Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 01, 1869, Image 4

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/ DAILY NEW EBA. TUUtt o* IVaHUUITIOI For Daily, Por Annum 11 " Sit Montht I " “ Thro* Monthi-— 1 3 “ “ P«r Month I 00 Wookly Era, Par Annum t 00 — nnr.altkf • tW IflViMnV Ml W- INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. -*g HAT 1C A Ofr' AUVKUTIilNtt, Two Squares Three Square* Four Square* Five Square* Hi* Square* a oaitor Column alf Column Two-thirds Column Ou* Column Advertisement* for a long* Period than three months will bo inserted at a deduction of twenty per c^nt, from the above rales. ■ on demand after t Uo Aral In* Advertisement* must bo marked for a specified time. AdvertiasmonU iueertedat Intervale to be charged a* u.*w each timertiou. advertisements. i under ••City Budget, TvanieiTi cent* i • will appear for . line lor each Insertion. N mm j lea* sum than OXE dollar. VdvertiaemonU under the head of “Special Notice*, 1 twenty oenU per line for first Insertion, end 10 cent* fo? each vub^equeut Insertion. Voluntary communications, containing interesting iuport am news, solicited from every quarter. News letters r om the various counUea of the State especially desired. TUB BRA OFFICE K IN T1IK BUXCK BUILDING ON ALABAMA STBKKT O pro KITE THE FOBTOFFICS, BETWEEN BBOAD AND WHITEHALL. Ml 1.1T Art Y DIHKCTOltl. Huevet Majob-Oenebal Alfred H. Tf.kbt Commanding Department of the South. * PERSONAL STAKE. lirotet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith, Captain V. 8. Army, Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Liontenant Colonel C. 11. Graves, Captain U. S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Captain J. G. Telford, 1st Lieuten ant U. S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. DEPARTMENT STAFF. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Assistant Ad jutant General, U. 8. Army, Assistant Ad- I itant General. Brevet Major Robert P. Hughou. Captain l. S. Army, Acting Assistant Adjutaut Gen eral. Captain C. W. Ilotseapillei, U. S. Army, Acting Assistant Inspector General. Major DeWitt Clinton, Judge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haines, Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, Chiof Commissary. Bxevet Colonel A. U. Eddy, Mtoor and Quar termaster U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. S. Army, Depot and Staff Quartermaster. Brevet Brigadier Oeueral W. J. Sloau, Surgeou C. S. Army, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milbau. Surgeon U. S. Army. Assistant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. S. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster, office at Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. S. Army. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND Pleasure Seekers. [1IIE only direct route to tho Virginia spriHgfi*, ALL NORTHERN CITIES. EXCURSION RETURN TICKETS to nil tho Celt JPj ed Vuginteh-i ring* with the privilege of stopping over at any Intermediate point, have been placed on sale by th.« road at greatly reduced rates. Having been completed to the (ire. Mirier Wli pher Springs, there is JNTO STAGrllMGr. If yon desire SPEED, COMFORT and SAFETY via the Great Virginia ami Teuncem-e Air- Line. Apply to Ticket Office, Pium •onsiderable loss ot memory, accompanied with pain ful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been don-. Often complaining of weak- . DR. SIMMONS’ 1,1 V 1-.1V IVEUELATOlt, A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to Lt atrictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It has been used by hundreds, ami known for th* last Hft years as one of the most reliable, efflea. iou* and harmless preparations ever offered to the miner ROSADALIS, THE CHEAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula tn all its various forms, such as SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. 