Atlanta daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1869-1871, October 03, 1869, Image 12

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DAILY NEW ERA. TIC Him or auMCHUTioa For Dally, Par Annum — **> 00 “ " Sli Montha. - / 5 00 " “ Throa Montha 3 00 “ " Par Month Waakly Era, Par Annum Half Column Two-tWixls 0< Advertisements fi»r » ui.tntha will be inserted i e >nt. from the abort* ratal. For each square of 10 liuee or less, for the At at luser* lion, $1, and for each eubeequoiit insertion fed ceuts. npareil, i equivalent in space, ml after the Aral In- Advertisement* inserted at intervals t uew each insertion. All alvc'rtlsemeuts. or notices ot advertisement muter “OUy Budget," aro chargeable at the rate rwurrr riVK ckhts * lino for oach Insertion. 1 notice will appear for a lean autu than owe doluk. Advertisements under the head of “Special Notices twenty cent* i»er line for flrat luaertlon, and 10 cents f each subsequent insertion. Voluntary oomimmlostions, containing interesting m port ant newt, solicited from every quarter. No letter* > mu tho varioua oountleh of the State eapecially de aired. TI1K KKA OKKK K * TUB llUIt'K rn’II.l'XNa ON Al.AH All A HTREKT ll'POSITK Tin: POHTOKni K, lUCTWltKN DUOAl> AND WUtTKIUI.U MII.ri'AtlV IlIKKtTtlltv. UltEYKT MaJOR-(*KNKU\L AtF«KI> II. TkURV CouiaiAtuliug Department of the South. PERSONAL STAKE. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel E. W. Smith, Captain l T . S. Army, Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel C. II. Clravei, Captain l T . S. Army, Aid ile-Cftmp. lirevet Captain J. O. Telford, 1st Licutcu- unt U. S. Army, Aid-dc-Camp. DEPARTMENT STAFF. Brevet Colonel J. H. Taylor, Assistant Ad- juUnt General, U. S. Army, Assistant Ad jutant General. Brevet Major Hubert 1*. Hughes, Captain V. S. Array, Acting Assistant Adjutant Gen eral. Captain C. W. Uotsenpillei. U. S. Army, Acting Assistant Inspector General. Major DeWitt Clinton. Judge Advocate U. S. Army, Judge Advocate. Brevet Brigadier General T. J. Haiues, Commissary of Subsistence U. S. Army, Chief Commissary. Bievct Colonel A. IL Eddy, Major and Quar termaster V. 8. Army, Chief Quartermaster. Captain G. K. Sanderson, U. S. Army, Depot and Staff Quartermaster. lirevet Brigadier General W. J. Sloan, Surgeon U. S. Array, Medical Director. Brevet Brigadier General John J. Milban, Surgeon U. S. Army. Assistant to Medical Director, temporary. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel A. K. Smith, Sur geon U. S. Army, Attending Surgeon. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel David Taggart, Paymaster U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster, oftico ut Charleston, South Carolina. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel T. L. Allison, Pay master U. S. Army. IMPORTANT TO INVALIDS AND Pleasure Seekers. VirsDiia Springs, ALL NORTHERN CITIES. EXCURSION RETURN TICKETS t all tho CcU'brat- rge of stopping boon placed on ROSADKLIS, T*K OUE.VT BLOOD PURIFIER. Cures Scrofula lu all ita various forma, auch U Consumption la Ita earliest stages, Enlargement sod Uloeration of the Claudes, Joints, llouea, Kidneys, Uterus, Chronic Rheumatism. Eruptions of the Hkiu, Chronic Sore Eye*, kc.; also. SYPHILIS IN ALL ITS FORMS. Dlnon«o« of Womont oral ba l health, ».«l all .1 Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, I (is a perfect rene valor. coniiiieiided l>> (lie IHedieal FaeiiKy and nany (liotisanus of our best eit Ieoiis. *#* For testimonials of ninarkaM ladalia Almanac” for thia year. Preiwred only t»y Dm. rletuci Baltimore. Ud. For aale by Druggist if nerly J. J. THOMAS G. SIMMS, Agent, Orth o at ,tb« Clothing iKter Atlanta, Georgia, FI IEV YORK STM EIGIIE Cl JOB ITOXt’CVtl LU« Fulten M A M M O T H PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. BOOK AND JOI! PUINTING OFFICE! F I V K POWER P UESSES ! Ami an EndleHs Variety of JOB TYPE AND MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! H AVISO added Several Thounaml llollari wurtli of JuliTypr I EXTENSIVE JOB OFFICE ! Emrinr Laths, Planers, Bolt Cutters l'p right Drills, Machinists’ Tools «f all Deseriptious. V LSO, .