Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, September 15, 1869, Image 4

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TBKJM OV lUlMCIIIlTIUI For Daily, Par Annum *10 00 M " Sir Month* } 00 “ " Thra# Month* t 3 00 “ " Par Month - —••• 100 WaaUy Era, Par Annum ,••• 3 00 tr isviiiuBLT u> advamo*. -n IMTtH OK A.UVKUT1I mi.-tu. TUI p I ~ 9t«.0«, iSO.OO ... 1ft. Ui' MOO 2ft. 00 .,. J0.00, 2ft.00 34.00 ... MJOO 91.00 i 00.00 . JU.Ol. 411.00 WOO -Jft.00 44.00 66.0 BB ftMWift LAktHl Adrestu*ti*r»t* for ft louder period than tore* moatki will Vs InssrVl at a deduction uf twenty \*r P 'nt. from U.t> above rsfe Fur «ah i jaaro ol 10 Hues or Im, I r lb* fl. *t tuacr- Uoa, ft, and tec each aubseqm leu ttse* of solid nonpareil. 01 make a square. Adrerttoam.-uu uniaibe nnrited fo Advertisements lu* at Interval* to be charged aa i<*w each lusrrtioi,. aIverttseuiout*. i notions o> advertisements. • at th« rate < a for eavh to»«rti<>ii. N 1 *um than o«k noLian. .- I ft el o| lal Botiosft under ‘•City 15u<l,:,M Twurrr nm am- nolle* a ill ai>|Hs*r for AdverUsonmut* uu< l arsuty rent* par tiaae each Mth.-equ«ait iu*oi Lou. Voln. tary return umcaLoua, roLtaiuw mj«o*taul nea^, solicited fruw every quarUtr. No*a letters * otu the various rouulhu *»f the state espselally TUB KKA OFFICE N TUB DlilOK BVnjJINO ON ALAPA UA sTRBUT opposite the rcwTorrux, detwlxn WtOAD AND WUIUHlU. MIMTAnV DlltKC'TOKY. liuxvKr Majok-Gexiuui. Au*rkp II. Terry CooiiuAiuliug Dopart incut of tlie South. rXCSONAL OTA IT. llrcvet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith, Captain l\ S. Army, Aid-ile-Cuwp. Krerct Lieutenant Colonel C. II. Grnvoo, Captain V. S. Army. AM-tie-Camp. IJrovet ('optbln J. (». Telford, 1st Lieuten ant V. S. Army, Akl-ile-C'mup. DAT ARTMEXT STAFF. Brevet Colouel J. H. Taylor, AftsiaUmt A«l- iutant General, V. S. Army, Assiotant Ad- I itant General. BrtVi t Major Robert V. -s t'.iptaiu V. S. Array, A.’iiti£ Assistant Adjnlvut Gen eral. Captain C. W. Itohscnpillei. ! S. Army, Acting .Vusi.-tant Inspector General. Major DeWitt Clinton. Jndge Advocate l\ 8. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigmlior General T. J. Haines, Commiitoftry of Subsistence l*. S. Army, Chief Commissary. Bievet Colonel A. R. Eildy. Major and Quar termaster l’. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, V. S. Army, Depot aad S’.aflf Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan* Surgeon l\ S. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General Johu J. Milhavi, Surgeon l T . S. Army. Assistant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon V. S. Army, Attending Sargcou. Brevet Lieutenant Coloud David Tuggart, 1‘aymasier U. S. Army. Chief Paymaster, ollice at ('u.irkftton, South Carolina. Brevet Lieut, mint Ooloi «-l P. L. Allison Pay master U. S. Army. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND Plea»nro SeeLei* mu:--my *Vn nmu- Viviiiuln Spr i ALU NORTHERN CITIES. iADALIS, BLOOD PURIFIER. Cure* Scrofula in all iU various to ms. nub *s Consumption lu its rsrilest stages, EulArgvuifut and UkterftUou.uf the Utaud. s, JofnU. houoa. lUUmva, UteruM. Ohronle Rhenmatlaio, Knii-flotis of Uu> tUuu, Obreuk (k»r« Kyis, kc.,also, SltmUS IN ALL ITS FORMS. Dlucnaou of Womoni I,.... ,.f A 1 ,|„iilr, HI. k 11, ml.rlir, IJvrr (•miplalnt. Pain In Ih. narV, I,„- | ,,nlt,u lu LI lu. lira r. I, Oauaral Itul lu allli,. n.l ,11, ol Lli, Blooil, Liver, Kidneys, end Bladder, It il II (Rlfu'l lUlUIUlul. JOB PRINTING GlUHTCj M A M M O T H PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. HOOK AND JOB PRINTING OmCE! l (, rVE POWER PRESSES 1 yua. k lUnupdy. The a Bi < ouiiu<‘U(le<l b) (lie Medical Faculty ami m.ui> thou^niH of our Ihn( cltlxexs, liiuimmula ol riiuarkaLL- cures, ' ’or Uiia tear. ' Dra. Clemeutp. Hives .V C ts, formerly J. J. Lawrruei verywbirf. >P PILL. >P PILL. IP PILL. 'A}W,--nut ‘Writjlil'i, BUT "HSTUT USUI HU -Which is bound to Uke the place of all ethers; aru.e- !>' v» K »eUble Pltll (sugar coated) and of extraor.liuary ertu-jcy for Ccstiveness, Indigestion, Dverensia, lit-aula aches. Nervous Debility, Liver Complaint, «e.'