, BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula in all its radons forms, sneb as Consumption in its earliest stages. Enlargement aud Ulceration of the Qlandea, Joints, Bones.Kidneys, Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism, Eruptions of the Hkin, Chronic Sore Eyes, ftc.: also, SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. lffioaaoffi of Womont a of Appetite, Sick lleadarhe, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Back, Im prudence In Life, Gravel, General bad health, and all diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, It is a perfect renovator. It !• perftcily harmless, never producing the alight->) (lit* .Medical Fnenltv and many thonsondn of onr best citizens. Aft- For testimonials of remarkable cures, s«-e “Ho sadalis Almanac ' for this year. Prepared only by Drs. Clements, Rives ft Co., Man- ufsctarlng Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawrence ft Co., Baltimore, Md. For sale by Druggists everywhere, jy 18- TIuPar.3 .Bust and Cheapest All Descriptions of Job Printing! Our New Additions wars selected by an Kxparianoad Printer, and oomprtaa all tha latest Improvements in TYPE, PR.EISSHS, BTO., j tooompetoaucceesfuUy with any Printing Katabllshmeat In the Month. Indeed, •d to print anything From a VISITING CARD to a MAMMOTH POSTER l In a Style to eult the most fastidious. Fulton Pont polled Mortgage Sale . tm aiiuia ^riLLte.auM Ui* Tuesday \£STotS!. for rail ruhl, on* bs' rf < eaacee tftareocto ri> of John D. Grey. *' '»lawed f|vm WkiVoo.. sm It the U el tad Btalas of jV8- Uf 1049-pn A, II pet l*rf Vtp'r AUcilff. PWmilU SHERIFF SALE. W nA l»ttM Mo, tk, am* lm Aoor to to. -ASSSKSCffiftaeu-ea-r asEHHSSiigS. is a two-etoiy bridi norm Loose ooeupit-d l.y Oo., as an audios hones. Levied oo se the of Thomao Kile* ky vijtiw of and to satisfy a from ITultoh Supsrior Court iu favor of W Wrttfhl vs. Jbsnen rVsokey uiItLiuii Kile, prlhRi- pid, aud B- F. Rocaar andonmr. Property pointed out byk B. Hoyt, ptalnUflTs attorney In llret mentlmied ffh. April 8, UN. Alan, at the earns time and plane, one large iron sate, Wilder's patent, now la the office of the United 8taiaa Hotel. Levied on as tha property of tteeeson, York ft JoarduMHiMMlNMillMBlHlI tu Ufa. lathe ttth ft, fronting on Broad etwet fio font, dty of AtlanU. Gb aud adjoining tha formar residence of K. U. HaaeMU a Mate and county tax fl ta for tho year 1868, issued by Jno. M. Harwell, T.O.. end property pointed out by said Harwell. July ft. 1889. Also, at the seme time and plaoe, part of laud lot No. 18, In the 14th district of originally Henry now FuMau county, Os. The part to be sold la known aa lots No. 4 and ft, of Bass' recent enrvey, ten acres, more or lefts- levied on as thu _ L- > of aad to salft attorney la fl I PPB time aud plaoe, land lot No. 88, in th« 17 th dlstrlot of originally li«nry now Fulton oouuiy. Ga., containing SOI iTscree, more or leee. Raid land is now vacant. Levied on aa the property of Richard F. M. Mann, by virtue of and to satisfy a distress war rant issued by Win. Cline, J. P., of Spalding county Ga., lu favor of M. G. Dobbins ve. Richard V. M. Mann. Property pointed out by M. O. Dobbins— April 17,1889. Also, at the same time and place, part of land lot No. 79, In the 14th district, bounded as follows: Com meocing 14 feet from the southeast oorner of Plus' lot, thence running south 359 feet, thenoe west900 feet, thsaoe north 8ft» Hat, thaaea east fart, to the be ginning. having a street 30 feat wida by Withers’ lot. mid ona 14 ftmt wide fay Pitta’ tot Upon said lot there Is a two-story brick dwelling. In which tha Idee. Levied 0B ae the property of lionet i, trustee for wife, by virtue of and to uatiafy a mortgage fl fa Issued from Fulton Superior Court In fbvor of W. J. Houston, Trrasuret of the Mechamos’ Loan and Building Association, vs. Robot t A. Johnson, trustee for wife. Property pointed out In said mort gage fl ta. Said land will be laid off in lota, and only R jc , ixSrSS3ifc-»g a- - aSSSS A* I!,' in to. l«Ui THttrU* SatASSpMtarf on folio. coaMf, Ok Tk. tort .MAto to to Wto. 4, Uoot US to to. »jAAt tm *A*» WmA»M.^«..|»iafi'fc»i^ to«. otoL LorWl on to to. iKOpwlr of 3. enu. to mu* sjwyswsfi®r«5'sas uAiitoM,. pjrt ol Uo< U4 Ko. W. 1. to. )«* OtoOtot of oiifluaU/ B«nr bow Fulton county, Ga. The pert no levied on ta la ward 8. block 3, dty lot 8, in the otty of Atlanta, and con taining X of an acre, mew or leea, taoatingon Fraaler atroct. Maid lot Is nsar the oo lured Church, aud said lot la vacant Levied on as the proa Sit? of A. If Brown, to satisfy a tax fl la for his Stale and county tat for the year 1888. said fl fa was issued by J. M. liar wall, T. G. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. A Do, at tha sans lima and plaoe, a part of land lot No. 81, in the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Oa. Tha part an levied on is in Ward 4, containing *0x100 fort, fronting on KUta and Collins streets. In the city of AtlanU. Said lot D vacant. Levied on as Um property of Thomas J. Burney, to satisfy a tax fl fa tor kit Male and cunuty tax for the year Dlt& Bald fl ta was issued hr J. M. Harwell, T. ak Property pointed out by aald Her wall. Also, at the same time and place, a part of lend lot No. 01. in Um 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao Dried on ta ta Ward 4, otty lot 14, containing X of on aora, more or leas, fronting on Alley street,hear Houston street, Baldk* ts Dried on as the property of Robert D. Boulton, to so many of them sold ss will make the i of nine- t up aud in ruuuing order FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! NUMDiCK ONE is A lUllliOTII HOE (\ U\DFU PRBMHa And la a Hugo Pleoe of Maoklnery, the largest of the kind ever brought to Atlanta. This Press la especially adapted to I*lno Book Printing; w»d Ixfttrso Foatera. NHNkKK TWO Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, Hmaller than the first, and one of the best Newspaper Presses tn the Mats. Sheriff Sales for September, 1869. W ILL be sold before the Court House door, in the city of Atlanta, Fulton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday 1 n September next,within the lawful hours of gala, tbs following property to-wit; A part of land lot No. 84, tn the 14th ] ally Henry now Fulton county, Gs. The part so levied on is In Ward 1, In the city of Atlanta, containing > a of an acre, more or less, trooting on Race street. On said lot there Is one house. Levied on as the property of Herman Haslln, to satisfy s Mate and county tax fl fa for the year 1888, issued by J. M. Harwell. T. C. pr *°G No. 8 lD*the city of Atlanta, and containing X ■ less. Maid lot in the ty. Levied satisfy s State r limits, on which is o on as the property of J. O. Henderson, to * and county tax fl fa for 18tl8. Issued by U. T. O. Property i>ointad out by said _ ig. 2, 1849. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 60, In the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton oounty. The pgtft so levied on le ta Ward ft, city lot No. 0, fronting on Peachtree street, iu the city of Atlanta, containing 3 acres, more or less. Levied hUMBftCK Til It 1C II is -A. MIBIDIITlkd: HOB JOBBEB, J^dflto'tC'flDMrt'pr'MA ln'uto ,0B * ORK u1 Atocription. utf bu bno pruaouncm) by competent of the otty ol Dee- Levied on as the property of J. B. Murttn, to satisfy a State and eonnty tax II fa for 1868, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at Um same time aud place, a part of laud No. 76, in the 14tli District of originally Huury now Fulton county, Ga. The part so levied on is In Ward 9. In the Nl'BUEtt runt SOLD BY ALL CROCESt. CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howxrd ui Bxrka StrMt <, Philadelphia. 1 Beam Rogine, aj-lnch cylinder, four foot stroke, made by Sutton, with 13 boiDra, 40>lnch diameter, 45 feet long. 1 Beam Engine, 18-luek cylinder, four feet stroke, insdo by Sutton, with • botUws, JtPinch diameter, 38 feet long. 40 Roller Looms, 42-iuch, 8, M aud 10 tnadle*, 1, 2, 3 and 4 shuttles. 2S Crompton Ixoouis. 43 and 46 Inch, 17 and 34 Har ness, 3 and 2 boxes, nick and pick, aud also 4 boxes. m ( 68x48 1st brsskar,) Mule 1 Set woolen cards, {48x48 3d •* J 43Ueptndl <60x48 1st breaker, {48x48 3d , _ (48x48 Condenser. ) IX ■Mulaffi 433 spindles 3 Mules 380 Hpludlee each, aX'tbch gauge. 1 Sargent * Burr Picker, large aixa, nearly new. COTTON MACHINERY for 00AR81 YARNS. 1 Willow, Hudson's make, larga six*, sj>eadar M-lnch, frame, six ooik-rs. I (hindenssr. feeder. 34 deliveries. 3 Spinning Frames, 3-Inch rings, Iffiapiudleassch. 1 » » iX-tooh*' HW " With shafting, belting, Ac., Ac., complete to run th I'oUon machinery. Warping MUD by hand and power. 1 Railing Machine, for candle wick, Ac. M1.U80 Bobbins. Will «hha part COT TON In trad*. on. mosAU'Ai GOLDEN ItKM’ODlLN. 41,0oo RIIWard for say tmm of .deeasa in any stags wlii.-h they tail to curs. Hr. Km-m *c’s Golden Balsam Mo. I r a res Ulcers, Ulcerated Nora Throat aad Month, More Eyes, (Jntane. • Mia or Hkin KrapUnws, tapper Uutorsd lilotohra. More nans of Um IDalp, HcrofhDa fts. i ta the grasDal It ii..- vatov, Alterative and Blood Part (tar known, rantoves all dlaamm I rum Ike system, and leave* Uie blood pnrs r or ether can ass; gives UmmmIUU relief ta all Bo dieting asasssry. I bsvs Uhs—Ii sf esr proving the lalrscutons cures iltaetid by these ss. prios sf atther Bo. 1 sr Ns. f |l.w per hat. ID, or two bottles for f* 00. Dr. Rii MAO'a Golubw Aim nt aud radtaal ears for all in pant, d with fhUdlrorttoM. Urinary lDrangewM-i Is. sc ms. Price |l.w per b>>uta. o s OofX«« Baxua Anstm, a tsdisat cars fur Bsrvons or Oawsrsl DshOMr, lh<*M or ynwaiffi tm lwriing easrgr wttfe wmaderfui sffssi. P»Ds fdAlpsr bottle, or two both*# for #9 80 Gn receipt of prise Bsmsdlae will bs shipped to aay B less. Prompt sMssUsn prtd to eorvsspselihli.