• • .factv 'ml si'll Wood-working Machine ry ot very description, and Stationary and Port- ible Engine* aud Both'e, Patent cold-rolled ShaRing, >ather ami ltubber BclLi , and all artlclea needlul u machine or railroad rerair ^ hops. Office 126 and 128 Chambers st, New York. GEORGE PLACE, President. JOHN II. CUKKVKR. HeCv. jelD-tf CHAN. F. HARDWICK, fctec'y. CHATHAM MACHINERY AGENCY Howard and Borks Street', Philadelphia.! 45 feet long. 1 Beam Engine, I8-iuck cylinder, four feet stroke, made by Sutton, with 3 boiler*, 36-iuch diameter, boxes, pick and pick, aud also [ 420 spindlei (56x48 1st breaker ) cards, 48x48 2d ( 40x42 Condenser. (40x42 1st breaker •• (30x42 2d (30x42 Condenaer. 5 60x48 let breaker 48x48 2d •• 48x48 Condenser. ) Win g’age i 3G0 Spindles each, 2' 4 -incU gauge. Ihirr Picker, largo size, nearly new. 240 spindles l*^-ln.g'age Mules 4'12 spindles COTTON MACHINERY for COARSE YARNS. 1 Willow, Hudson's make, large size, speeder 86-inch, two beaters. 4 Cotton cards, 36-incli, self-strippers and grinder. Dmuford’s drawing With shafting, belting, Ac., Ac., c< •tt■ .ii machinery. Warping Mills by hand and powci Will «ukr part COTfON In liail*. THE BISHOP PILL. THE BISHOP PILL. THE BISHOP PILL. NO STAGING. BflHI els in goneral c The head is troubled with pa considerable loss ot memory, ful sensation of having left in “COSTAR'S” BISHOP PILL i ml to take the place of all others; a pure- ill Isugar coated! and of extraordinary slivetn “S, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Head, s Debility, Liver Complaint, Ac.” All Descriptions of Job Printing ! Our Now Additions were selected by an Experienced Printer, and comprise all tho latest improvements in TYPE, PRESSES, ZETO., tint; Krttnhllsliment in the .South. Imloed. From a VISITING (AIM! ton MAMMOTH POSTER ! In a Style to suit tho t FIVE SPLENDID POWER PRESSES ! W.llllKIt O.VK IS \ \l\MUOTtl IIOFs ( YUMll.U lMVLSS. And is a Huge Piece of Machiuory, the largost of tho kiud ovo adapted t<> Pino Booli Printing brought to Atlauta. This Press is ^specially nd Largo Postora. IVUMUKIl TWt! Is also a Hoe Cylinder Press, Smaller than the first, and one of (he best Newspaper Presses in the Ktato. SfUMUKIl TURKIC IS A usabidittim: hob jobber. For the rapid and neat execution of JOB WORK of every description, am’ has been pronounced by compi judges the finest press in the State. M’MUKU FOUR IS A HALF MEDIUM (POTTER PRESS, r Printing CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL ITEADS, kc., and is of very superior quulity. NIMURKR FIVE IS -A. POTTER. ICARD PRESS, t work witli a rapidity that oulshing; and, yet, in the neatei e facilities for all kinds of "«h Rei “Tliat Cough will kill you," Try “l'o»(ar' “Colds and Hoarseiiess lead to death, Try “CoitarV’ l ough Remedy “For Croups—Wlmopiug Coughs, Ac.,” Try ••CoMlarhi” t ough Remedy •'Costar says It is tbs best in the wide world—and if t's True; and We say my l‘aj"-r, Any. 20.) t is tbs best il o—it’s True.—it’s True - t’—Try it—Try it."_ All Druggists iu ATLANTA s “ C 0 S T A R ' S " Standard Preparations DR. SIMMONS’ 1.4 V l.U AF.UI li.V’TOlt, BE AUTIFIER. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, fl fk Issued OfMOhns Iron of America ... use of the John D, Gray. Property pointed out by W. tt. Brown, and In Mid mortgage fl aug 10-fiw-prs feo $8 per levy Dep’y Bherlff. New Yorl fully Trine. THE LARGEST and CHEAPEST. L E BKAmtiUyB lOOLUMH FEMALE IIGILAT01 FlTHia valoAblo IMleln. U prn»f-> for Worn* M- i. chMUOy, ud fo b. uwd br VOKWI ouljr. It U w.” .K»Bt 1» mek ct— M .luck .Mb. "aralkir Mm. 1 lionoou>, (mbl.o( Bind, or Uk. CM. liut.Uk.. eUrm, br ia. wmmaiuMouiu tt»* MlfortajUii * ' *p^nlaU,.MuUortb.bvk.*d'How- liubM ot bnl .boat tbe luo, MOUr Mo- ' th« noKd. wf (Hunl M.U.W. > dl Uum 8rmi»b*at. dm. .war it k^arr *0 t£a oou*tltouon. Fro j«M,Ur.