331«oa«osi of Wornoni of A p|Hm« , M|«k II« uilwchr. I, l omplHiiil. I*a Iii In |lie linek, lin l»t iiiieitee In Mfr.Ursvrl, Oeueral had health, and all diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, II Is a iM't-fect miovator. HON \ DA LIN eradicate* every kind of humor an bad taint, and restore* the entire «Vhti m to a liMallh condition. It Is perfectly hsnulesa, never producing the digit Itmmiuiemloil l»y the Medical Faculty ami niHiiy thousands of our host citizens. Ed* For testimonials of remarkable cures, see tsdalis Alumnae" for this year. Preliarvd only by Drs. Clements. Rives k Co., Man ifacturing Chemists, formerly J. J. Lawrence k C< THOMAS 0. SIMMS, Agent, office at.i. Clul: Storo of W. B. Lowe A Co., Atlanta, Georgia, FDR IEV YORK STEAM EIGIIE CD. Manufacturers of Kmrliie Lath., lianrn, Halt Cutters, t'p ri^ht Drills, Machinists' Touts of all Descriptions. Eufciuoi and Boilers, I'atent cold-rolled Shafting, CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard and Birka Straits, Philadelphia. | 45 feet long. 1 Beam Engine, 18-inch cylinder, four feet stroke, made by Hutton, with 3 boilers, 36-iuch dianiet. 38 feet long. 40 Roller Looms, 41-inch, 6, 8 and 10 treadles, l, 2, 3 and 4 shuttles. 25 Crompton Looms, 42 and 45-inch, 12 and 24 Har ness, 3 and 2 boxes, pick and rick, and also 140x42 Condenser. ( 40x42 1st breaker,} 'Mull 36x42 2d “ 5 240 spindles 30x42 Condenser. ) lVin.g’age (60x48 1st breaker,) Mules 2 •• " {48x48 2d •• J 432 spindles f 48x48 Condenser. J 17,-iu g'age 2 Mules ".GO Spindles each, 2V-inch Range. U Sargent's Burr Picker, largo size, nearly new COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, llodsou's make, large size, speeder 36-inch, two beaters. 4 Cotton cards, 36-in. h, self-strippers and grinder, frame, six cutlers. coders, Dtmiford's drawing 3 Spinning Frames, 2-inch rings, 168apindlei l •• '• 114-Inch" iso •• With shafting, belting, Ac., Ac., complete to Bulling Machin 1,000 Bobbins. Will (nkr 1 soteottm I COT I’ON iu trade. THE BISHOP PILL. THE BISHOP PILL. THE BISHOP PILL. “COSTAR’S” BISHOP PILL (Medical Journal <Stp., 8.) Positively the best 1*111 In the World Thousands of Boxes now used. All Druggist In ATLANTA sell them. 'That Cough will kill you," 'Cough Itemiily- ion of spirits, heartburn colic or pains tn the bowels, pain In the head, level and ague, dropsy, bolls, pain in back and limbs, Asth- m.™* - sa~ female affections, and bilious dlies Price $1; by mail $121. Tho following highly respec‘ablo persons can fully attest to the virtues of this valuable medicine, and u whom we moat respectfully refer: Gen. W. H. Bolt, President 8. W. U. It. Co.} Rev. J t R. Felder, Perry, Ga.; 0**1. E. Sparks, Albany, Oa ; G. J. Lunsford, Esq., Conductor H. W. R. It.; C. Master- ton, Esq., Sheriff Bibb county ; J. A. Butts, 11sin- _ _ •*, Esq., lard, Bullard’s I . wigg* county, 1 ry, Macon, Ga.; Conference; MaJ *r /v. lor Macon Telegraph. » EORGfl ; Virgil rihl* i.ds nt H. W. H. It.; Daniel Hon, Macon ft Urunswirk It. It., : Greenville Wood, Wood* Facto. "iay »-d4tw6m / ( EG i W mi form applied to me for letter* or a*lu the estate of Augustus Williams, lute of xaid county, • hi-* Is to cite all suit singular, 111" ere.*** next of kin of Au,.u»,tn» William*. to be am my office, within tl.« tin .• • Bowed by law, cause, if at. > they eu whv permanent administra- t on should not he grant* d to William L. gustus WllllaniN’ estate. DR. HU NTER Cl plefely eradl- ub-d. suiting from h If-ubuse, pr-xlm mg iii.nianliuess, ner- voua debility, Irriubtllty, eruptions, umlnal i mis. sions, and finally Impoti-ney, permanently cured.— Persons afflicted with dedicate, intricate, und long- standing constitutional complaints are politely Invited to call for consiUtatlon. which costa nothing. Expert, r.-nce, the bast of tea- hers, liaa anablod him to iwrfort remedlaa KOlM efficient, safe, permanent, and which In most cases can bo used without hindrance to busi ness. Medicines prepared in the establishment alilelx embraces office, reception and waiting root*.., also, boarding and Bleeping apartments for pattenu requir ing daily personal attention, and vit r ami * 1 i-mical hatha, thus concentrating the Lm .1 min* ral springs. "•'Dally «r by mall, office, No 183 Tlilrd Htrcct, Ihj- tween Orren tn.l Walnut, uesr the Poetofflco, I^ouls- ville, Ejr. Offies hours, U a. m., to 7 »*. m. ; Mnndsj 1.; Sundays 1 Jy l'-uiy “ G 0 S T A R ’ S ” Standard Preparations ARE UIS BE AUTIFIER. THE BUCKTHORN SALVE! TIIS -( ostsr’H ’ Itat, Koatli,Ac„ PHterm Inn tors. • ( oatnr'a" lied IIuk • *«erinlnwfors. ‘Costnr’s’* (only pure; In».