Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, August 26, 1869, Image 3

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LILY NEW EBA riMBia apq at, im lOW ms not : <ftu Oogrvta Aw rfeavre- rmaotfullj auMMt tti* MlMdolt of aSrortUUc r i^retton by Ala Ounu. iMSttSSMt jMsauMil !*s«as#M*| tiSiattsst •;ssaa«a«»g P—tsiiilliu * i;*asaa**«« P~88*g**iii* —SSSS*«S j»« a KSiiiii “ *ssss*» isiiSirfiSff ■'lj—*«3S8«£ : SS*##S#sa8 ,“SSSC 3888888888 •••■as* - -0m . liiiipsi are calcuUtrJ lor colatmiH iioupert il iu typo to the oold suggest , addition ou S«j lUtet the above rutue be up of advertising patrotutge- kte or abroad—and that we oar respective ling agent*, unletuv the » aocompanied by the cash. W. Hancock, C. H. 0. Wulukojuu, J. H. Chuistt; referred to' the Oominilt'o i, with instruction* to re- meetiug to be held in Tm Svcomiu*.—Th, Pm, Eiouniaa waa; oat juterday mom lug arlOi (lying ei' on, mS orory man in tbo higbret ,plriu. - TUommuI tnin wu dvawn Lyth, -U. tt. araat, o» of tbo haodaoaMt and floret au- ailfcoant palnta aloag tin lltt, ot th, road - Aanf thoaa who vast, *a obaarrad Uorarn or Bnflook, Mr. Hpaaktr MoWhortar, Attor- aay Oaaaral Farrow and Col. E. Hnlbart— A. large majority of tb. papaaa in tha Btata war* rapraaaniad by that? aditeca or aorran- iwndanfr Tba Bare la rapraaantad by CoJ. vTiToreklU, ot thla oily, wioaa tnioatriou. aadnwaafbl pan will raaotd arary nota of in- taMM forth* basalt and crnttflaalfoa ot oar randan. W« look forward tohfo fottrea with a giant daal of Interred baliatrlng Utat ba >U1 do foil Jnattaa to tba arettar Inland Tha party will ba abaanl sows tan or twain d«y«. Kiorujart Fuwa.-Our tbanka art dua Mr. t. L Zaobry for a aaak ot "AUanU Mill, floor," at good ot tba boot In markat, and •rowing vary popaiar (or family naa. Wataka r ’ 1; ; it, whloh ita qoallttare FnaoniL.—Col. Carey W. bylaa, tha able aditor ot tha Albany Nawa, tamaina in tba city. Ba did not nooompany the aieunfon party; but aeol an afloiantrapreaealaUra. Thi W*»thiii -Yanterday wan oot ao hot an aoma ot the preoeding clay* were, but oo air was iu motion, ao poor humanity swel* ■net plaaaure in raoommandiag it, wbioh wa do, altar a (air and foil trial of ita q broad nber. irniUrb of three be ap- i the Legieleture opoe llion of taxes opou uevre* “oaa. uittee oo Bate.. I the f the thanks of this Coo ren dered to Patriok Fitzgib- te City Hall, for polite at- eitting of the body. Adop CITY llllllttKT. Ska Tsbuapin Soap served at tbo Nntioual Hotel Restaurant at 11 o'clock today. It That Four Hook Cottaok on Loro Street. Ever/ person wishing to purchase, for cash, a new, well llniehed. well oonatruoted cottage convenient to busineea, near tbo charohcs, wbioh will rent well, and always sell for ita tall value, is invited to attend the tale this morning at 10 o'olook as per advertise ment. O. W. Adaie. aug2C-lt. — HI, HU »L. MONEtARf A^OOMMESOUt atlantTmabkcts. - CtjnjuuSaw kre, Wednesday Kventac, Aug. M, m »H»tag. SelUlac Be Wihk in Time.—How many are there who, afflicted with disease in an incipient stage, delay from time to time having to some leiuedial agent, which would eff< taally arrest the fm liter progress of diattafce, and render the system itupreguable to IU aidioua attacks. It is unfortunately too true —there are thousand* who siuk into nn earl} grave-whereas at a trifling expense they might have lived to a good old age. If there be reliance to be placed in medicine, ami thousands of well attested cases establish be yood the possibility of u doubt the curative propertu-s«f'any oue particular remedy, then, Hurley’s Sarsaparilla and Potash is unques tionably the greatest uiedioiue ever introduced to an afflicted community. Hesitate not. therefore, to use it, if suffering from auy of the ills which flush is heir to.