*oir«M, *« proiw rttaoAj to »o* limp, ike diseaej Ueoomee ehronlc, and Uiefoundation THE GREAT FARMERS’ I’APER THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE! V Ih Uie time to Hiibacrll*e lor the GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER! IT IH CHEAP BECAUSE ITH CIRCULATION IS LAR GER THAN THAT OF ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER 1 I NOW IS TIIE TIME TO FOliM CLUBS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE a large double-medium sheet, mak- wh. Itc all the’ important editorials published DAILY TRIBUNE, except thoeo of merely local luter- (wt; also Literary and Scientific Intelligence; Reviews of the most iutercHting and imiKirtant New Books; the lettcra from our lurgo corjui of Correspondents; the latest news received by Telegraph from ull parts of the world; a summary of all important intelligence ' city a Congress and State Lcgislal Foreign News received by every steamer; exclusive l>ort* of the Proceedings of the Farmers’ Club of tho country residents; Stock, Financial, Cattle. Dry Goods, ami General Market Reports; making it, both for va riety and completeness, altogether the most valuable interesting and instructive WEEKLY NEWSPAPER published ' Tho full reports of tho American Institute Fanners' Club, and the various Agricultural Reports in each number are richly worth a year's subscription. Ever since its commencement, THE WEEKLY TRI BUNE has been an authority upon tho farm. We make features ot the Farmers' Club, and permit no question of interest to the agriculturalist to pass without coin ment and advice. When it is remembered that this a<l vice is given by one of tho most conscientious funneri the country, the reader may estimate its valm ed to print the best things written on the subject of ag- iculture by American and foreign writers. We intend ' increase these features in the coming year very largely As it is, no prudent farmer eau do without it. As lesson to his workmen alone, every farmer should plac the WEEKLY TRIBUNE upon his table every Saturday evening. The TRIBUNE it Uie best and cheapest j>aper . the superiority of placo and oppo It lias fallen to New York to create the groat- rspai»crs of the country. Hero concentrate tho •mincrcc, the manufactures, tho mineral resourori the agricultural wealth of tho Republic. Here all tie news gainers, ana toe juurouage is so largo mat jour nalists can afford to print it. A newspaper can be iua<h Weekly editions. Their machinery and resourei only a part of the Weekly. This paper has long had the largest circulation in America, and we have trir' to justify that confidence. The result is, that we ha so systematized and expanded our resources that every the WEEKLY TRIRUNE contain iug matter as a duodecimo volume. Think ol'it I Fortw dollars, the farmer, in the course of ouc year, buy h reading matter as though he filled a shelf of his library with fifty volumes, and thoso volumes contain' iug the greatest works in the language. Tho force of 4-'>l ■oi the eager student may know the last less< •nee. Hero the scholar may read reviews of the bci >ks. Hero may he louml correspondence from all ts of tho world, tho observations of )■■■■■■ the TRIBUNE In almost every untry. All the elalwrato aud intricate machinery <if ir establishment—js'rhaps tho most complete in America—is devoted to the pnrpise of making the best and cheapest weekly newspajicr iu the world. We think ~hed that point in. giving for two dollars > hesitation iu saying to the public that wo can turn out work as rapidly as any Establishment south IN STYLE AND PRICES WE DEFY COMPETITION TRIBUNE is strong by reason of its onormoifll irculation and great cheapness. It has long b«( oneoded that the WEEKLY TRIBUNE has the lurgest o thoroughly and cheaply. The large! All we ask is A preparation of roots ar strictly vegetable, and cai It has been used by hu BUCKTHORN SALVE! and harmless preparatloi ing. If taken regularly s offered to the suflci idly. It is Dyspepsia, headache, jaundice, costiwucss, aic HHHHHHHflHBlttl headache, hronic diarrhoi f-eiions of tho hladdc: nil ilyn ■ d tli - kldie ys, „ lepression ol spirits, h> artl pains in the isiweis, pain in the head, fevei i, dropsy, boil*, pain In ba< k and limbs, Asth ma, crysypela*, female affection*, an-1 bilious diseases g-morally. ... . Prepared only by J. II- 7.E1MN .V < <>., Druggists, Ma«u»u, (ia.