*ct I'owder. Address "Oobtau,'* No 10, Crosby st., N. Y„ Or John F. IIkkbt (Succonsorto) Demas Barrn-s A Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. For Hale by J. A. TAYLOR, L. II. HRADF1EI.D md other DruggiiitH in ATLANTA, (iA. HF.DWINK k KciX. AtUula, fcb'itHl DEO. S. THOMAS, Atloruoy nt X_i -x?, tTUANTt, ua. w OflllM on. niciiAU's GOLDEN HKM^DIKN. Ask for no other, take no other, and yon will Han time, health and tnoucy. REWARD for any oaso of nil which they fail b Dr. Riciiad’h G< Ulcerated Hon- Tli seaae in any stage vator, Alterat all disease fro and healthy. <1 Mouth, Hore By*», Options. Copper Colored Blot* h Ip, Scrofula, A. ; Is Hie greatei He system, and leave* the blood pure lor.nrN Bai^ah No. 2 cures Mercurial Affection*. RhmiatiHin, 111 all its forms, whether from Mercury or other cause*; gives Immediate relief in all casea. No dieting necesnry. I havo thousands of cer tificate* proving the miraculous cures effected by these Remedies. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2 $5.00 per bob tie, or two botUesfor $3.00. Dr. Biciuu's Uoi.dkn Antidotb, a aafe, speedy, pleas ant and radical cure for all Urinnry Deraegemet U, ac companl* d with ffill dlrectiot)*. price $*.0o per bottle. Dr. Rk hau’m Goi.dkn ExiLtn Akotm, a radical cure for Nervoua or General Debility, in old or young; Im parting energy with wonderful effect. Pifce per place. Prompt attei 1* wlthn t the t paid orre*|>oiident*. to of “DR. IllCIfAU'N GOLDEN REM EDI EH, 1). B RlCIIARtfi or," blown In glass «»f l*ottles. Address I). B. ItfCIf AttDH, No. 54'4H Varl. k slre* t, New York, office hour* from 0 a. M. to 1*. m. Circulars free. Iy4-diy Tiio PiU'cs*, Host :indCiioapost SOLD IIV ALL UKOCERS. July H ill. JOB PRINTING M A. M M O T H PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. HOOK AND J015 PRINTING OFFICE! LH VE POWER PRESSES I Aud an Endlcaa Variety of JOB TYPE AND MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! H A Villa added Several Thousand Dollar Fulton Portioned MnvtgM* W» Oofobfc. mortgag* f aug 10-8w-prs t— $5 per levy Ntv Yorlc WBfltly MB THE LARGEST and CHEAPEST THE GREAT FARMERS’ PAPER H. BRADFEELD’8 .00LUMU EEDWINE k FOX’ COLUMN THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE !! * to Hubscrlbo for the rth of Job Type ( EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! r more fully prepared than ■ All Descriptions of Job Printing ! Our New Addition* were selected by an F.tperlenced Printer, and comprise all the latest Improvement* In TYPE, PRESSES, ETC, the South. Indeed, From a VISITING CARD to it MAMMOTH POSTER ! We have now up and In running order # FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! Nl'MUKR OAK IS A MAMMOTH HOE CYL13DE1A VKESS, And is * Huge Piece of Machinery, tho largest of the kind over brought to Atlanta. This Press is ^specially adapted to Pino Hook Printing and Xjargo Fostora. Nl'MUKtl TWO Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, Smalb-r than the first, and one of the best Newspaper Presses in tho 8tate. feUMDKll TIIRKK XS -A. HOB JOBBER, For the rajdd and neat execution of JOB A^ORK of every description, am’ has been pronounced bv compel NUAIIJEU FOUR IS A HALF MEDIUM .POTTER PRESS, riming CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, Ac., and is of very superior quality. N UNI HICK K1VK IS A. POTTER ICAHD PRESS, GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER! IT IS CHEAP BECAUSE ITS CIRCULATION IS LAR GER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER I I NOW IS THE TIME TO FORM CLUBS ! ! odel of Boa* cy, and t work with a rapidity that is astonishing; aud, yet, iu the uoatost and most c facilities for all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, .siUtiou In saying to the public that m t work oa rapidly os any Establishment south THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE . fug eight psgos of k ,_lns all tho importai DAILY TRIBUNE, except those of merely local iutcr ont; also Literary and Scientific Intelligence; Reviews of the most interesting and important New Books; the hitters from our largo corps of Correspondents; the latest news received by Tulegraph from all ports of tho world; u summary of all important intelligence in this city and elsewhere; a synopsis of the Proceedings of Congress and Bute Legislatures when in session; the American Institute; talk. about Fruit, and other Hor ticultural aud Agricultural Information essential to country residents; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports; making it, both for vo- riety and completeness, altogether tho most vsluablo interesting and instructive WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published in the world. Tho full report® of the American Institute