* (Jfrdieai Journal Stv., S.) Positively the beat Pill in the World TLouaanda of Boxea now used. .All DrniffUt iu ATLANTA soil them. . - u..4l Hoarseness lead to di-ath," Try “lostarV Cou K li Itiumly •For Croupe—Whooplnft Couirhs, Ac.,” Try ‘l oatBr’e’* Cough “Costar says it i* the best in the wide world—and it Ho rays ho—it’c Troe-it’aTrua—If# True; and We aay [ ~T? (Morning /Viper, Auy. X.i Ml DruggiaU in ATLANTA IRJ7 ell it. “ C 0 S T A R ' S " Standard Preparations ahe ms BEAUTIFIER. TH£ BUCKTHORN SALVE! "Costa*," No 10, Crosby at.. N. V.. Or Jobs r. IlrxaT isurceaeor to) DexmM Barnes k Co., 21 Park lh>w, N. V. terFor Sale by J. A. TAYLOR. L. II. LUADKIKI D and other DrutTgists in REDWIXP k FOX, ATLAM’A, <* i; i 1 j ' -i ' ire NO STAGING. i dnailf SPEED. COMFIT, an-1 SAFETY, po ■tOfli *. Pa«aen--rDi p-t. ii. W. WHLNN Gan. T. *Aet A^cut W. A A. H. GKO. S. THOMAS, vuoy *i t La ATLANTA, GA. , Droad «t..^ov. Browu'a BeUdU*. THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, Atlanta, (ioorgia. !i mi Tin mi un h Kiuriiif I.alli> IManm, Hull ('utters t|»- right RiilN. Mm JiiiiM-' TooUoT all Dcscript loin. V L>o, man;;tucturo aud s.-Il Wo*vd.workiue Machine- ry of every -lescriptlon. and Stationary and Port- at-:- Un^.n an,l Boilers, l atent c->lJ.rolle"-l Shattir^, Leather and Hubber Beltinc, aad all article* needful in machine or railroad repair shops. - Id' aud 12# Clumbers st. New York. EtdlGE PLACE, President. Aud uu Kmllefts Variety of JOB TYPE AND MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! JJAVISd aiidod l«v«rai Thousand Hollars worth of Job Type to our already EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! » fully prepared than All Descriptions of Job Printing ! <>ar Nuw Additions ware selected by an Liperlcnoed Printer, aud comprise all the latest iuiprovemeuU in TYFE, PRESSES, BTC., ntlng KftUibllsIamrisI In the South. Indeed, From a VISITING CARD to a .MAMMOTH POSTER! In a Style to suit tin- moat fasUdioua. v up and in running order FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! NI NUEK OXK IS V MAMMOTH UOK CVUVULU 1'HEHN, s a Uu^'i I i.-e*- of Maehmory, the largest of tbo kind ever brought to Atlanta. This Pn-aa is e*iH ciaIly ed u» Fine Book. Printing and Uargo Posters. m miikk two HniJlii r than the Ar^t, i Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, e of the beat Newspaper Preraes in the State. Fulton Fort*#*** Mortftefe for October. Utefte door la th# ’&i£Jt‘o,Z£ THE LjMWEST and CHEAPEST. THEGBEAT FARMERS’ PAPER RflRBKR TIIRKE IS -A MEDITTM HOB JOBBER f every description, auc’ haa been pronounced by competent Xl'NBKK POVK IS A HALF MEDIUM POTTER PRESS. i bruiting CIUCULAIIS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, Ac., and la of very superior (juality. ftl'MUKlt FIVE 18 A POTTER CARP PRESS, niishing; and, yet, iu tho neatest and i- fauhtiis for all kiuda of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, The head is troub Serai 1- . a- • ! ' i il ftenftftWiwi .' h3v. ng! t • ! 4-. • be n i •an. t with i ain- something whiih I'uunicgof DR. SIMMONS’ litv v.i\ nKU t.\Ton, A preparatio CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Ucwird and B«.-ks Street-, Philadelphia.; ! by Suit feet long. I 1 Bum Engine. 1* in.-h cjlinder, four feet Mroke, niad by ftotton, with 3 Ik ihr«, 3«-incli diameter (to fret 1 JtiK* 40 Holler Looms. 12 inch, C, 8 and 10 treadle*. 1,2, 3 1 and 4 shuttles. 25 Crompton 1 42 and 45 Inch, 12 and 24 liar- I xea, pick aud pick, aud also 4 i iu ssytng to the public that m 'i turn out work as rapidly u any Estabilaliment south THE PAPER OP THE PEOPLE! 1 GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER! IT IS CHEAP BECAUSE ITS CIRCUL-ATION IS LAIt- UEB THAN THAT OP ANY OTHER NEWSP.U’EU ! ! NOW IS THE TIME TO FORM CLUBS ! THE NEW YuKK WEEKLY TB1BCKE DAILY TRIBUNE, except those- of merely local inter est; also Literary and Scicutilic Intelligence; Review of the inoat iutereatiug and important New Hooka; th- letters front our large corps of Corresi»ondeuta; tlie a received by Telegraph from all part* of tlie Cougresa and State Legislatures when in session; the Foreign Nows received by every steamer; exclusive re porta of the Proceedings of the Farmers’ Club of tbl American Institute; talks about Fruit, and other UorL ti< ultural and Agricultural information essential to country residents; Stock. Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports; makiug it, both for va riety and completeness, altogether the moat valuable interesting aud instructive WEEKLY NEWSPAPER puldishcd iu the world. The foil reports of the American Institute Farmers' Club, and the various .Agricultural Reports in each number are richly worth a year's subscription. Ever sines its commencement, THE WEEKLY TRI BUNE Has Ih-cii an authority upon the farm. W« make features of the Farmers’ dub. and permit no question of Interest to the agriculturalist to pass without com ment aud advice. When U ia remembered that this ad vice is given by one of the most conscientious farmer* iu the country, the reader may estimate its value, hi-s been well observ ed that a careful reading and study of the Farmers’Club Reports in the WEEKLY TRI BUNE alone will save a former hundreds of dollars ill his crop. Iu addition to these reporta, we have arrang ed to print the best things written ou the subject of ag-j i*-nltnrc by American aud foreign writers. We inteud t« - increase these features in tlie coining year very largely. As it ia, no prudent farmer can do without it. As a lesson to his workmen alone, every farmer ahosHd place! | the WEEKLY TRIBUNE upon his table every Saturday "^The" TRIBUNE is Ute bfM ami cAsa/rst paper ia tk< country. This is not said in a spirit of boastfolness. We do not claim any essential superiority over our neighbors, except the superiority of place and oppor tunity. It has fallen to New York to create tlie great est Uftmpftpers of the country. Here cones atnw the commerce, tlie manufactures, the mineral resources, the agricultural wealth of the Republic. Here all the news gathers, and the patronage is so large that Jour- nalifcts can afford to print it A newspaper can be mailt* in New York for half the money, and yet with twice thel value of newspapers elsewhere. This is the strength of the TRIBUNE. We print the Urgt at. and chopeatJ ami best edited weekly newspaper in the couutry. There is little special merit in this. We have all the! advantages around us. We have great Daily and SemiJ Weekly editions. Their machinery and n-sonrcea anl only a part of tlie Weekly. This paper has long had the largest circulation in America, and w« have tried to justify that confidence. Tlio result is, that we have so systematized and exjiauded our resource* that every copy of tlie WEEKLY TRIBUNE contains as much read- itig matter as a duodecimo volume. Think of it! For two I dollars, the fam!«-r, in the course of one year, buys as much resiling matter as though he filled a ahelf of his library with fifty volume*, and those volumes contain ing the greatest works in the language. The force of cheapness can no further go. The WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the paper of the people. Here the eager student may know the last lewous of science. Here the scholar may read reviews of the best books. Hi re may bo found correspondence from ail parts of the world, the observations of sincere anil gifted men. who serve the TRIBUNE in almost every country. All the elaborate aud intricate machinery of our establishment—porliaps Uu- most complete ini America—ia devoted to the purpose of making the lx-st and cheapest weekly newspaper m the world. We think we have reached that point iu giving for *s - o dollars fifty-two duodecimo volumes a year. The TRIBUNE is strong by rcaeon of ita enormous circulation aud great cheapness. It has long beeu years * • as many papers, perlupi boxes. (50x41 1st brc-aVr,) Male ird*. {48x41 2d •• [ 430spindles f 40X42 Condenser. ) 1 Vm. g’age (*0x49 1st breaker, j • 196*42 2d •- ],*„ f 30x42 Condenser. ) r 4 -ln.| [ .’10 spindle! last 33 years aa one o( th- and harmless preparat) e • log. If taken regulatly i el known for Un coatlveneaa, sick . hronie diarrha-a, of the bladder, Mules - )•<-»« « i 433 spiudles } (4ftt4H Con-Tenser. ) l r ,-ln g'age J Mill- - tfO spindles **acb. 2* 4 -tiieh gauge. ( 1 Sargent's Barr 1‘icker, large six-, nearly new. ) COTTON MACHINERY f.r COARSE YARNS. IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION All we ask is A. FAI« T R I A. L Wo lire prepared to print amp dysentery, affect -f tho kidneys, f.-ver, nor-1 I chill*. di>< a«r • < 1 1 rde, 3ft>i:icb, sulf-atrlppe i the head, fevi hack and liml.*. A*th ud bilious disi-ascs lLIN iV. < <»., Drugg and ague, dropsy, boils, p ^eraR*^"****' R Prepare<1 only by J* **• ’*• Price f 1; by mail lli?. The following highly respec'ai.I- per-ons can fully attest v< the virtues of thl* val'ubh* ui-dieine, and U» whom w- most raape- tfully r-t r; Gen. W. ?