— •me geestos without tbs Urns of ”D* Ht’NAU’B IOMjVn KkMBDflh, D B. RIOHABO’B, eoD propri- **me »«. V4» Vul.V uixt, Nn f3k. OllttMnlM • *. to *)•». ILCMtoM to*. IS A HALF MEDIUM POTTER PRESS, For Printing CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, Ac., and Is of very superior quality. ft I'M 111C It FIVE !• A POTTER CAUD 3PR.X2Sa, it work with a rapidity that ta astonishing; and, yst, ta the neatest and most With these extensive tecliiUes for all kinds of ts for 1888, Usued by J M. Harwell, T pointed out by aaid Harwell. aImo, at the same time and plaoe, anartnf lapd lot in the city of Atlanta, aud contains l , i Issued by J. M. Harwell. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and plaos, a part of land lot No. 84, in tha 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part levied on is iu Ward 1. iu the city of Atlanta, containing 1 acre, more or leas, fronting on Walner aud D»vta street Said lot ts va cant. Levied on as tho property ol Morgan, Putnam ft Co., to satisfy a tax fl fa for State aud county tax for 1868, Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the saune tiuio aud place, a part of land lot No. 79, In the 14th Dlstrlot or originally Henry uow Fulton oounty, Ga. The part so Dried on is m Ward 6. fronting on Luckle and Payne etrecta In tho city of Atlanta, aud containing X ol an acre, more or less. On said lot ta a Smjm|^mMftftmB as the property c ms time and place, a part of land lot BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, a saying to tha public that we oau turfl out work as rapidly as aay Establishment south IN 8TYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION All we aak is A. FAIR TRIA.L. We are prepared to print PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS, OIROULARS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS OF ALL KINDS. Together with All Descriptions of Railroad Work From a Ticket to u Ledger. We are siao prepared to do all kinds of FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN GOLOR8. BOOK-BINDERY! I to »* OHM MUM, <rt» mm 4* ad <aMrt>««u <X wort to Ik. IBTimiul SAMUEL BARD. Fulton oouuty, Oa. Pait i n Calhoun street, city of o small house. Levied arwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 61, In the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton countv, Ga. The part eo levied on is in Ward 4, otty lot 106, In the city of Atlanta, oontalnlng X of an acre, more or leas, on Decatur street. On said lot Is one house. Levied on aa the property of Catharine McNamara, to satisfy a State and oounty tax fl fo for 1888, issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of land lot -No. 78, In tbo 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton oounty, Ga., tn Ward 3. block 19, city of Atian ta, containing X of an acre, more or leee, Ironiing on Crew street. Levied on as the property of Alfred Herrington, to satisfy a tax fl fb Issued by J. M. Har well, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. year 1808. Bald IfcWM issued by J. M. C. Property pointed owt by aaid HarwelL ADi>, at the same time and place, a part of land lot No. 84, in tha 14th District of origlnaUy Henry now Pulton oounty, Gs. The part aa Dried on ta la Ward 4. In the dty of Atlanta, and containing one-third • an acre, morw or Daa, fronting on James Avenue aad W. ft A. R. R. streets. Bald lai contains a resident Levied on aa the proparty of G. W. Bush, to nUd? a tax fl la for his State and oounty tax tor tha year UMB. Bald fl fa was issued by J. M. Harwell* T. O. Property pointed out by said HarwelL Also, at tha name time and plaoe, a part W land lot No. 78, in tha 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton cuontT, Ga. Tha part ao Dried os D iu Ward 3, block 19, Id tha city of Atlanta, fronting on Craw and Wsdilnaini streets, containing IX ***». »» °* less. Levied on aa the property of G. H. Boy too, to aatiafy a tax fl fo for kD State and county tax for the year 1868, Said fl ft was leaned by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by aaid HarwalL Also, at the earns time and plaoe, 8 part of land lot No. 84, In the 14th DDtrlct of origlnaUy Henry now Fulton aouaty, Gs. Tbo part ao Dried on D la Ward l i» re alty of AtDnta, and «*tatolnjjj SfilOEi on as tha property of Henry fa for his State and oounty t fl fa was finned by 2. M. The part ao levied on ta In ward 4. weMrfe&iffi'tt Dt thafe