—Herald ((hil veston Texas ) jane 12-dAw»t. i Cubby, Chairman. | Secretaries. now—After the adjourn- ntion on Tuesday night, 1 by some of his friends, lounoil Chamber sundry ne and other articles “too His Honor then took ned the members of the i Honor could have done. f >ing of champagne t, eloquence and re- i seldom been equaled in t gentlemen met upon a com- i was no politics to cast its general enjoyment The i to “be as happy aa wo can rrow will bring trouble net ai brethren around one and the utmost cordiality isso Much Tbouulk— My friend, it is not half hh much trouble to get well as it will be to be all the time in bad health. The time spent iu securing health, is the best expendi ture of it that can be made ; do not be dis couraged, take Simmons'Liver Regulator, end be satiafied to take one remedy regularly, in stead of grasping at every remedy you hear of, and eking ont a miserable existence. It will euro you. ■ Sty lea I he was among the first o f acquitted himself in his >y style. Hia ref- ited the pride of ev- it, and forced a brief nae from Mayor Halsey. Qriffin Star, arose. “I >ose the health of a recently become inter- resa—a gentleman of ter, of enlarged learning the profession. I tlemen, the health of the This stroke was J >plause, and was e, of tha Iotelli- and graceful tribute worth of the gentleman Major ha* known from preuent time. m R. P. Glenn, Esq., ills for that gentleman, ad shrunk from appear- so unanimous that be •1C He said: “lam mt, if there are any i them down and I Mr. G. is connected % the agent for Utley's ex- , of Colombo*, was intro- the andience with a ’ ’’"".'the local Frees of i called for, but be ex- r words, and threw tbe t friend, CoL *very, of 'ie Colonel extricated proposing tbe Angus- I Gen. A. R. Wright, of the a most beantifal and •ot five minutes, which I tbe Atlanta folks, and made he General. 1 the Press of Gaiffln. in one of bis oharao- i never fails to prove a I conclusion he had a senti- lgave “tha memory of the and Mflledgeville, to be Tha joke was discovered 1 that neither of tbe 1 in the Oonveu- iSftA. Just the Thing foe Mkbohants—Call at Chamberlin, Boynton &. Co’s. Get their clever Book-keeper to show yon (heir Sales Book, made on new style expressly for them. Another can be seen at Pemberton, Wil'^on, Taylor, & Go’s Drag Store, then order one like it from \Vm. R. IIanlettka, Book Binder and Blank Book Manufacturer, Grauite Block. FOB SALE. The Terry mill property, with fifty acres of land, on South River, fous miles south of At lanta, a fine brick mill, with two run of stoneR for corn, wheat, rye, Ac., in complete run ning order. No better water-power mill prop erty in the State of Georgia. Other machinery oan be attached, as the mill does not consume one-half the water. This is a valuable water power. Como and see it For further partic ulars, terms, Ao., apply on the prmum>s a«g92-4t Georgia State Lottery, for the Beaeflt ot (he Orphans’ Home and Frea School. Combination Class, No. 406. Tha following were the drawn num ber* Sag. 26, 1869 : 54—41— 57—45—40—49—64—75—II—76—29—7 aug26-dlt HOWARD *00., Manager* A. EHUK.V2INUKR, Importer and Man ufacturer, Upholsterer, and Cabinet Furniture, Bed ding. FeeUtars, and Curled Haira. Bede renovated bj Steam-Patent Renovating Machine. Feather, Curled Bair, Woo), and Cotton Mattresses. Done entirely by steam and no fire. Also, agent for Peril lion and Rnstic Window Shades. Cloth and Paper Shades, a large lot of Chain and Washetande, Furniture and Bedding. A.KROENZINGBR, Hunter St., 8 Doors from Whitehall, aug 1^-15-20-1 in . that Ooorm. Fre.1. aa apyl.tiKu which it g<XHl fet'linif rewin d ware not prutaut. tha health of Col. K. wa* not prewar I. hut tha of fool- to by 1 art'll other apaocliiw ( notes. On the whole, reunion, without a IV enjoyment. It was “ufetfc hone 03 U>* viroke o' '• If, be mentioned W. JoakAOo., L. . Badwloa k Tot, W. A. Uno- I k Kobrt, M. E. K.nny and k^fhla oaaa