*. Holt. President S W. R. R C . . T; v 1. It. Felder. Perry,«a ; Cot E. Hparks. Albany. G* ; G J. Lunsford, Bwi., 0>udn> t->r r W. It. It.; I' M**t'-r- *on. Esq . M.-riff Htbh county; J. A. Butt*. 1UH ’>ridge, CK.; Itykes k . editors • Floridian." fallaha*** IU*v. J. W Burk-. Mi. n, Ga . \irgi| powers, Ksq., Hn|ierinL ndnatt*. W. It. R ; Danid Bub ford. Bullard’s Htation, Mu- ». \ R-u swt k It. R, Twiggs county, Ga.*. Gr- * nsvll* W***.!, tv... t’s l.ut - ry. Macon. Ga.: M*-v. K. F. Raetevlitig, I*. K H> rlda nterence; M»| >r t F. lor Me „ Telegrapl Fill. iMittiford’s drawing Wanting Mills by baud and lower. 1 Balling M^hine, f r candli- whk, Ac. Bn,«W Bobbins. Will taki partt’OTIHI.S In trade. jnlOdeoJfc* Dll. niCIIAU’S (iOLI)KN HEM * ;i>I Km. Ask I HANDBILLS, of ulseasefii any stage B. A. FAHNESTOCK'S I Mouth, s.-re- F.jes, (Tiitano. PI»er Color*. I BM.Ims,Hoiv. greatest ■ rof.ila, k nd Mood Ilirifii • vstr ni, aud le VERMIFUGE, rilKSAKFST \N'I» MUSTKFITCTIVK REMEDY FOR WORMS Tliat hu- .,ur Im-i iIi**uven-4. I bis celebrated st- clfie f--r W< rms l» us*-1 a 1th the utmost lived.>m aud coufidt-n.. by gentlemen who have obtained emiusnee tu the medical profsaaion, aud many of these, II,rowing aside their prejudices, have rber-r* folly givn certtfiuates b-sllfying Is used • Iteiislfely, f.r the sin., b No. 1 e » its, li Dr. Ric-i I Affecii-ftis. Rticuiatism, In all its forma, wh. tl.. Mercury or other causes; gives immudtate r. lief in all .•as* s. No dietiiif; ne*. sary. 1 have thousands of cer tiflestes proving the miraculous cures effe*led by thss*- Remedies. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2 |5.0u i«r hot- Us. or two botUsa for |‘J.U0. I*r. Rn uat * Guli-kn Ahtiikit*, a safe, ap«dy, pleas ant an*l radical cure it all Urinary Derarig. in. i ts, a.-, e. mpaided with fulldirwtlona. Prfeef9.ontMrb.dtle. Dr. Rk hau's Goixkm Kxti.ia Avioch, a radical cure f. .r Nervoua or General Debtlity, mold or young; im parling energy with wonderful. ffe* t. Price $3.00 p*-r imtik. ortwe bottiea for fft ao receipt of price Reiu<-dloa win be shipped t«. any Ntflhisg Ii « an l»r I n Its place. And it is given without apj r In uG.-n. berana . v. ry one knows Its iK-rf.^t ssl.-tv. it ha* now be*-ii before- tlie public ter over "FoftTT Yaatis.” sn.l has s'test.-.1 la aaperiority ia tbr> of»sees, throughout ports of the world. Ml* lb« Imprrsilvt duly of every p n . rrnt to watch the health of hlschlbf, and to provide himself with this potent spe cific. Be careful to olwervo the laItial* of the name, aud •a that you get "B. A. FAHNESTOCK’S VERMIFUCF,- B. A. Faliueatock’s Son & Wl I. >1.1 'HA UK IIHUOUWW, I'lTTSHtlltU, I’A., -pf-l, >*|iOTidents. place. Prompt attention paid None genuine without the name GOLDEN RKMKDIKH, !>. B. HICHAMU’H, etor,"blown in glasa of lM>tt|e*. D. Ii. lUt’ll AUDI,> bn No. M‘4N Vai s fro« . to tii*. a. Tjji’ o ;id Cheapest BILL HEADS. 0IRCDLAR8, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS1CARDS, WEDDINGLCARDS, VISITING CARDS, •ombined. Tliis is why we are enabled ho thoroughly and cheaply. The larger our circulation the better lajK-r we cau make. What arc the practical suggestion!? Manv. Let every subacriber renew his subacription. aud urge hi* neighbor to do tlie same. If a man cannot afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a club, by inducing hi* neigh- I bors to subscribe, aud we shall send btni a copy gratia for hi* trouble. No newspaper so large aud complete aa the WEEKLY TRIBUNE wa* aval before offend at | so low a price. Even when our cu Tency was at with gold, no such paper but the TRIBUNE was offered at that price; aud the TRIBUNE thet, coet na far 1. s* than it now does. Wo have eolved the problem of TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. ic c**py, one year. 52 issue* yj.O0 5 copies, $y; 10 copies, to one addnx, $1.60 oach (and one extra copy); 10 copiee, to names of sub scribers. at one Dost office, $1.60 each (and tra copy); 20 copies, to one address, $1.23 each (and one extra copy,; 20 copiee. to names of subecribors, at one Poetotfice, $1.33 each (and one extra copY); copies, to one ad.lrcss, $1 each (and °opy); 60 copies, to name * * l’ospifikce, $1.10 each (aud TIIE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Is published c all U»«- editorial Literary R. views and Art Crith large corps of Foreign and Do Special aud Associated Press Telegraphic Dispatches; a .