Farmers' Club, and the various Agricultural Reports in each number aro richly worth a year’s subscription. land advice. When it is remembered that this ad vice is given by one of the most conscientious farmers in tho country, tho reader may estimate its valued has been well observed that a careful reading and study of the Farmers’Club Reports in tho WEEKLY TRI BUNE alone will savo a farmer hundreds of dollsrs iu his crop. In addition to these reports, wo have arrang- the WEEKLY TRIBUNE upon his table every Saturday DR. J. BRADFIELD’N mm simnoB Woman’s Best Friend. mill* rrtu»M« Medicine U lor f»»W «■ 1 0lMlrel7.4ndtob.Mtf tr yg»M.onll. It U ■Tnrtt* 1 especially to thnat oases where the womb is disordered, and will our* any irregularity In the "men- aes,” ssoept In stub oases 10 r-quire s aurgiool opera- Boa. As these lost are very r» re, the Fsmojji Kzou- S*Jontaol.lmoatnnlvaSl.|iW.n. Inaamlden check of the ••monthly oomraw ’ from oou>, trouble of mind, or Ilka oeoaOv aois llk< . cUrm, by ummtnim th maoMABon in iviar is st* von. thus relieving ttu fever, hmdache, paU In the mas* 0? the bock and‘^ow- er atomneh," fluahaa of heet obo th* fnee, chtUy snn- aattona, burning of th* nyehde A gsserol rastfeas- ness. Taken In ttaae all Imh a. mptonia pass away lmmndtotsly, without injury to Om nsnatltnaon. Ira- qaeutly, howevor. the proper remedy Is not applied In flme. ths dlt-esso banomos shronl*. andthafoundntisii laid for s«ml>eri##* wile to 0>e oonohtution of the wo man. Tho nest "turn” comes around and llmreU no "ahow," or perhspathe "white*" wOl appear. Thsre will be aoine uueastnsoa shout the womb, but vor tie or none of th* natural fluid escaping, lb*’ plosion become* sallow, bowals a wollsn, a aort of green- tab caste about th* tone, oot about the head, weight in the with or without white* poiplUU- lor, exhausUnn, ludUfestton, wan Inc wr04. JomriiMtf .pp-Ulft I«l“!»,W* to444t, UkbUKM 400- UlO 4b44*. COlih, 4ld (f ddlpw.. « mil 4U0vtf to gp on **M44n bIoxum. wiU lre'MJ*.. reloptf.ttfb44d40fc4l»0OBif« wrens with low of nieinSy, dlmlnJ,kl4f wMiQllilr. «o» ,ion*oa. J,. OOOW4. no ndIMi for lood, loo. of dwb, lnoreowd «u*- turiu, of Uu brert. nrenuno o» tb. nat, >W* w>d body?end occulOMl 40f*tllic of blood. Tb. ■Hfl.U'W .Sort ohm kownif »4E*MiiNo. ilmoi* rarroo.- TION. The aktn ia Hobby and a “doughy ff*el." Ini* i. 4 wd picture, but It I. tbe ooddlttou of tboM4»d. 1 little patience you will be fully restored to health. This remedy baa been extensively used for upward* REGULATOR I* preparred for WOMEN and to be used by Women only. A trial la all we aak. Prepared aud sold In any quantity by ^ L. H. BKABFIELD, WHOLESALE DKUGGlbT, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $i 60 per Bottle. tST Sold by Druggists generally. Atlanta, Ga., Deoember 29,1868. Dr. J. Bradfiild. Dear 81r: I Uke pleoaure in stating that some time previous to the late war, 1 used, with the utmost success, on a servant girl, your FE- MALE REGULATOR, prepared then at Bradfleld’a Drug Stoie, West Point, Ga. She had been suffering severely from auppreesod menstruction, aud this Med icine soon restored her to health. She ia, to-day, ilv- ing in Atlanta, aonnd and well. In-law, Profeaaor Rutherford, of Athena, Ga. This woman hod, I think, been diseased for alx years.— She was a house servant, and seemed cured up to the time of "freedom." I do not hesitate to indorse your preparation for the purpose* for which you recom mend it. ” 4—*- Six Great Remedies RAILROADS. Cb»4g, of MM41. re 14, CrtoMi, >uuoie, Aooure. “ —’f 1 ** b.T rrere, (*114147. no^, Leave Auguste •■fte Hurley’s Ague Tonic N<* AruNl*—No Hcrrury. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only remedy for Chills and favar, or Ague aud Fever, thai is or can be depended upon la Hurley'i Ague Tonic. There havo been thousands cured by using it who have tried the usual remedies without WORTHY OF ATTRITION. To Dr. Thomas A. Hurley: I hereby certify that during last year 1 woe attacked With the ague whilst in Vicksburg, Miaa., and used several i*opa)ar medicines with but temporary relief. Os reaching homo the disease returned in a worse typo, If possible, when insr medical attendant ordered Quin ine in largo doses—frequently as high aa 60 gralna per d*v, and which must have cost rue nearly $100. I con sulted Dr. Smith, of LoutaviBe, and found hepreacrib- *d‘quinine and arsenic combined, which I letuaed to take, preferring to let the disease take it* course. I was almost bloodless, extremely exhausted, and pronounc ed with enlarged Liver and Spleen. About this time, the advertisement of Hurley's Ague Tonic appeared In city paper, and I determined to give It a trial. 