Tbo procreaa ■pul U Hoi tbo lu»*« > protractor] to o vary (root •> Kail la aitU upon DM ala ml. — l o'clock thla ruorolug. -to tb*. M. X. Spalding ran “Emerson Binder" tot « effort MOtaat Ml moot 1 lot Iko tamporary I of akaat nmalc M *» at nrtfopc k SPECIAL NOTICES. a'rc.k a. a ■attra’. Blwtii" la tx. para peaetay eoarptaxloa which follow, tha ota of Bm^n’a ireonoh. folm. It la tba tnia aacrat of breaty. Faab- loaabto latMa. la aoataty aadantaad thla. Thi U.goolt. Balm chxoge, tha roatlc conntry girl ito aolty holla more rapidly than any athar one da,. Badnaao, Bunbunr, tea, frockloa, blotahea and all ef- Aote ot Ur. MHaaoar aun dlaappear whan If la uaad. and a penial, natUreled, fr*rh eqwatalmi la oUalaad which rtrrala tha bloom of youth. Baaaty la xxwaibp to all wko wilt tn*Mt 70 oanta at any rrepeetahlo atora •alat on ,00111, the Magnolia Balm. Urn uothln, hut Lyoa’a Kattaarfoa to dreaa tha hair. ■. Marshall, Dentist, Whitehall Wreat, erm Uwaha’a tea .try Buna. July SI IJMy 1—tar LUITIKAXK * CLARK, Atwraajre^Jf- 6a. aa Bated etftet. otar KohaU' food Store. Practice uywharo la tha Mata. United mate. Bnprtma Court, aad Superior Courts. lykt-dly I.. R. Daria, ti.a.rat laoaranro, norlAly h. I. Darla, llrav.r A Rahsr lew- lag Itiehlaee. aortMy b. *. Dawte, Heal Retate Ageat aad A«a- amrer. aorlhly 11 mmn ji nmin FORE »T_J| U E E N . hbuWutMUd La AvSntin H vemesM *11 Itshlng aad beet eg UMseam. 1> bums Vfc* ecelp stosn and beeimy. aay mMrrt mptwi age- fnpMalytr . OR. R. S. POMEROY. No. 17 Alabama Btraat. Uj» Stair*, lag Vail trad*. Uatla ahanga In to Ire noted **R market ooatlnuw Ann with little ot no change in piica*. Wa note no ttea in tha pric* of whaat In martrete ot the Want, Conn-Tha Dock of corn iaoottaidtr.bly re- dooad, and ptiota Mt at qMMUou. Da- maud good. LoalavtU. Provision Marhat. Tba Journal ot TnMday oojt: Tho markat wa* modtrately aotive and prl- oou stood v: Muss Potx—Is quiet, with light tales on orders, uftd wu quotu ut $34 to SifiO. Rump pork $88 to 28 m). Bacon—Is steady; we note soles of 46 casks oleur rib sides at 19|c; 20 oeeks clear sidee at 19| to 20c; 15 oosks Shoulders at 164o. Hams—Are fair, with sales of 16 ton fancy gar-oared el 23|o. Bulk Mxatu—We notice Hales of 1C, 000 lbs. dear aides at 18jc. Laud—Is firm; wa note sales of 17 tes at 21c; we quote at 20! to 21o for tierce, and 22 to 22|o for keg. Cincinnati Previa Ion Market. The Comnerctal of Monday, says: There was bo ohange to report to-day. The market remains qoiet, but firm. We oon- tioe to quote Mesa Pock et $33 60, though not offeied freely et this. Bulk Meats are quoted at 14c for Shoulders, rib Sides 1GJ to 164c; clear rib generally lield*atl7o; clear Sides 174 to 17ic, all loose, but tho demaod woe limited. Haoon was quiet, but firm, at 16!c for Shoulders, peeked dear rib sides held at 19ofor lots to come out of smoke, do. old packed offered at 17|o, clear Sidee 19 to 19io. Sugar-cured Hams quoted nominal !y at 23 to 24c, canvased and paoked. Lard dull at 20o for prime oity in tierces. ■•■therm ■ecmritftss tm N«w York. The Herald of Sunday gives the followiog as the closing street, quotations on Saturday afternoon, of tbe Southern list: Tennessee, ex-coupon, G14 to 61!; do., new, 634 to 631; do., five per cent, 60 bid; Virginia, ex-cou pon. 56 to 56; do. new, 60 to 604; do., regis tered stock, 46 to 47; do., registered, 1866, 57 to 58; do., registered. J8G7, 53! to 55; Geor gia sixes, 83 to 84; do. eeveus, 91 i to 93; do. Beveu>*, interest payable :n Georgia, 91 to 9*2; North Carolina sixes, ex-coupon, 5G! to 57; do., new, 49! to 50; Missouri sixes, 80! to do Hanibal and St. Joseph, 90 to 911; Louisiana sixes, 70 to 72; do., sevens, 70 to 72; do. levee sixes, G5 to 6G; do., do; eights, 84! to 8G; Alabama eights, 93 to 931; do. fives, Gi to 04j; do. sixes, sterling, 90 bid; South Curoliana sixes, G9 to 72, do., new G41 to 60; do., registerud stock. 