ta one email Wanae. Levied on a* (he BrtSjfe was Darned by j. M. Harwell, T. C Prwperty patotad "jifirMtoaS Hftaf dpDmKj part of DM lot tax ft fa. foe S» *’ T °' »» l »',f« U to. l*to dtototo* <J ruiton otomtr. o*. Tb» rut as 4. bloci 134, ii 111* dt, of "*— >4 an acre, more or Ism, fl Oa said lot there ta one hOWSS* A Into kr >. ti. UVW4U. T. a Pr»itoHf Itoiiu m* ^to^TLtoiiaitotiiiil <f Iw, tot Ho. <si. u to, Mto «toto tfortotoMftar, w« lot ta a a mall boose. Ii-vuu ou as ib- ■, tsustJ iaBSbi srxi-j ■to. Hi. la Ik* 14to 4to*r4rt cf t*mr> ss 44K) ouiurt, tax h, to* ,4*r law. aklkm ■u*d k,, M. Har.ell, T. 0. tropftj MM *W to^M UsrwalL ADo, tt tha asms time aad pAaoa, a part of DM lot No. 61, Ml the 14th dDtrlel of ortrtmiHj Bamry uow >ti county, Ga. The part ao Dried oo D la waid 4. e ally of Atiaata, and oontains ca. Rsnrt> af aa acre, mors or Daa, Drooling oo Baker street. 0o aaid lot thereto ooesmallbeoee. Lariadoo aslhaproperty of John H. Goclons to aatiafy a tax fl. ta. far hta state aad county tax for the yanr 1888. Bald fl. fo. was issued bf i. K. Harwell. T. 0. Property poiotod sot b kK rt the mm* Baas and piaaa, a part rt h No. 47, ta the 14th district to orlgtoaHy Hem Fulton county, Oa. Th# part so loriad on D to 4. lu the arty of Atlanta, aad oootoAalng two nod acres, more or teas. Bald Dt D within lha hew lad oo aa tha property of William Ofuer to artDfr • fl. D. for hta State aad oounty tax for the year JL Sald fl. fo.jrae leanedJqrJUH. Harwell, T. a P< ASL?st I |hamom|£aad atoaa,a part of Do 53. in tha 14th dlstrlot of origltodly Hewwf _ _loo eeuaty, Ga. TheparleoDvDdao ta laWaMft In the city of Atlanta, aa labor of acroa not known, fronting oa Waters and Btohmond streets. Lariad on aa the property of George Orthaaa to aatDfye tax ILfo. for hta State and oouuty tax for the year 1888. Said fl fo. waa leaned by 2. M. Harwell, T. O. Property point ed by aaid HarwelL time aud place, a part ol land Dt district of originally Henry now SSW„-__Jfbepar4eo Dried oats toward 4, tatheetiy of Atlanta, and contains c~ *— acre, more or leee, fronting on OoIUne to levied on the property of Mtae V. M. ~ tarfltoto sM oounty tax Ibr the \fiijy*™*' I place, a pert of land U4 5TB: in the 14th dDtrDt of orlglneby Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao Dried oak la ward ‘ •' Dt No. 890, in tha sity of AtDnta. aad affid Dt more or Das, frosting an Calhoun and ; aaid lot D vacant Lariad on aa tha property of A* J. Gar Doo to satiafy a tax fl fa for hta foale and oooaty tax for tha year 188ft Bald fl fa was Issued by J. M. HarwaU, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. ADo, at tha asms time aad piaaa, a part of DM Dt No. 78, In the 14th district of originally Henry how Fulton county, Ga. Tha part ao lariad on D In ward 6, city lot 88. In tha citr of Atlanta, and contains 34 by 80 feet fronting on WsJton street; aaid lot D vacant— r of Jacob Onnat to aatiafy a county tax for the year 1*58. rers sal i one Nanrth of an a tax ft fa. for her 1868. Said ft. fo. Property pointed out by aaid Afoataft" Lariad on as tha tax fl fa for hta as: ADo, 84 the Btane titaa aM piece, a I N«. to. M to, MU «H4rtot Cm Juried oa as the ytwgm\j of Wlil* f. \ HSSflrSKSi ^ Oaok, I*. C. and w tat Aag 9, if m. H w. L. HUBBAkb D I r ptafa* $9 60 pr Dvy of Jo l riot of odffiMp L____ Levied on M tha prmtartyefjaaaes \ Dfyaft fo ta fever ofLewta Tam ho, a. brook aad rimy any, toned horn theJustt^o tha 1078th DiatrioTfar Md oounty. UrTZ returned to fiaa by a constahD. 1 lytr-td 11,1 9mm SfetrUPi Bftle. F^KOBGIA* DAWBON OOUNTY. - VI the Court Ha urn diar ta the fa _ oue lot of Dad ta Hta fifth district ai bar night hundred aM alxty-four sort sasflfiBfts.'srpBri tics Conrtof Ute 1178th District 0. M.. of m* . In favor of J. ft. Paxean. Property notated^ HftRftLBON OOUNTY.- VJT after data application wtU ha mm nary of —* - * tends t ad. for tha banadt of t tax for the Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the tame time and plaoe, apart of land lot _lo. 78, In tha 141b District of origta ’’ ” Fulton county. Ga. The (art ao Driet 1, city of AtlanU, containing '* of a Daa, fronting on Hums aud W. ft ft. B. lot la vacant. Levied on aa tha property of Mrs. M. A. Callahan, to aatiafy a tax fl fo for her State aad Fulton county. Ga. lha part ao Dried on ta In Ward 1, city of Atlanta, 3 acres, mote or less, fronting on Uabbett and Foundry streets. Said lot Is Dried oo as tha property of Lamar ft Cummings, to satisfy a tax 11 fa for thrlr Htaia and oounty tax for the year 1888. Said fl fo was issued by J. M. Harwell. T. a Property pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at the same time aud place, a pat t of land lot No. 84, in the 14lh District of originally Henry_pow 1 place, a