1 did 3, ana have no ruoaon to regret It. One bottle restored i« completely, and since that time I havo aeen nearly _ hundred caaea in which it acted with equally happy results, and would certainly recommend it as preferi , Engineer. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD. EIIIEY'S mUFlRILU WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. Affections of the Hunt s, Habitual Costive- ness, Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, Dyspepsia, Kryslpelis, Female Ir regularities, Fistula, all Hkln Diseases, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Piles, Pulmo nary, Diseases, Scrofu la, or King’s Kvil, Syphilis." cinos of great merit in the treatment of all the diseasea evening. i the IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION All we ask ^ FAID TRIAL. We arc prepared to print HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, LABELS OF ALL KINDS. Together with All Descriptions of Railroad Work From a Ticket to a Ledger. We arc also prepared to do all kinds of FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. 1! O O K ■ B I N D E l{ Y ! Wo also kav# oouueotsd with our office, a No. 1 llook-Rindory, tn charge of one of th* TflTTFKT" Z3X2ST13i3n.JBI In th* United mates, who can do all description* of work in tho BEST STYLE and with dispatch. SAMUEL BARD. Wo do not claim any essential superiority neighbor*, except the superiority of place and oppor tunity. It has fallen to New York to create the great est newspapers of the country. Here concentrate the commerce, tho manufactures, the mineral resources, the agricultural wealth of the Republic. Here all the news gathers, and tho patronage is so large that jour nalists can afford to print it A newspaper can be made and best edited weekly nuwspapo There is little special merit in this. We have all the advantages around us. Wo have great Dally and Semi- Weekly edition*. Their machinery and resources an only a part of the Weekly. This paper has long had tho largest circulation in America, and to justify that confidence. Tho result ia, that wu have so systematized and expanded our resource* that every copy of the WEEKLY TRIBUNE contain* as much read ing matter as a duodecimo volume. Thinkot it! Fortwo dollars, tho farmer, in the course of one year, buys as much resiling matter as though lie filled a shelf of hh library with fifty volumes, and those volumes contain ing the greatest works iu the language, Tho force of cheapness can no further go. The WEEKLY TRIBUNE is the paper of the people. Here the eager student may know the last lesson* di science. Here the scholar may read review* of tho best books. Here may bo found correspondence froi parts of tho world, the observation* of sincere and gifted men, who serve the TRIBUNE In almost every country. All tho elaborate aud intricate machinery of our establishment—perhaps the most complete in America—is dovotod to the purpose of making tho best and cheapest weekly newspaper in the world. Wo think we have reached that point in giving for two dollars fifty-two duodecimo volume* a year. I be TRIBUNE is strong by reason of its enormoiu circulation and groat cheapness. It has long been conceded that tho WEEKLY TRIBUNE has the largest circulation of any newspaper in tho country. For year* wo have printed twice a* many paper*, perhaps, a* all of tho other weekly edition* of the city doilies combined. This is why wo are enabled to do our work so thoroughly and cheaply. The larger our circulation the better paper wo can make. What are tbe practical suggestions? Many. Let every subscriber renew hia subscription, and urge bis neighbor to do the same. If a man cannot afford to pay two dollars, let him raise a club, by inducing hlsneigh- bora to subscribe, and we shall semi him • copy gratis for his trouble. No newspaper so larg* and complete as tin- WEEKLY TRIBUNE waa ever before offered at ho low a price. Even when ouy currency wa* at par with such paper but the TRIBUNE was offered at that price; and the TRIBUNE then cost us far Icrs than it now does. Wo have solved tho problem of making tho beat and cheapest newiqwper In America— perhaps in the world. I^et txa seo if v a million weekly