65 to 66; City of Memphis .sixes, 50 to 51; do. Atlauta eights, H6 to 87; do. Savaunnh sevens. 90 in 92; do. New Orleans consols 74 to 76; do. issiue rail roads 69 to 78; Mobile and Ohio sterling, 65 to 68; do. do. eights, 58 to 60; Mississippi Central Railroad, first mortgage, 71 to 72; do. secoul mortgage, GO to 63; Memphis and Charleston, first, 87 to 90; do., second 74 to 75; do., stock, 45 to 464; Greenville and Col umbia Railroad, guaranteed, 65 to 67. ATLANTA WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. r. ». JACK. F. M. JA c A N V cv/t fti"*;**** II Hrni- Great Remedies. nttufttoture WHOLESALE, 20 CENTS PER POUND., j^jsm Or ackers I WH0LE8ALE, 8 CENTS PER POUND. COKNKK op ALABAMA AND WHITEHALL STREETS, ATLANTA. GEOKOIA a. W. ColilUB.. . 6Ul!vl (> la< oa—ft tb Htrni, cfouv. B.0.....24 Plain Oanvaaed... .22&23 Country 19020 Hides, clear ©21 i* Sides, 0. R. 4)21 BLoulden, <g>!7>* KfoiitucXy 25(d.‘i7 India 26032 Bale Hope—V lb Msohlne-inade.. KXgill Hand-made. B'.to.H Bra ■—per ton $22 6O«20 Batter-p tb Goshen Country Rio Prime Good 22 )» Ordinary.. Nos. 8, 10. 12. 2 'ot ton Conts-V do*. VhltUmore $T HO kwPiasVbn. *$1.25 )rsgi aa«l Dysitsff* Alum ft lb H^IU Bluestoue ft tb.. 194020 Urimstone tb lb... 8»1C Copperas ft ft 3H@6 Camphor V ft$1.20#1.40 Castor OU, qta. «.W«6.W do pu.3 7.'. do S*U 79«4 00 Ep. Halts ft ft. « Indigo ft ft. $1 Madder V ft. Pot. hyd. V 1b. quinine $ oi. Saltpetre V ft. 12#20 Sweet Oil V doal.60®6.00 do. gal$1.44<03.9O do. pta. dos$8.00 Dry U«odt>$ yd. Br. 8h. 7-8 13<&14 Hr. Hh. 4-4 1*^19 Bl’d Bh. 3-4.... 9W18 3i*d Hh. 7 8.... 12#18 Ri d Bh. 4-4....13qOS0 Bro. Drill l<k§>22 Ri d. Drill ISk»22>s Ticking 12 >,^49 Prints— 19 Hprague’s. .lght 12>* •* drk 12 •• Mar rim ac.. 13^18>4 American.. 13q»13>4 WamsutU. & 9* Duchess B. 19^)16 Arnold’s... 10i. Foatksrs—new, 7b&oO Flomr— Atlanta Mills, fancy T* hun dred $4 00 Do do, ex. family 4 90 Dodo, flunily.... 4 00 Dodo. bran.. . 1 95 9Q10 . 2843,39 7?8 . -1(^12 >. Nall Rod 11(012 q Castings 7 >4 (00 Lard—ft lb. Tierces * bis. 22©22 q Kegs and Cans 230v23 “ Lood-H ft. Leather- ft ft White Oak Hoiu. Hemlock Hole... Country Hole— Oouatrjr Upper.. 60^69 Tenn. Upper 60&65 Northern V do*. $42 00 Fr. cf. dos.. ..$40(3)50 Km. do. |) do*... Dom. ft do*, Bridle Lea do* . Harness Las V ft* 49 Llqmors—^ gal and do* Brandy Fr.. $7.00# 12.00 Amar $1.S0#2.00 • •Ho; Fruit—V lb and bbL Apples * bu....L79#2.29 Apples dried 6#6 Peaches, pTd— do unp’d... Grain-fl bu. Corn, White... Tallow Oats 70(qi 76 Ginseng 66$72 tiass-W box.$3.60#LOO lanpowdtr Vktg.fK 00 Rifle hf. keg $4 ~ Rifle qr. keg 2 Blasting keg 6 00^0.36 lay—V ton $38(040 Hides- II ft. Green 9#1( Dry Halted.... 18#9C Dry FUnt 20#25 Iron—$ ft. Bweedee 9Qfi American bar 6#6 Gin. Holland $4.1 American. ..$ LNfi 00 Rum, Jamaica 4.OU^Afi.00 American. .$1.60(0X00 Whlaky— Corn gaL $1.28^1.60 Rectified do$l.OO«01.2O Lye do $1.26^6.00 Roburtson do $2.0004.00 Boor bon do$).2605.OO do |ldox... Nectar do Sootcb do .. do ^ gal... Wine* do* Maderi*... $2.6006.00 Shorry $2.60(46.00 Port. $2.60G$6.00 Champaign e Mackerel- No. X * bbL $18 00 *• I, do 16 00 •• 1 * \ bbL 2 60 " 2 do Kit* $2.6003.00 (cal—* ba.$l.2901.30 Mess Pork—* bbl. Molasses*— New Orleans 90 Florida 7 0080 Sugar House $1.0001 Cuba Nails—* keg 3d $7 00 4dto40 6 00$ Oil*—* gaL.. Lard Oil $1.7502.00 Linseed Oil.. 1.8001.39 Goal Oil 480 90 Lnbr. Oil 1.1503.00 Osnabnrgs — * yd 20023 Potash—* case. Babbits $14.00 ’■tty-* ft... . 8@40 Rlc«_* ft 11Q12 ■alt-* sack. Liverpool $3.25 Virginia 2.30 h«t-* bag. Patent $3.40 Buck 3.76 oap—* ft. Turpentine 7 of 8 Steel—* ft. ... 1 00j Plow 12X 90(4 96 ■.29*27 Oast German ■agar-* ft. NTO 15B16 P - K. 16m 16 H Demarar* 17R18 Refined A 16#18q Refined R....17,V$1H Refined C....16M2l7 Yellow Coffee. 