pai of originally _ Fulton oounty, Ga. The part eo Dried on tain Ward 1, in the city of Atlanta, aud containing one-half of an acre, more or less, fronting on Walker street Said lot 1a vacant. Levied oa as the property of Christopher Conyers, to satisfy a tax ft fa for his State and county taxes for the year 1888. Said fl fa was leaned by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by aaid HarwaU. Also, at the same time aud place, a part of Dad lot No. 45, in the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton oounty, Ga. Tha part ao Dried on la in Ward 4, city or Atlanta, containing one-third of an aera, more or leas, fronting on Decatur street. Bald lot ta vacant Levied on as the property of Hall ns Coflio, to aatiafy a tax fl fo for her State and oounty tax for the year 1* 8. Said fl fh was issued by J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at l b» aame time and place, a part of land lot No. . In the 14tb district of origins ly Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied ou to tn ward ory. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, a part nf land lot o. 84, in tho 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The i«art so levied on Is in ward 1, city lot 3, in the city of Atlanta, and containing 83 by 183 feet, fronting on Mangum street Bald lot is levied on as the property of Mrs. L. H. Durham to sat isfy a tax fl fo for her State and connty tax for the year Fulton oouuty, Ga. Tho patt ao levied on D in ward 1, in the otty of Atlanta, and the number of sores not known, fronting on Peters and Walker streets. Held lot is levied on us the property of BenJ. Dykes to satis fy a tax fl fa leaned for hta 8tato and county tax for the year 1888. Said fl fo waa Issued by J. M. Harwell, O. Property pointed out by said HarwelL Also, at vha iuud time and place, part of land lot No. 53, in th* 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county* Ga. Tha part ao Dried on is In ward 3, city of Atlanta, IX of an acre more or leas, fronting Faith and Connelly streets—said Dt vacant. Lav- on as the property of I. P. Calhoun, to aatisfya tax a for hta Htato and county tax for the year 1868, sgdd a issued by J M. Harwell, T. 0. Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at the same time and place, part of land Dt No. 84, in the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on ta in ward 1, city of Atlanta, containing ^ of an acre more or lees, front ing on Race street; ou said Dt la one tenement Lev ied on as the property of Joshua Calloway to aatisfy a tax fl fa for State and county tax for the year 1868. — Said fl fo Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. “ •aid fl ft issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. Property K “ “*'• n ~welL Um* and place, i of oriel painted by aaid HarwelL ADo, at the a No. 86. la tha 14th district . „ Fulton county, Ga. The part ao levied on is In ward L in the city of Atlanta, containing half acre more or Daa. fronting on Peters street sad Macon ft Western Railroad; on said lot la on* small house. Levied oo * T. O. Property point ed out by aald^arwalL [AH the above Dviea made byT. O. Gresham, L. C., aud tamed over to me August 4th, 1860. J Also, at the aame time ac * ’ No. >14, In the 14th district Fulton oounty, Ga.. bounded ou tha east by J. ft. Jett, on the south by Henry Elltott, on the west by L. Dean’s lands, on tha north by the widow BlDtt's tends, containing fifty acres naore or Dss, said da- scribed tend ta now vacant Lasted on aa (he proper- a payment nor Court of Fulton oounty, Ga. July 37, 1889. Also, at the aame time and place, the house aad premises ou which It ta erected (of the defendant a A Huwald), sadd premise* being In the dty of Atlanta, Fulton oounty, Ga.. and altasted on the west side of Peaohira* attest, and bounded aa follows Commenc ing at th* Junction of Peachtree and Hnnolcutt sta., running along HunnDutt street 190 feet to an alloy, along aaid alDy south IbO feat, east 196 feet to aaid Peachtroe street thence north along said Peachtree street 100 feet containing X aero more or Daa; on aaid lot there ta a one -story brick building in which the defendant now reside*. Levied on the property of G. tie vs. Ousts M. J. Clark and in aaid ft fo. _ ADo, at tha aame time and place, a part of l*nd lot ward 1, block 93, fronting oo 1 t street city of At- term after the expiration of two ■ heirs and creditors a S. M. AT. M. SAT G EORGIA-HARALSON COUNTY.