* Price $1; by mail $12T. The following highly reapcc*able |^' atbiet t<j the virtues of this valuable iu whom we most respectfully r dlclne fully J. Lunsford, Kaq., Omductor . W. R. R.; ’ BH>b bridge, (ia.; Dykes k Hparhawk, editors TalUhasM 'M^BT ' MkH Powers, Esq., Hupcrn.b u-lent H. W. It. R.; lard, Bullard's HUttoi * k Hparhawk, editors “Floridian," 4. W. llurke. Macon, Ga.; Virgil Twiggs county, f : Gr« ivllle W«. n, Ga.; K. K. Iko. ; Major A. F. Wooh y. Macon Telegraph '•TV. To all who L. It.»y I the estate of Augustus William'*. Ut.. this is to Cite all ami i-iio..ilar. tii next of kin oi Augustus Williams, to my office, within (he time allowed l.y e, If any they enn, why perms > WUliai Witness my hand and official signature. August 2filh DR. HUNTEll "Gostau," No 10, Crosby at., N. Y., <t F. IIkmry (Huc< na^ Barnes k Co., 21 Park Row, N. Y. ale by J. A. TAYLOR, L. H. BKADF1KIJ) UKO. S. THOMAS, D t. niCIIAU'S (iOI.JHN 'oniKH. A. F A. I u T RIAL Wc are prepared to print HANDBILLS, BILL HEADS. AhK tor no other, Ink- ,. time, health and money. $1,18)0 REWARD lor any c I)r. RrrnAtt'H Go Ulcerated Hore Til r oils or Hkin Ernpll- of the Scalp, 8 vator, Alterative all disease Irom tk< and healthy. d Blood Purlfiei Dr. ltiniAi's G.ii.mkn Baijiaw No, Affections. Uliemntism, in all its foi Mercury or othi r causes; gives linmsdiato r cases. No dieting necesary. I have thousands of tiflestes proving the miraculous cures effected by these Remedies. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2 $5.00 p tie, n n tot all Urinary Dsrsng. i •X::: r bottle. orrlima, gle» C ONTINUE* all forms g- pletely eradicated suiting from self-abuse, produdn vous debility, irritability, eruptions, keiQli ■tons, and finally Impotem y. p< rmauently | J Persons afflicted wlih delicate, inirlcote, and long- ate diseases, Syphilis, , stricture, 4c., c lass of cases *o. producing unmanliuess, i •ility, emptlons, aeiQinal emis- d.- sUuiding constitutional complaint remedies at once efficient, safe, jM.rmam nt, and'which iu most cases can bs used without iiindranco to busi ness. Medicines prepared in the establishment, which embraces office, reception and waiting rooms, also, ally 1- .... baths, thus concentrating tho fai J| Both aexes, married or single suffering from Indiscre tions, induigencles, cured. No matter who I Read what he says in his jwmhhlct, ral springs. _ r>m (-'■ cxpoiiirc, may apply -1 fcp failed, slate your case.- Is lNimblilet, sent to suy si. Thousands or cases treated annually at or tho country. Consultation free, per sonally or by mall. Office, No. 183 Third Htreet, l»e. tweeu Green aud Walnut,MWY^ I “ ‘ ville, Ky. Office hours, U 4- M., tO 12 M. I.; Hundays 1( 1J i—diy it and radical . •rapanDd with bill directions. Dr. Riciiaij’h Goi.prn Eximb Amoi’ii, a radical cure for Norvous or General Debility, In old or young; lm- Iwrung energy with wonderful effect. Pries $5.00 per bottle, or two bottles for $0 00 On receipt of price Remedies will be shipped to any place. Prompt attention paid to corroaj>ondents.- Nona genuine without the name of “DB. RICIIAU'H GOLDEN RKMLDIKH, I). II. RICHARD'S, sole proprl- No. Vartck s Office honrs from 9 a. m. to 0 r. Iv4-dly Tho Part si, IS'nnU Caeapost U1KCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, for his trouble. N< as tlio WEEKLY TBIBUNE before offered at so low a price. Even when our currency was i with gold, no such paper but tho TRIBUNE was offered at that price; and the TRIBUNE then coat us far Josi i it now docs. We have solved tho probh making tho l>ost and cheapest newspaper in America— THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE. o addrcHH, $1.50 each (and one extra copy); 10 copies, to names of eub- ic, $1.