-are fill and complete summary *.f Foreign and Dol mr-stic News; exclusive ri-|H>rts of tho pnveodinga of the Farmers’ Club of the American Institute; talk* REDWJNE * FOX’ 00UJMH. THE Six Great Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonio sir—Ms Mirrary. PERFECTLY RlJJABLE. The only remedy for Ohilks and lover, or Ague and Fever, that is or can be dsfMuded upon is Hurley*, AffUS Tonio. Thors have been thousands cured b> using it who have tried the usual reaiodies without VVOllTH Y OF ATTKNTION. To Dr. lhcuu k. UmI.j: I hereby cwtify Uul durio. I Ml > —r I ,u «-rked wiUi th. *bUrt in Tlcl.bnr*, Ml-.. n»4 MTeral uupnl.r inedlcluM with bn. Urn, — reaching home the disease returned iu ino in large doses-fr ntly aa high aa $0 gratae per d he prescrib ed quinine and arsenic oomblned, which I raluaed to take, preferring to let the dteeeee take Ita coarse. I was almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and uronouuo- ed with enlarged Liver end Bpleen. About this time, the advertisement of Hurley's Ague Tonic appeared to a city paper, and I determined to give H a trtaL I did so, and have no reason to regret It. One bottle restored me oompUtely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred cases lu which U acted with equally happy results, and would certainly recommend it as prefers, bio to any other tonic before tbs public. JAMKfl MABTIff. Engineer. Louisville, Ky., June 15, 1855. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. HOLEY’S SARSAPAR1LL? WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. 'Cguisreuvsi m- Discssos, Liver Complaint, inillgrallon. Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Srrofu- is.or King's Kvll, Sy pis ills.” Louisvilxjc, April 4, 186ft. ■ Hurley's 8srsspsril!s ts whst it is represented, snd I believe it the most wonderful medicine before the public. Nothing under the heavens could lnduoe to say so without proof of the strongest and surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively o: subject. My daughter has been afflicted with skin disease and stiffness of the joints, for several years. I em ployed the principal physicians of the city and they could not cure her. I gave her your Sarsaparilla not expecting it would do mach good, but to my great as touishment she rapidly got well, and thank God con tinues so. Had she been taking any medicine I would not give this certiflcste; but your Ssresparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt ol its medi cal qualitie*, ana that it alone cured her. (Signed.) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth and honesty of tlie statement, will find me at my residence, corner Ninth | snd Walnut streets, Louisville. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Messrs. James Ruddle k Co.— Gentlemen—It gives nie great pleasure to ssy, after using all tho other worm remedies known to me, with but partial since* to ray children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley's •ml *iuc« using It my children bsre become* quite well snd healthy. The children would eat it all the time. It is one of the best, safest Remedies koown, and as such, recommend it to one and all. . JA8. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, June 13, 186*. HURLEY’S STOMACH HITTERS. Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness, In digestion, or Dyspepsia, Want of action of the Liver or Disordered Stomach Iftert are no bitter* that can compare trith In removing these distressing complaint*. For Halt n be had at auy drug store in the United Suites. JAMES RUDDLE k CO., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. L H. BBADFIELD’8 COLUMN pit. JTRrADFI ELD’S FIliL! IISILlTfll sr»* a" ixsg&ryffiyssygg lusosis ol glass# ‘ Mlverssi appstoslfoti. ia s sftdfistB chock of tbs “monthly courses'' bob ool©> trouble of in I ad, or liks cause. It sets Uk# sc ness. fcikSWtfme all tLeee arxapfotM psse sway immediately, without tojury to tbs coftstttotton. Fre quently, however, tbs proper remedy t» notJ® thaa. tee disease becomes chronic, snd the foundation laid ter Bswbsslurt evils to the soeahtnbnn ef the wo man. Tbs next “turn” comes around snd there Is no ■••hew," or P-H-P.U.. will mmt. Tk«» will be some uueeetoese about tbs womb, but very Rt- tle or none of the natural fluid escaping. The