16^16,q Joda-Eng. *ft8@8S Starch-* ft... 11® 1295 Tobacco—* lb. Unsound 25® 55 Hound 60® 90 Extra fine... 1.00® 1.35 Smoking 50® 1.00 J ormlsh—* gal. Copal 3.60*4.00 Whit. >i.h « half bbl.. ilOQll lily 'Tu-rajren, Urtkaot for the KukIih- ffhen the Wlilntle Blow*. night, 0th Inst., explains Resolved, That the ReceirtT and Oolloctnr of Taxes be required to close his book on the lat Septei next, end proceed as soon thereafter as p ractlcab isano next, and proceed as soon theroefler ss practicable, to » ft Am for doable tan against all who may tail to In. and collect the tax till the 20th September, sf- A’htrh time ht will ftirnlah the Clerk with a list of those who have failed to pay, that A tea may Issue sgalnst all sueh deUnaucnU.'* •The time la short.” Coroe to time is a good motto. L. P. THOMAS, t R-sunttll90s*p. Repairer and Collector. AT LA WT A SACK FACTORY ! W E keep on hand oonstautly, and are manufactur lag all kinds of FfAHJR and grain hacks, Orders respectfully solicited. MITCHELL a BEMTLY, jj3 3cu Own, TliUkill wti H«»te» BU. _ ArtNIONEE’l*SALE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, THE MOST POWERFUL AXD INFALLIBLE VEGETABLE ALTERATIVE KNOWN. WARRANTED A CERTAIN CURE FOR AU scrofiiions diseases, ulcers, chronic rhenmatlsm, mercurisl ami syphilitic diseases in all stages, and all akin diseases. It qniokly removes virus from the constitution and blood, and restores the patient to perfect health and purity. Try il and bt convinced. Prepared In the Laboratory of PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYL0B, k CO., Wholesale UrugKisla, Atlanta, Ueorgia. FOR BAXaSI AT LOW rnlCUS: 50 Oz. Hulph. Morphine, 60 Pounds Iodide Potassium 100 Pounds Calomel, Large stocks of pnA drags, medicines, chemicals, instruments. patent medicine*, photographic chemicals, stock, Ac., On hand, and for sole, at the lowest possible prices. Call and examine stock and prices. PEMBERTON, WILLSON, TAYLOR, <t CO., [ 20 Auante. Georgia- G. H. & A. W. FORCE, DEALERS IN— BOOTS AND SHOES SIGN OF THE BIG IRON BOOT, WHITEHALL STREET, Six Great Remedies ■• A resale—Ho Htrcary. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. ATLANTA, angl 1-c G-EOR GIA. may 23-e M. O. MARKHAM, BOOTS .A. 1ST TD SBIOBS, SOLE LEATHER, CALF SKINS, SHOE FINDINCS, AC., EMPIRE BLOCK, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA GEORGIA COUNTRY MERCHANTS Will find it to their advantage to examine my stock, as it is SEIaBOTSD w I T II GHHAT OAnJn, And pHrchasml axoluslvrly for CASH, From the 13©st Manufacturers. •• 'w Mt >0 !..,• •. j Ladies’ Gents’ and Childrens’ FINE GOODS a Specialty.; 1 LjU aug 1.0m M. O. MARKHAM. JORDAN, HOWARD * HARRAL80N, TOBACCO COMMIHHION mkbciiaintm, WHOLXHAI.K uSAunwaJj JU )j^ LIQUORS, CIGARS, «fec., tag R who have triad the usual remedies without .1 WORTHY ofe' ATTEN iTO.V Dr. Ihomas A. Hurley: l hereby certify that during last year I was attack with the ague whilst in Vicksburg, Mias., and used —vasal popular medicine* with hot temporary relief. Oa stashing hooMtfcadio**** returned In* wora* type, If poeSIbU. wfcea m* imedicM akeodsnt ordered yuin- * s high as 60 g * me nearly $11 suited Dr. Smith, of Louisville, and found he prescrib ed quinine aad arssnle combined, whloh I refused to taka, preferring to let the dlseeee take its oourae. 1 was ■' - extremely exhausted, and pronouno- Liver aad Spleen. About this time, “ ./.Agu hundred results, and would certainly recommend bis to any other tonic before the public. JAMES MARTIN, Engineer. Louisville, Ky., June 16. 1865. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD HURLEYS SARSAPARILLA WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. | Affections of ike Homes, liabllual ess, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Krystpells, Female Ir regularities, Fistula, all Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, My daughter has been afflicted with skin disease and stlilhess of the joints lor several years. 