« 10 copies, to ono address, $1 each (and one extra •opy); 50 copies, to names of subscribers, al 'oMtofilre, $1.10 each (and ono extra copy). THE NEW YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE LABELS OF ALL KINDS. Together witli All Descriptions of Railroad Work the Farmers’ Club of tho American Institute; talks about Fruit, and other Horticultural and Agricultural information; Stock, Financial, Cattle, Dry Goods, and General Market Reports, which aro puli'll ' laid lor eumherieae evlls to tbs constitution ef the wo man, The next 1 ‘tfrn" oonaee around and there is no "show,” or porhapethe “white*" will appear, will be aotueuusasine*# about tho womb, but % . tio or none of the natural fluid escaping. The oom- » don becomes sallow, bow-4*swollcu, a sort of green- ooatoabout the face, constant dull aching oains iVdtfee head, weightlu the lewerstomach and back. withcc without whites, palpl-atlon* of the heart, paL valoped, the headache beoon es severe, with lose of monaory, diminUhlnL' eenelbiUty, “ d*a- lunuiui STOMACH, dys pepMal oo U r*Hsr^roodTToM _ of’ile*h l increased Ihih taring of thn heart, swBixno “ „ THE JTKET, legs Snd body, atul occasional spitting ■ t blood. The slightest effort cause* MOutqxv «uu7’ — tioh. The skin is flabby aud sad picture, but it is the almost iujrwocA doughy feel." This .. JBHRMI - diUou of thousands of women between the ages of .iftden and forty-five who are breeght to verge of the grave by ignor ance or neglect to take tbe proper remedy. To all who are afflioted with any of tbe symptoms above mention- ed, in connection with an irregularity of the “monthly sickness," w* earnestly say TAKE DR. J. BRAD- FIEXD’B FEMALE REGULATOR. A few ounce* U kon you will at once experience its benefits, aud with - little patience you will be fully restered to health. This remedy has been extensively used for upwards ... ( Georgia, . rereat that DR. J. BRADFIELD B FEMALE OLA'. ’ ' “ REGULATORl* preparred for WOMEN snd to be used by Women only. A trial is all we aak. Prepared aud sold Gymy^qualddt^ruL.|j WHOLESALE DRUGGlHT, Atlanta, Georgia. Price $1 50 per Bottle. Hold by Druggists generally. Atlanta, Ga., December 29,1868.[ Dr. J. llRADFimi). Dear 81r: I take pleasure in] stating that some time previous to the late war, I used, witli the utmost success, on a servant girl, your FE MALE REGULATOR, prepared then at Bradflcld’sl Drug 8tote, Weat Point, Ga. She had been suffering house servant, and seemod cured up to the time of "freedom." I do not hesitate to Indorse your preparation for tho purposes for which you recoin- JNO. C. WHITNER. of Dr. Joseph Bradflcld, of this county, and as a med ical man pronounce it to be a combination of Medi cines of great merit in the treatment of all the diseases in saying I have witnessed the most decided and hap py effe * ~ ’ nood. WM. H. FINCHEN. Mountvigle, 1*68. Dn. J. Bbadfikld—Dear Sir: I have repeatedly used in my family, your Female Regulator, and have in ev ery case, met with complete success. G. L. DAVI8. fOr I Also prepare and have for sale a YEAST POW DER, equal to the best, and for much less price. 1 also prepare a LIQUID BLUING, now 1 by many of tho beet housekeepers in the city, and pro nounced by them to be very superior. ’ them to be vory superior. Is. II. BKADKIEI.D,, Oil Sole Agent for Geo. M. Hay’s Sure Cure for Intemperance. DBfO. S. PROPHITT’S Family Medicines. OON8ISTIHO OF III8 CEI.1IBATED L I V E It M K » IOIINE, AiKMliiit* Pain Kill ll, ANTMtlLIJOHH -A-Q-TTE PILLS, #>(/*< Httry forrtinl, Frmalr Tonic runii-YiNa Fitiiis A uewu no riHommeiiuMK .1, lueir weil-KUUWn tw removiug the diseases pec.illar twour Southern mate having already cstablia i -d tor them an eh viable reputation fu Georgia and tL djoiuiug States. Ah tbe to diasaso oi the Liver, tt la gt- ited by oR intelligent physiolAua that most of thn pal and achek of our peo- pie are dtt* to organic or funt inal derangement of U»at important organ, prophit b Ltrcr Mediidho snd Anti-JJiliions Ftlla strike fflrectl. at the root of the cviL THey ours the Liver, whloh in nine cases ouS uf ten, at the bottom of the Coughs, Drapeprio, OoUc, Sick Headache, Rheumatism, Constipation, Menstrual Ob- struclions, ote., so common among onr people. Ear ache, Tovkhiafee, Acnte Bhauuutlini, Neuralgia, and