circulation. • cannot giro it TERMS OF THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. io copy, ouo year, 52 issues $2.00 6 copies, $9; 10 copies, to one address, $1.50 each (and one, extra copy); 10 conies, to nainua of aub- scribers, at one 1‘ostoffloe, $1.60 each (and ono ox- tra copy); 20 copies, to one address, $1.25 oach (and one extra copy); 20 copies, tonaraeaof subscriber*, at one Foatofflce, $1.85 each (aud oue extra copy); 50 copies, io ono address, $1 each (and one extra copy); 50 copiea, to name* of subscribers, at Postofflre, $1.10 each (and one extra copy). THE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY’ TRIBUNE r* published every Tuoadav and Friday, ami contain* all the editorial articles, not merely local in character; Literary Review* and Art Criticisms; Letter* from out large eorp* of Foreign and Domestic Correspondent* Special and Associated Proas Telegraphic Diapatchm, a careful and complete summary of Foreign and Do. mr#tlc News; exclusive reports of tho proceedings of the Farmers' Club of tho American Institute; talk* alYont Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultural information; Htock, Financial, Cattls, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports, which are published In the DAILY TRIBUNE. Tho KKMI-WKEKI.Y TRIBUNE also give*, in the course of a year, throe or four of tho • LATBST POrri.AU NOVRL8 if bought ollars. If purchasod In the English Magazine*, from which they a that * Nowhere else < cheap a rate as In the HKMI- Those who believe In the principles and approvo of the character of the TRIBUNE can Increase Its power and nlluence by joining with their neighbors In form ing clubs to subscribe for tho Semi-Weekly edition. or thu sum wuuuly tiubvkm. Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year—104 numbers.. .$4.00 Mail subscribers, 2 copiea, 1 year—104 number*.. 7.00 Mail subscribers, 6 copies, or over, for each copy.. 3.00 For $100 wo will send thirty-four copies and tho DAD.Y TRIBUNE. TIIP, NEW Toni DAILY TRIBUNE la publialicd^every morning (Sundays excepted) at $10 per year; $5 for six Terms cash In advance. In making romitteucos fur aulYSrriptlona, always procure a draft on New York, or a Pnotoptpa money order, 11 possible. When neither of these can be procured, send the money, bui always In a registered tetter. The registration lb# has been reduoed to fifteen oente, and the present registration system has bean found by the poetel authorities to be virtually ssi absolute protection against losses by maiL All Postmaster* are ot llged to rvslater letter* when ever requested to do so. THE TRIBUNE, New York MOffNTVILLK, 1868 Da. J Bhadvibld—Dear Sir: I havo much pleasure in eajlug I have witnessed the most decided and hap py effects of your Female Regulator in this neighbor nood. WM. H. FINCHES. Mountvit.le:, 1*68. Db. J. Bjuld«bld—Dear Sir ; I have repeatedly uted in my family, your Female Regulator, and have In ev ery case, met with complete success. G. L. DAVI8. j®- I also prepare and have for sale a YEA8T TOW- DEU, equal to the beat, and for much less price. 49* 1 also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now li by many of the best housekeepers In the city, aud pro nounced by them to be very superior. L. H. llRADEIEI.D, D rn K*l*t> Atlanln, Ga. Sole Agent for Geo. M. Hay's Sure Cure forIntcmpcr«nce, DR, 0. S. PROPHITT’S Family Medicines. CON9ISTINO OF ills OKL1IRATED LIVEll MEDICINE, AniMlint- I’ain Kill It, ANTI-I1IXI.10U8 PILE*, AGUE 1 ILLS, Dysmlf ry Cordial, female Tonic puhipying FiniiB T HE excellent remedies of O. 8. Prophltt, M. D. need no recommendation, their well-known power in removing the disease* peculiar to our Southern cli mate having already established for them an enviable reputation In Georgia aud the adjoining State*. A* the majority of person* liviug in the South arc predisposed to disease of the Liver, it ia granted by all intelligent physiciaus that mutt of the pains and aches of our pco- e B art! duo to organic — *■—“—* *— - * at Important organ, i-ropnitf AnU-Billious Pill* strike directly functional derangement of Liver Medicine and t the root of the evil. Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menstrual Ob- structlon*, etc., so common among our people. Ear- ache, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and bodily paius of every kind flee before | Prophitt’n Pain Kill It any otbei chronic diseaees, u Prophitt’s Liver Medicine. It is *afo and reliable; pure Vegetsble, and a liquid ready for us* at any ami all times. Price $2 a bottle— 33 1-3 por cent, discount by tho dozen bottle* or more. If you got snakobit, uso PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT. sternal and external. If you havo a fresh wound ol 6 the PAIN KILL IT. It you get dog bit ‘ ’ N KILL IT. * * DR. O. 8. PUOPHITT'8 Anti-Billious Vegetable Pills Purgative aud Febrifuge, safe and efficient oathartie In dr. o. s. PRoPHirra VEGETABLE AGUE PILES DR, PROPHITT’S A safe aud genuine remedy for all kinds of Bowel Du- Dysenteries, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux, Ac . It « given to oU alios, ages and sexes, aud at aU with perfect safety, whore there Is anything of that class Indicated. VernaAe Tonic, PVRYFYING PILLS Louisville, April 4, 1856. Hurley’s 8arsaparilla is what It is represented, and I believe it the most wonderful medicine bciore the public. Nothing uuder the heavens could induce to say so without proof of tho strongest and surest kind; therefore I speak willingly and positively subject My daughter baa been afflicted with akin disease give this certificate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves no doubt ot it* medi cal qualities, and that it alone cured her. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Messr*. James Ruddle & Co.—Gentlemen—It giv ne great pleasure to say, after using all tho other roriu remedies known to me, with but partial si •ml since using it mv children havo become , veil ami healthy. The children would eat it all the lmo. It is ono of the best, safest remedies kuown, •nd as such, recommend it to ono and all. JAB. W. TRAVIS. Louisville, June 13, 1868. Arrive at Atlanta.. Leave Augusta.. bight tsais. *•%] Leave Atiaau" * i Arrive at Auguste... Arrive at Atlanta. UKMZZUA T*AI». Leave Auguste latere Bcrzeli* ^ „ Arriv* st Auguste J Arrive at Berzelte I-uaowon for Wulilnrel;" aiu.m!*' Uk '’ 1 r,l “ P44MlIgor> tor Wert Point, U.,ut*„„„_ . WI. 4«<1 New orte4M murt Irere 1’ereewr Treln, to nuke clou cnneeSf* t | 1 I'uaengrri for NuIiyIUis, Cortntl.^2* 1 Mtmpliie, Loulreille rent st. Lout,* tnd make clone emmeetione. — ThroUKb Tii k.'te anti bUKatte -w.. Uu. above place.. K B ’’“‘"I tw Pullman's Palace Bleeping Car* or, m *- - Trains. No change of car. on nwS&lW I •< n Auguste and CHANGE OF SClIEDl'j^" I CIIABUB OF CABS BETWKKN S*v«... a»u» MOBTooBtnr, ^ Office of Mastku of Toamw. CBBTBOL ltAILUOAD, HaVaNNah, Aug. On and after Hundsy, icth ln*t p— i tin- Georgia Central Railroad will reny? UP DAT TEA IX. Leave Savannah ^ Arrive at Macon 1 Arrive at Augu&te " Arrive at MiUedgevilb; {Jb Arrive at Eaton ton .‘Ju Connecting with train that leavco Augu*u »t|l DOWE DAT THAI*. ' Mall Train* betwen X — -g&l train that leave, Arrive at Augiuta i* Connecting with train that leave*'Augiuu'i|iJ DOWN EIGHT TBAI*. Ixiave Macon Arrive at Savannah Arrive at Augu*1 |;»kg| Leave Milledgevilie . Is»ve Eatonton Connecting with train* that leave Anjni«,Mti A. M. Trains from Havanuah and AiunBB.2l Trains from Macon, connect with MilWarrte at Gordon daily, Sunday* exccptedr^^^" > ' p. M. Train from Savannah connect* vte Mail Train on South Carolina R. R. sai? from Savannah and Auguste with Trii* wf-ufom and Mimeogee Railroad* " ^ GREAT SALf REAL ESTATE IJHE undersigned will sell for CA8H, n HURLEY’S STOMACH IlITTEES. I)« billiy. Loss Of Appotlfc, (llgeatlon, or Hyapepaia, Want of nr t Ion of (he Liver or Dlaorrirred Htomar There are no billers that can compare icilh these in removing these distressing complaints. For *alo tw?i J \ 8 ' Loul,vllle * Ky.: Goutlemcn Thte is to certfiy that l have been tor years a auffere r ana tried all the tonics I have heard of or seen adre r Used, with little or no relief from any of them I heard Hurley > Bitters highly spoken of, and tried a bottle, with little faith In it before I commenced, and to my surprise and joy, before l finished ono bottio. I felt a great deal better and firmly believe that one or tho of saving and prolong- Ing my lile I conacicntiously recommended them to *" ^ »>«*t Bitters known, and advise ask for Dr. T. A. Hurley’s and have this os you think proper, if it all sufferer* them always no other. You l||f jpfl will Ixmeflt other*. Yours truly, etc., LottilvUlc, Ky.. h.,. 