1 em ployed the principal physicians of the city aud they oould not cure her. 1 gave her your Harsaparllla not ~ I ' I 1, b«t to my great as- , ___ . and thank God con tinue# so. Had she been taking any medicine I would H give this certificate; but yonr Barsaparilla, tbe only remedy employed, leave* no doubt ot it* mod il qualities, and that It alone cured her. (Signed.) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth and honesty of the ' “ * t my residonce, corner Ninth HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Messrs. James llnddlo A Oo.—Gentlemen—It gives ie great pleasure to say, after using all the other worm remedies known to me, with bnt partial success my children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley’! and as such, recommend it t< Louisville, Jane 13, 1868. nwBAj.n struxit, ATLANTA j , M aioftCIA. HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS. Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, In digestion, or Dyspepsia, Want off action of the Liver or Disordered Stomach To Jan. Ruddle A Co., Louisville, Ky.: Gentlemen: Tbts Is to certfly that I have been tor years a sufferer, and tried all the tonics I have heard of or seen adver tised, with little or no relief from any of them I heard Harley’s Bitters feigbly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith in It beforo I commenced, and to my surprise and joy, before 1 finished one bottle, 1 felt a greet deal better and firmly believe that one or two onnaatttas it was the means of saving and prolong ing my life. 1 conscientiously recommended them to all sufferers as the beet Bitters known, and advise ‘ rDr. T. A. Hurley’s and have e this aa you think proper, if it *y, etc., JOHN W. DIX80N. Louisville, Ky., December 10, 1868. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DK. SEABROOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. Use lu the future only fflUBROOK’S, a combination quite up with the advancement of the age. Pleasant to take, harmless In its action, efficient and reliable in all oases. Invaluable in the tallowing diseases: Hummer Complaint, Irregularities of the bowels. Rastivenssa, Teething, Ac. Gives health to the child and rat to (D mUArr. Nashville, Txnn., Feb. 12.1858. Jaa. Ruddle A Oo., Louisville, Ky.—Wheu living In your city I used several bottles of Dr. Bee brook's In tent Noothing Byrap, and found It to do my child more good and It would rest better after using it than any ether remedy I ever tried. I oan say with oonfldsnoe. It Is the best medlolne for ohildren at present known. I wish you would get the druggists here to koep it. If any one dose, please let me know; it not seud me one dosen by express, and 1 will pay for It et the office here. Write me when you eend it, end oblige MUB. SARAH L HAN DO] MV. JOHN BULL MniUNwr aad T«4u « hta CM SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, AGUE AND mVBB, CHILLS AND FBVBH. Th. pmuu M tku nllrtMt.1 MfoH jut, .kteu tor U• tetertte*,«*-MiwhSm—- afo» IfJSflfteHto weas&m prudent, sod In every ease z Z&°S2t2n££i1l* diAcult end long-standing c . due will oot require eoy aid to keep the bowe good order; skoold the peHeat however require thartlc medicine, alias having taken three or four OS of the Toole, a single d FAMILY PILL* will Ms $ Dr. JOUM BULL’S Nil. 40 Fifth t rot, Street, XiouiairUle. UeutuolLy Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United States and World Wide Headers. a I have ever received Dr. Clem- the Doctor says of BULL’S WORM DESTROYER: Villamow, Walker Co., Gs , June 29, IK. ONCERT SALOON, WINE AND BEEN HALL, MAUIE'iTA STBl’K'l’. rti _ String 13 a n di ss LA.DX WAXTBXS nr ATTtNDAXCl Cincinnati Lager on Draught, and Dealers Supplied at Manufacturers’ Prices. Tax Payers, Onoe*More! T U time lor giving in th* general la* of tb* city expiree the let dey of