bodily pal us of every kind fleo bofore I’ropliitt’s I’aln Kill It REDWINE Six Great Remedies Hurley’s Ague Tonic No Arsenic—No Mcrriry. PERFECTLY RELIABLE. The only romody for Chills and fever, or Ague and Fever, that is or can be depended upon is Hurley Ague Tonic. There have boon thousands cured by using H who have tried tho usual remedies without benefit. WORTHY OF ATTENTION. To Dr. lhomas A. Hurley: with tbe ague whilst in Ylcksburg, Miss., and used several popular medicines with but temporary relief. On reaching home the disease returned in a worse type, if possible, when uiv medical attendant ordered Quin ine In large doses—frequently as high a» GO grains per dav, and which must have cost me nearly $100. I con sulted Dr. Braith, of Louisville, and found he prescrib ed quinine and arsenic combined, which ’. relused to take, preferring to let the disease take its course. I| m About the advertisement of Hurley's Ague Tonic appeared .per, and I determined to give it a trial. * ‘ f Hple* pal so, and have no reason to regret It. One bottle restored me completely, and since that time I have seen nearly a hundred cases lu which it acted with equally happy results, and would certainly recommend It as prefera ble to any other tonic before tbe public. JAMKH MARTIN, Engineer. Louisville, Ky., Juno 16. 1866. PURIFY YOUR BL000. JIMIT'S SmiflilLU WITH IODIDE OF POTASH. digestion. Piles, Pul mo rn iy, Diseases, Scrofu la, or King's Kvll, Syphilis." Louisville, April 4,1850, Hurley’s Sarsaparilla is what It Is represented, and I believe it the most wonderful medicine bolore the public. Nothing under the heavens could induce ■ without proof of the strongest aud surest kind; therefore 1 speak willingly and positively ~ subject. My daughter Las been afflicted with skin disease aud stiffuess of the joints lor several years. I em ployed the principal physicians 6f the city and they not give this certificate; but your Sarsaparilla, the only remedy employed, leaves uo doubt ol ita medi cal qualities, aud tint it alone cured her. (Signed,) LUKE REYNOLDS. Any person requiring the truth and honesty of the statement, will Aud me at my residence, corner Ninth and Walnut streets, Louisville. HURLEY’S POPULAR WORM CANDY. Messrs. James Ituddln k Co.—Geutlem(n—It gives me great pleasure to say, alter using all tlio other worm remedies known to me, with but partial success my children, I was advised to try T. A. Hurley’s, il since using it my children have bccomo quite well and healthy. The children would eat it all the time. It is one of the best, safest remedies known, ad as such, recommend i HURLEY’S STOMACH HITTERS. rllon oftlie LU Appetite, Weakness, 1 r Dyspepsia, Want of er or Disordered Stomai 1 here are no billers foal can compare uiitit these tmBpvlng these distressing complaints. For sale a be had at any drug store iu the United State*. JAMES RUDDLE At CO., Proprietors, Louisville, Ky. Louisville, Ky.: Gentlomcn . 4 J , ave been for y and tried all the tonics I have heard of Used, with little or no relief from any of lliem i heard Hurley's Bitters highly spoken of, and tried a botUo, with litUo faith in It before I commenced, and to my surprise and joy, before I finished ono botUe. I felt a great deal better and firmly believe that ouc or tho means of saving aud prolong- two occasions it » u » mn menus oi saving and prolong- tng my life I conscientiously recommended them to all sufiorers as the best Bitters known, ami sAvia« the best Bitters known, and advise . D T A H U rley's and liavo| this as you think proper, if it other. You w , will benefit others. Yours trulv, etc., ' JOHN W. DIX80N. Louisville, Ky., December 10,1868. any othei chronic diseases, use Dyspepsia in any form, c Prophitt’a Liver Medicine. Vegetable,, and • liquid It is salo and reliable;■ ready for as* at any an<\ all times. Price $2 a bottle— W1-H per cent, discount by the down bottles or more. If you get snake bit, ! PROPHITT’S PAIN KILL IT. If you any sort, use the PAIN KILL I apply the 'AIN KILL IT. NOTICE TO MOTHERS. Owaoii YUHK.P, nolle, the P—WWir,. JUT «.», («and.j. ei _. Leave Augusta Leave Atlanta Arrive at Aucuata. Arrive at Atlanta.., Leave Angusta... Arrive at Atlanta.. Leave Auguata. 