tom- uiexiou becomes sallow, bowels swollen, • sort of green- Khearteibout the te^. cotwtont dull soblng pain, about the head, weight to the lower sfonssch ftnd back, with or without whites, palpitations of the heart, pal lor, exhaustion, Indigestion, , SICK STOBAOH, dye- teriug of tlie besri. swsixinu or body, snd occasional spitting of effort cause* hummed nnnsTBiiio, almost surroca- tiom. The akin is flabby ard a “doughy feel.” This is a sad picture, but it is the condition of thousands of woman between the ages of fifteen and forty five who «e brought to tee verge of the grave by ignor ance or neglect to take the proper remedy. To all who art afflicted with any of the symptoms above mention ed, in oouneetioB with an irregularity of toe “monthly sickness,” ws earnestly ssy TAKE DB. J. BRAD FIELD H FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounces ta ken you will st ones espertenee its benefits, and with a little patience you will be fully restored to health. » This remedy has been extensively used for upwards of twenty years by many of the most experienced snd S*“Sfibn*u>* REGULATOR is prepsrred for WOMEN snd to be used by Women only. A trial la all we ask. Prepared aud sold in any quantity by L. H. HRADFIELI), WHOLESALE DBUOG1KT. Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1 50 per Bottle. dd* Hold by Druggists generally. Anarr*. Os., December 22, ISO. Dr. J. Bbapfiklo. Dear Sir: I taka pleasure to stating that some time previous to the late war, I used, with the utmost success, on a servant gtrl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared then st Brsdtteid's Drug Stoie, West Point, Ga. She had been suffer!na severely from suppressed menatruction, snd this Med icine soon restored her to health. She is, to-day, liv* tog in Atlanta, sound snd well. I will state, further, that I know of its being used, with equal success: on s servant girl of my brother In-law, Profeeaor Rutherford, oi Athens, Ga. This woman had, I think, been diseased for six years.— 8he was a house servant, snd seemed cured up to the time of “freedom.” I do not hesitate to indorse your preparation for Uie purposes for which you recoin- * ** i Yours truly. JNO. C. WHITNER. STATE OF GEORGIA, Tbocp Cot’MTT. This is to certify that I have examined the of Dr. Joseph Bradfleld, cf this county, snd as a mi d- prouounco it' * hteg |j “ gj Motnrrvn.Lr., lsOft Da. J BsadeikLO—Dear Hir: I have much pleasui In sayiug I have wtlnessed the most decided and h*{ py effects of your Female Regulator in this neigh’ ot nood. WM. H. FINCnKS. Motn»TVI»JJR, 1 f*8. Dn. J. Bbai»ki»lIJ>—Dear 8ir: I have repeatedij used in uiy family, your Female Regulator, snd have u cv ery case, uiet with complete success. G. L. DAVIS. ff" 1 al*o prepare aud have for sale a YEAST POW DEB. equal to the beet, and for much less price. l also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now in uw by many of the beat housokeepere in tho city, and pro noun cod by them to be very superior. L. H. BRADEIEL.D, DrntrffUt, Atlantn.Gn. Hole Agent for Geo. 31. Hay’s Sure Cure for Intemperance. DB. 0. S. PROPHITT’S Family Medicines. CONSISTING OF HIM CKIJlRATKD LIVE 1* >1 E D I (- I rs T 1*: , Anoiliiie Pain kill It. ANT1-BILLIOUH PILLW, AGUE PILLS, Mtysrnlrry t'onlial, I ritm/r Tonic runiPYmo niji.8 To J,.. liutltll, t Co., Lou!«*Ul«, Ky.: Thu It to oertfiy tliHt I tur, bran lor yrar, . and tried all then nical have heard of or seen adrer tised, with little or no relief from any of them I heard Hurley’a Bitters highly spoken of, and triad a bottle, with little faith in it before I commenced, aid to my sarprie* and joy. before I finished ouc bottle. I felt a great deal better and firmly believe that one or two occasions it was the means ol saving and prolong ing my liie I conscientiously recommended them to all sufferers as the best Bitters known, anil advise them atoays to ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley 's snd have HH0M * se this as you think proper. Hit LABELS OF ALL KINDS. Together willi All Descriptions of Railroad Work From a Ticket to a Ledger. i* she pre|>ared to <lo all ktudi ,ot FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. nOOK-BINBERY! . .1 Ik. bust klntk. UniftUial MILD BV ALL UROCERA. July H-A1J W« «l*u kar. counralr* wlUl uir oft)c«i, . So. I nook-binary, In ebn,*, ol * BIUDHnS In Ik, nmto.1 