Heptember, end all who tail toys*la by that time will be aobjaot to datable tax You will do well to attend to thin la time. ** else bjesm no on* but yourself for Um ooassf utaoee of de ll l* n sees eery to give to— 2. Street tax. U you are so. nota fireman or some of the - law. 3. Horses. Carriages and Baggies. A Furniture over $300 in vain*. I. Money, solvent debts, bonds aud stocks, outside /*SeaTfta busllM,aa ' L P. THOMABi auglA svry auud'ytd Receiver sad OoOaetar. hxir yearn at age. w 46 years of age, and r the But n your “Worm Destroyer’’ several trials, and fli crfully e tance to 1 In i ally gjv« >nd it wo: have the wiahsd-far effect. I am dotnv pretty large country practice, and have daily use for some article of the kind. 1 am free to confess that I know of (io remedy reoommendad by the ablest authors that le so certain and speedy in its effects. On the contrary, they are uncertain In the extreme. M ' in writing you Is to find out upon what t« get th* medicine direct from you. If I can get it n eeay terms, I shall use a groat daal of It. 1 am ire that the use of such articles is contrary to the teachings and practloe of a great majority of the regu lar line If. D'e, but I see no just cause or good sense in •iscardlng a remedy whloh we know to be efficient simply because we may be ignorant of its combination, For my pert, 1 shall make it * ml* to use all and any means to aleviate suffering humanity which I may be to command—not hesitating because eomi > ingenious than myself may have learned it facts first, and secured the sole right to secure knowledge. However, I am by no mesne an advocate rter of the thousands of worthless nostrumi 1 the country, that purport to cure all man lease to which human flosh is heir. Pleas* reply soon, and Inform me of yonr best terms. I am, most respectfully, JULIUS P. CLEMENT. M. D. BULL’S SARSAPARILLA. A Good Henson for the Captain’s Faith. Buraoit auui‘1, Mo., April SO. 1306. D». Jon Buia—liter sir: Knowing th, aOctencr of yocr girrepreiU, mnd th. htellng ind brenii. lj qremtte It pnteinn, I ten* yon th, following .ute- mretof at, mm: HuynMrtlWrtW mo—WM return prlnner. tndoonrtnMfcrrtteMOMOofhn Brtng nond .o of- on, m, wonnd, h»,« not htetert jte. I hare not alt up oot Mao. 1 wi. wonDdad. I on tea, through re M, grem htelth u toprered, red I nred dng to tej—t rifcin. I hare more kith in ronr oin» thre In uHhlng Ore. I wire tret thret I. re PlMM uprte. m. relf . down botttea, red oblige, 0*pt. 0. t. JOHKSOb, _ . _ Bt. Ixml«, Mo. P. 8.-Th. following wu written April ao, IMS. by Mrs. Jennie Johasoo. mother of Oaptaln Johnson: Dn. Bull—Dear Mr: My husband. Dr. O. 8. John son, was a skillful surgeon end physician in Central New York, where be died leaving the Above C. P. John- eon to my owe. At thirteen years of age, he had * chronic diarrhoea aad scrofula, for whloh 1 gave him vour Barsaparilla. It ormu> him. I have ter ten veers recommended it to many In New York, Ohio and Iowa, for scrofula, lever sores general debility. Perfect success has at- ted It The cores effected in some ceeee of scrofula and fever sores were almost miraculous. 1 am very anxious for m> eon to again have recourse to your Barsaparilla. He 1* fearful of getting a spurious article, hence his writing to you for it Bis wounds were ter rible, but I believe he will recover. Respectfully, JENNIF. JOHNSON. OLPU. I)B. SEABROOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and Oalisaya. This elegant oomllnetiou possesses ell tho itroic properties of Peruvteu Berk and Iron, without the die- agreeble testa end bad effects of either, separately or !? •* *••• valuable seodleine*. It thou Id betaken ta all oases wkeo a gentle tonic k, press!on la required after oooveleeoeaoe teem rtve ■ or debilitating dU eases, or In those di stressing irreeu- ■mem** James Ruddle 6c Co., PROPRIETORS, iMkoioHoiv.lX,.