1 kA,M ‘ Leave Bereelta Arrive at Augusta Arrive at Berzella. P—n*B«« for Mlluaje.iii. W V.' ,' , Passenger* for West Point bile and New Orleans must must uJ .— 1‘—DpiTrtou, to FM-o«.r. for K-hrllto, OOUMoUohi. —‘■a Through Th*, t» u,,| u,„ ie. above nlaeea. tbe above pUusm. 4*^ Pullman's Palace Bleep!u» (•„_ ger Trains. No cliaugo ofcar,7?2 AoHiuk^i CIMNUK IIK aciIlD - J" KO < II1UUE or ( *UH uurwi K. uostuout,,. Onru: or Mahtkk ot T . CeUTUl. IUlI.kOAI,, (Jn .11.1 .n, r fhinday, Kn I,. ••■* ’»)'» 1 • htrnl ltkllr.,,1^^ - IT "*T TUI, ** Leave Savannah Arrive at Macon Arrive at Augusta Arrive at Milledgevilh .. Arrive at Eatonton Connecting with train that 1, » w.wm n AT ruu ’ Leave Macon Arrive at Savannah...... Arrive at Augusta. Connecting with train that ■■■«! I^eave Havannah 1 Arrive at Macon Arrive at Augusta Connecting with train that icaVi Down WIGHT nun. Leavo Macon Arrive at Savannah Arrive at Augusta.. Leave Milledgeville Leave Eatonton Connecting with trains thatieive A. M. Trains from Havannah at Gordon daily, Sundays excepted. .,**• M-Train from Havannah counect* Mail Train on Houth Carolina R n B from Savannah and Augusta with Tnifc western and Muscogee Railroad* IHi^ed] WILLIAM] GREAT SAL: REAL ESTAT rpnE undersigned will sell for CASH, os Tuesday, the 5th Day ofOch ELEGANT AND nlent residences iu Middle Georgia. Oil halls to be sold with the house. The out- well and cistern all superiofl Six Thousand Six Hi and Fifty-two Aom MORGAN COUNTY lying on tlio waters of Sugar Creek. brace some of the finest Cotton and (ink Mp country. They will be sold in several tnrtt* afford an opportunity to a good many pr -1 Procure Horn* GREAT ORIGINAL FERT1U would do well to attend this sale. The lands lie within from one to tea bi composed of Hie farm* «' On the same day and iho day followt«$t t the residence aforesaid, tho splendid DR. SEABROOK’S . INFANT SOOTHING SYRUP DK. O. 8. wiortim-s Anti-Biilious Vegetable Pills I’nritative and l<"ebrir»(;c, **'" * n ? -n.rtlo In all Febrile and Acute Diseases ot all kinds. From it Ticket to n Ledger p also prepared to do all kinds of FANCY PRINTING, PLAIN OR IN COLORS. SOI.» liv ALL CiKOCER*. July 14-dly BOOK-BINDERY! by living authors. The cost of those alone, if bought in hook farm, would bo from six to eight dollars, ir purchased in the Engliall Magazines, from which they are carefully selected, the cost would be three or f6ur Hines that sum. Nowhere else can so much current intelligence and permanent literary matter be had at so cheap a rate as in the HKMI-WEEKI.Y TRIBUNE. Those who believe in the principles and approve of the character of the TRIBUNE can increase iu power and Influence by Joiuing with their neighliors in tv.rm- lug clubs to subscribe for the Hemi-Weeklv edition It will in that way be supplied to them tt the h i.. - .. _ t . an prints p for which s t-WMKLT TBIBUNS. Mail HUlYScrilters. 2 copi Mail subseriliers, 5 copies, i 1 will send thirty-four copies and th( THE NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE Is published every morning (Humlays excepted) at $10 per year; $6 for six months. We also have connected with our office, a No. 1 Book-Bindery, lu charge oi ont of the in the United Htatns, who can do all descriptions of work in the BERT STYLE and with dispatch. SAMUEL BARD. ibaertntiona. always procure a draft on New York, or JPostofflco money order, If possible. When neither 2 . r .* n ^.Procured, sond ths money, but always in a wgtstared letter. The registration fee has liesn reduced to fifteen rents, and to* present registration boen tound bv tho )>ostal authoriUes to be AH rostmoAtars are ol llged to register letters when- requested to do so. THE TRIBUNE, Nsw York DR. Q. 8. rUOPUlTT'8 VKUKT AYILH AUllE safo and rvllabln lor all to take at any time. DR. BROPHITT'S A safe and genuine remedy for all kiuds of Bowol DIs eases. Dysenteries, Diarrhma. Bloody Flux, Ac. may bo given to all aises, ages and sexes, aud ai Uiuea. with perfect safety, where there la anything ot take, harmless in its action, efficient and’reliable cases. Invaluable in tlio following diseases: Hummer Complaint, Irregularities of the bowela. Restivnnesa, Teething, Ac. Gives health to the child and rest to the » Nashvillr, Tknn., Feb. J2, 1858. Jas. Ruddle A Co., Louisville, Ky.