10 , W ' I>IX80N NOTICE TO MOTHERS. DR, SEABROOK’S INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP. C«o io lh. future ouly SEABKOOK'8, a combination quite up with the etlvencement of the epe. l'leeeent to teke, hermlo.e In lte ecUou, offleteut end reliable in ell Qlvee health to tho child and rat to Uu mothir. Na«, Tan»., Feb. la, 1868. * Co ‘. loittrelllo, Ky.-When livtnu In jotu-clty lnawlaovcralhottlce of Dr. 8cabrook-a*In. f«ut SooUilaig Syrup, and found it to do mychlld more 800,1 audit would reel better after ueln* it th« u? other remedy I ever tried. I cm rey with conOdcn“’ itl* the best medicine for children at preaent known I wteh you would get the druggist* here to keep It. if sny oue does, please let me know; it not .end id* e dozen by expreas. and I w ill pay for it at the offli re. \\ rite me when yew mi id it, and oblige MRS. BAEAH L. RANDOLPH. Dll. SEAIIHOOK\S Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and ■r^sKi there la any indication for th< Bill* practice foi Biiortnes* my indication for Breath, (dwelling of the Feet or Face, or a Pal*. Weak sisteof the Blood, or s FIi bby etete of the Muecles, as generally follow Fever am- Chills and Fever. All of the above Medicines sold by Druggist* and Merchant*f*»t the Bouthwegf. W. A. Lanidell, Redwlne A Fox, Curtis k Llovd Pemberton. Wilson, Taylor A Co., Atlanta, Qa. ’ Prepared only by DR. O. B. PBOPH1TT, All th* above reiuedie* for sale by 0oT * n ** OB * L. H. BRADFIEED WHOLESALE DRUGGIST.' WBIIT. A LANTA, GEORGIA. Tlii* i logant comUnatlon posicssos all th« properties of Peruvian Bark mid Iron witkoLt tkL°i< 10 sgr^bl* taste and bad effect»“f In other preparations, of these valuable ISSkSSL ° r It should be taken in all case* wh** * mniuTSi 0 ?' psession Is required after couval**ciI! * or deblliteUng di.eaie.,^or to thoSdteteel2Sl BS#safejSBS«as James Ruddle & Co., PROPRIETORS, laboratory JTo. 41, BulHII street Louisville, Ky, ■ ebon food, for aala by BU7WUUI * FOX ATXrtKNTA. QA ■fWMMM Tuesday, the 5th Day ofO ELEGANT AMI And the grounds attached, of the late Wilds L ceased, it being one of the most complete Bid nleni residence* in Middle Georgia. Oil (Mb* Six Thousand Six liu and Fifty-two Arm I MORGAN COUNTY lying on tho waters of 8ugsr Creek, ttaalj brace some of the finest Cotton and Onto*" country. They will be soldiu severaltwMJ afford an opportunity to a good m*ny p Procuro Home*! GREAT ORIGINAL FEW would do well to attend till* **le. The iands lie within from one to I ron, and ore composed of tho farm* °* “ ceased. On tho same day and I ho day followtag,* t the residence aforesaid, tho splendid PARLOR FURNITUt Carriage anil liar****) I and a groat variety of personalty tatea of said deceased aud his widow. | of whom also we are executors. . ^n The sale to bo made under the order*, g Ordinary, and the Wills of the pose of paying legsclcs, and for di»WDo«" ing to their Wills. u a Purchaser* are assured that th* tithj^ party Is unquestioned. This b Madison, Go., August 14, 1869. S TATE OF OEOIIQIA— DAWSON aa, Thomas Roland, adminletrsttf J* ^ Hiram Crane, deceased, rcjiresenU petition, duly filed and entered ou r folly silminlatered Hiram Craue's e» fore, to cite all persons concerned any they can, why said sdni'nltti*®* # discharged from his administration. »■» of dismission on tho first Monday m This August the 2d, 1869. p^igLf augU-mCm prsfiee$6 G EOKOIA, DAWSON C0UNTY.-JJ , J|J order from the Court of ^ conntv. will he sold on the first lues**' 1869, *t the Court House door, in the legal ssle hours, lot of Isnd. Vo.** r district, 1st ftsotion, of Lumpkin eou*^ benefit of the heirs and creditors of w ,y deceased. Terms cash. September*** joun For* JOURDAB sep 10-td ASSIGNEE’S SALE. 11Y virtue of an order of the Honote^ 1 > Court of the United States for trict of Georgia, I will sell before v* door, in tlie town of Marietta, on wi day of October next at 11 o’odooke*- ^ No*. 34 and 3J, with the 1 mprove from all Uenn and enoutebronoes.Mjrw erty behmylhs lo U>« nipt. Thte property le well ,ra ? r ?n, an eleaaat AweUlne with eli or rt.M " emokehouee, kUbloa. Ac., end _ yanls of th# public square. g sep 16 w20d G eorgia, uaralron oouiJTJC, seph H. Brown, g epresents to the court io hi* , mtered ou record, that he h»s w King'* aetata : Thte la therefore to cite all psrson * g dred and creditors, to show osus*. ^ why sold administrator ahoald not ^ hi* KilmintotMtini, and pHV'iV* 1*^* ! October. July. 1800. D July2b-m6m I F YOU WANT JOB WORK atyl* of the art, and at llvlU P 1 * 0 * NEW ERA JOB OFFICE.