- W_ 2. HEAP, administrator of WHaou F. ] represents to the court In kD j sotared on reoord, that he [ G eorgia, da whom county—two b date, afWjttoatiau will be made to th Ordinary of Muon county, at tha first n after th* expiration of two mouths from for Devs Is aril lot of DM No. n.ta lha i mod 1st section of Lumpkin oounty, batons estate of William Andsroon. dar-aML* Je-17w8wprsfee 4 00 JOUBDAN ANDERSON, Fulton county, Ga. The 4, block 1 th* city o e part i Houst i> levied on Is in Ward Levied' ou as the property of 'James 0. Hughes, by vIn tue of aad to satisfy a tax fl fo Issued by J. M. Har well, T. 0. Property pointed out by said HarwelL H Also, at the umo time and place, a part of laud lot No. 79, In the 14th District of originally Henry Fulton county, Ga. Tho part ao levlad ou Is in Ward 6 fronting oo Hull and Alexander etreate, in the city oi AtDnta. containing IX acre*, mors or Iron Levied ou as the property of th* estate of J. K. Henry, by of and to satisfy a tax fl fa issued by J. M. liarw 0. Proparty pointed out by aaid Harwell. ADo, at the aame time and place, a part of laud lot No. 110, lu th* 14th District of originally Heury Fulton oounty, Ga. The part so leviod on Is In Ward 1, near the breastworks. In tho city of Atlanta, front ing on Troburcey street, containing IV acres, m or leas. Levied on as the property of Wm. Hyatt, virtue of and to satisfy s Ux fl fs Issued by J. M. U well, T. 0. Property pointed out by said HarwelL Also, at Uie samo time and place, a part of Dud lot No. 84. In tha 14th Dtatrtat of artgU “ “ Fulton county. On. The part ao lavlet. 1. fronting ou Raoe Track street, tn the city of Atlanta containing k of an acre, more or lorn. Levied — the property of John H. Hilton, by virtue of c..„ ... aatiafy a tax A fo issued bv J. M. Harwell, T. O. Prop, arty pointed out by said HarwelL 1 Also, at tha aame tlmo and place, a part of land lot No. 78,1u the 14th District of originally Henry now Fulton county. Ga. Th* part so levied on Is iu Ward 1, fronting on Whitehall street, la the city of Atlanta, containing V acre, more or leas. Levied on aa I he ‘ R. J. Johnson, by virtue of and to satisfy No. M, In the 14th IWstrlct of^rigtually Heary t ■ N.Th* I I I contali ~~ "• te • ante** _»"“■» uo’imi vu a* sue property of Henry Strickland (co|« red) by virtue of and to satisfy s tax fl fo Issued by J. M. Harwell, T. 0. n “Wiuted out by mid Harwell. Ih* samo time and plaoe. a part of land tot No. —, ta the 14th Diatnot of originally Henry uow FHN6U oounty. Ga. The part eo levied on Is In Ward 4, within tbs uew limits of the city of Atlanta, cou- talnlng X aa acre, more or lea*. levied on aa the property of Henry Harrleon (colored) by virtue of and to eaUsifr a tax t fo tmued bW. M. Harwell. T. O. luted out by said Harwell. —- ,d ptata* a part of tend tot 1 of originally Henry now ruiton oounty. Ga. Th* part so Dried on is lu Ward 3, front)ag on McDonough street. In tho otty of Atlan ta, containing 1 acre, more or leas. On said lot are 7 mafl ahuathu. Lariad on aa tha property of Jacob (eleon, by virtue of and to mtiafy a tax fl fa Issued by ^HeresU, T.0. Property pointed out by sail Also, at the aama time and place, a part of tend lot No. 41, tn the 14th Dletrtet ol originally Henry uow Fulton oounty jOa. Tha part ao lariad on la In Ward 4, fronting ou BUls street, In th* dtv of Atlanta, oon- taluinnX an aora, more or lees. Levied oa aa the . — Property pointed out by said Harwell. Also, at tile same tlmo aad place, part of land Dt No. 61, In the 14th dlstrlot of originally Henry bow Fulton oouuty, Ga. Th* part so levied on Is In wisrd A block 133, city ot Atlanta, containing X acre more or froutlug on liutler street; aaid lot la vacant Lev- n as tho property of Mrs. Mary A. Conley to satta- lax fl fa tor Stale and county tax for the year 1888. fl fa lmued by J. M. Hr—| - -• pointed ont by said Harwell Also, at llio saino time and j. 86, In tho 14tli district of urigtaxlly Henry uo Fulton county, Ga. The part eo levied on le ia ward 1, city of Atlauta, containing acre more or Dss, fronting 1 Humphries and Race streota. Levied ou as the propert? of Mrv. Husau Coxier to satisfy a tax fl fo for aaid Harwell. Also, at tho samo tlmo and place, a part of laud Dl No. 78, iu the 14th district of originally Henry now Fulton oounty, Ga. Tho part so DvDd on is lu word 5, block 147, in the city of Atlanta, containing X of an ■ere more or less, froutlng on Hull and Simpson sta. - on said lot there D a ami” v — ‘ propert* of J. J. Dunu to aad oouuty tax for the year small house. Levied on as th* a to aatisiy a tax fl fo for hta State ity tax for the year 1888. Said fl fo was issued bjfJJM. HarwelL T. 0. Property pointed out by Said Also, a: No. 47, li. .. Fulton county, Ga. Th* part so Dried on ta in word 4, in tue city of Atlanta, containing 19 acres more or Dm; said land la within the new limits of said city. Levied fendant now reside*. Levied on as the property of Heury Thurman to satisfy a Stats aad county tax fl fo for tax fur the year 1868. property pointed oat by John M. Harwell, T. a July »7l869. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land No. 77, In the 14th district; the part ao levied on D ia ward 3, block 3, haring a front on Alabama street, otty of Atlanta, 36 feet, and running back 117 feet; on tot there la a two-story brick store occupied by W. A It. J. Lowry ms bankers and commission merchants. Levied on os the propssty of James JL Powell by vir tue of and to satisfy a fl fo ieased from Chattooma perior Court in favor of 2. P. Jolly vs. Powell ft Hutch ineon, and B. ft J. M. Moyers, on appeal bond, and J. M. Moyer* security on appeaL Property pointed out by J. M. Moyers, oue of tho defendants. Angus! ft 1888. middle ot said road to a stake along Um west tine of said lot, thence along the west IDs to the beginning, containing 39 acres more or less; said tend la vacant. Also, part of land lot No. 16, In aaid diatrlct, commenc ing at the original southeast ^corner of aaid lot 18, i and less, to a stake an Jatooe7thence at right anglea'umth 1,678 feet more or lees, to a stake aad stone standing on the original line of said Dt 16, thence at right angtes east ou the original south line of said lot 16, 1,076 fret more or less, to the beginning, containing 90 98-190 sores more or Dm; said Dad D vacant. Levied oa as the property of James T. Lewis by virtue of and to aatiafy a fl fa issued from Fulton Inferior Court In fo. vor or Cicero H. Chandler vs. Jamas T. Lewis maker and Thomas M. darks endorser. Property pointed ri'iaift ’ J * H,k,aUJO, * 1, • ttorne Y for defendant. July Also, at Uie same time and plaoe, a part of land Dt o. 98, In the 14th district of originally t.eury now Falton county, Ou, aaid land baring a iron! of 40 feet °?® 4n HI? 7 d ronnln 8 »*»d Um north ef Ben Thrasher’s (p. ©. a) lot; ou sold Dt there to a small wood bouse occupied by George McKinney (p. . c.) Levied on aa the property of Jeremiah Thorno- au (p. o. c.) by virtue of and to satisfy a mortgagee fo issued from Fulton Superior Court in favor of Jaa. A. Jackson vs. Jeremiah Thompson. Property pointed sag&ki — i - * ““ Collins street 94 feet, and running ■llnr <*<« nt I i._ ward 4, fronting back 200 feet to R. Walter*. Levied AtDnta, being t 1806. Maid 1 fo v ■ issued by J. M Harwell, T. ti the same time aud place, a part of land lot No. 78, in the 14lh district of originally Ueary now Fultou county, Ga. Th* part *o levied on Is lu ward 6, city Dt 46. lu the city of Atlanta, and Containing x an acre more or less, fronting on Marietta and Foun dry and Railroad streets. Levied on aa tha pn of James Donnelly to satisfy a tax fl fo for his aud oounty tax for the year 1868. Said fl fa was issued bpr J. M. Harwell, T. C. Property potuted out by laid part of tend Dt No. 61, loth* 14th district ol originally Henry now Fulton county, Ga. Th* part ao levtod on D in ward 4, block 10, otty lot 67, in the city of AtDnta, and con taining V, of an aero more or leas, froutlng ou Collins street; on eald lot there la on* house. Levied on aa the property of Richard Humphreys to satisfy a tax fl fo for his Stato aud oouuty tax for the year DMA— Held fl fo was Issued by J. M. Harwell. T. c. Prop*,, ly pointed out by aaid Harwell. Also, at Uie aame time and plaoe, a part of land lot No. 61, la the 14th diatrlct of ortetually Itaory now Falton county. Us, The part eo levied ou Is In ward 4 block 73, city of Atlanta, and containing x of an acre - . fronting on Wheat street; the aaid Dt Is for the year 1888 Said fl fo Issued by J. M. Harwell T. ti. Property pointed out by said HarwalL Alan, at the same time aud place, a part of tend Dt o. 30. in the ltth -listriot nt originally Heury now Fultou oounty, Ga 11m part eo DvDd ou D hi'ward . in the dl?’ of Atlanta, containing X of an aor* more •r lam; said tot ia within the n*w limlta; aaid lot ft irar Goody’s ground, on whirl, la a small homm— levied ou as the property or Felix Dewberry to satie- ti a tax fl fa for his State and conn,? tax for th* year lW BiMt flfo was issued by J. if. Harwell, T. ti— 1> ~'*““*- pointed out by said HarwelL __ 1 the same Um« and plao*, a part of land lot No, 78, In th* 14th district of origtoaliy Henry uow Fulton oounty, Ga. The part ao DvDd oats ta ward 3. block 18, dty Dt 90. In Ute dty of Atiaata. aud ouu- Xaf an acre more or Dan, fronting ao Grow Levied ou as the property of a. W. Evens to satisfy a tat fl fa Issued by J. M Harwell tor hta fltata and oounty tax for the year 188ft Property pointed out by said HarwaU. Ala.,. a‘ **■ **' No M, i ^ **»• i*' 1 *° S. dll’ Dt No Y, fronting <rn Decatur street by «u ,»« t running back 110 tat, ta Iks oity of Atlanta. On mid Dt lo a wood halldlng, now occupied by defendant aa >• <*•»—» <>T J. M. Hll-.U. T. O. out by said HarwelL Ah*. *1 U. mu Um. u* plaw, * put o< torn! lot 4, fronting oa Jaehsou street, lu the dty of Atlanta, m Issued by J. M. HarwelL 1 t by said Harwell. Also, at Iks mum time aud pi***, a part of laud lot ratio* oo»tr, O*. Tk* pvt *o h-M o« u la ward U M» th* ettyy X'UtiW, «b4 oootaia, mb* *r wm ntUm, (t**U*r**SM*ud "i-l- um, L* . ?