—When livlug in your city I used several bottles of Dr. 8eabrook's In fant Soothing Syrup, and found it to do my child good and it would rest better after using it than otterniMdj I ever trlod. I can soy with confidence, it is the best modiclne for children at present known I wish you would get tho druggists bore to koop it. If any ono does, please tat me know; it not send me a by express, and I will pay for it at the office -e whenjou send U, ajid ob)tge MIW. HARAH L. RANDOLPH. DR. SEABROOK’S Female Tonic, PURYFYING PILLS I he Purifying Pills and Fomale Tonlo are associated tagstlMr as a fuU iirsnaratton. os yon sse In ths Bills They have glvsa perfect satisfaction in my preettcsfoi tbs Iasi twenty ywsre. in all oasss that they are reoom- msndsd for. Tbe Fills may b* taken tn coonactloa with the Urer Msdlcin*. without ths Tonie, when thsrs is any Indication tor them, such as Shortness Oi Brest It, HwslUng of ths Fert or Iho*. or a Pals, Weak slate of the Blood, or a Flabby stats of the Muscles, ss generally follow Fsvsr and Chills and Fever. All of the above Medicines sold by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout the Southwest. fsMby W. A. LanadsU, Red wine A Fox, Curtis 4 Llovd Pemberton, Wilson, Taylor A Co., Atlanta, Ga. * ' “ * 1 DR. O. «. PROPHITT. Oa. Prepared only by All the above remedies for sals by L. H. BRADFIEED, Elixir of Pyrophosphate of Iron and . Oalisaya. Thia elegant eomtinotlon lYdseessos all the ra*ie preiNvrtiM of Peruvta i Itark and Iren, without the dis- agn'oble u.ta and bad effects of JS&TSSSSiSta*55 in other preparations, of tliese valuable hStaaL •• ■««— * ft * r cou^lreoence from rxvs . ordaUUtatiug di leases, or in those distressing lrrsgu- SSwmLseBSliS James Ruddle & Co., PROP1UETORS, laboratory .Vo. 11, Bullitt street \VliOl.KSAl.K DKKKilST. wsmBAY-L «TBirr, iTurrj, oionuu. Louisville, Ky, PARLOR FURNITUff Carriage and Hm*A i great variety of personalty of told deceased and his widow. >1 woom also we are executors. The sale to be made under the j 1 SS«» | Ordinary, and tho Wilis of the deartijj., pose of paying legacies, and for ( iug to their Will*. Purrhasers are assured that tnouiir-^ perty la unquestioned. CUEllTKBG Madison, Os., August 14, 1869. S TATE OF GEORGIA-DAWSON as. Thomas Kaland, *Juilni-tr*i<»r« 1 - lliram Crane, deceased, represents to ^ petition, duly filed and entered on rec«^ , fully administered Hiram Crane • **»•! fore, to cite all persons concerned w any they can, why said adm'ni»trtta' discharged from his administration. Md" of dismlsaion on the first Monday in w* This August the 2d, 1869. augl7-iuGm prsfee|6 LUIVUIA, UASBOS vwv ■ g| order from the Court of county, will be sold on the first Tuesoa^ 186'j, at Uie Court House door, in *am-—7 ) ills legal sale hours, lot ot laud, ho- » jg district, 1st section, of Lumpkin co«wy- g Yuin.At rtf (K. h.ira and ereditOrSO, beuefit of tho heirs and creditors of * JOURDAN sep 10-td ^ ASSIONKK’S SAlA 11 the above goods for sals by RKDWIIK 4 FOX ATT.ANTA, GA M— B 'l virtue oi »u wvw •— . Court of the United Statosforthe triet of Georgia, I will sell bsfow door, in the town of Marietta, on Ww day of October next at 11 o oc^ No*. S4 and 55, with ths Improve**®*^ from all liens and encumbrance*. on elegant dwelling with olx smokehouse, stables, Ac., and yards of the public square. n*| sop 15-w20d G eorgia, iiaralhon soph H. Brown, epresents to ths oourt lo bi* entered on record, that he ha* ta therefore to cite *11 P* ri “V dred and oredltora. to *bow cmom. why said administrator shook! not» 0 , his administration, and reoafr« on the first Monday lo October 18W- 1*# tt)0 WilHf JOB WORK dltojS, X rtrto oi the wd. Mid n Ut1h« N*W SKA JOB ornoK. m