Mura. .Im CO do n dracrlpUraa ol work b with dUintob. SAMUEL BARD. t Frnii ad other llortii ultural and Agricultural vk. Financial. Cattle. Dry Goods, and ; Kei«ort*, which arc publlsbed iu the by Iim The cost of thei . if bought •Harm. If earefolly »«dc» b-«l. the e*wt times that sniu. Nowhere els** can intelligence and permanent lib rary matter l»e had st so cheap a rate a* in the hEMI-WKEKLY TRIBUNE. Tlios*' win* believe in tlie iwlnciples and approve ,,f Uie ciisnu-b r «*f the TB1BI NE css increase it* power and Influence by joining with their in form- ing club* to aubeerilM* for the Hctiii-Wceklr edition It will iu tliat way b. supplied to tliein at tiic I,.weal price for which such a pajM-r can N' printed. TSJUIS or mu SRMI-WRICKI.T TUBT7KK. Mail autteeribere. 3 eopiea, o $30 will re*'five an For $li¥> we will send thl rtv-four entile * an I the DAILY TRIBUNE U JOHN W. DIXSON. Louisville, Ky., December 10, 18C8. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR. SEABROOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. i combination take, harmless in its action, efflclVnt' JTd reU*U"'l^all *^aes. Invaluable in the lollowing diseases- Hummer Complaint, Irregularltlr- -• ** esUvcness, Teething, Ac. Gives health to the child and rest to tke mother. of the bowels, Nakhviu.*, Tra*., Feb. 12, IWm. Jaa. Ruddle A Co., IsMiiavllle, Ky —When living a* yoarclty I ■ sedaeveral liottlcs of Dr Hrebrook's In. goi*d audit would reel better after uaimr it than anw W»jy|>lw,lrM. I era ray wtrh conOOra"' it U tbo b—t «raoH for rkiMrra u prra. nl knonn 1 wtib yon would Ik. dro«|i.u ban. In krap 11. li ray on. do—. i9era.Mrn.know; ll not rand in. . “l*-“<■ 1 -UI l*y Ibr It U 11,. nine ‘ - -bra yo. rand it. rad ..bln,. *!«. HAKAB L. KkkbOLI'U D. — ^ — — Well- known p« in removing the diseases peculiar to our Southern cli mate having already established for them an enviable reputation in Georgia and the adjoining States. As the majority of persons living In the South are predisposed to disease of the Liver, it is granted by all intelligent phymeiau* that mo»t of the pains and aches of our peo ple are due to organic or functional derangement of that ImjjorUnt organ. 1’rophiU’s Liver Medicine and PIUs a trike directly at the root of the evil. of ten. Anti- They ciue the Liver, which in ^ WUj im « 1 a® ^ ttoiu of Uoughs, Dyai*epsia, Colic, Hick here. Write t DH. SEABROOK’S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and O&iuaya. THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE Is published every morulng (Sundays excepted) at $10 per year; $3 for six months. *ten»s cash in advance, in i ever requested to do so. g remittance* for m New York, or When neither Itey. but always IraJ&SE >«Wittes to be B against losses fly m«il This elegant corn!(nation possesses all the tomc propertlos of Peru via I Bark aud Iron, without the ills •gn ehle taste and bad effect* of either, separatelv or '.ybra^rara-b,*. ot thra. ,raubl, MdUraL It shooM be taken in all ensee when a gentle Ionic I „ preftalon ts required after convalescence from rsv■ , or debtlltsting diseew s. or to those dlstrceetog trrecu- larltlee peculiar to females. Mo fomate should be with) •ut It, .FTTsbl. to such dteensra. foTnothlng^sT,^ take Ita plane. James Ruddle Sc Co., PROPRIETORS, LaWnIcry .»**, 41, Ml Ml HI I sired Louisville, Jfy, Al toe shore (sods ter asV by RKDWINg A ATTiANTA, UA Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menstrual Ob. atructlona, etc., so common among our tieople. Ear- ache. Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and bodily pains of every kind flee before Propltitt’* I’ain Kill It like chaff before tho wind. If you have Indigestion or Dyspepsia in any form, or any other chronic diseases, use Prophitt’s Liver Medicine, UU—I, udralUblr; pur. V.y.nblo, rad , liquid rrady lor ura ,1 ray rad ra time. l'nc. *1 , boltlr- ** V* P” “b*- dtraount by th. doira buttln oriuor. II you g»t .n*ke bit, u,. PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT. mtrrin] rad eitcrUkL II you Inv. . (trah wound ,1 ray rart. ura th. PAIN KILL IT. It you n.l don Iiil •pply thr -AIN KILL IT. DB. O. S. PBOPIJITT 8 Anti-Billious Vegetable Pills I’vriktlir and Pcbriruicr, *1 * *‘“ 1 '»<•<•■'* «th»rll« lb aU Febrile and Acute Disea»-a of all kiuda. DR. O. 8. PROPHITT’S VEKETA llldE AUU K PILLS A sate and.ccrtaln remody for Ague and Fever, Chills mnA w—.. -ra* .jj k, n ,to of periodical *'* lor all tn uke at any I DR. PRO! 1 HITTS RAILROADS o* rad •awiu»*,y L Ajrai' ) u»M ri - Am L Hour., th- Pray, TrSS ran^,y,W. »it Tranr, (kuud.,. P ■«*- Iteit Augusta IgfiVft Atiaou. Arrive st Ai Arrive at Augusta.. Atiaou «J|- Leave- Augiuta Laftve Atlanta. J. Arrive at Augusta, Arrive at Atiante. ltokuuA nuia Leave Auguste Leave BerzeUa. Arrive at Augusta Arrlv# at BereaUa. Passengers for Mfiledgwriiu Wa* H . - DAW Uk. d., Prarau gw - gEKXXi'S Slitaa P—w-ufra Tfmla, to make Prarabt-r. lor Krai,Till,, M-iupbl,. LuulnUki Md Hi. L.uu,„ < ?