< SllMbMh gnat I* T *gfr!* I*r a. u inp*T posit*, ow bjilo T - ■lley otty of Al sold bv J. R. Wallace to defoadaul aud of T. il Ripley, J. N. Laug.toTsnd J «. waiter*. Levied ou as th* property <7John ft j.fL Wes by virtue of and to satisfy s nfs issued by T. B. J- to fovor of John Brown vs. John ft Jaffnes. Levy msde by D. A. Cook, L. 0. and turned over to me. July 81,1888. kDo, st th* same time aud place, a part of Dad tot district. Tn# part so Dried on Is In ward 4. fronting on Whsat and OolMus streets, city of Atlanta. Ousted lot thsro to s one-riorywood dwell- lug In whloh the defendant now iaside*. Levied on aa the property of Charts* Schuata by rirta* of and to rottefy* ftfo issued by T. B. Boggus, J. P. in fovor of Alrin K. Seago, va. Oh arias SohtiaU. Levy made by D. A. Cook. L. C. and turned over to me July 31,1889 ADo, at the same time aad eteoa, a part vf DM Dt Nojfc la th* ltth diatrlct. iCpartao DvDd*uis in ‘*£1S 21 '22H j&mSUnt half of an acre, more or 1cm. Oo aaid D4itharo ts a one-story wood dwelling ©erupted bf t. A. Cook, levied on as tho property of, formerly, Mise Indians drod and creditors, to show • _ why aaid admhitatrator ahoald wot be die hD admlnistmUon, aad receive tetters of ft on tha Am Monday in October, 18«9. Thu » Juiyfftnrim EORGIA. HARALSON OOUNTY.-Whewta VJ both Perryman, administratrix of th* m M. A. Ferryusu, ropseaeBte to tha cow ttou, duly flDd amt entered ou record, fully adminirtered Perryman's estate : This is thsreforu to cite all persons oc drsd and crwtltora. to shew cause, if a why said administratrix should not be dh her adnslntstntiiou. aad roorive letters of d ou^the test Monday la October, 1889. This I . ’ ’ A. D. WOODS. C July30-m6m Printer’s fee >4ft OBTHKRN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA— Atlanta. Ga., April 37. 1189. To whom it may concern: Th* given notice of hta appointment a C. GILMER, of GiUsvilD, HU Ororgtft lu m4d district, who bs uudersigard tori I • tsiigmw oi tSM I ABSIUNKK’S SAUK, r pitta, ot *o oHh of tk* Honor — OoartrfUi. U.IMtUMP.Ib. Y 1 ** *' 1 win Mm the OoHt I door, to ll. town of thrlau, oa Srtantej. I dvotantnalMr put 11 o’odoek, *. o- ratlpplMtpirtaa hod. tnclndio, , wool Malta* Poochla* ataotod koowott, Oohhoeantp. Oa; abo,Mae lowll;«loo.«Btk»lain.okc.*. uo*.-a oad to th* dtH at B*rrta*too Kin*, dmutt, ■ »«*ia«oH*adthrk,th,H <»aatp. alipalap hm.iiln 1. *u OHoaet** tu th* MO) S • ■U Md fivlnaa lacatabnm* rftia. oUh. NOAH h. IXlirtB. "•tun ua> ll. a Hutlul’i Saif. J NDXBudbirtltaaafaaHlofUnbrUM* oat ol th. Hoanuhlei. th. Dwrtcl uwt d* I UBIUdSUte. for tho Northern Dutrirt of (l«l»« STarofthophdaUCWIUIUi DoAup, In Itoljaht -m. lo-wti: Wllllaa, lAelaap as. Darld J. M« (Hkiated out by Jttan U. Also, at the same time and place, a part of land Dt No. 78, iu the 14 district. Th* part so Dried ou D lu ward 6, city lot 94, fronting on Forsyth street in th* ■HINlf tn m .* t a Aad wflt Hll tho aoa* H Fahtt. Mrltoo .1 th* 0^1 Bist Iks*) la Septnakrr V. 8. MarkaPi Sale. Oanca D. a Mixan, Snawaw Dm. o» Oa. MriUtfo Oft. Aug. 3, UM city of AtiauU, oc On said Dt there is a one-story wood’ dweUhw In which the defendant resides. Levied ou es the prop erty ofWa. L. Easard to sattefy a Juetis* oiurt flfo issued by B. D. Smith, N. P. and e> officio J. p. for the 1134th district O. M. Levy mod* by Henry Holme*. I*. C., and returned to me Aug. t, 1989. * Also, at the same time end place, e part of Dud Dt No. 7ft In the 14th district. The part so DvDd on D I 6, city tot 43. frosting oa Marietta aad Walton In the city of AUauta, containing one-half •» •ere, more or leas. On arid lot vher# la e twowtorv brick residence In whDh th* defendant reridea. Lev ied oa a* the property of Dr. W. Y. Weetmoreluul to sattefy thru* Juatlo* oeurt 8 fos. issued by B. IX Hmtth, N. P. and ax officio J. P. of the 1934th district bj^Heury Holms. I*. O., and returned ta me Aug. g, Also. »t th* asms time and plso*. u purl sf tend Dt No. 84. in the 14th district of originally Henry Patton county, Ga. The part so levied D ia wet. fronting on Monewnll aad NrDcu streets tn the dty oi Atlanta, and eontatalaa ou«-half aa aora, more ar Dm ita said tot tea smalt frame d writing, levied buiL the i rawerty of Paler (Dburn, bjr vine# ol end to eat- St, TO* l" tortw^a ”|7 JwAw th* dt, of htttattJSi Md plm. • tart of hm Henry AUIONKGVMIaE. ATTENTION 8LANTKRS- m jmi snajuaftiaavg-mt E5mBf@muuBa Ulutu, tao-lhlr*, of tn ura, »