^ it Ml til I street Louisville, Ky, . retete re SSMM All th, reore iMH. ter «b b, I ATT.ANTA. 04 f t^reteMwIr BILL’S CIBRBI BiTTIlS, AUl'HKIVTIC DOCUMENTS. mils hi* rnojm. Tontlteohj of Xrtfoere) In. Mmn Monw. White Ore, hr*., Itey ■, 1<« - Bnu-Dwar: tretlMfWtep l wre I, mS wbuweewllh metatbe store, be* edoe the Mttere. aud soon (oundThia t J^n7 > h!oHh who has been ta hod haalth. tried them aad who has been ta bed haeMh for several “MSS e a Vhuum. UMrtmmfoMaDV L H. B&ADFIELD, DnuOOIMT, WHITEHaLI. STREET, ATLANTA, UA ■avelt-eodly * SEMI-CENTENNIAL EXPOSE. jCTNA IN8DRANCE 00., HABTFORD. JCJJL.Y X, 1 3 G 9.1 Aueto, .... $5,352,532.96 Liabilities, ... 267,002,33 $5,085,450 63 -SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO. Jo X T £3 PAST. “B» thrtr fruits yt know them.’’ LOSSES PAID IN FIFTY YEARS, ®95,221,485.37 ITS PRESENT. The MoKt SnoeegAil Fire Op. in Aaerleg. a«wotre, as.aoa.Qsa.oe. Three-fourths the Insurance Compaoles chartered have failed, proving mistakes and difflculties In n profession based on ca lamity and misfortune, with on important part of Its development in the sphere of broad human benevolence. It Is n rare and uncommon event for one of these Insti tutions to make Ita FIFTIETH annual re port, and that a satisfactory one- another of life’s plainest old lessons, “ Al you sow that shall you reap.” ITS FUTURE'. Usefulness and doty mast be shaped and measured only by the wealth and growth of onr country. ■ar Agents in *11 the principal cl tioe sad towns. 4V*R*tee*nd term* m liberal a* consistent with moderate profit and substantial security. W. p. PATTTHiO, ;4-tillscp4 Agent at Atlanta, Oa. FRESH TURNIP SEED. JUST RECEIVED, 800 Pounds RED TOP, ABEBDZEH, FLAT DUTCH, HANOVEB, WHITE GLOBE YELLOW GLOBE, RUTABAGA, NORFOLK, YELLOW STOKE, And Otl&er X7"ariotloa. Call and purchase, or send In your orders surly. P. W. J. ECHOLS, Agricultural Warehouse end Seed More, jy 10—tilaepSO Broad Street, by th* Brtdgv. NOTICE. T HE undersigned having had application for term Unde end lends suitable for the otakur* of cotton. in the State of Georgia, takas thi* method of Inform log tbecttlseaaof Atlanta aad State of Georgia, that he will undertake tbe sale of raid leode Id Ute shove places. Parties haring any tends for sale will do well to oorreepood with the undersigned. No charge# made unless tale la effected. MICHAEL O’HARA, Attorney Law, 20th Ward East Pittsburgh, Pa. Application for Exeaptioa. G EORGIA, HARALSON COUNTY.-James Backus ■. lutaapfljod fw_exeraptfoiijrf peranand valuation ol EJX°"a agu*l2d2t pr tee $2* I will ot A. D. WOODS. AYER’S AGUE CURE, voa THE tPUDT < I a ter oat 1 tent Rerer, or Fewer a act Aawr, Hewlttf-at Fewer, Clsltl Fewer. Oeak Agee, Periodtral Heedach*, for the whole sloes ef diseases erioftnat- lag In biliary dtreageeMSt, cnewed hv ttae Malaria off mtneaanttets—lain No OM remedy 1* louder caaed for by the necemi- tle* of the American people than a sure aud safe euro for Fever and Agu*. tech we are now enabled to ot ter. with a perfect certainty that It will eradicate tho dteea**, and with leeurauce, founded ou proof. Uut 0 bum can aria* from Ita um ta any quantity. That whloh protects from or prevent* this disorder mat be ot taameuee service ta the oomtuatuee where It pravall*. fftaima I* better then sera, for tb* petteut escape* the tick which he must run ta vto- lent ettnefcser this betefiil dlfoeesper. Tbts -O***’- expels the mlesMeti* fetaeu of F«v*« end Aatmfomi the eytaem aud praveaU the iEvdepeeeut ef MtTfila- eeee, tf taken ou the first apereeck of tte ermiultory mmarn reach of ell—tee poor a* weU a* the rich. A greet nt- ptfr^rityof UHaramecfo over auy other ever dtecov y—m*teMhlartw■ Aw ant o, it M, teMrehreUhr MM gS hat re. hart “ ' imuoMt' DR. J. 0. AYER te OO., taLL, MAM. • Ma. I. a. Will ire ted tel re, . re *lte. by Ml Dr.reiw. mt Dor . - .rorvwh-re irTrtteaawate