— and lUAke dora cobhratlou. ^ 'J'broufih Tb kru ,nd Il^tm,.. the above plao * Ifiillmau's Palace Kteejiiug Car, iltl ger Trains. No «hangs of rer, 0 n luS Mail Trains UtweenAugu^a and wff H. fl*, Assistant tllAkGE OF It so rnaaoB or amu MoaTooauar. JX Orncr, or Master „ r n Centrai. Raiuioau, Havauxar, _ Ob and after Hunday, ICth »n*t on tLe GoorgiA Central IUliroad wilj ^ w DAT TRAIX Ix-ave Savannah Arrive at Macon Arrive at Augusta, Arrive at Mifledgpvill. Arrive at bbinton Connecting with train that Wan* An^'J' DOW* DAT TBAIS. Leave Mama Arrive at Savannah Arrive at Augusts. Connecting with train that h-au* Augnag CP KIOH trais, Leave Savannah .Arrive at Maeon Arrive at Augusta Connecting with train tliat le. • AoCUtl «UT TRAIX. DOW* J Leave Macon Arrive at Savannah . Arrive at Augu*ta Leave Miiiedgev ille ... Leave Eatouton Connecting with trains that l.-s\\ - A. M. Trains from Savannali and r Trains from Macon, connect witk H at Gordou daily, Sunday* • xcepted, P. M. Train from Savannah conn*«. ^ Mail Train no South Carolina R ^ from Savannah and Augusta with western and Muscogee Railroads. ^ [Signed] WILUm GREAT SAL REAL ESTA fJTHB undersigned will sell for CAhU.w Tuesday, the 5th Day of ! ELEKANT AMI SPACIfll'S nlent resiliences in Middle Georgia. Oft “ halls to he sold with tlie house. The well and e.*teni all superior. Also Six Thousand Six H and Fifty-two A MORGAN COUNTY lying on the w aters of Sugar Creek, brace some of the finest Cotton andOnh country. They will be sold in i afford an opportunity to a good many Procure H Stranger* desiring V GREAT ORIGINAL F would do well to attend this salt. ceased. On tho nam t the reaidcu s aforesaid, the splsstt A aafft aad genuine remeily for all kinds of no« v ( srs^r-sss****’ 1 »’-*>*»« <" l'ciuatc Tanle, PURVEYING PILLS asaocinted Uie Bills raiTra. to. Jtt —k.n In raiwh. PARLOR FURNI Carriage am! H" and a great variety of personalty Ufea of said deceased and I *’ of whom also we are execufoi. Tho sale to be made under the onto® Ordinary, and toe Wills of the decassft poae ol paying legacies, and for tog to their Wills. Purchasers are as»ured that th«UM perty ia unqweiMoned. This is so im r uniai CHKMTIB Madisitn, Ga., August 14, 186J. J. UK A D, administrator ol Will*. represents to Uie oonrt iu hia pftUteft. entered on record, that he has «W lilacIlsUk V.'* estate. This i* therefow 1 1» sons concerned, kindred and credlwrft » If any Uiey can, why said administrates discharged from his administration oi dismission ou the first Monday * may 30— A D. w / 1 KOIttiU. DAWSON OOUNTT.-^ IX may concern. — William L. BSf J form applied to me for tetters of ra the estate of Augustus WUllama. late this is to cite all and singular. »• next of kin oi Augustas William a, te« my offltw. within tos time »llow«d of should notbegreul gustua Williams' estate. Witness my hand and official M* aep Kt0dprafee$3 UO cast rranKyfbUM fra.; ud'obUkraL*'*^ raw by immurn JraW. »■«—■ * Tom, oub <t Uoyi ~ ■ * Oto, Aura-, a*. "■ b*. o. «. pRomrrr A«ra.rara.—rara-for-toKy °*’* Mto * 0 ‘ L. H. BRADFIELD, WUOI.KSAI.E ORVUUIHT. tjanmax btkkkt. kinmt. okuk.iu patitloa. duly fllsd a Inp-eaentete folly administered Hiram Crane a lore, to cite all persona any tosy can. why a * «wn* vv “ v T7-w r said adm'nUtifttor dlraburaxlfrrai kla rarolniitr.Uo«. al dMbl—ton «Ih. brat HoinM? <' tki. kaera ik. w. i»w 11AWIt auglT-mftm prefeefc. ^3. *0*01*. HklUlaoK COBIfrt- VX I— <tou ,p,U—Uon rau bi n«—J ora—y ol Kratora. oomly. <H-.B g tram rara lb, raplnltoo oltmmm *ra ftwill Ik. rral • ODoatmM wrarnty. orarawd. ra “ kolro rad voditora of oold , 8, If. k T. U T NOTI Q KOMIA. FULTON COUNTY "^ VJT sosMwnt that my wl w$i treaa tote date, ' AngwatMt UW iani , u angdft lav«w OHBWTIAft **